Greasy Fork is available in English.

Unsubscribe All Subreddits (Target Links)

Unsubscribes from all subreddits by targeting <a> elements.

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Hey all,

This is my first time posting a script.. I figured since I couldn't find one that worked for what I was trying to accomplish (leaving all subreddits at the click of a button), I would put it forward and share this around for other people that like to de-clutter.

To be honest, ChatGPT did a lot of the back-work, I wouldn't say I'm a beginner but I'm also no expert.

Either way it does the job.

So here's the steps:

1. Download Tampermonkey;
2. Create a new script;
3. Download the .js file attached to this post;
4. Copy the code from the file and paste it into the new Tampermonkey script;
5. Hit CTRL + S & make sure the script is active;
6. Go to;
7. If all is well, the script should start automatically and run smoothly :)

You will notice 1 by 1 all of your subreddits turning from "Leave" to "Join", which is great. You can also hit CTRL + Shift + I, go to console, and you'll get more info there too.

Finally, when all of your subreddits are gone, you can disable the script, delete it, do whatever you want :)

Let me know if you have any questions // troubles and I will do my best to address them.

Kind regards,

p.s. i found out in the process of making this post that win + shift + s doesn't actually save screenshots to the drive... ;-; i had caught the script in action but you will just have to trust me without the best screenshots lol.