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Script Finder+

Script Finder allows you to find userscripts from greasyfork on any website.

2024-09-11 या दिनांकाला. सर्वात नवीन आवृत्ती पाहा.

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Script FinderGrease Monkey Script Finder

「 Script Finder is a user script(userscript),It helps you find and manage userscripts on any website 」


Download:Github | ⭐Greasy Fork

Update record

🛠️ Script Finder+ Change log

📅 2024/8/28 12:01 - Ver

New: • Web page enters full screen,Hide bottom right button。

📅 2024/8/26 07:32 - Ver

New: • Add language support。

📅 2024/8/4 14:32 - Ver

repair: • #253924 On SF official website CSS conflict,Causes the button in the lower right corner to become longer,across the bottom of the page。
How to fix it: • Change button class name button.script-button 👉 scrbutton.script-button

📅 2024/7/18 08:45 - Ver

optimization: • Cancel default sorting,Sort by update time instead。

📅 2024/6/26 06:43 - Ver

New: • Add support for mobile devices,Can also be used on mobile phones~
Revise: • Cancel the operation of clearing the list when a search error occurs。

Script Finder

The Script Finder userscript allows you to find and manage user scripts on any website. It provides a convenient way to search and install userscripts from Greasy Fork. With Script Finder, you can easily enhance your browsing experience by adding custom scripts to your favorite websites easily.


  • Search for userscripts based on website domain
  • View detailed information about each script, including author, description, installs, version and rating
  • Install userscripts with a single click

How to Use

  1. Install a userscript manager such as Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey in your browser
  2. Install the Script Finder userscript by visiting the Greasy Fork and clicking the "Install" button
  3. After installation, a "Scripts" button will appear on your browser toolbar
  4. Click the "Scripts" button to open the Script Finder interface
  5. Use the search bar to find userscripts for a specific website
  6. Click on a userscript to view more details or install it by one-click
  7. Enjoy discovering and using new userscripts with Script Finder!

Note: This userscript requires a userscript manager extension to be installed in your browser.


fi.png show.png

Aoriginal Author


Modify content

  • Added support for mobile devices, mobile phones can also be used~
  • Cancel the operation of clearing the list when a search error occurs
  • Cancel the default sorting and change to sorting by update time

GreasyForkRelated scripts

  • GreasyForksuitable for enhancement: The script details page is added. It is suitable for links to be added. Click to open the web page.,Copy web page,tire search
  • GreaysFork Enhance WebHookSync settings: This script can help you quickly enter script synchronization information,And add language codes for multiple countries in batches,Instead of clicking the selection boxes one by one and going to the corresponding URL。
  • GreasyFork Markdown toobar: Used by default in forums Markdown Format,Add format help link and Markdown Toolbar introduction
  • GreasyFork Show script ratings: Add evaluation scores to script list
  • GreasyFork Advanced search: Search using Google GreasyFork and SleazyFork superior script
  • GreasyFork Navigation barEnhance: 增强greasyfork导航栏,Add user list,User console etc.
  • GreasyforkGlue craftsman: Enhancegreasyfork,Copy code,Script download,Precise time to seconds,Home page cleanup,Discuss one-click reporting,Script list jump code added download Beautify view code and display code reference files,show script icon,Jump to adult scripts and other operations
  • Greasyfork Notification Assistant: When there’s a new reply to your script or to a discussion you’re participating in,The script will display the latest discussion content in a modal window on the web page。
  • Script FinderGrease Monkey Script Finder: Script Finder is a user script(userscript),It helps you find and manage userscripts on any website


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