Greasy Fork is available in English.

FFA Foul Language Processor

Enhanced script for detecting and counting occurrences of specific words.

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name FFA Foul Language Processor
// @licence MIT
// @author krcanacu & jgonzzz
// @namespace FFA_FL_Script
// @description Enhanced script for detecting and counting occurrences of specific words.
// @match*
// @icon
// @version 2.0.4
// @grant none
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

function LoadFL(){

  //Keywords definition
  //              Severe Words          //
  //RoDS = Racial or derogatory slurs
  const RoDSWords = ["nigger", "beaner", "nigga", "coon", "negro", "dyke", "chink", "faggy", "chinky", "faggot", "jap", "fag", "paki", "retard", "retarded", "wog", "queer", "gook", "kike"];

   //Fuckwords = Self explanatory
  const Fuckwords = ["fuck", "fucked", "fucker", "fucking", "fuckin", "motherfuck", "motherfucker", "fuckface"];

  //EuSR = Explicit use of sexual terminology
  const EuSRwords = ["porn", "ho", "pornography", "hoe", "hoes", "porno", "wanker", "masturbate", "masturbation", "jerk off", "hand job", "blowjob", "whore", "hooker", "stripper", "prostitution", "prostitute", "sex worker", "brothel", "pimp"];

  //ERoSV = Explicit references of sexual violence
  const ERoSV = ["sexual assault", "sexual abuse", "rape", "rapist", "raped", "molest", "molested"];

  //RtHD = References to hard drugs
  const RtHDwords = ["LSD", "crack", "meth", "acid", "meth-head", "molly", "methamphetamine", "ecstasy", "heroin", "cocaine", "MDMA", "DMT"];

  //NCSR = Non-comedic sexual reference
  const NCSRwords = ["orgy", "BDSM", "dildo", "vibrator", "lubricant", "orgasm"];

  //               Moderate words        //
  //TenIoS = 10+ Instances of shit, ass, asshole, bitch, piss, etc.
  const TenIoSwords = ["shit", "ass", "asshole", "bitch", "piss"];

  // DiSR = Dick/cock, pussy/cunt, cum in a sexual reference
  const DiSRwords = ["dick", "cock", "pussy", "cunt", "cum"];

  //RtDUwords = References to drugs or drug use
  const RtDUwords = ["weed", "opioids", "marihuana", "opium", "marijuana", "pot", "cannabis", "mary jane", "opioid"];

  //CSR = Comedic sexual reference
  const CSRwords = [""];

  //RtS = References to Suicide
  const RtSWords = ["suicide", "self-harm", "kill myself", "kill herself", "kill himself", "kill yourself"];

  //NErtSV = Non-explicit references to Sexual Violence
  const SErtSV = ["sexual harassment"];

  //MuoSR = Moderate use of sexual references
  const MuoSRWords = ["harlot"];

  // Categories config of threshold and label
  const targetCategories = [
      { words: RoDSWords, threshold: 1, label: "Racial or derogatory slurs" },
      { words: Fuckwords, threshold: 3, label: "3+ instances of fuck" },
      { words: EuSRwords, threshold: 1, label: "Explicit use of sexual terminology" },
      { words: ERoSV, threshold: 1, label: "Explicit references to sexual violence" },
      { words: RtHDwords, threshold: 1, label: "References to hard drugs" },
      { words: NCSRwords, threshold: 1, label: "Non-comedic sexual reference" },
      { words: TenIoSwords, threshold: 10, label: "10+ Instances of shit, ass, asshole, bitch, piss, etc." },
      { words: DiSRwords, threshold: 2, label: "Dick/cock, pussy/cunt, cum in a sexual reference" },
      { words: RtDUwords, threshold: 3, label: "References to drugs or drug use" },
      { words: CSRwords, threshold: 3, label: "Comedic sexual reference" },
      { words: RtSWords, threshold: 3, label: "References to Suicide"},
      { words: MuoSRWords, threshold: 3, label: "Moderate use of Sexual References"}

  const subTitleDiv = document.getElementById('full-caps');

  if (subTitleDiv) {
      const textNodes = document.createTreeWalker(subTitleDiv, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
      let categoryCounts = {};
      let detectedWords = {};

      targetCategories.forEach(category => {
          categoryCounts[category.label] = 0;
          detectedWords[category.label] = new Set();

      while (textNodes.nextNode()) {
          const textContent = textNodes.currentNode.textContent.toLowerCase();
          const lines = textContent.split('\n');
          lines.forEach(line => {
              targetCategories.forEach(category => {
                category.words.forEach(word => {
                    const regex = new RegExp(`\\b${word}(s?|ers|es|s)?\\b`, 'gi');
                    if (regex.test(line)) {

      let popupContent = '';
      let foulLanguageDetected = false;

      targetCategories.forEach(category => {
          if (categoryCounts[category.label] >= category.threshold) {
              const wordsList = [...detectedWords[category.label]].join(', ');
              popupContent += `${category.label}: ${categoryCounts[category.label]} (${wordsList})<br>`;
              foulLanguageDetected = true; // Mark that foul language was detected

      // If no foul language was detected, add the fallback message
      if (!foulLanguageDetected) {
          popupContent = 'Not enough foul language was found, check the title for NFF content';

      if (popupContent.trim() !== '') {
          const popup = document.createElement('div');
          if (popupContent === 'Not enough foul language was found, check the title for NFF content') {
              popup.innerHTML = popupContent;
          } else {
              popup.innerHTML = `Possible NFF (check for ambiguity):<br>${popupContent}`;
