- auto redirect mobile to desktop version JS - Automatically redirect from mobile version to desktop version of the page.
- enhancer JS - 2.5 tons of enhancements
PotPlayer forum breadcrumbs JS - Add breadcrumbs on PotPlayer's forum
Plex now playing badge JS - Display a badge on favicon with a number of users streaming from the server
DVDs Release Dates helper JS - Add external links
Asus router GUI fixer-upper JS - fixes several annoyances in AsusWRT UI
Kinja fixer-upper JS - Fix annoyances
Pi-hole+ JS - Set your own timezone
Send Skype Credit+ JS - Speed up process sending skype credit: removed animation and remembering settings for each person.
- download JS - Direct download
AutoIt forum helper JS - Copy code blocks to clipboard
Amazon stars rating JS - Restore stars rating on Amazon product pages
Autodesk DXF Reference tables sort JS - Sort tables for easier find the needed code
Slickdeals+ JS - Various enhancements, such as ad-block, price difference and more.
Github - Open with VSCode JS - Adds "Open with VSCode" button
GreasyFork - lines number fix JS - Fixes lines number over 9999 not shown properly
OnShape F2 to rename JS - Remap SHIFT+N to F2
Moment Timezone JS (Pustaka) - Parse and display dates in any timezone
Moment.js v2.25.3 JS (Pustaka) - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript.