Greasy Fork is available in English.

Greasyfork in your language

Whenever a link to localized greasyfork page is clicked, redirect it to the specified language

Versione datata 06/02/2015. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

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Language preference for the main GF site can be set in greasyfork profile settings. This userscript also maintains your language in forum links.

To customize your preferred language, install the script and edit its code in your script manager: Replace en in var language = 'en'; with your preferred language bg en de es fr id ja nl pl pt-BR ru zh-CN zh-TW without spaces.

Works with links from any site (google results for example) to a greasyfork script or forum or any other localized page, and transparently changes the url so that the page in your preferred language is loaded right away instead of whatever language was present (or absent) in the url.