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A userscript to allow profiles to show url on mouse hovering..

投稿日: 2021/11/30

I don't know why but the webmaster prevented urls to show when someone hovers
his mouse on a profile name (underlined) or eventually the picture too.



I don't always know who i contacted during the previous weeks or months
before because my date history doesn't appear near links with my firefox addon,
to avoid indecently contacting the same person for the same proposal of a relationship.

Could someone please create a userscript that forces the website to show urls on the statusbar of my browser
when mouse hovering over profile names ?

投稿日: 2021/11/30
編集日: 2021/11/30

The a element has no href link, only an onclick event listener that runs this function

var attribute = this.getAttribute("data-int");
document.location.href= decodeURIComponent(window.atob(attribute));

But since all urls are
this does the trick
document.querySelectorAll('a.transf').forEach(el => el.title = '' + el.innerText)

or as you want

document.querySelectorAll('a.transf').forEach(el => el.href = '' + el.innerText)

投稿日: 2021/11/30

Thank you hacker ))

if you think this could happen in other websites, could you make this general for all websites in a script,
also without the headers of the script, it would be complex for me to complete your code ))

投稿日: 2021/11/30

Ok, greasemonkey created the headers in a new script & your last line worked like a charm.
I can realize that since those profiles method allows viewing profiles per nickname & not per number,
other websites could be pbroken if it was applied to all websites, so that's a bad request from my part.

But do you think you could fix that ?

All images i hover with the mouse show:

can they show the full profile url from the nickname near the picture ?


投稿日: 2021/11/30
編集日: 2021/11/30

// ==UserScript==
// @name Show profile link on username hover
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Works on celibatairesduweb
// @author hacker09
// @match*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';
document.querySelectorAll('a.transf').forEach(el => el.title = '' + el.innerText)
document.querySelectorAll('a.transf').forEach(el => el.href = '' + el.innerText)

投稿日: 2021/11/30

sadly the pictures still show

投稿日: 2021/11/30
編集日: 2021/11/30

// ==UserScript==
// @name Show profile link on username hover
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Works on celibatairesduweb
// @author hacker09
// @match*
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';
document.querySelectorAll('p.fnt13.text-center > a').forEach(el => el.title = '' + el.innerText)
document.querySelectorAll('p.fnt13.text-center > a').forEach(el => el.href = '' + el.innerText)

投稿日: 2021/11/30

there's a bug, nothing appears either for pictures or profile nicknames ((

投稿日: 2021/11/30

Use tampermonkey

投稿日: 2021/11/30

I can't cause i'm using palemoon, please try to mod it so it matches the picture detection ((

投稿日: 2021/12/01

Anyone else could fix this for greasemonkey ?

投稿日: 2021/12/01

Hacker please fix it, it's even worse now, cause the webmaster made the username appear over the picture now,
i don't know what's wrong with him, so only licking the picture works but i loose the previous list at previous
checked time & i can't send to background tabs.

投稿日: 2021/12/01


投稿日: 2021/12/03

In that script fix:

For each html string (i had to add spaces cause [/code] didn't work):

< i m g c l a s s = " c a r d - p r o f i l e " a l t = " R e nc o n t r e A u d r e y 5 9 , f e m m e d e 2 0 a n s " s r c = " h t t p s :
/ / c d n . c e l i b a t a i r e s d u w e b . c o m / i m g / P h o t o s / A u c u n e I m a g e F e m m e . g i f " >
Or this one:
< i m g c l a s s = " c a r d - p r o f i l e " a l t = " R e n c o n t r e A n a n a 9 1 , f em m e d e 3 5 a n s " s r c = " h t t p s :
/ / c d n . c e l i b a t a i r e s d u w e b . c o m / i m g / P h o t o s / 1 6 3 8 4 8 7 8 4 4 _ 1 6 2 5 4 1 7 _ v = 1 . j p g " >

regular expression:

I want the nickname before the "," to appear after the link below

mouse hovering on pictures:

affected site again:

i can't use drag2go to open in background tab, i have to click on pictures now, which makes me loose the previous list
& loose time in my interested profiles.

