Greasy Fork is available in English.

Supercharged Local Directory File Browser

Makes file:/// directory ("Index of...") pages (and many server-generated index pages) actually useful. Adds sidebar and preview pane; keyboard navigation for directory items; audio playback with shuffle and loop; video player; edit, preview, and save markdown/plain text files; preview images and fonts; image and font grids; sorting; user-defined shortcuts; more.

Pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2019. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

// ==UserScript==
// @name              Supercharged Local Directory File Browser
// @version 
// @description       Makes file:/// directory ("Index of...") pages (and many server-generated index pages) actually useful. Adds sidebar and preview pane; keyboard navigation for directory items; audio playback with shuffle and loop; video player; edit, preview, and save markdown/plain text files; preview images and fonts; image and font grids; sorting; user-defined shortcuts; more.
// @author            Gaspar Schott (Michael Schrauzer)
// @license           GPL-3.0-or-later
// @homepageURL
// @contributionURL
// @include           file://*
// @include           about:blank

// @require

// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require

// NOTE: This script was developed in Vivaldi, running on Mac OS High Sierra. It has been tested in various Chrome and Gecko-based browsers.
// It has been minimally tested on Windows and not at all on other OSes. It should work, but please report any issues.
// The script does not work on local directories in Safari because Safari does not allow local directories to be browsed, but it will work on remote directories (or on local directories through a local server).

// NOTE: By default, Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey will not run scripts on file:/// urls, so for this script to work, you will have to enable it first.
// For Tampermonkey, go to Chrome extension page, and tick the 'Allow access to file URLs' checkbox at the Tampermonkey extension section.
// For Greasemonkey, open about:config and change greasemonkey.fileIsGreaseable to true.

// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	'use strict';
	const $ = window.jQuery;

    // ***** USER SETTINGS ***** //

	const $settings = {
		// Paste your exported settings between the two lines below:

		shortcuts: // N.B.: Directory links must end with "/", file links must end with another character.
		// You may add as many menus and links as you like; just copy the example below and edit as needed.
		// Local directory shortcuts must begin with "file:///"; external shortcuts must begin with the correct protocol ("http://" or "ftp://", etc.).
		// Note that because of same-origin security concerns, the browser will not allow you to navigate directly from an external webpage to a local directory.
                "menu_title":"My Sample Menu",
                    { "link_name":"My Directory Link 1", "link":"file:///Path/To/My/Directory/" },
                    { "link_name":"My Directory Link 2", "link":"file:///Path/To/My/Directory_2/" },
                    { "link_name":"My External Link", "link":"" },
                    { "link_name":"My File Link", "link":"file:///Path/To/My/File.ext" },
                "menu_title":"My Second Sample Menu",
                    { "link_name":"My Directory Link 1", "link":"file:///Path/To/My/Directory/" },
                    { "link_name":"My Directory Link 2", "link":"file:///Path/To/My/Directory_2/" },
                    { "link_name":"My External Link", "link":"" },
                    { "link_name":"My File Link", "link":"file:///Path/To/My/File.ext" },
		alternate_background:  true,       // If true (default true), alternate sidebar row background color.
		apps_as_dirs:         false,       // Un*x/Mac OS only: if true, treat apps as directories; allows app contents to be browsed. This is the default behavior for Chrome.
                                              // If false (default), treat apps as ignored files.
		autoload_media:        true,       // If true (default: true), the first audio or video file found in a directory will be automatically selected and loaded for playback; also, cover art (if any, will be loaded in the preview pane).
		autoload_index_files: false,       // If true (default: false), automatically select first "" (.xxx !== .htm) file found in directory.
                                              // Note: the browser will automatically load any index.html files it finds in the directory, so the script will not work properly in such cases.
		theme:              'light',       // Options: 'light' or 'dark'
		sort_by:          'default',       // Choose from: 'name', 'size', 'date', 'kind', 'ext', 'default'.
                                              // default = Chrome sorting: dirs on top, files alphabetical.
		dirs_on_top:          false,       // If true, directories will always be listed firs except when sorting by "name" (since otherwise sorting by "name" would equal "default").
                                              // If false (default), directories and files will be sorted together. (In practice, dirs will typically still be separated when sorting by size, kind, and extension.)
		grid_font_size:           1,       // Default = 1
		grid_image_size:        184,       // Default = 184 (200px - 16px)
		show_details:          true,       // If true (default), hide file and directory details; if false, show them.
		show_ignored_files:   false,       // If true, ignored files will appear greyed-out.
                                              // If false (default), ignored files will be completely hidden from the file list;
		ignore_ignored_files:  true,       // If true (default), ignored files (see "$row_settings" below, after Keybindings and Changelog) will be greyed-out (default) in the file list and will not be loaded in the content pane when selected;
                                              // If false, ignored files will be treated like normal files, so if they are selected, the browser will attempt to download any file types it can't handle (which makes keyboard navigation inconvenient but may be useful in some circumstances).
		show_invisibles:       true,       // Un*x/Mac OS only: If true (default), files or directories beginning with a "." will be hidden.
		show_numbers:          true,       // If true (default true), number index items
		UI_font: 'system-ui, sans-serif',  // Choose an installed font for the UI; if undefined, use browser defaults instead.
		UI_font_size:        '13px',       // Choose a default UI font size; use any standard CSS units.
		use_custom_icons:      true,       // if true (default), use custom icons for dirs and files
                                              // if false, use browser/server default icons
		enable_text_editing:   true,       // If true (default), allow plain text files to be edited.
		default_text_view: 'preview_text', // Options: 'source_text' or 'preview_text' for text editor.
                                              // Note that split_view = true overrides this setting.
		split_view:            true,       // If true, show split view on plain text file load.
                                              // if true (default), use default preview_text setting.
		sync_scroll:           true        // If true (default: true), show split view on plain text file load
                                              // if false, use default preview_text setting.
		// Paste your exported settings between the above two lines.

	// Add file extensions for sorting and custom icon display to the existing categories.
	// You can also define your own new categories, but do not add an extension to more than one row_type category.
	// Do not add leading "." to the extensions.
	const $row_types = {
		// myRowType: ['ext1','ext2'],
		dir:      ['/'],
		app:      ['app/','app','exe','msi'],
		archive:  ['7z','archive','bz2','cbr','dmg','gz','pkg','rar','tar','zip'],
		audio:    ['aac','aif','aiff','ape','flac','m4a','mp3','ogg','opus','wav','m3u'],
		bin:      ['dll','dylib','icc','msi'],
		code:     ['bak','bash','bash_profile','bashrc','c','cfg','cnf','codes','coffee','conf','csh','cshrc','cson','css','custom_aliases','default','dist','editorconfig','emacs','example','gemspec','gitconfig','gitignore','gitignore_global','h','hd','ini','js','json','jsx','less','list','local','login','logout','lua','mkshrc','old','php','pl','plist','pre-oh-my-zsh','profile','pth','py','rb','rc','rdoc','sass','settings','sh','strings','taskrc','tcl','viminfo','vimrc','vue','xml','yaml','yml','zlogin','zlogout','zpreztorc','zprofile','zsh','zshenv','zshrc'],
		database: ['db','sql', 'sqlite'],
		font:     ['otf','ttf','woff','woff2','afm','pfb','pfm','tfm'],
		graphics: ['ai','book','dtp','eps','fm','icml','idml','indd','indt','inx','mif','pmd','pub','qxb','qxd','qxp','sla','swf'],
		htm:      ['htm','html','xhtm','xhtml'],
		image:    ['apng','bmp','gif','jpeg','jpg','png','svg','webp'],
		ignored_image: ['ai','arw','cr2','dng','eps','nef','psd','psd','raw','tif','tiff'],
		markdown: ['md','markdown','mdown','mkdn','mkd','mdwn','mdtxt','mdtext'],
		office:   ['csv','doc','docx','epub','key','numbers','odf','ods','odt','pages','rtf','scriv','xls','xlsx','xlm'],
		pdf:      ['pdf'],
		system:   ['DS_Store','ds_store','icon','ics'],
		text:     ['log','nfo','txt','m3u'],
		video:    ['m4v','mov','mp4','mpeg','webm']

