Greasy Fork is available in English.

Google Search Sidebar

A user script and user style to move Google search tools to sidebar.


// ==UserScript==
// @name            Google Search Sidebar
// @namespace
// @version         0.3.5
// @description     A user script and user style to move Google search tools to sidebar.
// @author          Jimmy Lin
// @license         MIT
// @homepage
// @supportURL
// @include*/search?*
// @include*/webhp?*
// @compatible      firefox
// @compatible      chrome
// @compatible      opera
// @run-at          document-start
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==

function GM_addStyle (css) {
  const style = document.createElement('style')
  style.type = 'text/css'
  style.textContent = css
  return style

  /* CSS Variables
     ========================================================================== */

  :root {
    --user-sidebar-width: 200px;
    --user-sidebar-spacer: 30px;
    --user-sidebar-primary-color: #dd4b39;

    --user-action-menu-spacer: 2px;
    --user-action-menu-background: #eee;
    --user-action-menu-font-size: 85%;

  /* Search Tools Menu
     ========================================================================== */

   * Hide "Tools" toggle.

  #hdtb-tls {
    display: none !important;

   * 1. Make menu container visible.
   * 2. Move menu container to the left.
   * 3. Remove menu container background.

  #hdtbMenus {
    opacity: 1 !important; /* 1 */
    display: block !important; /* 1 */
    position: static !important; /* 2 */
    float: left !important; /* 2 */
    height: 0 !important; /* 1 */
    overflow: visible !important; /* 1 */
    padding: 0 !important; /* 2 */
    background: transparent !important; /* 3 */

   * Remove original menu height.

  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-cont {
    height: 0 !important;

   * 1. Make dropdowns visible.
   * 2. Set dropdowns position.
   * 3. Set dropdowns width as sidebar width.
   * 4. Wrap dropdowns text if too long.
  #hdtbMenus g-popup {
    display: block !important; /* 1 */
    width: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important; /* 3 */
    min-width: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important; /* 3 */
    max-width: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important; /* 3 */

  div.EwsJzb {
    display: block !important;
    position: static !important;
    top: 0 !important;

  div.EwsJzb > ul {
    border: 0 !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
    background: transparent !important;
    white-space: normal !important; /* 4 */

   * No wrap text in sub dropdown menu.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtbU .hdtbItm .hdtb-mn-c {
    white-space: nowrap !important;

   * 1. Set dropdowns bottom margin.
   * 2. Remove decoration styles from dropdowns.

  #hdtbMenus .hdtbU {
    margin-bottom: var(--user-sidebar-spacer) !important; /* 1 */
    border: 0 !important; /* 2 */
    box-shadow: none !important; /* 2 */
    background: transparent !important; /* 2 */

   * Prevent dropdown toggle text from overflowing.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd {
    box-sizing: border-box !important;

   * Hide dropdown toggle by default.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd,
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd .mn-dwn-arw {
    display: none !important;

   * Wrap dropdown toggle text if too long.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd .mn-hd-txt {
    white-space: normal !important;

   * 1. Make dropdown toggle visible if some search filters is on.
   * 2. Align dropdown toggle with dropdowns.
   * 3. Emphasize dropdown toggle text.
   * 4. Remove mouse/touch events.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd.hdtb-tsel[aria-label*="×"],
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd.hdtb-tsel[aria-label*=" – "],
  #hdtbMenus .hdtb-mn-hd.hdtb-tsel[aria-label*='<div class="sc">'] {
    display: block !important; /* 1 */
    padding-right: var(--user-sidebar-spacer) !important; /* 2 */
    padding-left: var(--user-sidebar-spacer) !important; /* 2 */
    color: var(--user-sidebar-primary-color) !important; /* 3 */
    font-weight: bolder !important; /* 3 */
    pointer-events: none !important; /* 4 */

   * Remove dropdown items background.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtbItm {
    background: transparent !important;

   * 1. Remove checkmark on selected dropdown items.
   * 2. Emphasize selected dropdown items.
  #hdtbMenus .hdtbItm.hdtbSel {
    background: transparent !important; /* 1 */
    color: var(--user-sidebar-primary-color) !important; /* 2 */
    font-weight: bolder !important; /* 2 */

   * 1. Correct sub dropdowns position.
   * 2. Normalize sub dropdowns text.

  #hdtbMenus .tnv-lt-sm {
    height: auto !important; /* 1 */
    overflow: visible !important; /* 1 */
    font-weight: normal !important; /* 2 */
    white-space: nowrap !important; /* 2 */

   * Remove "Custom range.." and "Exactly..." button styles.

  .exylnk {
    background: transparent !important;
    color: inherit !important;

   * 1. Make "Reset" button visible.
   * 2. Align "Reset" button with other dropdown items.

  #hdtb-rst.hdtb-mn-hd {
    display: block !important; /* 1 */
    padding: 0 var(--user-sidebar-spacer) !important; /* 2 */

   * Reset color filter blocks in image search.

  #color-specific #sc-block {
    width: inherit !important;

   * Make result status text ("About xxx,xxx results") visible.

  .hdtb-ab-o .LHJvCe {
    opacity: 1 !important;
    top: 0 !important;

  /* Main Content and Footer
     ========================================================================== */

   * Move main content and footer to the right.

  #slim_appbar {
    margin-left: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important;

   * Align new material icons toolbar.

  #hdtb-msb-vis {
    margin-left: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important;

  #hdtb-msb-vis .hdtb-mitem:first-child {
    margin-left: 0 !important;

  /* Top Search Form
     ========================================================================== */

   * Align search text input with main content.

  #gsr:not(.hp) #searchform .tsf-p {
    padding-left: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important;

  /* Image Search Results
     ========================================================================== */

   * Reset image results position.

  #irc_bg {
    left: 0 !important;

   * Do not wrap image result buttons.

  #irc_bg .irc_but {
    white-space: nowrap !important;

  /* Google Shopping
     ========================================================================== */

  .sh-dr__restricts {
    width: var(--user-sidebar-width) !important;

  /* Action Menu
     ========================================================================== */

   * Hide action menu toggle.

  .action-menu > a {
    display: none !important;

   * 1. Make action menu visible.
   * 2. Reset action menu position.
   * 3. Remove decoration styles from action menu.

  .action-menu .action-menu-panel {
    display: inline-block !important; /* 2 */
    visibility: visible !important; /* 1 */
    position: relative !important; /* 2 */
    top: calc(var(--user-action-menu-spacer) * -1) !important; /* 2 */
    border: 0 !important; /* 3 */
    box-shadow: none !important; /* 3 */
    background: transparent !important; /* 3 */

   * 1. Make action menu items display inline.
   * 2. Reset menu items styles.

  .action-menu .action-menu-item {
    display: inline-block !important; /* 1 */
    margin: 0 var(--user-action-menu-spacer) !important; /* 2 */
    background: var(--user-action-menu-background) !important; /* 2 */

   * Make action menu items smaller.

  .action-menu a.fl {
    padding: var(--user-action-menu-spacer)
      calc(var(--user-action-menu-spacer) * 2) !important;
    font-size: var(--user-action-menu-font-size) !important;

  /* Third-Party Compatibility
     ========================================================================== */

   * Align Evernote Similar Search block.

  #simSearchFrame {
    margin-left: calc(-1 * (var(--user-sidebar-width) / 2)) !important;