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Youtube polymer engine fixes

Some fixes for Youtube polymer engine

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Youtube polymer engine fixes
// @description  Some fixes for Youtube polymer engine
// @namespace[at]
// @version      2.26.3
// @match*
// @compatible   firefox 56
// @author       Bogudan
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @noframes
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      For personal use only
// ==/UserScript==

(async function () {
	'use strict';
	if ( !== window.self)
	if (location.pathname == '/error')	// нам нечего делать на страницах с ошибками
	function setDefault (obj, key, value) {
		if (!(key in obj))
			obj [key] = value;
	function selector (obj, key, ...ex) {
		return obj === undefined || obj === null || key === undefined || key === null ? obj : selector (obj [key], ...ex);
	// select storage: GM_*/GM.* or local storage (in case userscript manager does not grant us GMs)
	let storage =
		(typeof (GM_getValue) !== 'undefined' && typeof (GM_setValue) !== 'undefined' && GM_getValue && GM_setValue) ? { load: GM_getValue, save: GM_setValue, desc: "GM_*Value" } :
		(typeof (GM) !== 'undefined' && GM && GM.getValue && GM.setValue) ? { load: GM.getValue, save: GM.setValue, desc: "GM.*Value" } :
		{ load: (_, def) => def };
	let settings = await storage.load ('settings', {});
	if (storage.desc) = storage.desc;
	// delete old settings
	if ("default_player_640" in settings) {	// удалено в 0.5
		settings.default_player = settings.default_player_640 ? 3 : 0;
		delete settings.default_player_640;
	if ("reduce_thumbnail" in settings) {	// удалено в 0.6.0
		settings.thumbnail_size = settings.reduce_thumbnail ? 2 : 0;
		delete settings.reduce_thumbnail;
	if ("reduce_font" in settings) {	// удалено в 2.5.8: размеры текста уменьшились на стороне YT
		settings.fix_removed_placeholder = settings.reduce_font;
		delete settings.reduce_font;
	if ("wide_description" in settings) {	// удалено в 2.9.1
		settings.description_width = settings.wide_description ? 1 : 0;
		delete settings.wide_description;
	if ("restore_dislikes" in settings)	// удалено в 2.14.3 -- данные больше не предоставляются
		delete settings.restore_dislikes;
	if ("exact_view_count" in settings) { // удалено в 2.16.0
		settings.view_count_mod = settings.exact_view_count ? 2 : 1;
		delete settings.exact_view_count;
	if ("short_to_full" in settings) { // удалено в 2.20.0
		settings.short_to_full2 = settings.short_to_full ? 2 : 0;
		delete settings.short_to_full;
	// set default values
	const gminfo = typeof (GM_info) !== 'undefined' && GM_info || typeof (GM) !== 'undefined' && GM &&;
	const fix_version = selector (gminfo, 'script', 'version');
	let load_version = settings.version;
	if (fix_version) {
		settings.version = fix_version;
		setDefault (settings, "inst_ver", fix_version);
	setDefault (settings, "align_player", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "default_player", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "hide_guide", true);
	setDefault (settings, "hide_yt_suggested_blocks", true);
	setDefault (settings, "logo_target", "");
	setDefault (settings, "fix_removed_placeholder", true);
	setDefault (settings, "theater_player", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "thumbnail_size", 2);
	setDefault (settings, "thumbnail_size_m", 720);
	setDefault (settings, "unfix_header", true);
	setDefault (settings, "search_thumbnail", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "clear_search", false);
	setDefault (settings, "channel_top", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "try_load_more", false);
	setDefault (settings, "unbound_video_title", false);
	setDefault (settings, "video_quality", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "no_resume_time", false);
	setDefault (settings, "remove_yt_redirect", false);
	setDefault (settings, "resume_bar_handling", settings.no_resume_time ? 1 : 0);
	setDefault (settings, "watched_grayscale", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "watched_blur", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "disable_player_click_overlay", false);
	setDefault (settings, "description_width", 0);
	setDefault (settings, "simpler_fullscreen", false);
	setDefault (settings, 'clear_link_pp', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'exact_likes', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'disable_video_preview', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'hide_engagement_panel_transcript', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'hide_engagement_panel_structured_description', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'update_alert', 0);
	setDefault (settings, 'view_count_mod', 1);
