// ==UserScript==
// @name Ikariam Enhanced UI
// @description Enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam.
// @namespace Tobbe
// @author Tobbe
// @version 4.2
// @license MIT License
// @name:de Ikariam Enhanced UI
// @description:de Verbesserungen der Oberfläche von Ikariam.
// @run-at document-idle
// @include /https?:\/\/s[0-9]*-[a-z]{2}\.ikariam\.gameforge\.com\/.*/
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5574-ikariam-core/code/Ikariam%20Core.js?version=669395
// @connect greasyfork.org
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM.setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM.deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// @grant GM.listValues
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM.getResourceText
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @bug Opera & Chrome Zooming with the mouse is not possible with "Shift" as access key.
// @bug Opera & Chrome No updating of the missing resources is possible due to a missing modification listener.
// @bug All The selected island is not centered in world view.
// @bug All If you are zooming to more than 100%, the view is not centered correctly after a page reload.
// @history 4.2 Release: 10.02.2019
// @history 4.2 Core: Update to Version 3.2.1 - Greasy Fork prohibits update check intervals smaller than 24 hours
// @history 4.2 Core: Update to Version 3.2.1 - Include all translations in the script and remove external dependencies for translations
// @history 4.2 Language: Include all translations in the script and remove external dependencies for translations
// @history 4.2 Language: Update Russian translation
// @history Release: 14.11.2017
// @history Core: Update to Version - Fix issue with Greasemonkey 4.0 and incorrect link to translation files
// @history Language: Update Greek translation
// @history 4.1 Release: 12.11.2017
// @history 4.1 Core: Update to Version 3.1 - Support translations in Greasemonkey 4.0
// @history 4.0 Release: 10.11.2017
// @history 4.0 Core: Update to Version 3.0 - Adjust to work with Greasemonkey 4.0 and Firefox 57
// @history 4.0 Change: Adjust the script to work with Greasemonkey 4.0 and Firefox 57.
// @history 4.0 Bugfix: Global messages break embedded messages preview.
// @history 4.0 Bugfix: Formatting of income table was changed.
// @history 3.4 Release: 19.02.2017
// @history 3.4 Core: Update to Version 2.3.3 - Bug fix (crew conversion broken)
// @history 3.4 Feature: Up to 60 characters of messages are displayed in the message overview.
// @history 3.4 Feature: Link barracks / shipyard from troop overview / dismiss units screen.
// @history 3.4 Bugfix: No jumping header bar anymore due to MMO links.
// @history 3.4 Bugfix: Troop information was displayed incorrectly.
// @history 3.3 Release: 05.06.2016
// @history 3.3 Feature: Add @connect information to avoid requests from Tampermonkey.
// @history 3.3 Feature: Daily expenses in resource information if amount is negative.
// @history 3.3 Bugfix: Tooltip formatting for resource information broken.
// @history 3.3 Bugfix: Formatting of direct tooltip in military advisor broken.
// @history 3.3 Bugfix: Foreign troops are incorrect displayed in troop information.
// @history 3.2.2 Release: 02.02.2016
// @history 3.2.2 Core: Update to Version 2.3.2 - Bug fix (permanent reload of crew conversion)
// @history 3.2.1 Release: 27.01.2016
// @history 3.2.1 Core: Update to Version 2.3.1 - Bug fixes
// @history 3.2 Release: 27.01.2016
// @history 3.2 Core: Update to Version 2.3 - Bug fixes
// @history 3.2 Feature: Let the script also run on SSL encripted Ikariam page.
// @history 3.2 Bugfix: In very rare cases it was possible that the script was to fast and thus did not work.
// @history 3.2 Language: French translation added (incomplete).
// @history 3.1 Release: 14.10.2015
// @history 3.1 Core: Update to Version 2.2 - Bug fixes and user specific options
// @history 3.1 Feature: Player specific signatures in messages.
// @history 3.1 Change: Remove easy circular message functionality as it is implemented directly in Ikariam now.
// @history 3.1 Language: Turkish translation added (incomplete).
// @history 3.0.3 Release: 20.03.2015
// @history 3.0.3 Bugfix: Town name in unit information incorrect.
// @history 3.0.2 Release: 08.03.2015
// @history 3.0.2 Bugfix: Wrong time display for last reset of highscore information.
// @history 3.0.2 Bugfix: Start piracy raid icon was resized.
// @history 3.0.1 Release: 07.03.2015
// @history 3.0.1 Language: Updated Greek translation.
// @history 3.0.1 Bugfix: Language key in message options.
// @history 3.0.1 Bugfix: Alliance member data stored at same place for all alliance members.
// @history 3.0 Release: 05.03.2015
// @history 3.0 Language: Russian translation added (incomplete).
// @history 3.0 Language: Italian translation added (incomplete).
// @history 3.0 Language: Greek translation added (incomplete).
// @history 3.0 Change: Implementation of Ikariam Core - rewrote the complete code.
// @history 3.0 Change: Cleared the update history to use the Ikariam Core labels.
// @history 3.0 Bugfix: Diverse graphic errors.
// @history 3.0 Bugfix: Broken in Firefox and Chrome.
// @history 3.0 Due to rename of script: Manually deleting old script necessary.
// @history 2.6 Release: 12.10.2014
// @history 2.6 Bugfix: Script options were broken.
// @history 2.6 Release: 19.08.2014
// @history 2.5 Bugfix: Game language is recognized again.
// @history 2.5 Bugfix: Works now in Greasemonkey 2.0+
// @history 2.5 Change: Checks now for updates on Greasy Fork.
// @history 2.5 Removed code parts for mobile version.
// @history 2.5 Removed alliance page improvement, as fixed in Ikariam v0.5.13
// @history 2.6 Release: 11.09.2013
// @history 2.4 Bugfix: New Ikariam domain -> script can now be used with this domain
// @history 2.3 Release: 12.04.2013
// @history 2.3 Feature: Formatting troop lists for posting in forums / personal messages.
// @history 2.3 Feature: Filling level of warehouse as bar in town view.
// @history 2.3 Feature: Link to mines / town hall when clicking on resources / citizens.
// @history 2.3 Change: New versioning system.
// @history 2.3 Bugfix: Some characters in links were not decoded correctly.
// @history 2.3 Bugfix: Watching a foreign city causes a abortion of the script.
// @history 2.3 Bugfix: The city dropdown sometimes was zoomed in world view.
// @history 2.3 Bugfix: Removed obsolete CSS styles for Firefox.
// @history 2.3 Adjustments in the language files.
// @history 2.3 Violent Monkey brings Greasemonkey functions to Opera.
// @history 2.2.1 Release: 11.10.2012
// @history 2.2.1 Feature: Smaller icons in direct military tooltip.
// @history 2.2.1 Bugfix: Problems with update check and version numbers >= 10.
// @history 2.2.1 Bugfix: Problems with another script.
// @history 2.2.1 Bugfix: Problems with a wrong style in island view.
// @history 2.2 Release: 10.10.2012
// @history 2.2 Feature: Message signature can be set.
// @history 2.2 Feature: Button for faster sending of circular messages.
// @history 2.2 Feature: Make links in messages clickable.
// @history 2.2 Feature: Show town information of colonizing cities.
// @history 2.2 Feature: Information about cargo / fleets is displayed directly in military view.
// @history 2.2 Feature: Script options: Sections on the script tab can be folded.
// @history 2.2 Bugfix: Tooltips with mouseover were not clickable anymore.
// @history 2.2 Changes in code for better overview.
// @history 2.1.1 Release: 01.10.2012
// @history 2.1.1 Feature: Different styles for income in town view.
// @history 2.1.1 Feature: Remaining resources after upgrade.
// @history 2.1.1 Feature: Improved style for external alliance pages.
// @history 2.1.1 Feature: Refresh the missing / remaining resources in construction view automatically.
// @history 2.1 Release: 23.09.2012
// @history 2.1 Feature: Show the missing resources in construction view.
// @history 2.1 Feature: Show the hourly income directly in town view and add the daily production as popup.
// @history 2.1 Feature: Don't center town information in the town advisor.
// @history 2.1 Feature: Save the highscore data of alliance members and compare it with the actual value.
// @history 2.1 Bugfix: There was an error with a missing language package and seperators.
// @history 2.1 Bugfix: Some things in worldview were not resized correctly.
// @history 2.1 Prevent more than one script execution.
// @history 2.1 Prevent more than one script option panel (the script option panel now is usable for other scripts, too).
// @history 2.0.1 Release: 27.08.2012
// @history 2.0.1 Bugfix: Zooming was broken.
// @history 2.0.1 Bugfix: Dropdown menus created by the script were broken.
// @history 2.0.1 Bugfix: Tooltips in in Alliance / Military view were not shown correctly.
// @history 2.0 Release: 18.07.2012
// @history 2.0 Language: Latvian translation
// @history 2.0 Feature: Cross-browser compatibility.
// @history 2.0 Feature: Possibility to hide the update hint for a new script version.
// @history 2.0 Bugfix: Resizing the owner state in world view was broken.
// @history 2.0 Some changes in the code for easier copying of functions which should be used by more than one script.
// @history 1.7 Release: 12.06.2012
// @history 1.7 Feature: Resizing banners when zooming is possible in city view, too.
// @history 1.7 Feature: The zoom buttons are available in world view, too.
// @history 1.7 Feature: Zooming with the mouse scroll is possible again (now with key, standard is ctrl).
// @history 1.7 Change: Changes in the option panel due to the new zooming function features.
// @history 1.7 Bugfix: If resizing is enabled, zooming with the buttons will resize the banners, too.
// @history 1.7 Bugfix: The chat will not cause to much executions of script functions.
// @history 1.7 The language texts are integrated as resources, so that there is shorter code.
// @history 1.7 Replace the GM_* functions by myGM.* to expand them easy and add new.
// @history 1.6 Release: 05.06.2012
// @history 1.6 Feature: Possibility to hide only the bird swarm animation.
// @history 1.6 Feature: Easier upkeep reduction table.
// @history 1.6 Feature: Enhanced zoom function using the Ikariam zoom function.
// @history 1.6 Due to the use of Ikariam functions the code could be reduced.
// @history 1.6 Code enhancements for shorter code.
// @history Release: 25.05.2012
// @history Bugfix: Not all occurrences of hidden were changed.
// @history 1.5.1 Release: 24.05.2012
// @history 1.5.1 Bugfix: Name of a class (hidden) is used by GF.
// @history 1.5 Release: 24.05.2012
// @history 1.5 Feature: Options panel to enable/disable funtions and set settings.
// @history 1.5 Feature: Update interval can be set.
// @history 1.5 Feature: Manually check for updates.
// @history 1.5 Feature: Zoom function without resizing the whole view.
// @history 1.5 Feature: Move loading circle to another position.
// @history 1.5 Feature: Show tooltip in alliance / military view on mouseover.
// @history 1.5 Change: Code better commented. More comments, so that it is easier to understand.
// @history 1.5 Bugfix: Changed *.gif to *.png.
// @history 1.5 Version numbers adjusted.
// @history 1.4.1 Release: 01.05.2012
// @history 1.4.1 Feature: Support for mobile interface.
// @history 1.4.1 Bugfix: Fixed bug with scrollbar in finances view.
// @history 1.4 Release: 20.04.2012
// @history 1.4 Feature: Ready for 0.5.0, but also supports 0.4.5 furthermore.
// @history 1.4 Feature: Implemented support for different languages.
// @history 1.4 Feature: Enhanced script updater.
// @history 1.4 Change: Cleaned up code.
// @history 1.4 Change: Rename the script to "Enhanced UI".
// @history 1.4 Change: Change the namespace to "Tobbe".
// @history 1.4 Because of the change of namespace and name you have to delete the old script manually!
// @history 1.3.3 Release: 11.04.2011
// @history 1.3.3 Bugfix: Problem with negative numbers and fixed.
// @history 1.3.2 Release: 15.01.2011
// @history 1.3.2 Feature: Own script updater.
// @history 1.3.2 Change: Remove everything what refered to other scripts.
// @history 1.3.1 Release: 15.01.2011
// @history 1.3.1 Change: New script updater.
// @history 1.3 Release: 14.01.2011
// @history 1.3 Change: Remove the script updater (Because of the problem with Greasemonkey scripts).
