Greasy Fork is available in English.

RU AdList JS Fixes

try to take over the world!


// ==UserScript==
// @name         RU AdList JS Fixes
// @namespace    ruadlist_js_fixes
// @version      20180919.3
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       lainverse & dimisa
// @supportURL
// @match        *://*/*
// @exclude      *://*
// @exclude      *://**
// @exclude      *://*
// @exclude      *://**
// @exclude      *://*
// @exclude      *://**
// @exclude      *://*
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        window.close
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    let win = (unsafeWindow || window);

    // MooTools are crazy enough to replace standard browser object window.Document:
    // Occasionally their code runs before my script on some domains and causes all kinds of havoc.
    let _Document = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLDocument);
    let _Element = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLElement);
    // dTree 2.05 in some cases replaces Node object
    let _Node = Object.getPrototypeOf(_Element);

    let isOpera = (!!window.opr && !!window.opr.addons) || !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0,
        isChrome = !! && !!,
        isSafari ='Constructor') > 0 ||
        (function (p) { return p.toString() === "[object SafariRemoteNotification]"; })(!window.safari || window.safari.pushNotification);
    let isFirefox = 'InstallTrigger' in win;
    let inIFrame = (win.self !==;
    let _getAttribute = _Element.prototype.getAttribute,
        _setAttribute = _Element.prototype.setAttribute,
        _removeAttribute = _Element.prototype.removeAttribute;
    let _document = win.document,
        _de = _document.documentElement,
        _appendChild = _Document.prototype.appendChild.bind(_de),
        _removeChild = _Document.prototype.removeChild.bind(_de),
        _createElement = _Document.prototype.createElement.bind(_document);

    if (isFirefox && // Exit on image pages in Fx
        _document.constructor.prototype.toString() === '[object ImageDocumentPrototype]')

    // NodeList iterator polyfill (mostly for Safari)
    if (!NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator])
        NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];

    // Wrapper to run scripts designed to override objects available to other scripts
    // Required in old versions of Firefox (<58) or when running with Greasemonkey
    let skipLander = true;
    try {
        skipLander = !(isFirefox && ('StopIteration' in win || === 'Greasemonkey'));
    } catch(ignore){}
    let batchLand = [];
    let batchPrepend = [];
    let _APIString = 'let win = window, _document = win.document, _Document = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLDocument),'+
        ' _Element = Object.getPrototypeOf(HTMLElement), _Node = Object.getPrototypeOf(_Element);';
    let landScript = (f, pre) => {
        let script = _createElement('script');
        script.textContent = `(()=>{${_APIString}${(
            (pre.length > 0 ? pre.join(';') : '')
    let scriptLander = f => f();
    if (!skipLander) {
        scriptLander = (func, ...prepend) => {
                x => batchPrepend.includes(x) ? null : batchPrepend.push(x)
            'DOMContentLoaded', () => void (scriptLander = (f, ...prep) => landScript([f], prep)), false

    function nullTools(opts) {
        let nt = this;
        opts = opts || {};
        let log = (...args) => opts.log && console.log(...args);
        let warn = (...args) => console.warn(...args);
        let trace = (...args) => (opts.log || opts.trace) && warn(...args);

        nt.destroy = function(o, destroy) {
            if (!opts.destroy && !destroy && o instanceof Object)
            log('cleaning', o);
            try {
                for (let item in o) {
                    if (item instanceof Object)
                    delete o[item];
            } catch (e) {
                log('Error in object destructor', e);

        nt.define = function(obj, prop, val, enumerable = true) {
            try {
                    obj, prop, {
                        get: () => val,
                        set: v => {
                            if (v !== val) {
                                log(`set ${prop} of`, obj, 'to', v);
                            return true;
                        enumerable: enumerable
            } catch (err) {
                console.log(`Unable to redefine "${prop}" in `, obj, err);
        nt.proxy = function(obj) {
            return new Proxy(
                obj, {
                    get: (t, p) => p in t ? t[p] : console.warn(`Missing ${p} in`, t),
                    set: (t, p, v) => {
                        if (v !== t[p]) {
                            log(`set ${p} of`, t, 'to', v);
                        return true
        nt.func = (val, name = '', force_log = false) => nt.proxy((...args) => {
            (force_log ? warn : trace)(`call ${name}(`, ...args,`) return`, val);
            return val;

    // Debug function, lists all unusual window properties
    function getStrangeObjectsList() {
        console.warn('Strangers list start');
        let _toString =;
        let _skip = 'frames/self/window/webkitStorageInfo'.split('/');
        for (let n in win) {
            let val = win[n];
            if (val && !_skip.includes(n) && (win !== window && val !== window[n] || win === window) &&
                (!(val instanceof Function) ||
                 val instanceof Function &&
                 !(new RegExp (`^function\\s(${n})?\\(\\)[\\s\\r\\n]*\\{[\\s\\r\\n]*\\[native\\scode\\][\\s\\r\\n]*\\}$`)).test(_toString(val))))
                console.log(`${n} =`, val);
        console.warn('Strangers list end');

    // Fake objects of advertisement networks to break their workflow
        function() {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            // Popular adblock detector
            if (!('fuckAdBlock' in win) && location.hostname !== '') {
                let FuckAdBlock = function(options) {
                    let self = this;
                    self._options = {
                        checkOnLoad: false,
                        resetOnEnd: false,
                        checking: false
                    self.setOption = function(opt, val) {
                        if (val)
                            self._options[opt] = val;
                            Object.assign(self._options, opt);
                    if (options)

                    self._var = { event: {} };
                    self.clearEvent = function() {
                        self._var.event.detected = [];
                        self._var.event.notDetected = [];

                    self.on = function(detected, fun) {
                        return self;
                    self.onDetected = function(cb) {
                        return self.on(true, cb);
                    self.onNotDetected = function(cb) {
                        return self.on(false, cb);
                    self.emitEvent = function() {
                        for (let fun of self._var.event.notDetected)
                        if (self._options.resetOnEnd)
                        return self;
                    self._creatBait = () => null;
                    self._destroyBait = () => null;
                    self._checkBait = function() {
                        setTimeout((() => self.emitEvent()), 1);
                    self.check = function() {
                        return true;

                    let callback = function() {
                        if (self._options.checkOnLoad)
                            setTimeout(self.check, 1);
                    window.addEventListener('load', callback, false);
                nt.define(win, 'FuckAdBlock', FuckAdBlock);
                nt.define(win, 'fuckAdBlock', new FuckAdBlock({
                    checkOnLoad: true,
                    resetOnEnd: true

            // CoinHive miner stub. Continuous 100% CPU load can easily kill some CPU with overheat.
            if (!('CoinHive' in win))
                if (location.hostname !== '') {
                    // CoinHive stub for cases when it doesn't affect site functionality
                    let CoinHiveConstructor = function() {
                        console.warn('Fake CoinHive miner created.');
                        this.setThrottle = nt.func(null);
                        this.start = nt.func(null);
                        this.on = nt.func(null);
                        this.getHashesPerSecond = nt.func(Infinity);
                        this.getTotalHashes = nt.func(Infinity);
                        this.getAcceptedHashes = nt.func(Infinity);
                    let CoinHiveStub = nt.proxy({
                        Anonymous: CoinHiveConstructor,
                        User: CoinHiveConstructor,
                        Token: CoinHiveConstructor,
                        JobThread: nt.func(null),
                        Res: nt.func(null),
                        IF_EXCLUSIVE_TAB: false,
                        CONFIG: nt.proxy({})
                    nt.define(win, 'CoinHive', CoinHiveStub);
                } else {
                    // CoinHive wrapper to fool sites which expect it to actually work and return results
                    let CoinHiveObject;
                    Object.defineProperty(win, 'CoinHive', {
                        set: function(obj) {
                            if ('Token' in obj) {
                                console.log('[CoinHive] Token wrapper applied.');
                                let _Token = obj.Token.bind(obj);
                                obj.Token = function(siteKey, goal, params) {
                                    let _goal = goal;
                                    goal = goal > 256 ? 256 : goal;
                                    console.log(`[CoinHive] Original goal: ${_goal}, new smaller goal ${goal}.`);
                                    console.log(`With smaller goals server may return 'invalid_goal' error and stop working.`);
                                    let miner = _Token(siteKey, goal, params);
                                    miner.setThrottle = () => null;
                                    let _start = miner.start.bind(miner);
                                    miner.start = function() {
                                        let res = _start(window.CoinHive.FORCE_EXCLUSIVE_TAB);
                                        return res;
                                    let _getTotalHashes = miner.getTotalHashes;
                                    miner.getTotalHashes = function() {
                                        return Math.trunc( / goal * _goal);
                                    let __emit = miner._emit;
                                    miner._emit = function(state, props) {
                                        let _self = this;
                                        console.log('[CoinHive] state:', state, props);
                                        if (state === 'job')
                                            setTimeout(() => {
                                                _self._emit('accepted', { hashes: goal });
                                            }, 1000);
                                        return __emit.apply(_self, arguments);
                                    let _on = miner.on.bind(miner);
                                    miner.on = function(type, callback) {
                                        if (type === 'accepted') {
                                            console.log('[CoinHive] "accepted" callback wrapper applied.');
                                            let _callback = callback;
                                            callback = function(params) {
                                                console.log('[CoinHive] "accepted" callback is called, imitating original goal being reached.');
                                                params.hashes = _goal;
                                                return _callback.apply(this, arguments);
                                        return _on(type, callback);
                                    return miner;
                            CoinHiveObject = obj;
                        get: () => CoinHiveObject

            // VideoJS player wrapper
            VideoJS: {
                let _videojs = win.videojs || void 0;
                Object.defineProperty(win, 'videojs', {
                    get: () => _videojs,
                    set: f => {
                        if (f === _videojs)
                            return true;
                        console.log('videojs =', f);
                        _videojs = new Proxy(f, {
                            apply: (tgt, ths, args) => {
                                console.log('videojs(', ...args, ')');
                                let params = args[1];
                                if (params) {
                                    if (params.hasAd)
                                        params.hasAd = false;
                                    if (params.plugins && params.plugins.vastClient)
                                        delete params.plugins.vastClient;
                                let res = tgt.apply(ths, args);
                                if (res && res.seed)
                                    res.seed = () => null;
                                console.log('player = ', res);
                                return res;

            // piguiqproxy-like script loaded from random RU domains
            let fab_application_define = nt.func(null, 'fab_application.define', true);
            fab_application_define.amd = nt.func(null, 'fab_application.define.amd');
            let fab_application = {
                requirejs: nt.func(null, 'fab_application.requirejs'),
                require: nt.func(null, 'fab_application.require'),
                define: nt.proxy(fab_application_define)
            nt.define(win, 'fab_application', nt.proxy(fab_application));

            // Set a little trap for BodyClick ads
            Object.defineProperty(win, '__BC_domain', {
                set: () => { throw 'BodyClick trap' }

            // Yandex API (ADBTools, Metrika)
            let hostname = location.hostname;
            if (location.protocol === 'about:' ||
                // Thank you, Greasemonkey, now I have to check for this. -_-
                hostname.startsWith('google.') || hostname.includes('.google.') ||
                // Google likes to define odd global variables like Ya
                ((hostname.startsWith('yandex.') || hostname.includes('.yandex.')) &&
                 /^\/((yand)?search|images)/i.test(location.pathname) &&
                 !hostname.startsWith('news.')) ||
                // Also, Yandex uses their Ya object for a lot of things on their pages and
                // wrapping it may cause problems. It's better to skip it in some cases.
                hostname.endsWith('') || hostname.endsWith('') ||

