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YouTube View Count in Google Search Results

Displays YouTube video view counts directly in Google search results

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Haris Patel
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YouTube View Count in Google Search Results

Note: A free YouTube Data API key is required for this userscript. You will be prompted to enter it upon first use. Instructions are provided below. (No cost, Google free tier has 10,000 units of requests per day)


Displays view count for YouTube videos on Google search results that don't already show this information. No more clicking on what looks like the perfect video for what you need only for it to be a keyword stuffed AI generated video with zero information and 18 views.

✨ Features

  • • Add view counts to YouTube video links in Google search results
  • • Automatic updates while scrolling through search results
  • • Smart formatting of large view counts (e.g., 1.5M, 2.3K)
  • • Easy management of YouTube Data API key through the userscript menu

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Install a userscript manager (Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey, etc.)
  2. Visit the GreasyFork page
  3. Click "Install"

📘 Usage Guide

  1. Enter your YouTube Data API key when prompted after installation
  2. View counts will automatically appear next to YouTube links in search results
  3. Update your API key anytime using the userscript menu option


Without script


With script

🔑 Getting a YouTube Data API Key

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one:
    • Click on the project dropdown at the top of the page.
    • Select "New Project" or choose an existing project.
  3. Enable the YouTube Data API v3:
  4. Create credentials:
    • In the left sidebar, click on "APIs & Services" > "Credentials".
    • Click "Create Credentials" at the top of the page and select "API key".

Note: The free tier of the YouTube Data API allows for 10,000 units of requests per day. This script uses 1 unit per search results page, so you're unlikely to exceed this limit with normal use.

🤝 Support

If you find this userscript helpful, consider buying me a coffee via Buy Me a Coffee, Stripe, or PayPal.

You can also star the project on GitHub to show your support.