// @history 1.2.1 Release: 28.12.2010
// @history 1.2.1 Change: New style of update panel.
// @history 1.2.1 Bugfix: Bug with ',' as seperator fixed.
// @history 1.2 Release: 09.10.2010
// @history 1.2 Feature: Income in 24h added.
// @history 1.2 Change: Cleaned up code.
// @history 1.1 Release: 13.04.2010
// @history 1.1 Feature: Update check implemented.
// @history 1.0 Release: 12.04.2010
// @history 1.0 Initial release.
// ==/UserScript==
* Instantiate a new set of enhancement functions.
* {@link https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4369-ikariam-enhanced-ui Script on Greasy Fork}
* {@link https://github.com/IkaScripts/IkariamEnhancedUI Script on GitHub}
* @version 4.2
* @author Tobbe <[email protected]>
* @global
* @class
* @classdesc Enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam.
* @param {IkariamCore} $
* An instance of the Ikariam Core.
function EnhancedUI(IC) {
* Script toolbar.
* @type {element}
var ge_toolbar = IC.myGM.addElement('div', IC.myGM.$('#GF_toolbar'), { 'id': 'toolbar' }, true, IC.myGM.$('#GF_toolbar ul'));
'#GF_toolbar > ul { width: auto !important; text-align: center !important; pointer-events: none; } \
#GF_toolbar > ul > * { pointer-events: auto; } \
#GF_toolbar #mmoNewsticker { display: inline-block !important; position: relative !important; } \
#GF_toolbar #mmoNewsticker > ul { width: 300px !important; } \
#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'toolbar { float: right; } \
#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'toolbar > div { display: inline-block; position: relative; float: right; margin: 0px 5px; }',
IC.Options.addWrapper('diverseOptions', IC.Language.$('diverse.options.wrapperTitle'));
IC.con.groupCollapsed('IkariamEnhancedUI initalization ...');
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: toolbar and general styles created');
// General functions to enhance the view.
(function() {
IC.Options.addWrapper('enhancedView', IC.Language.$('view.options.wrapperTitle'));
// Move the loading circle to the breadcrumb area.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('moveLoadingCircle', 'enhancedView', 1, true, IC.Language.$('view.options.moveLoadingCircle'), {
changeCallback: function(ib_newValue) {
if(ib_newValue === true) {
'#js_worldBread { margin-left: 16px !important; } \
#loadingPreview { transform: scale(0.5); -webkit-transform: scale(0.5); left: 35px !important; top: 141px !important; }',
// Hide the flying bird swarm.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('hideBirds', 'enhancedView', 1, true, IC.Language.$('view.options.hideBirds'), {
changeCallback: function(ib_newValue) {
if(ib_newValue === true) {
'.bird_swarm { display: none; }',
// Bind the town name and date to the top of the row in the town advisor.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('noVerticalCenterInTownAdvisor', 'enhancedView', 1, true, IC.Language.$('view.options.noVerticalCenterInTownAdvisor'), {
changeCallback: function(ib_newValue) {
if(ib_newValue === true) {
'#inboxCity td { vertical-align: top !important; }',
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: view functions created');
// Functions for the island view.
(function() {
* Storage for the colonizing city info functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_colonizingCityInfo = new function() {
* Add the link to show the colonizing city information.
var _lf_doShowColonizingCityInfo = function() {
var la_colonizingCities = IC.myGM.$$('.level0');
la_colonizingCities.forEach(function(le_colonizingCity) {
var ls_locationId = le_colonizingCity.id.replace(/\D/g, '');
var ls_cityId = IC.ika.getScreen().data.cities[ls_locationId].id;
IC.myGM.$('#js_cityLocation' + ls_locationId + 'Link').href = '?view=cityDetails&destinationCityId=' + ls_cityId;
* Remove the link to show the colonizing city information.
var _lf_doHideColonizingCityInfo = function() {
var la_colonizingCityLinks = IC.myGM.$$('.level0 .link_img');
la_colonizingCityLinks.forEach(function(le_colonizingCityLink) {
le_colonizingCityLink.href = '';
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showColonizingCityInfo
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the colonizing city info.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showColonizingCityInfo) {
if(IC.Ikariam.view !== 'island')
if(ib_showColonizingCityInfo === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('*', 'showColonizingCityInfo', _lf_doShowColonizingCityInfo);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('*', 'showColonizingCityInfo');
// Retrieve information about colonies during colonization.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showColonizingCityInfo', 'diverseOptions', 1, true, IC.Language.$('island.options.showColonizingCityInfo'), { changeCallback: _go_colonizingCityInfo.updateSettings });
// Add a divider line.
IC.Options.addLine('diverseOptions', 1);
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: island functions created');
// Functions for the finance popup.
* Some general functions for the finance view enhancements.
* @type {object}
var _go_generalFunctions = new function() {
* Extract the current income in the finance popup.
* @return {int}
* The current income.
this.getIncome = function() {
var le_incomeCell = IC.myGM.$$('.hidden')[IC.myGM.$$('.hidden').length - 1];
le_incomeCell = le_incomeCell.firstChild;
return IC.Ikariam.getInt(le_incomeCell.innerHTML);
* Create a new table row.
* @param {element} ie_parentTable
* The table to add the row to.
* @param {string[]} ia_classes
* The class(es) of the table row. Set to null if no class should be set.
* @param {object[]} ia_cells
* The data for the table cells. Both properties of each cell are optional. If the cell object is empty, an empty cell is created.
* Signature: <code>[{ className: ['class1', 'class2', ...], text: 'cellContent' }]</code>
* @param {boolean} ib_isTableHeadRow
* If the cells should be table header cells (th).
* @return {element}
* The created row.
this.createTableRow = function(ie_parentTable, ia_classes, ia_cells, ib_isTableHeadRow) {
var re_newRow = IC.myGM.addElement('tr', ie_parentTable, { classes: ia_classes });
var ls_cellType = 'td';
ls_cellType = 'th';
for(var i = 0; i < ia_cells.length; i++) {
var lo_options = {
'classes': ia_cells[i].className
if(!!ia_cells[i].text === true)
lo_options['innerHTML'] = ia_cells[i].text;
IC.myGM.addElement(ls_cellType, re_newRow, lo_options);
return re_newRow;
* Storage for the income on top functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_incomeOnTop = new function() {
* Callback to show the income on top.
var _lf_doShowIncomeOnTop = function() {
var le_summaryTable = IC.myGM.$('.table01 tbody');
var li_income = _go_generalFunctions.getIncome();
var la_incomeCells = [
{ className: ['sigma'], text: IC.Language.$('finance.income.perHour') },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'], text: IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(li_income) }
_go_generalFunctions.createTableRow(le_summaryTable, [], la_incomeCells);
la_incomeCells[0].text = IC.Language.$('finance.income.perDay');
la_incomeCells[1].text = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(li_income * 24);
_go_generalFunctions.createTableRow(le_summaryTable, [], la_incomeCells);
var le_premiumCell = IC.myGM.$('.premiumOffer', le_summaryTable);
le_premiumCell.rowSpan = le_premiumCell.rowSpan + 2;
// Adjust the size of the Scrollbar.
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showIncomeOnTop
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the income on top.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showIncomeOnTop) {
if(ib_showIncomeOnTop === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('finances', 'showIncomeOnTop', _lf_doShowIncomeOnTop);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('finances', 'showIncomeOnTop');
* Storage for the short upkeep reduction table functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_shortUpkeepReductionTable = new function() {
* Extract the data from the old tables.
* @param {element[]} ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables
* The old upkeep tables to collapse.
* @return {object[]}
* The data for the table rows.
* Signature:
* <code>[{
* rows: [
* { reason : 'reason', basicUpkeep: int, supplyUpkeep: int, result: int }
* ]
* priorToReduction: int
* income: int
* }]</code>
var _lf_getData = function(ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables) {
var ro_data = {
rows: [],
priorToReduction: IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.myGM.$('td.hidden', ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[2]).innerHTML),
income: _go_generalFunctions.getIncome()
// Get the data for the troops and ships redution rows.
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var le_basicUpkeepCell = IC.myGM.$$('.alt.bottomLine td.hidden, .result td.hidden', ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[0])[i];
var le_supplyUpkeepCell = IC.myGM.$$('.alt.bottomLine td.hidden, .result td.hidden', ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[1])[i];
var li_basicUpkeep = IC.Ikariam.getInt(le_basicUpkeepCell.innerHTML);
var li_supplyUpkeep = IC.Ikariam.getInt(le_supplyUpkeepCell.innerHTML);
var lo_row = {
reason: IC.Language.$('finance.upkeep.reason.' + i),
basicUpkeep: li_basicUpkeep,
supplyUpkeep: li_supplyUpkeep,
result: li_basicUpkeep + li_supplyUpkeep
return ro_data;
* Prepare the table rows for easy adding to the new table.
* @param {element[]} ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables
* The old upkeep tables to collapse.
* @return {object[]}
* The data for the table rows.
* Signature:
* <code>[{
* classes: 'class' || ['class1', 'class2', ...]
* isHeadRow: true || false
* cells: [
* { className: 'class' || ['class1', 'class2', ...], text: 'cellContent' (optional) }
* ]
* }]</code>
var _lf_prepareTableRows = function(ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables) {
var lo_data = _lf_getData(ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables);
var ra_tableRows = [];
// Header
classes: [],
isHeadRow: true,
cells: [
{ className: ['city', 'left'] },
{ className: ['left'], text: IC.Language.$('finance.upkeep.basic') },
{ className: ['left'], text: IC.Language.$('finance.upkeep.supply') },
{ className: ['left'], text: IC.Language.$('finance.upkeep.result') }
// Income without reduction
classes: ['alt', 'bottomLine'],
isHeadRow: false,
cells: [
{ className: ['city', 'left'], text: IC.Language.$('finance.income.start') },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'] },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'] },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'], text: IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(lo_data.priorToReduction) }
// Income reduction
lo_data.rows.forEach(function(io_row, ii_index) {
var trClass = [];
if(ii_index % 2 === 1)
trClass = ['alt', 'bottomLine'];
classes: trClass,
isHeadRow: false,
cells: [
{ className: ['city', 'left'], text: io_row.reason },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'], text: IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(-io_row.basicUpkeep) },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'], text: IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(-io_row.supplyUpkeep) },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'], text: IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(-io_row.result) }
// Result
classes: ['result'],
isHeadRow: false,
cells: [
{ className: ['sigma', 'left'], text: '<img alt="Summe" src="skin/layout/sigma.png">' },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'] },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'] },
{ className: ['nowrap', 'res'], text: IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(lo_data.income) }
return ra_tableRows;
* Create the new upkeep reduction table.
* @param {element[]} ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables
* The old upkeep tables.
var _lf_createNewTable = function(ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables) {
var le_shortTable = IC.myGM.addElement('table', ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[0].parentNode, {
'id': 'balance',
'classes': ['table01', 'border']
}, null, ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[0]);
var la_tableRows = _lf_prepareTableRows(ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables);
la_tableRows.forEach(function(io_rowData) {
_go_generalFunctions.createTableRow(le_shortTable, io_rowData.classes, io_rowData.cells, io_rowData.isHeadRow);
IC.myGM.addElement('hr', ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[0].parentNode, {}, null, ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[0]);
* Toggle the status of an old upkeep table (collapsed / non-collapsed).
var _lf_toggleUpkeepReductionTable = function() {
var la_rows = IC.myGM.$$('tr:not(:first-child)', this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode);
la_rows.forEach(function(ie_row) {
// Adjust the size of the Scrollbar.
* Minimize the old upkeep tables and make them collapsable.
* @param {element[]} ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables
* The old upkeep tables to collapse.
var _lf_minimizeOldTables = function(ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables) {
for(var i = 0; i < ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables.length; i++) {
var la_rows = IC.myGM.$$('tr', ia_oldUpkeepReductionTables[i]);
la_rows.forEach(function(ie_row, ii_index) {
if(ii_index !== 0)
var le_buttonParent = IC.myGM.$('th', la_rows[0]);
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_buttonParent, {
'class': 'maximizeImg',
'style': [['cssFloat', 'left']],
'title': IC.Language.$('general.expand'),
'click': _lf_toggleUpkeepReductionTable
}, null, le_buttonParent.firstChild);
* Callback to show the short upkeep reduction table.
var _lf_doShowShortTable = function() {
var la_oldUpkeepReductionTables = IC.myGM.$$('.upkeepReductionTable');
// Adjust the size of the Scrollbar.
