- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Google Search Extra Buttons (Position Slightly Right)
- // @description Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
- // @version 45.2023.10.08
- // @namespace spmbt.github.com
- // @include http://www.google.*/search*
- // @include https://www.google.*/search*
- // @include https://www.google.*/*
- // @include https://encrypted.google.*/search*
- // @include https://encrypted.google.*/*
- // @include https://spmbt.github.io/googleSearchExtraButtons/saveYourLocalStorage.html
- // @include https://www.gstatic.com/sites/p/b9356d/system/services/test.html
- // @include https://www.gstatic.com/index.html
- // @license MIT
- // ==/UserScript==
- // 🕮 <lunde> ef3c5f9a-82e1-4b71-9a8d-7c902e27927b.md
- const BASE_POSITION = -127; // Starting position of buttons used in csLeft function
- const BUTTON_SPACING = 37; // Spacing between each button
- const RIGHT_OFFSET = 180; // Offset from the right
- var xLocStI = 0,
- xLocSto = [
- {
- origin: "https://spmbt.github.io",
- restHref: "/googleSearchExtraButtons/saveYourLocalStorage.html",
- },
- {
- origin: "https://www.gstatic.com",
- restHref: "/sites/p/b9356d/system/services/test.html",
- "//": "blank page",
- },
- {
- origin: "https://www.gstatic.com",
- restHref: "/index.html",
- "//": "404 page",
- },
- ];
- // For use own eXternal LocalStorage add to array your origin+restHref of site with https protocol,
- // set xLocStI pointed to it, @include directive with this URL. If this script is Chrome extension, fill include_globs in manifest.json.
- // TODO If localStorage will be unavailable, script will be use next indexes of array.
- if (location.host == xLocSto[xLocStI].origin.replace(/[^/]*\/\//, "")) {
- window.addEventListener(
- "message",
- function (ev) {
- if (/^https?:\/\/www\.google\./.test(ev.origin)) {
- var d =
- typeof ev.data == "string" && ev.data[0] == "{"
- ? JSON.parse(ev.data)
- : ev.data;
- if (!d.do) return;
- var tok = d.tok,
- key = d.key;
- try {
- switch (d.do) {
- case "set":
- var prev = localStorage[key];
- if (d.val !== undefined)
- localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(d.val);
- else localStorage.removeItem(key);
- break;
- case "get":
- prev = localStorage[key];
- prev =
- prev === undefined ||
- (typeof prev == "string" && prev[0] != "{")
- ? prev
- : JSON.parse(prev);
- break;
- case "remove":
- prev = localStorage[key];
- if (prev !== undefined) localStorage.removeItem(key);
- }
- } catch (er) { }
- //xLocStI !=0 && console.log('[xLocSto]', tok, 'prev=', prev);
- xLocStI != 0 &&
- ev.source.postMessage(
- JSON.stringify(
- prev !== undefined
- ? { tok: tok, prev: prev }
- : { tok: tok, undef: 1 }
- ),
- ev.origin
- );
- }
- },
- !1
- ); //console.log('[xLocSto-1]_'+ xLocStI);
- } else
- (function (setts) {
- //lang, sites, lastHoursLess
- var $x = function (el, h) {
- if (h) for (var i in h) el[i] = h[i];
- return el;
- }, //===extend===
- $pd = function (ev) {
- ev.preventDefault();
- },
- d = document,
- $q = function (q, el) {
- return (el || d).querySelector(q);
- },
- lh = location.href,
- $e = function (g, el) {
- //===create or use existing element=== //g={el|clone,cl,ht,cs,at,atRemove,on,apT}
- g.el = el || g.el || g.clone || "DIV";
- var o = (g.o =
- (g.clone && g.clone.cloneNode && g.clone.cloneNode(!0)) ||
- (typeof g.el == "string" ? d.createElement(g.el) : g.el));
- if (o) {
- //execute if exist
- if (g.cl) o.className = g.cl;
- if (g.cs) $x(o.style, g.cs);
- if (g.ht || g.at) {
- var at = g.at || {};
- if (g.ht) at.innerHTML = g.ht;
- }
- if (at)
- for (var i in at) {
- if (i == "innerHTML") o[i] = at[i];
- else o.setAttribute(i, at[i]);
- }
- if (g.atRemove)
- for (var i in g.atRemove) o.removeAttribute(g.atRemove[i]);
- if (g.on)
- for (var i in g.on) if (g.on[i]) o.addEventListener(i, g.on[i], !1);
- g.ap && o.appendChild(g.ap);
- g.apT && g.apT.appendChild(o);
- }
- return o;
- },
- addRules = function (css) {
- $e(
- { apT: d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], ap: d.createTextNode(css) },
- "style"
- );
- },
- //check occurrence of third-party event with growing interval: h.t=time, h.i=count, h.c=check, h.o=occur, h.m=multi
- CS = function (h, d) {
- d
- ? h.o(d)
- : h.i-- &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- CS(h, h.c());
- }, (h.t *= h.m));
- }, //example: t:120, i:12, m: 1.6 => wait around 55 sec
- //for xLocStor:
- xLocStorOrigin =
- d.location.protocol + xLocSto[xLocStI].origin.replace(/[^/]*/, ""),
- qr,
- qrs = {}, //set of queries "key-calls" (ок, toutLitt, toutLong, noService, noStorage)
- qrI = 0, //queries counter
- qrN = 12, //max number of waiting queries
- errIMax = 120,
- errNMax = errIMax, //max number of errors
- ns = "googXButtons_", //namespace for keys
- listenMsg,
- /**
- * external localStorage for using another domain if current domain storage is erased anywhere
- * @param{String} h.do - action: set|get|remove
- * @param{String} h.key
- * @param{Object|undefined} h.val (any type)
- * @param{Number|undefined} h.toutLitt
- * @param{Number|undefined} h.tout
- * @param{Function} h.cB - callback with 2 arguments
- * @param{Function|undefined} h.err - callback for err with one argument
- */
- xLocStor = function (h) {
- var h0 = h;
- h.toutLitt = h.toutLitt || 400;
- h.tout = h.tout || 4000;
- var ifr = d.getElementById("xLocStor"),
- query = function () {
- if ((qrI += 1) > qrN) {
- xCatch("longQrs", null, h);
- return;
- }
- ifr.contentWindow.postMessage(
- JSON.stringify(
- $x(
- {
- do: h.do,
- tok: token,
- key: ns + h.key,
- },
