Greasy Fork is available in English.

Codex Auto Verify

Automatically verifies Codex entries on Greasy Fork.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Codex Auto Verify
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Automatically verifies Codex entries on Greasy Fork.
// @author       Your Name
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Function to automatically verify Codex entries
    function autoVerifyCodex() {
        // Select all the Codex entries
        const codexEntries = document.querySelectorAll('.codex-item');

        // Loop through each Codex entry
        codexEntries.forEach(entry => {
            // Check if the entry is not already verified
            if (!entry.classList.contains('verified')) {
                // Click on the verify button
                const verifyButton = entry.querySelector('.verify-button');

    // Call the autoVerifyCodex function when the page loads
    window.addEventListener('load', () => {