Quick Tank Upgrades, Highscore saver, Team Switcher, Advanced Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Zoom hack, Anti AFK Timeout, Sandbox Auto K, Sandbox Arena Increase
Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.
updated factory overlay to work properly
bug fix
added copy Info & base zones
added Leader Arrow Color changer
added Level seeker
minor gui changes
auto highlight leader score
forgot to add toggle with J logic, sorry
GUI + tank lines
fixed a bug
leader is now somewhere on the line that is drawn on minimap
I updated so much, that I don't even remember everything.
Factory controls overlaybullet distance (FOR EVERY BULLET SPEED BUILD) of 75% tanksskid & Noob friendly Tutorial on how to calculate
faster privacy settings and apes.io button removalauto respawn now auto collects rewards every 2 minutes
added net_predict_movement falseFixed the tanks gui, now it works properly
now detects position of upgrade tree on screen. This has the potential for scripts like triflank or tank upgrader.
skidded the old canvas gui + added a functional FOV calculator. You need this to resize things on screen properly, there still are some improvements to make.
Tampilkan semua versi skrip