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Discussioni » Feedback di Greasy Fork

Include 蚂蚁浏览器安卓版 (Ant browser for Android) as suggested browser?

Pubblicato: 17/02/2022

Got a suggestion that Greasy Fork should suggest in the list of browsers that support user scripts.on the homepage. Is this a good option? Is it popular?

Pubblicato: 17/02/2022

I think kiwi & x browser are more popular.

Pubblicato: 17/02/2022

Do they support user scripts?

Pubblicato: 17/02/2022

Yes, Most people I know use the two browsers above to install user scripts on android.

Pubblicato: 19/02/2022

Do you need extensions for user script support, and if so, where do you get them (, Chrome Store...)?

Pubblicato: 19/02/2022

X browser need no script manager, it can install user script from greasyfork directly. and Kiwi can install Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey from chrome store.

By the way, can you view this suggestion About-the-rating-review-with-puppets please?

Pubblicato: 20/03/2022

Firefox Nightly for Android supports the userscript managers, but setting up is not straightforward.

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