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TwitterImg Downloader

Add download button to Twitter image, and click to download the original image named by format.

< Valutazione su TwitterImg Downloader


Pubblicato: 20/07/2019

New Twitter API's

After Twitter implemented the new API's the other day, the download button only shows on the timeline thumbnail and when you open the image, it is not there as it was previously. I noticed the extension has updated but this function was not showing and wanted to report. Thanks for your time and attention.

Pubblicato: 21/07/2019

As stated in the change log of v0.7, the feature you've mentioned was given up by the author of the script temporarily for the new Twitter UI, but you may wait for future updates.

HY NanoAutore
Pubblicato: 21/07/2019
Modificato: 21/07/2019

download button in gallery mode has been added in version 0.8 ;)

Pubblicato: 21/07/2019

Script updated today and now the button appears on the lower right of the enlarged image and works as did before. Thanks for the quick update!

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