	// $ROW_SETTINGS: Ignore or Exclude files by extension
	const $row_settings = {
		// Ignore: $row_types or files with extensions added here will not be loaded if selected in the sidebar (prevents the browser from attempting to download the file).
		ignore: $row_types.archive.concat( 'alias', $row_types.bin, $row_types.database, $, $row_types.ignored_image, $, $row_types.system),
		// Exclude: Files with these exensions will not be inverted in dark mode
		exclude: ['htm','html','xhtm','xhtml']

	// ***** END USER SETTINGS ***** //

	// - Resizable sidebar and directory/file preview pane.
	// - Arrow navigation in sidebar:
	//   - Up and Down Arrows select next/prev item.
	//   - Left and Right Arrows select next/prev item of same type.
	// - Navigate sidebar by typed string.
	// - Show/Hide file details (size (if avail), date modified (if avail), kind, extension).
	// - Sort sidebar items by name or file details.
	//   - Default sort = sort by name with folders on top.
	// - Preview all file types supported by browser (html, text, images, pdf, audio, video, etc.) and preview fonts.
	// - Preview and edit markdown and plain text files, with option to save files locally.
	//   - Markdown rendered with markdownit.js ( ).
	//   - Uses Github Markdown styles for preview ( ), with a few customizations.
	//   - Support for:
	//     - TOC creation ( `${toc}` ) ( )
	//     - Multimarkdown table syntax ( )
	//     - Live checkboxes ( `\[ ], [x]` ), allowed in lists and deflists.
	//     - Superscript ( `^sup^` ) ( )
	//     - Subscript ( `~sub~` ) ( )
	//     - Definition lists (; for syntax, see )
	//     - Centered text ( `->centered<-` ) ( )
	//     - Footnotes ( )
	//   - View source text, preview, or split pane with proportional sync scroll.
	//   - Save edited source text or previewed HTML.
	// - Create and edit text in separate text editor.
	// - Audio and video playback, with shuffle, loop, skip audio +/- 10 or 30 sec via keyboard.
	//   - Preview other files (e.g., lyrics or cover art) in same directory while playing audio.
	//   - User setting to autoload cover art (if any images in directory, load "cover.ext" or first image found)
	//   - Grid view for images and fonts.
	// - User settings (see $settings in code; some settings can be changed via the main menu in the UI and will be remembered in URL query):
	//   - Light or Dark theme.
	//   - Bookmarks for local or remote directories.
	//   - Default image grid size.
	//   - Default UI font size and font-family.
	//   - Default UI font and font-size.
	//   - Default file sorting.
	//   - Sort with directories on top.
	//   - Treat apps as directories (MacOS and *nix only)
	//   - Show or hide invisible files.
	//   - Show or hide ignored files in the ignored files list (see $row_settings in code below $settings).
	//   - Show or hide file details.
	//   - Use custom file icons or browser defaults.
	//   - Autoload index.ext files.
	//   - Autoload cover art in directories with audio files.
	//   - Text editing default view: split, source, or preview.
	//   - Text editing sync scroll: on or off.

	// ## KEYBINDINGS (These don't work in all browsers):

	// - <kbd>Arrow Up/Down</kbd>: Select prev/next item.
	//   - If audio is playing, and prev/next file is also audio, it will be highlighted but not loaded in the audio player; press return to load it.
	// - <kbd>Arrow Left/Right</kbd>: Select prev/next row of the same kind as the current selection.
	//   - If current selection is a media file, select and begin playback of the next media item.
	// - <kbd>Opt/Alt + Arrow Left/Right</kbd>: Skip audio ±10s
	// - <kbd>Opt/Alt + Shift + Arrow Left/Right</kbd>: Skip audio ±30s
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + Arrow Up</kbd>: Go to parent directory
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + Arrow Down</kbd>: Open selected directory
	// - <kbd>Return</kbd>: Open selected directory, select file, or pause/play media.
	// - <kbd>Space</kbd>: Pause/Play media files
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + D</kbd>: Toggle file details (size, date modified) in some index page types.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + E</kbd>: Show text editor.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + G</kbd>: Show or Reset Grid.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + I</kbd>: Toggle Invisibles.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O</kbd>: Open selected item in new window/tab.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + R</kbd>: Reload grids and previewed content, reset scaled images/fonts, reset media files to beginning.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + W</kbd>: Close previewed content (doesn't work in all browsers; use close button instead), or close window if no content is being previewed.
	// - <kbd>Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + < or ></kbd>: Scale preview items and grids.


    // **VERSION 4.0**
    // **FIXED:** An issue with video display.
    // **FIXED:** Several styling issues in Firefox, including textarea in text editor not expanding to full window height.
    // **FIXED:** An issue with some servers that add a trailing '/' to the query string.
    // **IMPROVED:** Updated markdown-it to v9.0.1; also updated some markdown-it plugins.
    // **NEWS:** Version 4.1, with a new feature of interest to designers, is in development.

    // **VERSION 4.0.5b** Last few changes...?
    // **IMPROVED:** Clicking "Parent Directory" link in previewed directories now remembers sorting and numbering prefs.
    // **FIXED:** Many bugs with close content behavior.
    // **FIXED:** Several bugs with sorting items by size.
    // **FIXED:** Various minor styling issues and tweaks.

    // **VERSION 4.0.4b** Wrapping things up....
    // **FIXED:** Left/Right arrow key navigation failed for video files
    // **FIXED:** Content preview title wasn't being set for autoloaded images.
    // **FIXED:** An issue with autoloading media and cover art when the first media file was a video.
    // **FIXED:** Various issues with parsing local directory indexes in Firefox.
    // **FIXED:** Various issues with parsing, calculating, and displaying file size and date-modified information.
    // **IMPROVED:** Attempted to make index-type detection and index prep more generic, so that the script will work with more sites "right out of the box."
    // **IMPROVED:** Made  index prep much more efficient, especially for table-type index pages and directories with many items.
    // **IMPROVED:** Better error handling for directories with certain percent-encoded characters in file names.
    // **IMPROVED:** Changed order of sorting headers to better align with sort data in list.
    // **OTHER:** More minor styling issues.

    // **VERSION 4.0.3b**
    // **ADDED:** Preview current directory index source: click the double-caret icon in the sidebar stats footer to toggle preview.
    //    This is useful for server configurations that include information in addition to the index itself and is quicker than opening a separate "View source" tab.
    // **FIXED:** An issue with content display caused by the fix for pdf display in the previous version.
    // **FIXED:** Up directory navigation didn't correctly account for invisible files and directories when selecting previously selected directory.
    // **FIXED:** More issues with prepping "pre"-type index pages.
    // **FIXED:** Some issues with Error page display.
    // **FIXED:** Various minor styling issues.
    // **CHANGED:** Moved "Disable Text Editing" menu item to top level.

    // **VERSION 4.0.2b**
    // **FIXED:** Pdf display (I hope).

    // **VERSION 4.0.1b**
    // **FIXED:** Audio files weren't being loaded.
    // **FIXED:** Script would fail if a file name included a special regex character `[\^$.|?*+()`.
    // **FIXED:** Various issue with parsing "pre"-type index pages.
    // **IMPROVED:** Sorting and display of items with names beginning with white spaces.
    // **IMPROVED:** More efficient and robust index type detection.
    // **ADDED:** Sorting for previewed directory contents. Initial sorting is the same as the parent's current sort pref.
    // **ADDED:** Custom icons and numbering for previewed directory contents.
    // **ADDED:** Append some server info and other provided information to the stats footer.
    // **NOTE** that there is an issue with Chrome and pdf files.

