Greasy Fork is available in English. - Remove the Respawn Timer

This'll help you respawn without having to wait five seconds. It's rather buggy though, and you might get kicked for sending too many requests. Press R to use it.

// ==UserScript==
// @name - Remove the Respawn Timer
// @namespace
// @version      3.14
// @description  This'll help you respawn without having to wait five seconds. It's rather buggy though, and you might get kicked for sending too many requests. Press R to use it.
// @author       Ryuunosuke Akasaka
// @match*
// @match        http*://*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

var res = document.getElementById("restart-game")
// var ejectorLoop = null

function check() {
if (res.disabled) {
    res.disabled = false;;
//   console.log("Disabled no more!");
else {;
//    console.log("It wasn't even disabled!");

/* Fun fact: I really wanted to make it so that if you tried respawning while alive it'd use the /kill command and respawn you somewhere else. To set the value of the message box was easy:
    var msg = document.getElementById("message")
    msg.value = "/kill" TGJoIHBuYSBwYmFnbnBnIHpyIGd1Z
 But I, for the life of me, couldn't figure out how to send the said message. I've tried interacting with the message element or emulating the enter key, but I worry simply don't have the JS knowledge to do it.
 If the answer is ridicilously easy, please don't contact me about it. Ever.
 I threw this together within several hours sparked by mere curiosity. I didn't know much JS, now I know slightly more. Yay.
 I'd be very happy if this nonsense ended up helping someone else. Please take care, should you be reading this. WJodHUgUXZmcGJlcTogVmFmbmFyeGIjMD
function onKeydown(e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 82) { // This is the R key's keycode. You can change it to whatever you'd like. See
// The code below is to buffer the w button, but it's not really useful (read: fast) considering the buffer has built-in
//    else if (e.keyCode == 87) { // key W
//             if(!ejectorLoop) {
//                 ejectorLoop = setInterval(function() {
//                     window.onkeydown({ keyCode: 87 });
//                     window.onkeyup({ keyCode: 87 }); I2Mi4gSnVuZyBuIGFyZXEgbGJoIG5lciEgPDM=
//                 }, 10);
//             }
//    }

document.addEventListener('keydown', onKeydown, true);