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BDSMLR - clickable links to original high-res images and display timestamps

This script modifies images to link to their original ("-og") high-res version. The link is available as soon as a border appears around an image. The color of the box indicates the range of the image height. In addition, the script unhides/expands all images of large multi-image posts and displays the timestamp of the post in the upper right corner (dashboard only). It also fixes some broken images in the stream (cdno08).


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This script modifies image posts to link to their high-res "-og" version.
(Easily accessible by opening in a new tab via "middle-mouse" click).

As of version 3, this script tests various possible "-og" URLs asynchronously in the background.
As soon as the URL checking completes for an image, the script creates a grey border around it.
If a new URL was found the image link is then modified to point to it (replacing whatever the old link was or inserting a link if there was none before).
A second background process determines the image dimensions of the link target and replaces the grey box with a different color depending on the height of the image.

These background activities will cause additional network traffic.

This approach currently works for:
- bdsmlr dashboard (including group streams)
- blogs displayed as overlay on the right side of the dashboard
- blog streams (
- individual posts (
It does NOT work for the archive view of a blog (

Please note that there is NOT always an original high-res ("-og") version available for each and every posted image. In such cases, the script will fallback to the "non-og" version of the image.

Since a (botched) bdsmlr infrastructure update in early 2021, some images are broken in the stream, the script attempts to fix those that refer to the cdno08 image server.
If you experience further broken images, please let me know...

In addition, the script also displays the time-stamp in the upper right corner of each post.
This currently works for the dashboard, only - the other views (individual posts, individual blogs) do not (yet?) contain any time-stamp data.

As of 2.3.0, the script also automatically unhides all images of larger multi-image posts (instead of having to click manually on "show x more images").

Feedback as well as technical advice for further script improvement is very welcome.

The script is presented AS-IS with no guarantees.