    // **VERSION 4.0.0b**
    // Numerous additions, improvements, and massive internal changes. Virtually no line of code has been left untouched.
	//      **"b" === "bugs" likely. Updates will be coming.
	//      **IMPORTANT:** This version uses a new format for user settings in the code; you will have to re-enter your defaults manually after updating.
	//      - Do NOT use exported settings from any earlier version of the script.
	// **NEW:** Added independent text editor pane.
	// - Invoke with Cmd/Ctrl + E, or in main menu > Text Editing > Toggle Text Editor", or under "Show Details".
	// - To prevent loss of work (and for convenience, e.g., to refer to a file while writing), previously entered text will not be cleared when the "New" button is clicked again, when the "Close" button is clicked, or when a sidebar item is selected.
	// - Use the Save button to save the text as a text or html file, which can be previewed and edited as usual by navigating to its saved location.
	// **ADDED:** Option to number index items, with new user setting.
	// **ADDED:** Stats footer in sidebar showing dir and file count.
	// **ADDED:** Icons for shortcuts menu to indicate local vs. remote links.
	// **ADDED:** Text editing: Clear button to empty text editing pane.
	// **CHANGED:** Text editing: Github styling customizations: Make table cells top-aligned, darker blockquote text color.
	// **IMPROVED:** Text editing: When saving rendered HTML, header uplinks will be removed.
	// **IMPROVED:** Text editing: Don't close other previewed content when making new text editing pane.
	// **IMPROVED:** Text editing: Much improved warning system for edited text: now uses `postMessage` to communicate between iframe and parent.
	// **IMPROVED:** Content display: use the same code to prep and style directory contents in the preview pane.
	// **IMPROVED:** Live sorting of grid items (but images and fonts are still sorted separately).
	// **IMPROVED:** Image zoom positioned accurately under click.
	// **IMPROVED:** Better handling of 404 Errors (Page not found): server error message will appear in sidebar, warning icon in content pane.
	// **IMPROVED:** File URLs: If a file URL (instead of a directory) is entered directly in the browser URL bar, the parent directory will be loaded instead and the file automatically selected.
	//      **IMPROVED:** Navigation: modifed highlighting styles to show when a non-audio item is selected for navigation vs. when it is loaded in preview pane but not selected (e.g. click a directory and then click an audio file; the directory item will be dimmed).
	//      **IMPROVED:** Audio: Greatly simplified shuffle play code and fixed several bugs; shuffle list now correctly updates when individual audio tracks are checked or unchecked.
	// **CHANGED:** Moved scale buttons and prev/next image buttons to preview title bar.
	// **CHANGED:** Sort by "Name" always sorts files and directories together; "Default" sort always keeps files and directories separate.
	// **FIXED:** Text editing: Some issues with split-pane resizing.
	// **FIXED:** Cmd/Ctr+W (close) should work now: previewed content will be closed first, then audio, then the browser tab itself.
	// **FIXED:** Don't autoload audio cover art when next audio track begins; i.e., leave open whatever file is being previewed, including cover art or lyrics.
	// **FIXED:** An issue with sorting by size.
	// **FIXED:** An issue with the user UI font setting.
	// **FIXED:** Navigation by typed string now correctly scrolls directory list.
	// **OTHER:** Many small style fixes and tweaks. Among others, make the previewed image and image grid background color light in default theme.
	// **INTERNAL:** Complete code overhaul.
	// - Completely rewrote the code that preps the served directory index for processing by the script.
	// - Completely rewrote and simplied the sorting code.
	// - Alphabetized User Settings for easier editing.
	// - Fixes for additional server index configurations.
	// – Performance improvments (e.g., removed multiple calls to various functions, reduced initial DOM manipulation, etc.).
	// - General code cleanup (e.g., removed unused variables and unnecessary globals, named many formerly anonymous functions, fixed numerous syntax errors, etc.).
	//      **STILL TO COME:**
	//      - Dark mode for text editing.
	//      - Additional code cleanup, and more.

	// ***** GENERAL SETUP ***** //

	// ************************************ //
	// ************************************ //

    // PATHS
	// Fix "%" error in file name; see
 	function decodeURIComponentSafe(s) {
 		if ( !s ) { return s; }
        return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/%(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, '%25') ); // replace % with %25 if not followed by two a-f/number

    const $protocol = window.location.protocol;
	const $origin = $protocol +'//'+;
	const $location = decodeURIComponentSafe( [location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname].join('') );
	const $current_dir_path = $location.replace(/[\/|_|—]/g,'/<wbr>').replace(/\\/g,'/'); // URL w/o query string for display

    function escapeStr(str) { str = str.replace(/([\^\$\|\?\*\+\(\)\[])/g,'\$1'); }

	// if URL is a file, change window location to parent dir, add querystring of file name; then autoload file.
	function loadFile() {
		if ( $location.slice($location.lastIndexOf('/')).indexOf('.') !== -1 && !$location.endsWith('/') && === window.self ) {
			let $query_prefs = getQueryPrefs();
			$query_prefs.set( 'file', $location.slice($location.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) );
			window.location = $location.slice(0,$location.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) +'?'+ $query_prefs;

	function getQueryPrefs() { return new URL(window.location).searchParams; }
    const initialQueryPrefs = getQueryPrefs();
	// set query key/value
	function setQuery(key, value) {
		let $query_prefs = getQueryPrefs();
		$query_prefs.set( key, value );
	// get query value
	function getQuery(key) {
		let $query_prefs = getQueryPrefs();
		let value = '';
		if ( key === 'width' ) {
			value = ( !$query_prefs.has(key) ? 30 : Math.round(100 * Number.parseInt($query_prefs.get('width'))/window.innerWidth) ); // number string
		} else {
			value = ( $query_prefs.has(key) ? $query_prefs.get(key) : $settings[key] !== undefined ? $settings[key].toString() : '' );
            value = value.replace('%2F','').replace('/',''); // some servers add a '/' to end of query string
		return value;
	// toggle query key
	function toggleQuery(key) {
		let $query_prefs = getQueryPrefs();
		let nonBoolPrefs = {
		var value, queryValue, settingsValue;
		if ( nonBoolPrefs[key] !== undefined ) {
			value = Object.values(nonBoolPrefs[key]).toString();
			key = Object.keys(nonBoolPrefs[key]).toString(); // must come after value: i.e., don't redefine key before getting value
			if ( $settings[key] === value ) { $query_prefs.delete( key ); } else { $query_prefs.set( key, value ); }
		} else {
			queryValue = $query_prefs.get(key);
			settingsValue = $settings[key];
			value = ( queryValue === null ? settingsValue.toString() : queryValue.toString() );
			value = ( value === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true' );
			if ( ( queryValue !== null && queryValue !== settingsValue ) ) {
				$query_prefs.delete( key );
			} else {
				$query_prefs.set( key, value );
	// remove query key
	function removeQuery(key) {
		let $query_prefs = getQueryPrefs();
	// update query string
	function updateQuery(querystr) {
        querystr = querystr.toString().replace('%2F','').replace('/','');
		window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname +'?'+ querystr);