- h.val !== undefined ? { val: h.val } : {}
- )
- ),
- xLocStorOrigin
- );
- qrs[token] = $x(
- {
- //for wait of response
- wToutLitt: (function (h, qrI, errIMax) {
- return setTimeout(function () {
- qrI -= 1;
- if ((errIMax -= 1) >= 0); //console.warn('toutLitt', h);
- chkErrMax();
- }, h.toutLitt);
- })(h, qrI, errIMax),
- wTout: (function (h, qrI) {
- return setTimeout(function () {
- qrI -= 1;
- //xCatch('tout', null, h);
- //xLocStor(h0);
- }, h.tout);
- })(h, qrI),
- },
- h
- );
- },
- token = +new Date() + (Math.random() + "").substr(1, 8),
- el = h.el;
- delete h.el;
- if (ifr) query();
- else
- ifr = $e({
- el: "iframe",
- at: {
- id: "xLocStor",
- src: xLocStorOrigin + xLocSto[xLocStI].restHref,
- },
- cs: { display: "none" },
- on: { load: query },
- apT: el || d.body,
- });
- if (!listenMsg)
- addEventListener(
- "message",
- function (ev) {
- if (ev.origin == xLocStorOrigin) {
- // {"tok":"<value>"[,"err":"<txt>"],"h":...}
- //console.log('from_io', JSON.parse(ev.data))
- var resp = ev.data && ev.data[0] == "{" && JSON.parse(ev.data);
- if (!resp) xCatch("bad_format", resp, h);
- if ((qr = qrs[resp.tok])) {
- qrI -= 1;
- qr.cB(resp.prev, resp.undef);
- var er = qr.err;
- delete qrs[resp.tok];
- } // else ignore unsufficient token
- if (resp.err && (!er || er(resp.err)))
- //individual or common error processing depends of er()
- xCatch(resp.err, resp, h);
- }
- },
- !1
- );
- listenMsg = 1;
- },
- //for tests: localStorage.googXButtons_dwmyh = JSON.stringify({h:[1,2,1,1,1]})
- //$('#xLocStor').contentWindow.postMessage('{"do":"get","key":"googXButtons_dwmyh"}',xLocSto[xLocStI].origin)
- xCatch = function (er, resp, h) {
- if ((errIMax -= 1) >= 0)
- console.error(
- "tok:",
- (resp && resp.tok) || "--",
- "; err:",
- er,
- "; h:",
- h,
- "; respH:",
- resp && resp.h
- );
- chkErrMax();
- },
- chkErrMax = function () {
- if (!errIMax) console.error("Too many err messages:", errNMax);
- },
- .split(/,\s*/)
- .map(function (x) {
- return " " + x + " ";
- }),
- isFTMore = 0,
- meta = {
- Goog: "",
- Duck: "",
- Bing: "",
- Ask: "",
- Baidu: "",
- Yandex: "",
- Mailru: "",
- SlideS: "",
- }, //will create child-tabs (window names)
- imgFile = "SVG,JPG,GIF,PNG,BMP,webp,ICO,RAW".split(",").map(function (x) {
- return " " + x + " ";
- }), //will switch to Img Search
- imgType = "face,clipart,photo,lineart,animated".split(","), //for Img Search (+imgColor,imgSize,imgSizeLt)
- imgColor = "red,orange,yellow,green,teal,blue,purple,pink,white,gray,black,brown".split(
- ","
- ),
- imgSize = "l,m,small,icon,>=,Exact...".split(","),
- imgSizeLt = "vga,svga,xga,2mp,4mp,qsvga".split(","),
- $l = {
- ru: {
- "search in PDF files": "поиск по документам PDF",
- "search in": "искать по",
- More: "Ещё",
- "search black/white": "искать чёрно-белые",
- "return to colored": "вернуться к цветным",
- "from / to": "за период",
- past: ["за последний", "за последние", "за последнюю"],
- day: "сутки",
- days: ["дня", "дней"],
- week: "неделю",
- weeks: ["недели", "недель"],
- month: "месяц",
- months: ["месяца", "месяцев"],
- year: "год",
- years: ["года", "лет"],
- hour: "час",
- hours: ["часа", "часов"],
- Settings: "Настройки",
- "of userscript": "юзерскрипта",
- "reload page for effect": "перезагрузить страницу",
- "Interface language": "Язык интерфейса",
- "Less positions at the end of selects":
- "Меньше выбора в конце селектов",
- "Gray design of buttons": "Серый дизайн кнопок",
- "Show Filetype Button": "Кнопка типов файлов",
- Sites: "Сайты",
- },
- fr: {
- "search in PDF files": "la recherche dans les fichiers PDF",
- "search in": "rechercher dans",
- More: "Plus",
- "search black/white": "trouver noir et blanc",
- "return to colored": "retour à la couleur",
- "from / to": "pour la période",
- past: ["le dernier", "dans les derniers", "dans les derniers"],
- day: "jour",
- days: ["jours", "jours"],
- week: "semaine",
- weeks: ["semaines", "semaines"],
- month: "mois",
- months: ["mois", "mois"],
- year: "an",
- years: ["ans", "ans"],
- hour: "heure",
- hours: ["heures", "heures"],
- Settings: "Paramètres",
- "of userscript": "de Userscript",
- "reload page for effect": "recharger la page pour effet",
- "Interface language": "Langue de l'interface",
- "Less positions at the end of selects":
- "Moins de choix les longues listes",
- "Gray design of buttons": "Gris design des boutons",
- "Show Filetype Button": "Bouton Types de fichiers",
- Sites: "Les sites",
- },
- de: {
- "search in PDF files": "Suche in PDF-Dateien",
- "search in": "Suche in",
- More: "Mehr",
- "search black/white": "schwarz und weiß finden",
- "return to colored": "zurück zur Farbe",
- "from / to": "im Zeitraum",
- past: ["letzte", "letzte", "letzte"],
- day: "Tag",
- days: ["Tage", "Tage"],
- week: "Woche",
- weeks: ["Wochen", "Wochen"],
- month: "Monat",
- months: ["Monate", "Monate"],
- year: "Jahr",
- years: ["Jahre", "Jahre"],
- hour: "Stunde",
- hours: ["Stunden", "Stunden"],
- Settings: "Einstellungen",
- "of userscript": "von Userscript",
- "reload page for effect": "Seite neu laden",
- "Interface language": "Sprache",
- "Less positions at the end of selects":
- "Weniger Auswahl in langen Listen",
- "Gray design of buttons": "Graues Design der Schaltflächen",
- "Show Filetype Button": "Schaltfläche Dateitypen",
- Sites: "Websites",
- },
- es: {
- "search in PDF files": "búsqueda en archivos PDF",
- "search in": "busca en",
- More: "Más",
- "search black/white": "encontrar blanco y negro",
- "return to colored": "volver al color",
- "from / to": "para el período",
- past: ["el último", "en los últimos", "en los últimos"],
