Supercharged Local Directory File Browser

Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and preview pane; keyboard navigation and sorting; light and dark UI themes; browse subdirectories without reloading page; media playback with shuffle and loop options; support for playlists (m3u and extm3u) and cuesheets (.cue); preview images and fonts singly or in navigable grids; create, preview, edit, and save markdown/plain text files; much more.

Versione datata 28/05/2021. Vedi la nuova versione l'ultima versione.

Filtro: Ultimi 30 giorni Ultimi 365 giorni Di sempre

Installazioni giornaliere

Installazioni settimanali

Controlli aggiornamenti giornalieri

Dati Raw

Data Installazioni Controlli aggiornamenti
2024-08-31 1 26
2024-09-01 0 31
2024-09-02 0 23
2024-09-03 0 30
2024-09-04 0 28
2024-09-05 0 26
2024-09-06 0 33
2024-09-07 0 31
2024-09-08 0 25
2024-09-09 0 32
2024-09-10 0 27
2024-09-11 0 32
2024-09-12 0 35
2024-09-13 1 27
2024-09-14 0 26
2024-09-15 0 33
2024-09-16 0 37
2024-09-17 1 38
2024-09-18 0 24
2024-09-19 0 0
2024-09-20 1 24
2024-09-21 1 38
2024-09-22 0 32
2024-09-23 0 38
2024-09-24 1 30
2024-09-25 3 41
2024-09-26 0 46
2024-09-27 0 39
2024-09-28 0 35
2024-09-29 0 13
Scarica tutti i dati come: JSON CSV