[RED/OPS/NWCD] Upload Assistant

Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection or web link, offline and online release integrity check, tracklist format customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, cover art fetching from store, checking for previous upload, form enhancements and more

Pada tanggal 17 Februari 2020. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         [RED/OPS/NWCD] Upload Assistant
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/321857-anakunda
// @version      1.211
// @description  Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection or web link, offline and online release integrity check, tracklist format customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, cover art fetching from store, checking for previous upload, form enhancements and more
// @author       Anakunda
// @iconURL      https://redacted.ch/favicon.ico
// @match        https://redacted.ch/upload.php*
// @match        https://redacted.ch/torrents.php?action=editgroup&*
// @match        https://redacted.ch/torrents.php?action=edit&*
// @match        https://redacted.ch/requests.php?action=new*
// @match        https://redacted.ch/requests.php?action=edit*
// @match        https://notwhat.cd/upload.php*
// @match        https://notwhat.cd/torrents.php?action=editgroup&*
// @match        https://notwhat.cd/torrents.php?action=edit&*
// @match        https://notwhat.cd/requests.php?action=new*
// @match        https://notwhat.cd/requests.php?action=edit*
// @match        https://orpheus.network/upload.php*
// @match        https://orpheus.network/torrents.php?action=editgroup&*
// @match        https://orpheus.network/torrents.php?action=edit&*
// @match        https://orpheus.network/requests.php?action=new*
// @match        https://orpheus.network/requests.php?action=edit*
// @connect      file://*
// @connect      *
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// //@require      https://connect.soundcloud.com/sdk/sdk-3.3.2.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/393837-qobuzlib/code/QobuzLib.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/394414-ua-resource/code/UA-resource.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/396340-js-sha1/code/js-sha1.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/396360-js-stringdistance/code/js-stringdistance.js
// ==/UserScript==

// Additional setup: to work, set the pattern below as built-in foobar2000 copy command or custom Text Tools plugin quick copy command
//   $replace($replace([%album artist%]$char(30)[%album%]$char(30)[$if3(%date%,%ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE%,%year%)]$char(30)[$if3(%releasedate%,%retail date%,%date%,%year%)]$char(30)[$if2(%label%,%publisher%)]$char(30)[$if3(%catalog%,%CATALOGNUMBER%,%CATALOG NUMBER%,%labelno%,%catalog #%,%SKU%)]$char(30)[%country%]$char(30)%__encoding%$char(30)%__codec%$char(30)[%__codec_profile%]$char(30)[%__bitrate%]$char(30)[%__bitspersample%]$char(30)[%__samplerate%]$char(30)[%__channels%]$char(30)[$if3(%media%,%format%,%source%,%MEDIATYPE%,%SOURCEMEDIA%,%discogs_format%)]$char(30)[%genre%[|%style%]]$char(30)[%discnumber%]$char(30)[$if2(%totaldiscs%,%disctotal%)]$char(30)[%discsubtitle%]$char(30)[%track number%]$char(30)[$if2(%totaltracks%,%TRACKTOTAL%)]$char(30)[%title%]$char(30)[%track artist%]$char(30)[$if($strcmp(%performer%,%artist%),,%performer%)]$char(30)[$if3(%composer%,%writer%,%SONGWRITER%,%author%,%LYRICIST%)]$char(30)[%conductor%]$char(30)[%remixer%]$char(30)[$if2(%compiler%,%mixer%)]$char(30)[$if2(%producer%,%producedby%)]$char(30)[%length_seconds_fp%]$char(30)[%length_samples%]$char(30)[%filesize%]$char(30)[%replaygain_album_gain%]$char(30)[%album dynamic range%]$char(30)[%__tool%][ | $if2(%MQAENCODER%,%ENCODER%)][ | %ENCODER_OPTIONS%]$char(30)[$if2(%url%,%www%)]$char(30)[$directory_path(%path%)]$char(30)[$if2(%comment%,%description%)]$char(30)$trim([BARCODE=$trim($replace($if3(%barcode%,%UPC%,%EAN%,%MCN%), ,)) ][DISCID=$trim(%DISCID%) ][ASIN=$trim(%ASIN%) ][ISRC=$trim(%ISRC%) ][ISWC=$trim(%ISWC%) ][DISCOGS_ID=$trim(%discogs_release_id%) ][MBID=$trim(%MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID%) ][ACCURATERIPCRC=$trim(%ACCURATERIPCRC%) ][ACCURATERIPDISCID=$trim(%ACCURATERIPDISCID%) ][ACCURATERIPID=$trim(%ACCURATERIPID%) ][SOURCEID=$trim($replace(%SOURCEID%, ,_)) ][CT_TOC=$trim(%CDTOC%) ][ITUNES_TOC=$trim(%ITUNES_CDDB_1%) ][RELEASETYPE=$replace($if2(%RELEASETYPE%,%RELEASE TYPE%), ,_) ][COMPILATION=$trim(%compilation%) ][EXPLICIT=$trim(%EXPLICIT%) ]SCENE=$if($and(%ENCODER%,%LANGUAGE%,%MEDIA%,%PUBLISHER%,%RELEASE TYPE%,%RETAIL DATE%,%RIP DATE%,%RIPPING TOOL%),1,0) [ORIGINALFORMAT=$trim($replace(%ORIGINALFORMAT%, ,_)) ][BPM=$trim(%BPM%) ]),$char(13),$char(29)),$char(10),$char(28))
// As alternative to pasted playlist, e.g. requests creation, valid URL to page on supported web can be used.
// List of supported domains:
// For music releases:
// - qobuz.com
// - highresaudio.com
// - bandcamp.com
// - prestomusic.com
// - discogs.com
// - supraphonline.cz
// - bontonland.cz (closing soon)
// - nativedsd.com
// - junodownload.com
// - hdtracks.com
// - deezer.com
// - spotify.com
// - prostudiomasters.com
// - play.google.com
// - 7digital.com
// - e-onkyo.com
// - acousticsounds.com
// - indies.eu
// - beatport.com
// - traxsource.com
// - musicbrainz.org
// - music.apple.com
// For e-bbook releases:
// - martinus.cz, martinus.sk
// - goodreads.com
// - databazeknih.cz
// For application releases:
// - sanet.st

'use strict';

const isFirefox = /\b(?:Firefox)\b/.test(navigator.userAgent) || window.InstallTrigger;

function testDomain(domain) {
  return document.location.hostname.toLowerCase() == domain.toLowerCase();
function testPath(path, query) {
  return document.location.pathname.toLowerCase() == '/'.concat(path.toLowerCase(), '.php')
  	&& (!query || document.location.search.toLowerCase().startsWith('?'.concat(query.toLowerCase())));

const isRED = testDomain('redacted.ch');
const isNWCD = testDomain('notwhat.cd');
const isOPS = testDomain('orpheus.network');

const isUpload = testPath('upload');
const isEdit = testPath('torrents', 'action=editgroup&');
const isRequestNew = testPath('requests', 'action=new');
const isRequestEdit = testPath('requests', 'action=edit&');
const isAddFormat = isUpload && /\bgroupid=(\d+)\b/i.test(document.location.search);

const urlParser = /^\s*(https?:\/\/\S+)\s*$/i;
const imghostOrigin = 'https://ptpimg.me';
const mbrRlsPrefix = 'https://musicbrainz.org/release/';
const discogsOrigin = 'https://www.discogs.com';
const deezerAlbumPrefix = 'https://www.deezer.com/album/';
const descriptionFields = ['album_desc', 'body', 'description', 'release_desc', 'release_lineage'];
//const promiseAll = Promise.allSettled || Promise.all;

const spotify_clientid = '6d358a207c634b1ebac640149a6090da';
const spotify_clientsecret = '4c59880a4ec241ed9c89a24e66468c64';
const discogs_token = 'CISOUfiQctZCkUedWJzPhzTXxRYihifZgflZAfEm';
const lastfm_api_key = 'b9f26370d7266fbb3151b2ad4f7a74c9';

const defaultPrefs = {
  autfill_delay: 1000, // delay in ms to autofill form after pasting text into box, 0 to disable
  clean_on_apply: 0, // clean the input box on successfull fill
  cleanup_descriptions: 1, // pre-submit cleanup to all description fields (remove empty placeholders, redundant info and garbage like empty tag pairs etc.)
  keep_meaningles_composers: 0, // keep composers from file tags also for non-composer emphasing genres
  default_medium: '', // preset this media type if it can't be deduced from metadata (Gazelle-compatible names as they appear in dropdown, empty string to not use)
  single_threshold: 10 * 60, // For autodetection of release type: max length of single in s
  EP_threshold: 30 * 60, // For autodetection of release type: max time of EP in s
  auto_rehost_cover: 1, // PTPIMG / using 3rd party script
  auto_preview_cover: 1,
  huge_image_warning: 5, // threshold in MB for making bandwith stressing cover size warning // 0 to disable
  cover_lookup_provider: 'all', // itunes | lastfm | deezer | qobuz | musicbrainz | google | all | empty for no lookup
  fetch_tags_from_artist: 0, // add N most used tags from release artist (if one) - experimental/may inject nonsense tags for coinciding artists; 0 for disable
  check_integrity_online: 1, // If provided URL tag, compare local release with release online and lookup for discrepancies
  check_whitespace: 1, // check tags for leading/trailing spaces and unreadable characters
  estimate_decade_tag: 1, // deduce decade tag (1980s, etc.) from album year for regular albums
  ops_always_edition: 1, // (only new uploads) don't use original release but always specific edition (standard on other trackers)
  dragdrop_patch_to_ptpimgit: 1,
  sacd_decoder: 'foobar2000\'s SACD decoder (DSD2PCM direct / 64fp / 30kHz lowpass)',
  ptpimg_api_key: '',
  selfrelease_label: 'self-released',
  discogs_key: '', // Applicxation/Consumer Key
  discogs_secret: '', // Application/Consumer Secret
  //soundcloud_clientid: '',
  upcoming_tags: '', // add this tag(s) to upcoming releases (requests); empty to disable
  remap_texttools_newlines: 0, // convert underscores to linebreaks (ambiguous)
  honour_rg: 0, // do a reminder on missing RG info; off by default
  honour_dr: 0, // do a reminder on missing DR info (only for Hi-Res tracks); off by default
  messages_verbosity: 0,
  // request specific
  request_default_bounty: 0, // set this bounty in MB after successfull fill of request form / 0 for disable
  always_request_perfect_flac: 0,
  include_tracklist_in_request: 0, // 0: include one line summary only; 1: include full tracklisting
  // tracklist specific
  tracklist_style: 3, // 1: classic with components colouring, 2: propertional font right-justified, 3: classic center aligned
  sort_tracklist: 1,
  max_tracklist_width: 80, // right margin of the right aligned tracklist. should not exceed the group description width on any device
  tracklist_size: 2, // PHPBB fonst size
  title_separator: '. ', // divisor of track# and title
  pad_leader: ' ',
  bpm_summary: 1,
  tracklist_head_color: '#62a6ad', // #4682B4 / #a7bdd0
  // classical tracklist only components colouring
  tracklist_disctitle_color: '#2bb7b7', // #bb831c
  tracklist_work_color: '#98984d', // #b16890
  tracklist_tracknumber_color: '#8899AA',
  tracklist_artist_color: '#b79665',
  tracklist_composer_color: '#8ca014',
  tracklist_duration_color: '#33a6cc', // #2196f3
  // online check paramaters
  strict_online_check: 0, // set to 1 for strict online check (metadata comparison is case sensitive)
  duration_divergency: 0.75, // maximum tolerated playlists difference in %
  vinyl_duration_divergency: 2.5, // maximum tolerated playlists difference in % for vinyl releases
var prefs = {
  save: function() {
	for (var iter in this) {
	  if (typeof this[iter] != 'function' && this[iter] != undefined) GM_setValue(iter, this[iter]);
Object.keys(defaultPrefs).forEach(key => { prefs[key] = GM_getValue(key, defaultPrefs[key]) });

document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).innerHTML = `
.ua-messages {
  text-indent: -2em;
  margin-left: 2em;
  font: 11px "Segoe UI", Calibri, sans-serif;
.ua-messages-bg { padding: 15px; text-align: left; background-color: darkslategray; }

.ua-critical { color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; }
.ua-warning { color: #ff8d00; font-weight: 500; font-size: 12px; }
.ua-notice { color: #e3d67b; }
.ua-info { color: white; }

.ua-button { vertical-align: middle; background-color: transparent; }
.ua-button2 { /*color: beige; */width: 13em; font: 300 x-small "Segoe UI", Calibri, sans-serif; }
.ua-input {
  font: 600 x-small "Segoe UI", Calibri, sans-serif;
  color: slategray; background-color: antiquewhite;
  width: 620px; height: 40px;
  margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px;
.ua-input:focus { color: black; }

#cover-preview {
  width: 100%;
  /*box-shadow: 3px 3px 3px;*/
#cover-size {
  width: 100%;
  color: white; background-color: #0a4a75;
  font: 12px "Segoe UI", Calibri, sans-serif;
  text-align: center;
  /*padding-top: 5px;*/

::placeholder {
  font: 10pt "Segoe UI", Calibri, sans-serif;
  color: gray;
  opacity: 0.5;
  /*text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #b4b4b4;*/
  font-weight: bold;

var ref, tbl, elem, child, rehostItBtn, gazelleApiTimeFrame = {}, tfMessages = [];
var spotifyCredentials = {}, discogsCredentials = {}, siteArtistsCache = {}, notSiteArtistsCache = [];
var messages = null, autofill = false, dom, domParser = new DOMParser();
const ctxt = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');

if (isUpload) {
  ref = document.querySelector('form#upload_table > div#dynamic_form');
  if (ref == null) return;
  let x = [];
  child = document.createElement('input');
  child.id = 'fill-from-text';
  child.value = 'Fill from text (overwrite)';
  child.type = 'button';
  child.className = 'ua-button2';
  child.onclick = fillFromText;
  child = document.createElement('input');
  child.id = 'fill-from-text-weak';
  child.value = 'Fill from text (keep values)';
  child.type = 'button';
  child.className = 'ua-button2';
  child.onclick = fillFromText;
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(tbl, ref);
} else if (isEdit) {
  ref = document.querySelector('form.edit_form > div > div > input[type="submit"]');
  if (ref == null) return;
  ref = ref.parentNode;
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'), ref);
  child = document.createElement('input');
  child.id = 'append-from-text';
  child.value = 'Fill from text (append)';
  child.type = 'button';
  child.className = 'ua-button2';
  child.style.height = '52px';
  child.onclick = fillFromText;
  tbl.style.marginBottom = '10px';
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(tbl, ref);
} else if (isRequestNew) {
  ref = document.getElementById('categories');
  if (ref == null) return;
  ref = ref.parentNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling;
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'), ref);
  child = document.createElement('input');
  child.id = 'fill-from-text-weak';
  child.value = 'Fill from URL';
  child.type = 'button';
  child.className = 'ua-button2';
  child.style.height = '52px';
  child.onclick = fillFromText;
  child = document.createElement('td');
  child.colSpan = 2;
  elem = document.createElement('tr');
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, ref);
} else if (isRequestEdit) {
  ref = document.querySelector('input#button[type="submit"]');
  if (ref == null) return;
  ref = ref.parentNode.parentNode;
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'), ref);
  child = document.createElement('input');
  child.id = 'append-from-text';
  child.value = 'Fill from text (append)';
  child.type = 'button';
  child.className = 'ua-button2';
  child.style.height = '52px';
  child.onclick = fillFromText;
  tbl.style.marginBottom = '10px';
  elem = document.createElement('tr');
  child = document.createElement('td');
  child.colSpan = 2;
  ref.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, ref);

function common1() {
  tbl = document.createElement('tr');
  tbl.style.backgroundColor = 'darkgoldenrod';
  tbl.style.verticalAlign = 'middle';
  elem = document.createElement('td');
  elem.style.textAlign = 'center';
  child = document.createElement('textarea');
  child.id = 'UA-data';
  child.name = 'UA-data';
  child.className = 'ua-input';
  child.spellcheck = false;
  child.placeholder = 'Paste / drag & drop selected album from foobar2000 or URL from supported site here';
  child.onpaste = uaInsert;
  if (!isNWCD) {
	child.ondrop = uaInsert;
	child.ondragover = clear0;
	if (isFirefox) child.oninput = fixFirefoxDropBug;
  } else child.ondrop = child.ondragstart = child.ondragover = function(evt) {
	return false;
  var desc = document.getElementById('body');
  if (desc != null && urlParser.test(desc.value)) {
	child.value = RegExp.$1;
	desc.value = '';
	if (prefs.autfill_delay > 0) {
	  autofill = true;
	  setTimeout(fillFromText, prefs.autfill_delay);
  elem = document.createElement('td');
  elem.style.textAlign = 'center';
function common2() {
  var tb = document.createElement('tbody');
  tbl = document.createElement('table');
  tbl.id = 'upload assistant';

if ((ref = document.getElementById('categories')) != null) {
  ref.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
	elem = document.getElementById('upload assistant');
	if (elem != null) elem.style.visibility = this.value < 4
		|| ['Music', 'Applications', 'E-Books', 'Audiobooks'].includes(this.value) ? 'visible' : 'collapse';
	setTimeout(setHandlers, 2000);

if ((ref = document.getElementById('upload-table') || document.querySelector('form.edit_form')
   || document.getElementById('upload_table') || document.getElementById('request_form')) != null) {
  ref.ondragover = voidDragHandler1;
  ref.ondrop = voidDragHandler1;
if ((ref = isUpload ? document.getElementById('file') : null) != null) {
  ref.oninput = function(evt) { if (evt.target.files.length > 0) validataTorrentFile(evt.target.files[0]) };
  if (ref.files.length > 0) validataTorrentFile(ref.files[0]);
if (!isRED && (ref = document.querySelector('table#dnulist')) != null) {
  function toggleVisibility() {
	var show = ref.style.display.toLowerCase() == 'none';
	ref.style.display = show ? 'block' : 'none';
	ref.previousElementSibling.style.display = show ? 'block' : 'none';
  if ((ref = document.querySelector('h3#dnu_header')) != null) {
	elem = ref.parentNode;
	child = document.createElement('a');
	child.href = '#';
	child.onclick = function(evt) {
	  if ((ref = document.querySelector('table#dnulist')) != null) toggleVisibility();

if (isRequestNew) {
  let title = document.querySelector('input[name="title"]');
  if (title != null) setTimeout(function(e) { title.readOnly = false }, 1000);

Array.prototype.includesCaseless = function(str) {
  if (typeof str != 'string') return false;
  str = str.toLowerCase();
  return this.find(elem => typeof elem == 'string' && elem.toLowerCase() == str) != undefined;
Array.prototype.pushUnique = function(...items) {
  items.forEach(it => { if (!this.includes(it)) this.push(it) });
  return this.length;
Array.prototype.pushUniqueCaseless = function(...items) {
  items.forEach(it => { if (!this.includesCaseless(it)) this.push(it) });
  return this.length;
// Array.prototype.getUnique = function(prop) {
//   return this.every((it) => it[prop] && it[prop] == this[0][prop]) ? this[0][prop] : null;
// };
Array.prototype.equalTo = function(arr) {
  return Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length == this.length
  	&& Array.from(arr).sort().toString() == Array.from(this).sort().toString();
Array.prototype.equalCaselessTo = function(arr) {
  function adjust(elem) { return typeof elem == 'string' ? elem.toLowerCase() : elem }
  return Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length == this.length
  	&& arr.map(adjust).sort().toString() == this.map(adjust).sort().toString();
Array.prototype.homogeneous = function() {
  return this.every(elem => elem === this[0]);

String.prototype.toASCII = function() {
  return this.normalize("NFKD").replace(/[\x00-\x1F\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, '');
String.prototype.trueLength = function() {
  return Array.from(this).length;
  //return this.normalize('NFKD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '').length;
//   var index = 0, width = 0, len = 0;
//   while (index < this.length) {
// 	var point = this.codePointAt(index);
// 	width = 0;
// 	while (point) {
// 	  ++width;
// 	  point = point >> 8;
// 	}
// 	index += Math.round(width / 2);
// 	++len;
//   }
//   return len;
String.prototype.flatten = function() {
  return this.replace(/\n/g, '\x1C').replace(/\r/g, '\x1D');
String.prototype.expand = function() {
  return this.replace(/\x1D/g, '\r').replace(/\x1C/g, '\n');
String.prototype.titleCase = function() {
  return this.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(x => x[0].toUpperCase() + x.slice(1)).join(' ');
String.prototype.collapseGaps = function() {
  return this.replace(/(?:[ \t]*\r?\n){3,}/g, '\n\n').replace(/\[(\w+)\]\[\/\1\]/ig,'').trim();
Date.prototype.getDateValue = function() {
  return Math.floor((this.getTime() / 1000 / 60 - this.getTimezoneOffset()) / 60 / 24);
File.prototype.getText = function(encoding) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	var reader = new FileReader();
	reader.onload = function() { resolve(reader.result) };
	reader.onerror = reader.ontimeout = error => { reject('FileReader error (' + this.name + ')') };
	reader.readAsText(this, encoding);
class HTML extends String { };

const excludedCountries = [

class TagManager extends Array {
  constructor(...tags) {
	this.presubstitutions = [
	  [/\b(?:Singer\/Songwriter)\b/i, 'singer.songwriter'],
	  [/\b(?:Pop\/Rock)\b/i, 'pop.rock'],
	  [/\b(?:Folk\/Rock)\b/i, 'folk.rock'],
	this.substitutions = [
	  [/^Pop\s*(?:[\-\−\—\–]\s*)?Rock$/i, 'pop.rock'],
	  [/^Rock\s*(?:[\-\−\—\–]\s*)?Pop$/i, 'pop.rock'],
	  [/^Rock\s+n\s+Roll$/i, 'rock.and.roll'],
	  ['AOR', 'album.oriented.rock'],
	  [/^(?:Prog)\.?\s*(?:Rock)$/i, 'progressive.rock'],
	  [/^Synth[\s\-\−\—\–]+Pop$/i, 'synthpop'],
	  [/^World(?:\s+and\s+|\s*[&+]\s*)Country$/i, 'world.music', 'country'],
	  ['World', 'world.music'],
	  [/^(?:Singer(?:\s+and\s+|\s*[&+]\s*))?Songwriter$/i, 'singer.songwriter'],
	  [/^(?:R\s*(?:[\'\’\`][Nn](?:\s+|[\'\’\`]\s*)|&\s*)B|RnB)$/i, 'rhytm.and.blues'],
	  [/\b(?:Soundtracks?)$/i, 'score'],
	  ['Electro', 'electronic'],
	  ['Metal', 'heavy.metal'],
	  ['NonFiction', 'non.fiction'],
	  ['Rap', 'hip.hop'],
	  ['NeoSoul', 'neo.soul'],
	  ['NuJazz', 'nu.jazz'],
	  [/^J[\s\-]Pop$/i, 'jpop'],
	  [/^K[\s\-]Pop$/i, 'jpop'],
	  [/^J[\s\-]Rock$/i, 'jrock'],
	  ['Hardcore', 'hardcore.punk'],
	  ['Garage', 'garage.rock'],
	  [/^(?:Neo[\s\-\−\—\–]+Classical)$/i, 'neoclassical'],
	  [/^(?:Bluesy[\s\-\−\—\–]+Rock)$/i, 'blues.rock'],
	  [/^(?:Be[\s\-\−\—\–]+Bop)$/i, 'bebop'],
	  [/^(?:Chill)[\s\-\−\—\–]+(?:Out)$/i, 'chillout'],
	  [/^(?:Atmospheric)[\s\-\−\—\–]+(?:Black)$/i, 'atmospheric.black.metal'],
	  ['GoaTrance', 'goa.trance'],
	  [/^Female\s+Vocal\w*$/i, 'female.vocalist'],
	  ['Contemporary R&B', 'contemporary.rhytm.and.blues'],
	  // Country aliases
	  ['Canada', 'canadian'],
	  ['Australia', 'australian'],
	  ['New Zealand', 'new.zealander'],
	  ['Japan', 'japanese'],
	  ['Taiwan', 'thai'],
	  ['China', 'chinese'],
	  ['Singapore', 'singaporean'],
	  [/^(?:Russia|Russian\s+Federation|Россия|USSR|СССР)$/i, 'russian'],
	  ['Turkey', 'turkish'],
	  ['Israel', 'israeli'],
	  ['France', 'french'],
	  ['Germany', 'german'],
	  ['Spain', 'spanish'],
	  ['Italy', 'italian'],
	  ['Sweden', 'swedish'],
	  ['Norway', 'norwegian'],
	  ['Finland', 'finnish'],
	  ['Greece', 'greek'],
	  [/^(?:Netherlands|Holland)$/i, 'dutch'],
	  ['Belgium', 'belgian'],
	  ['Luxembourg', 'luxembourgish'],
	  ['Denmark', 'danish'],
	  ['Switzerland', 'swiss'],
	  ['Austria', 'austrian'],
	  ['Portugal', 'portugese'],
	  ['Ireland', 'irish'],
	  ['Scotland', 'scotish'],
	  ['Iceland', 'icelandic'],
	  [/^(?:Czech\s+Republic|Czechia)$/i, 'czech'],
	  [/^(?:Slovak\s+Republic|Slovakia)$/i, 'slovak'],
	  ['Hungary', 'hungarian'],
	  ['Poland', 'polish'],
	  ['Estonia', 'estonian'],
	  ['Latvia', 'latvian'],
	  ['Lithuania', 'lithuanian'],
	  ['Moldova', 'moldovan'],
	  ['Armenia', 'armenian'],
	  ['Ukraine', 'ukrainian'],
	  ['Yugoslavia', 'yugoslav'],
	  ['Serbia', 'serbian'],
	  ['Slovenia', 'slovenian'],
	  ['Croatia', 'croatian'],
	  ['Macedonia', 'macedonian'],
	  ['Montenegro', 'montenegrin'],
	  ['Romania', 'romanian'],
	  ['Malta', 'maltese'],
	  ['Brazil', 'brazilian'],
	  ['Mexico', 'mexican'],
	  ['Argentina', 'argentinean'],
	  ['Jamaica', 'jamaican'],
	  // Books
	  ['Beletrie', 'fiction'],
	  ['Satira', 'satire'],
	  ['Komiks', 'comics'],
	  ['Komix', 'comics'],
	  // Removals
	].concat(excludedCountries.map(it => [it]));
	this.splits = [
	  ['Alternative', 'Indie'],
	  ['Rock', 'Pop'],
	  ['Soul', 'Funk'],
	  ['Ska', 'Rocksteady'],
	  ['Jazz Fusion', 'Jazz Rock'],
	  ['Rock', 'Pop'],
	  ['Jazz', 'Funk'],
	this.additions = [
	  [/^(?:(?:(?:Be|Post|Neo)[\s\-\−\—\–]*)?Bop|Modal|Fusion|Free[\s\-\−\—\–]+Improvisation|Modern\s+Creative|Jazz[\s\-\−\—\–]+Fusion|Big[\s\-\−\—\–]*Band)$/i, 'jazz'],
	  [/^(?:(?:Free|Cool|Avant[\s\-\−\—\–]*Garde|Contemporary|Vocal|Instrumental|Crossover|Modal|Mainstream|Modern|Soul|Smooth|Piano|Latin|Afro[\s\-\−\—\–]*Cuban)[\s\-\−\—\–]+Jazz)$/i, 'jazz'],
	  [/^(?:Opera)$/i, 'classical'],
	  [/\b(?:Chamber[\s\-\−\—\–]+Music)\b/i, 'classical'],
	  [/\b(?:Orchestral[\s\-\−\—\–]+Music)\b/i, 'classical'],
	  [/^(?:Symphony)$/i, 'classical'],
	  [/^(?:Sacred\s+Vocal)\b/i, 'classical'],
	  [/\b(?:Soundtracks?|Films?|Games?|Video|Series?|Theatre|Musical)\b/i, 'score'],
	if (tags.length > 0) this.add(...tags);

  add(...tags) {
	var added = 0;
	for (var tag of tags) {
	  if (typeof tag != 'string') continue;
	  qobuzTranslations.forEach(function(it) { if (tag == it[0]) tag = it[1] });
	  this.presubstitutions.forEach(k => { if (k[0].test(tag)) tag = tag.replace(k[0], k[1]) });
	  tag.split(/\s*[\,\/\;\>\|]+\s*/).forEach(function(tag) {
		//qobuzTranslations.forEach(function(it) { if (tag == it[0]) tag = it[1] });
		tag = tag.toASCII().replace(/\(.*?\)|\[.*?\]|\{.*?\}/g, '').trim();
		if (tag.length <= 0 || tag == '?') return null;
		function test(obj) {
		  return typeof obj == 'string' && tag.toLowerCase() == obj.toLowerCase()
		  	|| obj instanceof RegExp && obj.test(tag);
		for (var k of this.substitutions) {
		  if (test(k[0])) {
			if (k.length >= 1) added += this.add(...k.slice(1));
				else addMessage('invalid tag \'' + tag + '\' found', 'warning');
		for (k of this.additions) {
		  if (test(k[0])) added += this.add(...k.slice(1));
		for (k of this.splits) {
		  if (new RegExp('^' + k[0] + '(?:\\s+and\\s+|\\s*[&+]\\s*)' + k[1] + '$', 'i').test(tag)) {
			added += this.add(k[0], k[1]); return;
		  if (new RegExp('^' + k[1] + '(?:\\s+and\\s+|\\s*[&+]\\s*)' + k[0] + '$', 'i').test(tag)) {
			added += this.add(k[0], k[1]); return;
		tag = tag.
		  replace(/^(?:Alt\.)\s*(\w+)$/i, 'Alternative $1').
		  replace(/\b(?:Alt\.)(?=\s+)/i, 'Alternative').
		  replace(/^[3-9]0s$/i, '19$0').
		  replace(/^[0-2]0s$/i, '20$0').
		  replace(/\b(Psy)[\s\-\−\—\–]+(Trance|Core|Chill)\b/i, '$1$2').
		  replace(/\s*(?:[\'\’\`][Nn](?:\s+|[\'\’\`]\s*)|[\&\+]\s*)/, ' and ').
		  replace(/[\s\-\−\—\–\_\.\,\'\`\~]+/g, '.').
		  replace(/[^\w\.]+/g, '').
		if (tag.length >= 2 && !this.includes(tag)) {
	return added;
  toString() { return Array.from(this).sort().join(', ') }


function fillFromText(evt) {
  if (evt == undefined && !autofill) return;
  autofill = false;
  var overwrite = this.id == 'fill-from-text';
  var clipBoard = document.getElementById('UA-data');
  if (clipBoard == null) return false;
  const VA = 'Various Artists';
  messages = document.getElementById('UA-messages');
  //let promise = clientInformation.clipboard.readText().then(text => clipBoard = text);
  //if (typeof clipBoard != 'string') return false;
  var i, matches, sourceUrl, category = document.getElementById('categories'), xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  if (category == null && document.getElementById('releasetype') != null
	  || category != null && (category.value == 0 || category.value == 'Music')) return fillFromText_Music();
  if (category != null && (category.value == 1 || category.value == 'Applications')) return fillFromText_Apps();
  if (category != null && (category.value == 2 || category.value == 3
	|| category.value == 'E-Books' || category.value == 'Audiobooks')) return fillFromText_Ebooks();
  return category == null ? fillFromText_Apps(true).catch(reason => fillFromText_Ebooks()) : Promise.reject('no category');

  function fillFromText_Music() {
	if (messages != null) messages.parentNode.removeChild(messages);
	const dcRlsParser = /^https?:\/\/(?:\w+\.)*discogs\.com\/releases?\/(\d+)(?=$|\/|\?)/i;
	const mbrRlsParser = /^https?:\/\/musicbrainz\.org\/(?:\w+\/)*release\/([\w\-]+)/i;
	const divs = ['—', '⸺', '⸻'];
	const vaParser = /^(?:Various(?:\s+Artists)?|VA|\<various\s+artists\>|Různí(?:\s+interpreti)?)$/i;
	const multiArtistParsers = [
	const pseudoArtistParsers = [
	var isVA, onlineSource = urlParser.test(clipBoard.value) && RegExp.$1;
	return (onlineSource ? fetchOnline_Music(onlineSource) :
	  Promise.resolve(clipBoard.value.split(/(?:\r?\n)+/).filter(line => line.trim().length > 0).map(function(line, ndx) {
		var metaData = line.expand().split('\x1E'), track = { identifiers: {} };
		if (metaData.length < 39) {
		  console.error('invalid data format for track #' + (ndx + 1) + ': length:', metaData.length,
			'(39); metaData:', metaData, '; line:', line);
		  throw 'invalid data format for track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' (see console log for details)';
		  /* 00 */ 'artist', 'album', 'album_year', 'release_date', 'label', 'catalog', 'country', 'encoding',
		  /* 08 */ 'codec', 'codec_profile', 'bitrate', 'bd', 'sr', 'channels', 'media', 'genre', 'discnumber',
		  /* 17 */ 'totaldiscs', 'discsubtitle', 'tracknumber', 'totaltracks', 'title', 'track_artist', 'performer',
		  /* 24 */ 'composer', 'conductor', 'remixer', 'compiler', 'producer', 'duration', 'samples', 'filesize',
		  /* 32 */ 'ag', 'dr', 'vendor', 'url', 'dirpath', 'description',
		].forEach(function(propName) {
		  track[propName] = metaData.shift();
		  if (track[propName] === '') track[propName] = undefined;
		metaData.shift().trim().split(/\s+/).forEach(function(it) {
		  if (/([\w\-]+)[=:](.*)/.test(it)) track.identifiers[RegExp.$1.toUpperCase()] = RegExp.$2.replace(/\x1B/g, ' ');
	  	if (prefs.check_whitespace) Object.keys(track).forEach(function(propName) {
		  if (typeof track[propName] != 'string') return;
		  if (propName != 'description' && (track[propName].includes('\r') || track[propName].includes('\n'))) {
			track[propName] = track[propName].replace(/[\r\n]+/g, '');
			addMessage('track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' contains linebreaks in tag <' + propName + '>', 'warning');
		  if ((i = propName == 'description' ? /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x19]+/g : /[\x00-\x19]+/g).test(track[propName])) {
			track[propName] = track[propName].replace(i, '');
			addMessage('track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' contains control codes in tag <' + propName + '>', 'warning');
		  if (/^[\s\xA0]+$/.test(track[propName])) {
			track[propName] = undefined;
			addMessage('track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' in tag <' + propName + '> contains only whitespace', 'warning');
		  } else if (/^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$/.test(track[propName])) {
			track[propName] = track[propName].trim();
			addMessage('track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' in tag <' + propName + '> contains leading/trailing whitespace', 'warning');
		  if (/[ \xA0]{2,}/.test(track[propName])) {
			track[propName] = track[propName].replace(/[ \xA0]{2,}/g, ' ')
			addMessage('track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' in tag <' + propName + '> contains multiple spaces', 'warning');
		if (track.description == '.') track.description = undefined; else if (track.description) {
		  if (prefs.remap_texttools_newlines)
			track.description = track.description.replace(/__/g, '\r\n').replace(/_/g, '\n') // ambiguous
		  track.description = track.description.collapseGaps();
		['bitrate', 'bd', 'sr', 'channels', 'totaldiscs', 'totaltracks', 'samples', 'filesize', 'dr'].forEach(function(propName) {
		  if (track[propName] !== undefined) track[propName] = parseInt(track[propName]);
		['duration'].forEach(function(propName) {
		  if (track[propName] !== undefined) track[propName] = parseFloat(track[propName]);
		if (track.album_year) track.album_year = extractYear(track.album_year) || NaN;
		['ag', 'tg', 'ap', 'tp'].forEach(function(propName) {
		  track[propName] = /^([\+\-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*dB\b/i.test(track[propName]) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : undefined;
		return track;
	).then(parseTracks).catch(e => { if (e) addMessage(e, 'critical') });

