Amazon Kindle Ebook Library Downloader JS - Automatically download your entire Kindle ebook library from Amazon
Show Metacritic.com ratings JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
Amazon Video - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
Country of origin for Amazon products JS - userscript to fetch and display the country of origin for amazon products. initially developed to make boycotting the CCP more easy.
The Amazon Review Tabulator - TART JS - Lists all of your reviews with vote and comment tallies, with updates highlighted
Price Variation JS - Embeds CamelCamelCamel price chart in Amazon
RealPrice JS - Sales + Shipping Cost Calculator Tool for Amazon
Netflix Marathon JS - Automatically skip recaps, intros and click nexts on Netflix, DisneyPlus and Amazon video for you.
Advanced Amazon Money Hack JS - This is a advanced amazon money hack! Not really it's not even a hack this script just changes the look of your amazon gift card balance amount by counting up. Have Fun!
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
Amazon CPU Tamer JS - It reduces CPU usage on Amazon shopping pages. Enjoy your snappy shopping.
Netflix Marathon (Pausable) JS - A configurable script that automatically skips recaps, intros, credits, and ads, and clicks "next episode" prompts on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+, and Hotstar. Customizable hotkey to pause/resume the auto-skipping functionality. Alt + N for settings.
【比价狗超简洁版——持续维护】“比价”+“找内部优惠券”,支持京东、淘宝、天猫、苏宁、当当等各大主流平台商品,自动显示隐藏优惠券和历史价格,页面简洁无广告。 JS - 商品优惠券+店铺优惠券+近180天历史价格查询,无券商品补贴立减红包。快速比价,以全网最低的价格买到商品,轻松省钱。有功能需求或问题可随时联系反馈([email protected])。
亚马逊视频下载 JS - 下载review视频
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
Annoying Ad blocker JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying
Skip Amazon Prime Video Ads JS - This script skips Prime Video ads in English and German – adapted from Mattealex https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/393617-skip-amazon-prime-video-ads
Simplify Amazon URLs JS - This script replaces Amazon URLs with a simple format: https://www.amazon.*/dp/[ASIN]
Amazon eBook "Download & transfer via USB" easy device click JS - When downloading Amazon eBooks ("Content & Devices" -> "Books" -> "More actions" -> "Download & transfer via USB") you can now click in the whole box of the device instead of just the little radio button
Amazon Enhancements: Ratings Display and Filtering JS - Display rating scores and add filtering capabilities on Amazon search results.
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
Open in Goodreads+ Anna's Archive and LibGen JS - Adds buttons to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads, Anna's Archive, or LibGen search pages based on ASIN/ISBN-10/ISBN-13. This has been modified from SirGryphin's code for "Open in Goodreads" using ChatGPT.
Amazon to Annas Archive JS - Enhances Amazon book pages by adding a direct link to search for the book on Annas Archive. The link appears next to the reviews, providing a convenient way to find additional information and resources related to the book on Annas Archive.
Amazon URL Cleaner JS - replaceState for Amazon
Amazon Instant Next Episode Button JS - Provides links to the previous and next episodes just below the video area to easily load the next episode's page when watching a TV show on Amazon Instant View. A Greasemonkey script by Stephen Herr.
Amazon Auto-Smile JS - Automatically redirects all www.amazon.com URLs to their smile.amazon.com equivalent.
Amazon - Hide delivered items from open orders JS - Hides all delivered items from your open orders.
Amazon Mobile to Desktop Redirect JS - Redirects Amazon mobile links to the desktop version
Amazon: Sort by Review Count Rank JS - Adds an option to sort search results by number of reviews
Amazon Shortlinks JS - Adds a shortlink to Amazon product pages
Amazon Autopager JS - Loads next page of search results automatically on Amazon
Amazon URL Cleaner JS - Show the shortest possible URL for Amazon items.
Amazon hide recommendations JS - Tries to hide recommendations on every page. Might block too much sometimes so if the site seems broken you might temporarily disable this script.
