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Supercharged Local Directory File Browser

Makes file:/// directory ("Index of...") pages (and many server-generated index pages) actually useful. Adds sidebar and preview pane, keyboard navigation, audio and video player, markdown/plain text preview and editing, image and font previews and grid views, sorting, user-defined shortcuts, more.

Pada tanggal 25 Februari 2019. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

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18 Februari 2018
25 Februari 2019
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VERSION 3.2.3 ADDED: Markdown TOC ( ADDED: Markdown footnotes ( ADDED: Markdown subscript (~sub~) ( ADDED: Markdown superscript (^sup^) ( IMPROVED: Markdown: added basic HTML head and body elements on saving rendered text. IMPROVED: Markdown: made sync-scrolling proportional. IMPROVED: Markdown table styling. OTHER: Added 'opus' to the default list of supported audio formats.

VERSION 3.2.2 More bug fixes. FIXED: Source text was being interpreted as HTML. FIXED: Checkboxes added to markdown weren't "live." IMPROVED: Live preview update on input. IMPROVED: Nested blockquote styling.

VERSION 3.2.1 FIXED: A bad bug with saving source text. IMPROVED: Made text split-view resizable. IMPROVED: Various UI tweaks for text editing.

VERSION 3.2.0 NEW!: Preview, edit, and save Markdown and plain-text files. (Now how much would you pay? Or donate?)     • Basic Markdown syntax is rendered via markdownit.js.     • View editable source text or rendered HTML preview, or both in split pane.     • Live preview of source edits in split-pane view.     • Render Checkboxes/Checklists with [x] and [ ], with live updating of source text.     • Save edited source text or rendered HTML.     • More to come.     • Caveat: You must manually save your work if you want to keep it; autosave is not possible.         Moreover, because of security concerns with local files, the editing iframe cannot communicate with the parent index page, or vice versa.         * It is therefore entirely possible to navigate away from the page and LOSE YOUR WORK. *         To help prevent loss of work, the script will attempt to warn you when the editing pane loses focus (if you have made any edits), e.g., when you click in the script sidebar or in the browser UI, or when the browser tab/window or the browser itself loses focus. But note that if the editing pane is already unfocused, the warning will not be issued. • ADDED: New user settings: set default view for markdown/text files: source or preview, or split pane view. See user settings for details. • IMPROVED: Plain text and code file type detection. • CHANGED: Treat files without extensions as text (code) files. (Extension-less binary files will still initiate a download.) • FIXED: Malformed URI error if file name included "%". • FIXED: Some issues with image zoom. • FIXED: An issue with content pane sizing. • FIXED: An issue with parent directory navigation.

ABOUT This script transforms the default local directory page (and many server-generated index pages) into a full-featured file browser, with a resizable sidebar and preview pane. (See screenshots below.)

If you like this script, please consider making a donation to encourage development. Thanks!


  • Resizable sidebar and directory/file preview pane.
  • Arrow navigation in sidebar:
    • Up and Down Arrows select next/prev item.
    • Left and Right Arrows select next/prev item of same type.
  • Navigate sidebar by typed string.
  • Show/Hide file details (size (if avail), date modified (if avail), kind, extension).
  • Sort sidebar items by name or file details.
    • Default sort = sort by name with folders on top.
  • Preview all file types supported by browser (html, text, images, pdf, audio, video) plus fonts.
  • Preview and edit markdown and plain text files.
  • Audio and video playback, with shuffle, loop, skip forward and backward.
    • Preview other files (e.g., lyrics or album covers) in same directory while playing audio.
  • Light and Dark theme.
  • Grid view for images and fonts.
    • Set default image grid and font sizes.
  • User-definable bookmarks for directories.
  • Set default UI font and font-size.
  • Use custom file icons or browser defaults.
  • User settings for various UI features.

IMPORTANT: After installing, you should look at the "User Settings" section in the code at the top of the script. There you can edit the shortcut menus and set defaults for many UI features. There is additional information in the comments.

NOTE: By default, userscripts will not run on file:/// urls, so for this script to work, you will have to enable it in your browser extension settings (e.g.: For Tampermonkey in Chrome, go to Chrome the extension page, click the details button on the Tampermonkey pane and check 'Allow access to file URLs'). Safari does not allow local directories to be browsed, so the script will not work on local directories, but it will work on remote directories (or on local directories through a local server).

NOTE: The script works on many server-generated index pages, too. Just add an @include line for each url at the top of the script.

NOTE: This script was developed in Vivaldi, running on Mac OS High Sierra. It has been tested in several other Chrome and Gecko-based browsers. It has been very minimally tested on Windows and not at all on other OSes or browsers. It should work, but please report any issues. No attempt has been made to support older browsers.

KEYBINDINGS: Arrow Up/Down: Select prev/next item. If audio is playing, and prev/next file is also audio, it will be selected but not loaded in the audio player; press return to load it. Arrow Left/Right: Select prev/next row of the same kind as the current selection, except if current selection is a media file, select and begin playback of that item. Cmd/Ctrl + Arrow Up: Go to parent directory Opt/Alt + Arrow Left/Right: Skip audio ±10s Shift + Opt/Alt + Arrow Left/Right: Skip audio ±30s Space: Pause/Play media files Return: Open selected directory, select file, or pause/play media. Cmd/Ctrl + D: Toggle file details (size, date modified) in some index page types. Cmd/Ctrl + G: Show or Reset Grid Cmd/Ctrl + I: Toggle Invisibles Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O: Open selected item in new window/tab Cmd/Ctrl + R: Reload grids and previewed content, reset scaled images/fonts, reset media files to beginning. Cmd/Ctrl + W: Close previewed content (doesn't work in all browsers; use close button instead), or close window if no content is being previewed. Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + </>: Scale preview items and grids.