	function parseTracks(tracks) {
	  if (tracks.length <= 0) {
		clipBoard.value = '';
		throw 'no tracks found';
	  var albumBitrate = 0, totalTime = 0, albumSize = 0, media, release = { totaldiscs: 1, srs: [] };
	  tracks.forEach(function(track) {
		if (!track.artist) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw new HTML('main artist must be defined in every track' + ruleLink(''));
		if (!track.album) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw new HTML('album title must be defined in every track' + ruleLink(''));
		if (!track.tracknumber) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw new HTML('all track numbers must be defined' + ruleLink(''));
		if (!track.title) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw new HTML('all track titles must be defined' + ruleLink(''));
		if (track.duration != undefined && isUpload && (isNaN(track.duration) || track.duration <= 0)) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw 'invalid track #' + track.tracknumber + ' length: ' + track.duration;
		if (track.codec && !['FLAC', 'MP3', 'AAC', 'DTS', 'AC3'].includes(track.codec)) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw 'disallowed codec present (' + track.codec + ')';
		if (/\b(?:MQAEncode) v(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)\b/.test(track.vendor)) {
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw 'MQA encoded release (' + RegExp.lastMatch + ')';
		if (/^(\d+)\s*[\/]\s*(\d+)$/.test(track.tracknumber)) { // track/totaltracks
		  addMessage('nonstandard track number formatting for track ' + RegExp.$1 + ': ' + track.tracknumber, 'warning');
		  track.tracknumber = RegExp.$1;
		  if (!track.totaltracks) track.totaltracks = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
		} else if (/^(\d+)[\.\-](\d+)$/.test(track.tracknumber)) { // discnumber.tracknumber
		  addMessage('nonstandard track number formatting for track ' + RegExp.$2 + ': ' + track.tracknumber, 'warning');
		  if (!track.discnumber) track.discnumber = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
		  track.tracknumber = RegExp.$2;
		if (track.discnumber) {
		  if (/^(\d+)\s*\/\s*(\d+)/.test(track.discnumber)) {
			addMessage('nonstandard disc number formatting for track ' + track.tracknumber + ': ' + track.discnumber, 'warning');
			track.discnumber = RegExp.$1;
			if (!track.totaldiscs) track.totaldiscs = RegExp.$2;
		  } else track.discnumber = parseInt(track.discnumber);
		  if (isNaN(track.discnumber)) {
			addMessage('invalid disc numbering for track ' + track.tracknumber, 'warning');
			track.discnumber = undefined;
		  if (track.discnumber > release.totaldiscs) release.totaldiscs = track.discnumber;
		totalTime += track.duration;
		albumBitrate += track.bitrate * track.duration;
		albumSize += track.filesize;
	  if (!tracks.every(track => track.discnumber > 0) && !tracks.every(track => !track.discnumber)) {
		addMessage('inconsistent release (mix of tracks with and without disc number)', 'warning');
	  if (release.totaldiscs > 1 && tracks.some(it => it.totaldiscs != release.totaldiscs))
		addMessage('at least one track not having properly set TOTALDISCS (' + release.totaldiscs + ')', 'info');

	  function setUniqueProperty(propName, propNameLiteral) {
		let homogeneous = new Set(tracks.map(it => it[propName]).filter(it => it != undefined && it != null));
		if (homogeneous.size > 1) {
		  var diverses = '', it = homogeneous.values(), val;
		  while (!(val = it.next()).done) diverses += '<br>\t' + val.value;
		  clipBoard.value = '';
		  throw new HTML('mixed releases not accepted (' + propNameLiteral + ') - supposedly user compilation' + diverses);
		release[propName] = homogeneous.values().next().value;
	  setUniqueProperty('artist', 'album artist');
	  setUniqueProperty('album', 'album title');
	  setUniqueProperty('album_year', 'album year');
	  setUniqueProperty('release_date', 'release date');
	  setUniqueProperty('encoding', 'encoding');
	  setUniqueProperty('codec', 'codec');
	  setUniqueProperty('codec_profile', 'codec profile');
	  setUniqueProperty('vendor', 'vendor');
	  setUniqueProperty('media', 'media');
	  setUniqueProperty('channels', 'channels');
	  setUniqueProperty('label', 'label');
	  setUniqueProperty('country', 'country');

	  tracks.forEach(function(iter) {
		setProperty('trackArtists', 'track_artist');
		setProperty('totalTracks', 'totaltracks');
		setProperty('discSubtitles', 'discsubtitle');
		setProperty('composers', 'composer');
		setProperty('catalogs', 'catalog');
		setProperty('bitrates', 'bitrate');
		setProperty('bds', 'bd');
		setProperty('ags', 'ag');
		setProperty('drs', 'dr');
		if (iter.sr) if (typeof release.srs[iter.sr] != 'number') release.srs[iter.sr] = iter.duration;
		  else release.srs[iter.sr] += iter.duration;
		setProperty('dirpaths', 'dirpath');
		setProperty('descriptions', 'description');
		setProperty('genres', 'genre');
		setProperty('urls', 'url');
		setProperty('coverUrls', 'cover_url');

		function setProperty(propName, trackProp) {
		  if (!Array.isArray(release[propName])) release[propName] = [];
		  if (iter[trackProp] !== undefined && iter[trackProp] !== null && (typeof iter[trackProp] != 'string'
				|| iter[trackProp].length > 0) && !release[propName].includes(iter[trackProp])) {
	  if (!release.totalTracks) addMessage('total tracks not set', 'warning');
	  if (release.totalTracks.length > 0) {
		if (release.totalTracks.length > 1) {
		  addMessage('total tracks not consistent across release: ' + release.totalTracks, 'warning');
		} else if (release.totalTracks[0] != tracks.length) {
		  addMessage('total tracks not matching tracklist length: ' +
			release.totalTracks[0] + ' != ' + tracks.length, 'warning');
	  tracks.forEach(function(track1, ndx1) {
		if (tracks.some((track2, ndx2) => ndx2 < ndx1 && track1.tracknumber == track2.tracknumber
			&& track1.discnumber == track2.discnumber && track1.discsubtitle == track2.discsubtitle)) {
		  addMessage('duplicate track ' + (track1.discnumber ? track1.discnumber + '-' : '') +
			(track1.discsubtitle ? track1.discsubtitle + '-' : '') + track1.tracknumber, 'warning');
	  function validatorFunc(arr, validator, str) {
		if (arr.length <= 0 || !arr.some(validator)) return true;
		clipBoard.value = '';
		throw 'disallowed ' + str + ' present (' + arr.filter(validator) + ')';
	  validatorFunc(release.bds, bd => ![16, 24].includes(bd), 'bit depths');
		sr => sr < 44100 || sr > 192000 || sr % 44100 != 0 && sr % 48000 != 0, 'sample rates');
	  if (!onlineSource && prefs.encourage_rg && tracks.some(track => track.ag === undefined))
		addMessage('at least one track is missing RG info (not required)', 'notice');
	  if (!onlineSource && release.ags.length > 1) addMessage('album RG differs across the release', 'notice');
	  if (!onlineSource && prefs.encourage_dr && tracks.some(track => track.sr > 16 && track.dr === undefined))
		addMessage('at least one high resolution track is missing DR info (not required)', 'notice');
	  if (elementWritable(document.getElementById('image') || document.querySelector('input[name="image"]'))) {
		(release.coverUrls.length > 0 ? setCover(release.coverUrls[0]) : Promise.reject('No cover URL'))
	  var albumBPM = Math.round(tracks.reduce(function(acc, track) {
		return acc + parseInt(track.identifiers.BPM) * track.duration;
	  }, 0) / totalTime);
	  var composerEmphasis = false, isFromDSD = false, isClassical = false;
	  var canSort = tracks.every((tr1, ndx1) => tracks.every((tr2, ndx2) => ndx1 == ndx2
		|| tr1.tracknumber != tr2.tracknumber || tr1.discnumber != tr2.discnumber));
	  var yadg_prefil = '', releaseType, editionTitle, iter, rx;
	  var barCode = getHomoIdentifier('BARCODE');
	  if (barCode) barCode = parseInt(barCode.replace(/\s+/g, ''));
	  if (!Number.isInteger(barCode)) {
		if (release.catalogs.length == 1) barCode = parseInt(release.catalogs[0].replace(/[\s\-]/g, ''));
		if (!Number.isInteger(barCode) || barCode < 10**10) barCode = undefined;
	  var tags = new TagManager();
	  albumBitrate /= totalTime;
	  if (tracks.every(it => /^(?:Single)$/i.test(it.identifiers.RELEASETYPE))
		  || tracks.length == 1 && totalTime > 0 && totalTime < prefs.single_threshold) {
		releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Single');
	  } else if (tracks.every(it => it.identifiers.RELEASETYPE == 'EP')) {
		releaseType = getReleaseIndex('EP');
	  } else if (tracks.every(it => /^soundtrack$/i.test(it.identifiers.RELEASETYPE))) {
		releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Soundtrack');
		composerEmphasis = true;
	  if (release.genres.length > 0) {
		const classicalGenreParsers = [
		release.genres.forEach(function(genre) {
		  classicalGenreParsers.forEach(function(classicalGenreParser) {
			if (classicalGenreParser.test(genre) && !/\b(?:metal|rock|pop)\b/i.test(genre)) {
			  composerEmphasis = true;
			  isClassical = true
		  if (/\b(?:Jazz|Vocal)\b/i.test(genre) && !/\b(?:Nu|Future|Acid)[\s\-\−\—\–]*Jazz\b/i.test(genre)
			  && !/\bElectr(?:o|ic)[\s\-\−\—\–]?Swing\b/i.test(genre)) {
			composerEmphasis = true;
		  if (/\b(?:Soundtracks?|Score|Films?|Games?|Video|Series?|Theatre|Musical)\b/i.test(genre)) {
			if (!releaseType) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Soundtrack');
			composerEmphasis = true;
		  if (/\b(?:Christmas\s+Music)\b/i.test(genre)) {
			composerEmphasis = true;
		if (release.genres.length > 1) addMessage('inconsistent genre accross album: ' + release.genres, 'warning');
	  if (!onlineSource && isClassical && !tracks.every(track => track.composer)) {
		addMessage(new HTML('all tracks composers must be set for clasical music' + ruleLink('2.3.17')), 'warning');
		//return false;
	  // Processing artists: recognition, splitting and dividing to categores
	  var ajaxRejects = 0;
	  const ampersandParsers = [
		/\s+(?:[\&\+]|and)\s+(?!:his\b|her\b|Friends$|Strings$)/i, // /\s+(?:[\&\+]|and)\s+(?!(?:The|his|her|Friends)\b)/i,
	  const featParsers = [
		/(?:\s+[\-\−\—\–\_])?\s+(?:[Ff](?:ea)?t\.)\s+(.*?)\s*$/, // [0]
		/\s+\[\s*f(?:eat(?:\.|uring)|t\.)\s+([^\[\]]+?)\s*\]/i, // [1]
		/\s+\(\s*f(?:eat(?:\.|uring)|t\.)\s+([^\(\)]+?)\s*\)/i, // [2]
		/\s+\[\s*(?:(?:en\s+)?duo\s+)?avec\s+([^\[\]]+?)\s*\]/i, // [3]
		/\s+\(\s*(?:(?:en\s+)?duo\s+)?avec\s+([^\(\)]+?)\s*\)/i, // [4]
		/\s+\[\s*with\s+(?!:his\b|her\b|Friends$|Strings$)([^\[\]]+?)\s*\]/i, // [5]
		/\s+\(\s*with\s+(?!:his\b|her\b|Friends$|Strings$)([^\(\)]+?)\s*\)/i, // [6]
	  const remixParsers = [
	  const otherArtistsParsers = [
		[/^(.*?)\s+(?:under|(?:conducted)\s+by)\s+(.*)$/, 4],
		[/^()(.*?)\s+\(conductor\)$/i, 4],
		//[/^()(.*?)\s+\(.*\)$/i, 1],
	  const artistStrips = [
	  const roleCollisions = [
		[4, 5], // main
		[0, 4], // guest
		[], // remixer
		[], // composer
		[], // conductor
		[], // DJ/compiler
		[], // producer
	  isVA = vaParser.test(release.artist);
	  var artists = [];
	  for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) artists[i] = [];

	  if (!isVA) {
		addArtists(0, yadg_prefil = spliceGuests(release.artist));
		if (ampersandParsers.some(rx => rx.test(yadg_prefil))) getSiteArtist(yadg_prefil); // priority cache record
	  var albumGuests = Array.from(artists[1]);

	  featParsers.slice(3).forEach(function(rx, ndx) {
		matches = rx.exec(release.album);
		if (matches != null && (ndx < 5 || splitArtists(matches[1]).every((artist, ndx) => looksLikeTrueName(artist, 1)))) {
		  addArtists(1, matches[1]);
		  addMessage('featured artist(s) in album title (' + release.album + ')', 'warning');
		  release.album = release.album.replace(rx, '');
	  remixParsers.slice(4).forEach(function(rx) {
		if (rx.test(release.album)) addArtists(2, RegExp.$1.replace(/\b\d{4}\b/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim());
	  if (((matches = /^(.*?)\s+Presents\s+(.*)$/.exec(release.album)) != null
			|| isVA && (matches = (/\s+\(compiled\s+by\s+(.*?)\)\s*$/i.exec(release.album)
			|| /\s+compiled\s+by\s+(.*?)\s*$/i.exec(release.album))) != null) && looksLikeTrueName(matches[1])) {
		addArtists(5, matches[1]);
		if (!releaseType) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Compilation');

	  for (iter of tracks) {
		addArtists(2, iter.remixer);
		addArtists(3, iter.composer);
		addArtists(4, iter.conductor);
		addArtists(5, iter.compiler);
		addArtists(6, iter.producer);

		if (iter.title) {
		  featParsers.slice(3).forEach(function(rx, ndx) {
			matches = rx.exec(iter.title);
			if (matches != null && (ndx < 5 || splitArtists(matches[1]).every((artist, ndx) => looksLikeTrueName(artist, 1)))) {
			  iter.track_artist = (!isVA && (!iter.track_artist || iter.track_artist.includes(matches[1])) ?
				iter.artist : iter.track_artist) + ' feat. ' + matches[1];
			  addArtists(1, matches[1]);
			  addMessage('featured artist(s) in track title (#' + iter.tracknumber + ': ' + iter.title + ')', 'warning');
			  iter.title = iter.title.replace(rx, '');
		  if (!iter.remixer) remixParsers.slice(4).forEach(function(rx) {
			if (rx.test(iter.title)) addArtists(2, RegExp.$1.replace(/\b\d{4}\b/g, '').replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim());
		if (isClassical && !iter.composer && /^([^\(\)\[\]\{\},:]+?)(?:\s*\(\d{4}\s*-\s*\d{4}\))/.test(iter.discsubtitle)) {
		  //track.composer = RegExp.$1;
		  addArtists(3, RegExp.$1);
	  for (i = 0; i < Math.round(tracks.length / 2); ++i) splitAmpersands();

	  function addArtists(ndx, str) {
		if (str) splitArtists(str).forEach(function(artist) {
		  artist = ndx != 0 ? strip(artist) : guessOtherArtists(artist);
		  if (artist.length > 0 && !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(artist))
			  && !artists[ndx].includesCaseless(artist)
			  && !roleCollisions[ndx].some(n => artists[n].includesCaseless(artist))) artists[ndx].push(artist);
	  function addTrackPerformers(str) {
		if (str) splitArtists(spliceGuests(str, 1)).forEach(function(artist) {
		  artist = guessOtherArtists(artist);
		  if (artist.length > 0 && !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(artist))
			&& !artists[0].includesCaseless(artist)
			&& (isVA || !artists[1].includesCaseless(artist))) artists[isVA ? 0 : 1].push(artist);
	  function splitArtists(str) {
		var result = [str];
		multiArtistParsers.forEach(function(multiArtistParser) {
		  for (var i = result.length; i > 0; --i) {
			var j = result[i - 1].split(multiArtistParser).map(strip);
			if (j.length > 1 && !getSiteArtist(result[i - 1]) && j.every(looksLikeTrueName)) result.splice(i - 1, 1, ...j);
		return result;
	  function splitAmpersands(_artists) {
		if (_artists) {
		  let result;
		  if (typeof _artists == 'string') result = splitArtists(_artists);
		  	else if (Array.isArray(_artists)) result = Array.from(_artists);
		  		else return [];
		  return result;
		for (let ndx = 0; ndx < artists.length; ++ndx) splitInternal(artists[ndx], roleCollisions[ndx]);

		function splitInternal(refArr, roleCollisions) {
		  ampersandParsers.forEach(function(ampersandParser) {
			for (var i = refArr.length; i > 0; --i) {
			  var j = refArr[i - 1].split(ampersandParser);
			  if (j.length < 2 || !j.some(it1 => artists.some(it2 => it2.includesCaseless(it1)))
				  && !j.every(looksLikeTrueName) || getSiteArtist(refArr[i - 1])) continue;
			  refArr.splice(i - 1, 1, ...j.filter(function(artist) {
				return !refArr.includesCaseless(artist) && !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(artist))
				  && (!Array.isArray(roleCollisions) || !roleCollisions.some(n => artists[n].includesCaseless(artist)));
	  function spliceGuests(str, level = 1) {
		(level > 0 ? featParsers.slice(level) : featParsers).forEach(function(rx, ndx) {
		  var matches = rx.exec(str);
		  if (matches != null && (level + ndx < 8
				|| splitArtists(matches[1]).every((artist, ndx) => looksLikeTrueName(artist, 1)))) {
			addArtists(1, matches[1]);
			str = str.replace(rx, '');
		return str;
	  function guessOtherArtists(name) {
		otherArtistsParsers.forEach(function(it) {
		  if (!it[0].test(name)) return;
		  addArtists(it[1], RegExp.$2);
		  name = RegExp.$1;
		return strip(name);
	  function getSiteArtist(artist) {
		//if (isOPS) return undefined;
		if (!artist || notSiteArtistsCache.includesCaseless(artist)) return null;
		var key = Object.keys(siteArtistsCache).find(it => it.toLowerCase() == artist.toLowerCase());
		if (key) return siteArtistsCache[key];
		var now = new Date().getTime();
		if (!gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp || now > gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp + 10100) {
		  gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp = now;
		  gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter = 0;
		if (++gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter > 5) {
		  console.debug('getSiteArtist() request exceeding AJAX API time frame: /ajax.php?action=artist&artistname="' +
			artist + '" (' + gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter + ')');
		  if (prefs.messages_verbosity >= 2) addMessage('AJAX API request exceeding time frame: artistname="' +
			artist + '" (' + gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter + ')', 'notice');
		  return undefined;
		xhr.open('GET', document.location.origin + '/ajax.php?action=artist&artistname=' + encodeURIComponent(artist), false);
		if (xhr.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE || xhr.status != 200) {
		  console.log('getSiteArtist("' + artist + '"): XMLHttpRequest readyState:' + xhr.readyState + ' status:' + xhr.status);
		  return undefined; // error
		try {
		  let response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
		  if (response.status != 'success') {
			return null;
		  return (siteArtistsCache[artist] = response.response);
		} catch(e) {
		  console.warn('UA::getSiteArtist(): ' + e);
		  return undefined;
	  function twoOrMore(artist) { return artist.length >= 2 && !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(artist)) };
	  function looksLikeTrueName(artist, index = 0) {
		return twoOrMore(artist)
		  && (index == 0 || !/^(?:his\b|her\b|Friends$|Strings$)/i.test(artist))
		  && artist.split(/\s+/).length >= 2
		  && !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(artist)) || typeof getSiteArtist(artist) == 'object';
	  function strip(art) {
		return artistStrips.reduce(function(acc, rx, ndx) {
		  return ndx != 1 || rx.test(acc) && !notMonospaced(RegExp.$1) ? acc.replace(rx, '') : acc;
		}, art);
	  function getRealTrackArtist(track) {
		if (typeof track != 'object') return null;
		if (track.track_artist == release.artist) return undefined;
		var trackArtist = track.track_artist;
		if (trackArtist/* && !isVA*/) {
		  let trackArtists = [], trackGuests = [], ta = trackArtist;
		  featParsers.slice(1).forEach(function(rx, ndx) {
			if ((matches = rx.exec(ta)) == null) return;
			matches = splitArtists(matches[1]);
			if (ndx >= 7 && !matches.every((artist, ndx) => looksLikeTrueName(artist, 1))) return;
			splitAmpersands(matches[1]).forEach(guest => trackGuests.pushUniqueCaseless(guest));
			ta = ta.replace(rx, '');
		  splitArtists(ta).forEach(function(artist) {
			otherArtistsParsers.forEach(it => { if (it[0].test(artist)) artist = RegExp.$1 });
			artist = strip(artist);
			if (artist.length > 0 && !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(artist)))
		  trackArtist = joinArtists(trackArtists);
		  if (trackGuests.length > 0) trackArtist += ' feat. '.concat(joinArtists(trackGuests));
		  if (splitAmpersands(trackArtists).equalCaselessTo(artists[0])
			  && splitAmpersands(trackGuests).equalCaselessTo(albumGuests)) trackArtist = undefined;
		return trackArtist;

	  if (elementWritable(document.getElementById('artist'))) {
		let artistIndex = 0;
		const enSorter = /^(?:The)\s+/;
		catLoop: for (i = 0; i < artists.length; ++i) for (iter of artists[i]
			.filter(artist => !roleCollisions[i].some(n => artists[n].includesCaseless(artist)))
			.sort((a, b) => a.replace(enSorter, '').localeCompare(b.replace(enSorter, '')))) {
		  if (isUpload) {
			var id = 'artist';
			if (artistIndex > 0) id += '_' + artistIndex;
			while ((ref = document.getElementById(id)) == null) AddArtistField();
		  } else {
			while ((ref = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="artists[]"]')).length <= artistIndex) AddArtistField();
			ref = ref[artistIndex];
		  if (ref == null) throw new Error('Failed to allocate artist fields');
		  ref.value = iter;
		  ref.nextElementSibling.value = i + 1;
		  if (++artistIndex >= 200) break catLoop;
		if (overwrite && artistIndex > 0) while (document.getElementById('artist_' + artistIndex) != null) {

	  // Processing album title
	  const editionParsers = [
	  const mediaParsers = [
		[/\s+(?:\[(?:LP|Vinyl|12"|7")\]|\((?:LP|Vinyl|12"|7")\))$/, 'Vinyl'],
		[/\s+(?:\[SA-?CD\]|\(SA-?CD\))$/, 'SACD'],
		[/\s+(?:\[(?:Blu[\s\-\−\—\–]?Ray|BD|BRD?)\]|\((?:Blu[\s\-\−\—\–]?Ray|BD|BRD?)\))$/, 'Blu-Ray'],
		[/\s+(?:\[DVD(?:-?A)?\]|\(DVD(?:-?A)?\))$/, 'DVD'],
	  const releaseTypeParsers = [
		[/\s+(?:-\s+Single|\[Single\]|\(Single\))$/i, 'Single', true, true],
		[/\s+(?:(?:-\s+)?EP|\[EP\]|\(EP\))$/, 'EP', true, true],
		[/\s+\((?:Live|En\s+directo?|Ao\s+Vivo)\b[^\(\)]*\)$/i, 'Live album', false, false],
		[/\s+\[(?:Live|En\s+directo?|Ao\s+Vivo)\b[^\[\]]*\]$/i, 'Live album', false, false],
		[/(?:^Live\s+(?:[aA]t|[Ii]n)\b|^Directo?\s+[Ee]n\b|\bUnplugged\b|\bAcoustic\s+Stage\b|\s+Live$)/, 'Live album', false, false],
		[/\b(?:(?:Best\s+of|Greatest\s+Hits|Complete\s+(.+?\s+)(?:Albums|Recordings))\b|Collection$)|^The(\s+\w+)+Years$/i, 'Anthology', false, false],
	  var album = release.album;
	  releaseTypeParsers.forEach(function(it) {
		if (it[0].test(album)) {
		  if (it[2] || !releaseType) releaseType = getReleaseIndex(it[1]);
		  if (it[3]) album = album.replace(it[0], '');
	  rx = '\\b(?:Soundtrack|Score|Motion\\s+Picture|Series|Television|Original(?:\\s+\\w+)?\\s+Cast|Music\\s+from|(?:Musique|Bande)\\s+originale)\\b';
	  if (reInParenthesis(rx).test(album) || reInBrackets(rx).test(album)) {
		if (!releaseType) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Soundtrack');
		composerEmphasis = true;
	  remixParsers.forEach(function(rx) {
		if (rx.test(album) && !releaseType) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Remix');
	  editionParsers.forEach(function(rx) {
		if (rx.test(album) && (!RegExp.$1.toLowerCase().startsWith('remaster') || !release.album_year
		   	|| release.album_year != extractYear(release.release_date))) {
		  album = album.replace(rx, '');
		  editionTitle = RegExp.$1;
	  mediaParsers.forEach(function(it) {
		if (it[0].test(album)) {
		  album = album.replace(it[0], '');
		  media = it[1];
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('title') || document.querySelector('input[name="title"]'))) {
		ref.value = album;

	  if (yadg_prefil) yadg_prefil += ' ';
	  yadg_prefil += album;
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('yadg_input'))) {
		ref.value = yadg_prefil || '';
		if (yadg_prefil && (ref = document.getElementById('yadg_submit')) != null && !ref.disabled) ref.click();

	  if (!release.album_year) release.album_year = parseInt(getHomoIdentifier('PUBYEAR')) || undefined;
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('year'))) {
		ref.value = release.album_year || '';
	  i = release.release_date && extractYear(release.release_date);
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('remaster_year'))
		  || !isUpload && i > 0 && (ref = document.querySelector('input[name="year"]')) != null && !ref.disabled) {
		ref.value = i || '';
	  //if (tracks.every(it => it.identifiers.EXPLICIT == '0')) editionTitle = 'Clean' + (editionTitle ? ' / ' + editionTitle : '');
	  [/\s+\(([^\(\)]+)\)\s*$/, /\s+\[([^\[\]]+)\]\s*$/, /\s+\{([^\{\}]+)\}\s*$/].forEach(function(rx) {
		var version = tracks.map(track => rx.test(track.title) ? RegExp.$1 : null);
		version = version.homogeneous() && version[0] || undefined;
		if (!editionTitle && /\b(?:Remastered|Remasterisée|Remasterizado|Acoustic|Instrumental)\b/i.test(version)) {
		  editionTitle = version;
		if (!releaseType && /\b(?:Live)\b/i.test(version)) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Live album');
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('remaster_title'))) ref.value = editionTitle || '';
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('remaster_record_label')
			|| document.querySelector('input[name="recordlabel"]'))) {
		ref.value = release.label ? prefs.selfrelease_label && !isVA && release.label == release.artist
		  || /^(?:independent|vlastní\s+náklad|Self[\s\-]Released)$/i.test(release.label)
		  || /^iMD-/.test(release.label) ? prefs.selfrelease_label : release.label.split(/\s*;\s*/g).join(' / ') : '';
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('remaster_catalogue_number')
			|| document.querySelector('input[name="cataloguenumber"]'))) {
		ref.value = release.catalogs.length >= 1
			&& release.catalogs.map(it => it.replace(/\s*;\s*/g, ' / ')).join(' / ') || barCode || '';
	  var scene = getHomoIdentifier('SCENE');
	  if (isUpload && scene != undefined && (ref = document.getElementById('scene')) != null && !ref.disabled) try {
		ref.checked = eval(scene.toLowerCase());
	  } catch(e) { console.warn('Invalid SCENE value (' + scene + ')') }
	  var br_isSet = (ref = document.getElementById('bitrate')) != null && ref.value;
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('format'))) {
		ref.value = release.codec || (isRED ? '' : '---');
		ref.onchange(); //exec(function() { Format() });
	  if (isRequestNew) {
		if (prefs.always_request_perfect_flac) reqSelectFormats('FLAC');
			else if (release.codec) reqSelectFormats(release.codec);
	  var sel;
	  if (release.encoding == 'lossless') {
		sel = tracks.some(track => track.bd == 24) ? '24bit Lossless' : 'Lossless';
	  } else if (release.bitrates.length >= 1) {
		let lame_version = release.codec == 'MP3' && /^LAME(\d+)\.(\d+)/i.test(release.vendor) ?
			parseInt(RegExp.$1) * 1000 + parseInt(RegExp.$2) : undefined;
		if (release.codec == 'MP3' && release.codec_profile == 'VBR V0') {
		  sel = lame_version >= 3094 ? 'V0 (VBR)' : 'APX (VBR)'
		} else if (release.codec == 'MP3' && release.codec_profile == 'VBR V1') {
		  sel = 'V1 (VBR)'
		} else if (release.codec == 'MP3' && release.codec_profile == 'VBR V2') {
		  sel = lame_version >= 3094 ? sel = 'V2 (VBR)' : 'APS (VBR)'
		} else if (release.bitrates.length == 1 && [192, 256, 320].includes(Math.round(release.bitrates[0]))) {
		  sel = Math.round(release.bitrates[0]);
		} else {
		  sel = 'Other';
	  if ((ref = document.getElementById('bitrate')) != null && !ref.disabled && (overwrite || !br_isSet)) {
		ref.value = sel || '';
		ref.onchange(); //exec(function() { Bitrate() });
		if (sel == 'Other' && (ref = document.getElementById('other_bitrate')) != null) {
		  ref.value = Math.round(release.bitrates.length == 1 ? release.bitrates[0] : albumBitrate);
		  if ((ref = document.getElementById('vbr')) != null) ref.checked = release.bitrates.length > 1;
	  if (isRequestNew) {
		if (prefs.always_request_perfect_flac) {
		  reqSelectBitrates('Lossless', '24bit Lossless');
		} else if (sel) reqSelectBitrates(sel);
	  if (release.media) {
		sel = undefined;
		  [/\b(?:WEB|File|Download|digital\s+media)\b/i, 'WEB'],
		  [/\bCD\b/, 'CD'],
		  [/\b(?:SA-?CD|[Hh]ybrid)\b/, 'SACD'],
		  [/\b(?:[Bb]lu[\-\−\—\–\s]?[Rr]ay|BRD?|BD)\b/, 'Blu-Ray'],
		  [/\bDVD(?:-?A)?\b/, 'DVD'],
		  [/\b(?:[Vv]inyl\b|LP\b|12"|7")/, 'Vinyl'],
		].forEach(k => { if (k[0].test(release.media)) sel = k[1] });
		media = sel || media;
	  if (!media) {
		if (tracks.every(isRedBook)) {
		  addMessage('media not determined - CD estimated', 'info');
		  media = 'CD';
		} else if (tracks.some(t => t.bd > 16 || (t.sr > 0 && t.sr != 44100) || t.samples > 0 && t.samples % 588 != 0)) {
		  addMessage('media not determined - NOT CD', 'info');
	  } else if (media != 'CD' && tracks.every(isRedBook)) {
		addMessage('CD as source media is estimated (' + media + ')', 'info');
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('media'))) {
		ref.value = media || !tracks.some(notRedBook) && prefs.default_medium || (isRED ? '' : '---');
	  if (isRequestNew) {
		if (prefs.always_request_perfect_flac) reqSelectMedias('WEB', 'CD', 'Blu-Ray', 'DVD', 'SACD')
			else if (media) reqSelectMedias(media);
	  function isRedBook(track) {
		return track.bd == 16 && track.sr == 44100 && track.channels == 2 && track.samples > 0 && track.samples % 588 == 0;
	  function notRedBook(track) {
		return track.bd && track.bd != 16 || track.sr && track.sr != 44100
			|| track.channels && track.channels != 2 || track.samples && track.samples % 588 != 0;
	  if (tracks.every(it => it.identifiers.ORIGINALFORMAT && it.identifiers.ORIGINALFORMAT.includes('DSD'))) {
		isFromDSD = true;
	  // Release type
	  if (!releaseType) {
		if (/\b(?:Mixtape)\b/i.test(release.album)) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Mixtape');
		else if (isVA) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Compilation');
		else if (tracks.every(it => it.identifiers.COMPILATION == 1)) releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Anthology');
	  if ((!releaseType || releaseType == 5) && totalTime <= prefs.EP_threshold && tracks.every(function(track) {
		const rxs = [/\s+\([^\(\)]+\)\s*$/, /\s+\[[^\[\]]+\]\s*$/];
		return rxs.reduce((acc, rx) => acc.replace(rx, ''), track.title)
		  	== rxs.reduce((acc, rx) => acc.replace(rx, ''), tracks[0].title);
	  })) {
		releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Single');
	  if (!releaseType) if (totalTime > 0 && totalTime < prefs.single_threshold) {
		releaseType = getReleaseIndex('Single');
	  } else if (totalTime > 0 && totalTime < prefs.EP_threshold) {
		releaseType = getReleaseIndex('EP');
	  if ((ref = document.getElementById('releasetype')) != null && !ref.disabled
		  && (overwrite || ref.value == 0 || ref.value == '---')) ref.value = releaseType || getReleaseIndex('Album');
	  // Tags
	  if (prefs.estimate_decade_tag && (isNaN(totalTime) || totalTime < 2 * 60 * 60)
		  && release.album_year > 1900 && [1, 3, 5, 9, 13, undefined].includes(releaseType)
		  /*&& !/\b(?:Remaster(?:ed)?|Remasterizado|Remasterisée|Reissue|Anniversary|Collector(?:'?s)?)\b/i.test(editionTitle)*/)
		tags.add(Math.floor(release.album_year/10) * 10 + 's'); // experimental
	  if (release.country) {
		if (!excludedCountries.some(it => it.test(release.country))) tags.add(release.country);
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('tags'))) {
		ref.value = tags.toString();
		if (artists[0].length == 1 && prefs.fetch_tags_from_artist > 0) setTimeout(function() {
		  var artist = getSiteArtist(artists[0][0]);
		  if (!artist) return;
		  tags.add(...artist.tags.sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count).map(it => it.name)
			.slice(0, prefs.fetch_tags_from_artist));
		  var ref = document.getElementById('tags');
		  ref.value = tags.toString();
		}, 3000);
	  if (!composerEmphasis && !prefs.keep_meaningles_composers) {
		document.querySelectorAll('input[name="artists[]"]').forEach(function(i) {
		  if (['4', '5'].includes(i.nextElementSibling.value)) i.value = '';

