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IMDb Utility Library (API)

Utility library for the Internet Movie Database. Provides an API for grabbing info from

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Provides three functions:

getImdbIdFromTitle(title[, year]])
Searches for a movie or TV show with the given title (and optionally year) and returns the IMDb ID (e.g. "tt0091080") for the best match.
title: title of the movie or show to search for
year: year it was published (optional)

Given an IMDb ID (e.g. "tt0091080"), looks up that movie or TV show and returns an object with the following properties:
id: RottenTomatoes ID (e.g. "tt0091080")
title: Release title
year: Release year according to IMDb
description: IMDb's description of the title
rating: IMDb rating (e.g. 6.9)
votes: Number of ratings counted
metascore: MetaCritic score according to IMDb
popularity: IMDbMeter popularity
dateFetched: Date object of when data was fetched (now)

getRtInfoFromTitle(title[, year]])
Searches for a movie or show with the given title (and optionally year) using getImdbIdFromTitle and returns the data from getImdbInfoFromId for the best match.
title: title of the movie or show to search for
tv: is it a TV show? (default: false)
year: year it was published (optional)


Get movie info

getImdbInfoFromTitle('friday the 13th', 1986);


  "id": "tt0091080",
  "title": "Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives",
  "year": "1986",
  "description": "Tommy Jarvis goes to the graveyard to get rid of Jason Voorhees' body once and for all, but inadvertently brings him back to life instead. The newly revived killer once again seeks revenge, and Tommy may be the only one who can defeat him.",
  "rating": "6.0",
  "votes": "34,148",
  "metascore": "30",
  "popularity": "4,616",
  "fetched": "2019-09-14T05:44:46.498Z"