	setDefault (settings, 'hide_metadata', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'remove_rounded_corners_1', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'thumbnail_size_channel', settings.thumbnail_size);
	setDefault (settings, 'thumbnail_size_channel_m', settings.thumbnail_size_m);
	setDefault (settings, 'short_to_full2', 0);
	setDefault (settings, 'channel_default', 0);
	setDefault (settings, 'clear_sign', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'main_align', 0);
	setDefault (settings, 'video_shelves', false);
	setDefault (settings, 'subscriptions_align', 0);
	setDefault (settings, 'no_player_round_corners', false);
	// deprecations
	setDefault (settings, '__depr__', 0);
	if (settings.__depr__ < 26) {
		settings.__depr__ = 26;
		settings.hide_guide = false;
		settings.try_load_more = false;
	console.log ('fix settings:', settings);
	// catch "settings" page
	if (location.pathname == '/fix-settings') {
		window.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', () => { document.title = "YouTube Polymer Fixes: Settings"; });
		const back = document.createElement ('div');
		back.className = 'ytfixback';
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		plane.className = 'ytfix';
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		plane.appendChild (style);
		function AddLine (plane) {
			const q = document.createElement ('div');
			q.className = 'ytfix_line';
			for (let i = 1, L = arguments.length; i < L; ++i)
				q.appendChild (arguments [i]);
			plane.appendChild (q);
			return q;
		let e1, e2;
		e1 = document.createElement ('b');
		e1.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('YouTube Polymer Fixes: Settings'));
		AddLine (plane, e1);
		if (fix_version) {
			e1 = document.createElement ('b');
			e1.appendChild (document.createTextNode (`Version: ${fix_version}`));
			AddLine (plane, e1);
		if (! {
			e1 = document.createElement ('span'); = 'color:red';
			e1.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Cannot edit settings: no access to any storage.'));
			AddLine (plane, e1);
			e1 = document.createElement ('span');
			e1.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Please, allow cookies for this site.'));
			AddLine (plane, e1);
		else {
			const ess = {};
			function MakeDesc (desc, extra) {
				const e = document.createElement ('span');
				e.appendChild (document.createTextNode (desc));
				if (extra) {
					if ( = style;
					if (extra.note) {
						const n = document.createElement ('sup');
						n.appendChild (document.createTextNode (extra.note));
						e.appendChild (n);
				return e;
			function MakeNote (num, desc, extra) {
				const e = document.createElement ('span');
				if (num) {
					const n = document.createElement ('sup');
					n.appendChild (document.createTextNode (num));
					e.appendChild (n);
				e.appendChild (document.createTextNode (desc));
				if (extra && = 'font-size:0.75em;' +;
				else = 'font-size:0.75em';
				return e;
			function MakeBoolElement (nm) {
				const e = document.createElement ('input');
				e.type = 'checkbox';
				e.checked = settings [nm];
				ess [nm] = e;
				return e;
			function MakeListElement (nm, opts) {
				const e = document.createElement ('select');
				e.className = 'ytfix_field';
				ess [nm] = e;
				for (let i = 0, L = opts.length; i < L; ++i) {
					const o = document.createElement ('option');
					o.appendChild (document.createTextNode (opts [i]));
					e.appendChild (o);
				e.selectedIndex = settings [nm];
				return e;
			function MakeTextElement (nm) {
				const e = document.createElement ('input');
				e.className = 'ytfix_field';
				e.value = settings [nm];
				ess [nm] = e;
				return e;
			function MakeSlider (nm, width, snap, steps) {
				let desc = { value : -1, mouse : false };
				const e = document.createElement ('div');
				e.className = 'ytfix_slide_base'; = `${width*snap*steps+1}px`;
				const b = document.createElement ('div');
				b.className = 'ytfix_slide_bar';
				e.appendChild (b);
				for (let x = width * snap * steps; x >= 0; x -= width * snap) {
					const s = document.createElement ('div');
					s.className = 'ytfix_slide_stroke'; = `${x}px`;
					e.appendChild (s);
				const a = document.createElement ('div');
				a.className = 'ytfix_slide_arrow';
				e.appendChild (a);
				const i = document.createElement ('input');
				i.className = 'ytfix_field';
				i.type = 'number'; = `${(snap*steps).toString().length+2}em`;
				i.min = 0;
				i.max = snap * steps;
				i.step = 1;
				function UpdateValue (newvalue) {
					if (newvalue < 0)
						newvalue = 0;
					else if (newvalue > snap * steps)
						newvalue = snap * steps;
					if (newvalue == desc.value)
					desc.value = newvalue; = `${desc.value*width-5}px`;
					i.value = desc.value;
					if (desc.callback)
						desc.callback (desc);
