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Bilibili Danmaku Translator

Google Chrome や Microsoft Edge の翻訳ツールを使って、ビリビリのユーザーコメント(弾幕)を自動翻訳します。

< Bilibili Danmaku Translatorについてのフィードバック

レート:不可 – スクリプトが動かない

投稿日: 2021/01/12

It's not working. Is there an update or do I need to reinstall it?

投稿日: 2021/01/12

Thank you for reporting.
Have it worked well before?
Currently, on my computer, it does work.

So, could you tell me your browser and script manager?

Chrome 87.0.4280.88(Official Build) (x86_64)
Tampermonkey v4.11

And such a thing often being caused by other scripts or extensions. Any ideas on your mind?

投稿日: 2021/01/12

(If you use the latest script version 2.4.0, a reinstall would not work)

投稿日: 2021/01/12


Downloaded it yesterday and it was working fine, but now it's not somehow. Don't know what happened? Haven't added or changed scripts or extensions.

Browser is Chrome 87.0.4280.141 (the latest version) and the script manager is the same with Tampermonkey v4.11.

投稿日: 2021/01/12

I comprehended the problem on videos.
(I'm sorry, I tested only on live streamings before)

It was occurred by bilibili's update, and it will take some time to update my script. ☹️