- day: "día",
- days: ["días", "días"],
- week: "Semana",
- weeks: ["semanas", "semanas"],
- month: "mes",
- months: ["meses", "meses"],
- year: "año",
- years: ["años", "años"],
- hour: "hora",
- hours: ["horas", "horas"],
- Settings: "Ajustes",
- "of userscript": "de userscript",
- "reload page for effect": "página para efecto de recargar",
- "Interface language": "Idioma de interfaz",
- "Less positions at the end of selects":
- "Menos elección en listas largas",
- "Gray design of buttons": "Diseño gris de botones",
- "Show Filetype Button": "Botón de tipos de archivo",
- Sites: "Sitios",
- },
- },
- cB; //if !lang, then no hints
- var bBack = /^(?:rgba?\((\d+)|#(.))/.exec(
- window.getComputedStyle(d.body).backgroundColor.replace(/gb/, "gba")
- ), // for Images tab
- mDark =
- (d.querySelectorAll('meta[name="color-scheme"]')[0] || {}).content ===
- "dark" ||
- (bBack && ((bBack[1] && bBack[1] < 96) || (bBack[2] && bBack[2] < 6)));
- addRules(
- ".hp .sfsbc,.sfsbc{display:inline-block}.siteList:hover button{display:block}" +
- ".gb_Ib >.gb_e{height:47px}.gb_Fb{z-index:1087}.tsf-p{z-index:203}" +
- ".lsbb .xButt,.lsbb >.siteList,.sbibod .xButt,.sbibod >.siteList {z-index:2002; width:34px; height:17px;" +
- "padding:0 2px; line-height:14px; font-size:14px; border:1px solid transparent; border-radius:2px;" +
- "background-color:#dddae6; color:#eee; opacity:.07; transition:opacity .57s ease-in}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList:hover {background-color:#4889f1}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList,.sbibod >.siteList {width:32px; height:auto; padding:1px 0 2px; text-align:center}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList .lsb >.txt.or {visibility:hidden; position:relative; left:3px; top:-2px; margin-left:-14px;" +
- "font-size:9px; font-variant:small-caps; border:1px solid rgb(72, 137, 241); border-radius:8px;" +
- "background-color:rgba(233, 238, 247, 0.66); color:rgb(131, 105, 68)}.lsbb >.siteList .lsb >.txt.or.sit {left:-1px}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList .selted .lsb:not(.more):not(.moreShow):not(.sett):hover >.txt.or {visibility:visible}" +
- //deprecated gray design
- ".lsbb .xButt:hover,.sbibod .xButt:hover,.xButt.xButt2:hover .xButt2,.xButt2:hover{background-color:#c3d4e1; color:#fff; opacity:1}" +
- ".xButt2{padding:0 0 2px; background-color:#dad6e2; color:#eee; opacity:1}" +
- ".sbibod.lsbb{height:44px}" +
- ".sbibod .xButt:hover,.sbibod .xButt2:hover,.sbibod .xButt:hover .xButt2{background-color:#c3c6c7}" +
- ".sbibod:not(.lsbb) >.siteList, .sbibod:not(.lsbb) >.xButt2{background-color:#dddae6; opacity:.45}" +
- ".sbibod:not(.lsbb) >.siteList:hover, .sbibod:not(.lsbb) >.xButt2:hover{background-color:#dddae6; opacity:.87}" +
- ".sbibod >.siteList >.list{background-color:#e1deeb}" +
- ".sbibod >.siteList.fade:hover{opacity:1; transition:opacity .1s ease-in}" +
- ".sbibod >.siteList.fade{opacity:0.23}" +
- ".list .more ~.xButt{display:none!important}" +
- ".list .moreShow ~ .xButt{position:absolute!important; left:52px; height:19px!important}" +
- ".list .moreShow~.x2.xButt, .list .moreShow~.x2 ~.xButt{left:99px}" +
- ".siteList .sett .txt{padding:2px 2px 4px; font-size:14px}" +
- ".siteList .settIn{display:none; width:250px; padding:2px 4px; text-align:left; border:1px solid #48f; font-size:14px;" +
- "background-color:#dde; color:#336}" +
- ".siteList .settIn hr{margin:2px 0}" +
- ".sbibtd .sfsbc .nojsb, .siteList .sett:hover .settIn, .siteList .settIn.changed," +
- ".siteList .settIn.changed .reload{display:block}.siteList .settIn .reload, .siteList.hiddn{display:none}" +
- 'div.gb_g[aria-label="promo"],.pdp-psy.og-pdp, .gb_Sc.gb_g .gb_ha, .gb_g.gb_ha:not(.xpdopen ){display:none}' +
- ".xpdopen{display:block!important}.rhsvw{opacity:.16; transition:.4s}.rhsvw:hover{opacity:1}" +
- ".srp #sfdiv{overflow:inherit}" + //hide promo
- ".UUbT9 >div.aajZCb{background-color:rgba(" +
- (mDark ? "40,44,48, 0.92" : "255,255,255, 0.75") +
- ");}" + //opacity for suggests
- ".UUbT9 ul li div span b{background-color:rgba(" +
- (mDark ? "88,93,99" : "237,242,248") +
- ", 0.9); margin:0 -6px 0 4px; padding:0 6px 0 0;border-radius:7px;}" + //white under suggest texts
- ".gb_kb{padding-left:10px; padding-right:7px}form .RNNXgb{position:relative; background:rgba(" +
- (mDark ? "40,44,48" : "255,255,255") +
- ", 0.92)}" +
- ".RNNXgb, #tsf{width:auto!important} #searchform form#tsf{max-width:auto} body div#searchform,body .ctr-p{min-width:0}" +
- "div#searchform.minidiv{top:-8px!important}.minidiv .sfbg{margin-top:-26px!important}" + // for narrow sticked searchbar
- ".minidiv .sfbg{top:-39px}.minidiv .sfbg +form#tsf{top:-39px}.minidiv .sfbg +form#tsf:hover{top:0}" + //hide sticked
- ".minidiv .sfbg +form#tsf:hover .siteList, .minidiv .sfbg +form#tsf:hover .lsbb >.xButt {top:-6px!important}" +
- ".RNNXgb .Tg7LZd {flex:0 0 auto; visibility:hidden; width:44px; height:44px; margin-right:-31px; padding:0 13px 0 0;" +
- " border-radius:0 8px 8px 0; background:transparent; border:none; outline:none}" +
- ".emcav div.RNNXgb {z-index:998; box-shadow:0 -1px 4px 0 rgba(32,33,36,0.28)}" +
- ".minidiv .RNNXgb {z-index:998}.minidiv .RNNXgb:hover {box-shadow:0 -1px 4px 0 rgba(32,33,36,0.28)}" +
- ".A8SBwf .logo +.RNNXgb .Tg7LZd {visibility:visible; margin-right:-9px; margin-bottom:-2px; transition:margin 5s ease-in-out}"
- );
- try {
- xLocStor({
- do: "get",
- key: "sett",
- val: setts,
- cB: (cB = function (prev, undef) {
- S = prev || setts;
- S.dwmyh = S.dwmyh || setts.dwmyh; //temp. transitional expr.
