AO3: [Wrangling] Sort Unwrangled Bin Links by Tag Age

change the Unwrangled bin links on the Wrangling Home page to sort by tag creation date

Pada tanggal 31 Maret 2024. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

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31 Mei 2022
31 Maret 2024
1,92 KB
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Purpose: change the URLs of the Unwrangled bins to sort by tag creation date (age) instead of tag name (alphabetical). This will make it more convenient to wrangle your bins by age.

Instructions: After installing the script, the CONFIGURATION OPTION url_mode at the top allows you to choose whether you want to see the newest or oldest tags, and whether you want to see them on the first or on the last page of the bin:

  • "oldest first"... you want to see the oldest tags, and they'll show on page 1
  • "oldest last"... you want to see the oldest tags, and they apper on the last page
  • "newest first"... you want to be linked to the newest tags, and they'll show on page 1
  • "newest last"... you want to be linked to the newest tags, and they apper on the last page

Tested: So far on Firefox for Windows.

Known Issues: If you've just wrangled a lot of tags and the Wrangling Home Page shows a cached number of tags, the "oldest last" or "newest last" link may point to a page that doesn't exist anymore.