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AliExpress: hide useless reviews

Hides user reviews based on likes to dislikes ratio

Pemasangan harian
Total pemasangan
1 0 0
22 November 2021
22 Januari 2022
Kompatibel dengan Firefox Kompatibel dengan Chrome Kompatibel dengan Opera
Berlaku untuk

❗ The script is deprecated

It seems like the AliExpress has changed its design, so the script doesn't work. Moreover, there are no dislikes anymore, and the script doesn't really makes sense without them


Most reviews on AliExpress do not contain any useful information about the product or even could be a spam. Fortunately, such reviews are being disliked often, so this script was made in order not to see such reviews at all.

How it works

For now the review would be completely hidden if there are at least 1.5 times more dislikes than likes (example: 2👍 3👎), or would be made semi-transparent if there are at least 0.8 dislikes from the number of likes (5👍 4👎). I wanted to make a couple more conditions and make a window for setting all of this, but was too lazy to finish. Anyway, if you'll get any problem, please, make a post here so I could know about it and maybe fix it



How to install to a PC browser

Step 1. Scripts manager

To use scripts, first you need to install a scripts manager. My advice is Tampermonkey, since I use it too.

Tampermonkey install links for different browsers, choose yours:

Chrome / VivaldiOperaFirefoxSafariMicrosoft Edge

If your browser is missing here, you can PM me on this website, and I will try to help you.

Step 2. Come back here

Refresh the page and press the green Install button located above this description.

Step 3. Check if it works

It is? Oh wow