            let YaProps = new Set();
            function onAdvManager (Ya, rootProp, obj) {
                return new Proxy(obj, {
                    set: (tgt, prop, val) => {
                        if (prop === 'AdvManager') {
                            console.log(`Ya.${rootProp} = Ya.Context`);
                            nt.define(Ya, rootProp, Ya.Context);
                        tgt[prop] = val;
                        return true;
                    get: (tgt, prop) => {
                        if (prop === 'AdvManager' && !(prop in tgt)) {
                            console.log(`Injected missing ${prop} in Ya.${rootProp}.`);
                            tgt[prop] = Ya.Context[prop];
                        return tgt[prop];
            let Rum = {};
                '__timeMarks', '_timeMarks', '__deltaMarks', '_deltaMarks',
                '__defRes', '_defRes', '__defTimes', '_defTimes', '_vars',
            ].forEach(name => void(Rum[name] = []));
                'send', 'sendRaf', 'sendTimeMark', 'sendResTiming', 'sendTTI',
                'sendHeroElement', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'getTime', 'mark', 'init',
                'makeSubPage', 'observeDOMNode', 'isVisibilityChanged'
            ].forEach(name => void(Rum[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.Rum.${name}`)));
                'getSettings', 'getVarsList'
            ].forEach(name => void(Rum[name] = nt.func([], `Ya.Rum.${name}`)));
                ['ajaxStart', 0], ['ajaxComplete', 0],
                ['enabled', true], ['_tti', null],
                ['vsChanged', false], ['vsStart', 'visible']
            ].forEach(([prop, val]) => void(Rum[prop] = val));
            Rum = nt.proxy(Rum);
            let Ya = new Proxy({}, {
                set: function(tgt, prop, val) {
                    if (val === tgt[prop])
                        return true;
                    if (prop === 'Rum') {
                        nt.define(tgt, prop, Rum);
                        Object.assign(val, Rum);
                    if (YaProps.has(prop)) {
                        console.log(`Ya.${prop} \u2260`, val);
                        return true;
                    if (val instanceof Object && prop !== '__inline_params__')
                        val = onAdvManager(Ya, prop, val);
                    tgt[prop] = val;
                    console.log(`Ya.${prop} =`, val);
                    return true;
                get: (tgt, prop) => tgt[prop]
            let callWithParams = function(f) {
      , Ya.__inline_params__ || {});
                Ya.__inline_params__ = null;
            nt.define(Ya, 'callWithParams', callWithParams);
            nt.define(Ya, 'PerfCounters', nt.proxy({
                addCacheEvent: nt.func(null),
                getTime: nt.func(null),
                sendCacheEvents: nt.func(null),
                sendResTiming: nt.func(null),
                sendTimeMark: nt.func(null),
                __cacheEvents: []
            nt.define(Ya, '__isSent', true);
            nt.define(Ya, 'confirmUrl', '');
            nt.define(Ya, 'Direct', nt.proxy({
                insertInto: nt.func(null)
            nt.define(Ya, 'mediaCode', nt.proxy({
                create: function() {
                    if (inIFrame) {
                        console.log('Removed body of ad-frame.');
                moduleLoad: nt.func(null),
                setModule: nt.func(null)
            let extra = nt.proxy({
                extra: nt.proxy({ match: 0, confirm: '', src: '' }),
                id: 0, percent: 100, threshold: 1
            nt.define(Ya, '_exp', nt.proxy({
                id: 0, coin: 0,
                choose: nt.func(extra),
                get: (prop) => extra.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? extra[prop] : null,
                getId: nt.func(0),
                defaultVersion: extra,
                getExtra: nt.func(extra.extra),
                getDefaultExtra: nt.func(extra.extra),
                versions: [extra]
            nt.define(Ya, 'c', nt.func(null));
            nt.define(Ya, 'ADBTools', function(){
                ['loadContext', 'testAdbStyle'].forEach(name => void(this[name] = nt.func(null)));
                this.getCurrentState = nt.func(true);
                return nt.proxy(this);
            nt.define(Ya, 'AdDetector', nt.proxy({}));

            if (!location.hostname.includes('')) {
                // kinopoisk uses adfox wrapped in Yandex code to display self-ads
                let adfoxCode = {};
                    'create', 'reload', 'destroy',
                    'createAdaptive', 'moduleLoad',
                    'createScroll', 'pr'
                ].forEach(name => void(adfoxCode[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.adfoxCode.${name}`)));
                nt.define(adfoxCode, 'xhrExperiment', nt.proxy({ isXhr: true, isControl: true }));
                nt.define(adfoxCode, 'isXhr', true);
                nt.define(adfoxCode, 'isExp', false);
                nt.define(adfoxCode, 'forcedDirectLoadingExp', false);
                nt.define(adfoxCode, 'isLoadingTurnedOn', false);
                nt.define(Ya, 'adfoxCode', nt.proxy(adfoxCode));
            } else
                nt.define(win, 'abExperiments', nt.proxy([]));
            let managerForAdfox = {
                loaderVersion: 1,
                isCurrrencyExp: true,
                isReady: nt.func(true, 'Ya.headerBidding.managerForAdfox.isReady')
                'render', 'requestBids', 'requestBidForContainer',
                'getBidsForAdfoxByContainerId', 'addAdfoxCallback'
            ].forEach(name => void(managerForAdfox[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.headerBidding.managerForAdfox.${name}`)));
            let headerBidding = nt.proxy({
                setSettings: opts => {
                    if (!(opts && opts.adUnits))
                        return null;
                    let ids = [];
                    for (let unit of opts.adUnits)
                    createStyle(`#${ids.join(', #')} { display: none !important }`);
                managerForAdfox: nt.proxy(managerForAdfox)
            nt.define(Ya, 'headerBidding', headerBidding);

            let AdvManager = function() {
                    'getBid', 'releaseBid',
                ].forEach(name => void(this[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.AdvManager.${name}`)));
                this.render = function(o) {
                    if (!o.renderTo)
                    let placeholder = _document.getElementById(o.renderTo);
                    let parent = placeholder.parentNode;
           = 'display:none!important';
           = (parent.getAttribute('style')||'') + 'height:auto!important';
                    // fix for Yandex TV pages
                    if (location.hostname.startsWith('')) {
                        let sibling = placeholder.previousSibling;
                        if (sibling && sibling.classList && sibling.classList.contains('tv-spin'))
                   = 'none';
                this.constructor = Object;
                return nt.proxy(this);
            nt.define(Ya, 'Context', nt.proxy({
                __longExperiment: null,
                _callbacks: nt.proxy([]),
                _asyncModeOn: true,
                _init: nt.func(null),
                isAllowedRepeatAds: nt.func(null),
                isNewLoader: nt.func(false),
                AdvManager: new AdvManager(),
                AdvManagerStatic: nt.func({})
            let Metrika = function Metrika(x) {
                    'reachGoal', 'replacePhones',
                    'trackLinks', 'userParams',
                    'hit', 'params', 'clickmap'
                ].forEach(name => void(this[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.Metrika.${name}`)));
                if (x && 'id' in x)
           = 0;
                return nt.proxy(this);
            Metrika.counters = () => Ya._metrika.counters;
            nt.define(Ya, 'Metrika', Metrika);
            nt.define(Ya, 'Metrika2', Metrika);
            let counter = new Ya.Metrika();
            nt.define(Ya, '_metrika', nt.proxy({
                counter: counter,
                counters: [counter],
                hitParam: {},
                counterNum: 0,
                hitId: 0,
                v: 1,
                i: 0,
                _globalMetrikaHitId: 0,
                getCounters: null,
                dataLayer: null,
                f1: null
            nt.define(Ya, '_globalMetrikaHitId', 0);
            counter = {};
            ].forEach(name => void(counter[name] = nt.func(null, `Ya.counter.${name}`)));
            ].forEach(name => void(counter[name] = nt.func('')));
            nt.define(Ya, 'counter', nt.proxy(counter));
            nt.define(Ya, 'jserrors', []);
            nt.define(Ya, 'onerror', nt.func(null, 'Ya.onerror'));
            if (win.Ya) {
                console.log('Found existing Ya object:', win.Ya);
                for (let prop in win.Ya)
                    Ya[prop] = win.Ya[prop];
            for (let prop in Ya)
                if (prop !== '__inline_params__')
            nt.define(win, 'Ya', Ya);
            // Yandex.Metrika callbacks
            let yandex_metrika_callbacks = [];
                'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
                    yandex_metrika_callbacks.forEach((f) => f &&;
                    yandex_metrika_callbacks.length = 0;
                    yandex_metrika_callbacks.push = (f) => setTimeout(f, 0);
                }, false
            nt.define(win, 'yandex_metrika_callbacks', yandex_metrika_callbacks);
        }, nullTools, createStyle

    // selective cookies access
    // hides existing unwanted analytics cookies from sites and prevents setting new such cookies
    scriptLander(() => {
        let _doc_proto = ('cookie' in _Document.prototype) ? _Document.prototype : Object.getPrototypeOf(_document);
        let _cookie = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_doc_proto, 'cookie');
        if (_cookie) {
            let _set_cookie =;
            let _get_cookie =;
            // Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrika cookies pattern
            let pattern = /(^|\s)_(gat?|gid|ym_(d|isad|uid)|(_utm|dc_gtm_)[^=])($|=)/;
            // skip setting unwanted cookies
            _cookie.set = function(value) {
                if (pattern.test(value))
                return _set_cookie(this, value);
            // hide unwanted cookies from site
            _cookie.get = function() {
                let res = _get_cookie(this);
                if (pattern.test(res)) {
                    let stack = [];
                    for (let cookie of res.split(/;\s/))
                        if (!pattern.test(cookie))
                    res = stack.join('; ');
                return res;
            Object.defineProperty(_doc_proto, 'cookie', _cookie);

    // Creates and return protected style (unless protection is manually disabled).
    // Protected style will re-add itself on removal and remaind enabled on attempt to disable it.
    function createStyle(rules, props, skip_protect) {
        props = props || {};
        props.type = 'text/css';

        function _protect(style) {
            if (skip_protect)

            Object.defineProperty(style, 'sheet', {
                value: null,
                enumerable: true
            Object.defineProperty(style, 'disabled', {
                get: () => true, //pretend to be disabled
                set: () => undefined,
                enumerable: true
            (new MutationObserver(
                (ms) => _removeChild(ms[0].target)
            )).observe(style, { childList: true });

        function _create() {
            let style = _appendChild(_createElement('style'));
            Object.assign(style, props);

            function insertRules(rule) {
                if (rule.forEach)
                else try {
                    style.sheet.insertRule(rule, 0);
                } catch (e) {


            return style;

        let style = _create();
        if (skip_protect)
            return style;

        (new MutationObserver(
            function(ms) {
                let m, node;
                let createStyleInANewThread = resolve => setTimeout(
                    resolve => resolve(_create()),
                    0, resolve
                let setStyle = st => void(style = st);
                for (m of ms) for (node of m.removedNodes)
                    if (node === style)
                        (new Promise(createStyleInANewThread))
        )).observe(_de, { childList: true });

        return style;

    // Simplistic WebSocket wrapper for troublesome browsers and
    // disable 'onerror' handler for scripts from blacklisted sources
    scriptLander(() => {
        let masks = [],
            isBlocked = url => masks.some(mask => mask.test(url));
        for (let filter of [// blacklist
            '/fuckadblock/', '/fuckadblock.',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^', '||^', '||^',
            '||^', '||^',
            masks.push(new RegExp(
                filter.replace(/([\\/[\].+?(){}$])/g, '\\$1')
                .replace(/\*/g, '.*?')

        let _createElement = _Document.prototype.createElement,
            _addEventListener = _Element.prototype.addEventListener,
            _removeEventListener = _Element.prototype.removeEventListener;

        let scriptMap = new WeakMap();
        scriptMap.isBlocked = isBlocked;
        let onErrorWrapper = {
            set: function(val) {
                if (scriptMap.has(this)) {
          , 'error', scriptMap.get(this).wrp, false);
                if (!val || typeof val !== 'function')
                    return val;

                scriptMap.set(this, {
                    org: val,
                    wrp: function(...args) {
                        if (scriptMap.isBlocked(this.src))
                            console.log('[WSI] Blocked "onerror" callback from', this.src);
                            scriptMap.get(this).org.apply(this, args);
      , 'error', scriptMap.get(this).wrp, false);
            get: function() {
                return scriptMap.has(this) ? scriptMap.get(this).org : null;
            enumerable: true
        _Document.prototype.createElement = function createElement(...args) {
            let el = _createElement.apply(this, args);

            // Custom onerror handler to block execution of callback if script source is blacklisted
            if (el instanceof HTMLScriptElement)
                Object.defineProperty(el, 'onerror', onErrorWrapper);
            // Block popular method to open a new window in Google Chrome by dispatching a custom click
            // event on a newly created anchor with _blank target. Untrusted events must not open a new window.
            if (el instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)
                el.addEventListener('click', e => {
                    if (!e.isTrusted && && ! &&[0] === '_') {
                        console.log('Blocked untrusted click on parentless anchor:',;
                }, false);

            return el;
        let doc_proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(_document);
        if (doc_proto && doc_proto.createElement !== _Document.prototype.createElement)
            doc_proto.createElement = _Document.prototype.createElement;
        // Simplistic WebSocket wrapper for Maxthon and Firefox before v58
        WSWrap: {
            if (/Maxthon/.test(navigator.appVersion) ||
                'InstallTrigger' in win && 'StopIteration' in win) {
                let _ws = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(win, 'WebSocket');
                if (!_ws)
                    break WSWrap;
                _ws.value = new Proxy(_ws.value, {
                    construct: (ws, args) => {
                        if (isBlocked(args[0])) {
                            console.log('[WSI] Blocked WS connection:', args[0]);
                            return {};
                        return new ws(...args);
                Object.defineProperty(win, 'WebSocket', _ws);

    if (!isFirefox) {
        // scripts for non-Firefox browsers
        unimptt: {
            // BigInt were implemented in Chrome 67 which also support
            // proper user styles and doesn't need this fix anymore.
            if ((isChrome || isOpera) && 'BigInt' in win)
                break unimptt;

            let imptt = /((display|(margin|padding)(-top|-bottom)?)\s*:[^;!]*)!\s*important/ig,
                ret_b = (a,b) => b,
                _toLowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase,
                protectedNodes = new WeakSet(),
                log = false;

            let logger = function() {
                if (log)
                    console.log('Some page elements became a bit less important.');
                log = false;

            let unimportanter = function(node) {
                let style = (node.nodeType === _Node.ELEMENT_NODE) ?
          , 'style') : null;

                if (!style || !imptt.test(style) || === 'none' ||
                    (node.src && node.src.startsWith('chrome-extension:'))) // Web of Trust IFRAME and similar
                    return false; // get out if we have nothing to do here

