BillyTV Agent JS - Handles your auditions for you (mostly)
BvS BillyCon Enhancer JS - Enhances the BillyCon pages
BvS BillyCon Analyser JS - Collect information from BillyCon pages and send it to a remote server for further analysis
BvS Pachinko Helper JS - Easier insight into Pachinko success rates.
BvS PW SpeedBot 1.0.1 JS - Adjusts your speed for you, modded from Razithel's ExHard SpeedBot v.03. Thanks to TheSpy, Vasey, and Razithel for XPATH variables
BvS Full Village Messages JS - Displays all messages in village by default rather then having to click "Refresh Messages / Show All"
BvS Clock Modified JS - Floating server time clock for Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN!
BvS Ally Checker JS - Are you missing an ally?
BvS Vacation Reminder JS - Alerts you when your vacation is ready.
BvS Ally Types JS - Display ally type tags on team and ninja order pages.
Billy Arena Fight Mover JS - N/A
BvS Jutsu Compressor JS - Reduces size of jutsu that can't be used on Billy vs SNAKEMAN missions.
BvS Kaiju Battle Hotkeys JS - Hotkeys for battling Kaiju
BvS Infinite Quickteams JS - Allows you to have more Quickteams
BvS Hacker Helper JS - BvS r00t Hacking Helper 1.3.5
WK Emblems turn-in JS - Speeds up the turning in of your WK emblems
BvS PizzaWitch Autoride JS - Minimally modified (i.e. bugfixed) version of Yukio's Universal Speedhelper
BvS Village Chat JS - Improvement for the chat on the Village Page
BvS Candyween Helper JS - Calculates probabilities of each choice in Candyween houses
BvS Crank Helper JS - Displays average success chances for selected Crank level.
BvS Filler Themes Notifier JS - Notifies you when you need to set filler themes for Hidden Hoclaus and Candyween
BVS Flower Wars AI JS - Makes play choices for the bvs game Flower Wars
BvS Hanafuda JS - Highlight cards of the same suit, show all possible yaku and add click events (auto select a matching card from your hand with a card from the field and vice-versa).
BvS Mission Hotkeys JS - Mission hotkeys for BvS
BvS_KageTools JS - Compute RP point earnings for villagers, among other things
BvS Pachinko Max Balls JS - Default use maximum amount of balls available and select the right options for the billy bucket machine.
BvS Watchmaker Script (Gold) JS - Tells you which path to take in order to fix your watch
Glowslinging hotkey script JS - Use 1-5 to select an attack, 1-5 or f to begin a fight or duel again
BvS Workshop Helper JS - Displays the ingredients needed to make something and adds a link to make it
BvS Item Checker JS - Helps you find out which items you are missing in BvS
BvS Data Analyser JS - Collect information from miscellaneous pages and send it to a remote server for further statistics
BvS Dropalyzer JS - Remembers mission drops (events, items etc) so you don't have to.
Poker Prover JS - BvS Poker: hotkeys and determines if you can Prove a win
BvS BAWG Reporter JS - Generate a Bawg Report for BvS Forum Copy/Paste
BvS Jutsu Success Probability JS - Odds of Jutsu success in missions and quests
R00t Success Chance JS - Calculates success chance for r00t field actions.
BvS_Daily JS - Assist in daily tasks
Billy Mission Mover JS - Moves those pesky buttons to an easy to click, top center location
Billy Mission Attempt Mover JS - Moves the buttons on the attempt mission page to the top center
BvS Partyhouse Defaults JS - Selects checkboxes for some partyhouse games.
BvS Improved Spy Report JS - Tabulated and sorted spy report for Billy vs SNAKEMAN.
BvS Shop Manager JS - Fill the item count just by clicking on an item at the store. Show the total sell price and treasure value.
BvS Quickfield JS - GPS for fields
BvS Arena Hotkeys JS - Press (H) for the complete list of hotkeys. Adds hotkeys for rebuyable Arena Rewards, as well as (F)ight and (P)urchase keys. Also displays Win Percentages for Today and Overall. Update (8/21/11): Added Chrome compatibility
BvS Forum Ninja Lookup JS - Adds links to quickly access the BvS ninja lookup page from the forum.
BvS IGM JS - Larger text area with character counter for sending in game messages.
BvS Lookup Linkifier JS - Inserts village lookup link on ninja lookup page.
BvS Mahjong JS - Plays BvS Mahjong according to the "Level Two Strat"
BvS Quicksell JS - Hot keys that sells all your non-(L)ooping goods in Billy vs. SNAKEMAN. Press (H) for Help Menu
lib_number_one JS (ライブラリ) - A Library Script used for Number One on BvS