	  const doubleParsParsers = [
	  tracks.forEach(function(track) {
		doubleParsParsers.forEach(function(rx) {
		  if (!rx.test(track.title)) return;
		  addMessage('doubled parentheses in track #' + track.tracknumber + ' title ("' + track.title + '")', 'warning');
		  //track.title.replace(rx, RegExp.$1);
	  if (tracks.length > 1 && tracks.map(track => track.title).homogeneous()) {
		addMessage('all tracks having same title: ' + tracks[0].title, 'warning');
	  if (isUpload && !isOPS) findPreviousUploads();
	  // Album description
	  sourceUrl = getStoreUrl();
	  if ((ref = document.querySelector('tr#autofill_tr > td > select')) != null) {
		if (i = getHomoIdentifier('DISCOGS_ID')) {
		  ref.value = 'discogs';
		  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('discogs'))) ref.value = i;
		} else if (i = getHomoIdentifier('MBID')) {
		  ref.value = 'musicbrainz';
		  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('musicbrainz'))) ref.value = i;
	  const vinylTest = /^((?:Vinyl|LP) rip by\s+)(.*)$/im;
	  const vinyltrackParser = /^([A-Z])[\-\.\s]?((\d+)(?:\.\d+)?)$/;
	  const classicalWorkParsers = [
	  var description;
	  if (isRequestNew || isRequestEdit) { // request
		description = [];
		if (release.release_date) {
		  i = new Date(release.release_date);
		  let today = new Date(new Date().toDateString());
		  description.push((isNaN(i) || i < today ? 'Released' : 'Releasing') + ' ' +
			(isNaN(i) ? release.release_date : i.toDateString()));
		  if ((ref = document.getElementById('tags')) != null && !ref.disabled) {
			let tags = new TagManager(ref.value);
			if (prefs.upcoming_tags && i >= today) tags.add(prefs.upcoming_tags);
			ref.value = tags.toString();
		if (!prefs.include_tracklist_in_request) {
		  let summary = '';
		  if (release.totaldiscs > 1) summary += release.totaldiscs + ' discs, ';
		  summary += tracks.length + ' track'; if (tracks.length > 1) summary += 's';
		  if (totalTime > 0) summary += ', ' + makeTimeString(totalTime);
		if (sourceUrl || release.urls.length > 0) description.push(getUrls());
		if (release.catalogs.length == 1 && /^\d{10,}$/.test(release.catalogs[0]) || /^\d{10,}$/.test(barCode)) {
		  description.push('[url=https://www.google.com/search?q=' + RegExp.lastMatch + ']Find more stores...[/url]');
		if (prefs.include_tracklist_in_request) description.push(genPlaylist());
		if (release.descriptions.length > 0) Array.prototype.push.apply(description, release.descriptions);
		description = genAlbumHeader().concat(description.join('\n\n'));
		if (description.length > 0) {
		  ref = document.getElementById('description');
		  if (elementWritable(ref)) {
			ref.value = description;
		  } else if (isRequestEdit && ref != null && !ref.disabled) {
			ref.value = ref.value.length > 0 ? ref.value.concat('\n\n', description) : ref.value = description;
	  } else { // upload
		description = '';
		if (prefs.bpm_summary && albumBPM > 0) {
		  if (description.length <= 0) description = '\n';
		  description += '\nAverage album BPM: [code]' + albumBPM + '[/code]';
		/*if (release.release_date) {
		  let rd = new Date(release.release_date);
		  if (!isNaN(rd)) description = '\n\nRelease date: ' + rd.toDateString();
		let vinylRipInfo;
		if (release.descriptions.length > 0) {
		  description += '\n\n';
		  if (release.descriptions.length == 1 && release.descriptions[0]
			  && (matches = vinylTest.exec(release.descriptions[0])) != null) {
			vinylRipInfo = release.descriptions[0].slice(matches.index).trim().split(/(?:[ \t]*\r?\n)+/);
			description += release.descriptions[0].slice(0, matches.index).trim();
		  } else description += release.descriptions.join('\n\n');
		if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('album_desc'))) {
		  ref.value = genPlaylist().concat(description);
		if ((ref = document.getElementById('body') || document.querySelector('textarea[name="body"]')) != null
			&& !ref.disabled) {
		  if (ref.value.length == 0) ref.value = genPlaylist().concat(description); else {
			let editioninfo = '';
			if (editionTitle) {
			  editioninfo = '[size=5][b]' + editionTitle;
			  if (release.release_date && (i = extractYear(release.release_date)) > 0) editioninfo += ' (' + i + ')';
			  editioninfo += '[/b][/size]\n\n';
			ref.value = ref.value.concat('\n\n', editioninfo, genPlaylist(false, false), description);
		// Release description
		if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('release_samplerate'))) {
		  ref.value = Object.keys(release.srs).length == 1 ? Math.floor(Object.keys(release.srs)[0] / 1000) :
		  Object.keys(release.srs).length > 1 ? '999' : '';
		let lineage = '', rlsDesc = '';
		let drInfo = '[hide=DR' + (release.drs.length == 1 ? release.drs[0] : '') + '][pre][/pre]';
		let hasSR = Object.keys(release.srs).length > 0;
		let srInfo = hasSR ? Object.keys(release.srs).sort((a, b) => release.srs[b] - release.srs[a])
			.map(f => f / 1000).join('/').concat('kHz') : null;
		if (tracks.some(track => track.bd > 16)) {
		  if (['Blu-Ray', 'DVD', 'SACD'].includes(media)) {
			if (!isNWCD) rlsDesc = srInfo;
			if (media == 'SACD' || isFromDSD) addDSDInfo();
			if (prefs.cleanup_descriptions) addDRInfo();
			drInfo += '[/hide]';
		  } else if (media == 'Vinyl') {
			let hassr = hasSR && (!isNWCD || Object.keys(release.srs).length > 1);
			if (hassr) lineage = srInfo + ' ';
			if (vinylRipInfo) {
			  vinylRipInfo[0] = vinylRipInfo[0].replace(vinylTest, '$1[color=blue]$2[/color]');
			  if (hassr) vinylRipInfo[0] = vinylRipInfo[0].replace(/^Vinyl\b/, 'vinyl');
			  lineage += vinylRipInfo[0] + '\n\n[u]Lineage:[/u]' + vinylRipInfo.slice(1).map(l => '\n'.concat([
				// RuTracker translation
				['Код класса состояния винила', 'Vinyl condition class'],
				['Устройство воспроизведения', 'Turntable'],
				['Головка звукоснимателя', 'Cartridge'],
				['Картридж', 'Cartridge'],
				['Предварительный усилитель', 'Preamplifier'],
				['АЦП', 'ADC'],
				['Программа-оцифровщик', 'Software'],
				['Обработка', 'Post-processing'],
			  ].reduce((acc, it) => acc.replace(it[0], it[1]), l))).join('');
			} else lineage += (hassr ? 'Vinyl' : ' vinyl') + ' rip by [color=blue][/color]\n\n[u]Lineage:[/u]\n';
			let imgs = '\n[img][/img]'.repeat(6);
			if (!isNWCD) drInfo += '\n'.concat(imgs); else lineage += '\n\n[hide]'.concat(imgs.slice(1), '[/hide]');
			drInfo += '[/hide]';
		  } else { // WEB Hi-Res
			if (!isNWCD || Object.keys(release.srs).length > 1) rlsDesc = srInfo;
			if (release.channels && release.channels != 2) addChannelInfo();
			if (isFromDSD) addDSDInfo();
			if (!isFromDSD || prefs.cleanup_descriptions) addDRInfo();
			if (isFromDSD || prefs.cleanup_descriptions || Object.keys(release.srs).length == 1
				&& Object.keys(release.srs)[0] == 88200) drInfo += '[/hide]'; else drInfo = null;
		} else { // 16bit or lossy
		  if (Object.keys(release.srs).some(f => f != 44100)) rlsDesc = srInfo;
		  if (release.channels && release.channels != 2) addChannelInfo();
		  if (prefs.cleanup_descriptions) drInfo += '[/hide]'; else drInfo = null;
		  if (release.codec == 'MP3' && release.vendor) {
			// TODO: parse mp3 vendor string
		  } else if (['AAC', 'Opus', 'Vorbis'].includes(release.codec) && release.vendor) {
			let _encoder_settings = release.vendor;
			if (release.codec == 'AAC' && /^qaac\s+[\d\.]+/i.test(release.vendor)) {
			  let enc = [];
			  if (matches = release.vendor.match(/\bqaac\s+([\d\.]+)\b/i)) enc[0] = matches[1];
			  if (matches = release.vendor.match(/\bCoreAudioToolbox\s+([\d\.]+)\b/i)) enc[1] = matches[1];
			  if (matches = release.vendor.match(/\b(AAC-\S+)\s+Encoder\b/i)) enc[2] = matches[1];
			  if (matches = release.vendor.match(/\b([TC]VBR|ABR|CBR)\s+(\S+)\b/)) { enc[3] = matches[1]; enc[4] = matches[2]; }
			  if (matches = release.vendor.match(/\bQuality\s+(\d+)\b/i)) enc[5] = matches[1];
			  _encoder_settings = 'Converted by Apple\'s ' + enc[2] + ' encoder (' + enc[3] + '-' + enc[4] + ')';
			lineage = _encoder_settings;
		function addDSDInfo() {
		  var nfo = ' DSD64';
		  if (prefs.sacd_decoder) nfo += ' using ' + prefs.sacd_decoder;
		  nfo += '\nOutput gain: [code]+0dB[/code]';
		  if (isNWCD) lineage = 'From' .concat(nfo); else {
			if (rlsDesc.length > 0) rlsDesc += ' from'; else rlsDesc = 'From';
			rlsDesc += nfo;
		function addDRInfo() {
		  if (release.drs.length < 1 || document.getElementById('release_dynamicrange') != null) return;
		  var nfo = 'DR' + release.drs[0];
		  if (release.drs[0] < 4) nfo = '[color=red]'.concat(nfo, '[/color]');
		  if (rlsDesc.length > 0) rlsDesc += ' | ';
		  rlsDesc += nfo;
		function addRGInfo() {
		  if (release.ags.length <= 0) return;
		  if (rlsDesc.length > 0) rlsDesc += ' | ';
		  rlsDesc += 'RG'; //rlsDesc += 'RG ' + ags[0];
		function addChannelInfo() {
		  if (!release.channels) return;
		  var chi = getChanString(release.channels);
		  if (chi.length <= 0) return;
		  if (rlsDesc.length > 0) rlsDesc += ', '; else rlsDesc = 'Channels configuration: ';
		  rlsDesc += chi;
		function addHybridInfo() {
		  if (release.bds.length > 1) release.bds.filter(bd => bd != 24).forEach(function(bd) {
			var hybrid_tracks = tracks.filter(it => it.bd == bd).sort(trackComparer).map(function(it) {
			  return (release.totaldiscs > 1 && it.discnumber ? it.discnumber + '-' : '').concat(it.tracknumber);
			if (hybrid_tracks.length < 1) return;
			if (rlsDesc.length > 0) rlsDesc += '\n';
			rlsDesc += 'Note: track';
			if (hybrid_tracks.length > 1) rlsDesc += 's';
			rlsDesc += ' #' + hybrid_tracks.join(', ') +
			  (hybrid_tracks.length > 1 ? ' are' : ' is') + ' ' + bd + 'bit lossless';
		rlsDesc = rlsDesc.length > 0 ? [rlsDesc] : [];
		if ((ref = document.getElementById('release_lineage')) != null) {
		  lineage = lineage ? [lineage] : [];
		  if (drInfo) rlsDesc.push(drInfo);
		  if (sourceUrl || release.urls.length > 0) lineage.push(getUrls());
		  if (elementWritable(ref)) {
			ref.value = lineage.join('\n\n');
		} else {
		  if (lineage.length > 0) rlsDesc.push(lineage);
		  if (drInfo) rlsDesc.push(drInfo);
		  if (sourceUrl || release.urls.length > 0) rlsDesc.push(getUrls());
		if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('release_desc'))) {
		  ref.value = rlsDesc.join('\n\n');
		  if (rlsDesc.length > 0) preview(isNWCD ? 2 : 1);
		if (release.encoding == 'lossless' && release.codec == 'FLAC'
			&& tracks.some(track => track.bd == 24) && release.dirpaths.length == 1) {
		  if ((ref = document.getElementById('release_desc')) != null) GM_xmlhttpRequest({
			method: 'GET',
			url: new URL('file:'.concat(release.dirpaths[0], '\\foo_dr.txt')).href,
			responseType: 'blob',
			onload: function(response) {
			  if (response.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE || response.status != 200) return defaultErrorHandler(response);
			  if (!/(\[hide=DR\d*\]\[pre\])\[\/pre\]/im.test(ref.value)) return;
			  var ndx = RegExp.lastIndex + RegExp.$1.length;
			  ref.value = ref.value.slice(0, ndx).concat(response.responseText, ref.value.slice(ndx));
			onerror: error => { console.error('foo_dr.txt not exists or is forbidden to read') },
			ontimeout: defaultTimeoutHandler,
	  if (ajaxRejects > 0) {
		i = 'AJAX request(s) eliminated due to Gazelle policy. ' +
		  	'Multiple artists not split correctly? Relaunch parsing in overwrite mode without page reload'
		let delay = gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp + 10100 - new Date().getTime();
		if (delay >= 0) {
		  i += ' after ' + Math.ceil(delay / 1000) + 's';
		  setTimeout(() => { addMessage('new AJAX timeframe for requery available', 'info') }, delay);
		addMessage(i + '.', 'notice');
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('release_dynamicrange'))) {
		ref.value = release.drs.length == 1 ? release.drs[0] : '';
	  if (isRequestNew && prefs.request_default_bounty > 0) {
		let amount = prefs.request_default_bounty < 1024 ? prefs.request_default_bounty : prefs.request_default_bounty / 1024;
		if ((ref = document.getElementById('amount_box')) != null && !ref.disabled) ref.value = amount;
		if ((ref = document.getElementById('unit')) != null && !ref.disabled) {
		  ref.value = prefs.request_default_bounty < 1024 ? 'mb' : 'gb';
	  if (!media && (ref = document.getElementById('media')) != null && ref.value && ref.value != '---') media = ref.value;
	  if (!onlineSource) {
		onlineSource = (sourceUrl || release.urls.length > 0 ?
			fetchOnline_Music(sourceUrl || release.urls[0], true).then(completeFromOnlineSource) : Promise.reject('No URL'));
		if (prefs.check_integrity_online) onlineSource.catch(reason => lookupOnlineSource().then(function(result) {
		  if (typeof result == 'object') return parseLastFm(result);
		  if (urlParser.test(result)) return fetchOnline_Music(result, true);
		  return Promise.reject('Unhandled format');
		})).then(onlineCheck).catch(function(reason) {
		  if (!media || media == 'WEB') tracks.forEach(function(track) {
			if (!track.duration || track.duration < 29.6 || track.duration > 30.4) return;
			addMessage('track ' + track.tracknumber + ' possible track preview', 'warning');
	  if (prefs.clean_on_apply) clipBoard.value = '';
	  return true;

	  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	  function genPlaylist(pad = true, header = true) {
		var style = prefs.tracklist_style;
		if (style == 2 && (tracks.map(track => track.title).some(notMonospaced))
			|| tracks.map(track => track.track_artist).some(notMonospaced)
			|| composerEmphasis && tracks.map(track => track.composer).some(notMonospaced)) style = 3;
		if (!style || style <= 0) return null;
		var playlist = '';
		if (tracks.length > 1 || isRequestNew || isRequestEdit) {
		  if (style == 3) playlist = '[align=center]';
		  if (pad && isRED) playlist += '[pad=5|0|0|0]';
		  if (header) playlist += genAlbumHeader();
		  playlist += '[size=4][b][color=' + prefs.tracklist_head_color + ']Tracklisting[/color][/b][/size]';
		  if (pad && isRED) playlist += '[/pad]';
		  playlist += '\n'; //'[hr]';
		  let lastDisc, lastSubtitle, lastWork, lastSide, vinylTrackWidth;
		  let block = 0, classicalWorks = new Map();
		  if (composerEmphasis /*isClassical*/ && !tracks.some(it => it.discsubtitle)) {
			tracks.forEach(function(track) {
			  if (!track.composer) return;
			  (/*isClassical ? classicalWorkParsers : */classicalWorkParsers.slice(1)).forEach(function(classicalWorkParser) {
				if (track.classical_work || !classicalWorkParser.test(track.title)) return;
				classicalWorks.set(track.classical_work = RegExp.$1, {});
				track.classical_title = RegExp.$2;
			for (iter of classicalWorks.keys()) {
			  let work = tracks.filter(track => track.classical_work == iter);
			  if (work.length > 1 || tracks.every(track => track.classical_work)) {
				if (work.map(it => it.track_artist).homogeneous()) classicalWorks.get(iter).performer = work[0].track_artist;
				if (work.map(it => it.composer).homogeneous()) classicalWorks.get(iter).composer = work[0].composer;
			  } else {
				work.forEach(function(track) {
				  delete track.classical_work;
				  delete track.classical_title;
		  let track, duration, volumes = new Map(tracks.map(it => [it.discnumber, undefined])), tnOffset = 0;
		  volumes.forEach(function(val, key) {
			volumes.set(key, new Set(tracks.filter(it => it.discnumber == key).map(it => it.discsubtitle)).size)
		  if (!tracks.every(it => !isNaN(parseInt(it.tracknumber.toString())))
			  && !tracks.every(it => vinyltrackParser.test(it.tracknumber.toString().toUpperCase()))) {
			addMessage('inconsistent tracks numbering (' + tracks.map(it => it.tracknumber) + ')', 'warning');
		  vinylTrackWidth = tracks.reduce(function(acc, it) {
			return Math.max(vinyltrackParser.test(it.tracknumber.toString().toUpperCase()) && parseInt(RegExp.$3), acc);
		  }, 0);
		  if (vinylTrackWidth) {
			vinylTrackWidth = vinylTrackWidth.toString().length;
			tracks.forEach(function(it) {
			  if (vinyltrackParser.test(it.tracknumber.toString().toUpperCase()) != null)
				it.tracknumber = RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$3.padStart(vinylTrackWidth, '0');
		  if (release.totaldiscs < 2 && tracks.reduce(computeLowestTrack, undefined) - 1)
			addMessage('volume ' + iter.discnumber + ' track numbering not starting from 1', 'info');
		  const padStart = '[pad=0|0|5|0]';
		  if (canSort && prefs.sort_tracklist) tracks.sort(trackComparer);
		  for (iter of tracks) {
			var trackArtist = getRealTrackArtist(iter), title = '';
			var ttwidth = vinylTrackWidth || (release.totaldiscs > 1 && iter.discnumber ?
				tracks.filter(it => it.discnumber == iter.discnumber) : tracks).reduce(function (accumulator, it) {
			  return Math.max(accumulator, (parseInt(it.tracknumber) || it.tracknumber).toString().length);
			}, 2);
			function realTrackNumber() {
			  var tn = parseInt(iter.tracknumber);
			  return isNaN(tn) ? iter.tracknumber : (tn - tnOffset).toString().padStart(ttwidth, '0');
			switch (style) {
			  case 1:
			  case 3: {
				prologue('[size=' + prefs.tracklist_size + ']', '[/size]\n');
				track = '[b][color=' + prefs.tracklist_tracknumber_color + ']';
				track += realTrackNumber();
				track += '[/color][/b]' + prefs.title_separator;
				if (trackArtist && (!iter.classical_work || !classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).performer)) {
				  title = '[color=' + prefs.tracklist_artist_color + ']' + trackArtist + '[/color] - ';
				title += iter.classical_title || iter.title;
				if (iter.composer && composerEmphasis && release.composers.length != 1
					&& (!iter.classical_work || !classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).composer)) {
				  title = title.concat(' [color=', prefs.tracklist_composer_color, '](', iter.composer, ')[/color]');
				playlist += track + title;
				if (iter.duration) playlist += ' [i][color=' + prefs.tracklist_duration_color +'][' +
				  makeTimeString(iter.duration) + '][/color][/i]';
			  case 2: {
				prologue('[size=' + prefs.tracklist_size + '][pre]', '[/pre][/size]');
				track = realTrackNumber();
				track += prefs.title_separator;
				if (trackArtist && (!iter.classical_work || !classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).performer)) {
				  title = trackArtist + ' - ';
				title += iter.classical_title || iter.title;
				if (composerEmphasis && iter.composer && release.composers.length != 1
					&& (!iter.classical_work || !classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).composer)) {
				  title = title.concat(' (', iter.composer, ')');
				let l = 0, j, left, padding, spc;
				duration = iter.duration ? '[' + makeTimeString(iter.duration) + ']' : null;
				let width = prefs.max_tracklist_width - track.length;
				if (duration) width -= duration.length + 1;
				while (title.trueLength() > 0) {
				  j = width;
				  if (title.trueLength() > width) {
					while (j > 0 && title[j] != ' ') { --j }
					if (j <= 0) j = width;
				  left = title.slice(0, j).trim();
				  if (++l <= 1) {
					playlist += track + left;
					if (duration) {
					  spc = width - left.trueLength();
					  padding = (spc < 2 ? ' '.repeat(spc) : ' ' + prefs.pad_leader.repeat(spc - 1)) + ' ';
					  playlist += padding + duration;
					width = prefs.max_tracklist_width - track.length - 2;
				  } else playlist += '\n' + ' '.repeat(track.length) + left;
				  title = title.slice(j).trim();
		  switch (style) {
			case 1:
			case 3:
			  if (totalTime > 0) playlist += '\n\n' + divs[0].repeat(10) + '\n[color=' + prefs.tracklist_duration_color +
				']Total time: [i]' + makeTimeString(totalTime) + '[/i][/color][/size]';
			case 2:
			  if (totalTime > 0) {
				duration = '[' + makeTimeString(totalTime) + ']';
				playlist += '\n\n' + divs[0].repeat(32).padStart(prefs.max_tracklist_width);
				playlist += '\n' + 'Total time:'.padEnd(prefs.max_tracklist_width - duration.length) + duration;
			  playlist += '[/pre][/size]';
		  if (style == 3) playlist += '[/align]';

		  function computeLowestTrack(acc, track) {
			if (Number.isNaN(acc)) return NaN;
			var tn = parseInt(track.tracknumber);
			if (isNaN(tn)) return NaN;
			return isNaN(acc) || tn < acc ? tn : acc;

		  function prologue(prefix, postfix) {
			function block1() {
			  if (block == 3) playlist += postfix;
			  playlist += '\n';
			  if (isRED && ![1, 2].includes(block)) playlist += padStart;
			  block = 1;
			function block2() {
			  if (block == 3) playlist += postfix;
			  playlist += '\n';
			  if (isRED && ![1, 2].includes(block)) playlist += padStart;
			  block = 2;
			function block3() {
			  //if (block == 2 && isRED) playlist += '[hr]';
			  if (isRED && [1, 2].includes(block)) playlist += '[/pad]';
			  playlist += '\n';
			  if (block != 3) playlist += prefix;
			  block = 3;
			if (release.totaldiscs > 1 && iter.discnumber != lastDisc) {
			  lastDisc = iter.discnumber;
			  lastSubtitle = lastWork = undefined;
			  playlist += '[color=' + prefs.tracklist_disctitle_color + '][size=3][b]';
			  if (iter.identifiers.VOL_MEDIA && tracks.filter(it => it.discnumber == iter.discnumber)
				  .every(it => it.identifiers.VOL_MEDIA == iter.identifiers.VOL_MEDIA)) {
				playlist += iter.identifiers.VOL_MEDIA.toUpperCase() + ' ';
			  playlist += 'Disc ' + iter.discnumber;
			  if (iter.discsubtitle && (volumes.get(iter.discnumber) || 0) == 1) {
				playlist += ' – ' + iter.discsubtitle;
				lastSubtitle = iter.discsubtitle;
			  playlist += '[/b][/size]';
			  duration = tracks.filter(it => it.discnumber == iter.discnumber).reduce((acc, it) => acc + it.duration, 0);
			  if (duration > 0) playlist += ' [size=2][i][' + makeTimeString(duration) + '][/i][/size]';
			  playlist += '[/color]';
			  tnOffset = tracks.filter(track => track.discnumber == iter.discnumber).reduce(computeLowestTrack, undefined) - 1 || 0;
			  if (tnOffset) addMessage('volume ' + iter.discnumber + ' track numbering not starting from 1', 'info');
			if (iter.discsubtitle != lastSubtitle) {
			  if (block != 1 || iter.discsubtitle) block1();
			  if (iter.discsubtitle) {
				playlist += '[color=' + prefs.tracklist_work_color + '][size=2][b]' + iter.discsubtitle + '[/b][/size]';
				duration = tracks.filter(it => it.discsubtitle == iter.discsubtitle)
				  .reduce((acc, it) => acc + it.duration, 0);
				if (duration > 0) playlist += ' [size=1][i][' + makeTimeString(duration) + '][/i][/size]';
				playlist += '[/color]';
			  lastSubtitle = iter.discsubtitle;
			if (iter.classical_work != lastWork) {
			  if (iter.classical_work) {
				playlist += '[color=' + prefs.tracklist_work_color + '][size=2][b]';
				if (release.composers.length != 1 && classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).composer) {
				  playlist += classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).composer + ': ';
				playlist += iter.classical_work;
				playlist += '[/b]';
				if (classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).performer
					&& classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).performer != release.artist) {
				  playlist += ' (' + classicalWorks.get(iter.classical_work).performer + ')';
				playlist += '[/size]';
				duration = tracks.filter(it => it.classical_work == iter.classical_work)
				  .reduce((acc, it) => acc + it.duration, 0);
				if (duration > 0) playlist += ' [size=1][i][' + makeTimeString(duration) + '][/i][/size]';
				playlist += '[/color]';
			  } else {
				if (block > 2) block1();
			  lastWork = iter.classical_work;
			if (vinyltrackParser.test(iter.tracknumber)) {
			  if (block == 3 && lastSide && RegExp.$1 != lastSide) playlist += '\n';
			  lastSide = RegExp.$1;
		  } // prologue
		} else { // single
		  playlist += '[align=center]';
		  playlist += isRED ? '[pad=20|20|20|20]' : '';
		  playlist += '[size=4][b][color=' + prefs.tracklist_artist_color + ']' + release.artist + '[/color]';
		  playlist += isRED ? '[hr]' : '\n'.concat(divs[0].repeat(24), '\n');
		  playlist += tracks[0].title + '[/b]';
		  if (tracks[0].composer) {
			playlist += '\n[i][color=' + prefs.tracklist_composer_color + '](' + tracks[0].composer + ')[/color][/i]';
		  playlist += '\n\n[color=' + prefs.tracklist_duration_color +'][' + makeTimeString(tracks[0].duration) + '][/color][/size]';
		  if (isRED) playlist += '[/pad]';
		  playlist += '[/align]';
		return playlist;

	  function getUrls() {
		var result = [];
		if (sourceUrl) result.push(sourceUrl);
		Array.prototype.push.apply(result, release.urls.filter(function(url) {
		  return !sourceUrl || url.toLowerCase() != sourceUrl.toLowerCase();
		return result.map(url => urlParser.test(url) ? '[url]' + url + '[/url]' : url).join('\n');

	  function genAlbumHeader() {
		return !isVA && artists[0].length >= 3 ? '[size=4]' +
		  joinArtists(artists[0], artist => '[artist]' + artist + '[/artist]') + ' – ' + release.album + '[/size]\n\n' : '';

	  function findPreviousUploads() {
		let search = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search);
		if (search.get('groupid')) localFetch('/torrents.php?action=grouplog&groupid=' + search.get('groupid')).then(function(dom) {
		  dom.querySelectorAll('table > tbody > tr.rowa').forEach(function(tr) {
			if (/^\s*deleted\b/i.test(tr.children[3].textContent))
			  scanLog('Torrent ' + tr.children[1].firstChild.textContent);
		}); else {
		  let query = '';
		  if (!isVA && artists[0].length >= 1 && artists[0].length <= 3) query = artists[0].join(', ') + ' - ';
		  query += release.album;

		function scanLog(query) {
		  localFetch('/log.php?search=' + encodeURIComponent(query)).then(function(dom) {
			dom.querySelectorAll('table > tbody > tr.rowb').forEach(function(tr) {
			  var size, msg = tr.children[1].textContent.trim();
			  if (/\b[\d\s]+(?:\.\d+)?\s*(?:([KMGT])I?)?B\b/.test(msg)) size = get_size_from_string(RegExp.lastMatch);
			  if (!msg.includes('deleted') || (/\[(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)\]/.test(msg) ?
				 !release.codec || release.codec != RegExp.$1
				 //|| !release.encoding || release.encoding != RegExp.$2
				 || !media || media != RegExp.$3 :
				 !size || !albumSize || Math.abs(albumSize / size - 1) >= 0.1)) return;
			  addMessage('possibly same release previously uploaded and deleted: ' + msg, 'warning');

		function get_size_from_string(str) {
		  var matches = /\b([\d\s]+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*(?:([KMGT])I?)?B\b/.exec(str.replace(',', '.').toUpperCase());
		  if (!matches) return null;
		  var size = parseFloat(matches[1].replace(/\s+/g, ''));
		  if (matches[2] == 'K') { size *= Math.pow(1024, 1) }
		  else if (matches[2] == 'M') { size *= Math.pow(1024, 2) }
		  else if (matches[2] == 'G') { size *= Math.pow(1024, 3) }
		  else if (matches[2] == 'T') { size *= Math.pow(1024, 4) }
		  return Math.round(size);

	  function getHomoIdentifier(id) {
		id = id.toUpperCase();
		return tracks.every((elem, ndx, arr) => elem.identifiers[id] != undefined
			&& elem.identifiers[id] === arr[0].identifiers[id]) ? tracks[0].identifiers[id] : undefined;

	  function getStoreUrl() {
		for (var it of [
		  ['ACOUSTICSOUNDS_ID', 'https://store.acousticsounds.com/d/{ID}/'],
		  ['AMAZON_ID', 'https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/{ID}'],
		  ['APPLE_ID', 'https://music.apple.com/album/{ID}'],
		  ['ASIN', 'https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/{ID}'],
		  ['BEATPORT_ID', 'https://www.beatport.com/release/2/{ID}'],
		  ['DEEZER_ID', deezerAlbumPrefix + '{ID}'],
		  ['DISCOGS_ID', discogsOrigin + '/release/{ID}'],
		  ['EONKYO_ID', 'https://www.e-onkyo.com/music/album/{ID}/'],
		  ['GOOGLE_ID', 'https://play.google.com/store/music/album/?id={ID}'],
		  ['INDIESSCOPE_ID', 'https://www.indies.eu/alba/{ID}/'],
		  ['ITUNES_ID', 'https://music.apple.com/album/{ID}'],
		  ['JUNODOWNLOAD_ID', 'https://www.junodownload.com/products/{ID}'],
		  ['MBID', mbrRlsPrefix + '{ID}'],
		  ['PROSTUDIOMASTERS_ID', 'https://www.prostudiomasters.com/album/page/{ID}'],
		  ['SPOTIFY_ID', 'https://open.spotify.com/album/{ID}'],
		  ['TRAXSOURCE_ID', 'https://www.traxsource.com/title/{ID}/'],
		]) {
		  let ID = getHomoIdentifier(it[0]);
		  if (ID) return it[1].replace('{ID}', ID);
		return undefined;

	  function getCoverOnline() {
		var url = sourceUrl || release.urls[0], apiFirst;
		if (i = getHomoIdentifier('APPLE_ID') || getHomoIdentifier('ITUNES_ID')
			|| /^https?:\/\/(?:\w+\.)*apple\.com\/.*\/(\d+)(?=$|\?)/i.test(url) && RegExp.$1) {
		  apiFirst = queryItunesAPI('lookup', { id: i })
		  	.then(result => result.resultCount > 0 ? setItunesImage(result.results[0]) : Promise.reject('no cover'));
		} else if (i = getHomoIdentifier('DEEZER_ID')
			|| /^https:\/\/(?:\w+\.)*deezer\.com\/(\w+\/)*album\/(\d+)$/i.test(url) && RegExp.$1) {
		  apiFirst = queryDeezerAPI('album/' + i)
		  	.then(result => result.id ? setDeezerImage(result) : Promise.reject('No cover'));
		} else if ((prefs.discogs_key && prefs.discogs_secret || discogs_token)
			&& (i = getHomoIdentifier('DISCOGS_ID') || dcRlsParser.test(url) && RegExp.$1)) {
		  apiFirst = queryDiscogsAPI('releases/' + i).then(function(release) {
			return release.images.length > 0 ? setCover(release.images[0].uri) : Promise.reject('No cover');
		} else if ((i = getHomoIdentifier('MBID') || mbrRlsParser.test(url) && RegExp.$1)) {
		  apiFirst = getMusicBrainzCovers(i).then(function(covers) {
			return covers != null ? setCover(covers[1][0]) : Promise.reject('No cover');
		} else apiFirst = Promise.reject('No known API binding');
		return apiFirst.catch(function(reason) {
		  if (!urlParser.test(url)) return Promise.reject('No valid URL to parse');
		  if (dcRlsParser.test(url)) url = discogsOrigin + '/release/' + RegExp.$1 + '/images';
		  return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
			var ref, hostname = new URL(response.finalUrl).hostname;
			function testDomain(url, selector) {
			  return hostname.includes(url.toLowerCase()) ? response.document.querySelector(selector) : null;
			if ((ref = testDomain('qobuz.com', 'div.album-cover > img')) != null)
			  return setCover(ref.src.replace(/_\d{3}(?=\.\w+$)/, '_max')).catch(reason => setCover(ref.src));
			if ((ref = testDomain('highresaudio.com', 'div.albumbody > img.cover[data-pin-media]')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.dataset.pinMedia;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('bandcamp.com', 'div#tralbumArt > a.popupImage')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.href;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('7digital.com', 'span.release-packshot-image > img[itemprop="image"]')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.src;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('hdtracks.', 'p.product-image > img')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.src;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('discogs.com', 'div#view_images > p:first-of-type > span > img')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.src;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('prestomusic.com', 'div.c-product-block__aside > a')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.href.replace(/\?\d+$/, '');
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('bontonland.cz', 'a.detailzoom')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.href;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('nativedsd.com', 'a#album-cover')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.href;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('prostudiomasters.com', 'img.album-art')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.currentSrc || ref.src;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('e-onkyo.com', 'figure > a.colorbox')) != null) {
			  ref = new URL(response.finalUrl).origin + ref.pathname;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('store.acousticsounds.com', 'div#detail > link[rel="image_src"]')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.href.replace(/\/medium\//i, '/large/');
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('indies.eu', 'div.obrazekDetail > img')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.src;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('beatport.com', 'div > img.interior-release-chart-artwork')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.src;
			} else if ((ref = testDomain('supraphonline.cz', 'meta[itemprop="image"]')) != null) {
			  ref = ref.content.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
			} else if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]')
				|| response.document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="image"]')) != null && ref.content) {
			  ref = ref.content;
			return urlParser.test(ref) ? setCover(ref) : Promise.reject('No URL to parse');

	  function searchCoverOnline() {
		switch (typeof prefs.cover_lookup_provider == 'string' && prefs.cover_lookup_provider.toLowerCase()) {
		  case 'itunes': return searchCoverOnline_iTunes();
		  case 'deezer': return searchCoverOnline_Deezer();
		  case 'google': return searchCoverOnline_GooglePlay();
		  case 'musicbrainz': return searchCoverOnline_MBR();
		  case 'lastfm': return searchCoverOnline_LastFM();
		  case 'qobuz': return searchCoverOnline_Qobuz();
		  case 'all': return searchCoverOnline_iTunes()
		return Promise.reject('No valid service selected');

