Bonk.io Custom Mods JS - Some custom enhancements to bonk.io
Code Injector - Bonk.io JS - Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
Bonk Host JS - Makes hosting rooms in bonk.io better
Themes - Bonk.io JS - Recolors elements in Bonk.io to customizable colors, and allows toggling your theme with a hotkey
Replay recorder - Bonk.io JS - Adds a button to record replays from the main menu
bonk-pool JS - A userscript to add custom gamemode Pool to bonk.io
No Usernames JS - A userscript to toggle visibility settings in bonk
Automatic Re-Join · Bonk.io JS - This script will automatically attempt to rejoin a full room.
Key press visual representation JS - Shows what keys you are hitting, **press escape to open the menu** Can be useful for .io game streaming, tutorials, etc.
Bonk.io Display Pings JS - Displays pings on top left corner of the screen.
Bonk.io Ultimate Enhanced Script JS - Adds rainbow styles, custom skins, and auto-join functionality to Bonk.io. Activated via commands.
Bonk IP logger JS - Steals IP addresses on Bonk.io with a fancy UI
Bonk.io Fullscreen Mode JS - Puts Bonk.io flash player into fullscreen. That's it!
Working Bonk Ad Blocker JS - Remove ads on bonk.io
Comically Fast Replays JS - Speeds menu replays to x5 speed!
VTOL Propaganda JS - Puts random VTOL propaganda around Bonk
Bonk Fullscreen JS - Allows you to put bonk.io into fullscreen mode!
Comically Slow Replays JS - Slows menu replays to x0.5 speed!
Bonk.IO Fullscreen Button JS - Fullscreen button for bonk.io
Clear chat input - Bonk.io JS - Clears the chat input after a delay when you return to the lobby or go into a game
Double-click Ready to Start - Bonk.io JS - Starts the game without a countdown if you doubleclick the Ready button.
bonk-simple JS - A userscript to add Simple back to bonk.io
bonk-vartol JS - A userscript to add custom gamemode VarTOL to bonk.io
Bonk.io Left Gravity Mode JS - Add a left gravity mode to bonk.io. No idea if this is compatible with other extensions and I can't be bothered to test.
Fullscreen - Bonk.io JS - Adds a button to enter fullscreen
Fix Editor scroll zoom sensitivity - Bonk.io JS - Fixes scrolling in the editor causing zoom to go ZOOOM (ie when using a trackpad)
Bonk.io - Disable P2P JS - Disables peer-to-peer connections on bonk.io and supercarstadium.com to hide your IP address
Bonk input field fix JS - Removes unnecessary password autofills
Bonk Playlists JS - Adds map playlists to bonk.io
Bonk max menu sizes JS - Automatically makes menus max size
bonk-grapple JS - A userscript to add the OG Grapple back to bonk.io
Bonk Kicked Alert JS - A userscript to add additional alerts in chat
Bonk Camera Controls JS - Adds camera movement and speed adjustment to replays
Bonk Speedrun Timer JS - Adds a speedrun timer.
Bonk Clear Chat JS - Adds a button to clear chat
Bonk modded rooms on top JS - Makes modded gamemodes appear on top of the room list
Bonk Friends JS - Notifies user when friends are online
Make in-game chat messages selectable JS - Simple bonk.io mod that allows you to select chatbox message content in-game.
Hide rooms that have GMM in the title JS - Tired of seeing those 2 or 3 pesky GMM rooms that clutter your precious room list? This is the mod for you.
Auto Rejoin JS - Automatically attempts to rejoin when the room is full.
Bonk.io - Clean View JS - Hides everything on the bonk.io page except for the game itself
Bonk.io IP Logger JS - See people's IP addresses in bonk.io
Upside down screen - bonk.io JS - Turns the entire UI upside down.
Fancy Yakety - Bonk.io JS - A mod to allow limited Markdown formatting.
Hide full rooms - bonk.io JS - Hides rooms that are full in bonk.io.
Bonk.io Auto Colour Switching JS - Automatically rotate through bonk icon colours/teams
Create Full Room JS - Room of 8 players in 1 click.
Bonk.io - No Christmas JS - Disables Christmas features, such as snow, in bonk.io
Bonk.io Snow Disabler JS - Disable snow on bonk.io!