	// ***** SET UP UI ELEMENTS ***** //

	// ***** SIDEBAR ELEMENTS ***** //
	const $parent_dir_menu =    $('<nav id="parent_dir_menu"><a href="">&nbsp;</a></nav>');
	const $parents_dir_menu =   $('<nav id="parents_dir_menu"><div></div></nav><ul class="menu"></ul>');
	const $shortcuts_menu =     $('<nav id="shortcuts_menu"><div>&nbsp;</div></nav><ul id="shortcuts" class="menu"></ul>');
	const $show_details =        $('<button class="toggle_UI_pref" id="show_details" tabindex="-1"><span>Show details</span><span>Hide details</span></button>');
	const $inv_checkbox =       $('<label ><input class="toggle_UI_pref" type="checkbox" id="show_invisibles" for="inv_checkbox" name="inv_checkbox" tabindex="-1" />Show Invisibles</label>');
	const $grid_btn =           $('<div id="grid_btn" tabindex="-1" title="Show Grid"><ul class="menu"><li id="show_image_grid">Show Image Grid</li><li id="show_font_grid">Show Font Grid</li></ul></div>');
	const $sidebar_header =     $('<table id="sidebar_header"><thead><tr id="sidebar_title"><th colspan="3">INDEX OF</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr id="sidebar_menus"><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr id="sidebar_buttons"><td colspan="3"></td></tr></tbody></table>');
	const $text_editor_item =   $('<tr id="text_editor_row"><td colspan="6"><a href="#" title="Toggle Text Editor">Text Editor</a></td></tr>');
	const $dir_list_head =      $('<thead id="thead"><tr id="theader" class="header"><th class="toggle_UI_pref name sorting" id="sort_by_name"><span><input id="play_toggle" type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" checked="true" />Name</span></th><th class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" id="sort_by_default"><span>Default</span></th><th class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" id="sort_by_ext"><span>Ext</span></th><th class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" id="sort_by_size"><span>Size</span></th><th class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" id="sort_by_date"><span>Date</span></th><th class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" id="sort_by_kind"><span>Kind</span></th></tr></thead>');
	const $dir_list_body =      $('<tbody id="tbody"></tbody>');
	var   $dir_list =           $('<table id="dir_list"></table>');
	const $sidebar =            $('<div id="sidebar"></div>');
	const $handle =             $('<div id="handle"></div>');
	const $sidebar_wrapper =    $('<td id="sidebar_wrapper"></td>');
	const $toggle_sidebar =     $('<div id="toggle_sidebar"></div>');
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	const $prev_track =         $('<div id="prev_track" class="prev_next_track_btn" title="Previous track">&nbsp;</div>');
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	const $sample_string =      'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />0123456789 [(!@#$%^&*;:)]';
	const $hamburger_string =   '<h1>Typography</h1><h4>The art of using types to produce impressions on paper, vellum, &amp;c.</h4><h2>S P E C I M E N</h2><h3>Typography is the work of typesetters (also known as compositors), typographers, graphic designers, art directors, manga artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists, and, now, anyone who arranges words, letters, numbers, and symbols for publication, display, or distribution.</h3><h5> </h5>';
	const $lorem_string =       'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.';
	const $specimen =           $('<div class="specimen" contenteditable="true">'+ $sample_string +'</div><div class="hamburger" contenteditable="true">'+ $hamburger_string +'</div><div class="lorem first" style="font-size:1em;" contenteditable="true">'+ $lorem_string +'</div><div class="lorem" style="font-size:1em;" contenteditable="true">'+ $lorem_string +'</div><div class="lorem" style="font-size:1em;" contenteditable="true">'+ $lorem_string +'</div>');
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        '#iframe_body #dir_list.sort_by_default #sort_by_default span::after, #iframe_body #dir_list.sort_by_name #sort_by_name span::after, #iframe_body #dir_list.sort_by_size #sort_by_size span::after, #iframe_body #dir_list.sort_by_date #sort_by_date span::after, #iframe_body #dir_list.sort_by_kind #sort_by_kind span::after, #iframe_body #dir_list.sort_by_ext #sort_by_ext span::after { background-image:'+ $up_arrow +'; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size:10px; background-position: center; }' +
        '#iframe_body .sorting.down span::after { transform:rotate(180deg) }' +
        ':root, html, #iframe_body { border:0 !important; }' + // border
        'html, #iframe_body { border-radius:0; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list { border-collapse:collapse; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list thead th { border-bottom:solid 1px #999; }' +
        '#iframe_body, iframe_body, iframe_body td.details { box-sizing:border-box; }' + // box-sizing
        '#iframe_body a { color:#111111; }' + // color
        '#iframe_body a:hover { color:#000000; }' +
        '#iframe_body tr.ignore, #iframe_body tr.ignore a { color:grey; }' +
        '.sorting span::before,.sorting span::after { content:""; width:16px; height:8px; display:inline-block; position:relative; }' +// content
        '#iframe_body tbody { counter-reset: row; }' + // counter
        '#iframe_body.show_numbers tr { counter-increment: row;  content:counter(row); margin-right:6px; min-width:1.25em; text-align:right;}' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list th.sorting { cursor: pointer; }' + // cursor
        '#iframe_body #dir_list tr::before, #iframe_body #dir_list input, #iframe_body td.ext { display:none; }' + // display
        '#iframe_body a { display:block; }' +
        '#parent + tr { display: grid; grid-gap:0; grid-template-columns: 50% 50%; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list #tbody tr, #sorting_row { display: grid; grid-gap:0; grid-template-columns: minmax(200px,100%) minmax(auto,6em) minmax(auto,14em) minmax(auto,7em); }' +
        '#iframe_body, #iframe_body #sort_by_name, #iframe_body #sort_by_ext { grid-column: 1; }' +
        '#iframe_body td.size, #iframe_body #sort_by_default, #iframe_body #sort_by_size { grid-column: 2; }' +
        '#iframe_body, #iframe_body #sort_by_date { grid-column: 3; }' +
        '#iframe_body td.kind, #iframe_body #sort_by_kind { grid-column: 4; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list, #iframe_body #dir_list a::before { float:left; }' + // float
        '#iframe_body { font-family:'+ $settings.UI_font +'; }' + // fonts
        '#iframe_body { font-size:'+ parseFloat($settings.UI_font_size) * 0.875 + $settings.UI_font_size.replace(/\d*/,'') +'; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list, #iframe_body #thead { font-size: 1em; }' +
        '#iframe_body, #iframe_body #dir_list { height:100%; }' + // height
        '#iframe_body #content_source { height:inherit; }' +
        '#iframe_body #thead { height:2em; max-height:2em; }' +
        '#iframe_body #tbody tr { line-height:1.5; }' + // line-height
        'html, body, #iframe_body { margin:0; }' + // margin
        '#iframe_body .dir::before, #iframe_body .file > img { margin-inline-end: 6px; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list tr, #iframe_body #tbody tr:hover { outline:0; }' + // outline
        '#iframe_body, #iframe_body #dir_list, { overflow:hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }' + // overflow
        '#iframe_body #dir_list #tbody { overflow:auto; }' +
        'html, :root, #iframe_body, body { padding:0; }' + // padding
        '#iframe_body #tbody tr td, #iframe_body #thead tr th { padding-top:3px; }' +
        '#iframe_body #tbody tr td { padding-right: 6px; }' +
        '#iframe_body #tbody tr td, #iframe_body #thead tr th { padding-bottom:3px; }' +
        '#parent th, #iframe_body #tbody tr td.details.kind { padding-right: 1em; }' +
        '#iframe_body td.details { padding-left: 6px; }' +
        '#parent th, #tbody tr { padding-left:1em; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list, #iframe_body #dir_list tr a::before { position:relative; }' + // position
        '#iframe_body, #iframe_body #dir_list #tbody { position:absolute; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; }' +
        '#iframe_body th { text-align:center; }' + // text-align
        '#iframe_body th:last-of-type, #iframe_body td.details { text-align:right; }' +
        '#iframe_body th:first-of-type { text-align:left; }' +
        '#iframe_body a, #iframe_body a:hover, #iframe_body td:hover { text-decoration:none !important; }' + // text-decoration
        '#iframe_body a.icon { text-indent:2px; }' + // text-indent
        '#iframe_body #thead { user-select:none; -webkit-user-select:none; }' +
        // vertical-align
        '#iframe_body td.details { vertical-align:top; }' +
        // width
        'html, #iframe_body, #iframe_body #dir_list, #iframe_body #dir_list tr { width:100%; max-width:100%; min-width:100%; }' +
        '#iframe_body #dir_list td:not(:first-child) { width:unset; }' +
        // white-space
        '#iframe_body td:not(.name) { white-space:pre; }'

	const $font_styles = document.createElement('style');
	const $font_grid_styles = document.createElement('style');

	function addStyles(el) {
		el.find('style, link[rel="stylesheet"], link[href$="css"]').remove(); // remove any existing stylesheets
		el.append('<style>'+ $main_style_rules +'</style>');
		el.append('<style>'+ $gecko_style_rules +'</style>');
		el.append($font_styles); // empty until font is previewed
		el.append($font_grid_styles); // empty until font grid is made
		el.append('<style>'+ $text_editing_style_rules +'</style>');
		el.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>');
	// ***** END STYLES ***** //