      , 'style',
                                   style.replace(imptt, ret_b));
                log = true;

            (new MutationObserver(
                function(mutations) {
                        function(ms) {
                            let m, node;
                            for (m of ms) for (node of m.addedNodes)
                        }, 0, mutations
            )).observe(_document, {
                childList : true,
                subtree : true

            _Element.prototype.setAttribute = function setAttribute(name, value) {
                "[native code]";
                let replaced = value;
                if (name && === 'style' && protectedNodes.has(this))
                    replaced = value.replace(imptt, ret_b);
                log = (replaced !== value);
                return _setAttribute.apply(this, arguments);

            win.addEventListener (
                'load', () => {
                    for (let imp of _document.querySelectorAll('[style*="!"]'))
                }, false

        // Naive ABP Style protector
            let _querySelector = _Document.prototype.querySelector.bind(_document);
            let _removeChild = _Node.prototype.removeChild;
            let _appendChild = _Node.prototype.appendChild;
            let createShadow = () => _createElement('shadow');
            // Prevent adding fake content entry point
            _Node.prototype.appendChild = function(child) {
                if (this instanceof ShadowRoot &&
                    child instanceof HTMLContentElement)
                    return, createShadow());
                return _appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
                let _shadowSelector = ShadowRoot.prototype.querySelector;
                let _innerHTML = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ShadowRoot.prototype, 'innerHTML');
                let _parentNode = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Node.prototype, 'parentNode');
                if (_innerHTML && _parentNode) {
                    let _set = _innerHTML.set;
                    let _getParent = _parentNode.get;
                    _innerHTML.configurable = false;
                    _innerHTML.set = function() {
                        _set.apply(this, arguments);
                        let content =, 'content');
                        if (content) {
                            let parent =;
                  , content);
                  , createShadow());
                Object.defineProperty(ShadowRoot.prototype, 'innerHTML', _innerHTML);
            // Locate and apply extra protection to a style on top of what ABP does
            let style;
            (new Promise(
                function(resolve, reject) {
                    let getStyle = () => _querySelector('::shadow style');
                    style = getStyle();
                    if (style)
                        return resolve(style);
                    let intv = setInterval(
                        function() {
                            style = getStyle();
                            if (!style)
                            intv = clearInterval(intv);
                            return resolve(style);
                        }, 0
                        'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
                            if (intv)
                            style = getStyle();
                            return style ? resolve(style) : reject();
                        }, false
                function(style) {
                    let emptyArr = [],
                        nullStr = {
                            get: () => '',
                            set: () => undefined
                    let shadow = style.parentNode;
                    Object.defineProperties(shadow, {
                        childElementCount: { value: 0 },
                        styleSheets: { value: emptyArr },
                        firstChild: { value: null },
                        firstElementChild: { value: null },
                        lastChild: { value: null },
                        lastElementChild: { value: null },
                        childNodes: { value: emptyArr },
                        children: { value: emptyArr },
                        innerHTML: { value: nullStr },
                    Object.defineProperties(style, {
                        innerHTML: { value: nullStr },
                        textContent: { value: nullStr },
                        ownerDocument: { value: null },
                        parentNode: {value: null },
                        previousElementSibling: { value: null },
                        previousSibling: { value: null },
                        disabled: { get: () => true, set: () => null }
                    Object.defineProperties(style.sheet, {
                        deleteRule: { value: () => null },
                        disabled: { get: () => true, set: () => null },
                        cssRules: { value: emptyArr },
                        rules: { value: emptyArr }
            _Node.prototype.removeChild = function(child) {
                if (child === style)
                return _removeChild.apply(this, arguments);
    if (/^https?:\/\/(mail\.yandex\.|music\.yandex\.|news\.yandex\.|(www\.)?yandex\.[^/]+\/(yand)?search[/?])/i.test(win.location.href) ||
        /^https?:\/\/tv\.yandex\./i.test(win.location.href)) {
        let yadWord = /Яндекс.Директ/i,
            adWords = /Реклама|Ad/i;
        let _querySelector = _document.querySelector.bind(_document),
            _querySelectorAll = _document.querySelectorAll.bind(_document),
            _getAttribute = _Element.prototype.getAttribute,
            _setAttribute = _Element.prototype.setAttribute;
        // Function to attach an observer to monitor dynamic changes on the page
        let pageUpdateObserver = (func, obj, params) => {
            if (obj)
                (new MutationObserver(func))
                    .observe(obj, (params || { childList:true, subtree:true }));
        // Short name for parentNode.removeChild and setAttribute style to display:none
        let remove = (node) => {
            if (!node || !node.parentNode)
                return false;
            console.log('Removed node.');
        let hide = (node) => {
            if (!node)
                return false;
            console.log('Hid node.');
  , 'style', 'display:none!important');
        // Yandex search ads in Google Chrome
        if ('attachShadow' in _Element.prototype) {
            let _attachShadow = _Element.prototype.attachShadow;
            _Element.prototype.attachShadow = function() {
                let node = this,
                    root = _attachShadow.apply(node, arguments);
                    (ms) => {
                        for (let m of ms) if (m.addedNodes.length)
                            if (adWords.test(root.textContent))
                    }, root
                return root;
        // prevent/defuse adblock detector
            localStorage.ic = '';
            localStorage._mt__data = '';
        let _doc_proto = ('cookie' in _Document.prototype) ? _Document.prototype : Object.getPrototypeOf(_document);
        let _cookie = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_doc_proto, 'cookie');
        if (_cookie) {
            let _set_cookie =;
            _cookie.set = function(value) {
                if (/^(mda=|yp=|ys=|yabs-|__)/.test(value))
                    // remove value, set expired
                    if (!value.startsWith('yp=')) {
                        value = value.replace(/^([^=]+=)[^;]+/,'$1').replace(/(expires=)[\w\s\d,]+/,'$1Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00');
                        console.log('expire cookie', value.match(/^[^=]+/)[0]);
                    } else {
                        let parts = value.split(';');
                        let values = parts[0].split('#').filter(part => /\.sp\./.test(part));
                        if (values.length)
                            values[0] = values[0].replace(/^yp=/, '');
                        parts[0] = `yp=${values.join('#')}`;
                        value = parts.join(';');
                        console.log(`set cookie ${parts[0]}`);
                return _set_cookie(this, value);
            Object.defineProperty(_doc_proto, 'cookie', _cookie);
        // other ads
            'DOMContentLoaded', () => {
                    // Generic ads removal and fixes
                    let node = _querySelector('.serp-header');
                    if (node)
               = '0';
                    for (node of _querySelectorAll(
                        '.serp-adv__head + .serp-item,'+
                    )) remove(node);
                // Search ads
                function removeSearchAds() {
                    for (let node of _querySelectorAll('.serp-item'))
                        if (, 'role') === 'complementary' ||
                // News ads
                function removeNewsAds() {
                    let node, block, items, mask, classes,
                        masks = [
                            { class: '.ads__wrapper', regex: /[^,]*?,[^,]*?\.ads__wrapper/ },
                            { class: '.ads__pool', regex: /[^,]*?,[^,]*?\.ads__pool/ }
                    for (node of _querySelectorAll('style[nonce]')) {
                        classes = node.innerText.replace(/\{[^}]+\}+/ig, '|').split('|');
                        for (block of classes) for (mask of masks)
                            if (block.includes(mask.class)) {
                                block = block.match(mask.regex)[0];
                                items = _querySelectorAll(block);
                                for (item of items)
                // Music ads
                function removeMusicAds() {
                    for (let node of _querySelectorAll('.ads-block'))
                // Mail ads
                function removeMailAds() {
                    let slice = Array.prototype.slice,
                        nodes ='.ns-view-folders')),
                        node, len, cls;

                    for (node of nodes)
                        if (!len || len > node.classList.length)
                            len = node.classList.length;

                    node = nodes.pop();
                    while (node) {
                        if (node.classList.length > len)
                            for (cls of
                                if (cls.indexOf('-') === -1) {
                        node = nodes.pop();
                // News fixes
                function removePageAdsClass() {
                    if (_document.body.classList.contains("b-page_ads_yes")) {
                        console.log('Page ads class removed.');
                // TV fixes
                function removeTVAds() {
                    for (let node of _querySelectorAll('div[class^="_"][data-reactid] > div'))
                        if (yadWord.test(node.textContent) || node.querySelector('iframe:not([src])')) {
                            if (node.offsetWidth) {
                                let pad = _document.createElement('div');
                      , 'style', `width:${node.offsetWidth}px`);

                if (location.hostname.startsWith('mail.')) {
                        function(ms, o) {
                            let aside = _querySelector('.mail-Layout-Aside');
                            if (aside) {
                                pageUpdateObserver(removeMailAds, aside);
                        }, _document.body
                } else if (location.hostname.startsWith('music.')) {
                    pageUpdateObserver(removeMusicAds, _querySelector('.sidebar'));
                } else if (location.hostname.startsWith('news.')) {
                    pageUpdateObserver(removeNewsAds, _document.body);
                    pageUpdateObserver(removePageAdsClass, _document.body, { attributes:true, attributesFilter:['class'] });
                } else if (location.hostname.startsWith('tv.')) {
                    pageUpdateObserver(removeTVAds, _document.body);
                } else {
                    pageUpdateObserver(removeSearchAds, _querySelector('.main__content'));

    // Yandex Link Tracking
    if (/^https?:\/\/([^.]+\.)*yandex\.[^/]+/i.test(win.location.href)) {
        // remove banner on the start page
        scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools({log: false, trace: true});
            let AwapsJsonAPI_Json = function(...args) {
                console.log('>> new AwapsJsonAPI.Json(', ...args, ')');
                'setID', 'addImageContent',
                'sendCounts', 'expand', 'refreshAd'
            ].forEach(name => void(AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype[name] = nt.func(null, `AwapsJsonAPI.Json.${name}`)));
            AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype.checkBannerVisibility = nt.func(true, 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.checkBannerVisibility');
            AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype.addIframeContent = nt.proxy(function(...args) {
                try {
                    let frame = args[1][0].parentNode;
                    console.log(`Removed banner placeholder.`);
                } catch(ignore) {
                    console.log(`Can't locate frame object to remove.`);
            AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype.getHTML = nt.func('', 'AwapsJsonAPI.Json.getHTML');
            AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype = nt.proxy(AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype);
            AwapsJsonAPI_Json = nt.proxy(AwapsJsonAPI_Json);
            if ('AwapsJsonAPI' in win) {
                console.log('Oops! AwapsJsonAPI already defined.');
                let f = win.AwapsJsonAPI.Json;
                win.AwapsJsonAPI.Json = AwapsJsonAPI_Json;
                if (f && f.prototype)
                    f.prototype = AwapsJsonAPI_Json.prototype;
            } else
                nt.define(win, 'AwapsJsonAPI', nt.proxy({
                    Json: AwapsJsonAPI_Json

            let home = win.home || {};
            let parseExport = x => {
                if (!x)
                    return x;
                // remove banner placeholder
                if (x.banner && x.banner.cls) {
                    let _parent = `.${x.banner.cls.banner__parent}`;
                    _document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
                        for (let banner of _document.querySelectorAll(_parent)) {
                  , 'style', 'display:none!important');
                            console.log('Hid banner placeholder.');
                    }, false);