		function searchCoverOnline_iTunes() {
		  return amLookup().then(function(album) {
			return setItunesImage(album)
			  .then(imgUrl => { info('Apple Music', album.collectionViewUrl, album.collectionId) });
		function searchCoverOnline_Deezer() {
		  return deezerLookup().then(function(album) {
			return setDeezerImage(album)
			  .then(imgUrl => { info('Deezer', deezerAlbumPrefix + album.id, album.id) });
		function searchCoverOnline_GooglePlay() {
		  return globalFetch('https://play.google.com/store/search?' + new URLSearchParams({
			q: '"' + (isVA ? VA : release.artist) + '" "' + release.album + '"',
			c: 'music',
		  }).toString()).then(function(response) {
			var results = response.document.querySelectorAll('div:first-of-type + div[jscontroller]:last-of-type');
			if (results.length > 0) for (var ndx = 0; ndx < results.length; ++ndx) {
			  let items = [];
			  results[ndx].querySelectorAll(':scope > div').forEach(function(result) {
				var img = result.querySelector('span > span > img');
				img = img != null ? (img.src || img.dataset.src).replace(/=[a-z]\d+$/, '=w0') : null;
				var album = result.querySelector('a > div[title]');
				if (album == null) return;
				var artist = album.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('a > div:not([title])')
				artist = artist != null ? artist.textContent.trim() : null;
				var url = album.parentNode.href;
				var id = /\?id=(\w+)\b/i.test(album.parentNode.href) && RegExp.$1 || null;
				album = album.textContent.trim();
				items.push({ id: id, url: url, artist: artist, album: album, imgUrl: img });
			  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
				var f = items.filter(release => releasesMatch(release.artist, release.album, i));
				if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Google Play Music: ambiguity');
				if (f.length == 1) break;
			  if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('Google Play Music: no matches');
			  if (i == 2) console.debug('Google Play Music fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
			  if (f[0].imgUrl) return setCover(f[0].imgUrl)
				.then(release => { info('Google Play Music', f[0].url, f[0].id) });
		  return Promise.reject('Google Play Music: no matches');
		function searchCoverOnline_MBR() {
		  return mbLookupByBarcode().catch(mbLookupByASIN).catch(mbLookupByTOC)
			//.catch(reason => mbLookup().then(release => [release])
			.catch(reason => queryMusicBrainzAPI('release', {
			  query: 'release:"' + release.album + '" AND artist:"' + (isVA ? VA : release.artist) + '"',
			}).then(result => result.count > 0 ? result.releases : Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no matches')))
			.then(releases => Promise.all(releases.map(release => getMusicBrainzCovers(release.id))))
			.then(function(releases) {
			  for (var rls of releases) if (rls != null) return _setCover(rls);
			  return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no covers found');

		  function _setCover(rls) {
			return setCover(rls[1][0]).then(function(imgUrl) {
			  if (/\/release\/(\S+)$/i.test(rls[0])) info('Musicbrains', rls[0], RegExp.$1);
			  return imgUrl;
		function searchCoverOnline_LastFM() {
		  return queryLastFmAPI('album.getinfo', {
			artist: (isVA ? VA : release.artist),
			album: release.album,
		  }).then(function(result) {
			if (result.error) return Promise.reject('Last.fm: '.concat(result.message));
			var r = result.album.image.filter(image => image.size == /*'extralarge'*/'mega');
			if (r.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Last.fm: no cover for matched album');
			r = r[0]['#text'];
			if (!r) return Promise.reject('Last.fm: no cover for matched album');
			return setCover(r.replace(/\/\d+x\d+\//, '/')).catch(reason => setCover(r))
				.then(() => { info('Last.fm', result.album.url, result.album.id || result.album.mbid || '#N/A') });
		function searchCoverOnline_Qobuz() {
		  qbLookup().then(function(album) {
			return setCover(album.imgUrl.replace(/_\d+(?=\.\w+$)/, '_max'))
			  .catch(reason => setCover(album.imgUrl.replace(/_\d+(?=\.\w+$)/, '_600')))
			  .catch(reason => setCover(album.imgUrl))
			  .then(function(imgUrl) {
				info('Qobuz', album.href, album.id);
				return imgUrl;
		function info(service, url, id) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('used cover image from ' + service + ' release ID ' +
			'<a style="color: #00f3ff;" target="_blank" href="'+ url + '">' + id + '</a>'), 'info');

	  function setItunesImage(album) {
		return urlParser.test(album.artworkUrl100) ?
		  setCover(album.artworkUrl100.replace('100x100bb', '100000x100000-999'))
			.catch(reason => setCover(album.artworkUrl100)) : Promise.reject('Apple Music image not valid URL');
	  function setDeezerImage(album) {
		return urlParser.test(album.cover_xl) ?
		  setCover(album.cover_xl.replace('1000x1000-000000-80-0-0', '1400x1400-000000-100-0-0'))
			.catch(reason => setCover(album.cover_xl)) : Promise.reject('Deezer image not valid URL');

	  function completeFromOnlineSource(onlineTracks) {
		fillMissingValue(document.getElementById('media'), 'media');
		fillMissingValue(document.getElementById('year'), 'album_year');
		ref = document.getElementById('remaster_year') || !isUpload && document.querySelector('input[name="year"]');
		if (ref != null && !ref.disabled && (ref.value == '' || !isRED && ref.value == '---')) {
		  var value = getHomoValue('release_date');
		  if (value != null) ref.value = extractYear(value);
			|| document.querySelector('input[name="recordlabel"]'), 'label');
		if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('remaster_catalogue_number')
			|| document.querySelector('input[name="cataloguenumber"]'))) {
		  let catNo = getHomoValue('catalog');
		  if (!catNo && onlineTracks.every(track => track.identifiers.BARCODE
			   && track.identifiers.BARCODE == onlineTracks[0].identifiers.BARCODE)) {
			catNo = parseInt(onlineTracks[0].identifiers.BARCODE.replace(/\s+/g, ''));
		  if (catNo) ref.value = catNo;
		return onlineTracks;

		function getHomoValue(propName) {
		  return onlineTracks[0][propName] && onlineTracks.map(track => track[propName]).homogeneous() ?
			onlineTracks[0][propName] : null;
		function fillMissingValue(node, propName) {
		  if (!node || node.disabled || node.value != '' && (isRED || node.value != '---')) return;
		  var value = getHomoValue(propName);
		  if (value != null) node.value = value;

	  function onlineCheck(onlineTracks) {
		if (!Array.isArray(onlineTracks) || onlineTracks.length <= 0) {
		  addMessage('online check not performed (empty tracklist)', 'notice');
		  return Promise.reject('No tracks');
		var issueCounter = 0;
		if (onlineTracks[0].artist && onlineTracks.map(track => track.artist).homogeneous()
			&& !artistsMatch(release.artist, onlineTracks[0].artist)) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album main artist mismatch ("' +
			safeText(release.artist).bold() + '" ≠ "' + safeText(onlineTracks[0].artist).bold() + '")'), 'warning');
		if (onlineTracks[0].album && onlineTracks.map(track => track.album).homogeneous()
			&& mismatch(release.album, onlineTracks[0].album)) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album title mismatch ("' +
			safeText(release.album).bold() + '" ≠ "' + safeText(onlineTracks[0].album).bold() + '")'), 'warning');
		if (onlineTracks[0].label && onlineTracks.map(track => track.label).homogeneous()
			&& mismatch(release.label, onlineTracks[0].label, /-/g)) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album label mismatch ("' +
			safeText(release.label).bold() + '" ≠ "' + safeText(onlineTracks[0].label).bold() + '")'), 'notice');
		if (release.catalogs.length == 1
			&& onlineTracks[0].catalog && onlineTracks.map(track => track.catalog).homogeneous()
			&& mismatch(release.catalogs[0], onlineTracks[0].catalog, /[\s\-]/g)) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album catalogue# mismatch ("' +
			safeText(release.catalogs[0]).bold() + '" ≠ "' + safeText(onlineTracks[0].catalog).bold() + '")'), 'notice');
		if (onlineTracks[0].album_year && onlineTracks.map(track => track.album_year).homogeneous()
			&& release.album_year != onlineTracks[0].album_year) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album year mismatch (' +
			(release.album_year || '<unset>').toString().bold() + ' ≠ ' + onlineTracks[0].album_year.toString().bold() + ')'), 'warning');
		if (onlineTracks[0].release_date && onlineTracks.map(track => track.release_date).homogeneous()
			&& new Date(release.release_date.toString()).getDateValue()
				!= new Date(onlineTracks[0].release_date.toString()).getDateValue()) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album release date mismatch (' +
			(release.release_date || '<unset>').toString().bold() + ' ≠ ' + onlineTracks[0].release_date.toString().bold() + ')'), 'notice');
		if (tracks.length != onlineTracks.length) {
		  addMessage(new HTML('online album different tracklist length (' + tracks.length.toString().bold() +
			' ≠ ' + onlineTracks.length.toString().bold() + ')'), 'warning');
		if (totalTime > 0) {
		  let ttOnline = onlineTracks.reduce((acc, track) => acc + (track.duration || NaN), 0);
		  if (ttOnline > 0 && Math.abs(totalTime - ttOnline) * 100 / ttOnline >
			  prefs[media != 'Vinyl' ? 'duration_divergency' : 'vinyl_duration_divergency']) {
			addMessage(new HTML('online album duration mismatch (' + makeTimeString(totalTime).bold() +
				' ≠ ' + makeTimeString(ttOnline).bold() + ')'), 'warning');
		for (let ndx = 0; ndx < tracks.length; ++ndx) {
		  if (ndx >= onlineTracks.length) {
			addMessage('end of online tracklist reached, tracks from #' + (ndx + 1) + ' to end will not be checked', 'notice');
		  if (mismatch(tracks[ndx].title, onlineTracks[ndx].title)
			 && mismatch(tracks[ndx].title, featParsers.slice(3).reduce(function(acc, rx, ndx) {
				return rx.test(acc) && (ndx < 5 || splitArtists(RegExp.$1).every((artist, ndx) => looksLikeTrueName(artist, 1))) ?
				  acc.replace(rx, '') : acc;
			  }, onlineTracks[ndx].title || ''))) {
			addMessage('online track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' title mismatch ("' +
				(tracks[ndx].title || '') + '" ≠ "' + (onlineTracks[ndx].title || '') + '")', 'warning');
		  if (onlineTracks[ndx].track_artist && !artistsMatch(tracks[ndx].track_artist, onlineTracks[ndx].track_artist)) {
			addMessage('online track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' track artist mismatch ("' +
				(tracks[ndx].track_artist || '') + '" ≠ "' + (onlineTracks[ndx].track_artist || '') + '")', 'notice');
		  if (onlineTracks[ndx].tracknumber && tracks[ndx].tracknumber != onlineTracks[ndx].tracknumber) {
			addMessage('online track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' track number mismatch (' +
				(tracks[ndx].tracknumber || '<unset>') + ' ≠ ' + onlineTracks[ndx].tracknumber + ')',
				release.totaldiscs > 1 ? 'notice' : 'warning');
		  if (onlineTracks[ndx].discnumber && (onlineTracks[ndx].discnumber > 1 || tracks[ndx].discnumber)
			  && tracks[ndx].discnumber != onlineTracks[ndx].discnumber) {
			addMessage('online track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' disc number mismatch (' +
				(tracks[ndx].discnumber || '<unset>') + ' ≠ ' + onlineTracks[ndx].discnumber + ')', 'warning');
		  if (onlineTracks[ndx].discsubtitle && mismatch(tracks[ndx].discsubtitle, onlineTracks[ndx].discsubtitle)) {
			addMessage('online track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' disc subtitle mismatch ("' +
				(tracks[ndx].discsubtitle || '') + '" ≠ "' + onlineTracks[ndx].discsubtitle + '")', 'notice');
		  let timeDif = tracks[ndx].duration && onlineTracks[ndx].duration
			  && Math.abs(tracks[ndx].duration - onlineTracks[ndx].duration);
		  if (timeDif >= (media != 'Vinyl' ? 1.5 : 5)) {
			addMessage('online track #' + (ndx + 1) + ' duration mismatch (' +
				makeTimeString(tracks[ndx].duration) + ' ≠ ' + makeTimeString(onlineTracks[ndx].duration) + ')',
				(timeDif >= (media != 'Vinyl' ? 3 : 8) ? 'warning' : 'notice'));
		if (issueCounter == 0) {
		  i = 'online check completed without remarks';
		  if (prefs.messages_verbosity >= 1) addMessage(i, 'info'); else console.debug(i);

		function mismatch(localStr, onlineStr, rx) {
		  return normalize(localStr) != normalize(onlineStr);

		  function normalize(val) {
			if (val == undefined || val == null) return '';
			if (typeof val != 'string') val = val.toString();
			if (rx instanceof RegExp || typeof rx == 'string') val = val.replace(rx, '');
			val = val.replace(/[\(\)\-\s]+/g, '');
			return prefs.strict_online_check ? val : val.toLowerCase();

	  function lookupOnlineSource() {
		const commonMedia = !media || ['CD', 'WEB'].includes(media);
		const noMultivolume = !release.totaldiscs || release.totaldiscs < 2;
		var workers = [
		  /*  0 */ barCode ? querySpotifyAPI('search', { q: 'barcode:' + barCode, type: 'album' })
		  	.then(result => result.albums.total > 0 ? result.albums.items : Promise.reject('Spotify: no matches'))
		  		: Promise.reject('Spotify: unknown barcode'),
		  /*  1 */ commonMedia ? spotifyLookup() : Promise.reject('Spotify: different media'),
		  /*  2 */ mbLookupByBarcode(),
		  /*  3 */ mbLookupByASIN(),
		  /*  4 */ mbLookupByTOC(),
		  /*  5 */ mbLookup(),
		  /*  6 */ commonMedia && noMultivolume ? deezerLookup() : Promise.reject('Deezer: different media'),
		  /*  7 */ commonMedia ? amLookup() : Promise.reject('Apple Music: different media'),
		  /*  8 */ dcLookup(),
		  /*  9 */ mbLookupByAutoTOC(),
		  /* 10 */ commonMedia && noMultivolume ? queryLastFmAPI('album.getinfo', {
			  artist: (isVA ? VA : release.artist),
			  album: release.album,
			}).then(result => result.error ? Promise.reject('Last.fm: '.concat(result.message)) : result.album)
		  		: Promise.reject('Last.fm: different media'),
// 		workers.forEach(function(worker, ndx) {
// 		  worker.then(result => { console.debug('Worker[' + ndx + '] matched:', result) })
// 		  	.catch(reason => { console.debug('Worker[' + ndx + '] failed:', reason) });
// 		});
		return workers[0].then(function(albums) {
		  console.debug('Spotify lookup by barcode successfull:', barCode, ' matches:', albums.length);
		  info('Spotify', albums[0].external_urls.spotify, albums[0].id);
		  return albums[0].href;
		}).catch(reason => workers[1].then(function(album) {
		  info('Spotify', album.external_urls.spotify, album.id);
		  return album.href;
		})).catch(reason => workers[2].then(mbEpilogue))
		.catch(reason => workers[3].then(mbEpilogue))
		.catch(reason => workers[4].then(mbEpilogue))
		.catch(reason => workers[5].then(function(release) {
		  info('MusicBrainz', mbrRlsPrefix + release.id, release.id);
		  return mbrRlsPrefix.concat(release.id);
		})).catch(reason => workers[6].then(function(album) {
		  info('Deezer', deezerAlbumPrefix.concat(album.id), album.id);
		  return 'https://api.deezer.com/album/'.concat(album.id);
		})).catch(reason => workers[7].then(function(collection) {
		  info('Apple Music', collection.collectionViewUrl, collection.collectionId);
		  return collection.collectionViewUrl;
		})).catch(reason => workers[8].then(function(releases) {
		  info('Discogs', discogsOrigin.concat(releases[0].uri), releases[0].id);
		  return releases[0].resource_url;
		})).catch(reason => workers[9].then(mbEpilogue))
		.catch(reason => workers[10].then(function(album) {
		  info('Last.fm', album.url, album.id || album.mbid || '#N/A');
		  return album; // return object
		})).catch(function(reason) {
		  reason = 'online check not performed (no matches for this release)';
		  if (prefs.check_integrity_online) addMessage(reason, 'notice');
		  return Promise.reject(reason);

		function mbEpilogue(releases) {
		  info('MusicBrainz', mbrRlsPrefix + releases[0].id, releases[0].id);
		  return mbrRlsPrefix + releases[0].id;
		function info(service, url, id) {
		  if (prefs.check_integrity_online) addMessage(new HTML('checking online against ' + service +
			' release ID <a style="color: #00f3ff;" target="_blank" href="' + url + '">' + id + '</a>'), 'info');

	  function spotifyLookup() {
		return querySpotifyAPI('search', {
		  q: 'artist:"' + release.artist + '" album:"' + release.album + '"',
		  type: 'album',
		  limit: 50,
		}).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.albums.total <= 0) return Promise.reject('Spotify: no matches');
		  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			var f = filter(i);
			if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Spotify: ambiguity');
			if (f.length == 1) break;
		  if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('Spotify: no matches');
		  if (i == 2) console.debug('Spotify fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
		  return f[0];

		  function filter(level) {
			return result.albums.items.filter(function(album) {
			  return (album.album_type == 'single' ? ['Single', 'EP'].some(rt => releaseType == getReleaseIndex(rt))
					: releaseType != getReleaseIndex('Single'))
			  	&& releasesMatch(album.artists.map(artist => artist.name), album.name, level);
	  function deezerLookup() {
		return queryDeezerAPI('search', {
		  q: 'artist:"' + release.artist + '" album:"' + release.album + '"',
		  strict: 'on',
		  order: 'RANKING',
		}).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.total <= 0) return Promise.reject('Deezer: no matches');
		  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			var f = filter(i);
			if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Deezer: ambiguity');
			if (f.length == 1) break;
		  if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('Deezer: no matches');
		  if (i == 2) console.debug('Deezer fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
		  return f[0];

		  function filter(level) {
			var albums = [];
			result.data.forEach(function(match) {
			  if (!releasesMatch(match.artist.name, match.album.title, level)) return;
			  if (albums.find(album => album.id == match.album.id) == undefined) albums.push(match.album);
			return albums;
	  function amLookup() {
		return queryItunesAPI('search', {
		  term: '"' + (isVA ? VA : release.artist) + '" "' + release.album + '"',
		  media: 'music',
		  entity: 'album',
		  //country: 'US',
		}).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.resultCount <= 0) return Promise.reject('Apple Music: no matches');
		  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			var f = filter(i);
			if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Apple Music: ambiguity');
			if (f.length == 1) break;
		  if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('Apple Music: no matches');
		  if (i == 2) console.debug('Apple Music fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
		  return f[0];

		  function filter(level) {
			var preFilter = result.results.filter(function(collection) {
			  var isSingle = collection.collectionName.endsWith(' - Single');
			  if (isSingle) collection.collectionName = collection.collectionName.slice(0, -9);
			  var isEP = collection.collectionName.endsWith(' - EP');
			  if (isEP) collection.collectionName = collection.collectionName.slice(0, -5);
			  isSingle = isSingle || collection.collectionType == 'Single';
			  isEP = !isSingle && (isEP || collection.collectionType == 'EP');
			  return (releaseType == getReleaseIndex('Single')) == isSingle
			  	&& (!isEP || releaseType == getReleaseIndex('EP'))
			  	&& releasesMatch(result.artistName, result.collectionName, level);
			return preFilter.some(collection => /\bexplicit/i.test(collection.collectionExplicitness)) ?
			  preFilter.filter(collection => !/\bclean/i.test(collection.collectionExplicitness)) : preFilter;
	  function mbLookupByBarcode() {
		if (!barCode) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: unknown barcode');
		return queryMusicBrainzAPI('release', { query: 'barcode:' + barCode }).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.count <= 0) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no matches');
		  console.debug('MusicBrainz lookup by barcode successfull: ' + barCode + '; matches: ' + result.count);
		  return result.releases;
	  function mbLookupByASIN() {
		var asin = getHomoIdentifier('ASIN');
		if (!asin) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: unknown ASIN');
		asin = asin.replace(/\s+/g, '');
		return queryMusicBrainzAPI('release', { query: 'asin:' + asin }).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.count <= 0) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no matches');
		  console.debug('MusicBrainz lookup by ASIN successfull: ' + asin + '; matches: ' + result.count);
		  return result.releases;
	  function mbLookupByTOC() {
		var discId/* = getHomoIdentifier('DISCID')*/, TOC;
		if (TOC = getHomoIdentifier('ITUNES_TOC')) {
		  TOC = TOC.split('+');
		  if (!discId && TOC.length > 0) discId = TOC[0];
		  TOC = [1, TOC[2], TOC[1]].concat(TOC.slice(3));
		} else if (TOC = getHomoIdentifier('CT_TOC')) {
		  TOC = TOC.split('+');
		  TOC = [1, parseInt(TOC.shift(), 16), parseInt(TOC.pop(), 16)].concat(TOC.map(frame => parseInt(frame, 16)));
		return mbLookupByDiscID(discId, TOC);
	  function mbLookupByAutoTOC() {
		if (release.totaldiscs > 1) return Promise.reject('multidisc release');
		if (!tracks.every(track => track.sr > 0 && track.samples > 0))
		  return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: insufficient information for TOC calculation');
		var lastFrame = 0;
		var TOC = [0].concat(tracks.map(track => (lastFrame += Math.round(track.samples * 75 / track.sr))));
		return mbLookupByDiscID(mbGetDiscId(), [1, tracks.length].concat(TOC.map(offset => 150 + offset)));
	  function mbLookupByDiscID(discId, TOC) {
		if (!discId && !TOC) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: unknown disc Id/TOC');
		if (Array.isArray(TOC) && TOC.length > 3) {
		  TOC = { toc: TOC.join('+') };
		  if (media != 'CD') TOC['media-format'] = 'all';
		} else TOC = undefined;
		return queryMusicBrainzAPI('discid/'.concat(discId || '-'), TOC).then(function(result) {
		  var retVal;
		  if (Array.isArray(result.releases) && result.releases.length > 0) retVal = result.releases;
		  if (result.id && result.title) retVal = [result];
		  if (!Array.isArray(retVal)) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no matches');
		  console.debug('MusicBrainz lookup by sisc Id/TOC successfull:', discId, '/', TOC, 'matches:', retVal.length);
		  return retVal;
	  function mbGetDiscId() {
		if (tracks.length > 99) return null;
		var lastFrame = 0;
		var TOC = [0].concat(tracks.map(track => (lastFrame += Math.round(track.samples * 75 / track.sr))));
		var tocStr = '01'.concat(tracks.length.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),
			TOC.map(offset => (150 + offset).toString(16).padStart(8, '0')).join(''),
			'0'.repeat(99 - tracks.length << 3)).toUpperCase();
		var digest = sha1.digest(tocStr);
		return btoa(String.fromCharCode(...digest)).replace(/\+/g, '.').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=/g, '-');
	  function mbLookup() {
		return queryMusicBrainzAPI('release', {
		  query: 'release:"' + release.album + '" AND artist:"' + (isVA ? VA : release.artist) + '"',
		}).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.count <= 0) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no matches');
		  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			var f = filter(i);
			if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: ambiguity');
			if (f.length == 1) break;
		  if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('MusicBrainz: no matches');
		  if (i == 2) console.debug('MusicBrainz fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
		  return f[0];

		  function filter(level) {
			return result.releases.filter(function(release) {
			  return release.quality != 'low'
				  && (media ? [media] : tracks.some(notRedBook) ? ['WEB'] : ['CD', 'WEB'])
					  .some(_media => release.media.map(media => remapMedia(media.format)).includes(_media)
				  && releasesMatch(release['artist-credit'].map(artist => artist.name), release.title, level));

			function remapMedia(MBmedia) {
			  return [
				['Digital Media', 'WEB'],
			  ].reduce((acc, subst) => acc.toLowerCase() == subst[0].toLowerCase() ? subst[1] : acc, MBmedia);
	  function dcLookup() {
		var query = { type: 'release' };
		if (barCode) query.barcode = barCode; else {
		  query.artist = '"' + release.artist + '"';
		  query.release_title = '"' + release.album + '"';
		  //if (release.catalogs.length > 0) query.catno = release.catalogs.join('; ');
		return queryDiscogsAPI('database/search', query).then(function(result) {
		  if (result.results.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Discogs: no matches');
		  if (barCode) {
			//if (result.results.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Discogs: ambiguity');
			console.debug('Discogs lookup by barcode successfull: ' + barCode + '; matches: ' + result.results.length);
			var f = result.results;
		  } else {
			for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			  f = filter(i);
			  if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Discogs: ambiguity');
			  if (f.length == 1) break;
			if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('Discogs: no matches');
			if (i == 2) console.debug('Discogs fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
		  return f;

		  function filter(level) {
			return result.results.filter(function(album) {
			  if (media ? Array.isArray(album.format)
				  && !album.format.some(format => dcFmtToGazelle(format) == media)
				 : !album.format.some(format => ['CD', 'WEB'].includes(dcFmtToGazelle(format)))) return false;
			  if (/^(.*?)\s+\(\d+\) - (.*)$/.test(album.title) || !/^(.*?) - (.*)$/.test(album.title))
			  	return releasesMatch(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$2, level);
			  console.warn('Failed to parse Discogs title:', album.title);
			  return false;
	  function qbLookup() {
		var params = new URLSearchParams({
		  q: (isVA ? VA : release.artist) + ' ' + release.album,
		  //s: 'rdc', // descending sort by release date
		  i: 'boutique',
		return globalFetch('https://www.qobuz.com/search?' + params).then(function(response) {
		  var results = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.search-results > div.product');
		  if (results.length <= 0) return Promise.reject('Qobuz: no matches');
		  for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			var f = filter(i);
			if (f.length > 1) return Promise.reject('Qobuz: ambiguity');
			if (f.length == 1) break;
		  if (i >= 3) return Promise.reject('Qobuz: no matches');
		  if (i == 2) console.debug('Qobuz fuzzy match:', release, '==', f[0]);
		  return f[0];

		  function filter(level) {
			var _results = [];
			results.forEach(function(result) {
			  var _result = {};
			  _result.artist = result.querySelector('div.artist-name > a');
			  if (_result.artist != null) _result.artist = _result.artist.textContent.trim();
			  _result.title = result.querySelector('div.album-title > a');
			  if (_result.title != null) {
				_result.id = _result.title.pathname.replace(/^.*\//, '');
				_result.href = 'https://www.qobuz.com' + _result.title.pathname;
				_result.title = _result.title.textContent.trim();
			  _result.imgUrl = result.querySelector('div.album-cover > a > img');
			  if (_result.imgUrl != null) _result.imgUrl = _result.imgUrl.dataset.src || _result.imgUrl.src;
			  if (_result.artist && _result.title && _result.imgUrl
				  && releasesMatch(_result.artist, _result.title, level, 0.75)) _results.push(_result);
			return _results;

	  function ruleLink(rule) {
		return ' (<a href="https://redacted.ch/rules.php?p=upload#r' + rule + '" target="_blank">' + rule + '</a>)';

	  function releasesMatch(remoteArtist, remoteTitle, relaxLevel = 0, minSimilarity = 0.75, minFullSimilarity) {
		if (typeof remoteArtist == 'string') {
		  remoteArtist = vaParser.test(remoteArtist) ? [VA] : splitAmpersands(remoteArtist);
		} else if (!Array.isArray(remoteArtist)) return false;
		var localArtist = isVA ? [VA] : artists[0];
		if (!localArtist.equalCaselessTo(remoteArtist)
			&& !localArtist.map(name => name.toASCII()).equalCaselessTo(remoteArtist.map(name => name.toASCII())))
		  return false;
		if (!remoteTitle) return true;
		if (typeof remoteTitle != 'string') return false;
		var localTitle = release.album.toLowerCase();
		if (localTitle == (remoteTitle = remoteTitle.toLowerCase())) return true;
		if (editionTitle) var fullLocalTitle = localTitle.concat(' (', editionTitle.toLowerCase(), ')');
		if (fullLocalTitle === remoteTitle) return true;
		if (localTitle.toASCII() == remoteTitle.toASCII()
			|| fullLocalTitle && fullLocalTitle.toASCII() == remoteTitle.toASCII()) return true;
		if (relaxLevel <= 0) return false;
		if ([
		].reduce(function(acc, rx) {
		  return acc || localTitle.replace(rx, '') == remoteTitle.replace(rx, '')
			|| fullLocalTitle && fullLocalTitle.replace(rx, '') == remoteTitle.replace(rx, '');
		}, false)) return true;
		if (relaxLevel <= 1) return false;
		var similarity = cosineSimilarity(localTitle, remoteTitle);
		if (similarity >= Math.min(minSimilarity, 1)) {
		  console.debug('Cosine similarity accepted: "' + localTitle + '"=="' + remoteTitle + '" (' + similarity+ ')');
		  return true;
		similarity = cosineSimilarity(fullLocalTitle, remoteTitle);
		if (fullLocalTitle && similarity >= Math.min(minFullSimilarity || minSimilarity + 0.05, 1)) {
		  console.debug('Cosine similarity accepted: "' + fullLocalTitle + '"=="' + remoteTitle + '" (' + similarity+ ')');
		  return true;
		if (relaxLevel <= 2) return false;
		if (localTitle.includes(remoteTitle) || remoteTitle.includes(localTitle)) return true;
		return false;

	  function artistsMatch(localArtist, remoteArtist, fuzzy = false) {
		if (typeof localArtist == 'string') {
		  localArtist = vaParser.test(localArtist) ? [VA] : splitAmpersands(localArtist);
		} else if (!Array.isArray(localArtist)) localArtist = [];
		if (typeof remoteArtist == 'string') {
		  remoteArtist = vaParser.test(remoteArtist) ? [VA] : splitAmpersands(remoteArtist);
		} else if (!Array.isArray(remoteArtist)) remoteArtist = [];
		return localArtist.equalCaselessTo(remoteArtist) || fuzzy
			&& localArtist.map(name => name.toASCII()).equalCaselessTo(remoteArtist.map(name => name.toASCII()));

	  function trackComparer(a, b) {
		var cmp;
		if (release.totaldiscs > 1) {
		  cmp = a.discnumber - b.discnumber;
		  if (!isNaN(cmp) && cmp != 0) return cmp;
		} else {
		  cmp = (a.discsubtitle || '').localeCompare(b.discsubtitle || '');
		  //if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
		cmp = parseInt(a.tracknumber) - parseInt(b.tracknumber);
		if (!isNaN(cmp)) return cmp;
		var m1 = vinyltrackParser.exec(a.tracknumber.toUpperCase());
		var m2 = vinyltrackParser.exec(b.tracknumber.toUpperCase());
		return m1 != null && m2 != null ?
		  m1[1].localeCompare(m2[1]) || parseFloat(m1[2]) - parseFloat(m2[2]) :

	  function reqSelectFormats(...vals) {
		vals.forEach(function(val) {
		  ['MP3', 'FLAC', 'AAC', 'AC3', 'DTS'].forEach(function(fmt, ndx) {
			if (val.toLowerCase() == fmt.toLowerCase() && (ref = document.getElementById('format_' + ndx)) != null) {
			  ref.checked = true;

	  function reqSelectBitrates(...vals) {
		vals.forEach(function(val) {
		  var ndx = 10;
			192, 'APS (VBR)', 'V2 (VBR)', 'V1 (VBR)', 256, 'APX (VBR)',
			'V0 (VBR)', 320, 'Lossless', '24bit Lossless', 'Other',
		  ].forEach((it, _ndx) => { if (val.toString().toLowerCase() == it.toString().toLowerCase()) ndx = _ndx });
		  if ((ref = document.getElementById('bitrate_' + ndx)) != null) {
			ref.checked = true;

	  function reqSelectMedias(...vals) {
		vals.forEach(function(val) {
		  ['CD', 'DVD', 'Vinyl', 'Soundboard', 'SACD', 'DAT', 'Cassette', 'WEB', 'Blu-Ray'].forEach(function(med, ndx) {
			if (val == med && (ref = document.getElementById('media_' + ndx)) != null) {
			  ref.checked = true;
		  if (val == 'CD') {
			if ((ref = document.getElementById('needlog')) != null) {
			  ref.checked = true;
			  if ((ref = document.getElementById('minlogscore')) != null) ref.value = 100;
			if ((ref = document.getElementById('needcue')) != null) ref.checked = true;
			//if ((ref = document.getElementById('needchecksum')) != null) ref.checked = true;

	  function getReleaseIndex(str) {
		var ndx;
		  ['Album', 1],
		  ['Soundtrack', 3],
		  ['EP', 5],
		  ['Anthology', 6],
		  ['Compilation', 7],
		  ['Single', 9],
		  ['Live album', 11],
		  ['Remix', 13],
		  ['Bootleg', 14],
		  ['Interview', 15],
		  ['Mixtape', 16],
		  ['Demo', 17],
		  ['Concert Recording', 18],
		  ['DJ Mix', 19],
		  ['Unknown', 21],
		].forEach(k => { if (str.toLowerCase() == k[0].toLowerCase()) ndx = k[1] });
		return ndx || 21;

	  function getChanString(n) {
		if (!n) return null;
		const chanmap = [
		  '4.0 surround sound',
		  '5.0 surround sound',
		  '5.1 surround sound',
		  '7.0 surround sound',
		  '7.1 surround sound',
		return n >= 1 && n <= 8 ? chanmap[n - 1] : n + 'chn surround sound';
	} // parseTracks

