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Script rules - tracking and ads

Pubblicato: 16/02/2017
Modificato: 16/02/2017

Script rules - tracking and ads

I've received some questions on whether user scripts are allowed to include trackers (Google Analytics and such) or ads. I believe that these should be allowed, as long as their presence is disclosed in the script's description. I feel that this is an extension of one of the existing rules:

Scripts must include a description of what they do and may not do things unreasonably outside of this description. Users must know what a script will do before installing it.

I think explicitly mentioning ads and trackers in the rules would make this clearer. Any thoughts?

Pubblicato: 16/02/2017
Scripts must include a description of what they do

Yes, scripts authors must explain any irrelevant internet activity produced by their scripts.

Pubblicato: 02/12/2017


Pubblicato: 23/04/2018

Can we amend it so that the "script's description" must be on Greasy Fork? Very few people click on the links at the bottom of the page to "Privacy Policies", but there's at least one userscript whose description is radically changed in the Privacy Policy.

Scripts that force people to go off of Greasy Fork to understand what the script actually does defeats the rule that "Users must know what a script will do before installing it."


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