                // remove banner data and some other stuff
                delete x.banner;
                delete x.consistency;
                delete x['i-bannerid'];
                delete x['i-counter'];
                delete x['ga-counter'];
                delete x['promo-curtain'];

                return x;
            let home_export = parseExport(home.export);
            Object.defineProperty(home, 'export', {
                get: () => home_export,
                set: x => {
                    home_export = parseExport(x);
            nt.define(win, 'home', home);
        }, nullTools, '_setAttribute = _Element.prototype.setAttribute');

        if ('attachShadow' in _Element.prototype) {
            let fakeRoot = () => ({
                firstChild: null,
                appendChild: ()=>null,
                querySelector: ()=>null,
                querySelectorAll: ()=>null
            _Element.prototype.createShadowRoot = fakeRoot;
            let shadows = new WeakMap();
            let _attachShadow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element.prototype, 'attachShadow');
            _attachShadow.value = function() {
                return shadows.set(this, fakeRoot()).get(this);
            Object.defineProperty(_Element.prototype, 'attachShadow', _attachShadow);
            let _shadowRoot = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element.prototype, 'shadowRoot');
            _shadowRoot.set = () => null;
            _shadowRoot.get = function() {
                return shadows.has(this) ? shadows.get(this) : void 0;
            Object.defineProperty(_Element.prototype, 'shadowRoot', _shadowRoot);
        // Partially based on
        let selectors = (
        let removeTrackingAttributes = function(link) {
            if (link.hasAttribute('data-vdir-href')) {
            if (link.hasAttribute('data-counter')) {
        let removeTracking = function(scope) {
            if (scope instanceof Element)
                for (let link of scope.querySelectorAll(selectors))
        _document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (e) => removeTracking(;
        (new MutationObserver(
            function(ms) {
                let m, node;
                for (m of ms) for (node of m.addedNodes)
                    if (node instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && node.matches(selectors))
        )).observe(_de, { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // v0.8 (adapted)
        'DOMContentLoaded', function() {
            function log (name) {
                console.log(`Player FIX: Detected ${name} player in ${location.href}`);
            function removeVast (data) {
                if (data && (data.vast || data.reserve_vast || data.vast_button)) {
                    console.log('Removed:\ndata.vast', data.vast, '\ndata.reserve_vast', data.reserve_vast, '\ndata.vast_button', data.vast_button);
                    delete data.vast;
                    delete data.reserve_vast;
                    delete data.vast_button;
                    if (data.chain) {
                        let need = [],
                            drop = [],
                            links = data.chain.split('.');
                        for (let link of links)
                            if (!/^vast_|_vast_|_vast$/.test(link))
                        console.log('Dropped from the chain:', ...drop);
                        data.chain = need.join('.');
                return data;
            if (win.video_balancer !== void 0 && win.event_callback !== void 0) {
                if (video_balancer.adv_loader)
                if ('_mw_adb' in win)
                    Object.defineProperty(win, '_mw_adb', {
                        get: () => false,
                        set: () => true
            } else if (win.stat_url !== undefined && win.is_html5 !== undefined && win.is_wp8 !== undefined) {
                _document.body.onclick = null;
                let tmp = _document.querySelector('#swtf');
                if (tmp)
           = 'none';
                if (win.banner_second !== void 0)
                    win.banner_second = 0;
                if (win.$banner_ads !== void 0)
                    win.$banner_ads = false;
                if (win.$new_ads !== void 0)
                    win.$new_ads = false;
                if (win.createCookie !== void 0)
                    win.createCookie('popup', 'true', '999');
                if (win.canRunAds !== void 0 && win.canRunAds !== true)
                    win.canRunAds = true;
            } else if (win.startKodikPlayer !== void 0) {
                // skip attempt to block access to HD resolutions
                let chainCall = new Proxy({}, { get: () => () => chainCall });
                if ($ && $.prototype && $.prototype.addClass) {
                    let $addClass = $.prototype.addClass;
                    $.prototype.addClass = function (className) {
                        if (className === 'blocked')
                            return chainCall;
                        return $addClass.apply(this, arguments);
                // remove ad links from the metadata
                let _ajax = win.$.ajax;
                win.$.ajax = (params, ...args) => {
                    if (params.success) {
                        let _s = params.success;
                        params.success = (data, ...args) => _s(removeVast(data), ...args);
                    return _ajax(params, ...args);
            } else if (win.getnextepisode && win.uppodEvent) {
                    function() {
                        let _setInterval = win.setInterval,
                            _setTimeout = win.setTimeout,
                            _toString =;
                        win.setInterval = function(func) {
                            if (func instanceof Function && _toString(func).includes('_delay')) {
                                let intv =
                                    this, function() {
                                            this, function(intv) {
                                                let timer = _document.querySelector('#timer');
                                                if (timer)
                                            }, 100, intv);
                                    }, 5

                                return intv;
                            return _setInterval.apply(this, arguments);
                        win.setTimeout = function(func) {
                            if (func instanceof Function && _toString(func).includes('adv_showed'))
                                return, func, 0);
                            return _setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
            } else if ('ADC' in win) {
                log('vjs-creatives plugin in');
                let replacer = (obj) => {
                    for (let name in obj)
                        if (obj[name] instanceof Function)
                            obj[name] = () => null;
            UberVK: {
                if (!inIFrame)
                    break UberVK;
                let oddNames = 'HD' in win &&
                    !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win).every(n => !n.startsWith('_0x'));
                if (!oddNames)
                    break UberVK;
       = () => {
                    throw 404;
        }, false

    // / circumvention prevention
        () => {
            // special workaround in case when zmctrack does manage to consistently start before my script
            if (/[/.]sinoptik\.(ua|com\.ru)$/.test(location.hostname))
                for (let prop of ['blur']) {
                    let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(win, prop);
                    if (!desc || desc.configurable)
                        Object.defineProperty(win, prop, {
                            configurable: false,
                            get: () => (desc && desc.value || void 0),
                            set: () => null
            // main script
            let knownRoots = new WeakSet();
            function wrapAPI(root) {
                if (knownRoots.has(root))
                let _proto = void 0;
                try {
                    _proto = root.XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
                } catch(ignore) {
                let _open =;
                // blacklist of third-party domains requests to which are ignored
                let blacklist = /[/.@](amgload\.net|dsn-fishki\.ru|kingoablc\.com|klcheck\.com|piguiqproxy\.com|rcdn\.pro|smcheck\.org|zmctrack\.net)([:/]|$)/i;
                // blacklist of domains where all third-party requests are ignored
                let ondomains = /(^|[/.@])oane\.ws($|[:/])/i;
                // highly suspicious URLs
                let suspicious = /^https?:\/\/(csp-)?([a-z0-9]{6}){1,2}\.ru\//i;
                let on_get_ban = /^https?:\/\/(csp-)?([a-z0-9]{6}){1,2}\.ru\/([a-z0-9/]{40,}|[a-z0-9]{8,}|ad\/banner\/.+)$/i;
                let on_post_ban = /^https?:\/\/(csp-)?([a-z0-9]{6}){1,2}\.ru\/([a-z0-9]{6,})$/i;
                let yandex_direct = /^https?:\/\/yandex(\.[a-z]{2,3}){1,2}\/(images\/[a-z0-9/_-]{40,}|j?clck\/.*)$/i;

                let xhrStopList = new WeakSet();

                function checkRequest(fname, method, url) {
                    if (blacklist.test(url) ||
                        ondomains.test(location.hostname) && !ondomains.test(url) ||
                        method === 'GET' && on_get_ban.test(url) ||
                        method === 'POST' && on_post_ban.test(url) ||
                        yandex_direct.test(url)) {
                        console.log(`Blocked ${fname} ${method} request:`, url);
                        return true;
                    if (suspicious.test(url))
                        console.warn(`Suspicious ${fname} ${method} request:`, url);
                    return false;

       = function open() {
                    if (checkRequest('xhr', ...arguments)) {
                    return _open.apply(this, arguments);
                ['send', 'setRequestHeader', 'getAllResponseHeaders'].forEach(
                    name => {
                        let func = _proto[name];
                        _proto[name] = function(...args) {
                            return xhrStopList.has(this) ? null : func.apply(this, args);

                let _fetch = root.fetch;
                root.fetch = (...args) => {
                    let url = args[0];
                    let method = args[1] ? args[1].method : void 0;
                    if (args[0] instanceof Request) {
                        url = args[0].url;
                        method = args[0].method;
                    if (checkRequest('fetch', method, url))
                        return new Promise(() => null);
                    return, ...args);


            let _contentWindow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow');
            let _get_contentWindow = _contentWindow.get;
            _contentWindow.get = function() {
                let _cw = _get_contentWindow.apply(this, arguments);
                if (_cw)
                return _cw;
            Object.defineProperty(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow', _contentWindow);

            win.stop = () => {
                console.warn('window.stop() ...y tho?');
                for (let sheet of _document.styleSheets)
                    if (sheet.disabled) {
                        sheet.disabled = false;
                        console.log('Re-enabled:', sheet);

    // === Helper functions ===

    // function to search and remove nodes by content
    // selector - standard CSS selector to define set of nodes to check
    // words - regular expression to check content of the suspicious nodes
    // params - object with multiple extra parameters:
    //   .log - display log in the console
    //   .hide - set display to none instead of removing from the page
    //   .parent - parent node to remove if content is found in the child node
    //   .siblings - number of simling nodes to remove (excluding text nodes)
    let scRemove = (node) => node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
    let scHide = function(node) {
        let style =, 'style') || '',
            hide = ';display:none!important;';
        if (style.indexOf(hide) < 0)
  , 'style', style + hide);

    function scissors (selector, words, scope, params) {
        let logger = (...args) => { if (params.log) console.log(...args) };
        if (!scope.contains(_document.body))
            logger('[s] scope', scope);
        let remFunc = (params.hide ? scHide : scRemove),
            iterFunc = (params.siblings > 0 ? 'nextElementSibling' : 'previousElementSibling'),
            toRemove = [],
        for (let node of scope.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
            // drill up to a parent node if specified, break if not found
            if (params.parent) {
                let old = node;
                node = node.closest(params.parent);
                if (node === null || node.contains(scope)) {
                    logger('[s] went out of scope with', old);
            logger('[s] processing', node);
            if (toRemove.includes(node))
            if (words.test(node.innerHTML)) {
                // skip node if already marked for removal
                logger('[s] marked for removal');
                // add multiple nodes if defined more than one sibling
                siblings = Math.abs(params.siblings) || 0;
                while (siblings) {
                    node = node[iterFunc];
                    if (!node) break; // can't go any further - exit
                    logger('[s] adding sibling node', node);
                    siblings -= 1;
        let toSkip = [];
        for (let node of toRemove)
            if (!toRemove.every(other => other === node || !node.contains(other)))
        if (toRemove.length)
            logger(`[s] proceeding with ${params.hide?'hide':'removal'} of`, toRemove, `skip`, toSkip);
        for (let node of toRemove) if (!toSkip.includes(node))

    // function to perform multiple checks if ads inserted with a delay
    // by default does 30 checks withing a 3 seconds unless nonstop mode specified
    // also does 1 extra check when a page completely loads
    // selector and words - passed dow to scissors
    // params - object with multiple extra parameters:
    //   .log - display log in the console
    //   .root - selector to narrow down scope to scan;
    //   .observe - if true then check will be performed continuously;
    // Other parameters passed down to scissors.
    function gardener(selector, words, params) {
        let logger = (...args) => { if(params.log) console.log(...args) };
        params = params || {};
        logger(`[gardener] selector: '${selector}' detector: ${words} options: ${JSON.stringify(params)}`);
        let scope;
        let globalScope = [_de];
        let domLoaded = false;
        let getScope = root => root ? _de.querySelectorAll(root) : globalScope;
        let onevent = e => {
            logger(`[gardener] cleanup on ${Object.getPrototypeOf(e)} "${e.type}"`);
            for (let node of scope)
                scissors(selector, words, node, params);
        let repeater = n => {
            if (!domLoaded && n) {
                setTimeout(repeater, 500, n - 1);
                scope = getScope(params.root);
                if (!scope) // exit if the root element is not present on the page
                    return 0;
                onevent({type: 'Repeater'});
            'DOMContentLoaded', (e) => {
                domLoaded = true;
                // narrow down scope to a specific element
                scope = getScope(params.root);
                if (!scope) // exit if the root element is not present on the page
                    return 0;
                logger('[g] scope', scope);
                // add observe mode if required
                if (params.observe) {
                    let params = { childList:true, subtree: true };
                    let observer = new MutationObserver(
                        function(ms) {
                            for (let m of ms)
                                if (m.addedNodes.length)
                    for (let node of scope)
                        observer.observe(node, params);
                    logger('[g] observer enabled');
            }, false);
        // wait for a full page load to do one extra cut
        win.addEventListener('load', onevent, false);

    // wrap popular methods to open a new tab to catch specific behaviours
    function createWindowOpenWrapper(openFunc) {
        let _createElement = _Document.prototype.createElement,
            _appendChild = _Element.prototype.appendChild,
            fakeNative = (f) => (f.toString = () => `function ${}() { [native code] }`);

        let nt = new nullTools();

        let parser =, 'a');
        let openWhitelist = (url, parent) => {
            parser.href = url;
            return parser.hostname === '' || parser.hostname === '' ||
                parent.hostname === '' && url === void 0;

        let redefineOpen = (root) => {
            if ('open' in root) {
                let _open =;
                nt.define(root, 'open', (...args) => {
                    if (openWhitelist(args[0], location)) {
                        console.log('Whitelisted popup:', ...args);
                        return _open(...args);
                    return openFunc(...args);

        function createElement() {
            '[native code]';
            let el = _createElement.apply(this, arguments);
            // redefine in first-party frames
            if (el instanceof HTMLIFrameElement || el instanceof HTMLObjectElement)
                el.addEventListener('load', (e) => {
                    try {
                    } catch(ignore) {}
                }, false);
            return el;

        let redefineCreateElement = (obj) => {
            for (let root of [obj.document, _Document.prototype]) if ('createElement' in root)
                nt.define(root, 'createElement', createElement);

        // wrap in newly added first-party frames
        _Element.prototype.appendChild = function appendChild() {
            '[native code]';
            let el = _appendChild.apply(this, arguments);
            if (el instanceof HTMLIFrameElement)
                try {
                } catch(ignore) {}
            return el;