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showShortTable
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the short upkeep reduction table.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showShortTable) {
if(ib_showShortTable === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('finances', 'shortUpkeepReductionTable', function() { _lf_doShowShortTable(); });
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('finances', 'shortUpkeepReductionTable');
// Show the income also on top in finance popup.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showIncomeOnTop', 'diverseOptions', 1, true, IC.Language.$('finance.options.showIncomeOnTop'), { changeCallback: _go_incomeOnTop.updateSettings });
// Short overview upkeep reduction table in finance popup.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('shortUpkeepReductionTable', 'diverseOptions', 1, true, IC.Language.$('finance.options.shortUpkeepReductionTable'), { changeCallback: _go_shortUpkeepReductionTable.updateSettings });
// Add a divider line.
IC.Options.addLine('diverseOptions', 1);
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: finance functions created');
// Functions for missing resources.
(function() {
* Storage for the missing ressources functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_showMissingResources = new function() {
* Update the information in the missing resources wrappers.
* @param {boolean} ib_isUpdateView
* If the update is in the update view.
var _lf_updateInformation = function(ib_isUpdateView) {
var la_currentResources = [
IC.ika.getModel().currentResources.resource, // Wood.
IC.ika.getModel().currentResources[1], // Wine.
IC.ika.getModel().currentResources[2], // Marble.
IC.ika.getModel().currentResources[3], // Crystal.
IC.ika.getModel().currentResources[4] // Sulfur.
var lb_showPositiveNumbers = IC.Options.getOption('missingResources', 'showPositive') === true && ib_isUpdateView === true;
var lb_showMissingColoured = IC.Options.getOption('missingResources', 'showColoured');
var ls_resourcesPattern = '%resources%';
if(ib_isUpdateView !== true)
ls_resourcesPattern = ' (' + ls_resourcesPattern + ')';
for(var i = 0; i < IC.Ikariam.resourceNames.length; i++) {
var la_missingWrappers = IC.myGM.$$('.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'missingResources' + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[i]);
if(!!la_missingWrappers) {
for(var k = 0; k < la_missingWrappers.length; k++) {
var le_neededWrapper = la_missingWrappers[k].previousSibling;
var li_missing = la_currentResources[i] - IC.Ikariam.getInt(le_neededWrapper.nodeValue);
if(li_missing < 0 || lb_showPositiveNumbers === true) {
var ls_formattedMissingValue = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(li_missing, lb_showMissingColoured, true);
la_missingWrappers[k].innerHTML = ls_resourcesPattern.replace(/\%resources\%/, ls_formattedMissingValue);
} else {
la_missingWrappers[k].innerHTML = '';
* Add the missing resources wrappers.
* @param {boolean} ib_isUpdateView
* If the wrappers are added to the update view.
var _lf_addMissingWrappers = function(ib_isUpdateView) {
var ls_wrapperSelector = '#buildingGround .resources';
if(ib_isUpdateView === true)
ls_wrapperSelector = '#sidebar .resources';
var la_wrappers = IC.myGM.$$(ls_wrapperSelector);
for(var i = 0; i < la_wrappers.length; i++) {
for(var k = 0; k < IC.Ikariam.resourceNames.length; k++) {
var le_resourceNode = IC.myGM.$('.' + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[k], la_wrappers[i]);
if(!!le_resourceNode) {
IC.myGM.addElement('span', le_resourceNode, { 'classes': ['missingResources', 'missingResources' + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[k]] }, true);
* Update the missing resources in building ground popup.
var _lf_doUpdateInBuildingView = function() {
if(!IC.myGM.$('#buildingGround_c')) {
* Update the missing resources in update view.
var _lf_doUpdateInUpdateView = function() {
if(!IC.myGM.$('#buildingUpgrade')) {
* Show the missing resources in building ground popup.
var _lf_doShowInBuildingGround = function() {
IC.Observer.add('missingResourcesBuilding', IC.myGM.$('#cityResources'), { childList: true, subtree: true }, _lf_doUpdateInBuildingView, _lf_doUpdateInBuildingView);
* Show the missing resources in update view.
var _lf_doShowInUpdateView = function() {
if(!IC.myGM.$('#buildingUpgrade') || IC.myGM.$$('.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'missingResources').length > 0)
IC.Observer.add('missingResourcesUpgrade', IC.myGM.$('#cityResources'), { childList: true, subtree: true }, _lf_doUpdateInUpdateView, _lf_doUpdateInUpdateView);
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showMissingResources
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the missing resources info.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showMissingResources) {
if(ib_showMissingResources === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('buildingGround', 'showMissingResources', _lf_doShowInBuildingGround);
IC.RefreshHandler.add('%', 'showMissingResources', _lf_doShowInUpdateView);
'#sidebar #buildingUpgrade ul.resources li { width: 120px; } \
#sidebar #buildingUpgrade ul.resources li.time { width: 60px !important; } \
#sidebar .' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'missingResources { float: right; }',
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('buildingGround', 'showMissingResources');
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('%', 'showMissingResources');
IC.Options.addWrapper('missingResources', IC.Language.$('missingResources.options.wrapperTitle'));
// Show missing resources in upgrade / building view.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('show', 'missingResources', 1, true, IC.Language.$('missingResources.options.show'), { changeCallback: _go_showMissingResources.updateSettings });
// Disable coloring of the missing resources.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showPositive', 'missingResources', 2, true, IC.Language.$('missingResources.options.showPositive'), {});
// Show only missing ressources, not also remaining.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showColoured', 'missingResources', 2, true, IC.Language.$('missingResources.options.showColoured'), {});
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: missing resource functions created');
// Functions for tooltips.
(function() {
* Storage for the autoshow tootips functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_autoshowTooltips = new function() {
* General function for autowhow.
* @param {string} onclickWrapperClass
* The class of the wrapper which has the onclik attribute set.
var _lf_autoshowTooltipsGeneral = function(onclickWrapperClass) {
IC.myGM.$$('.' + onclickWrapperClass).forEach(function(onclickWrapper) {
var onclickFunction = onclickWrapper.onclick;
onclickWrapper.onclick = 'return false;';
var newHandler = IC.myGM.$('.magnify_icon', onclickWrapper);
newHandler = onclickWrapper;
newHandler.addEventListener('mouseover', function(e) { IC.ika.controller.captureMousePosition(e); onclickFunction(e); }, true);
IC.myGM.$('.templateView .mainContent').addEventListener('click', function() { IC.win.$(document).trigger("closeExclusiveInfo"); }, true);
* Autmatically show tooltips in alliance member lists.
var _lf_doAutoshowTooltipsAlliance = function() {
* Autmatically show tooltips in military advisor.
var _lf_doAutoshowTooltipsMilitaryAdvisor = function() {
if(IC.Options.getOption('moduleOptions', 'showDirectMilitaryTooltips') === true)
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} autoshowTooltips
* If the user selected the checkbox to autoshow tooltips.
this.updateSettings = function(autoshowTooltips) {
var alliancePopupIds = ['diplomacyAllyMemberlist', 'embassy'];
if(autoshowTooltips === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('militaryAdvisor', 'autoshowTooltips', _lf_doAutoshowTooltipsMilitaryAdvisor);
IC.RefreshHandler.add(alliancePopupIds, 'autoshowTooltips', _lf_doAutoshowTooltipsAlliance);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('militaryAdvisor', 'autoshowTooltips');
IC.RefreshHandler.remove(alliancePopupIds, 'autoshowTooltips');
* Storage for the direct military tooltip functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_directMilitaryTooltips = new function() {
* Storage for the class ids and their corresponding translations. Each class is a property of the object with the translation stored in it.
* @type {object}
var _lo_idTranslation = {};
* Fill the id translation object.
var _lf_fillIdTranslation = function() {
if(_lo_idTranslation.length === 0)
var la_troops = ['swordsman', 'phalanx', 'archer', 'marksman', 'mortar', 'slinger', 'catapult', 'ram', 'steamgiant', 'bombardier', 'cook', 'medic', 'gyrocopter', 'spearman', 'spartan'];
var la_ships = ['balliasta', 'catapult', 'flamethrower', 'mortar', 'ram', 'steamboat', 'rocketship', 'submarine', 'paddlespeedship', 'balloncarrier', 'tender', 'transport', 'premium_transport'];
var la_resources = IC.Ikariam.resourceNames;
la_troops.forEach(function(is_troopName) {
_lo_idTranslation[is_troopName] = IC.Language.$('diverse.name.unit.' + is_troopName);
la_ships.forEach(function(is_shipName) {
_lo_idTranslation['ship_' + is_shipName] = IC.Language.$('diverse.name.ship.' + is_shipName.replace('premium_', ''));
la_resources.forEach(function(is_resourceName) {
_lo_idTranslation[is_resourceName] = IC.Language.$('diverse.name.resource.' + is_resourceName);
* Hide the number of ships for the own peaceful missions (trade / transport).
var _lf_hideShipNumberOwnPeacefulMissions = function() {
var la_ownEventTableRows = IC.myGM.$$('#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable .military_event_table tr.own');
la_ownEventTableRows.forEach(function(ie_tableRow) {
var le_missionDiv = IC.myGM.$('td:nth-child(1) div.mission_icon', ie_tableRow);
var lb_peacefulMission = le_missionDiv.classList.contains('transport') || le_missionDiv.classList.contains('trade');
if(lb_peacefulMission === true) {
IC.myGM.$('td:nth-child(4) div', ie_tableRow).classList.add('invisible');
* Show the military tooltips directly.
var _lf_doShowDirectMilitaryTooltips = function() {
IC.myGM.$$('.spyMilitary').forEach(function(ie_movementWrapper) {
ie_movementWrapper.onclick = 'return false;';
var le_movementsTable = IC.myGM.$('#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable');
IC.myGM.forEach(_lo_idTranslation, function(is_classId, is_translation) {
IC.myGM.$$('.icon40.' + is_classId, le_movementsTable).forEach(function(ie_detailIcon) {
ie_detailIcon.title = is_translation;
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showDirectMilitaryTooltips
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the military tooltips directly.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showDirectMilitaryTooltips) {
if(ib_showDirectMilitaryTooltips === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('militaryAdvisor', 'showDirectMilitaryTooltips', _lf_doShowDirectMilitaryTooltips);
'#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable .military_event_table .magnify_icon { background-image: none; cursor: default; width: 240px; } \
#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable .military_event_table .magnify_icon .infoTip { display: inline; position: relative; padding: 0px; border: none; top: 0px; } \
#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable .military_event_table .magnify_icon .infoTip h5 { display: none; } \
#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable .military_event_table .icon40 { background-size: 25px 25px; background-color: transparent; padding: 26px 3px 0px 3px; width: 30px; } \
#js_MilitaryMovementsFleetMovementsTable .military_event_table .icon40.resource_icon { background-size: 20px 16px; }',
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('militaryAdvisor', 'showDirectMilitaryTooltips');
// Show alliance / military tooltips directly.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('autoshowTooltips', 'diverseOptions', 1, true, IC.Language.$('tooltips.options.autoshow'), { changeCallback: _go_autoshowTooltips.updateSettings });
// Show military tooltips directly.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showDirectMilitaryTooltips', 'diverseOptions', 1, false, IC.Language.$('tooltips.options.showDirectInMilitaryAdvisor'), { changeCallback: _go_directMilitaryTooltips.updateSettings });
// Add a divider line.
IC.Options.addLine('diverseOptions', 1);
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: tooltip functions created');
// Zoom function.
(function() {
* Storage for the zoom functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_zoomView = new function() {
* Storage for the minimum zoom factor.
* @type {int}
var _li_minZoom = 55;
* Storage for the maximum zoom factor.
* @type {int}
var _li_maxZoom = 150;
* Storage for the zoom step size.
* @type {int}
var _li_zoomStep = 5;
* Storage for the actual mousewheel callback.
