Greasy Fork is available in English.
Makes Rehike use an alternate universe watch9 layout
या स्क्रिप्टच्या अशा आवृत्त्या ज्यांत कोड अपडेट करण्यात आले होते. सर्व आवृत्त्या दाखवा.
1.0.4 - 2023-11-11Fixed all URL related issues that prevented the videos dropdown from workingAdded an optional "experiment": expStickyWatchColumns
1.0.3 - 2023-11-10Videos dropdown wouldn't work if you clicked on a video from the search page (due to it adding stuff to the url)
1.0.2 - 2023-11-10Add the videos dropdown"See user videos" button is now a link that says "See all"
1.0.1 - 2023-11-08Hovering over the subscribed button would cause part of the page to glitch out sometimes