				UpdateValue (settings [nm]);
				e.addEventListener ('mousedown', function (ev) {
					if (ev.buttons != 1)
					desc.mouse = === a;
					if (desc.mouse)
					let sliderRect = a.getBoundingClientRect ();
					if (ev.clientX <= sliderRect.left)
						UpdateValue (desc.value - snap);
					else if (ev.clientX > sliderRect.right)
						UpdateValue (desc.value + snap);
				e.addEventListener ('mousemove', function (ev) {
					if (ev.buttons != 1 || !desc.mouse)
					let mx = ev.clientX - e.getBoundingClientRect ().left;
					mx += (width * snap) >> 1;
					mx -= mx % (width * snap);
					UpdateValue (mx / width);
				i.addEventListener ('input', function () {
					if (/^\d+$/.test (i.value))
						UpdateValue (parseInt (i.value));
				desc.base = e;
				desc.input = i;
				ess [nm] = desc;
				return desc;
			function MakeButton (text, click) {
				const e = document.createElement ('input');
				e.type = 'button';
				e.className = 'ytfix_button';
				e.value = text;
				e.addEventListener ('click', click);
				return e;
			const tabs_data = [];
			function MakeTab (name, text, checked) {
				const inp = document.createElement ('input');
				inp.type = 'radio'; = name; = 'tabs';
				if (checked)
					inp.setAttribute ('checked', '');
				const lbl = document.createElement ('label');
				lbl.setAttribute ('for', name);
				lbl.appendChild (document.createTextNode (text));
				const cont = document.createElement ('div'); = name + '_cont';
				style.innerHTML += `.ytfix_tabs > input#${name}:checked ~ div#${name}_cont {display:block}`;
				tabs_data.push ({ inp: inp, lbl: lbl, cont: cont });
				return cont;
			const tab_gen = MakeTab ('tab_gen', 'General', true);
			const tab_front = MakeTab ('tab_front', 'Front page', false);
			const tab_search = MakeTab ('tab_search', 'Search', false);
			const tab_video = MakeTab ('tab_video', 'Video', false);
			const tab_channel = MakeTab ('tab_channel', 'Channel', false);
			const tab_subscriptions = MakeTab ('tab_subscriptions', 'Subscriptions', false);
			const tab_script = MakeTab ('tab_script', 'Script', false);
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			tabs.className += ' ytfix_tabs';

			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ("hide_guide"), MakeDesc ('[DEPRECATED] Hide "Guide" menu when page opens'));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ("fix_removed_placeholder"), MakeDesc ('Make size of "Video removed" placeholder about the same as removed video description'));
			const tsm = MakeTextElement ("thumbnail_size_m");
			tsm.className = settings.thumbnail_size == 5 ? 'ytfix_field' : 'ytfix_hide';
			const tsi = MakeListElement ("thumbnail_size", ['default', '180px', '240px', '360px', '480px', 'manual']);
			tsi.addEventListener ('change', function () {
				ess.thumbnail_size_m.className = ess.thumbnail_size.selectedIndex == 5 ? 'ytfix_field' : 'ytfix_hide';
			AddLine (tab_front, MakeDesc ('Set thumbnails width'), tsi, tsm);
			AddLine (tab_search, MakeDesc ('Set thumbnails width'), MakeListElement ("search_thumbnail", ['default', '240px', '360px']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeDesc ("Set player height in default mode"), MakeListElement ("default_player", ['default', '144px', '240px', '360px', '480px', '720px']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeDesc ("Set player height in theater mode"), MakeListElement ("theater_player", ['default', '144px', '240px', '360px', '480px', '720px']));
			AddLine (tab_front, MakeBoolElement ("hide_yt_suggested_blocks"), MakeDesc ('Hide suggestions blocks (recommended playlists, latest posts, etc.)'));
			AddLine (tab_search, MakeBoolElement ("clear_search"), MakeDesc ("Hide suggestions blocks (for you, people also watched, etc.)"));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ("unfix_header"), MakeDesc ("Unstick header bar from top of the screen"));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeDesc ("Align resized player into it's container (normal and theater modes)"), MakeListElement ("align_player", ['center', 'left', 'right']));
			AddLine (tab_channel, MakeDesc ("Channel banner behaviour"), MakeListElement ('channel_top', ['default', 'hide banner with scrolling', 'hide banner entirely']));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ('try_load_more'), MakeDesc ('[DEPRECATED] Add button to try loading more content on pages with dynamic content load'));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ('unbound_video_title'), MakeDesc ('Remove size limit for video titles'));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeDesc ("Change YT logo target to"), MakeTextElement ("logo_target"));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ("remove_yt_redirect"), MakeDesc ('Remove YT tracking from links (/redirect?...)'));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ("no_resume_time"), MakeDesc ('Remove resume time from the video links (&t=...)'));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeDesc ('Video resume bar (red)'), MakeListElement ("resume_bar_handling", ['depending on resume time (default)', 'full width of thumbnail', 'hide']));
