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Visited Lite

Mark all visited links as custom color.

< Valutazione su Visited Lite


Pubblicato: 25/12/2015
Modificato: 14/01/2016

Only partially fixes Visited in Firefox 43.0.2

With this script installed visited links now change color--but not the color I chose. The color picker provided with Visited is useless.

Pubblicato: 25/12/2015

In Visited.
Try clear your Site Exceptions in Visited config.

If you want to use Site Exceptions. You need to edit Visited Lite after install it.

Pubblicato: 26/12/2015

I had cleared the site exceptions first.
Subsequent to my post (above) for the first time ever in many years, Firefox would not load, so I loaded it in its Safe Mode, and removed GreaseMonkey. Now both Firefox and Visited work fine.

Pubblicato: 14/01/2016

This is not something that would warrant deletion, so I cleared the "Report" flag on this discussion.

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