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Evernote Web HTML editor

This scripts adds a button to edit the HTML code of a note in Evernote Web

Versione datata 13/11/2016. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

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Apache License, Version 2.0
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Note: you can find a description in Italian on my blog.

This script enables full-HTML editing capabilities in the Web interface of Evernote. This means that you can perform low-level editing of the markup of your notes. It is useful to fix some weird glitches after clipping a webpage or messing up with the rich text editor.


  • Toolbar button for easy activation
  • Ace Code Editor including auto-completion and syntax highlighting
  • Automatic stripping of TinyMCE related tags and markup
  • HTML source code formatting that puts block-level tags on separate lines

The last two points allow to have a much cleaner view of the HTML code. You will see no more one-liners made of 5 nested <div>s and 25 <p>s!

You may also like my script for using in-app note links in Evernote Web.


This program is a modified version of the Evernote HTML Editor bookmarklet created by Seb Maynard and released as open source software under the Apache 2.0 license. You can download the original software here:

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