			const wwfs = document.createElement ('fieldset');
			const wwl = wwfs.appendChild (document.createElement ('legend'));
			wwl.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Watched video thumbnails modification'));
			const wwt = wwfs.appendChild (document.createElement ('table')).appendChild (document.createElement ('tr'));
			const wwc1 = wwt.appendChild (document.createElement ('td'));
			const wwgs = MakeSlider ('watched_grayscale', 2, 10, 10);
			AddLine (wwc1, MakeDesc ('Grayscale, %'), wwgs.base, wwgs.input);
			const wwb = MakeSlider ('watched_blur', 50, 1, 4);
			AddLine (wwc1, MakeDesc ('Blur, px'), wwb.base, wwb.input);
			AddLine (wwc1, MakeNote (0, 'Options require user to be logged into YT account'));
			AddLine (wwc1, MakeNote (0, 'Sample image taken from'));
			const wwc2 = wwt.appendChild (document.createElement ('td')); = 'center';
			wwc2.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Example'));
			wwc2.appendChild (document.createElement ('br'));
			wwc2.appendChild (document.createElement ('img')).src = '';
			const wwc3 = wwt.appendChild (document.createElement ('td')); = 'center';
			wwc3.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('Modified example'));
			wwc3.appendChild (document.createElement ('br'));
			const wwc3i = wwc3.appendChild (document.createElement ('img'));
			wwc3i.src = '';
			function UpdateFilters () { = `grayscale(${wwgs.value}%)blur(${wwb.value}px)`;
			UpdateFilters ();
			wwgs.callback = UpdateFilters;
			wwb.callback = UpdateFilters;
			AddLine (tab_gen, wwfs);
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeDesc ('Starting video quality'), MakeListElement ('video_quality', ['Auto (default)', '2160p (4K)', '1440p (HD)', '1080p (HD)', '720p', '480p', '360p', '240p', '144p']),
				MakeNote (0, 'Settings other than "default" may break quality autoswitching if you use "Enhancer for YouTube" extention.', { style: 'margin-top:0.4em;display:block' })
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeDesc ('View count display modifier'), MakeListElement ('view_count_mod', ['Short everywhere', 'Exact on video page, short otherwise (default)', 'Exact everywhere']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ("disable_player_click_overlay"), MakeDesc ('Remove rewinding overlay'));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeDesc ("Video description width (including suggested videos column)"), MakeListElement ("description_width", ['default', 'stretch', '1200px', '1280px', '1360px', '1440px', '1520px', '1600px', '1680px', '1760px', '1840px', '1920px']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ("simpler_fullscreen"), MakeDesc ("Simplify fullscreen (no video description, comments, etc.)"));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ("clear_link_pp"), MakeDesc ('Remove &pp= from links'));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ('exact_likes'), MakeDesc ('Show exact likes count'));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ('disable_video_preview'), MakeDesc ('Disable video on-hover previews'));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ('hide_engagement_panel_transcript'), MakeDesc ("Disable 'Transcript' side panel"));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ('hide_engagement_panel_structured_description'), MakeDesc ("Disable 'Desciption' side panel"));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeDesc ('Convert "shorts" video format to normal format'), MakeListElement ("short_to_full2", ['disabled', 'with page reload', 'without page reload']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ('hide_metadata'), MakeDesc ('Hide YT "metadata" (links to games, movies, etc.)'));
			AddLine (tab_script, MakeDesc ('Alert about script version changes'), MakeListElement ("update_alert", ['never', 'only major', 'except bugfixes', 'all']));
			AddLine (tab_script, MakeNote (0, "Version usually consist of 3 numbers (major version, minor version and release) and it's changes usually follow these rules:"));
			AddLine (tab_script, MakeNote (0, '* major version change indicates some incompatabilities with pervious versions;'));
			AddLine (tab_script, MakeNote (0, '* minor version change indicates some new functionality;'));
			AddLine (tab_script, MakeNote (0, '* release change indicate bugfixes or other internal improvements.'));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ('remove_rounded_corners_1'), MakeDesc ('Remove rounded corners on thumbnails and in video description'));