* @type {function}
var _lf_mousewheelCallbackStorage = IC.ika.getController().mouseScrollHandle;
* Getter for the minimum zoom factor.
* @return {int}
* The minimum zoom factor.
this.__defineGetter__('minZoom', function() { return _li_minZoom; });
* Getter for the maximum zoom factor.
* @return {int}
* The maximum zoom factor.
this.__defineGetter__('maxZoom', function() { return _li_maxZoom; });
* Getter for the zoom step size.
* @return {int}
* The zoom step size.
this.__defineGetter__('zoomStep', function() { return _li_zoomStep; });
* Initialize the zoom bounds (min and max zoom).
var _lf_initBounds = function() {
var li_minZoom = Math.round(IC.ika.worldview_scale_min * 100);
if(li_minZoom % 5 != 0)
li_minZoom = li_minZoom + (5 - (li_minZoom % 5));
_li_minZoom = li_minZoom;
IC.ika.worldview_scale_min = _li_minZoom / 100;
IC.ika.worldview_scale_max = _li_maxZoom / 100;
* Zoom the world view, as there is no function provided by Ikariam.
* @param {decimal} in_zoomFactor
* The zoom factor as decimal number (1 =^= 100%)
var _lf_zoomWorldView = function(in_zoomFactor) {
var li_translateXY = (100 - 100 / in_zoomFactor) / 2;
var ls_heightWidth = (100 / in_zoomFactor) + '% !important';
var ls_transformString = 'scale(' + in_zoomFactor + ') translate(' + li_translateXY + '%, ' + li_translateXY + '%)';
'#scrollcover { transform: ' + ls_transformString + '; -webkit-transform: ' + ls_transformString + '; height: ' + ls_heightWidth + '; width: ' + ls_heightWidth + '; }',
'zoomWorld', true
var le_map = IC.myGM.$('#map1');
le_map.style.top = '0px';
le_map.style.left = '0px';
* Rescale the badges and symbols.
* @param {decimal} in_zoomFactorNumber
* The zoom factor as decimal number (1 =^= 100%)
var _lf_scaleChildren = function(in_zoomFactorNumber) {
var ls_transformString = 'transform: scale(' + 1 / in_zoomFactorNumber + '); -webkit-transform: scale(' + 1 / in_zoomFactorNumber + ');';
var ls_style = '';
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'world') {
var ls_ownerState = '';
if(in_zoomFactorNumber < 1)
ls_ownerState = ', .ownerState';
ls_style = '.islandTile .wonder, .islandTile .tradegood, .islandTile .cities, .islandTile .piracyInRange' + ls_ownerState + ' { ' + ls_transformString + ' } \
.islandTile .cities { bottom: 10px !important; }';
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'island') {
var ls_movePiracy = 'transform: translate(0px, -' + (1 - in_zoomFactorNumber) * 20 + 'px) scale(' + 1 / in_zoomFactorNumber + ');';
ls_style = '.cityLocation .scroll_img, .cityLocationScroll .scroll_img { ' + ls_transformString + ' } \
.cityLocation .piracyRaid { ' + ls_movePiracy + ' }';
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'town')
ls_style = '.timetofinish { ' + ls_transformString + ' }';
IC.myGM.addStyle(ls_style, 'scaleChildren', true);
* Update the zoom in and zoom out button and the percentage in the middle.
* @param {int} ii_zoomFactor
* The zoom factor as percentage.
var _lf_updateZoomButtons = function(ii_zoomFactor) {
var le_zoomFactorDiv = IC.myGM.$('#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomFactor');
var le_zoomIn = IC.myGM.$('#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomIn');
var le_zoomOut = IC.myGM.$('#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomOut');
if(!!le_zoomFactorDiv) {
le_zoomFactorDiv.innerHTML = ii_zoomFactor + '%';
if(!!le_zoomIn) {
le_zoomIn.style.visibility = '';
if(ii_zoomFactor >= _li_maxZoom)
le_zoomIn.style.visibility = 'hidden';
if(!!le_zoomOut) {
le_zoomOut.style.visibility = '';
if(ii_zoomFactor <= _li_minZoom)
le_zoomOut.style.visibility = 'hidden';
* Calculate the zoom factor as decimal number and execute the zoom function. If it is requestet, call also the rescale function for child elements.
* @param {int} ii_zoomFactor
* The zoom factor as percentage.
var _lf_zoomView = function(ii_zoomFactor) {
var ln_zoomFactorNumber = ii_zoomFactor / 100.0;
var li_scale = 0;
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'island')
li_scale = IC.ika.worldview_scale_island;
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'town')
li_scale = IC.ika.worldview_scale_city;
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'world') {
} else {
var li_stepNumber = Math.round((ln_zoomFactorNumber - li_scale) / .05);
var le_worldview = IC.myGM.$('#worldview');
var li_posX = le_worldview.offsetLeft + le_worldview.offsetWidth / 2;
var li_posY = le_worldview.offsetTop + le_worldview.offsetHeight / 2;
IC.ika.controller.scaleWorldMap(li_stepNumber, li_posX, li_posY);
if(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', IC.Ikariam.view + 'ScaleChildren') === true)
* Ensure that the requested zoom factor is in the bounds and update the view.
* @param {int} ii_zoomFactor
* The zoom factor as percentage.
var _lf_zoom = function(ii_zoomFactor) {
if(ii_zoomFactor > _li_maxZoom)
ii_zoomFactor = _li_maxZoom;
if(ii_zoomFactor < _li_minZoom)
ii_zoomFactor = _li_minZoom;
IC.Options.setOption('zoom', IC.Ikariam.view + 'Factor', ii_zoomFactor);
* Zoom one step in.
var _lf_zoomIn = function() {
var li_factor = IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', IC.Ikariam.view + 'Factor', 100)) + _li_zoomStep;
* Zoom one step out.
var _lf_zoomOut = function() {
var li_factor = IC.Options.getOption('zoom', IC.Ikariam.view + 'Factor', 100) - _li_zoomStep;
* Add the zoom buttons.
var _lf_addZoomButtons = function() {
var le_zoomWrapper = IC.myGM.addElement('div', ge_toolbar, { 'id': 'zoomWrapper' });
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_zoomWrapper, {
'id': 'zoomIn',
'class': 'maximizeImg',
'title': IC.Language.$('zoom.zoomIn'),
'click': _lf_zoomIn
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_zoomWrapper, {
'id': 'zoomFactor',
'title': IC.Language.$('zoom.factor')
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_zoomWrapper, {
'id': 'zoomOut',
'class': 'minimizeImg',
'title': IC.Language.$('zoom.zoomOut'),
'click': _lf_zoomOut
'#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomWrapper { width: 72px; margin: 0px -5px !important; transform: scale(0.75); scale(0.75); -webkit-transform: scale(0.75); } \
#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomWrapper > div { display: inline-block; position: relative; } \
#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomFactor { top: -4px; width: 35px; text-align: center; }',
* Set the zoom to 100% if in world view or if it was bigger than 100% and remove the zoom buttons and all styles for the zoom.
var _lf_resetZoom = function() {
if((IC.Ikariam.view == 'island' && IC.ika.worldview_scale_island > 1) || (IC.Ikariam.view == 'town' && IC.ika.worldview_scale_city > 1) || IC.Ikariam.view == 'world')
IC.ika.worldview_scale_max = 1;
IC.myGM.removeElement(IC.myGM.$('#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'zoomWrapper'));
* Check, if the key are pressed which are required to zoom with the mouse.
* @param {object} io_event
* The "event object" with information about the mouse scroll and pressed keys.
* @return {boolean}
* If the correct keys were pressed.
var _lf_keysOK = function(io_event) {
var lb_ctrlOK = !!io_event.ctrlKey;
if(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', 'ctrlAsAccessKey') === false)
lb_ctrlOK = true;
var lb_altOK = !!io_event.altKey;
if(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', 'altAsAccessKey') === false)
lb_altOK = true;
var lb_shiftOK = !!io_event.shiftKey;
if(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', 'shiftAsAccessKey') === false)
lb_shiftOK = true;
return lb_ctrlOK && lb_altOK && lb_shiftOK;
* Calculate the delta the mousewheel was turned.
* @param {object} io_event
* The "event object" with information about the mouse scroll and pressed keys.
* @return {int}
* The delta the mousewheel was moved.
var _lf_calculateDelta = function(io_event) {
var ri_stepNumber = 0;
// Get the number of steps to scroll.
ri_stepNumber = io_event.wheelDelta / 120;
if (io_event.detail)
ri_stepNumber = -io_event.detail / 3;
if (io_event.wheelDeltaY !== undefined)
ri_stepNumber = io_event.wheelDeltaY / 120;
// If the number is between -1 and 0, set it to -1.
if(ri_stepNumber < 0)
ri_stepNumber = ri_stepNumber > -1 ? -1 : Math.round(ri_stepNumber);
// If the number is between 0 and 1, set it to 1.
ri_stepNumber = ri_stepNumber < 1 ? 1 : Math.round(ri_stepNumber);
return ri_stepNumber;
* Handler for mousescroll to zoom.
* @param {object} io_event
* The "event object" with information about the mouse scroll and pressed keys.
* @return false
* If the prevent default method is not available to prevent the default action.
var _lf_mouseScroll = function(io_event) {
if(_lf_keysOK(io_event) === true) {
// If the scrolling is horizontally return.
if(io_event.axis !== undefined && io_event.axis === io_event.HORIZONTAL_AXIS)
var li_factor = IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', IC.Ikariam.view + 'Factor')) + _li_zoomStep * _lf_calculateDelta(io_event);
// Prevent the default event.
return false;
* Change the mousewheel listener to a new callback.
* @param {function} if_newCallback
* The new callback for the mousewheel listener.
var _lf_changeMouseWheelListener = function(if_newCallback) {
if(_lf_mousewheelCallbackStorage == if_newCallback)
var ls_scrollDivId = '#worldmap';
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'world')
ls_scrollDivId = '#map1';
if(_lf_mousewheelCallbackStorage == IC.ika.getController().mouseScrollHandle) {
// Remove the ikariam mouse wheel listener and add the own. (with the use of Ikariam-jQuery)
var scrollDiv = IC.myGM.$(ls_scrollDivId);
scrollDiv.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', if_newCallback, false);
scrollDiv.addEventListener('mousewheel', if_newCallback, false);
} else {
var scrollDiv = IC.myGM.$(ls_scrollDivId);
scrollDiv.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', _lf_mousewheelCallbackStorage, false);
scrollDiv.removeEventListener('mousewheel', _lf_mousewheelCallbackStorage, false);
IC.win.$(ls_scrollDivId).on('mousewheel', if_newCallback);
_lf_mousewheelCallbackStorage = if_newCallback;
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_zoomView
* If the user selected the checkbox to zoom.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_zoomView) {
if(ib_zoomView === true) {
_lf_zoom(IC.Options.getOption('zoom', IC.Ikariam.view + 'Factor'));
* Storage for the option creation functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_zoomOptions = new function() {
* If the zoom wrapper is already created.
var _lb_zoomWrapperCreated = false;
* Add the select fields for the zoom factors.
var _lf_addFactorSelects = function(ib_replace) {
var la_options = [];
for(var i = _go_zoomView.minZoom; i <= _go_zoomView.maxZoom; i = i + _go_zoomView.zoomStep) {
la_options.push({ value: i, label: i + '%' });
IC.Ikariam.viewNames.forEach(function(is_view, ii_index) {
IC.Options.addSelect(is_view + 'Factor', 'zoom', 'factors', 100, IC.Language.$('zoom.options.factor.' + is_view), la_options, { replace: !!ib_replace });
* Add the checkboxes fields for rescaling the badges and icons.
var _lf_addScaleChildrenCheckboxes = function() {
IC.Options.addHTML('scaleChildrenDescription', 'zoom', 'scale', { html: '<p>' + IC.Language.$('zoom.options.scaleChildren.label') + '</p>' });
IC.Ikariam.viewNames.forEach(function(is_view) {
IC.Options.addCheckbox(is_view + 'ScaleChildren', 'zoom', 'scale', true, IC.Language.$('zoom.options.scaleChildren.' + is_view), {});
* Add the checkboxes for the access keys.
var _lf_addAccessKeyCheckboxes = function() {
IC.Options.addHTML('accessKeyDescription', 'zoom', 'accessKeys', { html: '<p>' + IC.Language.$('zoom.options.accessKeyLabel') + '</p>' });
var la_accessKeys = ['ctrl', 'alt', 'shift'];
la_accessKeys.forEach(function(is_accessKey) {
var lb_defaultEnabled = (is_accessKey == 'ctrl');
IC.Options.addCheckbox(is_accessKey + 'AsAccessKey', 'zoom', 'accessKeys', lb_defaultEnabled, IC.Language.$('general.' + is_accessKey), {});
* Create the zoom options wrapper and add the option elements.
this.create = function() {
_lb_zoomWrapperCreated = true;
* Recreate the select fields for the zoom factor (and keep the old zoom factor).
this.renewFactorSelects = function() {
if(_lb_zoomWrapperCreated === false)
IC.Options.addWrapper('zoom', IC.Language.$('zoom.options.wrapperTitle'));
// Show missing resources in upgrade / building view.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('view', 'zoom', 'general', true, IC.Language.$('zoom.options.zoomView'), { changeCallback: _go_zoomView.updateSettings });
// Add the zoom function settings.
