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RuqES -

"Ruqqus Enhancement Suite" brings infinite scroll, expando button and more. Recommended to be used with Violentmonkey. For more details see

Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.

  • v0.28.3 03 Juli 2021

    Quick fix of crossposts (mainly expando button).

  • v0.28.2 25 Mei 2021
    • Fixed "Unsupported link type: javascript:void(0)." in image posts.
    • Fixed guild name extraction from post.
  • v0.28.1 04 Maret 2021 Rewritten dark theme detection (fixes comment preview colors in dark theme). Updated "less aggressive patron badges" to match changes in Ruqqus.
  • v0.28.0 03 Januari 2021 Added new reaction gif ruqqie giving crown. Implemented category change detection. Implemented experimental revealing of blocked comments. Implemented lazy loading of reaction gifs popup. Increased time before isDarkTheme gives up. Fixed error message in image upload & reaction gif on deleted comments. Fixed multiple insertion of buttons in direct post reply. Added more error checks to reaction gifs & comment image upload. Fixed reaction gif not being inserted in empty post for first time.
  • v0.27.0 27 Desember 2020 Implemented reaction gifs. (see post image) Implemented image upload in comments (supports file dialog and drag-and-drop). Implemented open URL on create post page. Implemented about page. Removed deprecated features (hide posts from guilds and blur NSFW thumbnails). Another attempt to fix dark mode detection on slow devices/networks. Added windows support for start task. (development related)
  • v0.26.0 05 Desember 2020 Implemented saving, Odysee and Parler embeds, large and huge thumbnail modes. Lowered infinite scroll cool-down to 1.5s (from 3s). Added Ruqqus dev server to headers generator. Fixed potential vulnerability in rendering of saved post. Fixed small purple circle appearing on right side when hover thumbnails were enabled but no thumbnail has been hovered yet. Expando box with Twitter embed is no longer automatically opened on post detail page (it's already supported natively by Ruqqus).
  • v0.25.2 17 November 2020 Fixed guild name extraction in extractPostInfo.
  • v0.25.1 08 November 2020 Disabled thumbnail mode on post detail (fixes empty post text).
  • v0.25.0 08 November 2020 * Added option to disable loading overlay. * Implemented thumbnail modes (small/icon/hide). * Fixed image resizing reacting to all mouse buttons instead of just left one. * Fixed (hopefully) missing styles. * Implemented option to auto-hide sidebar for all, home, trending, but not guilds. * Fixed preview in comment creation.
  • v0.24.0 31 Oktober 2020 * Implemented image preview on thumbnail hover. * Implemented loading overlay. * Implemented hide tip button in comments. * Reworked "less aggressive patron badges" to apply to coins. * Implemented auto-opening of expando button and deferred loading of post content. * Fixed save button in left sidebar in collapsed state. * Updated post embed (it broke after Ruqqus update). * Fixed detail post detection (broken after change in URL structure of Ruqqus).
  • v0.23.1 11 Oktober 2020 Fixed post embed showing up on text posts.
  • v0.23.0 11 Oktober 2020 * Implemented download button in image posts (two-click and download-server modes). * Implemented auto-collapsing of comments which match specified regex. * Implemented hiding of content of "My Guilds" in left sidebar. * Implemented saved content link in feeds section of left sidebar. * Implemented option to make guild images smaller in left sidebar. * Implemented Ruqqus post embed. * Finished migrating link processors to embed classes.
  • v0.22.0 19 September 2020 * Implemented favorites (only guilds for now). * Fixed tweet detection, now it accepts links with additional query parameters (e.g. `?s=20`). * Implemented decoding of HTML entities in title and description of meta embed. * Converted more link processors to embed class form.
  • v0.21.1 11 September 2020 Fixed expando box not opening when "click on post to open" and "hide" options are used together.
