Google search "old style"

Change style in google search results page to look like the old design

Versione datata 06/06/2022. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

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This userstyle can modify the new google search results layout. It can:

  • swap the 2 lines: the "favicon" line and the "title" line.
  • hide the favicon (by default) (as of 03/2020, the icon doesn't seem to appear as much, or not at all)
  • reduce the font size of the result blocks. 90% (default) is close to the old size (before 2019).
  • multiple options to reduce whitespace: line height and margins
  • change the font used to display search results

Suggested values to achieve a layout closer to the pre-2020 look:

  • activate "Recover whitespace"
  • "Text's line height": 1.4
  • "Bottom margin": 10px
  • other options are already set to recommended values. Click the "x" (reset) to restore default.
  • FYI: if google plays again with fonts, the font family name used to be: arial,sans-serif

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