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Have we ever talked before? - MAL

Quickly know if you have ever received Private Messages or profile comments from specific users by opening the user's profile page or by hovering over the user image/name on any page on MAL.

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Kamu mungkin juga suka Who Defriended ME!? - MAL.

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18 Maret 2021
16 Desember 2023
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Now there's no need to waste your time trying to find the comments between you and another user!
Just open the user profile page and click on "✅", either below the user image or on the right side of the Submit new comment button.

If you just want to know whether or not you have exchanged comments or if you have received any PMs of a specific user you can just hover over the user profile image or user name on any page on MAL!
Here's how it works:
1 Hover the user image or user name on any page on MAL
2 Wait 1/2 secs and repeat step 1
3 Now you can see if this user has ever sent you any PMs and comments or not!

Please follow these steps:
1 Make sure you are logged in on your account on MAL
2 Install the script
3 Open your profile page
4 Wait +/- 1 minute till the script auto closes the browser tab
5 Done! The script is now all set!

*You just need to be logged in on the first time you use this script!

*As soon as you open your profile (step 3) the script will store your MAL user ID number and all User Names that sent any PMs to you.
*Every time that you open the script will store the (20 or less) new User Names that sent any new PMs to you.

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