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: zoom functions created');
// Ressource information.
(function() {
* Storage for the style functions for the capacity bar and the direct income.
* @type {object}
var _go_styleFunctions = new function() {
* Get the style for the #js_GlobalMenu_ elements.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getGlobalMenuStyle = function(is_incomeStyle) {
if(is_incomeStyle != 'alignLeft')
return '#js_GlobalMenu_wood, #js_GlobalMenu_wine, #js_GlobalMenu_marble, #js_GlobalMenu_crystal, #js_GlobalMenu_sulfur { padding-right: 4px; } ';
return '';
* Gets the style for the separation of the resource values.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getSeparationStyle = function(is_incomeStyle) {
if(is_incomeStyle == 'withSeparation')
return '#resources_wood, #resources_wine, #resources_marble, #resources_glass { border-right: 1px dotted #542C0F; } ';
return '';
* Get styles which are independent of the activation of the cpacity bar or direct income.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getGeneralStyles = function(is_incomeStyle) {
var ls_globalMenuStyle = _lf_getGlobalMenuStyle(is_incomeStyle);
var ls_separationStyle = _lf_getSeparationStyle(is_incomeStyle);
return ls_globalMenuStyle + ls_separationStyle;
* Get the style for the capacity bar "wrapper".
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getCapacityBarStyle = function(is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle) {
var ls_height = 'height: 4px; ';
var ls_width = 'width: 79px;';
var ls_right = 'right: 4px; ';
var ls_marginLeft = '';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'horizontal')
ls_width = 'width: 50px; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'vertical') {
ls_height = 'height: 21px; ';
ls_width = 'width: 4px; ';
ls_right = '';
if(is_incomeStyle == 'alignLeft')
ls_marginLeft = 'margin-left: -7px; ';
return '.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'capacityInformation { position: absolute; bottom: 4px; ' + ls_height + ls_width + ls_right + ls_marginLeft + '} ';
* Get the style for the capacity bar with a border.
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getCapacityBarWithBorderStyle = function(is_capacityBarOrientation) {
var ls_height = 'height: 3px; ';
var ls_width = 'width: 78px; ';
var ls_right = 'right: 3px; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'horizontal')
ls_width = 'width: 50px; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'vertical') {
ls_height = 'height: 20px; ';
ls_width = 'width: 3px; ';
ls_right = '';
return '.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'capacityInformation.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'border { border: 1px inset #906646; bottom: 3px; ' + ls_height + ls_width + ls_right + '} ';
* Get the style for the capacity bar.
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getCapacityStyle = function(is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle) {
var ls_prefix = IC.myGM.prefix;
var ls_barStyle = '.' + ls_prefix + 'bar { height: 100%; width: 100%; bottom: 0px; position: absolute; } \
.' + ls_prefix + 'bar.' + ls_prefix + 'red { background-color: #AA0000; } \
.' + ls_prefix + 'bar.' + ls_prefix + 'yellow { background-color: #FFD700; } \
.' + ls_prefix + 'bar.' + ls_prefix + 'green { background-color: #669900; }';
var ls_capacityStyle = _lf_getCapacityBarStyle(is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle);
var ls_capacityBorderStyle = _lf_getCapacityBarWithBorderStyle(is_capacityBarOrientation);
return ls_barStyle + ls_capacityStyle + ls_capacityBorderStyle;
* Get the style for the direct hourly income in the town view.
* @param {boolean} ib_capacityBarActive
* If the capacity bar is shown.
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getHourlyIncomeStyle = function(ib_capacityBarActive, is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle) {
var ls_display = 'display: block; ';
var ls_fontSize = 'font-size: 11px; ';
var ls_paddingRight = 'padding-right: 4px; ';
if(ib_capacityBarActive === true && is_capacityBarOrientation !== 'horizontalFull')
ls_fontSize = 'font-size: 9px; ';
if(is_incomeStyle == 'alignLeft')
ls_paddingRight = '';
return '.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'hourlyIncomeResource { ' + ls_display + ls_fontSize + ls_paddingRight + '} ';
* Get some resource styles which are only set if the capacity bar is active.
* @param {boolean} ib_directIncomeActive
* If the direct income is shown.
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getResourceStyleCapacityActive = function(ib_directIncomeActive, is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle) {
var ls_height = '';
var ls_top = '';
var ls_paddingLeft = '';
var ls_fontSize = '';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'horizontalFull') {
ls_height = 'height: 32px !important; ';
ls_top = 'top: -2px !important; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'vertical' && is_incomeStyle == 'alignLeft')
ls_paddingLeft = 'padding-left: 38px !important; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'vertical' || (ib_directIncomeActive === true && is_capacityBarOrientation != 'horizontalFull'))
ls_fontSize = 'font-size: 11px; ';
return ls_height + ls_top + ls_paddingLeft + ls_fontSize;
* Get the line height for the sored resources.
* @param {boolean} ib_capacityBarActive
* If the capacity bar is shown.
* @param {boolean} ib_directIncomeActive
* If the direct income is shown.
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getResourceStyleLineHeigth = function(ib_capacityBarActive, ib_directIncomeActive, is_capacityBarOrientation) {
if(ib_directIncomeActive === true) {
if(ib_capacityBarActive === true && is_capacityBarOrientation == 'horizontal')
return 'line-height: 9px !important; ';
return 'line-height: 11px !important; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'horizontal')
return 'line-height: 12px !important; ';
if(is_capacityBarOrientation == 'vertical')
return 'line-height: 24px !important; ';
return '';
* Get the style for the resource fields.
* @param {boolean} ib_capacityBarActive
* If the capacity bar is shown.
* @param {boolean} ib_directIncomeActive
* If the direct income is shown.
* @param {string} is_capacityBarOrientation
* The orientation of the capacity bar.
* @param {string} is_incomeStyle
* How the income is styled.
* @return {string}
* The style string.
var _lf_getResourceStyle = function(ib_capacityBarActive, ib_directIncomeActive, is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle) {
var ls_align = 'text-align: right; ';
var ls_capacityActive = '';
var ls_lineHeight = _lf_getResourceStyleLineHeigth(ib_capacityBarActive, ib_directIncomeActive, is_capacityBarOrientation);
if(is_incomeStyle == 'alignLeft')
ls_align = '';
if(ib_capacityBarActive === true)
ls_capacityActive = _lf_getResourceStyleCapacityActive(ib_directIncomeActive, is_capacityBarOrientation, is_incomeStyle);
return '#resources_wood, #resources_wine, #resources_marble, #resources_glass, #resources_sulfur { ' + ls_align + ls_lineHeight + ls_capacityActive + ' } ';
* Set the styles for the direct income and the capacity bar.
this.setStyles = function() {
var lb_capacityBarActive = IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'showCapacityBar');
var lb_directIncomeActive = IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'showDirectIncome');
// If not both of the checkboxes have been defined yet, do nothing!
if(lb_capacityBarActive === null || lb_directIncomeActive === null)
if(lb_capacityBarActive === false && lb_directIncomeActive === false) {
var ls_capacityBarOrientation = IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'capacityBarOrientation');
var ls_incomeStyle = IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'incomeStyle');
var ls_incomeStyleString = _lf_getGeneralStyles(ls_incomeStyle)
+ _lf_getResourceStyle(lb_capacityBarActive, lb_directIncomeActive, ls_capacityBarOrientation, ls_incomeStyle);
if(lb_capacityBarActive === true)
ls_incomeStyleString += _lf_getCapacityStyle(ls_capacityBarOrientation, ls_incomeStyle);
if(lb_directIncomeActive === true)
ls_incomeStyleString += _lf_getHourlyIncomeStyle(lb_capacityBarActive, ls_capacityBarOrientation, ls_incomeStyle);
IC.myGM.addStyle(ls_incomeStyleString, 'resourceInformation', true);
* Storage for the functions for the capacity bar.
* @type {object}
var _go_capacityInformation = new function() {
* Update the capacity information bars.
var _lf_updateFields = function() {
if(IC.ika.model.isOwnCity === false)
var la_capacityInformation = [];
var la_resourceIdentifiers = ['resource', 1, 2, 3, 4];
la_resourceIdentifiers.forEach(function(im_identifier, ii_index) {
warehouse: IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.ika.getModel().maxResources[im_identifier]),
branchOffice: IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.ika.getModel().branchOfficeResources[im_identifier]),
current: IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.ika.getModel().currentResources[im_identifier])
var ls_prefix = '#' + IC.myGM.prefix;
var ls_styleToChange = 'width';
if(IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'capacityBarOrientation') == 'vertical')
ls_styleToChange = 'height';
la_capacityInformation.forEach(function(io_capacity, ii_index) {
var ls_resource = IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[ii_index];
var li_warehousePercentage = 100;
var li_resourcePercentage = io_capacity.current / io_capacity.warehouse * 100;
if(IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'capacityBarShowBranchOfficeResources') === true) {
var li_maximumCapacity = io_capacity.warehouse + io_capacity.branchOffice;
li_warehousePercentage = io_capacity.warehouse / li_maximumCapacity * 100;
li_resourcePercentage = io_capacity.current / li_maximumCapacity * 100;
IC.myGM.$(ls_prefix + 'maxCapacity' + ls_resource).style[ls_styleToChange] = '100%';
IC.myGM.$(ls_prefix + 'warehouseCapacity' + ls_resource).style[ls_styleToChange] = li_warehousePercentage + '%';
IC.myGM.$(ls_prefix + 'currentResource' + ls_resource).style[ls_styleToChange] = li_resourcePercentage + '%';
* Add the capacity information bars.
var _lf_addFields = function() {
var la_classes = ['capacityInformation'];
if(IC.Options.getOption('resourceInformation', 'capacityBarHasBorder') === true)
IC.Ikariam.resourceNames.forEach(function(is_resource) {
var le_wrapper = IC.myGM.addElement('div', IC.myGM.$('#resources_' + is_resource), { 'id': 'capacityInfo' + is_resource, 'classes': la_classes }, true);
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_wrapper, { 'id': 'maxCapacity' + is_resource, 'classes': ['bar', 'yellow'] }, true);
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_wrapper, { 'id': 'warehouseCapacity' + is_resource, 'classes': ['bar', 'green'] }, true);
IC.myGM.addElement('div', le_wrapper, { 'id': 'currentResource' + is_resource, 'classes': ['bar', 'red'] }, true);
* Remove the capacity information bars.
var _lf_removeFields = function() {
IC.myGM.removeElement(IC.myGM.$$('.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'capacityInformation'));
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showCapacityBar
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the capacity information.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showCapacityBar) {
if(ib_showCapacityBar === true) {
IC.Observer.add('updateCapacityBar', IC.myGM.$('#cityResources'), { childList: true, subtree: true }, _lf_updateFields, _lf_updateFields);
* Storage for the functions for the direct income.
* @type {object}
var _go_directIncome = new function() {
* Storage for the tradegood of the last town selected.
* @type {int}
var _li_lastTradegood = null;
* Delete the data of the tradegood of the last town selected.
* @param {string} is_hourlyPrefix
* The prefix for the hourly income wrapper selector.