- console.timeStamp = function () { };
- addRules(
- !(S.whiteMintOval || S.whiteMintOval === undefined) //blue old design
- ? ".lsbb .xButt:not(.xButt2),.lsbb >.siteList,.sbibod .xButt:not(.xButt2) {text-align:center; background-color:#4889f1; color:#fff; opacity:0.75}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList .lsb,.sbibod >.siteList .lsb {font-weight:normal; color:#d4d4d4}" +
- ".lsbb .lsb:hover,.sbibod .lsb:hover {opacity:1; color:#f1c44a; cursor:default}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList >div:not([class]):hover,.sbibod >.siteList:hover {background-color:#c2d4e0; color:#f7f7f7; opacity:.93}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList >div:not([class]):hover span {color:#aa6c1c}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList .sett .txt{background-color:#4889f1}"
- : //white-mint-oval design
- ".lsbb .xButt:not(.xButt2), .lsbb >.siteList {text-align:center; background-color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "92,100,110" : "240,247,248") +
- "); opacity:0.75; color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "40,44,48" : "137,137,137") +
- ")}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList {border:1px solid rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "87,97,108" : "183,219,205") +
- "); border-radius:10px; background-color:rgba(" +
- (mDark ? "86,89,92" : "243,243,243") +
- ",0.7); color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "140,154,173" : "75,143,231") +
- ")}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList .lsb {font-weight:normal; border:1px solid rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "98,98,90" : "210,210,190") +
- "); border-radius:10px; background-color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "77,84,89" : "225,239,239") +
- "); color:rgb(140, 140, 140)}" +
- ".lsbb .lsb:hover {opacity:1; color:rgb(152, 123, 43); cursor:default}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList:hover {background-color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "87,97,108" : "183,219,205") +
- ")}" +
- ".lsbb .xButt:hover {background-color:rgb(221, 230, 228)}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList >div:not([class]):hover span {color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "233,140,19" : "170,108,28") +
- ")}" +
- ".lsbb >.siteList .sett .txt {position:relative; top:2px; margin:0 -2px; padding:1px;" +
- "border:1px solid rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "87,97,108" : "183,219,205") +
- "); border-radius:10px; background-color:rgb(" +
- (mDark ? "92,100,110" : "240,247,248") +
- ")"
- );
- CS({
- t: 120,
- i: 12,
- m: 1.6,
- c: function () {
- return (
- d &&
- d.getElementsByName("q") &&
- !/[?&]tbm=(shop|bks|fin)/.test(lh) &&
- d.getElementsByName("q")[0]
- );
- },
- o: function (dat) {
- var lang = S.lang != null ? S.lang : setts.lang,
- sites =
- (S.sites &&
- ((S.sites.length && S.sites[0]) || S.sites.length > 1) &&
- S.sites) ||
- (typeof sites == "string" && [sites]) ||
- (!S.sites && setts.sites) ||
- null;
- var strSites =
- (sites && sites.join("\n").replace(/^\n/, "\n\n")) || "",
- $L = $l[lang] || $l.ru; //default template of lang
- if (!lang || !$l[lang] || lang == "en")
- for (var l in $L) {
- //replace 'en' lang for default or substitution
- if ($L[l] instanceof Array)
- for (var l2 in $L[l]) $L[l][l2] = l;
- else $L[l] = l;
- }
- var srch = $q(".RNNXgb"),
- startPg =
- (srch && !$q("button", srch)) || /\/(web|img)hp/.test(lh);
- if (startPg) {
- //console.log('==-==startPg', srch);
- $e({
- el: "button",
- cl: "Tg7LZd",
- at: {
- "aria-label": "Google Search",
- type: "button",
- jsname: "Tg7LZd",
- innerHTML:
- '<div class="gBCQ5d"><span class="z1asCe MZy1Rb">sr</span></div>',
- },
- apT: srch,
- });
- }
- var $LSettings = $L["Settings"];
- if (sites && sites.length) sites.push($LSettings);
- var mainPg = /\/search\?|&q=|#q=/.test(lh),
- inputSearch = dat,
- layout1811 =
- $q(".Tg7LZd") ||
- $q('button[aria-label="Google Search"]') ||
- $q('button[jsname="Tg7LZd"]'),
- design1612 = ($q("#_fZl") || $q(".sbico-c")) && !layout1811,
- d16 = (design1612 || layout1811) && S.design1612,
- imSrch = /[?&]tbm=isch|\/imghp/.test(lh), // sizes are shown if images (outdated): /[&?]tbs[^&]*?(=|,|%2C)imgo(:|%3A)1/i
- imgTools = imSrch && /[&?]tbs=[^&]*/.exec(lh), //'tbs' with all params
- isBWShown =
- imgTools && /[&?]tbs[^&]*?(=|,|%2C)ic(:|%3A)gray/i.exec(lh), // Black-White Images search
- buttSearcStart =
- (startPg &&
- layout1811 &&
- ($q('input[name="btnK"]') ||
- $q('input[aria-label="Google Search"]'))) ||
- $q('button[jsname="Tg7LZd"]'), //for the start page
- buttSearch =
- (d.getElementsByName("btnG") &&