	// ***** BUILD MENUS ***** //
	// Parent and Parents Menus
	function updateQueryStr(str) {
		str = str.replace(/([^\?]*)selected=[^&]*(.*)$/m,'$1$2') // delete current selected query, if any
			.replace(/([^\?]*)history=(\d+)\+*([^&]*)(&*)(.*)/m,'$1$4$5&selected=$2&history=$3').replace(/&{2,}/g,'&').replace(/\?&/m,'\?'); // format query with selected and history at end
		if ( str.endsWith('&history=') ) { str = str.replace(/(.+)&history=$/m,'$1'); } // if no history, delete query
		return str;
	function createParentLinks() {
		let $links = [];
		let str = decodeURIComponentSafe(;
            str = str.replace('/','').replace('%2F','');
		let $linkPieces = $location.split('/');
   		    $linkPieces = $linkPieces.slice(2,-2); // remove beginning and ending empty elements and current directory
		while ( $linkPieces.length > 0 ) { // while there are link pieces...
			str = updateQueryStr(str); // update selected and history
			let link = $protocol +'//'+ $linkPieces.join('/') +'/'+ str; // assemble link
			$links.push(link); // add to link array
			$linkPieces.pop(); // remove last link piece and repeat...
		return $links;
	function createParentLinkItems() {
		let $parent_link_menu_items = [];
		let $links = createParentLinks();
		$parent_dir_menu.find('a').attr( 'href', $links[0] ); // set parent link
		for ( let i = 0; i < $links.length; i++ ) {
            let display_name = $links[i].slice(0,$links[i].lastIndexOf('?') - 1);
                display_name = display_name.replace(/\//g,'\/<wbr>');
			let menu_item = '<li><a href="'+ $links[i] +'">' + display_name + '/</a></li>';
		return $parent_link_menu_items; // return parents link items
	function updateParentLinks() { $parents_dir_menu.siblings('ul').empty().append( createParentLinkItems() ); }

	// MENUS: User Shortcuts
	function shortcutMenuItems() {
		const $shortcuts = $settings.shortcuts;
		let menu_items = [];
		let $links_arr = [];
		let $links_arr_str = '';
		let $links;
		if ( $shortcuts.length > 0 ) {
			for ( let i = 0; i < $shortcuts.length; i+=1 ) {
				$links = $shortcuts[i].links;
				// make array of links
				for ( let j = 0; j < $links.length; j+=1 ) {
					if ( !$links[j].link.endsWith('/') ) {
						$links[j].link = $links[j].link.slice(0,$links[j].link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '?file=' + $links[j].link.slice($links[j].link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) ;
					$links_arr[j] = '<li><a href="'+ $links[j].link +'">' + $links[j].link_name + '</a></li>';
				$links_arr_str = $links_arr.join('');
				menu_items[i] = '<li class="bookmarks has_submenu"><a>'+ $shortcuts[i].menu_title +'</a><ul>'+ $links_arr_str +'</ul></li>';
			menu_items = menu_items.join('');
		return menu_items;

	// MENUS: Other menu items
	const $sort_by =              $('<li class="has_submenu rule" id="sort_by"><span>Sort by&hellip;</span><ul id="sort_menu"><li id="name"><span>Name</span></li><li id="size"><span>Size</span></li><li id="date"><span>Date</span></li><li id="kind"><span>Kind</span></li><li id="ext"><span>Extension</span></li><li id="default"><span>Default</span></li></ul>');
	const $autoload_media =       $('<li class="toggle_UI_pref rule" id="autoload_media"><span id="autoload_media_menu">Autoload Media</span></li>');
	const $theme =                $('<li id="theme"><div><span class="toggle_UI_pref" id="theme_dark">Dark Theme</span><span class="toggle_UI_pref" id="theme_light">Light Theme</span></div></li>');
	const $alternate_background = $('<li class="toggle_UI_pref" id="alternate_background"><span>Alternate Backgrounds</span></li>');
	const $show_numbers =         $('<li class="toggle_UI_pref rule" id="show_numbers"><span>Show Numbers</span></li>');
	const $text_editing =         $('<li class="has_submenu" id="text_editing"><span>Text Editing</span><ul id="text_editing_menu"><li id="text_editor_menu_item" class="rule"><span id="text_editor">Toggle Text Editor</span></li><li id="split_view" class="toggle_UI_pref rule"><span id="toggle_split_view">Split View</span></li><li id="preview_text_menu_item"><span class="toggle_UI_pref" id="source_text">Source Text</span><span class="toggle_UI_pref" id="preview_text">Preview Text</span></li></ul>');
    const $disable_text_editing = $('<li class="rule"><span class="toggle_UI_pref" id="enable_text_editing">Disable Text Editing</span></li>');
	const $default_settings =     $('<li><a href="#" id="default_settings" title="Delete URL query string and reload page.">Default User Settings</a></li>');
	const $export_settings =      $('<li class="rule"><a href="#" id="export_settings" title="Export user settings to text file.">Export User Settings</a></li>');
	const $contact_link =         $('<li><a id="contact" href="">Contact</a></li>');
	const $donate_link =          $('<li><a id="donate" href="" target="_blank">Donate</a></li>');

	function assembleMenus() { // called by buildUI();
		$parents_dir_menu.siblings('ul').empty().append( createParentLinkItems() );
		$shortcuts_menu.siblings('ul').append( shortcutMenuItems(), $sort_by, $theme, $alternate_background, $show_numbers, $autoload_media, $text_editing, $disable_text_editing, $default_settings, $export_settings, $contact_link, $donate_link );
	// ***** END BUILD MENUS ***** //

    // ***** INDEX PREP ***** //
    function getIndexType() {
        // Try to determine index type from parent directory link container,
        // with fallbacks for indexes that don't have parent directories,
        // or for parent directory links that aren't siblings or ancestors of the index itself.
        let parentLinkParent; // Possible elements: pre, li, td, th, div -- used to determine index type
        // Try to find parent directory link:
        let parentLink = $('a:contains("Parent Directory"), a:contains("parent directory"), a[href="../"], a[href="/"], a[href^="?"], img[alt*="PARENTDIR"]');
        if ( parentLink.length === 0 ) {
            parentLinkParent = $('body').find('> ul li, > pre, > table:last-of-type tr td');
        } else {
            parentLinkParent = parentLink.parent(); // use original found parentLink
        // If no parentLinkParent found, type = error; else return parent node name
        let nodeName = ( parentLinkParent[0] !== undefined ? parentLinkParent[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() : '');
        if ( parentLinkParent.length === 0 ) {
            nodeName = 'error';
        } else if ( $protocol.startsWith('file') ) {
            if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0 ) {
                nodeName = 'gecko';
        let types = {'gecko':'gecko','li':'list','pre':'pre','th':'table','td':'table','div':'default','error':'error'};
        let type = types[nodeName];

        if ( type === 'table' ) {
        if ( type === 'list' ) {
        return type;

    // Return Index items, Index type, remove parent directory link, and add body class.
    function getIndexItems(el) {
        const type = getIndexType();
        let items;

        switch(type) {
            case 'gecko':
                items = $('body').find('> table > tbody');
            case 'list':
                items = $('body').find('> ul');
            case 'pre':
                items = $('body').find('> pre').html();
            case 'table':
            case 'td':
                if ( $('table.PARENTTABLE > tbody').length === 1 ) {
                    items = $('table.PARENTTABLE > tbody');
                } else {
                    items = $('table.PARENTTABLE'); // tables without tbody
            case 'default': // local chrome default
                items = $('body').find('> table').find('> tbody');
            case 'error': // error
                items = $('body').html();
        return [items,type];