* @param {string} is_dailyPrefix
* The prefix for the daily income wrapper selector.
var _lf_deleteLastTradegoodData = function(is_hourlyPrefix, is_dailyPrefix) {
IC.myGM.$(is_hourlyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[_li_lastTradegood]).innerHTML = '';
IC.myGM.$(is_dailyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[_li_lastTradegood]).innerHTML = '';
if(_li_lastTradegood !== 1) {
IC.myGM.$(is_hourlyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[_li_lastTradegood]).classList.add('invisible');
IC.myGM.$(is_dailyPrefix + 'Wrapper' + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[_li_lastTradegood]).classList.add('invisible');
* Update the direct icome fields.
* @param {boolean} ib_firstRun
* If this is the first run after adding the fields.
var _lf_updateFields = function(ib_firstRun) {
if(IC.ika.model.isOwnCity === false)
var ls_hourlyPrefix = '#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'hourlyIncomeResource';
var ls_dailyPrefix = '#' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'dailyIncomeResource';
if(_li_lastTradegood !== null)
_lf_deleteLastTradegoodData(ls_hourlyPrefix, ls_dailyPrefix);
var li_producedTradegood = IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.ika.getModel().producedTradegood);
var li_tradegoodProduction = IC.ika.getModel().tradegoodProduction * 3600 + 0.001;
var li_woodProduction = IC.ika.getModel().resourceProduction * 3600 + 0.001;
var li_wineSpending = IC.ika.getModel().wineSpendings;
var li_producesWine = IC.ika.getModel().cityProducesWine;
var ls_tradegoodName = IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[li_producedTradegood];
IC.myGM.$(ls_hourlyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[0]).innerHTML = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(Math.floor(li_woodProduction), true, true);
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[0]).innerHTML = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(Math.floor(li_woodProduction * 24), false);
IC.myGM.$(ls_hourlyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[1]).innerHTML = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(Math.floor(-1 * li_wineSpending), true, true);
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[1]).innerHTML = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(Math.floor(-1 * li_wineSpending * 24), false);
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + 'Label' + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[1]).innerHTML = IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.dailyExpenses', [IC.Language.$('diverse.name.resource.' + IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[1])]);
if(li_producesWine === true)
li_tradegoodProduction = li_tradegoodProduction - li_wineSpending;
if(li_tradegoodProduction >= 0)
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + 'Label' + ls_tradegoodName).innerHTML = IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.dailyProduction', [IC.Language.$('diverse.name.resource.' + ls_tradegoodName)]);
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + 'Label' + ls_tradegoodName).innerHTML = IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.dailyExpenses', [IC.Language.$('diverse.name.resource.' + ls_tradegoodName)]);
IC.myGM.$(ls_hourlyPrefix + ls_tradegoodName).innerHTML = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(Math.floor(li_tradegoodProduction), true, true);
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + ls_tradegoodName).innerHTML = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(Math.floor(li_tradegoodProduction * 24), false);
IC.myGM.$(ls_hourlyPrefix + ls_tradegoodName).classList.remove('invisible');
IC.myGM.$(ls_dailyPrefix + 'Wrapper' + ls_tradegoodName).classList.remove('invisible');
_li_lastTradegood = li_producedTradegood;
* Add the direct income fields.
var _lf_addFields = function() {
if(!IC.myGM.$('js_GlobalMenu_production_container_wood') === true) {
var le_woodProductionContainer = IC.myGM.$('#js_GlobalMenu_resourceProduction').parentNode;
le_woodProductionContainer.id = 'js_GlobalMenu_production_container_wood';
IC.Ikariam.resourceNames.forEach(function(is_resource, ii_index) {
var ls_resourceParent = is_resource === 'glass' ? 'crystal' : is_resource;
var la_hourlyClasses = [IC.myGM.prefix + 'hourlyIncomeResource'];
var la_dailyClasses = ['altTooltip', IC.myGM.prefix + 'dailyIncomeResourceWrapper'];
if(ii_index >= 2) {
IC.myGM.addElement('span', IC.myGM.$('#resources_' + is_resource), { 'id': 'hourlyIncomeResource' + is_resource, 'classes': la_hourlyClasses });
var le_dailyIncomeParent = IC.myGM.$('#js_GlobalMenu_' + ls_resourceParent + '_tooltip tbody');
var le_dailyIncomeInsertBefore = IC.myGM.$('#js_GlobalMenu_production_container_' + ls_resourceParent + ' + tr');
var le_dailyIncomeWrapper = IC.myGM.addElement('tr', le_dailyIncomeParent, {
'id': 'dailyIncomeResourceWrapper' + is_resource,
'classes': la_dailyClasses,
}, null, le_dailyIncomeInsertBefore);
IC.myGM.addElement('td', le_dailyIncomeWrapper, {
'id': 'dailyIncomeResourceLabel' + is_resource,
'class': 'smallFont',
'innerHTML': IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.dailyProduction', [IC.Language.$('diverse.name.resource.' + is_resource)])
IC.myGM.addElement('td', le_dailyIncomeWrapper, {
'id': 'dailyIncomeResource' + is_resource,
'class': 'rightText'
* Remove the direct income fields.
var _lf_removeFields = function() {
IC.myGM.removeElement(IC.myGM.$$('.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'hourlyIncomeResource' + ', .' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'dailyIncomeResourceWrapper'));
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showDirectIncome
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the income directly in town view.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showDirectIncome) {
if(ib_showDirectIncome === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('*', 'directIncome', _lf_updateFields);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('*', 'directIncome');
* Storage for the functions for the resource quicklinks enhancements.
* @type {object}
var _go_resourceQuicklinkEnhancements = new function() {
* Open the town hall of the selected town.
var _lf_openTownHall = function() {
var ls_selectedCity = IC.ika.getModel().relatedCityData.selectedCity;
var ls_cityId = IC.ika.getModel().relatedCityData[ls_selectedCity].id;
if(IC.Ikariam.view == 'town') {
IC.win.ajaxHandlerCall('?view=townHall&cityId=' + ls_cityId + '&position=0');
IC.win.ajaxHandlerCall('?view=city&dialog=townHall&cityId=' + ls_cityId + '&position=0');
* Update the css to hover only the resources which are clickable.
var _lf_updateCSS = function() {
var ls_activeResource = IC.Ikariam.resourceNames[IC.ika.getModel().producedTradegood];
'#resources_population:hover, #resources_wood:hover, #resources_' + ls_activeResource + ':hover { text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #666; cursor: pointer; color: #333; }',
'resourceQuicklinkEnhancements', true
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_enhanceResourceQuicklinks
* If the user selected the checkbox to enhance the resource quicklinks.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_enhanceResourceQuicklinks) {
if(ib_enhanceResourceQuicklinks === true) {
IC.myGM.$('#resources_population').addEventListener('click', _lf_openTownHall, true);
IC.RefreshHandler.add('*', 'resourceQuicklinkEnhancements', _lf_updateCSS);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('*', 'resourceQuicklinkEnhancements');
IC.myGM.$('#resources_population').removeEventListener('click', _lf_openTownHall, true);
IC.Options.addWrapper('resourceInformation', IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.wrapperTitle'));
// Option to show the income directly in town view.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showDirectIncome', 'resourceInformation', 1, true, IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.directIncome.show'), { changeCallback: _go_directIncome.updateSettings });
// Option to enhance the resource quicklinks and add one to population.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('resourceQuicklinkEnhancements', 'resourceInformation', 1, true, IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.resourceQuicklinkEnhancements'), { changeCallback: _go_resourceQuicklinkEnhancements.updateSettings });
// Option to show the capacity information.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showCapacityBar', 'resourceInformation', 2, true, IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.show'), { changeCallback: _go_capacityInformation.updateSettings });
// Option to show the capacity bar with border.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('capacityBarHasBorder', 'resourceInformation', 2, true, IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.hasBorder'), {});
// Option to show also branch office ressources.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('capacityBarShowBranchOfficeResources', 'resourceInformation', 2, true, IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.showBranchOfficeResources'), {});
// Style of the resources in warehouse / daily income.
IC.Options.addSelect('incomeStyle', 'resourceInformation', 3, 'alignRight', IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.directIncome.style.label'), [
{ value: 'alignRight', label: IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.directIncome.style.alignRight') },
{ value: 'alignLeft', label: IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.directIncome.style.alignLeft') },
{ value: 'withSeparation', label: IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.directIncome.style.withSeparation') }
], {});
// Style of the capacity bar.
IC.Options.addSelect('capacityBarOrientation', 'resourceInformation', 3, 'vertical', IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.orientation.label'), [
{ value: 'vertical', label: IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.orientation.vertical') },
{ value: 'horizontal', label: IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.orientation.horizontal') },
{ value: 'horizontalFull', label: IC.Language.$('resourceInformation.options.capacityBar.orientation.horizontalFull') }
], {});
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: resource information functions created');
// Member information in highscore view.
(function() {
* Storage for the member information functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_memberInformation = new function() {
* Storage for the member data.
* @type {object}
var _lo_data = null;
* Key for the storage of the member information.
* @type {string}
var _ls_dataKey = '';
* Key for the storage of the last reset date.
* @type {string}
var _ls_timeKey = '';
* Show the data.
var _lf_clickShow = function() {
IC.myGM.setValue('memberInfo_infoLinkClicked', true).then(function() {
IC.myGM.$('#tab_highscore input[name="searchUser"]').value = '';
IC.myGM.$('#searchOnlyFriends').checked = false;
IC.myGM.$('#searchOnlyAllies').checked = true;
IC.myGM.$('#tab_highscore input[type="submit"]').click();
* Reset the stored data.
var _lf_clickReset = function() {
IC.myGM.setValue(_ls_dataKey, _lo_data).then(function() {
return IC.myGM.setValue(_ls_timeKey, (new Date).getTime());
}).then(function() {
* Add the button to show the data.
var _lf_addShowButton = function() {
var le_button = IC.myGM.addButton(IC.myGM.$('#tab_highscore .centerButton'), IC.Language.$('highscore.memberInformation.show'), _lf_clickShow, true);
le_button.id = IC.myGM.prefix + 'showInfo';
* Add the button to reset the stored data.
var _lf_addResetButton = function() {
var le_button = IC.myGM.addButton(IC.myGM.$('#tab_highscore .content p'), IC.Language.$('highscore.memberInformation.reset'), _lf_clickReset, true);
le_button.id = IC.myGM.prefix + 'resetInfo';
* Get the own data and show the differences to the last stored data.
* @param {object} io_oldMemberInfo
* The last stored data.
* @return {object}
* The own data.
var _lf_getOwnDataShowDifference = function(io_oldMemberInfo) {
var le_ownRow = IC.myGM.$('table.highscore tr.own');
var ro_ownData = {
'place': IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.myGM.$('.place', le_ownRow).innerHTML),
'score': IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.myGM.$('.score', le_ownRow).innerHTML)
var ls_placeDifference = '-';
var ls_scoreDifference = '-';
if(!!io_oldMemberInfo === true && !!io_oldMemberInfo['own'] === true) {
ls_placeDifference = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(io_oldMemberInfo['own']['place'] - ro_ownData['place'], true, true);
ls_scoreDifference = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(ro_ownData['score'] - io_oldMemberInfo['own']['score'], true, true);
IC.myGM.addElement('span', IC.myGM.$('.place', le_ownRow), { 'innerHTML': ls_placeDifference });
IC.myGM.addElement('span', IC.myGM.$('.score', le_ownRow), { 'innerHTML': ls_scoreDifference });
return ro_ownData;
* Get the data and show the differences to the last stored data.