- d.getElementsByName("btnG")[0]) ||
- design1612 ||
- layout1811,
- buttS = {
- Srch: { url: "", txt: "search" },
- PDF: {
- url: "filetype:PDF",
- txt:
- $L[
- imSrch
- ? (isBWShown ? "hide" : "show") + " sizes"
- : "search in PDF files"
- ],
- },
- site: {
- url: "site:" + S.sites[0],
- txt: $L["search in"] + " " + S.sites[0],
- one: "day",
- }, //you may comment this line
- //,'.. : ..':{url:'', txt:$L['from / to']}
- "1D": {
- url: "&tbs=qdr:d",
- txt: $L["past"][1] + " " + $L["day"],
- one: "day",
- up: 13,
- lett: "D",
- },
- "1W": {
- url: "&tbs=qdr:w",
- txt: $L["past"][2] + " " + $L["week"],
- one: "week",
- up: 14,
- lett: "W",
- },
- "1M": {
- url: "&tbs=qdr:m",
- txt: $L["past"][0] + " " + $L["month"],
- one: "month",
- up: 20,
- lett: "M",
- },
- "1Y": {
- url: "&tbs=qdr:y",
- txt: $L["past"][0] + " " + $L["year"],
- one: "year",
- up: 15,
- lett: "Y",
- },
- "1H": {
- url: "&tbs=qdr:h",
- txt: $L["past"][0] + " " + $L["hour"],
- one: "hour",
- up: 23,
- lett: "H",
- },
- },
- ii = -1,
- iD = -1;
- if (
- (design1612 || layout1811) &&
- !d16 &&
- buttSearch &&
- buttSearch.parentNode
- )
- buttSearch.parentNode.className += " lsbb";
- !sites && delete buttS.site;
- if (!layout1811 && buttSearch && buttSearch.parentNode) {
- buttSearch.parentNode.style.position = "relative";
- buttSearch.parentNode.style.zIndex = "1003";
- }
- if (buttSearch && top == self)
- for (var i in buttS)
- if ((i == "site" && !S.sites) || !imSrch || i != "1H") {
- ++ii; //buttons under search input line
- if (i.length == 2) iD++;
- else iD = -1;
- var bI = buttS[i],
- Gesch = { m: "letzter", f: "letzte", n: "letztes" }[
- "m,f,m,n,f".split(",")[iD]
- ],
- hint = function (j) {
- return (
- j +
- 1 +
- " " +
- (j % 10 || j == 10
- ? $L[bI.one + "s"][
- j % 10 < 4 && ((j / 10) | 0) != 1 ? 0 : 1
- ]
- : $L[bI.one])
- );
- },
- // 🕮 <lunde> ef3c5f9a-82e1-4b71-9a8d-7c902e27927b.md
- csLeft = function (ii) {
- let calculatedPosition = BASE_POSITION + BUTTON_SPACING * (ii - 1);
- return design1612 || layout1811
- ? { right: -calculatedPosition - RIGHT_OFFSET + "px" }
- : { left: calculatedPosition + "px" };
- },
- isBWShown2 = isBWShown && i == "PDF",
- butt2 = $e({
- clone:
- i == "site" || i.length == 2 || i == "PDF"
- ? $e({
- cl: "siteList",
- cs: { cursor: "default" },
- at: { site: S.sites[0], date: bI.url },
- })
- : i != ".. : .." || mainPg
- ? $e({
- el: "button",
- cl: "xButt " + (d16 ? "xButt2" : "lsb"),
- })
- : $e({ cl: "siteList hiddn" }),
- at: {
- value:
- iD != -1 && S.dwmyh[iD] != 1
- ? S.dwmyh[iD] + bI.lett
- : i,
- innerHTML:
- "<div" +
- (d16 ? " class=xButt2" : "") +
- "><s" +
- (isBWShown2 ? "" : "pan") +
- ' class=txt onclick=this.parentNode.click();return!1 title="' +
- (lang || i == "site" || i == ".. : .."
- ? (
- (iD == -1 || S.dwmyh[iD] == 1
- ? bI.txt
- : $L["past"][1] +
- " " +
- hint(S.dwmyh[iD] - 1)) || ""
- ).replace(/letzte/, Gesch)
- : "") +
- '" itrvNum="' +
- (i == "site"
- ? ""
- : bI.url + (imSrch ? "" : S.dwmyh[iD])) +
- '">' +
- (iD != -1 && S.dwmyh[iD] != 1
- ? S.dwmyh[iD] + bI.lett
- : imSrch && i == "PDF"
- ? "B/W"
- : i) +
- (isBWShown2 ? "</s>" : "</span>") +
- "</div>",
- },
- cs: $x(
- {
- position: "absolute",
- top: startPg ? "40px" : "33px",
- wordSpacing: "-1px",
- visibility:
- ii <= S.hiddenEdgeLeft ? "hidden" : "visible",
- },
- $x(
- csLeft(ii),
- ii === 2
- ? {
- width: "26px",
- marginRight: "3px",
- borderRadius: "2px",
- lineHeight: "0.75em",
- marginTop: "0.125em",
- }
- : {}
- )
- ),
- on: {
- click: (function (bI, i, iD) {
- //console.log('clic0:', i, iD);
- return /Srch|PDF|DOC|site/.test(i)
- ? function (ev) {
- var t = ev.target;
- //console.log('cli-DocSite: i,t.class,value,ev,attrSite,$LS,aPSite,bSSta',i, t.className, inputSearch.value,ev, 'attrSite:'
- // ,t.getAttribute('site'),'aP:', t.parentNode.getAttribute('site'), buttSearcStart);
- if (t && t.className == "defa")
- saveLocStor("", "", "remove");
- $pd(ev);
- if (
- t &&
- (t.getAttribute("site") == $LSettings ||
- (t.parentNode &&
- t.parentNode.getAttribute("site") ==
- $LSettings)) &&
- !/Srch|PDF|DOC/.test(i)
- )
- return;
- if (
- t.classList.contains("settIn") ||
- t.parentNode.classList.contains("settIn")
- ) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- if (t && t.className != "txt")
- inputSearch.value =
- (inputSearch.value || "")
- .replace(
- /( site(:|%3A)\s*\S*|$)/gi,
- /Srch|site/.test(i) ? "" : "$1"
- )
- .replace(
- /( |\+|&as_)filetype(:|%3A)[^\&]*/g,
- ""
- ) +
- " " +
- (/Srch|PDF|DOC/.test(i)
- ? imSrch
- ? ""
- : bI.url
- : "site:" +
- ((t &&
- (t.getAttribute("site") ||
- (t.parentNode &&
- t.parentNode.getAttribute(
- "site"
- )))) ||
- ""));
- if (
- t &&
- t.getAttribute("site") == null &&
- t.parentNode &&