	// Index Prep: convert rows and return array of rows, with link, size, date-modified
	function convertIndexItems(type,items) {
		let converted = [];
		switch(type) {
            case 'gecko':
                converted = convertGeckoType(items);
            case 'list':
                converted = convertListType(items);
            case 'pre':
                converted = convertPreType(items);
            case 'table':
            case 'default': // local chrome indexes
                converted = convertTableType(type,items);
            case 'error':
                converted = convertErrorType(items);
        return converted;
	// Index Prep: convert list type function
	function convertGeckoType(items) {
		let preppedIndex = [];
        const rows = Array.from(items.find('> tr'));
		for ( let row of rows ) {
			let preppedRow = [];
            let cellContents = '';
            let cells = Array.from( $(row).find('> td') );
            let link = ($(cells).find('a').attr('href'));
            for ( let cell of cells ) {
                cellContents = cell.innerText;
                cellContents = ( cellContents !== undefined ? cellContents.trim() : '');
            preppedRow[1] = preppedRow[1].replace(' KB','000'); // convert reported size in KB to total bytes
            preppedRow[2] = preppedRow[2] + ' '+ preppedRow[3];
            preppedRow = preppedRow.slice(1,-1);
            if ( link.length > 0 && link !== '/' && link !== '../' ) {
            if ( preppedRow.length > 0 ) { preppedIndex.push(preppedRow); }
        return preppedIndex;
	// Index Prep: convert list type function
	function convertListType(items) {
		let preppedIndex = [];
		const rows = Array.from(items.find('li'));
        for ( let row of rows ) {
            if ( row.innerHTML.indexOf('Parent Directory') === -1 ) {
                let preppedRow = [];
                let link = $(row).find('a').attr('href');
                    row = row.innerHTML.replace(/<a .+?<\/a>\s*/,'');
                let cells = row.split(' ');
                for ( let cell of cells ) {
                    if ( cell.trim().length > 0 ) {
                if ( link.length > 0 && link !== '/' && link !== '../' ) {
                if ( preppedRow.length > 0 ) {
        return preppedIndex;
	// Index Prep: convert pre type function
	function convertPreType(items) {
        let preppedIndex = [];
        items = items.replace(/<a /g,'  <a ').replace(/<\/a>/g,'</a>  ') // ensure two spaces after file links
                     .replace(/\[\s*?\]/g,'[]'); // remove empty 'alt=[   ]'
        const rows = items.split('\n');
        const spaces = /\s{2,}/; // assumes pre type only uses spaces between "columns"

        for ( let row of rows ) {
            let preppedRow = [];
                row = row.replace(/(<a[^>]+?>).+?<\/a>/g,'$1'); // remove link display name because some have 2+ spaces, leading to incorrect split for cells array
            let cells = row.split(spaces);
            let link;
            for ( let cell of cells ) {
                if ( cell.trim().length > 0 ) {
                    if ( cell.indexOf('href="') > 0 &&"[?|\/"]|Parent Directory/) === -1 ) {
                        link = $(cell).attr('href');
                    } else {
                        if ("|<img |<hr>/) === -1 ) {
            if ( link !== undefined ) { preppedRow.unshift(link); } // add link to front of preppedRow
            if ( preppedRow.length > 1 ) { preppedIndex.push(preppedRow); }
		return preppedIndex;
	// Index Prep: convert table type function
	function convertTableType(type,items) { // for local chrome indexes and server-generated table-type indexes
		let preppedIndex = [];
        const rows = Array.from(items.find('> tr:not(.PARENT)'));
        for ( let row of rows ) {
            if ( Directory/) === -1 ) {
                let preppedRow = [];
                let cells = Array.from( $(row).find('td') );
                let link = $(cells).find('a').attr('href');
                for ( let cell of cells ) {
                    cell = cell.innerHTML.trim();
                    if ( cell.length > 0 &&^&nbsp;$|href="|<img /m) === -1 ) {
                        preppedRow.push( cell );
                if ( link !== undefined ) { preppedRow.unshift(link); }
                if ( preppedRow.length > 1 ) { preppedIndex.push(preppedRow); } // preppedRow.length > 2 in order to omit parent directory row
		return preppedIndex;
	// Index Prep: convert error pages (page not found, etc.)
	function convertErrorType(items) {
		items = items.replace(/ style="[^"]*?"/g,'').replace(/<hr>/g,'');
		items = '<div id="error_message"><div id="error_message_icon"></div>'+ items +'</div>';
		return items;

    // Index Prep: Build new Index from prepped rows
	function buildNewIndex(preppedIndex,sort) {
		let newIndexItems = [];
        let i = 0;
		for ( let row of preppedIndex ) {
			// Get row attrs and text
			var rowLink = row[0] !== undefined ? row[0].replace(/&amp;/g,'&') : '';//.replace(//,''); // decode some reserved characters
			const rowName = getItemName(rowLink).replace(/^\s/m,'\&nbsp;').replace(/^\//m,'').replace(/([-_——])/g,'$1<wbr>'); // display name, with word breaks added after unbreakable chars
			const rowSortName = getItemName(rowLink).replace(/^\//m,'').replace('/','').toLocaleLowerCase();
			const sizesAndDates = getItemSizeAndDate(row);
			const rowSize = sizesAndDates[0];
			const rowSortSize = sizesAndDates[1];
			const rowDate = sizesAndDates[2];
			const rowSortDate = sizesAndDates[3];
			const rowExt = getItemExt(rowLink);
			const rowSortKind = getItemKind(rowExt);
			const rowKind = rowSortKind.slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + rowSortKind.slice(1);
			const rowClasses = getItemClasses(rowName,rowSortKind,rowExt);
            // Assemble row elements
			let newRow = $('<tr></tr>').attr('id','rowid-'+ i).addClass(rowClasses).attr('data-kind',rowSortKind).attr('data-ext',rowExt);
			const checkbox = ( rowClasses.indexOf('media') > 0 ? $('<input type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" checked="true" />') : '' );
            const nameSpan = $('<span></span>').append(checkbox, rowName);
			const cellLink = $('<a></a>').addClass('icon').attr('href',rowLink).append(nameSpan);
			const cellName = $('<td></td>').addClass('name').attr('data-name',rowSortName).append(cellLink);
			const cellSize = $('<td></td>').addClass('size details').attr('data-size',rowSortSize).append(rowSize);
			const cellDate = $('<td></td>').addClass('date details').attr('data-date',rowSortDate).append(rowDate);
			const cellKind = $('<td></td>').addClass('kind details').attr('data-kind',rowSortKind).append(rowKind);
			const cellExt = $('<td></td>').addClass('ext details').attr('data-ext',rowExt);
			// Assemble row
			newRow.append(cellName, cellSize, cellDate, cellKind, cellExt);
        if ( sort === undefined ) { sort = getQuery('sort_by'); }
		let sortedIndexItems = sortDirList($(newIndexItems), 'sort_by_'+ sort, 1); // initial sort
		return sortedIndexItems;
	// Index Prep: get row name
	function getItemName(link) {
        let name;
		try { name = decodeURIComponentSafe(link); }
        catch (error) { name = link.replace(/%20/g,' ').replace(/\s{2,}/,' '); }