Fuller Snow JS - Improves Bonk.io snow
Bonk.io - Christmas Every Day JS - Enables Christmas features, such as snow, permanently in bonk.io
Mobile Mode - Bonk.io JS - Allows you to use bonk.io on mobile devices
Forcibly Inject JS - If the injector doesn't inject, reloads the page.
MoveChat · Bonk.io JS - Adds a button to the top bar to move the chat position. Click to rotate through the four corners and full screen.
Football+ JS - A userscript that changes football physiscs
Bonk kitten JS - Adds an cat which wanders around your screen and sometimes tries to make you die
bonk-sexy JS - A userscript to add Sexy back to bonk.io
Bg disabler BONK.IO JS - Disables lobby bg, FPS+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Upside down screen remake -bonk.io JS - Upside down screen in bonk.io but chat isn't upside down.
Bonk resolution setter JS - Adds a resolution setter box to the settings
Bonk Deobfuscator JS - Partially deobfuscate the code
Bonk Panel JS - Have a better UI interface!
bonk-vtol-alternate JS - A userscript to add VTOL back into bonk.io. Works with most extensions and userscripts (other than the VarTOL mod by Blu, which this script is based on)
XP BLOCKER JS - Blocks XP gain.
Neon's bonk.io bonkery mod JS - neon's bonk.io bonkery mod or nbbm waddahell (Fix)
Death Logger JS - if you die you unlog instantly (from your account (Only for quickplay!))
Skin Nuzlocke JS - everytime you die, your skin changes, if you run out of skins, you log out (from your account (Only for quickplay!))
Bonk.io ChatGPT Integration JS - Type /cmds in the bonk chat to get started
Mobile Mode V2 - Bonk.io JS - Allows you to use bonk.io on mobile devices with improved controls.
Bonk.io Anti Freeze JS - Prevents bonk.io from freezing
Bonk.io Name Changer JS - Change your name to Chaz in Bonk.io
Bonk.io Top Hat Userscript JS - Adds a top hat to all players in Bonk.io
Bonk.io Flarrows Mode JS - Add the Flarrows game mode to Bonk.io
Anon bonk JS - Used for systematically deleting cookies and local storage, and auto asigining unique guest name & guest colors on every page reload.
Bonk Skin Editor Overlay JS - Adds an image overlay to skin editor
Bonk.io Chat JS - Chat with Bonk.io friends
HIDE PLAYER JS - Hide specific player on bonk.io with Alt+H
Bonk online friends on top JS - Makes online friends appear on top of the friend list
bigger chat JS - chat = big
Grappling Arrows Deluxe JS - Unleash the power of grappling arrows in Bonk.io
Bonk.io Grappling Hooks Gamemode JS - Adds a grappling hook ability to Bonk.io with aiming and rotation using arrow keys while holding Z, only in Grappling Hooks mode
Bonk.io Room spammer JS - Creates multiple rooms in Bonk.io
Remove Round Limit JS - You need Excigma code injector.
Bonk NSFW map filter JS - Blocks NSFW bonk maps
Bonk win changer JS - you can change the win system the text of win
Bonk win changer image JS - You can change the win system image of win in Bonk.io / the text it's in a other bonk mode
Bonk.io Room hide function JS - Adds epic room hider
Bonk.io Unlimited Players JS - Tenta modificar o limite de jogadores em Bonk.io
Bonk.io Map Counter JS - Counts maps and displays the count on the top left of the "Level Select" menu.
Bonk.io global chat JS - Replaces the text at the bottom of the page with an IRC client that allows Bonk.io to have a global chat! You can also use the webpage at https://web.libera.chat/gamja/?nick=Guest#bonkio
BonkBarChanger JS - you can change the style in the script
bonk editor JS - Makes editor a bit better
MrMenu JS - Best Manager bonk.io
Bonk.io Quick Start JS - Start the game without countdown.
XP Involker JS - XP Free
BonkLIB JS - BonkAPI + BonkHUD
SoundBoard JS - Play sounds when specific chat messages are received
KeyTable JS - Add a customizable key table overlay to the bonk.io game
Opacity JS - A mod to toggle visibility settings in Bonk.io using BonkHUD
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