    // Function to catch and block various methods to open a new window with 3rd-party content.
    // Some advertisement networks went way past simple call to circumvent default popup protection.
    // This funciton blocks, ability to restore original from an IFRAME object,
    // ability to perform an untrusted (not initiated by user) click on a link, click on a link without a parent
    // node or simply a link with piece of javascript code in the HREF attribute.
    function preventPopups() {
        // call sandbox-me if in iframe and not whitelisted
        if (inIFrame) {
  { name: 'sandbox-me', href: win.location.href }, '*');

        scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools({log:true});
            let open = (...args) => {
                '[native code]';
                console.warn('Site attempted to open a new window', ...args);
                return {
                    document: nt.proxy({
                        write: nt.func({}, 'write'),
                        writeln: nt.func({}, 'writeln')
                    location: nt.proxy({})


            console.log('Popup prevention enabled.');
        }, nullTools, createWindowOpenWrapper);

    // Helper function to close background tab if site opens itself in a new tab and then
    // loads a 3rd-party page in the background one (thus performing background redirect).
    function preventPopunders() {
        // create "close_me" event to call high-level window.close()
        let eventName = `close_me_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)}`;
        let callClose = () => {
            console.log('close call');
        window.addEventListener(eventName, callClose, true);

        scriptLander(() => {
            // get host of a provided URL with help of an anchor object
            // unfortunately new URL(url, window.location) generates wrong URL in some cases
            let parseURL = _document.createElement('A');
            let getHost = url => {
                parseURL.href = url;
                return parseURL.hostname
            // site went to a new tab and attempts to unload
            // call for high-level close through event
            let closeWindow = () => window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, {}));
            // check is URL local or goes to different site
            let isLocal = (url) => {
                if (url === location.pathname || url === location.href)
                    return true; // URL points to current pathname or full address
                let host = getHost(url);
                let site = location.hostname;
                return host !== '' && // URLs with unusual protocol may have empty 'host'
                    (site === host || site.endsWith(`.${host}`) || host.endsWith(`.${site}`));

            let _open =;
            let open = (...args) => {
                '[native code]';
                let url = args[0];
                if (url && isLocal(url))
                    window.addEventListener('beforeunload', closeWindow, true);
                return _open(...args);


            console.log("Background redirect prevention enabled.");
        }, `let eventName="${eventName}"`, nullTools, createWindowOpenWrapper);

    // Mix between check for popups and popunders
    // Significantly more agressive than both and can't be used as universal solution
    function preventPopMix() {
        if (inIFrame) {
  { name: 'sandbox-me', href: win.location.href }, '*');

        // create "close_me" event to call high-level window.close()
        let eventName = `close_me_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)}`;
        let callClose = () => {
            console.log('close call');
        window.addEventListener(eventName, callClose, true);

        scriptLander(() => {
            let _open =,
                parseURL = _document.createElement('A');
            // get host of a provided URL with help of an anchor object
            // unfortunately new URL(url, window.location) generates wrong URL in some cases
            let getHost = (url) => {
                parseURL.href = url;
            // site went to a new tab and attempts to unload
            // call for high-level close through event
            let closeWindow = () => {
                window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(eventName, {}));
            // check is URL local or goes to different site
            function isLocal(url) {
                let loc = window.location;
                if (url === loc.pathname || url === loc.href)
                    return true; // URL points to current pathname or full address
                let host = getHost(url),
                    site =;
                if (host === '')
                    return false; // URLs with unusual protocol may have empty 'host'
                if (host.length > site.length)
                    [site, host] = [host, site];
                return site.includes(host, site.length - host.length);

            // add check for redirect for 5 seconds, then disable it
            function checkRedirect() {
                window.addEventListener('beforeunload', closeWindow, true);
                setTimeout(closeWindow=>window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', closeWindow, true), 5000, closeWindow);

            function open(url, name) {
                '[native code]';
                if (url && isLocal(url) && (!name || name === '_blank')) {
                    console.warn('Suspicious local new window', arguments);
                    return _open.apply(this, arguments);
                console.warn('Blocked attempt to open a new window', arguments);
                return {
                    document: {
                        write: () => {},
                        writeln: () => {}

            function clickHandler(e) {
                let link =,
                    url = link.href||'';
                if (e.targetParentNode && e.isTrusted || !== '_blank') {
                    console.log('Link', link, 'were created dinamically, but looks fine.');
                    return true;
                if (isLocal(url) && === '_blank') {
                    console.log('Suspicious local link', link);
                console.log('Blocked suspicious click on a link', link);

            createWindowOpenWrapper(open, clickHandler);

            console.log("Mixed popups prevention enabled.");
        }, `let eventName="${eventName}"`, createWindowOpenWrapper);
    // External listener for case when site known to open popups were loaded in iframe
    // It will sandbox any iframe which will send message 'forbid.popups' (preventPopups sends it)
    // Some sites replace frame's window.location with data-url to run in clean context
    if (!inIFrame) window.addEventListener(
        'message', function(e) {
            if (! || !== 'sandbox-me' || !
            let src =;
            for (let frame of _document.querySelectorAll('iframe'))
                if (frame.contentWindow === e.source) {
                    if (frame.hasAttribute('sandbox')) {
                        if (!frame.sandbox.contains('allow-popups'))
                            return; // exit frame since it's already sandboxed and popups are blocked
                        // remove allow-popups if frame already sandboxed
                    } else
                        // set sandbox mode for troublesome frame and allow scripts, forms and a few other actions
                        // technically allowing both scripts and same-origin allows removal of the sandbox attribute,
                        // but to apply content must be reloaded and this script will re-apply it in the result
                        frame.setAttribute('sandbox','allow-forms allow-scripts allow-presentation allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin');
                    console.log('Disallowed popups from iframe', frame);

                    // reload frame content to apply restrictions
                    if (!src) {
                        src = frame.src;
                        console.log('Unable to get current iframe location, reloading from src', src);
                    } else
                        console.log('Reloading iframe with URL', src);
                    frame.src = 'about:blank';
                    frame.src = src;
        }, false

    function selectiveEval() {
        scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            let _eval = win.eval.bind(window);
            nt.define(win, 'eval', function(...args) {
                if (/_0x|location\s*?=|location.href\s*?=|location.assign\(|open\(/i.test(args[0])) {
                    console.log(`Skipped eval of ${args[0].slice(0, 512)}\u2026`);
                    return null;
                return _eval(...args);
        }, nullTools);

    // === Scripts for specific domains ===

    let scripts = {};
    // prevent popups and redirects block
    // Popups
    scripts.preventPopups = {
        other: [
            '', '',
        now: preventPopups
    // Popunders (background redirect)
    scripts.preventPopunders = {
        other: [
            '', '', '',
        now: preventPopunders
    // PopMix (both types of popups encountered on site)
    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', ''],
        now: () => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            nt.define(win, 'CNight', win.CoinHive);
            if (location.pathname.startsWith('/embed/')) {
                nt.define(win, 'BetterJsPop', {
                    add: ((a, b) => console.warn('BetterJsPop.add', a, b)),
                    config: ((o) => console.warn('BetterJsPop.config', o)),
                    Browser: { isChrome: true }
                nt.define(win, 'isSandboxed', nt.func(null));
                nt.define(win, 'adblock', false);
                nt.define(win, 'adblock2', false);
            } else preventPopMix();
    scripts[''] = preventPopMix;

    scripts[''] = () => {
        // workaround for load error handler script, not sure which ad network is this
        let _appendChild = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Node.prototype, 'appendChild');
        let _appendChild_value = _appendChild.value;
        _appendChild.value = function appendChild(node) {
            if (this === _document.body)
                if ((node instanceof HTMLScriptElement || node instanceof HTMLStyleElement) &&
                    /^https?:\/\/[0-9a-f]{15}\.com\/\d+(\/|\.css)$/.test(node.src) ||
                    node instanceof HTMLDivElement && > 900000 &&
                    throw '...eenope!';
            return _appendChild_value.apply(this, arguments);
        Object.defineProperty(_Node.prototype, 'appendChild', _appendChild);

        // disable window focus tricks and changing location
        let focusHandlerName = /\WfocusAchieved\(/
        let _toString =;
        let _setInterval = win.setInterval;
        win.setInterval = (...args) => {
            if (args.length && focusHandlerName.test(_toString(args[0]))) {
                console.log('skip setInterval for', ...args);
                return -1;
            return _setInterval(...args);
        let _addEventListener = win.addEventListener;
        win.addEventListener = function(...args) {
            if (args.length && args[0] === 'focus' && focusHandlerName.test(_toString(args[1]))) {
                console.log('skip addEventListener for', ...args);
                return void 0;
            return _addEventListener.apply(this, args);

        // generic popup prevention

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['rustorka.lib', ''],
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let crumbler = () => {
                // crumble suspicious cookies
                let base = '=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 UTC; Max-Age=-99999999; path=/';
                console.log('cookies', _document.cookie);
                for (let name of ['adblock', 'gophp', '_692293176245', '_692293176246'])
                    _document.cookie = `${name}${base}`;
                for (let name of ['st2', 'st3']) {
                    _document.cookie = `${name}${base}forum`;
                    _document.cookie = `${name}${base}forum/`;
                console.log('cookies', _document.cookie);
            _document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', crumbler, false);

            let nt = new nullTools({trace: true});
            nt.define(win, 'syka', false);
            nt.define(win, '_692293176244', location.href);
                'MTLuxup', 'MTAdSniper', 'MTutarg', 'MTUAatar', 'MTcityAds', 'MTmxMark',
                'MTmxMark2', 'MTmdnt', 'MTrfDumedia', 'MXsmTDS', 'MTritorno', 'MTadvice',
                'cyka', 'MTAdTraff', 'MTExebid', 'MXsockFound'
            ].forEach(name => nt.define(win, name, nt.func(null, name)));
            let _eval_def = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(win, 'eval');
            if (!_eval_def)
            let _eval_val = _eval_def.value;
            _eval_def.value = (...args) => {
                if (args[0] && args[0].includes('antiadblock'))
                    return console.log('Anti-AdBlock script may run another day, but not today.');
                return _eval_val.apply(this, args);
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'eval', _eval_def);
   = (...args) => {
                console.warn(`Site attempted to open "${args[0]}" in a new window.`);
                return null;
            window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
                let link = void 0;
                _document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
                    link ='a, select, #fancybox-title-wrap');
                }, false);
                let _open =;
                let _getAttribute = _Element.prototype.getAttribute;
       = (...args) => {
                    let url = args[0];
                    if (link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {
                        // third-party post links
                        let href =, 'href');
                        if (link.classList.contains('postLink') &&
                            !link.matches(`a[href*="${location.hostname}"]`) &&
                            (href === url || link.href === url))
                            return _open(...args);
                        // onclick # links
                        if (href === '#' && /window\.open/.test(, 'onclick')))
                            return _open(...args);
                        // force local links to load in the current window
                        if (href[0] === '/' || href.startsWith('./') || href.includes(`//${location.hostname}/`))
                    // list of image hostings under upload picture button (new comment)
                    if (link instanceof HTMLSelectElement &&
                        !url.includes(location.hostname) &&
                        link.value === url)
                        return _open(...args);
                    // open screenshot in a new window
                    if (link instanceof HTMLSpanElement &&
               === 'fancybox-title-wrap')
                        return _open(...args);
                    // looks like tabunder
                    if (link === null && url === location.href)
                        location.replace(url); // reload current page
                    // other cases
                    console.warn(`Site attempted to open "${url}" in a new window. Source: `, link);
                    return {};
            }, true);
        }, nullTools)

    // other
    scripts[''] = {
        other: [''],
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            nt.define(win, 'EUMPAntiblockConfig', nt.proxy({url: '//'}));
            let disablePlugins = {
                'antiblock': false,
                'stat1tv': false
            let _EUMPConfig = void 0;
            let _EUMPConfig_set = x => {
                if (x.plugins) {
                    x.plugins = x.plugins.filter(plugin => (plugin in disablePlugins) ? !(disablePlugins[plugin] = true) : true);
                    console.warn(`Player plugins: active [${x.plugins}], disabled [${Object.keys(disablePlugins).filter(x => disablePlugins[x])}]`);
                _EUMPConfig = x;
            if ('EUMPConfig' in win)
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'EUMPConfig', {
                enumerable: true,
                get: () => _EUMPConfig,
                set: _EUMPConfig_set
        }, nullTools)

    scripts[''] = {
        other: [
            '', ''
        now: () => {
            Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'userAgent', {value: 'googlebot'});

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            let isForum = location.pathname.startsWith('/forum/'),
                remove = node => (node && node.parentNode.removeChild(node)),
                hide = node => (node && ( = 'none'));