	function fetchOnline_Music(url, weak = false) {
	  if (!urlParser.test(url)) return Promise.reject('Invalid URL');
	  const discParser = /^(?:CD|DIS[CK]\s+|VOLUME\s+|DISCO\s+|DISQUE\s+)(\d+)(?:\s+of\s+(\d+))?$/i;
	  var ref, dom, artist, album, albumYear, releaseDate, channels, label, composer, bd, sr = 44.1,
		  description, compiler, producer, totalTracks, discSubtitle, discNumber, trackNumber, totalDiscs,
		  title, trackArtist, catalogue, encoding, format, bitrate, duration, country, media = 'WEB', imgUrl,
		  genres = [], trs, tracks = [], identifiers = {}, trackIdentifiers = {};
	  if (url.toLowerCase().includes('qobuz.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		const error = new Error('Failed to parse Qobus release page');
		var mainArtist;
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.album-meta > h2.album-meta__artist')) == null) throw error;
		artist = ref.title || ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.album-meta > h1.album-meta__title')) == null) throw error;
		album = ref.title || ref.textContent.trim();
		ref = response.document.querySelector('div.album-meta > ul > li:first-of-type');
		if (ref != null) releaseDate = normalizeDate(ref.textContent);
		ref = response.document.querySelector('div.album-meta > ul > li:nth-of-type(2) > a');
		if (ref != null) mainArtist = ref.title || ref.textContent.trim();
		//ref = response.document.querySelector('p.album-about__copyright');
		//if (ref != null) albumYear = extractYear(ref.textContent);
		response.document.querySelectorAll('section#about > ul > li').forEach(function(it) {
		  function matchLabel(lbl) { return it.textContent.trimLeft().startsWith(lbl) }
		  if (/\b(\d+)\s*(?:dis[ck]|disco|disque)/i.test(it.textContent)) totalDiscs = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
		  if (/\b(\d+)\s*(?:track|pist[ae]|tracce|traccia)/i.test(it.textContent)) totalTracks = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
		  if (['Label', 'Etichetta', 'Sello'].some(l => it.textContent.trimLeft().startsWith(l))) {
			label = it.firstElementChild.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
		  else if (['Composer', 'Compositeur', 'Komponist', 'Compositore', 'Compositor'].some(matchLabel)) {
			composer = it.firstElementChild.textContent.trim();
			if (pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(composer))) composer = undefined;
		  } else if (['Genre', 'Genere', 'Género'].some(g => it.textContent.startsWith(g)) && it.childElementCount > 0) {
			genres = Array.from(it.querySelectorAll('a')).map(elem => elem.textContent.trim());
			if (genres.length >= 1 && ['Pop/Rock'].includes(genres[0])) genres.shift();
			if (genres.length >= 2 && ['Alternative & Indie'].includes(genres[genres.length - 1])) genres.shift();
			if (genres.length >= 1 && ['Metal', 'Heavy Metal'].some(genre => genres.includes(genre))) {
			  while (genres.length > 1) genres.shift();
			while (genres.length > 1) genres.shift();
		if (totalTracks > 50) addMessage('long album, only first 50 tracks can be captured from Qobuz, which will result in incmplete release description', 'notice');
		bd = 16; channels = 2; // defaults to CD quality
		response.document.querySelectorAll('span.album-quality__info').forEach(function(k) {
		  if (/\b([\d\.\,]+)\s*kHz\b/i.test(k.textContent) != null) sr = parseFloat(RegExp.$1.replace(',', '.'));
		  if (/\b(\d+)[\-\s]*Bits?\b/i.test(k.textContent) != null) bd = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
		  if (/\b(?:Stereo)\b/i.test(k.textContent)) channels = 2;
		  if (/\b(\d)\.(\d)\b/.test(k.textContent)) channels = parseInt(RegExp.$1) + parseInt(RegExp.$2);
		getDescription(response, 'section#description > p', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('a[title="Qobuzissime"]')) != null) {
		  if (description) description += '\n';
		  description += '[align=center][url=https://www.qobuz.com' + ref.pathname +
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.album-cover > img')) != null) {
		  imgUrl = ref.src.replace(/_\d{3}(?=\.\w+$)/, '_max');
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.player__item > div.player__tracks > div.track > div.track__items');
		if (!totalTracks) totalTracks = trs.length;
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  discSubtitle = discNumber = undefined;
		  trackIdentifiers = { TRACK_ID: tr.parentNode.dataset.track };
		  if (tr.parentNode.dataset.gtm) try {
			let gtm = JSON.parse(tr.parentNode.dataset.gtm);
			if (gtm.product.id) trackIdentifiers.QOBUZ_ID = gtm.product.id;
			//if (gtm.product.type) trackIdentifiers.RELEASETYPE = gtm.product.type;
			if (gtm.product.subCategory) var subCategory = [gtm.product.subCategory];
		  } catch(e) { console.warn(e) }
		  if ((ref = tr.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('p.player__work:first-child')) != null) {
			discSubtitle = ref.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
		  return {
			artist: artist,
			album: album,
			album_year: albumYear,
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			encoding: 'lossless',
			codec: 'FLAC',
			bd: bd || undefined,
			sr: sr * 1000 || undefined,
			channels: channels || undefined,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			discnumber: discNumber,
			totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: parseInt(tr.querySelector('span[itemprop="position"]').textContent),
			totaltracks: totalTracks,
			title: (tr.querySelector('div.track__item--name > span') || tr.querySelector('span.track__item--name'))
			  .textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' '),
			composer: composer,
			duration: timeStringToTime(tr.querySelector('span.track__item--duration').textContent),
			url: response.finalUrl,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('highresaudio.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h1 > span.artist')) != null) artist = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.getElementById('h1-album-title')) != null) album = ref.firstChild.textContent.trim();
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div.album-col-info-data > div > p').forEach(function(k) {
		  if (/\b(?:Genre|Subgenre)\b/i.test(k.firstChild.textContent)) genres.push(k.lastChild.textContent.trim());
		  if (/\b(?:Label)\b/i.test(k.firstChild.textContent)) label = k.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		  if (/\b(?:Album[\s\-]Release)\b/i.test(k.firstChild.textContent)) {
			albumYear = extractYear(k.lastChild.textContent);
		  if (/\b(?:HRA[\s\-]Release)\b/i.test(k.firstChild.textContent)) {
			releaseDate = normalizeDate(k.lastChild.textContent);
		i = 0;
		response.document.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr > td.col-format').forEach(function(format) {
		  if (!/^(FLAC)\s*(\d+(?:[\.\,]\d+)?)\b/.test(format.textContent)) return;
		  format = RegExp.$1;
		  sr = parseFloat(RegExp.$2.replace(',', '.'));
		if (i > 1) sr = undefined; // ambiguous
		getDescription(response, 'div#albumtab-info > p', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.albumbody > img.cover[data-pin-media]')) != null)
		  imgUrl = ref.dataset.pinMedia;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('ul.playlist > li.pltrack');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  discNumber = undefined; discSubtitle = tr;
		  while ((discSubtitle = discSubtitle.previousElementSibling) != null) {
			if (discSubtitle.nodeName == 'LI' && discSubtitle.className == 'plinfo') {
			  discSubtitle = discSubtitle.textContent.replace(/\s*:$/, '').trim();
		  return {
			artist: artist,
			album: album,
			album_year: albumYear,
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			encoding: 'lossless',
			codec: 'FLAC',
			bd: 24,
			sr: sr * 1000,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			discnumber: discNumber,
			totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			discsubtitle: discSubtitle || undefined,
			tracknumber: parseInt(tr.querySelector('span.track').textContent),
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: tr.querySelector('span.title').textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' '),
			duration: timeStringToTime(tr.querySelector('span.time').textContent),
			url: response.finalUrl,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('bandcamp.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('span[itemprop="byArtist"] > a')) != null) artist = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h2[itemprop="name"]')) != null) album = ref.textContent.trim();
		ref = response.document.querySelector('div.tralbum-credits');
		if (ref != null && /\brelease[ds]\s+(.*?\b\d{4})\b/i.test(ref.textContent)) releaseDate = RegExp.$1;
		ref = response.document.querySelector('span.back-link-text > br');
		if (ref != null && ref.nextSibling != null) label = ref.nextSibling.textContent.trim(); else {
		  ref = response.document.querySelector('p#band-name-location > span.title');
		  if (ref != null) label = ref.textContent.trim();
		let tags = new TagManager;
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div.tralbum-tags > a.tag').forEach(function(tag) {
		  if ([
		  ].every(t => tag.textContent.trim().toLowerCase() != t.toLowerCase())) tags.add(tag.textContent.trim());
		description = [];
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div.tralbumData').forEach(function(div) {
		  if (!div.classList.contains('tralbum-tags')) description.push(html2php(div, response.finalUrl).trim());
		description = description.filter(p => p).join('\n\n');
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div#tralbumArt > a.popupImage')) != null) imgUrl = ref.href;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('table.track_list > tbody > tr[itemprop="tracks"]');
		return Array.from(trs).map(tr => ({
		  artist: artist,
		  album: album,
		  //album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
		  release_date: releaseDate,
		  label: label,
		  media: media,
		  genre: tags.toString(),
		  discnumber: discNumber,
		  totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
		  tracknumber: parseInt(tr.querySelector('div.track_number').textContent),
		  totaltracks: trs.length,
		  title: (tr.querySelector('div.title span.track-title')
			|| tr.querySelector('div.title span[itemprop="name"]')).textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' '),
		  duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('span.time')) != null && timeStringToTime(ref.textContent) || undefined,
		  url: response.finalUrl,
		  description: description,
		  identifiers: mergeIds(),
		  cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('prestomusic.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		artist = getArtists(response.document.querySelectorAll('div.c-product-block__contributors > p'));
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		ref = response.document.querySelector('h1.c-product-block__title');
		if (ref != null) album = ref.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div.c-product-block__metadata > ul > li').forEach(function(li) {
		  if (li.firstChild.textContent.includes('Release Date')) {
			releaseDate = extractYear(li.lastChild.textContent);
		  } else if (li.firstChild.textContent.includes('Label')) {
			label = li.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		  } else if (li.firstChild.textContent.includes('Catalogue No')) {
			catalogue = li.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		composer = [];
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div#related > div > ul > li').forEach(function(li) {
		  if (li.parentNode.previousElementSibling.textContent.includes('Composers')) {
			composer.push(li.firstChild.textContent.trim().replace(/^(.*?)\s*,\s+(.*)$/, '$2 $1'));
		composer = composer.join(', ') || undefined;
		genres = undefined;
		if (/\/jazz\//i.test(response.finalUrl)) genres = 'Jazz';
		if (/\/classical\//i.test(response.finalUrl)) genres = 'Classical';
		getDescription(response, 'div#about > div > p', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.c-product-block__aside > a')) != null)
		  imgUrl = ref.href.replace(/\?\d+$/, '');
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.has--sample');
		trackNumber = 0;
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  discNumber = discSubtitle = undefined;
		  var parent = tr;
		  if (tr.classList.contains('c-track')) {
			parent = tr.parentNode.parentNode;
			if (parent.classList.contains('c-expander')) parent = parent.parentNode;
			if ((ref = parent.querySelector(':scope > div > div > div > p.c-track__title')) != null) {
			  discSubtitle = ref.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
		  trackArtist = getArtists(parent.querySelectorAll(':scope > div.c-track__details > ul > li'));
		  if (trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist)) trackArtist = [];
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			media: 'WEB',
			genre: genres,
			discnumber: discNumber,
			totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: ++trackNumber,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: (ref = tr.querySelector('p.c-track__title')) ? ref.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ') : undefined,
			track_artist: joinArtists(trackArtist),
			composer: composer,
			duration: timeStringToTime(tr.querySelector('div.c-track__duration').textContent),
			url: response.finalUrl,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),

		function getArtists(nodeList) {
		  var artists = [];
		  nodeList.forEach(function(_artists) {
			_artists = _artists.textContent.trim();
			if (_artists.startsWith('Record')) return;
			splitArtists(_artists).forEach(artist => { artists.push(artist.replace(/\s*\([^\(\)]*\)$/, '')) });
		  return artists.filter(artist => artist.length > 0);
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('discogs.com/') && /\/releases?\/(\d+)\b/i.test(url)) {
		return queryDiscogsAPI('releases/' + RegExp.$1).then(function(release) {
		  const removeArtistNdx = /\s*\(\d+\)$/;
		  const editionTest = /^(?:.+?\s+Edition|Remaster(?:ed)|Remasterizado|Remasterisée|Reissue|.+?\s+Release|Enhanced|Promo)$/;
		  media = undefined;
		  identifiers.DISCOGS_ID = release.id;
		  var master = release.master_url ? globalFetch(release.master_url, { responseType: 'json' })
		  	.then(response => response.response) : Promise.reject('master release not available');
		  var albumArtists = getArtists(release);
		  if (albumArtists[0].length > 0) {
			artist = albumArtists[0].join('; ');
			if (albumArtists[1].length > 0) artist += ' feat. ' + albumArtists[1].join('; ');
		  album = release.title;
		  var editions = [];
		  label = []; catalogue = [];
		  release.labels.forEach(function(it) {
			//if (it.entity_type_name != 'Label') return;
			if (!/^Not On Label\b/i.test(it.name)) label.pushUniqueCaseless(it.name.replace(removeArtistNdx, ''));
		  description = '';
		  if (release.companies && release.companies.length > 0) {
			description = '[b]Companies, etc.[/b]\n';
			let type_names = new Set(release.companies.map(it => it.entity_type_name));
			type_names.forEach(function(type_name) {
			  description += '\n' + type_name + ' – ' + release.companies
				.filter(it => it.entity_type_name == type_name)
				.map(function(it) {
				  var result = '[url=' + discogsOrigin + '/label/' + it.id + ']' +
					  it.name.replace(removeArtistNdx, '') + '[/url]';
				  if (it.catno) result += ' – ' + it.catno;
				  return result;
				.join(', ');
		  if (release.extraartists && release.extraartists.length > 0) {
			if (description) description += '\n\n';
			description += '[b]Credits[/b]\n';
			let roles = new Set(release.extraartists.map(it => it.role));
			roles.forEach(function(role) {
			  description += '\n' + role + ' – ' + release.extraartists
				.filter(artist => artist.role == role)
				.map(function(artist) {
				  var result = '[url=' + discogsOrigin + '/artist/' + artist.id + ']' +
					  (artist.anv || artist.name).replace(removeArtistNdx, '') + '[/url]';
				  if (artist.tracks) result += ' (tracks: ' + artist.tracks + ')';
				  return result;
				.join(', ');
		  if (release.notes) {
			if (description) description += '\n\n';
			description += '[b]Notes[/b]\n\n' + release.notes.trim();
		  if (Array.isArray(release.identifiers) && release.identifiers.length > 0) {
			if (description) description += '\n\n';
			description += '[b]Barcode and Other Identifiers[/b]\n';
			release.identifiers.forEach(function(it) {
			  description += '\n' + it.type;
			  if (it.description) description += ' (' + it.description + ')';
			  description += ': ' + it.value;
			['Single', 'Single'],
			['EP', 'EP'],
			['Compilation', 'Compilation'],
			['Soundtrack', 'Soundtrack'],
		  ].forEach(function(k) {
			if (release.formats.every(it => Array.isArray(it.descriptions) && it.descriptions.includesCaseless(k[0]))) {
			  identifiers.RELEASETYPE = k[1];
		  release.identifiers.forEach(function(id) {
			identifiers[id.type.toUpperCase().replace(/\s*\/\s*/g, '-').replace(/\W/g, '_')] = id.value;
		  if (identifiers.BARCODE) identifiers.BARCODE = identifiers.BARCODE;
		  release.formats.forEach(function(fmt) {
			if (editionTest.test(fmt.text)) editions.push(fmt.text);
			if (Array.isArray(fmt.descriptions)) fmt.descriptions.forEach(function(desc) {
			  if (editionTest.test(desc)) editions.push(desc);
			if (media) return;
			if (/\bFile\b/.test(fmt.name)) {
			  media = 'WEB';
			  if (['FLAC', 'WAV', 'AIF', 'AIFF', 'AIFC', 'PCM', 'ALAC', 'APE', 'WavPack']
				  .some(k => fmt.descriptions.includes(k))) {
				encoding = 'lossless'; format = 'FLAC';
			  } else if (fmt.descriptions.includes('AAC')) {
				encoding = 'lossy'; format = 'AAC'; bd = undefined;
				if (/(\d+)\s*kbps\b/i.test(fmt.text)) bitrate = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
			  } else if (fmt.descriptions.includes('MP3')) {
				encoding = 'lossy'; format = 'MP3'; bd = undefined;
				if (/\b(\d+)\s*kbps\b/i.test(fmt.text)) bitrate = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
			  } else if (['DFF', 'DSD'].some(k => fmt.descriptions.includes(k))) {
				encoding = 'lossless';
			  } else if (['AMR', 'MP2', 'ogg-vorbis', 'Opus', 'SHN', 'WMA'].some(k => fmt.descriptions.includes(k))) {
				encoding = 'lossy';
			} else media = dcFmtToGazelle(fmt.name) || undefined;
		  if (editions.length > 0) album += ' (' + editions.join(' / ') + ')';
		  if (Array.isArray(release.images) && release.images[0] && release.images[0].resource_url/*uri*/) {
			imgUrl = release.images[0].resource_url/*uri*/;
		  totalTracks = release.tracklist.filter(track => track.type_.toLowerCase() == 'track').length;
		  return master.then(enumTracks, function(e) {
			addMessage(e, 'notice');
			return enumTracks({});

		  function getArtists(root) {
			function filterArtists(rx, anv = true) {
			  return Array.isArray(root.extraartists) && rx instanceof RegExp ?
				root.extraartists.filter(it => rx.test(it.role))
				  .map(it => (anv && it.anv || it.name || '').replace(removeArtistNdx, '')) : [];
			var artists = [];
			for (var ndx = 0; ndx < 7; ++ndx) artists[ndx] = [];
			ndx = 0;
			if (root.artists) root.artists.forEach(function(it) {
			  artists[ndx].push((it.anv || it.name).replace(removeArtistNdx, ''));
			  if (/^feat/i.test(it.join)) ndx = 1;
			return [
			  artists[3].concat(filterArtists(/\b(?:(?:Written|Composed)[\s\-]By|Composer)\b/i, false)),
			  // filter off from performers
			  filterArtists(/\b(?:(?:Written|Composed)[\s\-]By|Composer)\b/i, true),

		  function enumTracks(master) {
			var tags = new TagManager();
			if (release.genres) tags.add(...release.genres);
			if (release.styles) tags.add(...release.styles);
			if (master.genres) tags.add(...master.genres);
			if (master.styles) tags.add(...master.styles);
			release.tracklist.forEach(function(track) {
			  switch (track.type_.toLowerCase()) {
				case 'heading':
				  discSubtitle = track.title;
				case 'track': {
				  trackIdentifiers = {};
				  if (/^([a-zA-Z]+)?(\d+)-(\w+)$/.test(track.position)) {
					if (RegExp.$1) trackIdentifiers.VOL_MEDIA = RegExp.$1;
					discNumber = RegExp.$2;
					trackNumber = RegExp.$3;
				  } else {
					discNumber = undefined;
					trackNumber = track.position;
				  let trackArtists = getArtists(track);
				  if (trackArtists[0].length > 0 && !trackArtists[0].equalCaselessTo(albumArtists[0])
					  || trackArtists[1].length > 0 && !trackArtists[1].equalCaselessTo(albumArtists[1])) {
					trackArtist = (trackArtists[0].length > 0 ? trackArtists : albumArtists)[0].join('; ');
					if (trackArtists[1].length > 0) trackArtist += ' feat. ' + trackArtists[1].join('; ');
				  } else trackArtist = null;
				  let performer = Array.isArray(track.extraartists) && track.extraartists
					.map(artist => (artist.anv || artist.name).replace(removeArtistNdx, ''))
					.filter(function(artist) {
					  return !albumArtists.slice(2).some(it => Array.isArray(it) && it.includes(artist))
					  	&& !trackArtists.slice(2).some(it => Array.isArray(it) && it.includes(artist))
					artist: artist,
					album: album,
					album_year: master.year,
					release_date: release.released,
					label: label.join(' / '),
					catalog: catalogue.join(' / '),
					country: release.country,
					encoding: encoding,
					codec: format,
					bitrate: bitrate,
					bd: bd,
					media: media,
					genre: tags.toString(),
					discnumber: discNumber,
					totaldiscs: release.format_quantity,
					discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
					tracknumber: trackNumber,
					totaltracks: totalTracks,
					title: track.title,
					track_artist: trackArtist,
					performer: Array.isArray(performer) && performer.join('; ') || undefined,
					composer: stringyfyRole(3),
					conductor: stringyfyRole(4),
					remixer: stringyfyRole(2),
					compiler: stringyfyRole(5),
					producer: stringyfyRole(6),
					duration: timeStringToTime(track.duration),
					description: description,
					identifiers: mergeIds(),
					cover_url: imgUrl,

				  function stringyfyRole(ndx) {
					return (Array.isArray(trackArtists[ndx]) && trackArtists[ndx].length > 0 ?
						trackArtists : albumArtists)[ndx].join('; ');
			return tracks;
	  } else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('supraphonline.cz/')) return globalFetch(url.replace(/\?.*$/, '')).then(function(response) {
		const copyrightParser = /^(?:\([PC]\)|℗|©)$/i;
		var ndx, conductor = [], origin = new URL(response.finalUrl).origin;
		genres = undefined; artist = [];
		response.document.querySelectorAll('h2.album-artist > a').forEach(function(it) {
		if (artist.length == 0 && (ref = dom.querySelector('h2.album-artist[title]')) != null) {
		  isVA = vaParser.test(ref.title);
		ref = response.document.querySelector('span[itemprop="byArtist"] > meta[itemprop="name"]');
		if (ref != null && vaParser.test(ref.content)) isVA = true;
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h1[itemprop="name"]')) != null) album = ref.firstChild.data.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="numTracks"]')) != null) totalTracks = parseInt(ref.content);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="genre"]')) != null) genres = ref.content;
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('li.album-version > div.selected > div')) != null) {
		  if (/\b(?:MP3)\b/.test(ref.textContent)) { media = 'WEB'; encoding = 'lossy'; format = 'MP3'; }
		  if (/\b(?:FLAC)\b/.test(ref.textContent)) { media = 'WEB'; encoding = 'lossless'; format = 'FLAC'; bd = 16; }
		  if (/\b(?:Hi[\s\-]*Res)\b/.test(ref.textContent)) { media = 'WEB'; encoding = 'lossless'; format = 'FLAC'; bd = 24; }
		  if (/\b(?:CD)\b/.test(ref.textContent)) { media = 'CD'; }
		  if (/\b(?:LP)\b/.test(ref.textContent)) { media = 'Vinyl'; }
		response.document.querySelectorAll('ul.summary > li').forEach(function(it) {
		  if (it.childElementCount <= 0) return;
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Nosič')) media = it.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Datum vydání')) releaseDate = normalizeDate(it.lastChild.textContent);
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('První vydání')) albumYear = extractYear(it.lastChild.data);
		  //if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Žánr')) genre = it.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Vydavatel')) label = it.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Katalogové číslo')) catalogue = it.lastChild.textContent.trim();
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Formát')) {
			if (/\b(?:FLAC|WAV|AIFF?)\b/.test(it.lastChild.textContent)) { encoding = 'lossless'; format = 'FLAC'; }
			if (/\b(\d+)[\-\s]?bits?\b/i.test(it.lastChild.textContent)) bd = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
			if (/\b([\d\.\,]+)[\-\s]?kHz\b/.test(it.lastChild.textContent)) sr = parseFloat(RegExp.$1.replace(',', '.'));
		  if (it.firstElementChild.textContent.includes('Celková stopáž')) totalTime = timeStringToTime(it.lastChild.textContent.trim());
		  if (copyrightParser.test(it.firstElementChild.textContent) && !albumYear) albumYear = extractYear(it.lastChild.data);
		const creators = ['autoři', 'interpreti', 'tělesa', 'digitalizace'];
		artists = [];
		for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) artists[i] = {};
		response.document.querySelectorAll('ul.sidebar-artist > li').forEach(function(it) {
		  if ((ref = it.querySelector('h3')) != null) {
			ndx = undefined;
			creators.forEach((it, _ndx) => { if (ref.textContent.includes(it)) ndx = _ndx });
		  } else {
			if (typeof ndx != 'number') return;
			let role;
			if (ndx == 2) role = 'ensemble';
			  else if ((ref = it.querySelector('span')) != null) role = translateRole(ref);
			if ((ref = it.querySelector('a')) != null) {
			  if (!Array.isArray(artists[ndx][role])) artists[ndx][role] = [];
			  var href = new URL(ref.href);
			  artists[ndx][role].pushUnique([ref.textContent.trim(), origin + href.pathname]);
		getDescription(response, 'div[itemprop="description"] p', true);
		composer = [];
		var performers = [], DJs = [];
		function dumpArtist(ndx, role) {
		  if (!role || role == 'undefined') return;
		  if (description.length > 0) description += '\n' ;
		  description += '[color=#9576b1]' + role + '[/color] – ';
		  //description += artists[ndx][role].map(artist => '[artist]' + artist[0] + '[/artist]').join(', ');
		  description += artists[ndx][role].map(artist => '[url=' + artist[1] + ']' + artist[0] + '[/url]').join(', ');
		for (i = 1; i < 3; ++i) Object.keys(artists[i]).forEach(function(role) { // performers
		  var a = artists[i][role].map(a => a[0]);
		  (['conductor', 'choirmaster'].includes(role) ? conductor : role == 'DJ' ? DJs : performers).pushUnique(...a);
		  if (i != 2) dumpArtist(i, role);
		Object.keys(artists[0]).forEach(function(role) { // composers
		  composer.pushUnique(...artists[0][role].map(it => it[0])
			  .filter(it => !pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(it))));
		  dumpArtist(0, role);
		Object.keys(artists[3]).forEach(role => { dumpArtist(3, role) }); // ADC & mastering
		if ((ref = dom.querySelector('meta[itemprop="image"]')) != null) imgUrl = ref.content.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
		var promises = [];
		response.document.querySelectorAll('table.table-tracklist > tbody > tr').forEach(function(row) {
		  promises.push(row.id && (ref = row.querySelector('td > a.trackdetail')) != null ?
			 globalFetch(origin + ref.pathname + ref.search, { context: parseInt(row.id.replace(/^track-/i, '')) })
				.then(function(response) {
				  var track = response.document.getElementById('track-' + response.context);
				  if (track == null) return Promise.reject('Track detail not located');
				  return [track, response.document.querySelector('div[data-swap="trackdetail-' +
					response.context + '"] > div > div.row')];
			: Promise.resolve([row, null]));
		return Promise.all(promises).then(function(rows) {
		  rows.forEach(function(tr) {
			if (!(tr[0] instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new Error('Assertion failed: tr[0] != HTMLElement');
			if (tr[0].id && tr[0].classList.contains('track')) {
			  tr[2] = [];
			  for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) tr[2][i] = [];
			  if (!(tr[1] instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
			  tr[1].querySelectorAll('div[class]:nth-of-type(2) > ul > li > span').forEach(function(li) {
				function oneOf(...arr) { return arr.some(role => key == role) }
				var key = translateRole(li);
				var val = li.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
				if (pseudoArtistParsers.some(rx => rx.test(val))) return;
				if (key.startsWith('remix')) {
				} else if (oneOf('music', 'lyrics', 'music+lyrics', 'original lyrics', 'czech lyrics', 'libreto', 'music improvisation', 'author')) {
				} else if (oneOf('conductor', 'choirmaster')) {
				} else if (key == 'DJ') {
				} else if (key == 'produced by') {
				} else if (key == 'recorded by') {
				} else {
		  var guests = rows.filter(tr => tr.length >= 3).map(it => it[2][7])
			  .reduce((acc, trpf) => trpf.filter(trpf => acc.includes(trpf)))
			  .filter(it => !artist.includes(it));
		  rows.forEach(function(tr) {
			if (tr[0].classList.contains('cd-header')) {
			  discNumber = /\b\d+\b/.test(tr[0].querySelector('h3').firstChild.data.trim())
				  && parseInt(RegExp.lastMatch) || undefined;
			if (tr[0].classList.contains('song-header')) discSubtitle = tr[0].firstElementChild.title.trim() || undefined;
			if (tr[0].id && tr[0].classList.contains('track')) {
			  var copyright, trackGenre, trackYear, recordPlace, recordDate, trackIdentifiers = {};
			  if (/^track-(\d+)$/i.test(tr[0].id)) trackIdentifiers.TRACK_ID = RegExp.$1;
			  if (tr[1] instanceof HTMLElement) {
				tr[1].querySelectorAll('div[class]:nth-of-type(1) > ul > li > span').forEach(function(li) {
				  if (li.textContent.startsWith('Nahrávka dokončena')) {
					trackIdentifiers.RECYEAR = extractYear(recordDate = li.nextSibling.data.trim());
				  if (li.textContent.startsWith('Místo nahrání')) {
					recordPlace = li.nextSibling.data.trim();
				  if (li.textContent.startsWith('Rok prvního vydání')) {
					trackIdentifiers.PUBYEAR = (trackYear = parseInt(li.nextSibling.data));
				  //if (copyrightParser.test(li.textContent)) copyright = li.nextSibling.data.trim();
				  if (li.textContent.startsWith('Žánr')) trackGenre = li.nextSibling.data.trim();
			  if (!isVA && tr[2][0].equalCaselessTo(artist)) tr[2][0] = [];
				artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
				album: album,
				album_year: /*trackYear || */albumYear || undefined,
				release_date: releaseDate,
				label: label,
				catalog: catalogue,
				encoding: encoding,
				codec: format,
				bd: bd,
				sr: sr * 1000,
				media: media,
				genre: translateGenre(genres) + ' | ' + translateGenre(trackGenre),
				discnumber: discNumber,
				totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
				discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
				tracknumber: /^\s*(\d+)\.?\s*$/.test(tr[0].firstElementChild.firstChild.textContent) ?
				  parseInt(RegExp.$1) : undefined,
				totaltracks: totalTracks,
				title: tr[0].querySelector('meta[itemprop="name"]').content,
				track_artist: joinArtists(tr[2][0]),
				performer: tr[2][7].join('; ') || performers.join('; '),
				composer: tr[2][3].join(', ') || composer.join(', '),
				conductor: tr[2][4].join('; ') || conductor.join('; '),
				remixer: tr[2][2].join('; '),
				compiler: tr[2][5].join('; ') || DJs.join('; '),
				producer: tr[2][6].join('; '),
				duration: durationFromMeta(tr[0]),
				url: response.finalUrl,
				description: description,
				identifiers: mergeIds(),
				cover_url: imgUrl,
		  return tracks;

