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BGG Trade Manager

Modifies the collection view on Board Game Geek to conveniently project shipping costs. Important note: for this script to run you must filter your collection for game with the "For Trade" flag, include the columns "private information" and "title" and then follow the permalink to that view.

Pemasangan harian
Total pemasangan
0 0 0
26 Maret 2021
23 Juli 2021
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This script allows you to more conveniently project and generate shipping rates on BoardGameGeek.

For this script to trigger you must:

  • Go to your collection
  • Filter your collection for games with the "For Trade" flag
  • Include the columns "Title" and "Private information". (I recommend removing all others)
  • Click on "Permalink" to ensure the url parameters reflect your settings (I recommend you safe that link to your sidebar)

You will then have to select "Trade Config" above the list and configure the packages you have available as well as your shipping rates. This information is bound to your computer (GreaseMonkey local storage).

Finally you will need to add some coded information like size and weight to each of your items. The "Trade Config" panel will explain how. This information is saved on BGG and will be available on all your machines.

Once you have entered this information the script will automatically create an additional column with shipping estimates whenever you refresh the page.