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Supercharged Local Directory File Browser

Makes file:/// directory ("Index of...") pages (and many server-generated index pages) actually useful. Adds navigation links, file preview pane, keyboard navigation, user-defined shortcuts, filtering, more.

Pada tanggal 08 Oktober 2018. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

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18 Februari 2018
08 Oktober 2018
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2.7.0: New features and user settings. Please export your usersettings before updating and note the changes mentioned below. • NEW (and experimental): Display a standard index of the selected sidebar directory in the preview pane. This is very handy for browsing directories from the sidebar. Clicking files and directories directly in the preview pane works as you'd expect, but it can be a little weird, since you can navigate up and down the directory structure in the preview pane independently from the sidebar. Styling is a little crude for now; it'll improve in future updates. • NEW: Added URL query strings to remember directory selection history and various temporary UI settings between directory changes: sort order, show/hide details, default/dark mode, sidebar width, and previously selected parent directories. • NEW: Select files and directories by typed string. • Improved: Converted user shortcut settings to JSON for greater flexibility. Now you can create and name your own shortcut menu categories. IMPORTANT: You must re-enter your old shortcuts in the new settings format. • Added: Menu item to reset/delete query strings and return to the default usersettings in the script. • Added: New user setting to show/hide details by default. (Don't know why it took so long to add this.) • Added: User customizable file kinds for sorting. You may add or remove file kind categories and file extensions to suit your own files: See "$rowtypes" in the code, at the beginning of "General Setup" and just after the Changelog, to add your own. • Removed "ignorefiletypes" from the usersettings, because the list of ignored file extensions has been moved: See "$rowsettings" in the code, at the beginning of "General Setup" and just after the Changelog, to add your own. • Removed "username" from the user_settings, because it is no longer needed. • Improved: File shortcuts work much more reliably now, and thanks to query strings, you can now bookmark more than one file in a directory. • Improved: Various small UI changes. • Fixed: Toggle sidebar wasn't working. • Fixed: Ignored files weren't being sorted. • Internals: Abstracted a bunch of functions, removed some unneeded variables and functions. More to be done. • If you like this script, please consider making an encouraging donation, or just send me an email and let me know what you think. Thanks!

See code for complete changelog.


This script transforms the default local directory page (and many server-generated index pages) into a full-featured file browser, with a resizable sidebar and preview pane. (See screenshots below.)

Features: keyboard navigation, browse and preview plain text files, html, images, pdfs, fonts, etc., play all audio files in a directory, grid view of all images/fonts in a directory, user-defined bookmarks, user-defined ignored file types, show or hide invisible files (Un*x/Mac OS only), navigate apps as folders (Un*x/Mac OS only), and more.

KEYBINDINGS: • Arrow Up/Down: Navigate up and down directory items • Cmd/Ctrl + Arrow Up: Go to parent directory • Arrow Left/Right: Navigate to prev/next image, font, or audio file, skipping other files. • Opt/Alt + Arrow Left/Right: Skip audio ±10s • Shift + Opt/Alt + Arrow Left/Right: Skip audio ±30s • Arrow Right: Open selected directory (if no audio files are present) • Space: Pause/Play audio • Return: Open selected directory or show selected file. • Cmd/Ctrl + D: Toggle file details (size, date modified) in some index page types. • Cmd/Ctrl + G: Show or Reset Grids • Cmd/Ctrl + I: Toggle Invisibles • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O: Open selected item in new window/tab • Cmd/Ctrl + R: Reload previewed content, reset scaled images/fonts. • Cmd/Ctrl + W: Close previewed content (not available in Firefox), or close window if no content is being previewed. • Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + < or >: Scale preview items and grids.

After installing, you should add your User Name in the settings section of the script. Add directory paths to the shortcuts sections. Additional instructions for other settings can be found there.

IMPORTANT: Because user_scripts are not allowed to set cookies or access the browser's localStorage from local files, you will loose your user settings when the script is updated. Please back them up before updating.

NOTE: This script was developed in Vivaldi, running on Mac OS High Sierra, and has been tested in various Chrome and Gecko browsers. It has been minimally tested in Windows 10 on Chrome; please report any issues you encounter. Safari does not allow local directories to be browsed, but the script will work on non-local index pages.

NOTE: By default, Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey will not run scripts on file:/// urls. For this script to work, you will have to allow these extensions to access local files. • For Greasemonkey, open about:config and change greasemonkey.fileIsGreaseable to true. (Apparently this option is not available in recent versions of Firefox.) • For Tampermonkey, go to Chrome extension page, and tick the 'Allow access to file URLs' checkbox at the Tampermonkey extension section.



Font Preview

Dark Mode

Audio Files View (in Dark Mode)