  • v0.21.0 11 September 2020 * Implemented meta embed. * Implemented "closer" for expando box. * Implemented hiding of expando button. * Implemented opening of expando box by clicking on post title. * Expando box: implemented "Auto-open on detail" and "Auto-open on detail on videos not supported by Ruqqus". * Implemented steam (game) embed and generic video embed (extensions: mp4, webm, ogv). * Added Streamable embed. * Implemented auto-expanding of comments and option to hide toggle comments button.
  • v0.20.0 06 September 2020 * Implemented post rule templates. * Implemented guild link processor for expando button. * Implemented Twitch Clip embed. * Fixed crash on save page when saved post link had dash in domain name (identified by @Vryven). * Fixed image resizing in rare cases not correctly detecting image size (reported by @cornflakes). * Rescaled embedded images are no longer hidden behind right side bar. * Fixed margins of some badges in settings. * Polishing of post rules settings. * Added privacy file.
  • v0.19.0 29 Agustus 2020 * Implemented Imgur gallery link support (only first image for now). * Implemented embeds. * Image in expando box: improved initial size and fixed jump on first resize. * Fixed overflow issue in embed box in Chrome (reported by @trapsaregay).
  • v0.18.1 21 Agustus 2020 * Implemented comment preview. * Fixed missing padding of right sidebar when using independent scroll.
  • v0.18.0 16 Agustus 2020 * Implemented experimental version of post saving. * Implemented adding of expando button into post details. * Implemented post vote counts in post detail. * Improved redgifs embeds to support www prefix and dashes in video id. * Disabled independent sidebar scroll on help pages (fixes overflow issues). * Fixed getPosts selector to not return gif things. * Refactoring of "JS" anchors and items creation in Ruqqus main menu.
  • v0.17.2 14 Agustus 2020 Fixed missing fill of thumbnail icon in Firefox (I hope now it finally works)
  • v0.17.1 14 Agustus 2020 Implemented vote counts in posts. Reworked up/down vote count visuals in comments. Fixed missing fill of thumbnail icon in Firefox. Fixed few badges in settings being inside label elements (clicking on badge to see title caused check box to toggle). Refactoring of post data extraction. Breaking change: renamed timeFromNow to dateRelative. Updated parsing of date to reflect changes in Ruqqus (added moment library). Added script for generating data from commit messages for changelog.
  • v0.17.0 11 Agustus 2020 * Post rules: implemented date and pinned fields in post descriptor. * Updated readme file to mention recipes and post rule API. * Post rules: implemented disabling and editing, more polishing. * Open sidebar button now always scrolls with content. * Implemented independent scroll of right sidebar (so it behaves same as left sidebar). * Implemented showing counts of up/down votes on comments as text. * Fixed crash in comment module on deleted comments (up/down texts). * Fixed voting effect
  • v0.16.0 07 Agustus 2020 * Implemented preview in post creation.* Implemented bigger fold buttons of comments on mobile.* Implemented advanced module which allows injection of arbitrary JS and CSS.* Implemented post rules engine.* Fixed missing comment module button in settings. * Slightly increased max width of settings dialog. * Fixed debug logs being printed when debug mode is disabled. * Fixed voting effect click handler being applied multiple times. and more (see post on ruqqus)
  • v0.15.1 31 Juli 2020 Fixed bottom control buttons in settings dialog not visible on desktop when window height is small.
  • v0.15.0 31 Juli 2020 * Implemented customizing order of elements in expando box (post text, embed, comments). * Implemented font awesome style for thumbnail icon. * Added option to disable background of thumbnail icon. * Improved voting animation to have color depending on vote type (up/down). * Fixed close button in image thumbnail being inserted multiple times. * Thumbnail icons on mobile are no longer inserted to posts without thumbnail.
  • v0.14.1 28 Juli 2020 Fixed settings dialog overflowing on full HD with larger scaling.