- t.parentNode.getAttribute("site") == null &&
- !/Srch|PDF|DOC/.test(i)
- )
- return;
- if (imSrch && i == "PDF") {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- saveLocStor();
- location.href = isBWShown
- ? lh.replace(
- new RegExp(imgTools[0]),
- imgTools &&
- imgTools[0]
- .replace(
- /(,|%2C)?ic(:|%3A)gray/gi,
- ""
- )
- .replace(
- /([?&])tbs=?,?(&|$)/,
- "$1"
- )
- ) //return to colored
- : imgTools
- ? imgTools &&
- lh.replace(
- new RegExp(imgTools[0]),
- imgTools[0] +
- (imgTools[0].length < 5
- ? ""
- : ",") +
- "ic:gray"
- ) //upd.'Show'
- : lh +
- (/\?/.test(lh) ? "&" : "?") +
- "tbs=ic:gray"; //new Tools-More_tools_Show_sizes
- } else if (
- (t &&
- /xButt|txt/.test(t.className) &&
- !(
- i == "site" &&
- !(
- /list/.test(t.parentNode.className) ||
- /list/.test(
- t.parentNode.parentNode.className
- )
- )
- )) ||
- (t && /Srch|PDF|DOC/.test(t.value))
- )
- /*console.log('==startSrch'),*/ (
- buttSearcStart || buttSearch
- ).click();
- }
- : !bI.url
- ? function (ev) {
- //from-to date (! not used now)
- var el = $q("#cdrlnk"),
- o;
- el &&
- el.dispatchEvent(
- ((o = d.createEvent("Events")).initEvent(
- "click",
- !0,
- !1
- ),
- o)
- );
- $pd(ev);
- }
- : function (ev) {
- //past interval
- var t = ev && ev.target,
- sbd = /,sbd:1/.test(lh),
- ta = t,
- tOvr = t && t.parentNode,
- tOv0 = tOvr,
- date2 = tOvr && tOvr.getAttribute("date");
- var l2 = startPg
- ? lh.replace(
- /^([^/]*)\/\/([^/]+)\/?([^?#]*)([?#]?.*)/,
- "$1//$2/search$4"
- )
- : lh; // insert '/search?' instead any
- //console.log('cli-Past: value,date2,siteList,list,l2',inputSearch.value,date2,tOvr.classList.contains('siteList'), t.classList.contains('list'), l2);
- if (
- tOvr &&
- tOvr.classList.contains("siteList") &&
- !ta.classList.contains("list")
- ) {
- //clicked by top button
- var elTop =
- $q("div:not(.list) >.txt", tOvr) || "",
- itrvNum =
- (elTop &&
- elTop.getAttribute("itrvNum")) ||
- "",
- newSrch = /[?&]q=/.test(l2)
- ? l2.replace(
- /(&|\?)q=([^&]*)(&|$)/g,
- "$1q=" +
- encodeURIComponent(
- inputSearch.value
- ) +
- "$3"
- ) //add value to '[?&]q=[^&]*'
- : l2 +
- (/\?/.test(l2) ? "&" : "?") +
- "q=" +
- encodeURIComponent(inputSearch.value); //set new value as &q=.+
- if (layout1811 && itrvNum !== "" && date2)
- location.href = /qdr(:|%3A)([dwmyh])\d*/.test(
- l2
- )
- ? newSrch.replace(
- /([?&]tbs=)?qdr(:|%3A)[dwmyh]\d*/,
- function (x) {
- return itrvNum.replace(
- /&/,
- /\?/.test(x) ? "?" : "&"
- );
- }
- ) //patch date in URL
- : newSrch +
- (/\?/.test(newSrch) ? "&" : "?") +
- itrvNum; //add date in URL
- if (itrvNum != null)
- S.dwmyh[iD] = +(itrvNum || "").replace(
- /\D/g,
- ""
- );
- } else if (
- t.textContent ||
- tOv0.textContent
- ) {
- var sa = (
- t.textContent ||
- tOv0.textContent ||
- ""
- ).replace(/\D/g, "");
- if (sa.length <= 6) S.dwmyh[iD] = +sa;
- }
- //console.log('==noDocNoSite', tOvr.value, itrvNum);
- $pd(ev);
- ev.stopPropagation();
- saveLocStor();
- };
- })(bI, i, iD),
- mouseover:
- i == "site" || i.length == 2 || i == "PDF"
- ? (function (bI, i) {
- return function (ev) {
- clearTimeout(bI.ww);
- var t = ev.currentTarget;
- t.classList.add("fade");
- $q(".list", t).style.display = "block";
- };
- })(bI, i)
- : "",
- mouseout:
- i == "site" || i.length == 2 || i == "PDF"
- ? (function (bI, i) {
- return function (ev) {
- var t = ev.currentTarget;
- clearTimeout(bI.ww);
- bI.ww = setTimeout(function () {
- $q(".list", t).style.display = "none";
- t.classList.remove("fade");
- }, 570);
- };
- })(bI, i)
- : "",
- change: saveLocStor,
- },
- apT: buttSearch.parentNode,
- });
- bI.el = butt2;
- if (i == "site" || i.length == 2 || i == "PDF") {
- //dropdown lists under some buttons
- //TODO 'list selted' will be placed if search by filetype or by site was presented (and accordingly buttons will be with 'selted')
- var siteList = $e({
- cl: "list",
- cs: { display: "none" },
- apT: butt2,
- }),
- arr = [];
- for (
- var j = 0;
- j <
- (imSrch
- ? 1
- : bI.up -
- (i == "1W" && S.lastHoursLess ? 4 : 0) -
- (i == "1M" && S.lastHoursLess ? 9 : 0) -
- (i == "1Y" && S.lastHoursLess ? 5 : 0));
- j++
- )
- if (i != "1H" || !S.lastHoursLess || j < 8 || j % 2)
- arr.push(hint(j));
- //console.log(S.sites,i, S.dwmyh);
- var list =
- i == "site"
- ? sites || []
- : i == "1D" && !sites
- ? arr.concat([$LSettings])
- : i == "PDF"
- ? imSrch
- ? imgFile
- : fileType
- : arr,
- fTMoreX2 = 0;
- for (var j in list)
- if (j != 0 || (iD != -1 && S.dwmyh[iD] != 1)) {
- //console.log('==i,sI', i, sI);
- fTMoreX2 = /CPP/.test(fTyp) || fTMoreX2;
- var sI = list[j],
- fTyp = sI.replace(/ ?/g, ""),
- fTMore = /More\.\.\./.test(fTyp),
- butt3 = $e({
- clone:
- sI == $LSettings
- ? $e({
- cl:
- "sett" +
- (d16 ? " xButt xButt2" : " lsb"),
