musicbrainz.org: Adds some buttons to check all unvoted edits (Yes/No/Abs/None) at once in the edit search page. You can also collapse/expand (all) edits for clarity. A handy reset votes button is also available + Double click radio to vote single edit + range click with shift to vote a series of edits. , Hidden (collapsed) edits will never be voted (even if range click or shift+click force vote).


(function(){"use strict";var meta={rawmdb:function(){
// ==UserScript==
// @name         mb. POWER VOTE
// @version      2015.4.30.1619
// @description  musicbrainz.org: Adds some buttons to check all unvoted edits (Yes/No/Abs/None) at once in the edit search page. You can also collapse/expand (all) edits for clarity. A handy reset votes button is also available + Double click radio to vote single edit + range click with shift to vote a series of edits. , Hidden (collapsed) edits will never be voted (even if range click or shift+click force vote).
// @homepage     http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/57765
// @supportURL   https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/issues
// @namespace    https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command
// @author       PATATE12
// @licence      CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
// @since        2009-09-14
// @grant        none
// @include      http*://*musicbrainz.org/*
// @include      http://*.mbsandbox.org/*
// @exclude      *//*/*mbsandbox.org/*
// @exclude      *//*/*musicbrainz.org/*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
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				if (typeof meta[kv[1]] == "string") meta[kv[1]] = [meta[kv[1]]];
			} else meta[kv[1]] = kv[2];
	var chrome = "Please run “"+meta.name+"” with Tampermonkey instead of plain Chrome.";
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		var onlySubmitTabIndexed = true; /*hit tab after typed text or voted directly goes to a submit button*/
		var text = " // Check all unvoted edits (shift+click to force all votes) → ";
		var canceltext = "Reset votes";
		var scrollToEdits = false; /*will never get in the way if you have scrolled down yourself*/
		var rangeclick = true; /*multiple votes by clicking first vote then shift-clicking last radio in a range*/
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			else {
		}, false);
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							var errmsg = "Error while edit voting in the background.";
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							if (xhredit) {
								xhredit = xhredit[1];
								errmsg = "Edit #"+xhredit+"\n"+errmsg;
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								if (xhredito) {
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							else { errmsg = "Unknown edit\n"+errmsg; }
							if (xhr.status == 200 && pendingXHRvote > 0 && xhredito) {
							else {
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								if (xhredit && !xhredito) {
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					xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
					xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
					xhr.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
					ninja(e, ed, true, "force");
			}, false);
			labinput.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
				var rad = this.querySelector("input[type='radio']");
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					if (e.shiftKey && lastradio && rad != lastradio && rad.value == lastradio.value) {
						rangeclick = false;
						doitdoit(e, rad.value, Math.min(radios.indexOf(rad), radios.indexOf(lastradio)), Math.max(radios.indexOf(rad), radios.indexOf(lastradio)));
						rangeclick = true;
						lastradio = null;
					else {
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					collexpa.setAttribute("title", "collapse same EDITOR edits: CTRL+click\n\ncollapse same TYPE edits: ALT+click\n\ncollapse "+(collexpa.className.match(/autoedit/)?"auto":"same VOTED ")+"edits: CTRL+ALT+click\n\ncollapse ALL edits: SHIFT+click");
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							else if (e.ctrlKey) {
								if (editor = editheader.querySelector(userCSS).getAttribute("href").match(/\/user\/(.+)$/)) {
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								if (ovote) ovote = ovote.getAttribute("value");
								if (
									(!editor || editor == getParent(others[other], "div", "edit-header").querySelector(userCSS).getAttribute("href").match(/\/user\/(.+)$/)[1])
									&& (!vote || vote == ovote)
								) {
					}, false);
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	function shortcutsRow() {
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		voteopts.appendChild(shortcut("0", "No"));
		voteopts.appendChild(shortcut("-1", "Abstain"));
		voteopts.appendChild(shortcut("-2", "None"));
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	function mkElt(typ, cls) {
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		return obj;
	function shortcut(vote, txt) {
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		button.style.setProperty("float", "none");
		button.addEventListener("click", function(e) { doitdoit(e, vote); }, false);
		return button;
	function doitdoit(e, vote, min, max) {
		if (vote != "omgcancel") {
			for (i = (min?min+(FF?0:1):0); i < (max?max+1:radios.length); i++) {/*FF shift+click label NG*/
				if (radios[i].getAttribute("value") == vote && !radios[i].checked && !ninja(e, getParent(radios[i], "div", "edit-list")) && (e.shiftKey || isOkToVote(radios[i]))) {
		else { for (i = 0; i < radiosafe.length; i++) { click(radiosafe[i]); } }
	function isOkToVote(radiox) {
		return getParent(radiox, "div", "voteopts").querySelector("input[type='radio'][value='-2']").checked;
	function getParent(obj, tag, cls) {
		var cur = obj;
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				return cur;
			} else {
				return getParent(cur, tag, cls);
		} else {
			return null;
	function findPos(obj) { /* http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html */
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		if (obj.offsetParent) {
			do {
				curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
				curtop += obj.offsetTop;
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	function sendEvent(n, e){
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		ev.initEvent(e, true, true);
	function disable(cont, dis) {
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				if (dis) { inputs[i].setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); }
				else { inputs[i].removeAttribute("disabled"); }
			return true;
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	function ninja(e, o, n, spec) {
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				else {
					try {
					} catch(e) {
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							jQwtf[j].style.setProperty("display", "block");
			else {
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				cssClass(o, (n?"+":"-")+userjs+cls);
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	function cssClass(o, a) {
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			case "-": if (cssClass(o, "?"+cls_str)) o.className = o.className.replace(cls_reg, " "); return o.className;
			default: return null;
	function lockform(lo) {
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			if (submitClone) submitClone.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
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		if (!editform.querySelector("div.edit-list div.edit-description")) {
		stat.style.setProperty("display", nbr>0?"block":"none");
	function del(o) {
		return o.parentNode.removeChild(o);
	function submitShiftKey(e) { submitShift = e.shiftKey; }
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