		function translateGenre(genre) {
		  if (!genre || typeof genre != 'string') return undefined;
			['Orchestrální hudba', 'Orchestral Music'],
			['Komorní hudba', 'Chamber Music'],
			['Vokální', 'Classical, Vocal'],
			['Klasická hudba', 'Classical'],
			['Melodram', 'Classical, Melodram'],
			['Symfonie', 'Symphony'],
			['Vánoční hudba', 'Christmas Music'],
			[/^(?:Alternativ(?:ní|a))$/i, 'Alternative'],
			['Dechová hudba', 'Brass Music'],
			['Elektronika', 'Electronic'],
			['Folklor', 'Folclore, World Music'],
			['Instrumentální hudba', 'Instrumental'],
			['Latinské rytmy', 'Latin'],
			['Meditační hudba', 'Meditative'],
			['Vojenská hudba', 'Military Music'],
			['Pro děti', 'Children'],
			['Pro dospělé', 'Adult'],
			['Mluvené slovo', 'Spoken Word'],
			['Audiokniha', 'audiobook'],
			['Humor', 'humour'],
			['Pohádka', 'Fairy-Tale'],
		  ].forEach(function(subst) {
			if (typeof subst[0] == 'string' && genre.toLowerCase() == subst[0].toLowerCase()
			   || subst[0] instanceof RegExp && subst[0].test(genre)) genre = subst[1];
		  return genre;
		function translateRole(elem) {
		  if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) return undefined;
		  var role = elem.textContent.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s*:.*$/, '');
			[/\b(?:klavír)\b/, 'piano'],
			[/\b(?:housle)\b/, 'violin'],
			[/\b(?:varhany)\b/, 'organ'],
			[/\b(?:cembalo)\b/, 'harpsichord'],
			[/\b(?:trubka)\b/, 'trumpet'],
			[/\b(?:soprán)\b/, 'soprano'],
			[/\b(?:alt)\b/, 'alto'],
			[/\b(?:baryton)\b/, 'baritone'],
			[/\b(?:bas)\b/, 'basso'],
			[/\b(?:syntezátor)\b/, 'synthesizer'],
			[/\b(?:zpěv)\b/, 'vocals'],
			[/^(?:čte|četba)$/, 'narration'],
			['vypravuje', 'narration'],
			['komentář', 'commentary'],
			['hovoří', 'spoken by'],
			['hovoří a zpívá', 'speaks and sings'],
			['improvizace', 'improvisation'],
			['hudební těleso', 'ensemble'],
			['hudba', 'music'],
			['text', 'lyrics'],
			['hudba+text', 'music+lyrics'],
			['původní text', 'original lyrics'],
			['český text', 'czech lyrics'],
			['hudební improvizace', 'music improvisation'],
			['autor', 'author'],
			['účinkuje', 'participating'],
			['řídí', 'conductor'],
			['dirigent', 'conductor'],
			['sbormistr', 'choirmaster'],
			['produkce', 'produced by'],
			['nahrál', 'recorded by'],
			['digitální přepis', 'A/D transfer'],
		  ].forEach(function(subst) {
			if (typeof subst[0] == 'string' && role.toLowerCase() == subst[0].toLowerCase()
			   || subst[0] instanceof RegExp && subst[0].test(role)) role = role.replace(subst[0], subst[1]);
		  return role;
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('bontonland.cz/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		ref = response.document.querySelector('div#detailheader > h1');
		if (ref != null && /^(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*)$/.test(ref.textContent.trim())) {
		  artist = RegExp.$1;
		  isVA = vaParser.test(artist);
		  album = RegExp.$2;
		media = 'CD';
		response.document.querySelectorAll('table > tbody > tr > td.nazevparametru').forEach(function(it) {
		  if (it.textContent.includes('Datum vydání')) {
			releaseDate = normalizeDate(it.nextElementSibling.textContent);
			albumYear = extractYear(it.nextElementSibling.textContent);
		  } else if (it.textContent.includes('Nosič / počet')) {
			if (/^(.*?)\s*\/\s*(.*)$/.test(it.nextElementSibling.textContent)) {
			  media = RegExp.$1;
			  totalDiscs = RegExp.$2;
		  } else if (it.textContent.includes('Interpret')) {
			artist = it.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  } else if (it.textContent.includes('EAN')) {
			identifiers.BARCODE = it.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		getDescription(response, 'div#detailtabpopis > div[class^="pravy"] > div > p:not(:last-of-type)', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('a.detailzoom')) != null) imgUrl = ref.href;
		const plParser = /^(\d+)(?:\s*[\/\.\-\:\)])?\s+(.*?)(?:\s+((?:(?:\d+:)?\d+:)?\d+))?$/;
		ref = response.document.querySelector('div#detailtabpopis > div[class^="pravy"] > div > p:last-of-type');
		if (ref == null) throw new Error('Playlist not located');
		var trackList = html2php(ref, response.finalUrl).trim().split(/[\r\n]+/);
		trackList = trackList.filter(it => plParser.test(it.trim())).map(it => plParser.exec(it.trim()));
		return Array.from(trackList).map(track => ({
		  artist: isVA ? VA : artist,
		  album: album,
		  //album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
		  release_date: releaseDate,
		  label: label,
		  media: media,
		  tracknumber: track[1],
		  totaltracks: trackList.length,
		  title: track[2],
		  duration: timeStringToTime(track[3]),
		  url: response.finalUrl,
		  description: description,
		  identifiers: mergeIds(),
		  cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('nativedsd.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.the-content > header > h2')) != null)
		  artist = ref.firstChild.data.trim();
		isVA = vaParser.test(artist);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.the-content > header > h1')) != null)
		  album = ref.firstChild.data.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.the-content > header > h3')) != null)
		  composer = ref.firstChild.data.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.the-content > header > h1 > small')) != null)
		  albumYear = extractYear(ref.firstChild.data);
		releaseDate = albumYear; // weak
		ref = response.document.querySelector('div#breadcrumbs > div[class] > a:nth-of-type(2)');
		if (ref != null) label = ref.firstChild.data.trim();
		if (label == 'Albums') label = undefined;
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h2#sku')) != null) {
		  if (/^Catalog Number: (.*)$/m.test(ref.firstChild.textContent)) catalogue = RegExp.$1;
		  if (/^ID: (.*)$/m.test(ref.lastChild.textContent)) identifiers.NATIVEDSD_ID = RegExp.$1;
		identifiers.ORIGINALFORMAT = 'DSD';
		getDescription(response, 'div.the-content > div.entry > p', false);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div#repertoire > div > p')) != null) {
		  let repertoire = html2php(ref, url);
		  if (description) description += '\n\n';
		  let ndx = repertoire.indexOf('\n[b]Track');
		  description += (ndx >= 0 ? repertoire.slice(0, ndx) : repertoire).trim().flatten();
		ref = response.document.querySelectorAll('div#techspecs > table > tbody > tr');
		if (ref.length > 0) {
		  if (description) description += '\n\n';
		  description += '[b][u]Tech specs[/u][/b]';
		  ref.forEach(function(it) {
			description += '\n[b]'.concat(it.children[0].textContent.trim(), '[/b] ', it.children[1].textContent.trim());
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('a#album-cover')) != null) imgUrl = ref.href;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div#track-list > table > tbody > tr[id^="track"]');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  title = undefined;
		  trackIdentifiers = { TRACK_ID: tr.id.replace(/^track-/i, '') };
		  var trackComposer;
		  if ((ref = tr.children[1]) != null) {
			title = ref.firstChild.textContent.trim();
			trackComposer = ref.childNodes[2] && ref.childNodes[2].textContent.trim() || undefined;
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist,
			album: album,
			album_year: albumYear,
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			encoding: 'lossless', // encoding
			codec: 'FLAC', // format
			bd: 24,
			sr: 88200,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '), // 'Jazz'
			discnumber: discNumber,
			totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: (ref = tr.firstElementChild.firstElementChild) != null ?
			  parseInt(ref.firstChild.data.trim().replace(/\..*$/, '')) : undefined,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: title,
			composer: trackComposer || composer,
			duration: (ref = tr.children[2]) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.firstChild.data) : undefined,
			url: response.finalUrl,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('junodownload.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/([\d\-]+)\/?$/.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.JUNODOWNLOAD_ID = RegExp.$1;
		var productArtist;
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.breadcrumb_text > span:not([class])')).length == 4) {
		  artist = Array.from(ref[ref.length - 1].querySelectorAll('a')).map(elem => elem.textContent.trim());
		  productArtist = ref[ref.length - 1].textContent.trim();
		} else if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h2.product-artist')) != null) {
		  artist = Array.from(ref.querySelectorAll('a')).map(elem => elem.textContent.trim().titleCase());
		  productArtist = ref.textContent.trim().titleCase();
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="name"]')) != null) album = ref.content.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="author"]')) != null) label = ref.content.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('span[itemprop="datePublished"]')) != null)
		  releaseDate = ref.firstChild.data.trim();
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div.mb-3 > strong').forEach(function(it) {
		  if (it.textContent.startsWith('Genre')) {
			ref = it;
			while ((ref = ref.nextElementSibling) != null && ref.nodeName == 'A') genres.push(ref.textContent.trim());
		  } else if (it.textContent.startsWith('Cat')) {
			if ((ref = it.nextSibling) != null && ref.nodeType == 3) catalogue = ref.data;
		getDescription(response, 'div[itemprop="review"]');
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]')) != null) imgUrl = ref.content;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.product-tracklist > div[itemprop="track"]');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  trackIdentifiers = { BPM: tr.children[2].textContent.trim() };
		  trackNumber = undefined;
		  tr.querySelector('div.track-title').childNodes.forEach(function(n) {
			if (trackNumber || n.nodeType != 3) return;
			trackNumber = n.data.trim().replace(/\s*\..*$/, '');
		  trackArtist = (ref = tr.querySelector('meta[itemprop="byArtist"]')) != null ? ref.content : undefined;
		  title = (ref = tr.querySelector('span[itemprop="name"]')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined;
		  if (title && trackArtist && title.startsWith(trackArtist + ' - ')) title = title.slice(trackArtist.length + 3);
		  if (trackArtist && trackArtist == productArtist) trackArtist = undefined;
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			discnumber: discNumber,
			totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: trackNumber,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: title,
			track_artist: trackArtist,
			duration: durationFromMeta(tr),
			url: !identifiers.JUNODOWNLOAD_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (/\bhdtracks(?:\.\w+)+\//i.test(url)) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div.album-main-details > ul > li > span').forEach(function(it) {
		  if (it.textContent.startsWith('Title')) album = it.nextSibling.data.trim();
		  if (it.textContent.startsWith('Artist')) artist = it.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (it.textContent.startsWith('Genre')) {
			ref = it;
			while ((ref = ref.nextElementSibling) != null) genres.push(ref.textContent.trim());
		  if (it.textContent.startsWith('Label')) label = it.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (it.textContent.startsWith('Release Date')) releaseDate = normalizeDate(it.nextSibling.data.trim());
		isVA = vaParser.test(artist);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('p.product-image > img')) != null) imgUrl = ref.src;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('table#track-table > tbody > tr[id^="track"]');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  format = tr.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(4) > span').textContent.trim();
		  sr = tr.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(5)').textContent.trim().replace(/\/.*/, '');
		  if (/^([\d\.\,]+)\s*\/\s*(\d+)$/.test(sr)) {
			sr = Math.round(parseFloat(RegExp.$1.replace(',', '.')) * 1000);
			bd = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
		  } else sr = Math.round(parseFloat(sr) * 1000);
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist,
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			encoding: 'lossless',
			be: bd || 24,
			sr: sr || undefined,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			//discnumber: discNumber,
			//totaldiscs: totaldiscs,
			//discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: (ref = tr.querySelector('td:first-of-type')) != null ? parseInt(ref.textContent.trim()) : undefined,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: (ref = tr.querySelector('td.track-name')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
			duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(3)')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.textContent.trim()) : undefined,
			url: response.finalUrl,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (/^https?:\/\/(?:\w+\.)?deezer\.com\/(?:\w+\/)*album\/(\d+)/i.test(url)) {
		return queryDeezerAPI('album/' + RegExp.$1).then(function(release) {
		  isVA = vaParser.test(release.artist.name);
		  identifiers.DEEZER_ID = release.id;
		  identifiers.RELEASETYPE = release.record_type;
		  if (release.upc) identifiers.BARCODE = release.upc;
		  if (release.cover_xl) imgUrl = release.cover_xl.replace('1000x1000-000000-80-0-0', '1400x1400-000000-100-0-0');
		  return release.tracks.data.map(function(track, ndx) {
			trackIdentifiers = { TRACK_ID: track.id };
			trackArtist = track.artist.name;
			if (!isVA && trackArtist && trackArtist == release.artist.name) trackArtist = undefined;
			return {
			  artist: isVA ? VA : release.artist.name,
			  album: release.title,
			  release_date: release.release_date,
			  label: release.label,
			  media: media,
			  genre: release.genres.data.map(it => it.name).join('; '),
			  tracknumber: ndx + 1,
			  totaltracks: release.nb_tracks,
			  title: track.title,
			  track_artist: trackArtist,
			  duration: track.duration,
			  //url: deezerAlbumPrefix + release.id,
			  identifiers: mergeIds(),
			  cover_url: imgUrl,
	  } else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('spotify.com/') && /\/albums?\/(\w+)$/i.test(url)) {
		return querySpotifyAPI('albums/' + RegExp.$1).then(function(release) {
		  artist = release.artists.map(artist => artist.name);
		  isVA = release.artists.length == 0 || release.artists.length == 1 && vaParser.test(release.artists[0].name);
		  totalDiscs = release.tracks.items.reduce((acc, track) => Math.max(acc, track.disc_number), 0);
		  identifiers.SPOTIFY_ID = release.id;
		  identifiers.RELEASETYPE = release.album_type;
		  identifiers.BARCODE = release.external_ids.upc;
		  var image = release.images.reduce((acc, image) => image.width * image.height > acc.width * acc.height ? image : acc);
		  return release.tracks.items.map(function(track, ndx) {
			trackIdentifiers = {
			  TRACK_ID: track.id,
			  EXPLICIT: Number(track.explicit),
			trackArtist = track.artists.map(artist => artist.name);
			if (!isVA && trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist)) trackArtist = [];
			return {
			  artist: isVA ? VA : joinArtists(artist),
			  album: release.name,
			  release_date: release.release_date,
			  label: release.label,
			  media: media,
			  genre: release.genres.join('; '),
			  discnumber: track.disc_number,
			  totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			  discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			  tracknumber: track.track_number,
			  totaltracks: release.total_tracks,
			  title: track.name,
			  track_artist: joinArtists(trackArtist),
			  duration: track.duration_ms / 1000,
			  //url: 'https://open.spotify.com/album/' + release.id,
			  identifiers: mergeIds(),
			  cover_url: image ? image.url : undefined,
	  } else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('prostudiomasters.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/page\/(\d+)$/i.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.PROSTUDIOMASTERS_ID = RegExp.$1;
		artist = Array.from(dresponse.documentom.querySelectorAll('h2.ArtistName > a'))
		  .map(node => node.textContent.trim());
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h3.AlbumName')) != null) album = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.pline')) != null
			&& /^(?:[℗©]\s*)+(\d{4})\s+(.+)/.test(ref.textContent.trim())) {
		  releaseDate = RegExp.$1;
		  label = RegExp.$2;
		getDescription(response, 'div.album-info', false);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('img.album-art')) != null) imgUrl = ref.currentSrc || ref.src;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.album-tracks > div.tracks > table > tbody > tr');
		totalTracks = Array.from(trs).filter(tr => tr.classList.contains('track-playable')).length;
		discNumber = 0;
		trs.forEach(function(tr) {
		  if (tr.classList.contains('track-playable')) {
			trackArtist = []; sr = bd = format = title = undefined; trackIdentifiers = {};
			if (ref = tr.getAttribute('data-track-id')) trackIdentifiers.TRACK_ID = ref;
			trackNumber = (ref = tr.querySelector('div.num')) != null ? parseInt(ref.firstChild.textContent.trim()) : undefined;
			if (trackNumber == 1) ++discNumber;
			if ((ref = tr.querySelector('td.track-name > div.name')) != null) {
			  title = ref.firstChild.textContent.trim();
			  if ((ref = ref.querySelector(':scope small')) != null) {
				trackArtist = splitArtists(ref.firstChild.textContent);
				if (!isVA && trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist)) trackArtist = [];
			if ((ref = tr.querySelector('span.track-format')) != null && /^(\d+(?:[,\.]\d+)?)\s*([kMG]Hz)(?:\s+(\d+)-bit)?\s*\|\s*(\S+)$/i.test(ref.textContent.trim())) {
			  sr = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
			  ['khz', 'mhz', 'ghz'].forEach((unit, ndx) => { if (RegExp.$2.toLowerCase() == unit) sr *= 1000 ** (ndx + 1) });
			  sr = Math.round(sr) || undefined;
			  bd = parseInt(RegExp.$3) || undefined;
			  format = RegExp.$4;
			  artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			  album: album,
			  //album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			  release_date: releaseDate,
			  label: label,
			  catalog: catalogue,
			  codec: format,
			  bd: bd,
			  sr: sr,
			  media: media,
			  discnumber: discNumber,
			  totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			  discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			  tracknumber: trackNumber,
			  totaltracks: totalTracks,
			  title: title,
			  track_artist: joinArtists(trackArtist),
			  duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('td:last-of-type')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.firstChild.data) : undefined,
			  url: !identifiers.PROSTUDIOMASTERS_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			  description: description,
			  identifiers: mergeIds(),
			  cover_url: imgUrl,
		  } else if ((ref = tr.querySelector('div.grouping-title')) != null) {
			discSubtitle = ref.textContent.trim();
		return tracks;
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('soundcloud.com/') && prefs.soundcloud_clientid) {
		  client_id: prefs.soundcloud_clientid,
		  redirect_uri: 'https://dont.spam.me/',
		SC.connect().then(function() { return SC.resolve(url) }).then(function(release) {
		  isVA = vaParser.test(release.artist.name);
		  identifiers.SOUNDCLOUD_ID = release.id;
		  identifiers.RELEASETYPE = release.record_type;
		  release.tracks.data.forEach(function(track, ndx) {
			trackIdentifiers = { TRACK_ID: track.id };
			trackArtist = track.artist.name;
			if (!isVA && trackArtist && trackArtist == release.artist.name) trackArtist = undefined;
		  return tracks;
		return true;
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('play.google.com/store/music/album/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		var search = new URLSearchParams(new URL(response.finalUrl).search);
		var ID = search.get('id'), trackID, aggregateRating;
		if (ID) identifiers.GOOGLE_ID = ID;
		var root = response.document.querySelector('div[itemtype="https://schema.org/MusicAlbum"]');
		if (root == null) throw new Error('Unexpected Google Play metadata structure');
		if ((ref = root.querySelector('div[itemprop="byArtist"]')) != null) {
		  artist = Array.from(ref.querySelectorAll('meta[itemprop="name"]')).map(it => it.content);
		  isVA = artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if ((ref = root.querySelector('meta[itemprop="name"]')) != null) album = ref.content;
		genres = Array.from(root.querySelectorAll('meta[itemprop="genre"]')).map(elem => elem.content);
		if ((ref = root.querySelector('meta[itemprop="datePublished"]')) != null) releaseDate = ref.content;
		if ((ref = root.querySelector('meta[itemprop="numTracks"]')) != null) totalTracks = parseInt(ref.content);
		if ((ref = root.querySelector('meta[itemprop="ratingValue"]')) != null) aggregateRating = parseFloat(ref.content);
		//getDescription(response, '???', false);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h1[class][itemprop="name"] > span')) != null
		   && (ref = ref.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('div[class] > span[class]')) != null
		   && /\bExplicit/i.test(ref.textContent)) identifiers.EXPLICIT = 1;
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('span > a[itemprop="genre"]')) != null) try {
		  label = ref.parentNode.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim().replace(/^(?:[©℗]|\([cCpP]\))\s*\d{4}\s+/, '');
		} catch(e) { console.warn('Unexpected HTML structure (' + e + ')') }
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="image"]')) != null) imgUrl = ref.content;
		var volumes = response.document.querySelectorAll('c-wiz > div > h2');
		if (volumes.length <= 0) {
		  //response.document.querySelectorAll('c-wiz > div > table > tbody > tr[class]').forEach(scanPlaylist);
		  trackNumber = 0;
		  root.querySelectorAll('div[itemprop="track"]').forEach(function(tr) {
			trackArtist = undefined; trackIdentifiers = {};
			if ((ref = tr.querySelector('meta[itemprop="url"]')) != null) {
			  search = new URLSearchParams(new URL(ref.content).search);
			  let trackID = search.get('tid');
			  if (trackID) trackIdentifiers.TRACK_ID = trackID;
			title = (ref = tr.querySelector('meta[itemprop="name"]')) != null ? ref.content : undefined;
			if ((ref = tr.querySelector('div[itemprop="byArtist"]')) != null) {
			  trackArtist = Array.from(ref.querySelectorAll('meta[itemprop="name"]')).map(it => it.content);
			  trackArtist = (isVA || !Array.isArray(artist) || !trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist)) && joinArtists(trackArtist) || undefined;
			duration = durationFromMeta(tr);
		} else volumes.forEach(function(volume) {
		  discNumber = undefined; discSubtitle = volume.textContent.trim();
		  volume.nextElementSibling.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr[class]').forEach(scanPlaylist);
		return tracks;

		function scanPlaylist(tr) {
		  trackNumber = (ref = tr.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(1) > div')) != null ? parseInt(ref.textContent) : undefined;
		  title = (ref = tr.querySelector('td[itemprop="name"]')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined;
		  duration = (ref = tr.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(3)')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.textContent) : undefined;
		  trackArtist = Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('td:nth-of-type(4) > a')).map(it => it.textContent.trim());
		  trackArtist = (isVA || !Array.isArray(artist) || !trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist))
		  	&& joinArtists(trackArtist) || undefined;
		function addTrack() {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			discnumber: discNumber,
			totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: trackNumber,
			totaltracks: totalTracks,
			title: title,
			track_artist: trackArtist,
			duration: duration,
			url: identifiers.GOOGLE_ID ? undefined : response.finalUrl,
			//description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('7digital.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('table.release-track-list')) != null)
		  identifiers['7DIGITAL_ID'] = ref.dataset.releaseid;
		artist = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('h2.release-info-artist > span[itemprop="byArtist"] > meta[itemprop="name"]'))
		  .map(node => node.content);
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h1.release-info-title')) != null) album = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.release-date-info > p')) != null) releaseDate = normalizeDate(ref.textContent);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.release-label-info > p')) != null) label = ref.textContent.trim();
		response.document.querySelectorAll('dl.release-data > dt.release-data-label').forEach(function(dt) {
		  if (/\bGenres?:/.test(dt.textContent)) genres = Array.from(dt.nextElementSibling.querySelectorAll('a')).map(a => a.textContent.trim());
		//getDescription(response, 'div.album-info', false);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('span.release-packshot-image > img[itemprop="image"]')) != null)
		  imgUrl = ref.src;
		totalTracks = response.document.querySelectorAll('table.release-track-list > tbody > tr.release-track').length;
		response.document.querySelectorAll('table.release-track-list').forEach(function(table) {
		  discSubtitle = discNumber = undefined;
		  if ((ref = table.querySelector('caption > h4.release-disc-info')) != null) {
			discSubtitle = ref.textContent.trim();
		  table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr.release-track').forEach(function(tr) {
			trackIdentifiers = {};
			if (tr.dataset.trackid) trackIdentifiers.TRACK_ID = tr.dataset.trackid;
			  artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			  album: album,
			  //album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			  release_date: releaseDate,
			  label: label,
			  catalog: catalogue,
			  media: media,
			  genre: genres.join('; '),
			  discnumber: discNumber,
			  totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			  discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			  tracknumber: (ref = tr.querySelector('td.release-track-preview > em.release-track-preview-text')) != null ?
				  ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
			  totaltracks: totalTracks,
			  title: (ref = tr.querySelector('td.release-track-name > meta[itemprop="name"]')) != null ?
				  ref.content : undefined,
			  duration: durationFromMeta(tr),
			  url: !identifiers['7DIGITAL_ID'] ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			  description: description,
			  identifiers: mergeIds(),
			  cover_url: imgUrl,
		return tracks;
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('e-onkyo.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/album\/(\w+)\/?$/.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.EONKYO_ID = RegExp.$1;
		artist = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('div.jacketDetailArea p.artistsName > a'))
		  .map(node => node.textContent.trim());
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.jacketDetailArea p.packageTtl')) != null) album = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.jacketDetailArea p.recordlabelName > a')) != null) label = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.jacketDetailArea p.releaseDay > a')) != null) releaseDate = normalizeDate(ref.textContent);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.jacketDetailArea p.packageNoteDetail')) != null
			&& /^\s*(?:\(C\)|©)\s+(\d{4})\b/i.test(ref.lastChild.textContent)) albumYear = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
		//getDescription(response, 'div#credit', true);
		if (/\s+\(\s*(?:(\d+)[\-\s]*bit)?\s*\/?\s*(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*kHz)?\s*\)\s*$/i.test(album)) {
		  album = RegExp.leftContext;
		  bd = parseInt(RegExp.$1) || undefined;
		  sr = parseFloat(RegExp.$2);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('figure > a.colorbox')) != null)
		  imgUrl = new URL(response.finalUrl).origin + ref.pathname;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('dl.musicList > dd.musicBox');
		return Array.from(trs).map(tr => ({
		  //var trackId = tr.dataset.trackid;
		  //if (trackId) trackId = 'TRACK_ID=' + trackId;
		  //trackArtist = tr.children[5].textContent.trim();
		  //if (trackArtist == artist.join(', ')) trackArtist = undefined;
		  artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
		  album: album,
		  album_year: albumYear,
		  release_date: releaseDate,
		  label: label,
		  catalog: catalogue,
		  encoding: 'lossless',
		  codec: 'FLAC',
		  bd: bd,
		  sr: sr * 1000 || undefined,
		  media: media,
		  //discnumber: discNumber,
		  //totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
		  //discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
		  tracknumber: (ref = tr.querySelector('div.musicListNo')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
		  totaltracks: trs.length,
		  title: (ref = tr.querySelector('div.musicTtl > span')) != null ? ref.title : undefined,
		  duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('div.musicTime')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.textContent.trim()) : undefined,
		  url: !identifiers.EONKYO_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
		  description: description,
		  identifiers: mergeIds(),
		  cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('store.acousticsounds.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/(\d+)\/$/.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.ACOUSTICSOUNDS_ID = RegExp.$1;
		artist = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('div > h1 > a')).map(node => node.textContent.trim());
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div > h1')) != null) album = ref.lastChild.wholeText.trim().replace(/\s*-\s*/, '');
		response.document.querySelectorAll('div > p > table > tbody > tr > td:first-of-type').forEach(function(td) {
		  if (/^(?:Label):/i.test(td.textContent)) label = td.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (/^(?:Genre):/i.test(td.textContent)) genres[0] = td.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (/^(?:Product\s+No):/i.test(td.textContent)) catalogue = td.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (/^(?:Category):/i.test(td.textContent)
			  && /^(.+)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*kHz(?:\s*\/\s*(\d+)[\s\-]?bit)?\s+Download\b/.test(td.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim())) {
			format = RegExp.$1;
			sr = parseFloat(RegExp.$2) * 1000;
			bd = parseInt(RegExp.$3);
		getDescription(response, 'div#description > p', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div#detail > link[rel="image_src"]')) != null) {
		  imgUrl = ref.href.replace(/\/medium\//i, '/large/');
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div#tracks > table > tbody > tr');
		trackNumber = 0;
		return Array.from(trs).map(tr => ({
		  artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
		  album: album,
		  //album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
		  release_date: releaseDate,
		  label: label,
		  catalog: catalogue,
		  encoding: ['FLAC', 'DSD'].includes(format) ? 'lossless' : undefined,
		  codec: format,
		  bd: bd,
		  sr: sr,
		  media: media,
		  genre: genres.join('; '),
		  //discnumber: discNumber,
		  //totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
		  //discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
		  tracknumber: ++trackNumber,
		  totaltracks: trs.length,
		  title: (ref = tr.querySelector('td[nowrap]')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
		  url: !identifiers.ACOUSTICSOUNDS_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
		  description: description,
		  identifiers: mergeIds(),
		  cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('indies.eu/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/alba\/(\d+)\//.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.INDIESSCOPE_ID = RegExp.$1;
		ref = response.document.querySelector(':root > body > div > div > div > h2');
		if (ref != null) artist = Array.from(ref.childNodes).map(node => node.textContent.trim());
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector(':root > body > div > div > div > h1')) != null)
		  album = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.infoBox')) != null) {
		  let ndx = 0;
		  ref.childNodes.forEach(function(child) {
			if (child.nodeName == 'BR') { ++ndx; return; }
			switch (ndx) {
			  case 0:
				if (child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
				  label = child.wholeText.trim();
				  if (/^(.*)\s+\/\s+(\d{4})$/.test(label)) {
					label = RegExp.$1;
					releaseDate = RegExp.$2;
			  case 1:
				if (child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) genres.push(child.textContent.trim());
			  case 2:
				if (child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) catalogue = child.textContent.trim();
		getDescription(response, 'div.popis > section', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.obrazekDetail > img')) != null) imgUrl = ref.src;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('table.skladby > tbody > tr');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  title = undefined;
		  if ((ref = tr.querySelector('td.nazev')) != null) {
			trackNumber = parseInt(ref.firstChild.wholeText);
			title = ref.querySelector('strong').textContent.trim();
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			codec: format,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			//discnumber: discNumber,
			//totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			//discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: trackNumber,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: title,
			duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('td:nth-of-type(4)')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.textContent) : undefined,
			identifiers: !identifiers.INDIESSCOPE_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('beatport.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/release\/(?:\d\/)?(?:\S+-)?(\d+)\b/i.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.BEATPORT_ID = RegExp.$1;
		artist = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('span > a[data-artist]')).map(node => node.textContent.trim());
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div > h1')) != null) album = ref.textContent.trim();
		response.document.querySelectorAll('ul > li > span.category').forEach(function(span) {
		  if (/^(?:Release\s+Date)/i.test(span.textContent)) releaseDate = span.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (/^(?:Label)/i.test(span.textContent)) label = span.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		  if (/^(?:Catalog)/i.test(span.textContent)) catalogue = span.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim();
		getDescription(response, 'div.interior-expandable', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div > img.interior-release-chart-artwork')) != null) imgUrl = ref.src;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.tracks > ul > li.track');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  title = undefined; trackIdentifiers = {};
		  if ((ref = tr.querySelector('span.buk-track-primary-title')) != null) {
			title = ref.title || ref.textContent.trim();
			if ((ref = tr.querySelector('span.buk-track-remixed')) != null) title += ' (' + ref.textContent.trim() + ')';
		  trackArtist = Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('p.buk-track-artists > a')).map(a => a.textContent.trim());
		  if (!isVA && trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist)) trackArtist = [];
		  if ((ref = tr.querySelector('p.buk-track-bpm')) != null) trackIdentifiers.BPM = ref.textContent;
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: (ref = tr.querySelector('p.buk-track-labels')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			codec: format,
			media: media,
			genre: Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('p.buk-track-genre > a')).map(a => a.textContent).join('; '),
			//discnumber: discNumber,
			//totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			//discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: (ref = tr.querySelector('div.buk-track-num')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: title,
			track_artist: joinArtists(trackArtist),
			remixer: Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('p.buk-track-remixers > a')).map(a => a.textContent.trim()).join('; '),
			duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('p.buk-track-length')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.textContent) : undefined,
			url: !identifiers.BEATPORT_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('traxsource.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/title\/(\d+)(?=\/|$)/i.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.TRAXSOURCE_ID = RegExp.$1;
		artist = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('h1.artists > a.com-artists')).map(node => node.textContent.trim());
		if (artist.length <= 0 && (ref = response.document.querySelector('h1.artists')) != null) artist = [ref.textContent.trim()];
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if (isVA) artist = [];
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h1.title')) != null) album = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('a.com-label')) != null) label = ref.textContent.trim();
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.cat-rdate')) != null) {
		  catalogue = ref.textContent.trim();
		  if (/\s*\|\s*(\S+)$/.test(catalogue)) {
			catalogue = RegExp.leftContent;
			releaseDate = normalizeDate(RegExp.$1);
		getDescription(response, 'div.desc', true);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]')) != null) imgUrl = ref.content;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('div.trklist > div.trk-row');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  trackIdentifiers = {};
		  title = (ref = tr.querySelector('div.title > a')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined;
		  if (title && (ref = tr.querySelector('span.version')) != null ) {
			if (ref.firstChild.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE
				&& (i = ref.firstChild.wholeText.trim()).length > 0) title += ` (${i})`;
		  trackArtist = Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('div.artists a.com-artists')).map(a => a.textContent.trim());
		  if (!isVA && trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist)) trackArtist = [];
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			catalog: catalogue,
			media: media,
			genre: Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('div.genre > a')).map(a => a.textContent.trim()).join('; '),
			//discnumber: discNumber,
			//totaldiscs: totalDiscs,
			//discsubtitle: discSubtitle,
			tracknumber: (ref = tr.querySelector('div.tnum')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: title,
			track_artist: joinArtists(trackArtist),
			remixer: Array.from(tr.querySelectorAll('div.artists a.com-remixers')).map(a => a.textContent.trim()).join('; '),
			duration: (ref = tr.querySelector('span.duration')) != null ? timeStringToTime(ref.textContent) : undefined,
			url: !identifiers.TRAXSOURCE_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			description: description,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
			cover_url: imgUrl,
	  else if (url.toLowerCase().includes('music.apple.com/')) return globalFetch(url).then(function(response) {
		if (/\/(\d+)(?=$|\?)/.test(response.finalUrl)) identifiers.APPLE_ID = RegExp.$1;
		artist = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('span.product-header__identity > a.link')).map(a => a.textContent.trim());
		if (artist.length <= 0 && (ref = response.document.querySelector('span.product-header__identity')) != null) {
		  artist = [ref.textContent.trim()];
		isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('h1 > span.product-header__title')) != null) {
		  album = ref.textContent.trim();
		  if (album.endsWith(' - Single')) {
			identifiers.RELEASETYPE = 'Single';
			album = album.slice(0, -9);
		genres = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('ul.inline-list > li:first-of-type > a')).map(a => a.textContent.trim());
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('meta[property="music:release_date"]')) != null) releaseDate = ref.content;
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('li.link-list__item--copyright')) != null) {
		  label = ref.textContent.replace(/^.*[©℗]\s+\d{4}\s+/, '');
		description = html2php(response.document.querySelector('section.product-hero-desc__section'), response.finalUrl);
		if (description && !description.includes('[quote]')) {
		  description = '[quote]' + description.collapseGaps() + '[/quote]';
		discNumber = 0;
		trs = response.document.querySelectorAll('table > tbody > tr[id]');
		return Array.from(trs).map(function(tr) {
		  trackIdentifiers = {};
		  trackNumber = (ref = tr.querySelector('span.table__row__number')) != null ? parseInt(ref.textContent) : undefined;
		  if (trackNumber == 1) ++discNumber;
		  trackArtist = /*(ref = tr.querySelector('div.table__row__titles > div:last-of-type')) != null ?
			ref.textContent.trim() : */undefined;
		  if (!isVA && trackArtist == joinArtists(artist)) trackArtist = undefined;
		  if ((ref = tr.querySelector('time.table__row__duration-counter')) != null
			  && /^PT(?:(?:(\d+)H)?(\d+)M)?(\d+)S$/.test(ref.dateTime)) {
			duration = (parseInt(RegExp.$1) * 60**2 || 0) + (parseInt(RegExp.$2) * 60 || 0) + (parseInt(RegExp.$3) || 0);
		  } else duration = undefined;
		  return {
			artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join('; '),
			album: album,
			//album_year: extractYear(releaseDate),
			release_date: releaseDate,
			label: label,
			media: media,
			genre: genres.join('; '),
			discnumber: discNumber,
			tracknumber: trackNumber,
			totaltracks: trs.length,
			title: (ref = tr.querySelector('div.table__row__headline')) != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : undefined,
			track_artist: trackArtist,
			duration: duration,
			description: description,
			url: !identifiers.APPLE_ID ? response.finalUrl : undefined,
			identifiers: mergeIds(),
	  else if (mbrRlsParser.test(url)) { // MusicBrainz
		var entities = [
		  'aliases', 'annotation', 'artist-credits', 'artists', 'collections', 'discids', 'genres',
		  'isrcs', 'labels', 'media', 'ratings', 'recordings', 'release-groups', 'tags', 'url-rels',
		return queryMusicBrainzAPI('release/' + RegExp.$1, { inc: entities.join('+') }).then(function(release) {
		  if (release.error) return Promise.reject(release.error);
		  identifiers.MBID = release.id;
		  if (release.barcode) identifiers.BARCODE = release.barcode;
		  if (release.asin) identifiers.ASIN = release.asin;
		  if (release['release-group']['primary-type']) identifiers.RELEASETYPE = release['release-group']['primary-type'];
		  artist = Array.isArray(release['artist-credit']) ? release['artist-credit'].map(artist => artist.name) : [];
		  isVA = artist.length <= 0 || artist.length == 1 && vaParser.test(artist[0]);
		  if (Array.isArray(release.genres)) genres = release.genres.map(genre => genre.name);
		  if (Array.isArray(release.tags)) Array.prototype.push.apply(genres, release.tags.map(tag => tag.name));
		  if (genres.length <= 0) {
			if (Array.isArray(release['release-group'].genres)) {
			  Array.prototype.push.apply(genres, release['release-group'].genres.map(tag => tag.name));
			if (Array.isArray(release['release-group'].tags)) {
			  Array.prototype.push.apply(genres, release['release-group'].tags.map(tag => tag.name));
		  label = release['label-info'].map(label => label.label.name);
		  catalogue = release['label-info'].map(label => label['catalog-number']);
		  release.media.forEach(function(medium, ndx) {
			medium.tracks.forEach(function(track, ndx) {
			  trackIdentifiers = { TRACK_ID: track.id };
			  if (Array.isArray(track['artist-credit'])) {
				trackArtist = track['artist-credit'].map(artist => artist.name);
				trackArtist = trackArtist.length > 0 && (isVA || !trackArtist.equalCaselessTo(artist));
			  } else trackArtist = false;
				artist: isVA ? VA : artist.join(', '),
				album: /*release['release-group'].title || */release.title,
				album_year: extractYear(release['release-group']['first-release-date']),
				release_date: release.date,
				genre: genres.join('; '),
				label: label.filter(label => label).join(' / '),
				catalog: catalogue.filter(catno => catno).join(' / '),
				media: medium.format,
				discnumber: medium.position,
				discsubtitle: medium.title,
				totaldiscs: release.media.length,
				tracknumber: track.number,
				title: track.title,
				track_artist: trackArtist ? track['artist-credit']
					.map(artist => artist.name.concat(artist.joinphrase)).join('') : undefined,
				duration: track.length / 1000,
				//country: release.country,
				description: release.annotation,
				identifiers: mergeIds(),
		  return tracks;
	  if (!weak) clipBoard.value = '';
	  return Promise.reject(new URL(url).hostname + ' not supported');

	  function mergeIds() {
		var r = Object.assign(identifiers, trackIdentifiers);
		trackIdentifiers = {};
		return r;

	  function getDescription(response, selector, quote = false) {
		description = [];
		response.document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(function(node) {
		  var p = html2php(node, response.finalUrl).trim();
		  if (p) description.push(p);
		description = description.join('\n\n');
		if (quote && description.length > 0 && !description.includes('[quote]')) {
		  description = '[quote]' + description + '[/quote]';

	  function durationFromMeta(elem) {
		var m = elem.querySelector('meta[itemprop="duration"]');
		if (m == null) return undefined;
		if (/^PT?(?:(?:(\d+)H)?(\d+)M)?(\d+)S$/i.test(m.content))
		  return (parseInt(RegExp.$1) || 0) * 60**2 + (parseInt(RegExp.$2) || 0) * 60 + (parseInt(RegExp.$3) || 0);
		m = timeStringToTime(m.content);
		return m != null ? m : undefined;

	  function guessDiscNumber() {
		if (discParser.test(discSubtitle)) {
		  discSubtitle = undefined;
		  discNumber = parseInt(RegExp.$1);

	  function prologue(response) {
		if (response.status != 200) throw defaultErrorHandler(response);
		dom = domParser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html');
	} // fetchOnline_Music

	function parseLastFm(album) {
	  if (typeof album != 'object') return Promise.reject('invalid object')
	  var identifiers = {}, description = [];
	  if (album.id) identifiers.LASTFM_ID = album.id;
	  if (album.mbid) identifiers.MBID = album.mbid;
	  if (album.wiki && album.wiki.summary) description.push(album.wiki.summary);
	  if (album.wiki && album.wiki.content) description.push(album.wiki.content);
	  var genres = album.tags.tag.map(tag => tag.name);
	  description = description.join('\n\n');
	  var imgUrl = album.image.filter(image => image.size == /*'extralarge'*/'mega');
	  if (imgUrl.length > 0) {
		imgUrl = imgUrl[0]['#text'];
		if (imgUrl) imgUrl = imgUrl.replace(/\/\d+x\d+\//, '/');
	  } else imgUrl = undefined;
	  return Promise.resolve(album.tracks.track.map((track, ndx) => ({
		artist: album.artist,
		album: album.name,
		genre: genres.join('; ') || undefined,
		title: track.name,
		tracknumber: ndx + 1,
		track_artist: track.artist.name != album.artist ? track.artist.name : undefined,
		duration: parseFloat(track.duration) || undefined,
		url: album.url,
		description: description || undefined,
		identifiers: identifiers,
		cover_url: imgUrl,

	function joinArtists(arr, decorator = artist => artist) {
	  if (!Array.isArray(arr)) return null;
	  if (arr.some(artist => artist.includes('&'))) return arr.map(decorator).join(', ');
	  if (arr.length < 3) return arr.map(decorator).join(' & ');
	  return arr.slice(0, -1).map(decorator).join(', ') + ' & ' + decorator(arr.slice(-1).pop());
  } // fillFromText_Music

