Miracle Scripts

Bookmark your favorite skins! Use skin shortcuts! Go crazy with cell animations! Improved chat log! Dance! Use chat replacements! Display the time!


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◆◆◆ MIRACLE SCRIPTS for Agma.io ◆◆◆


- ⭐ Bookmark your favorite custom skins!
- ♻️ Quickly change between skins by typing /skin1 etc. in the chat! To store the current skin, type "/skin1 this". You can also use the skin ID, for example "/skin1 11". To get the ID simply pick a skin in the menu - the ID will be displayed!
- 🤣 Animation script! Press a key and a randomly animation - including /wacky - will be written to the chat.
Just press "ENTER" to start it! Very helpful to "spam" animations. The key to press is CTRL.
- 💃 Dance script! Let you cell dance! Press END to start, then it will dance until you press END again! Meanwhile you can play animations! Or hold W!
- ❤️ Copy + paste script! Press a key and a prompt will appear. Now paste text or emojis here! That will appear in the chat box. The key to press is POS1.
- 💬 Chat replacements script! Create snippets / replacements for the chat box! For example, type :*( to get a crying emoji.
- 📝 Chat log script! See the whole chatlog, copy parts of it, and double click on a message to translate it! Simply press L!
- 📢 Custom commands: Type "time" into the chatbox and press ENTER to see the local time. Type "online" to see for how many minutes you are online and "/alive" to see for how long you are alive. You can also type "ping" and "fps"! Or "/linesplit"! Or "/waste"! Or "/alive", or "/online"! Or "/powerups"! Type "/miraclehelp" to see all available commands.
- 🕒 Timer: Type "/timer 10" in the chat to set a timer that expires after 10 minutes! You can also do "/timer 2 hours". Type "/timer" to see the reamining time.
- 🖊️ Use /say or /say1 - /say5 to use a fancy font in your message!!

Keys can be changed and replacements can be added! Also great to add your favorite emojis or sayings!!

Note: This won't work on mobile devices.