Greasy Fork is available in English.

(9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+

Auto-fullscreen, skip intros, jump to next episode, 9anime on Vidstream and MyCloud videos (Auto-1080p in configuration panel)

< Valutazione su (9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 25/09/2020

Hi thanks for this script. However, previous episode shortcut ("P") doesn't work...

Pubblicato: 26/09/2020

for the time being, you can press 'B' to go to the previous episode

Pubblicato: 27/09/2020

thx for the solution drhouse! Also "K" doesn't work to go back 30 seconds. Anyway, I love your scripts. thx :)

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