            // save links to non-overridden functions to use later
            let protectedElems;
            // protect/hide changed attributes in case site attempt to restore them
            function styleProtector(eventMode) {
                let _toLowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase,
                    isStyleText = (t) => ( === 'style'),
                    protectedElems = new WeakMap();
                function protoOverride(element, functionName, isStyleCheck, returnIfProtected) {
                    let originalFunction = element.prototype[functionName];
                    element.prototype[functionName] = function wrapper() {
                        if (protectedElems.has(this) && isStyleCheck(arguments[0]))
                            return returnIfProtected(this, arguments);
                        return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
                protoOverride(Element, 'removeAttribute', isStyleText, () => undefined);
                protoOverride(Element, 'hasAttribute', isStyleText, (_this) => protectedElems.get(_this) !== null);
                protoOverride(Element, 'setAttribute', isStyleText, (_this, args) => protectedElems.set(_this, args[1]));
                protoOverride(Element, 'getAttribute', isStyleText, (_this) => protectedElems.get(_this));
                if (!eventMode)
                    return protectedElems;
                let e = _document.createEvent('Event');
                e.initEvent('protoOverride', false, false);
                window.protectedElems = protectedElems;
            if (!isFirefox)
                protectedElems = styleProtector(false);
            else {
                let script = _document.createElement('script');
                script.textContent = `(${styleProtector.toString()})(true);`;
                    'protoOverride', function protoOverrideCallback() {
                        if (win.protectedElems) {
                            protectedElems = win.protectedElems;
                            delete win.protectedElems;
                        _document.removeEventListener('protoOverride', protoOverrideCallback, true);
                    }, true

            // clean a page
                'DOMContentLoaded', function() {
                    let width = () => window.innerWidth || _de.clientWidth || _document.body.clientWidth || 0;
                    let height = () => window.innerHeight || _de.clientHeight || _document.body.clientHeight || 0;

                    HeaderAds: {
                        // hide ads above HEADER
                        let header = _document.querySelector('.drop-search');
                        if (!header) {
                            console.warn('Unable to locate header element');
                            break HeaderAds;
                        header = header.parentNode.parentNode;
                        for (let itm of header.parentNode.children)
                            if (itm !== header)
                            else break;

                    if (isForum) {
                        let itm = _document.querySelector('#logostrip');
                        if (itm)
                        // clear background in the download frame
                        if (location.pathname.startsWith('/forum/dl/')) {
                            let setBackground = node =>
                                'style', (, 'style') || '') +
                            for (let itm of _document.querySelectorAll('body > div'))
                                if (!itm.querySelector('.dw-fdwlink, .content') && !itm.classList.contains('footer'))
                        // exist from DOMContentLoaded since the rest is not for forum

                    FixNavMenu: {
                        // restore DevDB link in the navigation
                        let itm = _document.querySelector('#nav li a[href$="/devdb/"]')
                        if (!itm) {
                            console.warn('Unable to locate navigation menu');
                            break FixNavMenu;
                        itm.closest('li').style.display = 'block';
                        // hide ad link from the navigation
                        hide(_document.querySelector('#nav li a[data-dotrack]'));
                    SidebarAds: {
                        // remove ads from sidebar
                        let aside = _document.querySelectorAll('[class]:not([id]) > [id]:not([class]) > :first-child + :last-child');
                        if (!aside.length) {
                            console.warn('Unable to locate sidebar');
                            break SidebarAds;
                        let post;
                        for (let side of aside) {
                            console.log('Processing potential sidebar:', side);
                            for (let itm of Array.from(side.children)) {
                                post = itm.classList.contains('post');
                                if (itm.querySelector('iframe') && !post)
                                if (itm.querySelector('script, a[target="_blank"] > img') && !post || !itm.children.length)

                    _document.body.setAttribute('style', (_document.body.getAttribute('style')||'')+';background-color:#E6E7E9!important');

                    let extra = 'background-image:none!important;background-color:transparent!important',
                        fakeStyles = new WeakMap(),
                        styleProxy = {
                            get: (target, prop) => fakeStyles.get(target)[prop] || target[prop],
                            set: function(target, prop, value) {
                                let fakeStyle = fakeStyles.get(target);
                                ((prop in fakeStyle) ? fakeStyle : target)[prop] = value;
                                return true;
                    for (let itm of _document.querySelectorAll('[id]:not(A), A')) {
                        if (!(itm.offsetWidth > 0.95 * width() &&
                              itm.offsetHeight > 0.85 * height()))
                        if (itm.tagName !== 'A') {
                            fakeStyles.set(, {

                            try {
                                Object.defineProperty(itm, 'style', {
                                    value: new Proxy(, styleProxy),
                                    enumerable: true
                            } catch (e) {
                                console.log('Unable to protect style property.', e);

                            if (protectedElems)
                                protectedElems.set(itm,, 'style'));

                  , 'style', `${(, 'style') || '')};${extra}`);
                        if (itm.tagName === 'A') {
                            if (protectedElems)
                                protectedElems.set(itm,, 'style'));
                  , 'style', 'display:none!important');

    scripts[''] = () => scriptLander(() => {
        let nt = new nullTools();
        try {
            let _adv;
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'adv', {
                get: () => _adv,
                set: (v) => {
                    console.log('Blocked advert on');
                    nt.define(v, 'advert', '');
                    _adv = v;
        } catch (ignore) {
            if (!win.adv)
                console.log('Unable to locate advert on');
            else {
                console.log('Blocked advert on');
                nt.define(win.adv, 'advert', '');
    }, nullTools);

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let nt = new nullTools();
        nt.define(win, 'perX1', 2);
        createStyle('#advtss, #ad3, a[href*="/"] { display:none!important }');

    scripts[''] = () => {
        scriptLander(() => {
            let _onerror = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror');
            if (!_onerror)
            _onerror.set = (...args) => console.log(args[0].toString());
            Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onerror', _onerror);

    scripts[''] = {
        other: [''],
        dom: function() {
            // pretend to be Android to make site use different played for ads
            if (isSafari)
            Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'userAgent', {
                get: function(){
                    return 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.1.1; Nexus 7 Build/JRO03D) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.166 Safari/535.19';
                enumerable: true

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', ''],
        dom: function() {
            if (win.ogonekstart1)
                win.ogonekstart1 = () => console.log("Fire in the hole!");
        now: () => createStyle([
            '.background {background: none!important;}',
            '.background > script + div,'+
            '.background > script ~ div:not([id]):not([class]) + div[id][class]'+

    scripts[''] = () => {
        gardener('.c-block:not([data-metrika="recomm"]),.o-grid__item', />Реклама<\//i);
        scriptLander(() => {
            let _d2 = void 0;
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'd2', {
                get: () => _d2,
                set: o => {
                    _d2 = new Proxy(o, {
                        set: (tgt, prop, val) => {
                            if (['brandingRender', 'dvReveal', '__dv'].includes(prop))
                                val = () => null;
                            tgt[prop] = val;

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let nt = new nullTools();
        // Had to obfuscate property name to avoid triggering anti-obfuscation on -_- (Exception 403012)
        nt.define(win, `_0x${'4955'}`, []);

    scripts[''] = () => {
        scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            let fishki = {};
            nt.define(fishki, 'adv', nt.proxy({
                afterAdblockCheck: nt.func(null),
                refreshFloat: nt.func(null)
            nt.define(fishki, 'is_adblock', false);
            nt.define(win, 'fishki', fishki);
        }, nullTools);
        gardener('.drag_list > .drag_element, .list-view > .paddingtop15, .post-wrap', /543769|Новости\sпартнеров|Полезная\sреклама/);

    scripts[''] = () => createStyle('.tray > div[style] {display: none!important}');

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', ''],
        now: () => (new MutationObserver(
            (ms) => {
                let m, node;
                for (m of ms) for (node of m.addedNodes)
                    if (node.tagName instanceof HTMLScriptElement &&, 'onerror') !== null)
        )).observe(_document.documentElement, { childList:true, subtree: true })

    scripts[''] = {
        other: [''],
        now: () => gardener('div > script', /AdvManager/i, { observe: true, parent: 'div' })

    scripts[''] = () => {
        Object.defineProperty(win, 'ab', { value: false, enumerable: true });
        gardener('div[id][onclick][onmouseup][onmousedown]', /onmouseout/i);

    scripts[''] = () => scriptLander(() => {
        // disable anti-debugging in player
        let isObfuscated = text => /[^a-z0-9]([a-z0-9]{1,2}\.[a-z0-9]{1,2}\(|[a-z0-9]{4}\.[a-z]\(\d+\)|[a-z0-9]\[[a-z0-9]{1,2}\]\[[a-z0-9]{1,2}\])/i.test(text);
        let wrapped = new WeakSet();
        let wrapAPI = root => {
            let _setInterval = root.setInterval,
                _setTimeout = root.setTimeout,
                _toString =;
            root.setInterval = (...args) => {
                let fun = args[0];
                if (fun instanceof Function) {
                    let text = _toString(fun),
                        skip = text.includes('check();') || isObfuscated(text);
                    console.warn('setInterval', text, 'skip', skip);
                    if (skip) return -1;
                return _setInterval.apply(this, args);
            root.setTimeout = (...args) => {
                let fun = args[0];
                if (fun instanceof Function) {
                    let text = _toString(fun),
                        skip = === 'check' || isObfuscated(text);
                    if (!wrapped.has(fun)) {
                        console.warn('setTimeout', text, 'skip', skip);
                    if (skip) return;
                return _setTimeout.apply(this, args);


        let _contentWindow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow');
        let _get_contentWindow = Function.prototype.apply.bind(_contentWindow.get);
        _contentWindow.get = function() {
            let _cw = _get_contentWindow(this, arguments);
            if (_cw && !wrapped.has(_cw))
                try {
                } catch(ignore) {};
            return _cw;
        Object.defineProperty(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow', _contentWindow);


    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let _innerHTML = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element.prototype, 'innerHTML');
            let _set_innerHTML = _innerHTML.set;
            let _innerText = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'innerText');
            let _get_innerText = _innerText.get;
            let div = _document.createElement('div');
            _innerHTML.set = function(...args) {
      , args[0].replace('i','a'));
                if (args[0] && /[рp][еe]кл/.test(||
                    /(\d\d\d?\.){3}\d\d\d?:\d/.test( ) {
                    console.log('Anti-Adblock killed.');
                    return true;
                _set_innerHTML.apply(this, args);
            Object.defineProperty(_Element.prototype, 'innerHTML', _innerHTML);
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'adblock', {
                get: () => false,
                set: () => null,
                enumerable: true
            let _$ = {};
            let _$_map = new WeakMap();
            let _gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor');
            let _val_gOPD = _gOPD.value;
            _gOPD.value = function(...args) {
                let _res = _val_gOPD.apply(this, args);
                if (args[0] instanceof Window && (args[1] === '$' || args[1] === 'jQuery')) {
                    delete _res.get;
                    delete _res.set;
                    _res.value = win[args[1]];
                return _res;
            Object.defineProperty(Object, 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', _gOPD);
            let getJQWrap = (n) => {
                let name = n;
                return {
                    enumerable: true,
                    get: () => _$[name],
                    set: x => {
                        if (_$_map.has(x)) {
                            _$[name] = _$_map.get(x);
                            return true;
                        if (x === _$.$ || x === _$.jQuery) {
                            _$[name] = x;
                            return true;
                        _$[name] = new Proxy(x, {
                            apply: (t, o, args) => {
                                let _res = t.apply(o, args);
                                if (_$_map.has(
                           = _$_map.get(;
                                else {
                                    let _is =;
                           = function(...args) {
                                        if (args[0] === ':hidden')
                                            return false;
                                        return _is.apply(this, args);
                                return _res;
                        _$_map.set(x, _$[name]);
                        return true;
            Object.defineProperty(win, '$', getJQWrap('$'));
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'jQuery', getJQWrap('jQuery'));
            let _dP = Object.defineProperty;
            Object.defineProperty = function(...args) {
                if (args[0] instanceof Window && (args[1] === '$' || args[1] === 'jQuery'))
                    return void 0;
                return _dP.apply(this, args);

    scripts[''] = () => scriptLander(() => {
        let nt = new nullTools();
        /*jslint evil: true */ // yes, evil, I know
        let _write = _document.write.bind(_document);
        /*jslint evil: false */
        nt.define(_document, 'write', t => {
            let id = t.match(/jwplayer\("(\w+)"\)/i);
            if (id && id[1])
                return _write(`<div id="${id[1]}"></div>${t}`);
            return _write('');

    scripts[''] = () => { Object.defineProperty(win, 'V7x1J', { get: () => null }); };

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let _xhr_open =; = function(method, url, ...args) {
            if (typeof url === 'string')
                if (url.endsWith('/track'))
            return, method, url, ...args);
        let _responseText = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'responseText');
        let _responseText_get = _responseText.get;
        _responseText.get = function() {
            if (this.__responseText__)
                return this.__responseText__;
            let res = _responseText_get.apply(this, arguments);
            let o;
            try {
                if (res)
                    o = JSON.parse(res);
            } catch(ignore) {};
            let changed = false;
            if (o && o.result) {
                if (o.result instanceof Array &&
                    'adv_network_logo_url' in o.result[0]) {
                    o.result = [];
                    changed = true;
                if (o.result.show_adv) {
                    o.result.show_adv = false;
                    changed = true;
            if (changed) {
                console.log('changed response >>', o);
                res = JSON.stringify(o);
            this.__responseText__ = res;
            return res;
        Object.defineProperty(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'responseText', _responseText);

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            // set no-branding body style
            createStyle('body:not(#id) { background: #d5d5d5 url(/images/noBrandBg.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat !important }');
        dom: () => {
            (style => style ? style.parentNode.removeChild(style) : console.log('Unable to locate branding style.')

