インストールの前に、Greasy Forkは、このスクリプトにアンチ機能が含まれることをお知らせします。これはあなたではなく、スクリプトの作者の利益を目的としてます。
Greasy Fork is available in English.
The best mope.io hack out there, ALL SKINS UNLOCKER BOT (SEE VID IN DESC FOR TUTORIAL), MOVEMENT LOCKER! PRESS Z FOR LOCKER. Hotkeys (V = TOGGLE RESPAWN BOT / ALLSKINS, C = TOGGLE AUTOBOOST, X = TOGGLE AUTO DIVE, REMOVE ADS, CUSTOM CURSOR). Auto-see people underwater and in holes. You can see people who are invisible too!
// ==UserScript== // @name MOPE.IO AUTO DIVE, AUTO BOOST, SEE PEOPLE UNDERWATER, SEE INVISIBLE PLAYERS, REMOVE ADS // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/198860-flarez-gaming // @version 2.3 // @description The best mope.io hack out there, ALL SKINS UNLOCKER BOT (SEE VID IN DESC FOR TUTORIAL), MOVEMENT LOCKER! PRESS Z FOR LOCKER. Hotkeys (V = TOGGLE RESPAWN BOT / ALLSKINS, C = TOGGLE AUTOBOOST, X = TOGGLE AUTO DIVE, REMOVE ADS, CUSTOM CURSOR). Auto-see people underwater and in holes. You can see people who are invisible too! // @author FZ // @match *://mope.io/* // @match *://beta.mope.io/* // @match *://m0pe.io/* // @match *://learninganimals.club/* // @match *://beta.tailbite.me/* // @match *://beta.zooeducation.space/* // @match *://tailbite.me/* // @match *://animalfun.club/* // @match *://zooeducation.space/* // @match *://experimental.mope.io/* // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/410512-sci-js-from-ksw2-center/code/scijs%20(from%20ksw2-center).js // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js // @antifeature tracking // ==/UserScript== //insert_0000000(true, "mope identifier v2.0"); document.getElementById('gCanvas').style.cursor = 'url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/user/use-1/use153.cur), default'; function autoDive() { var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, unsafeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 2, null); document.getElementById('gCanvas').dispatchEvent(x); } function autoBoost() { var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, unsafeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById('gCanvas').dispatchEvent(x); } /*const canvas = document.getElementById("gCanvas"); var centerPoint; setInterval(() => { centerPoint = [document.getElementById('gCanvas').width / 2, document.getElementById('gCanvas').height / 2]; }, 0); function mouseMove(x, y) { canvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', { 'clientX': x, 'clientY': y })); }*/ var zx = "_0x56" + "bd07"; var xz = "_0xaf" + "8b40"; function stayStill() { unsafeWindow[zx]('Movement Lock: ' + ((unsafeWindow[xz] = !unsafeWindow[xz]) ? 'ON' : 'OFF'), 2500); }; var one = false; var int1, int2, int3; var two = false; var three = false; var state = false; var setup = ''; function isElementVisible(a) { return null !== a['offsetParent']; } document.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if (e.key == "v") { state = !state; alert("XP Bot: " + state); document.getElementById("startButton").click(); setTimeout(()=>{ setup = setInterval(()=>{ if (isElementVisible(document.getElementById("startButton"))) document.getElementById("startButton").click(); $("gCanvas").trigger("focus"); var x = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"); x.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, unsafeWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); document.getElementById('gCanvas').dispatchEvent(x); if (state == false) clearInterval(setup); }, 1000); }, 5000); } if (e.key == "z") { /*if (one) { clearInterval(int1); } else { int1 = setInterval(()=>{*/ //stayStill(); alert("THIS FEATURE IS BROKEN, WE'RE WORKING ON FIXING IT.") /*}, 0); }; one = !one*/ }; if (e.key == "x") { alert("Autodive: " + !two); if (two) { clearInterval(int2); } else { int2 = setInterval(()=>{ autoDive(); }, 0); }; two = !two; }; if (e.key == "c") { alert("Autoboost: " + !three); if (three) { clearInterval(int3); } else { int3 = setInterval(()=>{ autoBoost(); }, 0); }; three = !three; }; }); document.getElementById('preroll').remove(); document.getElementById("moneyRectBottom").style.display = "none"; //remove ads