Automatically views all PTC ads and Rotate websites
Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.
updated code , shortlinks are buggy ,and sometimes antibot links will solve slower than your recaptcha causing it to fail , adjust your delay setting to fix this issue.
added faucet & shortlinks support.if shortlinks are bugged it will not work properlyyou must have required antibot and captcha solvers for faucets.If the ptc ads redirect to the faucet page , let me know if i missed any.
made some updates , hcaptcha list should work without errors now.will fi the others soon as possible
sorry for the delay in updates. Added more sites , fixed minor bugs. If any more bugs are still present , let me know please so i can fix asap.
updated hcaptcha rotation , also fixed some mistakes in the recaptcha list.adding more sites to recaptcha list in next update
added more websites will organize them into their respective rotation lists next update.
fixed claimercorner redirect. should redirect properly now
fixed the rotator , added all missing websites to the chains. im still having issues redirecting claimcorner to login page so it may interrupt the flow. working on this fix
fixed a few bugs stopping the hcaptcha redirects. working on recaptcha links
Fixed bugs, if you find any please give feedback. thanks!Hopefully a solver can be made for these image captchas, and the other websites put up ptc ads again.
removed bypass button , you can just disable the script to withdraw and use faucet.added a drop menu to redirect to website chains that are sorted by captcha.will be adding more sites soon!
added a bypass button. bypass function will control auto login , dashboard and faucet redirects.
fixed bugs add more websites
added websites.
added new sites.
added more sites, and created additional chains for each solver type
Added more websites
Added more websites, optimized code and fixed invalid claim loops.
Added a line of code that selects hcaptcha option if presented.
Removed from the list.Old website seems to be wiped. New template
Added Auto Login
Added more websites to the script.
Added RotatorImproved code, removed redundancies