* @return {Promise}
* A Promise which resolves to the member data.
var _lf_getDataShowDifference = async function() {
var ro_memberInfo = {};
var lo_oldMemberInfo = await IC.myGM.getValue(_ls_dataKey, null);
var la_allyMemberRows = IC.myGM.$$('table.highscore tr.ownally');
la_allyMemberRows.forEach(function(ie_allyMemberRow) {
var ls_actionLink = IC.myGM.$('.action a', ie_allyMemberRow).href;
var ls_memberId = ls_actionLink.match(/receiverId=([0-9]*)/i)[1];
ro_memberInfo[ls_memberId] = {
'place': IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.myGM.$('.place', ie_allyMemberRow).innerHTML),
'score': IC.Ikariam.getInt(IC.myGM.$('.score', ie_allyMemberRow).innerHTML)
var ls_placeDifference = '-';
var ls_scoreDifference = '-';
if(!!lo_oldMemberInfo === true && !!lo_oldMemberInfo[ls_memberId] === true) {
ls_placeDifference = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(lo_oldMemberInfo[ls_memberId]['place'] - ro_memberInfo[ls_memberId]['place'], true, true);
ls_scoreDifference = IC.Ikariam.formatToIkaNumber(ro_memberInfo[ls_memberId]['score'] - lo_oldMemberInfo[ls_memberId]['score'], true, true);
IC.myGM.addElement('span', IC.myGM.$('.place', ie_allyMemberRow), { 'innerHTML': ls_placeDifference });
IC.myGM.addElement('span', IC.myGM.$('.score', ie_allyMemberRow), { 'innerHTML': ls_scoreDifference });
ro_memberInfo['own'] = _lf_getOwnDataShowDifference(lo_oldMemberInfo);
return Promise.resolve(ro_memberInfo);
* Add the span with the time of the last reset.
* @return {Promise}
* A Promise which resolves once the last reset time is added.
var _lf_addLastResetTime = async function() {
var li_lastResetTime = await IC.myGM.getValue(_ls_timeKey, 0);
var li_differenceInSec = ((new Date()).getTime() - li_lastResetTime) / 1000;
var ls_lastReset = IC.Language.$('highscore.memberInformation.noReset');
if(li_lastResetTime > 0) {
var li_days = Math.floor(li_differenceInSec / 86400);
var li_hours = Math.floor(li_differenceInSec / 3600) % 24;
var li_minutes = Math.floor(li_differenceInSec / 60) % 60;
ls_lastReset = li_days + 'd ' + li_hours + 'h ' + li_minutes + 'min';
IC.myGM.addElement('br', IC.myGM.$('#tab_highscore .content p'));
IC.myGM.addElement('span', IC.myGM.$('#tab_highscore .content p'), {
'classes': ['bold', 'brown'],
'innerHTML': IC.Language.$('highscore.memberInformation.lastReset', [ls_lastReset])
* Prepare the highscore popup to show the data and show the data if requested.
* @return {Promise}
* A Promise which resolves once the popup is prepared.
var _lf_doPreparePopup = async function() {
_ls_dataKey = IC.Ikariam.serverCode + '_' + IC.ika.getModel().avatarAllyId + '_memberInfo_data_' + IC.myGM.getSelectValue('js_highscoreType', true, true);
_ls_timeKey = IC.Ikariam.serverCode + '_' + IC.ika.getModel().avatarAllyId + '_memberInfo_time_' + IC.myGM.getSelectValue('js_highscoreType', true, true);
var lb_linkClicked = await IC.myGM.getValue('memberInfo_infoLinkClicked', false);
if(lb_linkClicked === true) {
await IC.myGM.deleteValue('memberInfo_infoLinkClicked');
_lo_data = await _lf_getDataShowDifference();
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_showMemberInformation
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the member information.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_showMemberInformation) {
if(ib_showMemberInformation === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('highscore', 'memberInformation', _lf_doPreparePopup);
'#' + IC.myGM.prefix + "resetInfo { float: right; margin-top: -6px; margin-right: 6px; } \
.highscore .score span { float: right; text-align: right; width: 70px; } \
.highscore .place span { float: right; text-align: right; width: 30px; } \
.highscore th:nth-child(4) { width: 30% !important; } \
.highscore th:nth-child(5) { width: 10% !important; } \
#tab_highscore .centerButton { margin: 10px 0px; }",
'memberInformation', true
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('highscore', 'memberInformation');
// Show the member information.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showMemberInformation', 'diverseOptions', 1, false, IC.Language.$('highscore.options.showMemberInformation'), { changeCallback: _go_memberInformation.updateSettings });
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: highscore functions created');
// Message enhancements.
(function() {
* Storage for the url replacement functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_replaceURL = new function() {
* Show a warning when a replaced link is clicked.
var _lf_showNotification = function() {
var ls_urlToOpen = this.innerHTML.IC.decodeHTML();
var lo_notificationText = {
header: IC.Language.$('message.replacedUrl.notification.header'),
body: IC.Language.$('message.replacedUrl.notification.text', ['<span class="bold red">"' + ls_urlToOpen + '"</span>']),
confirm: IC.Language.$('general.yes'),
abort: IC.Language.$('general.no')
var lo_notificationCallback = {
confirm: function() { IC.win.open(ls_urlToOpen); },
abort: function() { /* Only set to show the abort button */ }
IC.myGM.notification(lo_notificationText, lo_notificationCallback);
* Replace the links.
var _lf_doReplace = function() {
var la_messageBodys = IC.myGM.$$('.msgText');
la_messageBodys.forEach(function(ie_messageBody) {
var ls_text = ie_messageBody.innerHTML;
ie_messageBody.innerHTML = ls_text.replace(/(?:^|\s)(http(s?)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}(\/[^<\s]*)?)/g, ' <span class="' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'replacedUrl" title="$1">$1</span> ');
var la_replacedURLs = IC.myGM.$$('.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'replacedUrl');
la_replacedURLs.forEach(function(ie_replacedURL) {
ie_replacedURL.addEventListener('click', _lf_showNotification, true);
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_replaceURL
* If the user selected the checkbox to replace the url.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_replaceURL) {
var la_postboxes = ['diplomacyAdvisor', 'diplomacyAdvisorOutBox', 'diplomacyAdvisorArchive', 'diplomacyAdvisorArchiveOutBox'];
if(ib_replaceURL === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add(la_postboxes, 'replaceURL', _lf_doReplace);
'.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'replacedUrl { font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; } \
.' + IC.myGM.prefix + 'replacedUrl:hover { text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; }',
'replaceURL', true
IC.RefreshHandler.remove(la_postboxes, 'replaceURL');
* Storage for the inline message functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_inlineMessage = new function() {
* Replace the links.
var _lf_doShowInline = function() {
var la_messageRows = IC.myGM.$$('#deleteMessages tr.entry');
var li_displayMaxCharacters = 60;
la_messageRows.forEach(function(ie_messageRow) {
var le_subject = IC.myGM.$('.subject', ie_messageRow);
var ls_typePrefix = /gmessage/.test(ie_messageRow.id) === true ? 'g' : '';
var ls_id = ie_messageRow.id.replace(ls_typePrefix + 'message', '');
var le_text = IC.myGM.$('#tbl_' + ls_typePrefix + 'mail' + ls_id + ' .msgText');
var ls_inlineText = le_text.innerHTML.replace(/<br>/gi, ' ').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ');
if(ls_inlineText.length > li_displayMaxCharacters)
ls_inlineText = ls_inlineText.substring(0, li_displayMaxCharacters - 6) + ' (...)';
le_subject.innerHTML += '<br><sub>' + ls_inlineText + '</sub>';
// Adjust the size of the Scrollbar.
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_displayInlineMessage
* If the user selected the checkbox to display inline messages.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_displayInlineMessage) {
var la_postboxes = ['diplomacyAdvisor', 'diplomacyAdvisorOutBox', 'diplomacyAdvisorArchive', 'diplomacyAdvisorArchiveOutBox'];
if(ib_displayInlineMessage === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add(la_postboxes, 'inlineMessage', _lf_doShowInline);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove(la_postboxes, 'inlineMessage');
* Storage for the message signature functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_messageSignature = new function() {
* Add the signature to a new message.
var _lf_addSignature = function() {
var ls_signature = '';
switch(IC.Options.getOption('messages', 'useMessageSignature')) {
case IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.GLOBAL:
ls_signature = IC.Options.getOption('messages', 'globalSignature');
case IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.SERVER:
ls_signature = IC.Options.getOption('messages', 'serverSignature');
case IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.PLAYER:
ls_signature = IC.Options.getOption('messages', 'playerSignature');
if(ls_signature === '')
var le_textarea = IC.myGM.$('#js_msgTextConfirm');
var ls_text = le_textarea.value;
if(IC.Options.getOption('messages', 'signaturePlacementTop'))
ls_text = '\n\n' + ls_signature + ls_text;
ls_text = ls_text + '\n\n' + ls_signature;
le_textarea.value = ls_text;
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_addMessageSignature
* If the user selected the checkbox to add signatures to messages.
this.updateSettings = function(is_useMessageSignature) {
if(is_useMessageSignature === IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.GLOBAL
|| is_useMessageSignature === IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.SERVER
|| is_useMessageSignature === IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.PLAYER) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('sendIKMessage', 'addMessageSignature', _lf_addSignature);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('sendIKMessage', 'addMessageSignature');
IC.Options.addWrapper('messages', IC.Language.$('message.options.wrapperTitle'));
// Replace urls.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('replaceURL', 'messages', 1, true, IC.Language.$('message.options.replaceURL'), { changeCallback: _go_replaceURL.updateSettings });
// Display message text teaser in overview.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('inlineMessage', 'messages', 1, true, IC.Language.$('message.options.inlineMessage'), { changeCallback: _go_inlineMessage.updateSettings });
// Player specific signatures.
var la_options = [
{ value: 'none', label: IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.use.none') },
{ value: IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.GLOBAL, label: IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.use.global') },
{ value: IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.SERVER, label: IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.use.server') },
{ value: IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.PLAYER, label: IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.use.player') }
IC.Options.addSelect('useMessageSignature', 'messages', 2, IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.GLOBAL, IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.use.description'), la_options, { changeCallback: _go_messageSignature.updateSettings, 'specificity': IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.PLAYER });
// Place the signature on top.
IC.Options.addCheckbox('signaturePlacementTop', 'messages', 2, true, IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.placementTop'), {});
// Define a global signature.
IC.Options.addTextArea('globalSignature', 'messages', 3, '', IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.global'), {});
// Define a server specific signature.
IC.Options.addTextArea('serverSignature', 'messages', 4, '', IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.server'), { 'specificity': IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.SERVER });
// Define a server specific signature.
IC.Options.addTextArea('playerSignature', 'messages', 4, '', IC.Language.$('message.options.signature.player'), { 'specificity': IC.Options.SpecificityLevel.PLAYER });
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: message functions created');
// Troop information.
(function() {
* Provider for data storages.
* @type {object}
var _go_storageProvider = new function() {
* Constructor for troop list.
var _lf_troopList = function() {
* Storage for troop information.
* @type {lf_troop[]}
var la_troopList = [];
* Troop information storage.
* @param {string} is_name
* The name of the troop.
* @param {int} ii_number
* The number of the troop.
var lf_troop = function(is_name, ii_number) {
var ls_name = is_name;
var li_number = ii_number;
this.toString = function() {
return '\n' + ls_name + ': ' + li_number;
* If the troop list contains no entries.
* @return {boolean}
* If the troop list is empty.
this.__defineGetter__('isEmpty', function() {
return la_troopList.length < 1;
* Add a new troop to the troop list.
* @param {string} is_name
* The name of the troop.
* @param {int} ii_number
* The number of the troop.
this.addTroop = function(is_name, ii_number) {
la_troopList.push(new lf_troop(is_name, ii_number));
* Transform the troop list to a string.
* @return {string}
* The string representation of the troop list.
this.toString = function() {
return la_troopList.join('');
* Constructor for troop list of foreign player.
* @param {string} is_playerName
* The name of the player who owns the troops.
var _lf_foreignTroopList = function(is_playerName) {
* The name of the player who owns the troops.
* @type {string}
var ls_playerName = is_playerName;
* Storage for troop information.
* @type {_lf_troopList[]}
var lo_troopList = new _lf_troopList();
* If the troop list contains no entries.
* @return {boolean}
* If the troop list is empty.
this.__defineGetter__('isEmpty', function() {
return lo_troopList.isEmpty;
* Add a new troop to the troop list.
* @param {string} is_name
* The name of the troop.
* @param {int} ii_number
* The number of the troop.
this.addTroop = function(is_name, ii_number) {
lo_troopList.addTroop(is_name, ii_number);
* Transform the troop list to a string.
* @return {string}
* The string representation of the troop list.
this.toString = function() {
return '\n* ' + ls_playerName + ' *' + lo_troopList;
* Storage for multiple troop lists.