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            nt.define(win, 'holder', function(id) {
                let div = _document.getElementById(id);
                if (!div)
                if (div.parentNode.classList.contains('col__sidebar')) {
           = '300px';
        }, nullTools),
        dom: () => {
            for (let frame of _document.querySelectorAll('.unit-side-informer > iframe'))
       = '1px';

    scripts[''] = {
        other: [''],
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            // Trick to prevent from removing 3rd-party styles
            nt.define(Object.prototype, 'restoreVisibility', nt.func(null), false);
            // Disable some of their counters
            nt.define(win, 'rb_counter', nt.func(null, 'rb_counter'));
            if (location.hostname === '')
                nt.define(win, 'aRadar', nt.func(null, 'aRadar'));
                nt.define(win, 'createRadar', nt.func(nt.func(null, 'aRadar'), 'createRadar'));

                let redefiner = {
                    apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
                        let res = void 0;
                        let skipLog = (name, ret) => (...args) => (console.log(`Skip ${name}(`, ...args, ')'), ret);
                        if (target._name === 'mrg-smokescreen/Welter')
                            res = {
                                isWelter: () => true,
                                wrap: skipLog(`${target._name}.wrap`)
                        if (target._name === 'mrg-smokescreen/StyleSheets')
                            res = {
                                update: skipLog(`${target._name}.update`),
                                remove: skipLog(`${target._name}.remove`),
                                insert: skipLog(`${target._name}.insert`)
                        if (target._name === 'mrg-honeypot/main')
                            res = {
                                check: skipLog(`${target._name}.check`, false)
                        if (target._name.startsWith('advert/rb/slot'))
                            res = {
                                slot: '0',
                                get: () => null,
                                getHTML: () => null,
                                createBlock: () => null,
                                onRedirect: () => null
                        if (target._name.startsWith('OK/banners/'))
                            res = {
                                activate: skipLog(`${target._name}.activate`),
                                deactivate: skipLog(`${target._name}.deactivate`)
                        if (!res)
                            res = target.apply(thisArg, args);
                        if (target._name === 'advert/RB') {
                            res.getSlots = () => [];
                            res.load._name = target._name + '.load';
                            res.load = new Proxy(res.load, redefiner);
                        console.log(target._name, '(',...args,') >>', res);
                        return res;

                let wrapAdFuncs = {
                    apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
                        let module = args[0];
                        if (typeof module === 'string')
                            if (module.startsWith('mrg-smoke') ||
                                module.startsWith('mrg-context') ||
                                module.startsWith('mrg-honeypot') ||
                                module.startsWith('advert') ||
                                module.startsWith('OK/banner') ||
                                module === 'OK/Smokescreen') {
                                let fun = args[args.length-1];
                                fun._name = module;
                                args[args.length-1] = new Proxy(fun, redefiner);
                            }// else
                        //   console.log('Define:', args[0]);
                        return target.apply(thisArg, args);
                let wrapDefine = def => {
                    if (!def)
                    console.log('define =', def);
                    def = new Proxy(def, wrapAdFuncs);
                    def._name = 'define';
                    return def;
                let _define = wrapDefine(win.define);
                Object.defineProperty(win, 'define', {
                    get: () => _define,
                    set: x => {
                        if (_define === x)
                            return true;
                        _define = wrapDefine(x);
                        return true;

            // Disable page scrambler on to let extensions easily block ads there
            let logger = {
                apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
                    let res = target.apply(thisArg, args);
                    console.log(`${target._name}(`, ...args, `) >>`, res);
                    return res;

            function defineLocator(root) {
                let _locator;

                function wrapLocator(locator) {
                    if ('setup' in locator) {
                        let _setup = locator.setup;
                        locator.setup = function(o) {
                            if ('enable' in o) {
                                o.enable = false;
                                console.log('Disable mimic mode.');
                            if ('links' in o) {
                                o.links = [];
                                console.log('Call with empty list of sheets.');
                            return, o);
                        locator.insertSheet = () => false;
                        locator.wrap = () => false;
                    try {
                        let names = [];
                        for (let name in locator)
                            if (locator[name] instanceof Function && name !== 'transform') {
                                locator[name]._name = "locator." + name;
                                locator[name] = new Proxy(locator[name], logger);
                        console.log(`[locator] wrapped properties: ${names.length ? names.join(', ') : '[empty]'}`);
                    } catch(e) {
                    _locator = locator;

                if ('locator' in root && root.locator) {
                    console.log('Found existing "locator" object. :|', root.locator);

                let loc_desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(root, 'locator');
                if (!loc_desc || loc_desc.set !== wrapLocator)
                    try {
                        Object.defineProperty(root, 'locator', {
                            set: wrapLocator,
                            get: () => _locator
                    } catch (err) {
                        console.log('Unable to redefine "locator" object!!!', err);

            function defineDetector(mr) {
                let _honeyPot;
                let __ = mr._ || {};
                let check = function() {
                    __.STUCK_IN_POT = false;
                    return false;
                check._name = 'honeyPot.check';
                let setHoneyPot = o => {
                    console.log('[honeyPot]', o);
                    o.check = new Proxy(check, logger);
                    _honeyPot = o;
                    return true;
                if ('honeyPot' in mr)
                Object.defineProperty(mr, 'honeyPot', {
                    get: () => _honeyPot,
                    set: setHoneyPot

                __ = new Proxy(__, {
                    get: (t, p) => t[p],
                    set: (t, p, v) => {
                        console.log(`mr._.${p} =`, v);
                        t[p] = v;
                        return true;
                mr._ = __;

            function defineAdd(mr) {
                let _add;
                let addWrapper = {
                    apply: (tgt, that, args) => {
                        let module = args[0];
                        if (module.startsWith('ad')) {
                            console.log('Skip module:', module);
                        return logger.apply(tgt, that, args);
                let setMrAdd = v => {
                    v._name = 'mr.add';
                    v = new Proxy(v, addWrapper);
                    _add = v;
                    return true;
                if ('add' in mr)
                Object.defineProperty(mr, 'add', {
                    get: () => _add,
                    set: setMrAdd


            try {
                let _mr;
                Object.defineProperty(win, 'mr', {
                    enumerable: true,
                    get: () => _mr,
                    set: (v) => {
                        if (v === _mr)
                            return true;
                        console.log('Trapped new "mr" object.');
                        defineLocator(v.mimic ? v.mimic : v);
                        _mr = v;
                if (!('mr' in win))
                    throw 'Wat!?';
            } catch (e) {
                console.log('Found existing "mr" object.', e instanceof TypeError ? '' : e);
        }, nullTools)

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            nt.define(win, 'adBlock', false);
            nt.define(win, 'showAdBlockMessage', nt.func(null));

    scripts[''] = () => gardener('div[id^="entryID"],.block', /href="http.*?target="_blank"/i);

    scripts[''] = {
        dom: () => {
            let adNodes = _document.querySelectorAll('.ads');
            if (!adNodes)
            let getter = x => {
                let val = x;
                return () => (console.warn('read .ads', name, val), val);
            let setter = x => (console.warn('skip write .ads', name, x), true);
            for (let adNode of adNodes)
                for (let name of ['innerHTML'])
                    Object.defineProperty(adNode, name, {
                        get: getter(ads[name]),
                        set: setter

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let _innerHTML = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element.prototype, 'innerHTML');
            let _set_innerHTML = _innerHTML.set;
            _innerHTML.set = function() {
                if (this === _document.body) {
                    console.log('Anti-Adblock killed.');
                    return true;
                _set_innerHTML.apply(this, arguments);
            Object.defineProperty(_Element.prototype, 'innerHTML', _innerHTML);
        dom: () => scriptLander(() => {
            let killed = () => console.log('Anti-Adblock killed.');
            if ('$' in win)
                win.$ = new Proxy($, {
                    apply: (tgt, that, args) => {
                        let res = tgt.apply(that, args);
                        if (res[0] && res[0] === _document.body) {
                            res.html = () => killed;
                            res.empty = () => killed;
                        return res;
    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            createStyle('.needblock {position: fixed; left: -10000px}');
            Object.defineProperty(win, 'adblck', {
                get: () => 'no',
                set: () => undefined,
                enumerable: true

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', ''],
        dom: () => {
            // line above topic content and images in the slider in the header
            let remove = node => (console.log('removed', node), node.parentNode.removeChild(node));
            for (let el of _document.querySelectorAll('.release-navbar a, #page_content a')) {
                if (location.hostname === el.hostname &&
                    /^\/(\w{3}|exit)\/[\w=/]{20,}$/.test(el.pathname)) {
                    remove(el.closest('div, tr'));
                // ads in the topic header in case filter above wasn't enough
                let parent = el.closest('tr');
                if (parent && parent.querySelector('span') &&
            // casino ad button in random places
            for (let el of _document.querySelectorAll('.btn-group')) {
                el = el.parentNode.parentNode;
                if (el.tagName === 'TH')
            // ads in comments
            let el = _document.querySelector('tbody[id^="post_"] + tbody:not([id])');
            if (el && el.parentNode.children[2] == el)

    scripts[''] = () => gardener('.story', /story__author[^>]+>ads</i, {root: '.inner_wrap', observe: true});

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let bodyClass = 'body--branding';
        let checkNode = node => {
            for (let className of node.classList)
                if (className.includes('banner') || className === bodyClass) {
          , 'style');
                    for (let attr of Array.from(node.attributes))
                        if ('advert'))
        (new MutationObserver(ms => {
            let m, node;
            for (m of ms) for (node of m.addedNodes)
                if (node instanceof HTMLElement)
        })).observe(_de, {childList: true, subtree: true});
        (new MutationObserver(ms => {
            for (let m of ms)
        })).observe(_de, {attributes: true, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let _src = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLScriptElement.prototype, 'src');
        let _src_set = _src.set;
        _src.set = function(val) {
            if (val.includes('fuckadblock') || val.includes('googlesyndication'))
            return _src_set.apply(this, arguments);
        Object.defineProperty(HTMLScriptElement.prototype, 'src', _src);

        let _addEventListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener;
        let _toString =;
        EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function addEventListener() {
            if (arguments[0] === 'load' && _toString(arguments[1]).includes("_creatBait"))
                    this, arguments[0], () => {
                        if ('fuckAdBlock' in win)
                    }, arguments[2]
            return _addEventListener.apply(this, arguments);

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            let nt = new nullTools();
            nt.define(win, 'ab', false);
            nt.define(win, 'tryMessage', nt.func(null));

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            for (let func of ['createShadowRoot', 'attachShadow'])
                if (func in _Element.prototype)
                    _Element.prototype[func] = function(){
                        return this.cloneNode();

    scripts[''] = {
        dom: () => {
            let _preventDefault = Event.prototype.preventDefault;
            Event.prototype.preventDefault = function preventDefault() {
                let t =;
                if (t instanceof HTMLAnchorElement || t.closest('A'))
                    throw new Error(' redirect prevention');

            function cleaner(nodes) {
                for (let node of nodes) {
                    if (!node.classList || !node.classList.contains('js-yandex-counter'))

            (new MutationObserver(
                ms => {
                    for (let m of ms) cleaner(m.addedNodes);
            )).observe(_de, {childList: true, subtree: true});

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', '', ''],
        now: () => gardener('div[id][class]', /\?AdvertMgmt=|adsbygoogle/, { root: '#content-wrapper', log: true })

    scripts[''] = () => scriptLander(() => {
        let _parse = JSON.parse;
        let _skip_enabled = false;
        JSON.parse = (...args) => {
            let res = _parse(...args),
                log = false;
            if (!res)
                return res;
            // parse player configuration
            if ('appearance' in res || 'video_balancer' in res) {
                log = true;
                if (res.appearance) {
                    if ('forbid_seek' in res.appearance && res.appearance.forbid_seek)
                        res.appearance.forbid_seek = false;
                    if ('forbid_timeline_preview' in res.appearance && res.appearance.forbid_timeline_preview)
                        res.appearance.forbid_timeline_preview = false;
                _skip_enabled = !!res.remove_unseekable_blocks;
                //res.advert = [];
                delete res.advert;
                //for (let limit of res.limits)
                //    limit.limit = 0;
                delete res.limits;
                //res.yast = null;
                //res.yast_live_online = null;
                delete res.yast;
                delete res.yast_live_online;
                Object.defineProperty(res, 'stat', {
                    get: () => [],
                    set: () => true,
                    enumerable: true

            // parse video configuration
            if ('video_url' in res) {
                log = true;
                if (res.cuepoints && !_skip_enabled)
                    for (let point of res.cuepoints) {
                        point.is_pause = false;
                        point.show_navigation = true;
                        point.forbid_seek = false;

            if (log)
                console.log('[rutube]', res);
            return res;

    scripts[''] = () => scriptLander(() => {
        let _addEventListener = _Document.prototype.addEventListener;
        _document.addEventListener = function(event, callback) {
            if (event === 'DOMContentLoaded' && callback.toString().includes('show_warning'))
            return _addEventListener.apply(this, arguments);