  • v0.14.0 28 Juli 2020 * Implemented tabs in settings and tweaked styles. * Implemented close button in image dialog. * Fixed vote animation (broke after Ruqqus update), now available on desktop as well. * Fixed bigger post vote arrows (broke after Ruqqus update). * Dev build (watch task) is now handled via webpack-dev-server.
  • v0.13.2 26 Juli 2020 * Fixed direct images in expando button. * Fixed voting in Greasemonkey.
  • v0.13.1 25 Juli 2020 * Fixed voting in pages loaded by infinite scroll. * Fixed voting in comments loaded by expando button. * Implemented events for infinite scroll. (Interoperability with other userscripts.)
  • v0.13.0 23 Juli 2020 * Implemented showing of comments in expando button box (a bit rough). * Implemented icon of thumbnail click action (image dialog vs open link). * Implemented infinite scroll option to star loading next page earlier. * Added webp extension to supported direct images in expando button. * Implemented option to make patron badges less aggressive (disabled by default). * Implemented option to disable post action jump above top bar. * Changed cursor from default one when hovering above resizable imag
  • v0.12.0 19 Juli 2020 * Implemented custom characters for open/close state of expando button. * Implemented hiding tiles of already joined guilds on discover page. * Implemented custom styles for tables in posts. * Implemented "big - extra wide" expando button style. * Added infinite scroll cool-down indicator. * Settings now can be close by clicking outside of the dialog. * Added tooltip to infinite scrolling cool-down badge. * Removed experimental badge from ImgBB integration.
  • v0.11.0 17 Juli 2020 * Implemented expando button styles (big, medium, small). * Implemented option to align expando button to right. * Added support for in expando button. * Rewritten to TypeScript.
  • v0.10.1 13 Juli 2020 Implemented CMD+Enter for comment sending (not tested).
  • v0.10.0 13 Juli 2020 * Implemented drag&drop support for image upload in post creation. * Implemented ctrl+enter to send comment. * Implemented blur of thumbnails of NSFW posts. * Added svg extension to supported directly linked images.
  • v0.9.0 11 Juli 2020 * Implemented experimental image upload to ImgBB in post creation. * Updated posts selector to work on user pages (related to missing expando buttons). * Settings modal: added scrollbar and more polishing. * Implemented blur effect on submit post page.
  • v0.8.0 10 Juli 2020 * Implemented load title button (works with YouTube). * Implemented full hiding of posts from ignored guilds. * Implemented export and import of settings.
  • v0.7.0 07 Juli 2020 * Implemented Twitter embed. * Fixed detection of direct image links (query string, case). * Implemented resizing by mouse dragging of direct images inserted by expando button. * Migrated from bundle-js to webpack (proper modules). * Minor style tweaks of settings.
  • v0.6.1 04 Juli 2020 * Added new embeds: Gfycat, RedGifs and GifDeliveryNetwork. * Improved embeds to be more responsive (Imgur album, YouTube, BitChute). * Updated to newer GM API (should work now in Greasemonkey). * Improved settings caption, RuqES and creator marks (more logos).
  • v0.6.0 02 Juli 2020 added semi-hiding of posts from specified guilds, implemented sidebar hiding, support for imgflip links, imgur mp4, view links
  • v0.5.1 28 Juni 2020 Implemented opening posts in a new tab. Fixed infinite scroll in guilds (discover, mine) and user profiles.
  • v0.5.0 27 Juni 2020
  • v0.4.0 25 Juni 2020 Implemented settings. Added page marker to infinite scrolling. Fixed YouTube embed not working for videos containing slash in id. Fixed jumps when reaching end of page with infinite scroll enabled.
  • v0.3.0 23 Juni 2020 Overhauled visuals.
  • v0.2.4 22 Juni 2020 Implemented retry button in expando button post fetch.
  • v0.2.3 22 Juni 2020 Fixed infinite scroll breaking discover guilds page.
  • v0.2.2 22 Juni 2020 Implemented retry button in infinite scroll.
  • v0.2.1 21 Juni 2020 Improved expand button - better loader and showing errors.
  • v0.2.0 21 Juni 2020 Implemented infinite scrolling
  • v0.1 20 Juni 2020