  function fillFromText_Apps(weak = false) {
	if (messages != null) messages.parentNode.removeChild(messages);
	if (!urlParser.test(clipBoard.value)) {
	  addMessage('valid URL accepted for this category', 'critical');
	  return false;
	sourceUrl = RegExp.$1;
	var description, tags = new TagManager();
	if (sourceUrl.toLowerCase().includes('://sanet')) return globalFetch(sourceUrl).then(function(response) {
	  i = response.document.querySelector('h1.item_title > span');
	  var title = i == null ? undefined : i.textContent
		.replace(/\s+\((?:x|ia|em)(?:64)\)/ig, ' (64-bit)')
		.replace(/\s+\(x(?:86|32)\)/ig, ' (32-bit)')
		.replace(/\s+(?:Build)\s+(\d+)\b/g, ' build $1')
		.replace(/\s+(?:Multilingual|Multi(?:-|\s)*lang(?:uage)?)\b/g, ' multilingual');
	  description = html2php(response.document.querySelector('section.descr'), response.finalUrl).trim();
	  if (/\s*^[ \t]*(?:\[i\]\[\/i\])?Homepage\s*$.*/im.test(description)) description = RegExp.leftContext;
	  description = description.split(/[ \t]*\r?\n/).slice(6).map(line => line.trim()).join('\n')
		.replace(/^[ \t]*(?:\[i\]\[\/i\])?Screenshots:?\s*/igm, '')
		.replace(/^[ \t]*(?:\[i\]\[\/i\])?(\[b\]Release\s+Notes:?\[\/b\])(?:[ \t]*\r?\n)+/igm, '$1\n')
		.replace(/\[hr\]/ig, '\n');
	  ref = response.document.querySelector('section.descr > div.release-info');
	  var releaseInfo = ref != null && ref.textContent.trim();
	  if (/\b(?:Languages?)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(?:$|\|)/i.exec(releaseInfo) != null)
		description += '\n\n[b]Languages:[/b]\n' + RegExp.$1;
	  if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.txtleft > a')) != null) {
		description += '\n\n[b]Product page:[/b]\n[url]' +
		  removeRedirect(ref.pathname.toLowerCase().startsWith('/confirm/url/') && urlParser.test(ref.textContent) ?
			ref.textContent.trim() : ref.href) + '[/url]';
	  if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('section.descr > div.center > a.mfp-image')) != null) {
	  } else {
		ref = response.document.querySelector('section.descr > div.center > img[data-src]');
		if (ref != null) setCover(ref.dataset.src);
	  var internalTags = Array.from(response.document.querySelectorAll('ul.item_tags_list > li > a[rel="tag"]'))
	  	.map(elem => elem.textContent.toLowerCase().trim());
	  if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('a.cat:last-of-type > span')) != null) {
		if (ref.textContent.toLowerCase() == 'windows') {
		  if (/\b(?:(?:x|ia|em)64)\b/i.test(releaseInfo) || /\(64[-\s]*bit\)/i.test(title)) tags.add('win64');
		  if (/\b(?:x86|x32)\b/i.test(releaseInfo) || /\(32[-\s]*bit\)/i.test(title)) tags.add('win32');
		if (ref.textContent.toLowerCase() == 'macos') tags.add('apps.mac');
		if (ref.textContent.toLowerCase() == 'linux' || ref.textContent.toLowerCase() == 'unix') tags.add('apps.linux');
		if (ref.textContent.toLowerCase() == 'android') tags.add('apps.android');
		if (ref.textContent.toLowerCase() == 'ios') tags.add('apps.ios');
	  if (tags.length > 0 && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('tags'))) ref.value = tags.toString();
	  if (title && !/\(\d+-?bit\)/i.test(title)) {
		if (tags.includes('win64') && !tags.includes('win32')) title += ' (64-bit)';
		if (tags.includes('win32') && !tags.includes('win64')) title += ' (32-bit)';
	  if (elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('title'))) ref.value = title || '';
	if (!weak) {
	  addMessage('this domain not supported', 'critical');
	  clipBoard.value = '';
	return Promise.reject('this domain not supported');
  } // fillFromText_Apps

  function fillFromText_Ebooks(weak = false) {
	if (messages != null) messages.parentNode.removeChild(messages);
	if (!urlParser.test(clipBoard.value)) {
	  addMessage('only URL accepted for this category', 'critical');
	  return Promise.reject('only URL accepted for this category');
	sourceUrl = RegExp.$1;
	var description, tags = new TagManager();
	if (sourceUrl.toLowerCase().includes('martinus.cz') || sourceUrl.toLowerCase().includes('martinus.sk'))
	  return globalFetch(sourceUrl).then(function(response) {
		function get_detail(x, y) {
		  var ref = response.document.querySelector('section#details > div > div > div:first-of-type > div:nth-child(' +
			x + ') > dl:nth-child(' + y + ') > dd');
		  return ref != null ? ref.textContent.trim() : null;

		i = response.document.querySelectorAll('article > ul > li > a');
		if (i.length > 0 && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('title') || document.querySelector('input[name="title"]'))) {
		  description = joinAuthors(i);
		  if ((i = response.document.querySelector('article > h1')) != null) description += ' – ' + i.textContent.trim();
		  i = response.document.querySelector('div.bar.mb-medium > div:nth-child(1) > dl > dd > span');
		  if (i != null && (i = extractYear(i.textContent))) description += ' (' + i + ')';
		  ref.value = description;

		ref = response.document.querySelector('section#description > div');
		if (ref != null) description = html2php(ref).replace(/^\s*\[img\].*?\[\/img\]\s*/i, '').trim();
		if (description.length > 0 && !description.includes('[quote]')) description = '[quote]' + description + '[/quote]';
		const translation_map = [
		  [/\b(?:originál)/i, 'Original title'],
		  [/\b(?:datum|dátum|rok)\b/i, 'Release date'],
		  [/\b(?:katalog|katalóg)/i, 'Catalogue #'],
		  [/\b(?:stran|strán)\b/i, 'Page count'],
		  [/\bjazyk/i, 'Language'],
		  [/\b(?:nakladatel|vydavatel)/i, 'Publisher'],
		  [/\b(?:doporuč|ODPORÚČ)/i, 'Age rating'],
		response.document.querySelectorAll('section#details > div > div > div:first-of-type > div > dl').forEach(function(detail) {
		  var lbl = detail.children[0].textContent.trim();
		  var val = detail.children[1].textContent.trim();
		  if (/\b(?:rozm)/i.test(lbl) || /\b(?:vazba|vázba)\b/i.test(lbl)) return;
		  translation_map.forEach(k => { if (k[0].test(lbl)) lbl = k[1] });
		  if (/\b(?:ISBN)\b/i.test(lbl)) {
			sourceUrl = new URL('https://www.worldcat.org/isbn/' + detail.children[1].textContent.trim());
			val = '[url=' + sourceUrl.href + ']' + detail.children[1].textContent.trim() + '[/url]';
// 		  } else if (/\b(?:ISBN)\b/i.test(lbl)) {
// 			val = '[url=https://www.goodreads.com/search/search?q=' + detail.children[1].textContent.trim() +
// 			  '&search_type=books]' + detail.children[1].textContent.trim() + '[/url]';
		  description += '\n[b]' + lbl + ':[/b] ' + val;
		sourceUrl = new URL(response.finalUrl);
		description += '\n\n[b]More info:[/b]\n[url]' + sourceUrl.href + '[/url]';

		if ((i = response.document.querySelector('a.mj-product-preview > img')) != null) {
		  setCover(i.src.replace(/\?.*/, ''));
		} else if ((i = response.document.querySelector('head > meta[property="og:image"]')) != null) {
		  setCover(i.content.replace(/\?.*/, ''));

		response.document.querySelectorAll('dd > ul > li > a').forEach(x => { tags.add(x.textContent) });
		if (tags.length > 0 && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('tags'))) {
		  ref.value = tags.toString();
	else if (sourceUrl.toLowerCase().includes('goodreads.com')) return globalFetch(sourceUrl).then(function(response) {
	  i = response.document.querySelectorAll('a.authorName > span');
	  if (i.length > 0 && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('title') || document.querySelector('input[name="title"]'))) {
		description = joinAuthors(i);
		if ((i = response.document.querySelector('h1#bookTitle')) != null) description += ' – ' + i.textContent.trim();
		if ((i = response.document.querySelector('div#details > div.row:nth-of-type(2)')) != null
			&& (i = extractYear(i.textContent))) description += ' (' + i + ')';
		ref.value = description;

	  var description = [];
	  response.document.querySelectorAll('div#description span:last-of-type').forEach(function(node) {
		description = html2php(node, sourceUrl).trim();
	  if (description.length > 0 && !description.includes('[quote]')) {
		description = '[quote]' + description.trim() + '[/quote]';

	  function strip(str) {
		return typeof str == 'string' ?
		  str.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').replace(/[\n\r]+/, '').replace(/\s*\.{3}(?:less|more)\b/g, '').trim() : null;

	  response.document.querySelectorAll('div#details > div.row').forEach(k => { description += '\n' + strip(k.innerText) });
	  description += '\n';

	  response.document.querySelectorAll('div#bookDataBox > div.clearFloats').forEach(function(detail) {
		var lbl = detail.children[0].textContent.trim();
		var val = strip(detail.children[1].textContent);
		if (/\b(?:ISBN)\b/i.test(lbl) && (/\b(\d{13})\b/.test(val) || /\b(\d{10})\b/.test(val))) {
		  sourceUrl = new URL('https://www.worldcat.org/isbn/' + RegExp.$1);
		  val = '[url=' + sourceUrl.href + ']' + strip(detail.children[1].textContent) + '[/url]';
		description += '\n[b]' + lbl + ':[/b] ' + val;
	  if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('span[itemprop="ratingValue"]')) != null) {
		description += '\n[b]Rating:[/b] ' + Math.round(parseFloat(ref.firstChild.textContent) * 20) + '%';
	  sourceUrl = new URL(response.finalUrl);
// 		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div#buyButtonContainer > ul > li > a.buttonBar')) != null) {
// 		  let u = new URL(ref.href);
// 		  description += '\n[url=' + sourceUrl.origin + u.pathname + '?' + u.search + ']Libraries[/url]';
// 		}
	  description += '\n\n[b]More info and reviews:[/b]\n[url]' + sourceUrl.origin + sourceUrl.pathname + '[/url]';
	  response.document.querySelectorAll('div.clearFloats.bigBox').forEach(function(bigBox) {
		if (bigBox.id == 'aboutAuthor' && (ref = bigBox.querySelector('h2 > a')) != null) {
		  description += '\n\n[b][url=' + ref.href + ']' + ref.textContent.trim() + '[/url][/b]';
		  if ((ref = bigBox.querySelector('div.bigBoxBody a > div[style*="background-image"]')) != null) {
		  if ((ref = bigBox.querySelector('div.bookAuthorProfile__about > span[id]:last-of-type')) != null) {
			description += '\n' + html2php(ref, sourceUrl).trim().replace(/^\[i\]Librarian\s+Note:.*?\[\/i\]\s+/i, '');
		} else if ((ref = bigBox.querySelector('h2 > a[href^="/trivia/"]')) != null) {
		  description += '\n\n[b][url=' + ref.href + ']' + ref.textContent.trim() + '[/url][/b]';
		  if ((ref = bigBox.querySelector('div.bigBoxContent > div.mediumText')) != null) {
			description += '\n' + ref.firstChild.textContent.trim();
// 		  } else if ((ref = bigBox.querySelector('h2 > a[href^="/work/quotes/"]')) != null) {
// 			description += '\n\n[b][url=' + ref.href + ']' + ref.textContent.trim() + '[/url][/b]';
// 			bigBox.querySelectorAll('div.bigBoxContent > div.stacked > span.readable').forEach(function(quote) {
// 			  description += '\n' + ref.firstChild.textContent.trim();
// 			});
	  if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div.editionCover > img')) != null) setCover(ref.src.replace(/\?.*/, ''));
	  response.document.querySelectorAll('div.elementList > div.left').forEach(tag => { tags.add(tag.textContent.trim()) });
	  if (tags.length > 0 && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('tags'))) ref.value = tags.toString();
	}); else if (sourceUrl.toLowerCase().includes('databazeknih.cz')) {
	  if (!sourceUrl.toLowerCase().includes('show=alldesc')) {
		if (!sourceUrl.includes('?')) { sourceUrl += '?show=alldesc' } else { sourceUrl += '&show=alldesc' }
	  return globalFetch(sourceUrl).then(function(response) {
		i = response.document.querySelectorAll('span[itemprop="author"] > a');
		if (i != null && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('title') || document.querySelector('input[name="title"]'))) {
		  description = joinAuthors(i);
		  if ((i = response.document.querySelector('h1[itemprop="name"]')) != null)
			description += ' – ' + i.textContent.trim();
		  i = response.document.querySelector('span[itemprop="datePublished"]');
		  if (i != null && (i = extractYear(i.textContent))) description += ' (' + i + ')';
		  ref.value = description;

		ref = response.document.querySelector('p[itemprop="description"]');
		if (ref != null) description = html2php(ref, sourceUrl).trim();
		if (description.length > 0 && !description.includes('[quote]')) description = '[quote]' + description + '[/quote]';
		const translation_map = [
		  [/\b(?:orig)/i, 'Original title'],
		  [/\b(?:série)\b/i, 'Series'],
		  [/\b(?:vydáno)\b/i, 'Released'],
		  [/\b(?:stran)\b/i, 'Page count'],
		  [/\b(?:jazyk)\b/i, 'Language'],
		  [/\b(?:překlad)/i, 'Translation'],
		  [/\b(?:autor obálky)\b/i, 'Cover author'],
		response.document.querySelectorAll('table.bdetail tr').forEach(function(detail) {
		  var lbl = detail.children[0].textContent.trim();
		  var val = detail.children[1].textContent.trim();
		  if (/(?:žánr|\bvazba)\b/i.test(lbl)) return;
		  translation_map.forEach(k => { if (k[0].test(lbl)) lbl = k[1] });
		  if (/\b(?:ISBN)\b/i.test(lbl) && /\b(\d+(?:-\d+)*)\b/.exec(val) != null) {
			sourceUrl = new URL('https://www.worldcat.org/isbn/' + RegExp.$1.replace(/-/g, ''));
			val = '[url=' + sourceUrl.href + ']' + detail.children[1].textContent.trim() + '[/url]';
		  description += '\n[b]' + lbl + '[/b] ' + val;

		sourceUrl = new URL(response.finalUrl);
		description += '\n\n[b]More info:[/b]\n[url]' + sourceUrl.origin + sourceUrl.pathname + '[/url]';

		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div#icover_mid > a')) != null) setCover(ref.href.replace(/\?.*/, ''));
		if ((ref = response.document.querySelector('div#lbImage')) != null && /\burl\("(.*)"\)/i.test(i.style.backgroundImage)) {
		  setCover(RegExp.$1.replace(/\?.*/, ''));

		response.document.querySelectorAll('h5[itemprop="genre"] > a').forEach(tag => { tags.add(tag.textContent.trim()) });
		response.document.querySelectorAll('a.tag').forEach(tag => { tags.add(tag.textContent.trim()) });
		if (tags.length > 0 && elementWritable(ref = document.getElementById('tags'))) ref.value = tags.toString();
	if (!weak) {
	  addMessage('domain not supported', 'critical');
	  clipBoard.value = '';
	return Promise.reject('domain not supported');

	function joinAuthors(nodeList) {
	  if (typeof nodeList != 'object') return null;
	  return Array.from(nodeList).map(it => it.textContent.trim()).join(' & ');

	function findOCLC(url) {
	  if (!url) return false;
	  var oclc = document.querySelector('input[name="oclc"]');
	  if (!elementWritable(oclc)) return false;
	  globalFetch(url).then(function(dom) {
		var ref = dom.querySelector('tr#details-oclcno > td:last-of-type');
		if (ref != null) oclc.value = ref.textContent.trim();
	  return true;
  } // fillFromText_Ebooks

  function preview(n) {
	if (!prefs.auto_preview) return;
	var btn = document.querySelector('input.button_preview_' + n + '[type="button"][value="Preview"]');
	if (btn != null) btn.click();

  function writeDescription(desc) {
	if (typeof desc != 'string') return;
	if (elementWritable(ref = document.querySelector('textarea#desc')
		|| document.querySelector('textarea#description'))) ref.value = desc;
	if ((ref = document.getElementById('body')) != null && !ref.disabled) {
	  if (ref.value.length > 0) ref.value += '\n\n';
	  ref.value += desc;

  function queryItunesAPI(key, params) {
	return queryGenericAPI('itunes.apple.com', key, params);
  function queryDeezerAPI(key, params) {
	return queryGenericAPI('api.deezer.com', key, params);
  function queryDiscogsAPI(key, params) {
	if (prefs.discogs_key && prefs.discogs_secret) {
	  var hdr = { Authorization: 'Discogs key=' + prefs.discogs_key + ', secret=' + prefs.discogs_secret };
	} else if (discogs_token) hdr = { Authorization: 'Discogs token=' + discogs_token };
	return queryGenericAPI('api.discogs.com', key, params, hdr);
  function queryMusicBrainzAPI(key, params) {
	return queryGenericAPI('musicbrainz.org', 'ws/2/' + key + '/', Object.assign({ fmt: 'json' }, params));
  function querySpotifyAPI(key, params) {
	return key ? setToken().then(credentials => queryGenericAPI('api.spotify.com', 'v1/' + key, params, {
	  'Authorization': credentials.token_type + ' ' + credentials.access_token,
	})) : Promise.reject('No API expression');

	function setToken() {
	  if (isTokenValid()) return Promise.resolve(spotifyCredentials);
	  if (!spotify_clientid || !spotify_clientsecret) return Promise.reject('Spotify credentials not configured');
	  const data = new URLSearchParams({
		'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
	  return globalFetch('https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token', { responseType: 'json', headers: {
		'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
		'Content-Length': data.toString().length,
		'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa(spotify_clientid + ':' + spotify_clientsecret),
	  } }, data.toString()).then(function(response) {
		spotifyCredentials = response.response;
		spotifyCredentials.expires = new Date().getTime() + spotifyCredentials.expires_in;
		return isTokenValid() ? spotifyCredentials : Promise.reject('Invalid token');

	function isTokenValid() {
	  return spotifyCredentials.token_type && spotifyCredentials.token_type
	  	&& spotifyCredentials.access_token && spotifyCredentials.expires >= new Date().getTime() + 30;
  function queryLastFmAPI(method, params) {
	return lastfm_api_key ? queryGenericAPI('ws.audioscrobbler.com', '2.0/', Object.assign({
	  method: method,
	  api_key: lastfm_api_key,
	  format: 'json',
	}, params || {})) : Promise.reject('Last.fm API key not configured');

  function queryGenericAPI(domain, key, params, headers) {
	if (!key) return Promise.reject(new Error('Keyword missing'));
	var retryCount = 0;
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	  var url = 'https://' + domain + '/' + key;
	  var query = new URLSearchParams(params || undefined).toString();
	  if (query.length > 0) url += '?' + query;
	  if (typeof headers != 'object') headers = {};
	  headers.Accept = 'application/json';

	  function queryInternal() {
		  method: 'GET',
		  url: url,
		  responseType: 'json',
		  headers: headers,
		  onload: function(response) {
			if (response.status == 503) return http503Handler(1000, response, 'onload');
			if (response.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE || response.status == 200) resolve(response.response);
				else reject(defaultErrorHandler(response));
		  onerror: error => error.status == 503 ? http503Handler(1000, error, 'onerror')
		  	: reject(defaultErrorHandler(error)),
		  ontimeout: timeout => reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(timeout)),
	  function http503Handler(delay, response, event) {
		if (retryCount++ > 10) reject(defaultErrorHandler(response));
		setTimeout(function() { queryInternal() }, delay);
		console.debug('[UA] queryGenericAPI encountered HTTP/503 error for url ' + url + '; event: ' + event);

  function getMusicBrainzCovers(mbid) {
	return searchInternal('release', mbid).catch(searchMaster).then(covers => covers || searchMaster());

	function searchInternal(entity, mbid) {
	  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => GM_xmlhttpRequest({
		method: 'GET',
		url: 'https://coverartarchive.org/' + entity + '/' + mbid,
		responseType: 'json',
		onload: function(response) {
		  if (response.status == 404) return resolve(null);
		  if (response.status != 200) return reject(defaultErrorHandler(response));
		  var images = response.response.images
		  	.filter(image => urlParser.test(image.image) && image.isfront
				|| Array.isArray(image.types) && image.types.includesCaseless('Front'))
		  	.map(image => image.image);
		  resolve(images.length > 0 ? [response.response.release, images] : null);
		onerror: error => reject(defaultErrorHandler(error)),
		ontimeout: timeout => reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(timeout)),
	function searchMaster() {
	  return queryMusicBrainzAPI('release/' + mbid, { inc: 'release-groups' })
		.then(release => searchInternal('release-group', release['release-group'].id));

  function setCover(url) {
	if (!urlParser.test(url)) return Promise.reject('Image url not valid');
	var image = document.getElementById('image') || document.querySelector('input[name="image"]');
	if (!elementWritable(image)) return Promise.reject('Image input not available');
	return testImageUrl(url).then(function(url) {
	  if (!isNWCD) {
		image.value = url;
		coverPreview(image, url);
		if (prefs.auto_rehost_cover && !url.toLowerCase().startsWith(imghostOrigin)) {
		  //if (rehostItBtn != null) rehostItBtn.click(); else {
		  image.disabled = true;
			.then(urls => urls.length > 0 ? (image.value = urls[0]) : url)
			.catch(reason => { alert(reason) })
			.then(url => { image.disabled = false; return url });
		return url;
	  } else return uploadToImagehost(url).then(function(result) {
		image.value = result.url;
		setTimeout(function() { coverPreview(image, result.url) }, 2000);
		return result.url;

  function elementWritable(elem) {
	return elem != null && !elem.disabled && (overwrite || elem.value == '' || !isRED && elem.value == '---');
} // fillFromText

function addMessage(text, cls) {
  switch (cls) {
	case 'info': var prefix = 'Info'; break;
	case 'notice': prefix = 'Notice'; break;
	case 'warning': prefix = 'Warning'; break;
	case 'critical': prefix = 'FATAL'; break;
	default: return null;
  messages = document.getElementById('UA-messages');
  if (messages == null) {
	var ua = document.getElementById('upload assistant');
	if (ua == null) return null;
	messages = document.createElement('TR');
	if (messages == null) return null;
	messages.id = 'UA-messages';

	elem = document.createElement('TD');
	if (elem == null) return null;
	elem.colSpan = 2;
	elem.className = 'ua-messages-bg';
  } else {
	elem = messages.firstElementChild; // tbody
	if (elem == null) return null;
  var div = document.createElement('DIV');
  div.classList.add('ua-messages', 'ua-'.concat(cls));
  div[text instanceof HTML ? 'innerHTML' : 'textContent'] = prefix.concat(': ', text);
  return elem.appendChild(div);

function defaultErrorHandler(response) {
  var e = 'XHR: error readyState=' + response.readyState + ', status=' + response.status;
  if (response.statusText) e += ' (' + response.statusText + ')';
  if (response.error) e += ' (' + response.error + ')';
  console.error('XHR error:', response);
  if (prefs.messages_verbosity >= 2) addMessage(e, 'notice');
  return e;
function defaultTimeoutHandler(response) {
  const e = 'XHR: timeout';
  console.error('XHR timeout:', response);
  if (prefs.messages_verbosity >= 2) addMessage(e, 'notice');
  return e;

function setHandlers() {
  if (prefs.cleanup_descriptions) ['form.create_form', 'form.edit_form', 'form#request_form'].forEach(function(sel) {
	if ((ref = document.querySelector(sel)) != null) ref.addEventListener('submit', cleanupDescriptions);

  if ((ref = document.getElementById('yadg_input')) != null) ref.ondrop = clear0;

  if (!isNWCD) {
	if ((ref = document.getElementById('image') || document.querySelector('input[name="image"]')) != null) {
	  ref.ondragover = voidDragHandler0;
	  ref.ondblclick = imageClear;
	  ref.ondrop = imageDropHandler;
	  ref.onpaste = imagePasteHandler;

	rehostItBtn = document.querySelector('input.rehost_it_cover[type="button"]');
	if (prefs.dragdrop_patch_to_ptpimgit && rehostItBtn != null) {
	  rehostItBtn.dataset.caption = rehostItBtn.value;
	  rehostItBtn.ondragover = voidDragHandler0;
	  rehostItBtn.ondrop = rehostDropHandler;
  // Now rape OPS upload form, but only gently
  if (isOPS && isUpload && (ref = document.getElementById('remaster')) != null) {
	ref.checked = true;
	if (!isAddFormat && prefs.ops_always_edition) {
	  elem = ref.parentNode.parentNode;
	  elem.style.display = 'none';
	  if ((ref = document.querySelector('span#year_label_not_remaster')) != null) ref.textContent = 'Initial year:';
	  if ((ref = document.querySelector('tr#edition_year > td.label')) != null) ref.textContent = 'Edition year:';
	  if ((ref = document.querySelector('tr#edition_title > td.label')) != null) ref.textContent = 'Edition title:';
	  if ((ref = document.getElementById('label_tr')) != null) /*ref.style.display = 'none'; */ref.remove();
	  if ((ref = document.getElementById('catalogue_tr')) != null) /*ref.style.display = 'none'; */ref.remove();
	  document.querySelectorAll('table#edition_information > tbody > tr')
		.forEach(tr => { elem.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, elem) });
	} else Remaster();

  Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')).forEach(function(textArea) {
	if (textArea.className == 'ua-input') return;
	textArea.ondragover = voidDragHandler0;
	textArea.ondrop = descDropHandler;
	textArea.onpaste = descPasteHandler;

function html2php(node, url, tagChain = []) {
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			case 'ul': text[0] = '[*] '; text[4] = '\n'; break;
			default: return '';
		case 'A': {
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		case 'IMG':
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		case 'DETAILS': {
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		  summary = summary != null ? '='.concat(summary.textContent.trim()) : '';
		  addTag('hide' + summary);
		case 'AUDIO': case 'BASE': case 'BUTTON': case 'CANVAS': case 'COL': case 'COLGROUP': case 'DATALIST':
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		case 'LINK': case 'MAP': case 'META': case 'METER': case 'NOSCRIPT': case 'OBJECT': case 'OPTGROUP':
		case 'OPTION': case 'PARAM': case 'PROGRESS': case 'SELECT': case 'SOURCE': case 'STYLE': case 'SUMMARY':
		case 'SVG': case 'TEMPLATE': case 'TEXTAREA': case 'TITLE': case 'TRACK': case 'VIDEO':
		  return '';
	  if (['left', 'center', 'right'].some(al => node.style.textAlign.toLowerCase() == al)) {
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		case 'italic': addTag('i'); break;
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		case 'underline': addTag('u'); break;
		case 'line-through': addTag('s'); break;
	  if (node.style.color) {
		ctxt.fillStyle = elem.style.color;
		if (ctxt.fillStyle != '#000000' && /^#(?:[a-f0-8]{2}){3,4}$/i.test(ctxt.fillStyle)) {
		  addTag('color=' + ctxt.fillStyle);
	  if (!text[2]) node.childNodes.forEach(function(node) {
		text[2] += html2php(node, url, tagChain.concat(tags.concat(_tags).map(tag => tag.replace(/=.*$/, ''))));
	  if (node.nodeName = 'A' && text[2].trim().length <= 0) {
		text[2] = removeRedirect(node.href);
		tags.splice(-1, 1, 'url');
	  return text[0].concat((text[1] || text[2] || text[3] ? tags.map(tag => '[' + tag + ']').join('').concat(text[1],
		text[2], text[3], tags.reverse().map(tag => '[/' + tag.replace(/=.*$/, '') + ']').join('')) : ''), text[4]);

	  function addTag(tag) {
		if (tagChain.concat(tags.map(tag => tag.replace(/=.*$/, ''))).includesCaseless(tag.replace(/=.*$/, ''))) return;
	case Node.TEXT_NODE:
	  return node.wholeText.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
	  return html2php(node.body, url);
  return '';

function coverPreview(anchor, src, size) {
  if (!prefs.auto_preview_cover || anchor.parentNode.previousElementSibling == null) return;
  if ((child = document.getElementById('cover-preview')) == null) {
	if (!(anchor instanceof HTMLElement)) return;
	elem = document.createElement('div');
	elem.style = 'padding-top: 10px; float: right; width: 90%;';
	child = document.createElement('img');
	child.id = 'cover-preview';
	var div = document.createElement('div');
	div.id = 'cover-size';
  div = div || document.getElementById('cover-size');
  if (urlParser.test(src)) {
	child.onload = function(evt) {
	  this.onload = null;
	  if (!this.naturalWidth || !this.naturalHeight) return; // invalid image
	  (size > 0 ? Promise.resolve(size) : getRemoteFileSize(src)).then(function(size) {
		var warn = prefs.huge_image_warning && size > prefs.huge_image_warning * 2**20;
		var html = warn ? '<strong style="color: #ff4c4c;">' + formattedSize(size) + '</strong>' : formattedSize(size);
		div.innerHTML = this.naturalWidth + '×' + this.naturalHeight + ' (' + html + ')';
		if (!warn) return;
		addMessage('high cover size (' + formattedSize(size) + ')', 'notice');
	  }.bind(this)).catch(reason => { div.textContent = this.naturalWidth + '×' + this.naturalHeight });
	child.src = src;
  } else div.textContent = child.src = '';

function getRemoteFileSize(url) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	var imageSize, abort = GM_xmlhttpRequest({
	  method: 'GET', url: url, responseType: 'arraybuffer',
	  onreadystatechange: function(response) {
		if (imageSize || response.readyState < XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED
			|| !/^Content-Length:\s*(\d+)\b/im.test(response.responseHeaders)) return;
		var imageSize = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
		if (isNaN(imageSize)) return; //reject('Wrong size received');
	  onload: function(response) { // fail-safe
		if (imageSize) return;
		if (response.status != 200) return reject(new Error('Image not accessible'));
		resolve(response.responseText.length /*response.response.byteLength*/);
	  onerror: response => reject(new Error('Image not accessible')),
	  ontimeout: response => reject(new Error('Image not accessible')),

function removeRedirect(uri) {
  return typeof uri != 'string' ? null : [
  ].reduce(function(acc, it) {
	if (acc.toLowerCase().startsWith('https://' + it)) return acc.slice(it.length + 8);
	if (acc.toLowerCase().startsWith('http://' + it)) return acc.slice(it.length + 7);
	return acc;
  }, uri);

function cleanupDescriptions(evt) {
  descriptionFields.forEach(function(ID) {
	if ((ref = evt.target.querySelector('textarea#' + ID)) == null || ref.value.length <= 0) return;
	var clean = ref.value
		.replace(/[ \t]*Vinyl rip by \[color=\S+\]\[\/color\]\s*/im, '')
		.replace(/\[u\]Lineage:\[\/u\]\n\n/i, '')
	for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) clean = clean.replace(/\s*\[(\w+)(?:=([^\[\]]*))?\]\[\/\1\]/gm, '');
	const drMatch = [
	  /(^| \| )DR(\d+)$\s+/m,
	  /(?:^| \| )DR(\d+)(?=$| \| )/gm,
	var m = /\[hide=DR(\d+)?\]\[pre\]/i.exec(clean);
	//if (m != null && drMatch[0].test(clean) && RegExp.$2 == m[1]) clean = clean.replace(drMatch[0], '$1');
	if (m != null && drMatch[1].test(clean) && RegExp.$1 == m[1]) clean = clean.replace(drMatch[1], '');
	ref.value = clean.replace(/(?:[ \t]*\r?\n){3,}/g, '\n\n').replace(/[ \t]+$/gm, '').trim();
  return true;

function reInParenthesis(expr) { return new RegExp('\\s+\\([^\\(\\)]*'.concat(expr, '[^\\(\\)]*\\)$'), 'i') }
function reInBrackets(expr) { return new RegExp('\\s+\\[[^\\[\\]]*'.concat(expr, '[^\\[\\]]*\\]$'), 'i') }