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let wrapped = new WeakSet();
        let wrapAPI = root => {
            let _pause =;
            let _addEventListener =;
            let stopper = e => _pause(;
            root.Audio = new Proxy(root.Audio, {
                construct: (audio, args) => {
                    let res = new audio(...args);
                    _addEventListener(res, 'play', stopper, true);
                    return res;
            _createElement = root.Document.prototype.createElement;
            root.Document.prototype.createElement = function createElement() {
                let res = _createElement.apply(this, arguments);
                if (res instanceof HTMLAudioElement)
                    _addEventListener(res, 'play', stopper, true);
                return res;

        let _contentWindow = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow');
        let _get_contentWindow = Function.prototype.apply.bind(_contentWindow.get);
        _contentWindow.get = function() {
            let _cw = _get_contentWindow(this, arguments);
            if (_cw && !wrapped.has(_cw))
            return _cw;
        Object.defineProperty(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, 'contentWindow', _contentWindow);

    scripts[''] = () => {
        gardener('div:not(.f-c_fll) > a[href*=""]', /./, { parent: 'div' });
        gardener('.js-banner_rotator', /./, { parent: '.widgets-group' });

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let _clientHeight = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element.prototype, 'clientHeight'),
            _clientWidth = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_Element.prototype, 'clientWidth');
        let wrapGetter = (getter) => {
            let _getter = getter;
            return function() {
                let _size = _getter.apply(this, arguments);
                return _size ? _size : 1;
        _clientHeight.get = wrapGetter(_clientHeight.get);
        _clientWidth.get = wrapGetter(_clientWidth.get);
        Object.defineProperty(_Element.prototype, 'clientHeight', _clientHeight);
        Object.defineProperty(_Element.prototype, 'clientWidth', _clientWidth);
        let _onload = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onload'),
            _set_onload = _onload.set;
        _onload.set = function() {
            if (this instanceof HTMLImageElement)
                return true;
            _set_onload.apply(this, arguments);
        Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'onload', _onload);

    scripts[''] = () => gardener('.js-relap__item',/>Реклама\s+<\//, {root:'.container', observe: true});

    scripts[''] = {
        now: () => {
            gardener('.aside-news-list__item', /aside-news-list__advert/i, {root:'.columns-layout__left', observe: true});
            gardener('.material-list__item', /Реклама/i, {root:'.columns-layout', observe: true});
            // extra functionality: shows/hides panel at the top depending on scroll direction
                '.user-panel__fixed { transition: top 0.2s ease-in-out!important; }',
                '.user-panel-up { top: -40px!important }'
            ], {id: 'userPanelSlide'}, false);
        dom: () => {
            (function lookForPanel() {
                let panel = _document.querySelector('.user-panel__fixed');
                if (!panel)
                    setTimeout(lookForPanel, 100);
                        'wheel', function(e) {
                            if (e.deltaY > 0 && !panel.classList.contains('user-panel-up'))
                            else if (e.deltaY < 0 && panel.classList.contains('user-panel-up'))
                        }, false

    scripts[''] = {
        dom: () => {
            // skip timeout
            let $ = _document.querySelector.bind(_document);
            let [timer_1, timer_2] = [$('#timer_1'), $('#timer_2')];
            if (!timer_1 || !timer_2)
   = 'none';
   = 'block';

    scripts[''] = () => scriptLander(() => {
        let logNames = ['setup', 'trigger', 'on', 'off', 'onReady', 'onError', 'getConfig', 'addPlugin', 'getAdBlock'];
        let skipEvents = ['adComplete', 'adSkipped', 'adBlock', 'adRequest', 'adMeta', 'adImpression', 'adError', 'adTime', 'adStarted', 'adClick'];
        let _jwplayer = void 0;
        Object.defineProperty(win, 'jwplayer', {
            get: () => _jwplayer,
            set: x => {
                _jwplayer = new Proxy(x, {
                    apply: (fun, that, args) => {
                        let res = fun.apply(that, args);
                        res = new Proxy(res, {
                            get: (obj, name) => {
                                if (logNames.includes(name) && obj[name] instanceof Function)
                                    return new Proxy(obj[name], {
                                        apply: (fun, that, args) => {
                                            if (name === 'setup') {
                                                let o = args[0];
                                                if (o)
                                                    delete o.advertising;
                                            if (name === 'on' || name === 'trigger') {
                                                let events = typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0].split(" ") : null;
                                                if (events.length === 1 && skipEvents.includes(events[0]))
                                                    return res;
                                                if (events.length > 1) {
                                                    let names = [];
                                                    for (let event of events)
                                                        if (!skipEvents.includes(event))
                                                    if (names.length > 0)
                                                        args[0] = names.join(" ");
                                                        return res;
                                            let subres = fun.apply(that, args);
                                            console.warn(`jwplayer().${name}(`, ...args, `) >>`, res);
                                            return subres;
                                return obj[name];
                        return res;
                console.log('jwplayer =', x);
                return true;

    scripts[''] = {
        other: [''],
        now: () => {
            gardener('form > table[id^="p_row_"]:nth-of-type(2)', /member1438|Administration/);
            gardener('.icon-comments', /member1438|Administration|\/go\/\?http/, {parent:'tr', siblings:-2});

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', '', '', '', '', ''],
        now: () => scriptLander(() => {
            // Prevent autoplay
            if (!('EaglePlayer' in win)) {
                let _EaglePlayer = void 0;
                Object.defineProperty(win, 'EaglePlayer', {
                    enumerable: true,
                    get: () => _EaglePlayer,
                    set: x => {
                        if (x === _EaglePlayer)
                            return true;
                        _EaglePlayer = new Proxy(x, {
                            construct: (targ, args) => {
                                let player = new targ(...args);
                                if (!player.options) {
                                    console.log('EaglePlayer: no options', EaglePlayer);
                                    return player;
                                Object.defineProperty(player.options, 'autoplay', {
                                    get: () => false,
                                    set: () => true
                                Object.defineProperty(player.options, 'scroll', {
                                    get: () => false,
                                    set: () => true
                                return player;
                let _setAttribute = _Element.prototype.setAttribute;
                let isAutoplay = /^autoplay$/i;
                _Element.prototype.setAttribute = function setAttribute(name) {
                    if (!this._stopped && isAutoplay.test(name)) {
                        console.log('Prevented assigning autoplay attribute.');
                        return null;
                    return _setAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
            } else {
                console.log('EaglePlayer function already exists.');
                if (inIFrame) {
                    let _setAttribute = _Element.prototype.setAttribute;
                    let isAutoplay = /^autoplay$/i;
                    _Element.prototype.setAttribute = function setAttribute(name) {
                        if (!this._stopped && isAutoplay.test(name)) {
                            console.log('Prevented assigning autoplay attribute.');
                            this._stopped = true;
                   = () => {
                                console.log('Prevented attempt to force-start playback.');
                            return null;
                        return _setAttribute.apply(this, arguments);
            if (location.hostname.endsWith(''))
            // prevent ads from loading
            let blockObfuscated = false;
            let obfuscation = /\[[a-z]{4}\("0x\d+"\)\]/i;
            let _toString =;
            let CSSRuleProto = 'cssText' in CSSRule.prototype ? CSSRule.prototype : CSSStyleRule.prototype;
            let _cssText = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(CSSRuleProto, 'cssText');
            let _cssText_get = _cssText.get;
            _cssText.configurable = false;
            _cssText.get = function() {
                let cssText =;
                if (cssText.includes('content:')) {
                    console.warn('Blocked access to suspicious cssText:', cssText.slice(0,60), '\u2026', cssText.length);
                    blockObfuscated = true;
                    return null;
                return cssText;
            Object.defineProperty(CSSRuleProto, 'cssText', _cssText);
            let _setTimeout = win.setTimeout;
            win.setTimeout = function(f) {
                if (blockObfuscated && obfuscation.test(_toString(f))) {
                    console.warn('Stopped setTimeout for:', _toString(f).slice(0,100), '\u2026');
                    return null;
                return _setTimeout.apply(this, arguments);
            // fake global Adf object
            let nt = new nullTools();
            let Adf_banner = {};
                'reloadssp', 'sspScroll',
                'sspRich', 'ssp'
            ].forEach(name => void(Adf_banner[name] = nt.proxy(() => new Promise(r => r({status: true})))));
            nt.define(win, 'Adf', nt.proxy({
                banner: nt.proxy(Adf_banner)
            // extra script to remove partner news on
            if (!location.hostname.includes(''))
            (new MutationObserver(
                (ms) => {
                    let m, node, header;
                    for (m of ms) for (node of m.addedNodes)
                        if (node instanceof HTMLDivElement && node.matches('.sausage')) {
                            header = node.querySelector('.sausage-header');
                            if (header && /новости\s+партн[её]ров/i.test(header.textContent))
                       = 'none';
            )).observe(_document.documentElement, { childList:true, subtree: true });
        }, `let inIFrame = ${inIFrame}`, nullTools)

    scripts[''] = {
        other: ['', ''],
        now: () => {
            scriptLander(() => {
                let nt = new nullTools();
       = function(){
                    throw new Error('Redirect prevention.');
                nt.define(win, 'Worker', function(){});
                nt.define(win, 'JRCH', win.CoinHive);
            }, nullTools);
        click: function(e) {
            let node =;
            if (node.nodeType === _Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
       === 'absolute' &&
       > 0)
        dom: function() {
            let words = new RegExp(
                'блокировщик рекламы'
                    return e+'[\u200b\u200c\u200d]*';
                .replace(' ', '\\s*')
                .replace(/[аоре]/g, function(e){
                    return ['[аa]','[оo]','[рp]','[еe]']['аоре'.indexOf(e)];
            function deeper(spider) {
                for (let child of spider.childNodes)
                    if (words.test(child.innerText))
                        if (child.offsetHeight >= 750)
            function probe() {
                can = [];
                for (let spider of can)
          , 'style', 'background:none!important');
            (new MutationObserver(probe))
                .observe(_document, { childList:true, subtree:true });

    scripts[''] = () => {
        let words = /Реклама|Яндекс.Директ|yandex_ad_/;
        let userAdsListAds = (
            '.listing-list > .listing-item,'+
        let catalogAds = (
        let otherAds = (
            '.pager-listing + div[class],'+
            '.card > div[class][style],'+
            '.sidebar > div[class],'+
            '.main-page__section + div[class],'+
            '.listing > tbody'
        gardener(userAdsListAds, words, {root:'.listing-wrap', observe:true});
        gardener(catalogAds, words, {root:'.catalog__page,.content__wrapper', observe:true});
        gardener(otherAds, words);

    scripts[''] = {
        load: () => {
            let dis = _document.querySelector('label[class*="cb-disable"]');
            if (dis)
        click: e => {
            let t =;
            if (t && t.href && (/:\/\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\//.test(t.href)))
                t.href = t.href.replace('://','://');

    let domain;
    // add alternative domain names if present and wrap functions into objects
    for (let name in scripts) {
        if (scripts[name] instanceof Function)
            scripts[name] = { now: scripts[name] };
        for (domain of (scripts[name].other||[])) {
            if (domain in scripts)
                console.log('Error in scripts list. Script for', name, 'replaced script for', domain);
            scripts[domain] = scripts[name];
        delete scripts[name].other;
    // look for current domain in the list and run appropriate code
    domain = _document.domain;
    while (domain.includes('.')) {
        if (domain in scripts) for (let when in scripts[domain])
            switch(when) {
                case 'now':
                case 'dom':
                    _document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', scripts[domain][when], false);
                    _document.addEventListener (when, scripts[domain][when], false);
        domain = domain.slice(domain.indexOf('.') + 1);

    // Batch script lander
    if (!skipLander)
        landScript(batchLand, batchPrepend);

    { // JS Fixes Tools Menu
        let openOptions = function() {
            let ovl = _createElement('div'),
                inner = _createElement('div');
   = (
                'position: fixed;'+
                'top:0; left:0;'+
                'bottom: 0; right: 0;'+
                'background: rgba(0,0,0,0.85);'+
                'z-index: 2147483647;'+
                'padding: 5em'
   = (
                'background: whitesmoke;'+
                'font-size: 10pt;'+
                'color: black;'+
                'padding: 1em'
            inner.textContent = 'JS Fixes Tools';
                'click', function(e) {
                    if ( === ovl) {
                }, false

            let sObjBtn = _createElement('button');
            sObjBtn.onclick = getStrangeObjectsList;
            sObjBtn.textContent = 'Print (in console) list of unusual window properties';


        // monitor keys pressed for Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J > s > f code
        let opPos = 0, opKey = ['KeyJ','KeyS','KeyF'];
            'keydown', function(e) {
                if ((e.code === opKey[opPos] || e.location) &&
                    (!!opPos || e.altKey && e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey)) {
                    opPos += e.location ? 0 : 1;
                } else
                    opPos = 0;
                if (opPos === opKey.length) {
                    opPos = 0;
            }, false