		if ( name.split('/').length > 2 ) { // get name only if x = full path
			let arr = name.split('/');
			if ( name.startsWith('/') && name.endsWith('/') ) { // dirs
				name = arr[arr.length - 2] + '/';
			} else {
				name = arr[arr.length - 1]; // files
		return name;
	// Index Prep: get row classes
	function getItemClasses(name,kind,ext) {
		let itemClasses = [];
		if (|app/) === -1 ) {
		if ( name.indexOf('.') === 0 ) {
		if ( !JSON.stringify($row_types).match( escapeStr(ext) ) ) { // else classify as "other" if extension is not in $row_types.
			itemClasses.push('other'); //itemType = 'Other'; itemKind = 'other';
		} else if ( kind === '' ) {
			//            itemClasses.push('code'); //itemType = 'Code'; itemKind = 'code';
		} else {
		if ( $row_settings.ignore.includes( ext ) ) {
		if ( $row_settings.exclude.includes( ext ) ) {
		if ( kind === 'audio' || kind === 'video' ) {
		itemClasses = Array.from(new Set(itemClasses)); // remove dupe classes
		return itemClasses.join(' ');
	// Index Prep: get formatted row size and date
    function getItemSizeAndDate(cells) {
        let sizesAndDates = [];
        let rowDisplaySize, rowSortSize, rowDisplayDate, rowSortDate;
        if ( cells.length > 1 ) {
            if ( cells[1].search(/[-:\/]/) !== -1 ) { // test for typical date/time separators.
                rowDisplayDate = cells[1];
                rowDisplaySize = cells[2];
            } else {
                rowDisplayDate = cells[2];
                rowDisplaySize = cells[1];
        // size
        let sizeUnits = /[BYTES|B|K|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB|EB|ZB|YB]/;
        if ( rowDisplaySize === undefined || rowDisplaySize === '' || rowDisplaySize === '-' ) {
            rowDisplaySize = '&mdash;'; rowSortSize = '0'; // if no size supplied, use these defaults
        } else {
            rowSortSize = getItemSortSize(rowDisplaySize);
            if ( !rowDisplaySize.toUpperCase().match(sizeUnits) ) { // if provided size is only numeric
                rowDisplaySize = formatBytes(rowDisplaySize,1);
            } else {
                rowDisplaySize = rowDisplaySize.replace(/(\d+)\s*([A-z])/,'$1 $2');
        // date
        if ( rowDisplayDate === undefined || rowDisplayDate === '' || rowDisplayDate === '-' ) {
            rowDisplayDate = '&mdash;'; rowSortDate = '0';
        } else {
            rowSortDate = getItemDate(rowDisplayDate);
        return sizesAndDates;
	// Index Prep: get row size for sorting
	function getItemSortSize(val) {
        let sortSize;
        let values = val.replace(/(\d+)\s*([A-z])/,'$1 $2').split(' ');
        let size = values[0];
        let unit = values[1];
        if ( unit !== undefined ) { unit = unit.toUpperCase(); }
        const factor = { '':1, B:1, K:1000, KB:1000, M:1000000, MB:1000000, G:1000000000, GB:1000000000, T:1000000000000, TB:1000000000000,  P:1000000000000000, PB:1000000000000000, E:1000000000000000000, EB:1000000000000000000, Z:1000000000000000000000, ZB:1000000000000000000000 }; // unit to file size
        sortSize = size * factor[unit]; // convert byte size to multiplication factor
		return sortSize;
    // convert numeric sizes to display format
    function formatBytes(val, decimals) {
        if (val === 0) return '0 Bytes';
        const k = 1024;
        const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
        const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];
        const i = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.log(k));
        return parseFloat((val / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) +' '+ sizes[i];
    // process date
	function processDate(match,p1,p2,p3) { //date formats: 2017-10-09 13:12 || 2015-07-25T02:02:57.000Z || 12-Mon-2017 21:11
		const mo = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'.indexOf(p2)/3 + 1; // e.g., convert month into number, or use number
		return p3 +'-'+ mo +'-'+ p1;
	// Index Prep: get row date    2015-07-25T02:22:00.000Z
	function getItemDate(val) {
		let sortDate = val.replace(/^(\d{2})-(\w{3})-(\d{4})/m, processDate) // convert Month to number
                          .replace(/\b(\d{1})[-:\/]/g,'0$1/') // add leading 0 for single digit numbers
                          .replace(/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}),/,'$3$1$2') // reorder MM/DD/YY dates
                          .replace(/-|:|\s+|\//g,''); // remove spacing characters
		return sortDate;
	// Index Prep: get row kind
	function getItemKind(ext) {
		let kind = '';
		if ( ext === 'dir' || ext === 'app' ) {
			kind = ext;
		} else {
			for ( let types in $row_types ) {
				if ( $row_types[types].includes( ext ) ) {
					kind = types;
					return kind;
		if ( kind === '' ) { kind = 'other'; }
		return kind;
	// Index Prep: get row extension
	function getItemExt(link) {
		let ext = '';
		if ( ext.endsWith('app/') || ext.endsWith('exe') ) {
			ext = 'app';
		} else if ( link.endsWith('/') ) {
			ext = 'dir';
		} else if ( link.indexOf('.') < 0 ) { // if no '.' in link, ...
			ext = link.slice(link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).toLowerCase();
		} else { // find the last . and get the remaining characters
			ext = link.slice(link.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
		return ext;
	// ***** MAKE NEW INDEX ***** //
	function makeNewIndex(el,sort) {
        const indexItems = getIndexItems(el);
        const items = indexItems[0];
        const type = indexItems[1];
        const convertedIndex = convertIndexItems( type, items ); // = array of rows: ["link","date","size"]
		if ( type === 'error' ) {
			return [convertedIndex];
		} else {
			let newIndex = buildNewIndex( convertedIndex, sort );
			return [newIndex];
	function appendNewIndex(body_top) { // setUpUI();
        const newIndex = makeNewIndex(body_top);
        $dir_list_body.append( newIndex);
        $tfoot.find('#stats').html(getIndexStats($dir_list.find('#tbody tr')));
	// get and set index stats
	function getIndexStats(el) {
		const total = el.length;
		const dirs = el.filter('.dir').length;
		const files = el.filter('.file').length;
		const stats = total +' items: '+ dirs +' directories, '+ files +' files';
		return stats;
	// ***** END DIR_LIST SETUP ***** //

	// ***** UI SETUP ***** //
	// Build UI: Append all assembled elements to $body
	function setUpBody() {
		if ( window.self === ) { // if it's an iframe...
			$('head').prepend('<meta charset="utf-8">');
		} else {
	function buildUI() {
        addStyles( $('body#top').prev('head') );
        if ( window.self === ) {
        $main_content.find('tr').append( $sidebar_wrapper, $content_pane );

	const $body = $('body#top');
	const $iframe_body = $('body#iframe_body');
	const $iFrame_head = $iframe_body.prev('head');
	const $dir_list_row = $dir_list_body.find('> tr');
	const $audio_files = $dir_list_body.find('.audio');
	const $font_files = $dir_list_body.find('.font');
	const $image_files = $dir_list_body.find('.image');
	const $media_files = $dir_list_body.find('.media');
	const $video_files = $dir_list_body.find('.video');
	function $selected_file() { return $dir_list_body.find('.selected'); }
	function $playing_file() { return $dir_list_body.find('.playing'); }

	// UI Setup: build UI and add body classes and other initial settings
	function setupUIprefs() {
		for ( let key in $settings ) {
			if ( getQuery(key) === 'true' ) {
			} else { // non-boolean settings and others
				if ( key === 'theme' ) { $body.addClass( 'theme_'+ getQuery('theme') ); }
				if ( key === 'sort_by' ) {
					$body.addClass( 'sort_by_'+ getQuery(key) );
					$('#theader').find('th[id="sort_by_'+ getQuery(key) +'"]').addClass('up');
				if ( key === 'default_text_view' ) {
					if ( getQuery(key) === 'source_text' ) { $body.addClass('source_text'); } else { $body.addClass('preview_text'); }
				if ( getQuery('toggle_sidebar') === 'true' ) { $body.addClass( 'has_hidden_sidebar' ); }
		if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > 0 ) { $body.addClass('is_chrome'); }
		if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0 ) { $body.addClass('is_gecko'); }
		if ( $audio_files.length > 0 ) { $body.add($dir_list).addClass('has_audio has_media'); }
		if ( $font_files.length > 0 ) { $body.addClass('has_fonts'); }
		if ( $image_files.length > 0 ) { $body.addClass('has_images'); }
		if ( $video_files.length > 0 ) { $body.add($dir_list).addClass('has_video has_media'); }
		// UI Setup: show invisibles
		if ( navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') > -1 || $location.indexOf('file:') < 0 ) {
		} else if ( $body.hasClass('show_invisibles') ) {
    // Get DOMTokenList of body classes
    function getClassList(id) { return document.getElementById(id).classList; }
	function setUpUI() {
        if ( window.self === {
        } else {
            setUpIframeUI( getQuery('enable_text_editing') );