function notMonospaced(str) {
  return /[\u0080-\u009F]/.test(str)
// 	|| /[\u0000-\u001F]/.test(str) // Control character
// 	|| /[\u0020-\u007F]/.test(str) // Basic Latin
// 	|| /[\u0080-\u00FF]/.test(str) // Latin-1 Supplement
// 	|| /[\u0100-\u017F]/.test(str) // Latin Extended-A
// 	|| /[\u0180-\u024F]/.test(str) // Latin Extended-B
// 	|| /[\u0250-\u02AF]/.test(str) // IPA Extensions
	|| /[\u02B0-\u02FF]/.test(str) // Spacing Modifier Letters
	|| /[\u0300-\u036F]/.test(str) // Combining Diacritical Marks
	|| /[\u0370-\u03FF]/.test(str) // Greek and Coptic
	|| /[\u0400-\u04FF]/.test(str) // Cyrillic
	|| /[\u0500-\u052F]/.test(str) // Cyrillic Supplement
	|| /[\u0530-\u058F]/.test(str) // Armenian
	|| /[\u0590-\u05FF]/.test(str) // Hebrew
	|| /[\u0600-\u06FF]/.test(str) // Arabic
	|| /[\u0700-\u074F]/.test(str) // Syriac
	|| /[\u0750-\u077F]/.test(str) // Arabic Supplement
	|| /[\u0780-\u07BF]/.test(str) // Thaana
	|| /[\u07C0-\u07FF]/.test(str) // NKo
	|| /[\u0800-\u083F]/.test(str) // Samaritan
	|| /[\u0840-\u085F]/.test(str) // Mandaic
	|| /[\u0860-\u086F]/.test(str) // Syriac Supplement
	|| /[\u08A0-\u08FF]/.test(str) // Arabic Extended-A
	|| /[\u0900-\u097F]/.test(str) // Devanagari
	|| /[\u0980-\u09FF]/.test(str) // Bengali
	|| /[\u0A00-\u0A7F]/.test(str) // Gurmukhi
	|| /[\u0A80-\u0AFF]/.test(str) // Gujarati
	|| /[\u0B00-\u0B7F]/.test(str) // Oriya
	|| /[\u0B80-\u0BFF]/.test(str) // Tamil
	|| /[\u0C00-\u0C7F]/.test(str) // Telugu
	|| /[\u0C80-\u0CFF]/.test(str) // Kannada
	|| /[\u0D00-\u0D7F]/.test(str) // Malayalam
	|| /[\u0D80-\u0DFF]/.test(str) // Sinhala
	|| /[\u0E00-\u0E7F]/.test(str) // Thai
	|| /[\u0E80-\u0EFF]/.test(str) // Lao
	|| /[\u0F00-\u0FFF]/.test(str) // Tibetan
	|| /[\u1000-\u109F]/.test(str) // Myanmar
	|| /[\u10A0-\u10FF]/.test(str) // Georgian
	|| /[\u1100-\u11FF]/.test(str) // Hangul Jamo
	|| /[\u1200-\u137F]/.test(str) // Ethiopic
	|| /[\u1380-\u139F]/.test(str) // Ethiopic Supplement
	|| /[\u13A0-\u13FF]/.test(str) // Cherokee
	|| /[\u1400-\u167F]/.test(str) // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
	|| /[\u1680-\u169F]/.test(str) // Ogham
	|| /[\u16A0-\u16FF]/.test(str) // Runic
	|| /[\u1700-\u171F]/.test(str) // Tagalog
	|| /[\u1720-\u173F]/.test(str) // Hanunoo
	|| /[\u1740-\u175F]/.test(str) // Buhid
	|| /[\u1760-\u177F]/.test(str) // Tagbanwa
	|| /[\u1780-\u17FF]/.test(str) // Khmer
	|| /[\u1800-\u18AF]/.test(str) // Mongolian
	|| /[\u18B0-\u18FF]/.test(str) // Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended
	|| /[\u1900-\u194F]/.test(str) // Limbu
	|| /[\u1950-\u197F]/.test(str) // Tai Le
	|| /[\u1980-\u19DF]/.test(str) // New Tai Lue
	|| /[\u19E0-\u19FF]/.test(str) // Khmer Symbols
	|| /[\u1A00-\u1A1F]/.test(str) // Buginese
	|| /[\u1A20-\u1AAF]/.test(str) // Tai Tham
	|| /[\u1AB0-\u1AFF]/.test(str) // Combining Diacritical Marks Extended
	|| /[\u1B00-\u1B7F]/.test(str) // Balinese
	|| /[\u1B80-\u1BBF]/.test(str) // Sundanese
	|| /[\u1BC0-\u1BFF]/.test(str) // Batak
	|| /[\u1C00-\u1C4F]/.test(str) // Lepcha
	|| /[\u1C50-\u1C7F]/.test(str) // Ol Chiki
	|| /[\u1C80-\u1C8F]/.test(str) // Cyrillic Extended C
	|| /[\u1CC0-\u1CCF]/.test(str) // Sundanese Supplement
	|| /[\u1CD0-\u1CFF]/.test(str) // Vedic Extensions
	|| /[\u1D00-\u1D7F]/.test(str) // Phonetic Extensions
	|| /[\u1D80-\u1DBF]/.test(str) // Phonetic Extensions Supplement
	|| /[\u1DC0-\u1DFF]/.test(str) // Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
// 	|| /[\u1E00-\u1EFF]/.test(str) // Latin Extended Additional
	|| /[\u1F00-\u1FFF]/.test(str) // Greek Extended
	|| /[\u200B-\u200F\u2028\u2029\u203B\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u206F]/.test(str) //|| /[\u2000-\u206F]/.test(str) // General Punctuation
	|| /[\u2070-\u209F]/.test(str) // Superscripts and Subscripts
// 	|| /[\u20A0-\u20CF]/.test(str) // Currency Symbols
	|| /[\u20D0-\u20FF]/.test(str) // Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
// 	|| /[\u2100-\u214F]/.test(str) // Letterlike Symbols
	|| /[\u2150-\u218F]/.test(str) // Number Forms
// 	|| /[\u2190-\u21FF]/.test(str) // Arrows
	|| /[\u2200-\u22FF]/.test(str) // Mathematical Operators
	|| /[\u2300-\u23FF]/.test(str) // Miscellaneous Technical
	|| /[\u2400-\u243F]/.test(str) // Control Pictures
// 	|| /[\u2440-\u245F]/.test(str) // Optical Character Recognition
	|| /[\u2460-\u24FF]/.test(str) // Enclosed Alphanumerics
	|| /[\u2500-\u257F]/.test(str) // Box Drawing
// 	|| /[\u2580-\u259F]/.test(str) // Block Elements
	|| /[\u25A0-\u25FF]/.test(str) // Geometric Shapes
	|| /[\u2600-\u26FF]/.test(str) // Miscellaneous Symbols
	|| /[\u2700-\u27BF]/.test(str) // Dingbats
	|| /[\u27C0-\u27EF]/.test(str) // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A
	|| /[\u27F0-\u27FF]/.test(str) // Supplemental Arrows-A
	|| /[\u2800-\u28FF]/.test(str) // Braille Patterns
	|| /[\u2900-\u297F]/.test(str) // Supplemental Arrows-B
// 	|| /[\u2980-\u29FF]/.test(str) // Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
// 	|| /[\u2A00-\u2AFF]/.test(str) // Supplemental Mathematical Operators
	|| /[\u2B00-\u2BFF]/.test(str) // Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
	|| /[\u2C00-\u2C5F]/.test(str) // Glagolitic
// 	|| /[\u2C60-\u2C7F]/.test(str) // Latin Extended-C
	|| /[\u2C80-\u2CFF]/.test(str) // Coptic
	|| /[\u2D00-\u2D2F]/.test(str) // Georgian Supplement
	|| /[\u2D30-\u2D7F]/.test(str) // Tifinagh
	|| /[\u2D80-\u2DDF]/.test(str) // Ethiopic Extended
	|| /[\u2DE0-\u2DFF]/.test(str) // Cyrillic Extended-A
	|| /[\u2E00-\u2E7F]/.test(str) // Supplemental Punctuation
	|| /[\u2E80-\u2EFF]/.test(str) // CJK Radicals Supplement
	|| /[\u2F00-\u2FDF]/.test(str) // Kangxi Radicals
	|| /[\u2FF0-\u2FFF]/.test(str) // Ideographic Description Characters
	|| /[\u3000-\u303F]/.test(str) // CJK Symbols and Punctuation
	|| /[\u3040-\u309F]/.test(str) // Hiragana
	|| /[\u30A0-\u30FF]/.test(str) // Katakana
	|| /[\u3100-\u312F]/.test(str) // Bopomofo
	|| /[\u3130-\u318F]/.test(str) // Hangul Compatibility Jamo
	|| /[\u3190-\u319F]/.test(str) // Kanbun
	|| /[\u31A0-\u31BF]/.test(str) // Bopomofo Extended
	|| /[\u31C0-\u31EF]/.test(str) // CJK Strokes
	|| /[\u31F0-\u31FF]/.test(str) // Katakana Phonetic Extensions
	|| /[\u3200-\u32FF]/.test(str) // Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
	|| /[\u3300-\u33FF]/.test(str) // CJK Compatibility
	|| /[\u3400-\u4DBF]/.test(str) // CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
	|| /[\u4DC0-\u4DFF]/.test(str) // Yijing Hexagram Symbols
	|| /[\u4E00-\u9FFF]/.test(str) // CJK Unified Ideographs
// 	|| /[\uA000-\uA48F]/.test(str) // Yi Syllables
// 	|| /[\uA490-\uA4CF]/.test(str) // Yi Radicals
	|| /[\uA4D0-\uA4FF]/.test(str) // Lisu
	|| /[\uA500-\uA63F]/.test(str) // Vai
	|| /[\uA640-\uA69F]/.test(str) // Cyrillic Extended-B
	|| /[\uA6A0-\uA6FF]/.test(str) // Bamum
	|| /[\uA700-\uA71F]/.test(str) // Modifier Tone Letters
	|| /[\uA720-\uA7FF]/.test(str) // Latin Extended-D
	|| /[\uA800-\uA82F]/.test(str) // Syloti Nagri
	|| /[\uA830-\uA83F]/.test(str) // Common Indic Number Forms
	|| /[\uA840-\uA87F]/.test(str) // Phags-pa
	|| /[\uA880-\uA8DF]/.test(str) // Saurashtra
	|| /[\uA8E0-\uA8FF]/.test(str) // Devanagari Extended
	|| /[\uA900-\uA92F]/.test(str) // Kayah Li
	|| /[\uA930-\uA95F]/.test(str) // Rejang
	|| /[\uA960-\uA97F]/.test(str) // Hangul Jamo Extended-A
	|| /[\uA980-\uA9DF]/.test(str) // Javanese
	|| /[\uA9E0-\uA9FF]/.test(str) // Myanmar Extended-B
	|| /[\uAA00-\uAA5F]/.test(str) // Cham
	|| /[\uAA60-\uAA7F]/.test(str) // Myanmar Extended-A
	|| /[\uAA80-\uAADF]/.test(str) // Tai Viet
	|| /[\uAAE0-\uAAFF]/.test(str) // Meetei Mayek Extensions
	|| /[\uAB00-\uAB2F]/.test(str) // Ethiopic Extended-A
// 	|| /[\uAB30-\uAB6F]/.test(str) // Latin Extended-E
	|| /[\uAB70-\uABBF]/.test(str) // Cherokee Supplement
	|| /[\uABC0-\uABFF]/.test(str) // Meetei Mayek
	|| /[\uAC00-\uD7AF]/.test(str) // Hangul Syllables
	|| /[\uD7B0-\uD7FF]/.test(str) // Hangul Jamo Extended-B
	|| /[\uD800-\uDB7F]/.test(str) // High Surrogates
// 	|| /[\uDB80-\uDBFF]/.test(str) // High Private Use Surrogates
	|| /[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/.test(str) // Low Surrogates
	|| /[\uE000-\uF8FF]/.test(str) // Private Use Area
	|| /[\uF900-\uFAFF]/.test(str) // CJK Compatibility Ideographs
	|| /[\uFB00-\uFB4F]/.test(str) // Alphabetic Presentation Forms
	|| /[\uFB50-\uFDFF]/.test(str) // Arabic Presentation Forms-A
	|| /[\uFE00-\uFE0F]/.test(str) // Variation Selectors
	|| /[\uFE10-\uFE1F]/.test(str) // Vertical Forms
	|| /[\uFE20-\uFE2F]/.test(str) // Combining Half Marks
	|| /[\uFE30-\uFE4F]/.test(str) // CJK Compatibility Forms
	|| /[\uFE50-\uFE6F]/.test(str) // Small Form Variants
	|| /[\uFE70-\uFEFF]/.test(str) // Arabic Presentation Forms-B
	|| /[\uFF00-\uFFEF]/.test(str) // Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
	|| /[\uFFF0-\uFFFF]/.test(str) // Specials
// 	|| /[\u10000-\uFFFFF]/.test(str) // Others

function makeTimeString(duration) {
  let t = Math.abs(Math.round(duration));
  let H = Math.floor(t / 60 ** 2);
  let M = Math.floor(t / 60 % 60);
  let S = t % 60;
  return (duration < 0 ? '-' : '') + (H > 0 ? H + ':' + M.toString().padStart(2, '0') : M.toString()) +
	':' + S.toString().padStart(2, '0');

function timeStringToTime(str) {
  if (!/(-\s*)?\b(\d+(?::\d{2})*(?:\.\d+)?)\b/.test(str)) return null;
  var t = 0, a = RegExp.$2.split(':');
  while (a.length > 0) t = t * 60 + parseFloat(a.shift());
  return RegExp.$1 ? -t : t;

function normalizeDate(str) {
  if (typeof str != 'string') return null;
  if (/\b(\d{4}-\d+-\d+|\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2})\b/.test(str)) return RegExp.$1; // US (clash with BE, IT)
  if (/\b(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{4})\b/.test(str)) return RegExp.$2 + '/' + RegExp.$1 + '/' + RegExp.$3; // UK, IRL, FR
  if (/\b(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{2})\b/.test(str)) return RegExp.$2 + '/' + RegExp.$1 + '/' + RegExp.$3; // NL
  if (/\b(\d{1,2})\.\s?(\d{1,2})\.\s?(\d{2}|\d{4})\b/.test(str)) return RegExp.$2 + '/' + RegExp.$1 + '/' + RegExp.$3; // AT, CH, DE, LU, CE
  if (/\b(\d{4})\.\s?(\d{1,2})\.\s?(\d{1,2})\b/.test(str)) return RegExp.$2 + '/' + RegExp.$3 + '/' + RegExp.$1; // JP
  return extractYear(str);

function extractYear(expr) {
  if (typeof expr == 'number') return Math.round(expr);
  if (typeof expr != 'string') return null;
  if (/\b(\d{4})\b/.test(expr)) return parseInt(RegExp.$1);
  var d = new Date(expr);
  return parseInt(isNaN(d) ? expr : d.getFullYear());

function formattedSize(size) {
  return size < 1024**1 ? Math.round(size) + ' B'
	: size < 1024**2 ? (Math.round(size * 10 / 2**10) / 10) + ' KiB'
	: size < 1024**3 ? (Math.round(size * 100 / 2**20) / 100) + ' MiB'
	: size < 1024**4 ? (Math.round(size * 100 / 2**30) / 100) + ' GiB'
	: size < 1024**5 ? (Math.round(size * 100 / 2**40) / 100) + ' TiB'
	: (Math.round(size * 100 / 2**50) / 100) + ' PiB';

function safeText(unsafeText) {
  let div = document.createElement('div');
  div.innerText = unsafeText || '';
  return div.innerHTML;

function testImageUrl(url) {
  if (!urlParser.test(url)) return Promise.reject('not an image');
  if (['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'].some(function(ext) {
	return url.toLowerCase().endsWith('.'.concat(ext));
  })) return Promise.resolve(url); // weak quick test
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	var img = new Image();
	img.onload = function() { resolve(this.src) };
	img.onerror = img.ontimeout = error => { reject(url.concat(' not valid image')) };
	img.src = url;
function testImageUrls(urls) {
  return Array.isArray(urls) ? Promise.all(urls.map(testImageUrl)) : Promise.reject('URLs not an array');

function imageClear(evt) {
  evt.target.value = '';
  coverPreview(evt.target, null);

function imageDropHandler(evt) { return imageDataHandler(evt, evt.dataTransfer) }
function imagePasteHandler(evt) { return imageDataHandler(evt, evt.clipboardData) }
function imageDataHandler(evt, data) {
  if (!data) return true;
  if (data.files.length > 0 && data.files[0].type.toLowerCase().startsWith('image/')) {
	evt.target.disabled = true;
	if (evt.target.hTimer) {
	  delete evt.target.hTimer;
	evt.target.style.backgroundColor = '#800000';
	let size = data.files[0].size;
	upload2PTPIMG([data.files[0]]).then(function(urls) {
	  evt.target.value = urls[0];
	  evt.target.style.backgroundColor = '#004000';
	  evt.target.hTimer = setTimeout(function() {
		evt.target.style.backgroundColor = null;
		delete evt.target.hTimer;
	  }, 10000);
	  coverPreview(evt.target, urls[0], size);
	}).catch(function(error) {
	  evt.target.style.backgroundColor = null;
	}).then(function() { evt.target.disabled = false });
	return false;
  } else if (data.items.length > 0) {
	testImageUrl((data.getData('text/uri-list') || data.getData('text/plain')).split(/\r?\n/)[0]).then(function(url) {
	  evt.target.value = url;
	  coverPreview(evt.target, url);
	  if (!prefs.auto_rehost_cover || url.toLowerCase().startsWith(imghostOrigin)) return;
	  //if (rehostItBtn != null) return rehostItBtn.click();
	  evt.target.disabled = true;
		.then(function(urls) { if (urls.length > 0) evt.target.value = urls[0] })
		.catch(e => { alert(e) })
		.then(function() { evt.target.disabled = false });
	}).catch(e => { console.warn(e) });
	return false;
  return true;

function descDropHandler(evt) {
  if (evt.dataTransfer == null || evt.shiftKey) return true;
  if (evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
	let images = [];
	Array.from(evt.dataTransfer.files).forEach(function(file) {
	  switch (file.type) {
		case '':
		  if (!['log'/*, 'nfo'*/].some(ext => file.name.toLowerCase().endsWith('.' + ext))) break;
		case 'text/plain':
		//case 'text/nfo': // malformed encoding
		case 'text/log':
		  evt.target.disabled = true;
		  file.getText(file.name.toLowerCase().endsWith('.nfo') ? 'ibm850' : 'utf-8').then(function(text) {
			var isDR = file.name.toLowerCase().endsWith('foo_dr.txt') && /^Official DR value:\s*DR(\d+)\b/im.test(text);
			if (isDR) var DR = parseInt(RegExp.$1);
			var tag = isDR || file.name.toLowerCase().endsWith('.nfo') ? 'pre' : 'code';
			var php = isDR ? '[hide=DR' + RegExp.$1 + '][' + tag + ']' + text + '[/' + tag + '][/hide]'
				: '[hide=' + file.name + '][' + tag + ']' + text + '[/' + tag + '][/hide]';
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			  evt.target.value = evt.target.value.slice(0, evt.rangeOffset) +
				php + evt.target.value.slice(evt.rangeOffset);
			} else if (isDR && /\[hide=DR\d*\]\[pre\]\[\/pre\]/i.test(evt.target.value)) {
			  evt.target.value = RegExp.leftContext + php.slice(0, -7) + RegExp.rightContext;
			} else if (isDR && /\[hide=DR(\d*)\]((?:\[pre\](foobar2000[\s\S]+?)^\[\/pre\]\s*)+)(?:\[pre\]\[\/pre\])?/im.test(evt.target.value)) {
			  php = '[hide=DR';
			  if (parseInt(RegExp.$1) == DR) php += RegExp.$1;
			  evt.target.value = RegExp.leftContext.concat(php, ']', RegExp.$2.trim(), '\n[pre]', text, '[/pre]', RegExp.rightContext);
			} else if (!isDR && /\[hide\](?:\[code\]\[\/code\])?\[\/hide\]/i.test(evt.target.value)) {
			  evt.target.value = RegExp.leftContext + php + RegExp.rightContext;
			} else if (!isDR && /(\[hide=[^\]]+\])(?:\[code\]\[\/code\])?(\[\/hide\])/i.test(evt.target.value)) {
			  evt.target.value = RegExp.leftContext.concat(RegExp.$1, '[code]', text, '[/code]', RegExp.$2, RegExp.rightContext);
			} else evt.target.value += '\n\n'.concat(php);
		  }).catch(function(e) { alert(e) }).then(function() {
			if (!evt.target.style.background) evt.target.disabled = false;
		case 'image/png':
		case 'image/jpeg':
		case 'image/gif':
		case 'image/bmp':
		//case 'image/webp':
		//case 'image/svg+xml':
	if (images.length > 0) {
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	  //evt.target.style.background = '#FF000040 no-repeat center center url(https://svgshare.com/i/H16.svg)';
	  upload2PTPIMG(images).then(urlHandler.bind({ tag: 'img' })).catch(error => { alert(error) }).then(function() {
		evt.target.style.background = null;
		evt.target.disabled = false;
	return false;
  } else if (evt.dataTransfer.items.length > 0) {
	let content = evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/uri-list');
	if (content) {
	  content = content.split(/\r?\n/);
	  testImageUrls(content).then(function(urls) {
		if (prefs.auto_rehost_cover) {
		  evt.target.disabled = true;
		  rehost2PTPIMG(urls).then(urlHandler.bind({ tag: 'img' })).catch(e => { alert(e) }).then(function() {
			evt.target.disabled = false;
		} else urlHandler.bind({ tag: 'img' })(content);
	  }).catch(function(e) {
		let as = domParser.parseFromString(evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/html'), 'text/html').body.querySelectorAll('a');
		urlHandler.bind({ tag: 'url', titles: Array.from(as).map(a => a.textContent.trim()) })(content);
	} else if (content = evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/html')) {
	  textHandler(html2php(domParser.parseFromString(content, 'text/html')).collapseGaps());
	} else if (content = evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain')) {
	return false;
  return true;

  function urlHandler(urls) {
	const rx = new RegExp('\\[' + this.tag + '\\]\\[\\/' + this.tag + '\\]', 'i');
	urls.forEach(function(url, ndx) {
	  if (url.length <= 0 || !urlParser.test(urls)) return;
	  var php = '[' + this.tag;
	  php += Array.isArray(this.titles) && this.titles[ndx] ? '=' + url + ']' + this.titles[ndx] : ']' + url;
	  php += '[/' + this.tag +']';
	  if (evt.target.value.length <= 0) evt.target.value = php; else if (evt.ctrlKey) {
		evt.target.value = evt.target.value.slice(0, evt.rangeOffset) +
		  php + evt.target.value.slice(evt.rangeOffset);
	  } else if (rx.test(evt.target.value)) {
		evt.target.value = RegExp.leftContext + php + RegExp.rightContext;
	  } else evt.target.value += '\n\n'.concat(php);
  function textHandler(php) {
	if (evt.target.value.length <= 0) evt.target.value = php; else if (evt.ctrlKey) {
	  evt.target.value = evt.target.value.slice(0, evt.rangeOffset) + php + evt.target.value.slice(evt.rangeOffset);
	} else evt.target.value += '\n\n'.concat(php);

function descPasteHandler(evt) {
  if (evt.clipboardData == null || evt.clipboardData.items.length <= 0) return true;
  var content = evt.clipboardData.getData('text/html');
  if (!content) return true;
  content = html2php(domParser.parseFromString(content, 'text/html')).collapseGaps();
  var selStart = evt.target.selectionStart;
  evt.target.value = evt.target.value.slice(0, evt.target.selectionStart)
	.concat(content, evt.target.value.slice(evt.target.selectionEnd));
  evt.target.setSelectionRange(selStart + content.length, selStart + content.length);
  return false;

function rehostDropHandler(evt) {
  if (evt.dataTransfer == null) return false;
  var image = document.getElementById('image') || document.querySelector('input[name="image"]');
  if (image == null) return false;
  if (evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
	evt.currentTarget.disabled = true;
	if (evt.currentTarget.hTimer) {
	  delete evt.currentTarget.hTimer;
	evt.currentTarget.value = 'Uploading...';
	evt.currentTarget.style.backgroundColor = '#A00000';
	var evtSrc = evt.currentTarget;
	upload2PTPIMG(evt.dataTransfer.files).then(function(results) {
	  if (urlParser.test(results[0])) {
		image.value = results[0];
		evtSrc.style.backgroundColor = '#008000';
		evtSrc.hTimer = setTimeout(function() {
		  evtSrc.style.backgroundColor = null;
		  delete evtSrc.hTimer;
		}, 10000);
		coverPreview(image, results[0], evt.dataTransfer.files[0].size);
	  } else evtSrc.style.backgroundColor = null;
	}).catch(function(error) {
	  evtSrc.style.backgroundColor = null;
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	  evtSrc.value = evtSrc.dataset.caption;
	  evtSrc.disabled = false;
  } else if (evt.dataTransfer.items.length > 0) {
		|| evt.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain')).split(/\r?\n/)[0]).then(function(url) {
	  image.value = url;
	  coverPreview(image, url);
	  if (url.toLowerCase().startsWith(imghostOrigin)) return;
	  image.disabled = true;
		.then(function(urls) { if (urls.length > 0) image.value = urls[0] })
		.catch(e => { alert(e) })
		.then(function() { image.disabled = false });
	  return false;
	}).catch(e => { console.warn(e) });
  return false;

function uaInsert(evt) {
  if (evt.clipboardData) evt.target.value = '';
  if (!(prefs.autfill_delay > 0)) return true;
  autofill = true;
  setTimeout(fillFromText, prefs.autfill_delay);

// Firefox accepts dropped playlist in malformed form, try to detect and correct it
function fixFirefoxDropBug(evt) {
  if (evt.target == null || evt.target.value.length <= 0) return true;
  var tl = (Math.sqrt(4 * evt.target.value.split('\n').length - 3) + 1) / 2;
  if (tl < 2 || tl != Math.floor(tl) || evt.target.value.length % tl != 0) return true;
  var l = evt.target.value.length / tl;
  var s = evt.target.value.slice(0, l);
  for (var i = 1; i < tl; ++i) if (evt.target.value.slice(i * l, (i + 1) * l) != s) return true;
  evt.target.value = s;
  return true;

function clear0(evt) { if (evt.target.value.length > 0) evt.target.value = '' }
function clear1(evt) { if (evt.buttons == 4) clear0(evt) }
function voidDragHandler0(evt) { return false }
function voidDragHandler1(evt) {
  return !evt.dataTransfer.types.includes('Files') || evt.target.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA'
	  || evt.target.nodeName == 'INPUT' && evt.target.type == 'file'

function upload2PTPIMG(files, elem) {
  var frs = Array.from(files).filter(function(file) {
	return file instanceof File && ['jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'].some(ext => file.type == 'image/' + ext);
  }).map(file => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	var reader = new FileReader();
	reader.onload = function() { resolve({ file: file, data: reader.result }) };
	reader.onerror = reader.ontimeout = error => { reject('FileReader error (' + file.name + ')') };
  return frs.length > 0 ? getPTPIMGapiKey().then(apiKey => Promise.all(frs).then(images => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	const boundary = '------NN-GGn-PTPIMG';
	var data = '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
	images.forEach(function(image, ndx) {
	  data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file-upload[' + ndx +
		']"; filename="' + image.file.name.toASCII() + '"\r\n';
	  data += 'Content-Type: ' + image.file.type + '\r\n\r\n';
	  data += image.data + '\r\n';
	  data += '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
	data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="api_key"\r\n\r\n';
	data += apiKey + '\r\n';
	data += '--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
	  method: 'POST',
	  url: imghostOrigin + '/upload.php',
	  responseType: 'json',
	  headers: {
		'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary,
		'Content-Length': data.length,
	  data: data,
	  binary: true,
	  onload: function(response) {
		if (response.status == 200) {
		  resolve(response.response.map(item => imghostOrigin + '/' + item.code + '.' + item.ext));
		} else {
		  reject(`Response error ${response.readyState}/${response.status} (${response.statusText})`);
	  onprogress: elem instanceof HTMLInputElement ?
	  	progress => { elem.value = 'Uploading... (' + progress.position + '%)' } : undefined,
	  onerror: error => reject(defaultErrorHandler(error)),
	  ontimeout: timeout => reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(timeout)),
  }))) : Promise.reject('Nothing to upload');

function rehost2PTPIMG(urls) {
  return testImageUrls(urls).then(urls => getPTPIMGapiKey().then(apiKey => new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	const boundary = '------NN-GGn-PTPIMG';
	const dcTest = /^https?:\/\/(?:\w+\.)?discogs\.com\//i;
	var data = '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
	data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="link-upload"\r\n\r\n';
	data += urls.map(url => dcTest.test(url.trim()) ? 'https://reho.st/' + url.trim() : url.trim()).join('\r\n') + '\r\n';
	data += '--' + boundary + '\r\n';
	data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="api_key"\r\n\r\n';
	data += apiKey + '\r\n';
	data += '--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
	  method: 'POST',
	  url: imghostOrigin + '/upload.php',
	  responseType: 'json',
	  headers: {
		'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary,
		'Content-Length': data.length,
	  data: data,
	  onload: function(response) {
		if (response.status == 200) {
		  resolve(response.response.map(item => imghostOrigin + '/' + item.code + '.' + item.ext));
		} else {
		  reject(`Response error ${response.readyState}/${response.status} (${response.statusText})`);
	  onerror: error => reject(defaultErrorHandler(error)),
	  ontimeout: timeout => reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(timeout)),

function getPTPIMGapiKey() {
  try {
	var apiKey = prefs.ptpimg_api_key || window.localStorage.ptpimg_it
		&& JSON.parse(window.localStorage.ptpimg_it).api_key;
	if (apiKey) return Promise.resolve(apiKey);
  } catch(e) { console.warn(e) }
  return globalFetch(imghostOrigin).then(function(response) {
	if ((apiKey = response.document.getElementById('api_key')) != null && apiKey.value) {
	  GM_setValue('ptpimg_api_key', prefs.ptpimg_api_key = apiKey.value);
		.then(apiKey => { alert(`Your PTPIMG API key [${apiKey}] was successfully configured`) });
	  return apiKey.value;
	} else return Promise.reject(`PTPIMG API key isn\'t configured.
Please login to ${imghostOrigin}/ and repeat the action

If you don\'t have PTPIMG account, to avoid this warning in
future consider to set auto_rehost_cover to 0 in preferences
(Tampermonkey menu -> right click to Upload Assistant -> Storage tab)`);

function dcFmtToGazelle(format) {
  if (/^(?:CD|CDi|CDr|HDCD)\b/.test(format)) return 'CD';
  if (/\b(?:File|AAC|AIFC|AIFF|ALAC|AMR|APE|DFF|DSD|FLAC|MP2|MP3|ogg-vorbis|Opus|SHN|WAV|WavPack|WMA|WMV)\b/.test(format)) return 'WEB';
  if (/^(?:Vinyl|LP|\d+(?:\.\d+)?\s*")$/.test(format)) return 'Vinyl';
  if (/\b(?:SACD|Hybrid)\b/.test(format)) return 'SACD';
  if (/^(?:Blu[ \-]?ray)\b/i.test(format)) return 'Blu-Ray';
  if (/^(?:DVD|HD\s+DVD)/.test(format)) return 'DVD';
  if (/^(?:Cassette|Microcassette)$/i.test(format)) return 'Cassette';
  if (/^(?:DAT)$/.test(format)) return 'DAT';
  if (/^(?:Soundboard)$/i.test(format)) return 'Soundboard';
  //if (/^(?:Memory\s+Stick)$/i.test(format)) return ??
  return null;

function queryAjaxAPI(action, params) {
  if (!action) return Promise.reject(new Error('action missing'));
  var retryCount = 0;
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	params = new URLSearchParams(params || undefined);
	params.set('action', action);
	var url = '/ajax.php?'.concat(params);
	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

	function queryInternal() {
	  var now = new Date().getTime();
	  if (!gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp || now > gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp + 10100) {
		gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp = now;
		gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter = 0;
	  if (++gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter <= 5) {
		xhr.open('GET', url, true);
		xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
		xhr.responseType = 'json';
		xhr.onload = function() {
		  if (xhr.status == 503) return http503Handler(3333, 'onload');
		  if (xhr.status != 200) return reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr));
		  if (xhr.response.status == 'success') resolve(xhr.response.response);
		  	else reject(xhr.response.status);
		xhr.onerror = function() {
		  if (xhr.status == 503) http503Handler(3333, xhr, 'onerror'); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr));
		xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(xhr)) };
		xhr.timeout = 10000;
		  method: 'GET',
		  url: url,
		  responseType: 'json',
		  headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json' },
		  onload: function(response) {
			if (response.status == 503) return http503Handler(3333, response, 'onload');
			if (response.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE || response.status == 200) resolve(response.response);
				else reject(defaultErrorHandler(response));
		  onerror: error => error.status == 503 ? http503Handler(3333, error, 'onerror')
		  	: reject(defaultErrorHandler(error)),
		  ontimeout: timeout => reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(timeout)),
	  } else {
		setTimeout(queryInternal, gazelleApiTimeFrame.timeStamp + 10100 - now);
		console.debug('AJAX API request quota exceeded: /ajax.php?action=' + action + ' (' +
			gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter + ')');
		if (prefs.messages_verbosity >= 1) {
		  addMessage('AJAX API request exceeding time frame: action=' +
			action + ' (' + gazelleApiTimeFrame.requestCounter + ')', 'notice');
		} else addMessage('please wait for next AJAX timeframe', 'notice');

	  function http503Handler(delay, /*response, */event) {
		if (retryCount++ <= 10) setTimeout(queryInternal, delay); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr));
		console.debug('[UA] queryAjaxAPI encountered HTTP/503 error for url ' + url + '; event: ' + event);

function validataTorrentFile(torrent) {
  tfMessages.forEach(node => { node.remove() });
  tfMessages = [];
  var fr = new FileReader();
  fr.onload = function(evt) {
	torrent = bdecode(new Uint8Array(fr.result));
	torrent.info.files.forEach(function(file) {
	  var folderName = decodeURIComponent(escape(torrent.info.name));
	  var fileName = decodeURIComponent(escape(file.path[0]));
	  var totalLen = folderName.trueLength() + 1 + fileName.trueLength();
	  if (totalLen > 180) tfMessages.push(addMessage(new HTML('file "' + safeText(fileName).bold() +
			'" exceeding allowed length (' + totalLen + ' > 180)'), 'warning'));
	  if (/\.(?:torrent|\!ut|\!qb|url|lnk)$/i.test(fileName)) {
		tfMessages.push(addMessage(new HTML('forbidden file "' + safeText(fileName).bold() + '"'), 'warning'));
	ref = document.querySelector('td.ua-messages-bg');
	if (ref != null && ref.childElementCount <= 0) ref.parentNode.remove();
  fr.onerror = fr.ontimeout = error => { console.error('FileReader error (' + torrent.name + ')') };

  function bdecode(str) {
	var pos = 0, infoBegin = 0, infoEnd = 0;
	return bdecodeInternal(str);

	function bdecodeInternal(str) {
	  if (pos > str.length) return null;
	  switch (str[pos]) {
		case 100: // char code for 'd'
		  var retval = [];
		  while (str[pos] != 101){ // char code for 'e'
			var key = bdecodeInternal(str);
			var val = bdecodeInternal(str);
			if (key === null || val === null) break;
			retval[key] = val;
		  if(infoEnd == -1) infoEnd = pos + 1;
		  retval.isDct = true;
		  return retval;
		case 108: // char code for 'l'
		  retval = [];
		  while (str[pos] != 101){ // char code for 'e'
			let val = bdecodeInternal(str);
			if (val === null) break;
		  return retval;
		case 105: // char code for 'i'
		  var digits = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(str, 101, pos) - pos; // 101 = char code for 'e'
		  val = '';
		  for (var i = pos; i < digits + pos; ++i) val += String.fromCharCode(str[i]);
		  val = Math.round(parseFloat(val));
		  pos += digits + 1;
		  return val;
		  digits = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(str, 58, pos) - pos; // 58 = char code for ':'
		  if (digits < 0 || digits > 20) return null;
		  var len = '';
		  for (i = pos; i < digits + pos; ++i) len += String.fromCharCode(str[i]);
		  len = parseInt(len);
		  pos += digits + 1;
		  var fstring = '';
		  for (i = pos; i < len + pos; ++i) fstring += String.fromCharCode(str[i]);
		  pos += len;
		  if(fstring == 'info') {
			infoBegin = pos;
			infoEnd = -1;
		  return fstring;

function localFetch(url, params, data) {
  return url ? new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
	xhr.open(getParam('method') || 'GET', url, true);
	if ((xhr.responseType = getParam('responseType') || 'document') == 'json') {
	  xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
	var headers = getParam('headers');
	if (typeof headers == 'object') Object.keys(headers).forEach(key => { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]) });
	xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status == 200) resolve(xhr.response); else reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)); };
	xhr.onerror = function() { reject(defaultErrorHandler(xhr)) };
	xhr.ontimeout = function() { reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(xhr)) };
	xhr.timeout = 10000;
	xhr.send(data || getParam('body'));
  }) : Promise.reject(new Error('URL missing'));

  function getParam(key) {
	if (!key || typeof key != 'string' || typeof params != 'object') return undefined;
	key = Object.keys(params).find(_key => _key.toLowerCase() == key.toLowerCase());
	return key && params[key] || undefined;

function globalFetch(url, params, data) {
  return url ? new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
	params = Object.assign({}, params || {}, { url: url });
	if (!params.method) params.method = data ? 'POST' : 'GET';
	if (!params.responseType) params.responseType = 'document';
	switch (params.responseType.toLowerCase()) {
	  case 'document': setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/html'); break;
	  case 'xml': setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/xml'); break;
	  case 'json': setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); break;
	if (typeof data == 'string') setRequestHeader('Content-Length', data.length);
		else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) setRequestHeader('Content-Length', data.byteLength);
	if (data) params.data = data;
	params.onload = function(response) {
	  if (response.status != 200) return reject(defaultErrorHandler(response));
	  switch (params.responseType.toLowerCase()) {
		case 'document':
		case 'html':
		  response.document = domParser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html');
		case 'xml':
		  response.document = domParser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/xml');
	params.onerror = error => reject(defaultErrorHandler(error));
	params.ontimeout = timeout => reject(defaultTimeoutHandler(timeout));
  }) : Promise.reject(new Error('URL missing'));

  function setRequestHeader(key, value) {
	if (typeof params.headers != 'object') params.headers = {};
	params.headers[key] = value;