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v4c/InstaSynch Additional Features

Provides many additional features to enhance the experience of watching the same videos every day. Created by biggles; all credit given in script source.

コードが変更されたバージョンのみを表示しています。 すべてのバージョンを表示

  • v2.019 2016/04/07 attempt #3
  • v2.019 2016/04/07 Revisited console log/script break issue, should be okay now. Added error catching in case the required external scripts (move.js for scrolling chat, and jscolor for color pickers) are unavailable.
  • v2.018 2016/04/03
  • v2.018 2016/04/03 fixed broken player (hopefully), changed default chat font, added video duration to video add messages
  • v2.017 2015/12/27 see changelog tab
  • v2.016 2015/10/10 Added ability to change chat font type and size. Check it out under the Chat Settings tab.
  • v2.015 2015/10/04 Two new CSS layouts: two variants of Lights Out Darker, both for 1080p displays and one with dark chat. If closed, curtain adjusts itself to the video size 500ms after a new layout is selected. One new color modifier: beginning message with >>> makes message red, à la 4chan cross-board links. (For what purpose? I don't know.) One new emote: :bot:.
  • v2.014 2015/05/06 2.0141: raised scroll limit to 25, fixed emote limit, added timestamps; script.fns.utcClock now accepts an argument: if true, returns the time in an array of [utcString, localString]. if it's anything else or empty, it will act normally and update the clock.
  • v2.014 2015/05/05 See changelog tab on the site.
  • v2.013 2015/05/01 changelog string
  • v2.013 2015/05/01 fixed maximum emote issue
  • v2.013 2015/05/01 i change my mind about the default setting
  • v2.013 2015/05/01 changed default of scrolling video chat to OFF
  • v2.013 2015/05/01 changed debug to false and removed a few comments
  • v2.013 2015/05/01 Added new JS library: move.js, used for animations. Added a feature that allows chat messages to scroll across the video, similar to Nico Nico Douga. This, along with emotes in said messages, can be toggled on or off in the chat settings tab. Added CSS: 'Old.Instasync' created by 'fuckballs' of bibby. Changed clock's timezone string from "GMT" to "UTC". Added experimental Default Quality feature. Some more small internal changes.
  • v2.012 2015/04/22 Individual mod action messages can now be toggled in the Chat Settings tab. Clicking on the user list button scrolls the chat window to the bottom. Added "Reload List" button to the Emote Menu, which recreates the list in case any emotes are missing. Moved the Reset Color Preferences button to the right of the Colors section header. Added CSS: "Lights Out Darker" and "Oldsynch". Small internal changes.
  • v2.011 2015/04/19 Banned anime.
  • v2.010 2015/04/19 Script now uses JSColor. Added color selectors (using JSColor) for certain things to the Layout list. Changed tooltip of the CSS tab from "Custom Layouts" to "Layout Options." Added CSS: "Large Player (Dark Chat)" to the Layout Options menu. Added "Export Playlist" button to the Playlist Settings tab.
  • v2.009 2015/04/18
  • v2.009 2015/04/18 Script loads after new instasync update. Backspace fix removed. (Apparently this has been fixed in the site. If there are still problems, let me know.) Added "shuffled the playlist." to the list of displayable mod actions.
  • v2.008 2015/04/09 Add Video button replaced with text box. Backspace no longer brings you to the last page. (thanks sym)
  • v2.007 2015/04/09 Changed poll creation menu to old style. Added CSS: \"Large Player\", meant for 1920x1080 displays. Added video title above player. Having the user list extended now shrinks the chat list.
  • v2.006 2015/04/08 Tweaked some mod messages and fixed roll messages.
  • v2.005 2015/04/08 removed spin
  • v2.005 2015/04/08
  • v2.005 2015/04/08 quick fixes
  • v2.005 2015/04/08 Added ability to show mod actions in chat, toggle in chat settings. Autoclean will not work after a mod has already cleaned the list. This is to stop multiple autocleans from running at once. Added CSS: "MikuxXxGear". Added changelog tab. Changed maximum recents (script.MAXRECENT) from 32 to 24 to reduce lag when the list is open. Fixed 'countvids command. Because people thought :spin: was annoying, it is now always OFF and must be enabled manually in the chat settings tab. Internal changes.
  • v2.004 2015/04/05 Really tweaked :spin: to only show up in chat this time.
  • v2.003 2015/04/05 In the chat settings tab: Added button to restore script preferences to defaults, and the ability to snap/unsnap the navbar and disable all chat emotes. Changed spin's default setting to OFF. Tweaked spin so it only shows up in chat. Delay initialization of script settings. HTML changes. Ability for me to temporarily add/remove emotes in chat for script users currently in the room.
  • v2.002 2015/04/04 Added :spin:, and a :spin: toggle option in the chat settings tab. Added "InstaSync Dark" CSS layout.
  • v2.001 2015/04/03 Highlighted messages if they contain your name. Fixed Autoclean checkbox. Added new Custom CSS: "Lights Out". Emote menu is added to "script.delayedTasks" right before the tasks are executed, so custom emotes show up in the menu. (for emote plugins, push the function to add the emotes to script.delayedTasks)
  • v2.000 2015/04/03
  • v2.000 2015/04/03 Update to 2.000: almost written from scratch for new InstaSync. Use the "History" tab to install older versions if you still want to use the old InstaSync.
  • v1.891 2015/01/16 Hex colors can now be used like emotes. :#6200a3: or :#0f0: for example. Few new emotes.
  • v1.890 2015/01/09 version number (again)
  • v1.890 2015/01/09 Added new domain name: instasync.
  • v1.889 2015/01/08 version number
  • v1.889 2015/01/08 Fixed id/ip info in user bios.
  • v1.888 2015/01/07 Scripts that add more emotes should now work with this script.
  • v1.887 2015/01/06 Added ID and IP hashes to userlist hover menu. Few CSS changes. Added emote. Readded movie4chan links. Fixed $delEmote.
  • v1.886 2014/12/28
  • v1.885 2014/12/27 Removed Christmas hats.
  • v1.884 2014/12/25
  • v1.884 2014/12/25 Christmas hats above emotes; temporary.
  • v1.883 2014/11/18 Updated a few functions. Added onClick sound to /no. Added "Shuffle Playlist" button to playlist menu. Fixed curtain not working after changing rooms. Emote menu fades in/out.
  • v1.882 2014/11/16 New toggle in Script Options for black chat. New emote: /tip. Added "Script Help" link at the top. Decreased Script Menu width. Changed update message.
  • v1.881 2014/11/15 Emote menu no longer stays between room switches. General fixes.
  • v1.880 2014/11/15 changed version number
  • v1.88 2014/11/15 Adapted script to the partial page system (beta). Fixed a few bugs. Improved join/leave and emote menu.
  • v1.875 2014/11/12 Curtain redesign, added two new emotes, small bug fix
