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Redirection issue on google

投稿日: 2021/12/03
編集日: 2021/12/03

I want a script to get rid of google image search "dragged down image to open a tab in the background" "REDIRECTION"

If i make a search:

then i drag down the first colorful picture after the "black & grey" ones to send the page to a background tab,
i get a "redirect" stupid page which happens to a few searched pictures,
clicking on them.. >>

& when i drag down "some" other pictures to send the page to a background tab
here in this example on the text under the picture:
"cancer and HIV treatment"

I get what i'd love to have instead of the redirect notice, but dragging down the image itself to send the page to a background tab:

In other words, i want to disable/bypass the redirect notice i get when i drag down some images of google image searches,
to send the page to a background tab & i want the result obtained, if i had dragged down the text itself.