* @param {string} is_type
* The type of the troops (units / ships)
* @param {string} is_status
* The status of the troops (own / friends / enemies)
var _lf_troopListStorage = function(is_type, is_status) {
* The type of the troops (units / ships).
* @type {string}
var ls_type = is_type;
* The status of the troops (own / friends / enemies).
* @type {string}
var ls_status = is_status;
* The troop lists.
* @type {(_lf_troopList||_lf_foreignTroopList)[]}
var la_troopLists = [];
* The status of the troop lists (own / friends / enemies).
* @return {boolean}
* The status of the lists.
this.__defineGetter__('status', function() {
return ls_status;
* Add a new troop list to the storage.
* @param {_lf_troopList||_lf_foreignTroopList} io_troopList
* The troop list to add.
this.addTroopList = function(io_troopList) {
* Transform the troop list storage to a string.
* @return {string}
* The string representation of the troop list storage.
this.toString = function() {
return '\n--- ' + IC.Language.$('troopInformation.' + ls_type + '.' + ls_status) + ' ---' + la_troopLists.join('\n');
* Storage for data of all troops of one type.
* @param {string} is_type
* The type of the troops (units / ships)
var _lf_troopData = function(is_type) {
* The type of the troops (units / ships).
* @type {string}
var ls_type = is_type;
* The troop list storages.
* @type {_lf_troopListStorage[]}
var la_listStorages = [];
* If the troop list contains no entries.
* @return {boolean}
* If the troop list is empty.
this.__defineGetter__('isEmpty', function() {
return la_listStorages.length < 1;
* Add a new troop list to the storage.
* @param {string} is_status
* The status of the troop list.
* @param {_lf_troopList||_lf_foreignTroopList} io_troopList
* The troop list to add.
this.addTroopList = function(is_status, io_troopList) {
for(var i = 0; i < la_listStorages.length; i++) {
if(la_listStorages[i].status === is_status) {
var lo_listStorage = new _lf_troopListStorage(ls_type, is_status);
* Transform the troop data to a string.
* @param {string} is_townInformation
* The information about the town for which the troop data is displayed.
* @return {string}
* The string representation of the troop data.
this.getString = function(is_townInformation) {
return '===== ' + IC.Language.$('troopInformation.' + ls_type + '.label', [is_townInformation]) + ' =====' + la_listStorages.join('\n\n');
* Get a new troop list representation for own troops.
* @return {_lf_troopList}
* The troop list.
this.ownTroopList = function() {
return new _lf_troopList();
* Get a new troop list representation for foreign troops.
* @param {string} is_playerName
* The name of the player who owns the troops.
* @return {_lf_foreignTroopList}
* The troop list.
this.foreignTroopList = function(is_playerName) {
return new _lf_foreignTroopList(is_playerName);
* Get a new troop data storage representation for all troops of one type.
* @param {string} is_type
* The type of the troops (units / ships).
* @return {_lf_troopData}
* The troop data storage.
this.troopData = function(is_type) {
return new _lf_troopData(is_type);
* Storage for the dta extraction functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_dataExtractor = new function() {
* Extract own troops from a wrapper.
* @param {element} ie_wrapper
* The wrapper to extract the troops from.
* @return {_go_storageProvider.ownTroopList[]}
* The extracted troops.
var _lf_extractOwnTroops = function(ie_wrapper) {
var la_nameCells = IC.myGM.$$('.table01 .title_img_row th .tooltip', ie_wrapper);
var la_numberCells = IC.myGM.$$('.table01 .count td', ie_wrapper);
var ro_troops = _go_storageProvider.ownTroopList();
for(var i = 0; i < la_nameCells.length; i++) {
var li_number = IC.Ikariam.getInt(la_numberCells[i].innerHTML);
if(li_number > 0)
ro_troops.addTroop(la_nameCells[i].innerHTML, li_number);
return ro_troops;
* Extract foreign troops from a wrapper.
* @param {element} ie_wrapper
* The wrapper to extract the troops from.
* @return {_go_storageProvider.foreignTroopList[]}
* The extracted troops.
var _lf_extractForeignTroops = function(ie_wrapper) {
var la_nameCells = IC.myGM.$$('.table01 .title_img_row th:not(:first-child) .tooltip', ie_wrapper);
var la_numberRows = IC.myGM.$$('.table01 tr:not(.title_img_row)', ie_wrapper);
var lo_numberCells = {};
for(var i = 0; i < la_numberRows.length; i++) {
var ls_playerName = IC.myGM.$('td a', la_numberRows[i]).innerHTML.trim();
if(!lo_numberCells[ls_playerName]) {
lo_numberCells[ls_playerName] = [];
lo_numberCells[ls_playerName] = lo_numberCells[ls_playerName].concat(IC.myGM.$$('td:not(:first-child)', la_numberRows[i]));
var ra_troops = [];
IC.myGM.forEach(lo_numberCells, function (is_playerName, ia_numberCells) {
var lo_playerTroops = _go_storageProvider.foreignTroopList(is_playerName);
for(var i = 0; i < la_nameCells.length; i++) {
var li_number = IC.Ikariam.getInt(ia_numberCells[i].innerHTML);
if(li_number > 0)
lo_playerTroops.addTroop(la_nameCells[i].innerHTML, li_number);
if(lo_playerTroops.isEmpty === false)
return ra_troops;
* Extract all troop of one type.
* @param {string} is_type
* The type of the troops to extract (units / ships).
* @param {string} is_wrapperTabId
* The id of the tab which contains the wrappers.
* @return {_go_storageProvider.troopData}
* The extracted data.
var _lf_extractTroops = function(is_type, is_wrapperTabId) {
var ro_return = _go_storageProvider.troopData(is_type);
var la_wrappers = IC.myGM.$$('#' + is_wrapperTabId + ' .contentBox01h');
var lo_ownTroops = _lf_extractOwnTroops(la_wrappers[0]);
if(lo_ownTroops.isEmpty === false)
ro_return.addTroopList('own', lo_ownTroops);
var la_foreignStatus = ['friends', 'enemies'];
for(var i = 0; i < la_foreignStatus.length; i++) {
var la_foreignTroops = _lf_extractForeignTroops(la_wrappers[i + 2]);
for(var j = 0; j < la_foreignTroops.length; j++) {
ro_return.addTroopList(la_foreignStatus[i], la_foreignTroops[j]);
return ro_return;
* Extract all troop from the popup.
* @return {object}
* All extracted troops.
* Signature: { units: <_go_storageProvider.troopData>, ships: <_go_storageProvider.troopData> }
this.extract = function() {
return {
units: _lf_extractTroops('units', 'tabUnits'),
ships: _lf_extractTroops('ships', 'tabShips')
* Storage for the troop information functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_troopInformation = new function() {
* Show the troop information popup.
* @param {object} io_data
* All extracted troop.
* Signature: { units: <_go_storageProvider.troopData>, ships: <_go_storageProvider.troopData> }
var _ls_showPopup = function(io_data) {
var la_output = [];
var ls_townInformation = (function() {
var lo_allTowns = IC.ika.getModel().relatedCityData;
var lo_selectedTown = lo_allTowns[lo_allTowns.selectedCity];
return lo_selectedTown.name + ' ' + lo_selectedTown.coords;
if(!!io_data === true) {
if(!!io_data.units.isEmpty === false)
if(!!io_data.ships.isEmpty === false)
var ls_output = la_output.join('\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n');
if(ls_output.length === 0)
ls_output = IC.Language.$('troopInformation.noTroops', [ls_townInformation]);
var lo_text = {
header: IC.Language.$('troopInformation.header', [ls_townInformation]),
body: ls_output
IC.myGM.notification(lo_text, null, { textarea: true, readonly: true, autoselect: true });
* Extract the data and show the popup.
var _lf_showInformation = function() {
* Show the troop information link.
var _lf_doShowTroopInformationLink = function() {
var le_button = IC.myGM.addButton(IC.myGM.$('#cityMilitary_c .buildingDescription'), IC.Language.$('troopInformation.button'), _lf_showInformation, true);
var la_cssRules = [['position', 'absolute'], ['top', '5px'], ['right', '20px']];
for(var i = 0; i < la_cssRules.length; i++) {
le_button.style[la_cssRules[i][0]] = la_cssRules[i][1];
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_enableTroopInformation
* If the user selected the checkbox to show the troop information.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_enableTroopInformation) {
if(ib_enableTroopInformation === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('cityMilitary', 'troopInformation', _lf_doShowTroopInformationLink);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('cityMilitary', 'troopInformation');
* Storage for the link barracks and shipyard functions.
* @type {object}
var _go_linkBarrackShipyard = new function() {
* Adds a link to the container.
* @param {String} is_type
* The link type (units / fleet).
* @param {Element} ie_container
* The element which should be container for the link.
var _lf_addLink = function(is_type, ie_container) {
var lo_data = IC.ika.getScreen().data;
var ls_linkText = is_type === 'units' ? IC.Language.$('troopInformation.link.gotoBarracks') : IC.Language.$('troopInformation.link.gotoShipyard');
ls_linkText = '(' + ls_linkText + ')';
var ls_buildingType = is_type === 'units' ? 'barracks' : 'shipyard';
var li_position = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < lo_data.position.length; i++) {
if(lo_data.position[i].building === ls_buildingType) {
li_position = i;
if(li_position >= 0) {
var ls_href = '?view=%building%&cityId=%cityId%&position=%position%'
.replace(/%building%/gi, ls_buildingType)
.replace(/%cityId%/gi, lo_data.id)
.replace(/%position%/gi, li_position);
IC.myGM.addElement('a', ie_container, {
innerHTML: ls_linkText,
href: ls_href,
onclick: 'ajaxHandlerCall(this.href);return false;',
style: [['margin-left', '5px']]
* Link barack and shipyard from troop overview screen.
var _lf_doLinkBarrackShipyardOverview = function() {
var le_container = IC.myGM.$('.header', IC.myGM.$('#tabUnits'));
_lf_addLink('units', le_container);
le_container = IC.myGM.$('.header', IC.myGM.$('#tabShips'));
_lf_addLink('fleet', le_container);
* Link barrack and shipyard in dismiss units screen.
var _lf_doLinkBarrackShipyardDismiss = function() {
var ls_type = IC.myGM.$('#js_garrisonEditForm input[name=function]').value.replace(/fire/gi, '').toLowerCase();
var le_container = IC.myGM.$('#js_garrisonEditForm .header');
_lf_addLink(ls_type, le_container);
* Update the settings to execute the callback or delete the handler.
* @param {boolean} ib_linkBarrackShipyard
* If the user selected the checkbox to link barrackand shipyard.
this.updateSettings = function(ib_linkBarrackShipyard) {
if(ib_linkBarrackShipyard === true) {
IC.RefreshHandler.add('cityMilitary', 'linkBarrackShipyardOverview', _lf_doLinkBarrackShipyardOverview);
IC.RefreshHandler.add('garrisonEdit', 'linkBarrackShipyardDismiss', _lf_doLinkBarrackShipyardDismiss);
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('cityMilitary', 'linkBarrackShipyardOverview');
IC.RefreshHandler.remove('garrisonEdit', 'linkBarrackShipyardDismiss');
IC.Options.addCheckbox('showTroopInformation', 'diverseOptions', 1, true, IC.Language.$('troopInformation.options.show'), { changeCallback: _go_troopInformation.updateSettings });
IC.Options.addCheckbox('linkBarrackShipyard', 'diverseOptions', 1, true, IC.Language.$('troopInformation.options.linkBarrackShipyard'), { changeCallback: _go_linkBarrackShipyard.updateSettings });
IC.con.logTimeStamp('IkariamEnhancedUI: troop information functions created');
* Main function of the script.<br>
* Inits the Ikariam Core and calls the script functions.<br>
* Must be called with <pre>setTimeout(main, 0)</pre> for correct setting of some core variables.
async function main() {
// Get the Ikariam core.
var IC = new IkariamCore('4.2', 4369, 'Ikariam Enhanced UI', 'Tobbe', false);
if(IC.myGM.alreadyExecuted === true)
await IC.Language.setDefaultLanguage('en');
var la_language = [
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