- })
- : $e({
- el: "button",
- cl:
- "xButt" +
- (d16 ? " xButt2" : " lsb") +
- (fTMore ? " more" : "") +
- (fTMoreX2 ? " x2" : ""),
- }),
- at: {
- value: sI,
- site: sI,
- date: bI.url.replace(/pdf$/i, fTyp),
- title:
- sI == $LSettings || !lang
- ? ""
- : (/site|PDF/.test(i)
- ? (
- $L[
- i == "PDF"
- ? "search in PDF files"
- : "search in"
- ] + (i == "PDF" ? "" : " " + sI)
- ).replace(/PDF/, fTyp)
- : j == 0
- ? bI.txt
- : $L["past"][1] + " " + sI
- ).replace(/letzte/, Gesch),
- innerHTML:
- (/site|PDF/.test(i)
- ? '<span class="txt or' +
- (i == "PDF" ? "" : " sit") +
- '" data-val="' +
- sI.replace(/ ?/g, "") +
- '" title="' + //multiselect mechanics
- (1
- ? (i == "PDF" ? "" : "sites ") +
- "multiselect" +
- (i == "PDF" ? " of types" : "")
- : "click to disable select") +
- '">' +
- (1 ? "OR" : "V") +
- "</span>"
- : "") +
- "<span class=txt>" +
- sI +
- "</span>" +
- (sI != $LSettings && !(!S.sites && i == "1H")
- ? ""
- : '<div class="settIn">' +
- $L.Settings +
- " " +
- $L["of userscript"] +
- '<br/>"Google Search Extra Buttons"<hr/>' +
- $L["Interface language"] +
- ': <select class="lang" style="width:70px">' +
- (function () {
- var s =
- "<option" +
- (lang == "en" ? " selected" : "") +
- ">en</option>";
- for (var i in $l)
- s +=
- "<option" +
- (lang == i ? " selected" : "") +
- ">" +
- i +
- "</option>";
- return (
- s +
- '<option value=""' +
- (lang == "" ? " selected" : "") +
- ">en w/o hints</option>"
- );
- })() +
- "</select><br/>" +
- '<input type="checkbox" class="less" id="hoursLess"' +
- (S.lastHoursLess ? " checked" : "") +
- "/>" +
- '<label for="hoursLess" id="hoursLessL">' +
- $L[
- "Less positions at the end of selects"
- ] +
- "</label><br/>" +
- '<input type="checkbox" class="des16" id="design1612"' +
- /*!layout1811 &&*/ (S.design1612
- ? " checked"
- : "") +
- (1 ? " disabled" : "") +
- "/>" +
- '<input type="checkbox" class="des18" id="whiteMintOval"' +
- (S.whiteMintOval ||
- S.whiteMintOval === undefined
- ? " checked"
- : "") +
- "/>" +
- '<label for="whiteMintOval" id="whiteMintOvalL">' +
- $L["Gray design of buttons"] +
- "</label><br/>" +
- '<input type="checkbox" class="butTyp" id="butTypes"' +
- (S.hiddenEdgeLeft ? "" : " checked") +
- "/>" +
- '<label for="butTypes" id="butTypesL">' +
- $L["Show Filetype Button"] +
- "</label><br/>" +
- '<i><a href="#" class="defa" style="float: right">Default settings</a></i>' +
- $L.Sites +
- ': <br/><textarea class="sites" style="width:97%" rows=8>' +
- strSites +
- "</textarea><br/>" +
- '<a class="reload" href=# onclick="location.reload();return!1">' +
- $L["reload page for effect"] +
- "</a>" +
- "</div>"),
- },
- cs: Object.assign(
- {
- position:
- (sI != $LSettings ||
- design1612 ||
- layout1811) &&
- !fTMore
- ? "static"
- : "absolute",
- display: "block",
- width:
- sI != $LSettings
- ? "auto"
- : /en|es/.test(lang) || !lang
- ? "3em"
- : "4em",
- height: sI != $LSettings ? "18px" : "16px",
- margin: "2px 0 -1px -13px",
- padding: "0 2px 0 1px",
- minWidth: "42px",
- top: 19 * j - 175 - 133 * fTMoreX2 + "px",
- textAlign: "left",
- fontWeight: "normal",
- opacity: 1,
- whiteSpace: "nowrap",
- },
- fTMore ? { top: "18px", left: "47px" } : {}
- ),
- on: {
- click: (function (fTyp, pdf, fTMore) {
- return function (ev) {
- var t = ev.target;
- var less = $q("#hoursLess"),
- des16 = $q("#design1612"), //&& !layout1811
- des18 = $q("#whiteMintOval"),
- butTyp = $q("#butTypes"),
- itrv =
- t.getAttribute("date") ||
- t.parentNode.getAttribute("date") ||
- "",
- num = (
- t.getAttribute("site") ||
- t.parentNode.getAttribute("site") ||
- ""
- ).replace(
- /site/.test(itrv) ? /^/ : /\D/g,
- ""
- );
- //console.log('==clic3:t,itrv,num,fTyp,pdf:',t, itrv, num,'|',fTyp,pdf);
- if (
- t.classList.contains("sett") ||
- t.parentNode.classList.contains("sett")
- ) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- if (less && /hoursLess/.test(t.id)) {
- less.outerHTML =
- '<input type="checkbox" class="less" id="hoursLess"' +
- (less.getAttribute("checked") != null
- ? ""
- : ' checked="checked"') +
- "/>";
- saveLocStor();
- }
- if (des16 && /design1612/.test(t.id)) {
- des16.outerHTML =
- '<input type="checkbox" class="des16" id="design1612"' +
- (des16.getAttribute("checked") != null
- ? ""
- : ' checked="checked"') +
- "/>";
- saveLocStor();
- }
- if (des18 && /whiteMintOval/.test(t.id)) {
- des18.outerHTML =
- '<input type="checkbox" class="des18" id="design1612"' +
- (des18.getAttribute("checked") != null
- ? ""
- : ' checked="checked"') +
- "/>";
- saveLocStor();
- }
- if (butTyp && /butTypes/.test(t.id)) {
- butTyp.outerHTML =
- '<input type="checkbox" class="butTyp" id="butTypes"' +
- (butTyp.getAttribute("checked") != null
- ? ""
