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Supercharged Local Directory File Browser (Chrome browsers only)

Make file:/// directory ("Index of...") pages actually useful. Adds navigation links, file preview pane, user-defined shortcuts, filtering, keyboard navigation, more.

Pada tanggal 18 Februari 2018. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

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18 Februari 2018
18 Februari 2018
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This script transforms the default local directory page into a full-featured file browser, with a resizable sidebar and preview pane.

Features: keyboard navigation, user-defined bookmarks, filter or ignore file types, show or hide invisible files (Mac OS only), navigate apps as folders (Mac OS only), show grid of all images in a directory, and more.

After installing, you should add your User Name in the settings section of the script (Line 30). Add directory paths to the shortcuts sections. Additional instructions for other settings can be found there.

Keyboard shortcuts:
Up-arrow, down-arrow: navigate up and down the directory list.
Left or Right arrow: go to next or previous image in directory, skipping other files
Cmd/Ctr + Up arrow: go to parent directory
Cmd/Ctr + Down arrow, Right-arrow: open directory
Enter/Return: Open directory or file
Cmd/Ctr + g: show image grid
Cmd/Ctr + i: Toggle invisible files (Mac OS only)
Cmd/Ctr + w: Close preview pane (or window/tab if no content in preview pane)

NOTE: This script was developed in Vivaldi, running on Mac OS High Sierra, and has been tested in Chromium, Opera Next, Iridium. In general, it should work in all Chrome-based browsers. It has been minimally tested in Windows 10 on Chrome; please report any issues you encounter. It does not work in Safari because Safari does not allow local directories to be browsed. In theory, the script should work in Firefox, but because Firefox uses a different DOM for building the Index pages, various aspects of the script would have to be rewritten.; I don't have time to do that now, but may do so in the future if there is interest.

NOTE: By default, Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey will not run scripts on file:/// urls. For this script to work, you will have to allow these extensions to access local files.
For Greasemonkey, open about:config and change greasemonkey.fileIsGreaseable to true.
For Tampermonkey, go to Chrome extension page, and tick the 'Allow access to file URLs' checkbox at the Tampermonkey extension section.