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Steam web chat- Open all in the "current window tabs" (chat and profile)

Posted: 2019-08-26

Steam web chat- Open all in the "current window tabs" (chat and profile)

Steam WebChat open "new dialog" or profile from chat as "new window tab", it must open in same window in "new tab" -"profiles" and better "send message" at same window tab (that was opened)

https://steamcommunity.com/id/123 > " send message" ( as friend) <a class="btn_profile_action btn_medium" href="javascript:OpenFriendChat( '1112223334445555'

https://steamcommunity.com/chat/ > "right click"//"drop menu click" > open profile

Posted: 2019-09-02
Edited: 2019-09-02

Add the attribute and value: target="_self" to the a element

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