			const tscm = MakeTextElement ("thumbnail_size_channel_m");
			tscm.className = settings.thumbnail_size_channel == 5 ? 'ytfix_field' : 'ytfix_hide';
			const tsci = MakeListElement ("thumbnail_size_channel", ['default', '180px', '240px', '360px', '480px', 'manual']);
			tsci.addEventListener ('change', function () {
				ess.thumbnail_size_channel_m.className = ess.thumbnail_size_channel.selectedIndex == 5 ? 'ytfix_field' : 'ytfix_hide';
			AddLine (tab_channel, MakeDesc ('Set thumbnails width'), tsci, tscm);
			AddLine (tab_channel, MakeDesc ("Switch from channel's home page to..."), MakeListElement ('channel_default', ['home (default)', 'videos', 'shorts', 'live', 'playlists', 'community', 'channeld', 'about']));
			AddLine (tab_gen, MakeBoolElement ('clear_sign'), MakeDesc ('Remove "$1" from visited video links'));
			AddLine (tab_front, MakeDesc ('Align main page content'), MakeListElement ("main_align", ['default', 'left', 'center', 'right']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ('video_shelves'), MakeDesc ('Remove shelves'));
			AddLine (tab_subscriptions, MakeDesc ('Align subscriptions page content'), MakeListElement ("subscriptions_align", ['default', 'left', 'center', 'right']));
			AddLine (tab_video, MakeBoolElement ('no_player_round_corners'), MakeDesc ('Remove round corners on the player'));
			e1 = MakeButton ('Save settings and return to YouTube', function () {
				settings.hide_guide = ess.hide_guide.checked;
				settings.fix_removed_placeholder = ess.fix_removed_placeholder.checked;
				settings.thumbnail_size = ess.thumbnail_size.selectedIndex;
				if (settings.thumbnail_size == 5) {
					const v = ess.thumbnail_size_m.value;
					if (!/^\d+$/.test (v)) {
						alert ('Error: invalid value for thumbnails size');
					settings.thumbnail_size_m = parseInt (v);
				settings.search_thumbnail = ess.search_thumbnail.selectedIndex;
				settings.default_player = ess.default_player.selectedIndex;
				settings.theater_player = ess.theater_player.selectedIndex;
				settings.hide_yt_suggested_blocks = ess.hide_yt_suggested_blocks.checked;
				settings.unfix_header = ess.unfix_header.checked;
				settings.align_player = ess.align_player.selectedIndex;
				settings.channel_top = ess.channel_top.selectedIndex;
				settings.logo_target = ess.logo_target.value;
				settings.clear_search = ess.clear_search.checked;
				settings.try_load_more = ess.try_load_more.checked;
				settings.unbound_video_title = ess.unbound_video_title.checked;
				settings.video_quality = ess.video_quality.selectedIndex;
				settings.no_resume_time = ess.no_resume_time.checked;
				settings.remove_yt_redirect = ess.remove_yt_redirect.checked;
				settings.view_count_mod = ess.view_count_mod.selectedIndex;
				settings.resume_bar_handling = ess.resume_bar_handling.selectedIndex;
				settings.watched_grayscale = ess.watched_grayscale.value;
				settings.watched_blur = ess.watched_blur.value;
				settings.disable_player_click_overlay = ess.disable_player_click_overlay.checked;
				settings.description_width = ess.description_width.selectedIndex;
				settings.simpler_fullscreen = ess.simpler_fullscreen.checked;
				settings.clear_link_pp = ess.clear_link_pp.checked;
				settings.exact_likes = ess.exact_likes.checked;
				settings.disable_video_preview = ess.disable_video_preview.checked;
				settings.hide_engagement_panel_transcript = ess.hide_engagement_panel_transcript.checked;
				settings.hide_engagement_panel_structured_description = ess.hide_engagement_panel_structured_description.checked;
				settings.short_to_full2 = ess.short_to_full2.selectedIndex;
				settings.update_alert = ess.update_alert.selectedIndex;
				settings.hide_metadata = ess.hide_metadata.checked;
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				alert (`Script "${script_name}" updated major version.\nView settings page to check if all options were transferred correctly.\n\nTo disable this alert go to 'Script' tab on settings page.`);
			else if (settings.update_alert >= 2 && m_fix [2] != m_load [2]) { ('settings', settings);
				alert (`Script "${script_name}" updated version.\nCheck settings page for new options.\n\nTo disable this alert go to 'Script' tab on settings page.`);
			else if (settings.update_alert == 3 && m_fix [3] != m_load [3]) { ('settings', settings);
				alert (`Script "${script_name}" released bugfix.\n\nTo disable this alert go to 'Script' tab on settings page.`);
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						setTimeout (PauseVideo, 100);
			catch (ex) {
				console.error (ex);
				setTimeout (process, 100);
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	// but can store element that Polymer does not know how to deal with and just drops
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