Amazon Links JS - Adds eBay markup price, direct link to Amazon product page, eBay search by title, ThePriceGeek search by first 10 words of title, Amabay search by title. However over price to see minimum eBay price to profit $2 by dropshipping with Prime.
Amazon Prime Now Checker JS - Adds a button to open Amazon items in Amazon Prime Now, when available.
惠惠购物助手 JS - 在您网购浏览商品的同时,自动对比其他优质电商同款商品价格,并提供商品价格历史,帮您轻松抄底,聪明网购不吃亏!
Amazon keepa JS - Amazon keepa plugin
Smile Amazon Redirect JS - This will redirect you to Amazon Smile from regular Amazon
Enstyler JS - MyDealz Enstyler enhanced features
Amazon Camel Graph Revived/Fixed JS - Add CamelCamelCamel graph + link to Amazon product pages.
Amazon Export Inventory JS - Exports your Amazon inventory to text.
Remove Amazon popups JS - Some marketing idiot at Amazon must have decided to make every link a popup. This script prevents Amazon links from opening a new tab.
MusicBrainz: Import from Amazon JS - Import releases from Amazon
Redirection of amazon mobile links (incl. mobile offer (Marketplace)) to amazon desktop JS - Redirects Amazon mobile links to the desktop version (for all countrys)
Amazon Wishlist Export JS - Save a local copy of the items in your Amazon.com Wishlist
amazon-sponsored JS - Remove "sponsored results" on Amazon.
Show Metacritic.com ratings (Safari) JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com
Minuteman Amazon Links JS - Adds links to search for books at the Minuteman Library Network in Massachusetts
Amazon Cloud Player unchain download button JS - Will unchain download buttons in Amazon Cloud Player so that you can download multiple songs on Linux and other platforms without Amazon Downloader. The resulting files can be opened with clamz or pymazon.
Mturk Logout Time JS - This will show your estimated auto logout time and display a warning when the time drops below 30 minutes.
Amazon ASIN Links (Preisüberwachung) JS - Fügt auf allen Amazon Produktseiten links zu den folgenden Preisüberwachungsseiten ein: mein-wunschpreis.com, snip-it.de, amapsys.de sowie ein direkter Amazon Produktlink (ohne unnütze URL Parameter, zum Teilen des Links).
Autofocus Searchboxes JS - Focus the searchboxes of sites like wikipedia and amazon when visiting a site so you dont have to click it
mmmturkeybacon Select Amazon Payments/Disable Gift Card Withdrawal JS - Selects the Amazon Payments option, unchecks and disables the Amazon Gift Card withdrawal option.
Amazon a Pesos Argentinos JS - Mostrar precios en pesos argentinos a la cotización del momento
CH Amazon ASIN Adder JS - Display ASIN after product links in Amazon.com search results, and after the title on a product page; plus, the dash is a short product link. Note that Amazon often uses AJAX to change search page content without reloading the new URL, in which case you won't see this script's ASINs on the new results; simply hit Refresh/F5 when this happens, and then the ASINs should appear.
Add OCLC# to Amazon JS - Uses OCLC's xISBN lookup service to add the OCLC number (and a link to WorldCat) to Amazon.com book details
amazon book JS - display only title and description
aStore Strip JS - astore
Better Amazon.de JS - Amazon with integrated Amapsys price-charts.
AWS Hourly to Monthly price converter JS - github link to come
Amazon - Show percentages for review scores JS - Adds the percentage of people who gave each rating to the review table
Amazon - Big thumbnails in search results JS - Doubles the size of thumbnails on search result pages
Mturk Larger Radio Buttons and Checkboxes JS - Makes radio buttons and checkboxes larger. Applies to only certain survey related pages and Mturk itself.
Amazon Camel Graph JS - Add CamelCamelCamel graph + link to Amazon product pages.