- : ' checked="checked"') +
- "/>";
- saveLocStor();
- }
- if (pdf || /site/.test(itrv)) {
- //console.log('==pdf|site');
- inputSearch.value = inputSearch.value.replace(
- new RegExp(
- "(?:(\\s+OR\\s+)?\\s*" +
- (pdf ? "filetype" : "site") +
- "(?::|%3A)\\s*\\S*)+|$",
- "g"
- ),
- (s1) =>
- fTMore || s1
- ? ""
- : " " +
- (imSrch
- ? itrv.toLowerCase() + num
- : itrv + (pdf ? "" : fTyp))
- );
- }
- var l2 = startPg
- ? lh.replace(
- /^([^/]*)\/\/([^/]+)\/?([^?#]*)([?#]?.*)/,
- "$1//$2/search$4"
- )
- : lh, // insert '/search?' instead any
- newSrch = /[?&]q=/.test(l2)
- ? l2.replace(
- /(&|\?)q=([^&]*)(&|$)/g,
- "$1q=" +
- encodeURIComponent(
- inputSearch.value
- ) +
- "$3"
- ) //add value to '[?&]q=[^&]*'
- : l2 +
- (/\?/.test(l2) ? "&" : "?") +
- "q=" +
- encodeURIComponent(inputSearch.value); //set new value as &q=.+
- //console.log('==inputSearch.value,newSrch,fTyp,pdf,num', inputSearch.value, newSrch, fTyp, pdf, num);
- if (
- (pdf && !fTMore) ||
- (num !== "" && num != +num)
- ) {
- ev.stopPropagation();
- }
- if (
- buttSearcStart &&
- ((pdf && !fTMore) ||
- (num !== "" && num != +num))
- ) {
- buttSearcStart.click();
- return;
- }
- if ((layout1811 && num !== "") || pdf) {
- pdf && ev.stopPropagation();
- if (!fTMore)
- location.href = /qdr(:|%3A)([dwmyh])\d*/.test(
- l2
- )
- ? newSrch.replace(
- /([?&]tbs=)?qdr(:|%3A)[dwmyh]\d*/,
- function (x) {
- return pdf
- ? ""
- : (
- itrv + (imSrch ? "" : num)
- ).replace(
- /&/,
- /\?/.test(x) ? "?" : "&"
- );
- }
- ) //patch date in URL
- : newSrch +
- (/\?/.test(newSrch) ? "&" : "?") +
- (pdf
- ? ""
- : itrv + (imSrch ? "" : num));
- //add date in URL
- else {
- if (t.classList.contains("txt")) {
- if (
- t.parentNode.classList.contains(
- "more"
- )
- )
- t.parentNode.className =
- "xButt lsb moreShow";
- else
- t.parentNode.className =
- "xButt lsb more";
- } //'className' because bug of Chrome in upper line with .toggle
- else {
- if (t.classList.contains("more"))
- t.className = "xButt lsb moreShow";
- else t.className = "xButt lsb more";
- }
- }
- } //bug of Fx with .toggle,.toggle - list is changed slow (0.4 s)
- $pd(ev);
- };
- })(fTyp, i == "PDF", fTMore),
- }, //, mouseover: function(ev){ev.stopPropagation()}, mouseout: function(ev){ev.stopPropagation()}
- apT: siteList,
- });
- }
- siteList.style.height = "auto";
- siteList.style.textAlign = "center";
- siteList.style.marginRight = "-40px";
- }
- }
- },
- });
- }),
- el: d.body,
- });
- } catch (er) {
- console.log("==cB");
- cB();
- }
- var saveLocStor = function (ev, val, do2) {
- var aaa,
- aab,
- aac,
- aad,
- aae,
- aaf,
- t = (ev && ev.target.form) || document.documentElement || document.body;
- xLocStor({
- do: do2 || "set",
- key: "sett",
- val: {
- lang: (aaa = d.querySelectorAll(".lang", t))[aaa.length - 1].value,
- sites: (
- (aab = d.querySelectorAll(".sites", t))[aab.length - 1].value || ""
- )
- .replace(/^[ \t]*|[ \n\t]*$/g, "")
- .split("\n"),
- lastHoursLess: (aac = d.querySelectorAll(".less", t))[aac.length - 1]
- .checked,
- design1612: (aad = d.querySelectorAll(".des16", t))[aad.length - 1]
- .checked,
- whiteMintOval: (aae = d.querySelectorAll(".des18", t))[aae.length - 1]
- .checked,
- hiddenEdgeLeft: !(aaf = d.querySelectorAll(".butTyp", t))[
- aaf.length - 1
- ].checked,
- dwmyh: S.dwmyh || setts.dwmyh,
- },
- cB: function (prev) {
- console.info("Settings are saved. prev=", prev);
- },
- });
- $q(".siteList .settIn").classList.add("changed");
- };
- })({
- //write "lang:''," to remove hints; 'en' for English hints (fr - Français, es - espagnol), 'ru' for Russian
- lang:
- "" ||
- (navigator.languages && navigator.languages[1]) ||
- navigator.language.substr(0, 2), //='' if hide hints, or 2 letters from $l{}
- sites: [
- //=array or one site in string
- "",
- "slashdot.org",
- "reddit.com",
- "techcrunch.com",
- "habr.com",
- "geektimes.com",
- "smashingmagazine.com",
- "engadget.com",
- ], //write your favorite sites
- lastHoursLess: 1, //=boolean - not show odd some values of hours after 8 h
- design1612: 0, //=boolean - gray design is disabled for layout1811 ===== TODO enable
- whiteMintOval: 1, //=boolean - white-mint-oval design with sticked search field
- hiddenEdgeLeft: 0, //how many extra buttons to hide from left
- dwmyh: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], //=array of numbers - current vals of days, weeks, months, years, hours
- fileType: {}, // turn on or off {doc:1, txt:1}
- meta: {}, // on/off {Ask:1, }
- //TODO meta-data for search of same results {Ya:{title:'',txt:'',url:''},...}
- imgFile: "", // one of: switch to img search or in img search
- imgType: {}, //{itp:'face'}
- imgColor: {}, //{isc:'blue'}
- imgSize: {}, //{isz:'i'}
- imgSizeLt: {}, //{islt:'vga'}
- });