Amazon.com auto redirect mobile to desktop version JS - Automatically redirect from mobile version to desktop version of the page.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
AmazonSmile Redirect JS - Redirect to AmazonSmile
Amazon Link Shortener JS - Adds a shortlink to applicable amazon pages.
Amazon: Redirect from amazon.com to amazon.de via ASIN JS - Asks if you want to go to the local amazon page using ASIN. Some parts are not availible on anamzon.de.
Alexa Font Fix JS - Make the font on the Alexa app site more readable
Amazon Smile Redirect JS - Redirect from amazon to smile.amazon, support helpful organizations
Word Friend JS - Your only friend in the world!
Amazon short URL JS - Replace article URL with short Amazon permalink
Amazon Price Variation (Fork) JS - Embeds CamelCamelCamel price chart in Amazon
MusicBrainz: Import from Amazon JS - Import releases from Amazon
Amazon a Pesos Argentos JS - Mostrar precios en pesos argentinos y comparador de precios con MercadoLibre y otras tiendas de amazon
Show Rottentomatoes meter JS - Show Rotten Tomatoes score on imdb.com, metacritic.com, letterboxd.com, BoxOfficeMojo, serienjunkies.de, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, movies.com, tvmaze.com, tvguide.com, followshows.com, thetvdb.com, tvnfo.com, save.tv
Amazon Sponsored Products / Ad block JS - Blocks sponsored search results on amazon.com, amazon.co.uk and amazon.de and some banner ads
Amazon URL Cleaner (https) JS - update of Xant1k@bt's script to include https
EC2 Cost Calculator JS - Calculates the approximate monthly and yearly price for an instance (based on 30.4369 days/month and 365.2425 days/year)
Amazon search MAM JS - Add "Search MAM" button to Amazon
AWS Console Improved JS - Smaller navigation menu and fonts. Shorter service names.
Amazon International Links JS - Add international links to Amazon product pages
BTS2 - Rýchle menu JS - Menu s vlastnými linkami (skratkami)
BTS2 - FC-Research Table Parser JS - Parses defined items in a table and retrieve data from them in array
BTS2 - Tooltipy (UserScript+Tippy.js) JS - Zobrazuje čiarové kódy v pravom dolnom rohu, ideálne na rýchle naskenovanie bez nutnosti jeho vytlačenia
BTS2 - Tooltipy (Internal) JS - Zobrazuje čiarové kódy v pravom dolnom rohu, ideálne na rýchle naskenovanie bez nutnosti jeho vytlačenia
BTS2 - Tooltipy (Internal+Tippy.js) JS - Zobrazuje čiarové kódy v pravom dolnom rohu, ideálne na rýchle naskenovanie bez nutnosti jeho vytlačenia
Smile@Amazon JS - Redirects Amazon shopping sites that offer Smile to their Smile representation
Amazon Delta Cart JS - "has {in,de}creased by $+-#.# +-#.#%", automatically calculated.
AmazonVideo skip outro JS - Automatically skip the outro on Amazonvideo
AmazonVideo Speed JS - Saves the set playback speed on Netflix
Amazon Prime Video Expiry Viewer JS - Makes it obvious which and when videos are going to expire.
Amazon Wishlist Exporter (April 2018) JS - Export Amazon Wishlist as JSON
Clearer CFN Doc Titles JS - Removes "AWS" from the title bar to make it easier to identify multiple tabs of CloudFormation documentation
Unsub From All emails JS - Adds a small button to unsubscribe from all the useless and pesky emails feeds from Amazon.
Amazon - Show absolute review numbers JS - Adds the number of reviews to each rating separately
Amazon - Offer page links JS - Add link to offer page in item descriptions
amazonSellerMatchLowPrice JS - Will refresh "Manage Inventory" page every 16mins, click all "Match Low Price" buttons,
तुम्ही लिहिलेली स्क्रिप्ट प्रकाशित करा (किंवा कशी लिहायची ते शिका)