	// SET UI TO DEFAULT SETTINGS: remove queries;
	function defaultSettings() {
		let $location = window.location.href;
		$location = $location.slice(0,$location.lastIndexOf('?'));
	$default_settings.on('click', function() {
		if (window.confirm( 'Are you sure you want to reset all your temporary UI settings to the defaults in your user_settings?\nThis action cannot be undone.' ) ) {
	function saveSettings(filename, data) {
		const blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/html'});
		const elem = window.document.createElement('a');
		elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = filename;
	$export_settings.on('click','a',function(e) {
		const $settings_string = ( JSON.stringify($settings,null,'\t'));

	// Click Menu Link (with warning)
	function setLocation(link) { window.location = link; }
	$('#parent_dir_menu,#parents_dir_menu + .menu,#shortcuts').on('click','a',function(e) {
		if ( $(this).attr('href').indexOf('file://') > -1 && $protocol !== 'file:' ) {
		} else {
			showWarning( 'setLocation', thisLink($(this)) );
	// Show Menus
	function showMenus(el) {
		let $position = $(el).position();
		$(el).find('> ul').css({'top':$ + $(el).innerHeight() + 'px'}).toggle().parent('td').siblings('td').find('.menu').hide();
	$parents_dir_menu.add($shortcuts_menu).parent('td').on('click',function(e) {
	// Hide Menus
	$(document).on('click', function() { $('.menu').hide(); });

	// Toggle UI Preferences
	function toggleUIpref(prefID) {
		let prefClass = prefID;
		if ( prefID === 'split_view' ) { sendMessage('iframe','split_view'); }
		if ( prefID.startsWith('sort_by') ) { $body.removeClass('sort_by_default sort_by_name sort_by_size sort_by_date sort_by_kind sort_by_ext'); }
		if ( prefID.startsWith('theme') ) { prefClass = 'theme_dark theme_light'; }
		if ( prefID.endsWith('text') && !$body.hasClass(prefID) ) {
            $body.toggleClass('preview_text source_text');
		if ( prefID === 'enable_text_editing' ) { $('.selected.text, .selected.markdown').click(); }
		// $('#shortcuts').hide(); // don't hide menus after click?
	// Click Toggle UI Pref elements
	$('.toggle_UI_pref').on('click',function(e) {
		if ( !$(this).is('input') ) {
			e.preventDefault(); // allow checkboxes to be checked
		toggleUIpref( $(this).attr('id') );

	// Toggle Sidebar
	function toggleSidebar() {
		if ( $body.hasClass('has_hidden_sidebar') ) { setQuery('toggle_sidebar','true'); } else { removeQuery('toggle_sidebar'); }
		scrollThis('tbody','selected',true); // true = instant scroll
	$toggle_sidebar.on('click', function() {

	// RESIZE Sidebar/Content Pane
	function resizeSidebar(f) {
		const $startX = f.pageX;
		let $window_width = window.innerWidth;
		let $sidebar_width = $sidebar_wrapper.width();

		$(document).on('mousemove',function(e) {
			const $deltaX = e.pageX - $startX;
			if ( e.pageX > 230 && e.pageX < $window_width - 200 ) {
				$sidebar_wrapper.css({'width':$sidebar_width + $deltaX + 'px'});
				$content_pane.css({'width':($window_width - $sidebar_width) - $deltaX + 'px'});
		$(document).on('mouseup',function() {
			$sidebar_width = $sidebar_wrapper.width();
	$handle.on('mousedown', function(f) {

	// ***** BASIC UI FUNCTIONS ***** //
	// Get dir_list item row
	function thisRow(x) {
		return $(x).closest('#dir_list > tbody > tr').length > 0 ? $(x).closest('#dir_list > tbody > tr') : $(x).closest('#dir_list > li');
	function thisID(x) {
		return thisRow(x).attr('id');
	// Get row link
	function thisLink(x) {
		return $(x).find('a').length > 0 ? $(x).find('a').attr('href') : $(x).attr('href');
	// Get row name
	function thisText(x) {
		return $(x).find('a span').length > 0 ? decodeURIComponentSafe( $(x).find('a span').text().toLocaleLowerCase() ) : decodeURIComponentSafe( $(x).text().toLocaleLowerCase() );
	// get row text
	function thisExt(x) {
		let $this_name = thisText(x);
		return $this_name.endsWith('app/') ? 'app' : $this_name.endsWith('/') ? '/' : $this_name.lastIndexOf('.') === -1 ? undefined : $this_name.toLocaleLowerCase().slice( $this_name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 );
	function getElById(id) {
		return $(document.getElementById(id) );

	function setContentHeight() {
        // accommodate multi-line title names in preview pane
		if ( $title.outerWidth() > ( $('#content_title').innerWidth() - 2 * $('#title_buttons_left').outerWidth() ) ) {
        } else {
		let $window_height = window.innerHeight;
		let $content_header_height = $content_header.outerHeight();

		$sidebar.add($main_content).add($content_pane).css({'height':$window_height });
		$dir_list.css({'height':$window_height - $('#sidebar_header').outerHeight(), 'max-height':$window_height - $('#sidebar_header').outerHeight() });
		$dir_list_body.css({'top': $dir_list_head.outerHeight(),'bottom': $dir_list.find('tfoot').outerHeight(),'height': $dir_list.innerHeight() - $dir_list_head.outerHeight() - $dir_list.find('tfoot').outerHeight(),'max-height': $dir_list.innerHeight() - $dir_list_head.outerHeight() - $dir_list.find('tfoot').outerHeight() });
		$('#iframe_body').find('#tbody').css({'top':$('#iframe_body').find('#thead').height() + 1 +'px'});

		$prev_track.add($next_track).add($close_audio).css({'height':$('#audio').height() }); // set height of audio controls
		$content_container.css({'top':$content_header_height +'px' });
	window.addEventListener('resize', setContentHeight );

	function setContentTitle() {
		let $title_text = '';
		if ( $playing_file().hasClass('audio') ) { // set audio player title
			$content_audio_title.find('td').empty().text( $playing_file().find(' a').text() );
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { // set main title for other content
			$title_text = $('#parents_dir_menu').find('> div').html().split('<wbr>').reverse()[1];
		} else if ( $('#toggle_info').hasClass('selected') ) {
            $title_text = 'Source of: '+ $current_dir_path;
		} else if ( $body.hasClass('has_text') ) {
			$title_text = 'Text Editor';
		} else if ( $selected_file().hasClass('audio') ) {
		} else if ( !$selected_file().hasClass('audio') || $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_text') ) {
			$title_text = $selected_file().not('.audio').find(' a span').text(); // Assemble title
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_image') ) {
		} else {
			$title.attr('data-after',''); // remove image dimensions
		if ( $title.outerWidth() > ( $('#content_title').innerWidth() - 2 * $('#title_buttons_left').outerWidth() ) ) { $title.css({'margin-top':'2em'}); } else { $title.css({'margin-top':'0'}); }
	// Get Image Dimensions
	function getDimensions(link, callback) {
		let img = new Image();
		img.src = link;
		img.onload = function() { callback( this.width, this.height ); };
	function setDimensions(row) {
		getDimensions( thisLink(row), function( width, height ) {
			$title.attr('data-after',' (' + width + 'px × ' + height + 'px)');
	// Scroll Selected Items
	function scrollThis(elID,className,bool) {
		let $behavior = 'smooth';
		if ( bool !== undefined ) { $behavior = 'instant'; }
		let $block = ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1 ? 'start' : 'nearest' );
		if ( document.getElementsByClassName(className).length > 0 ) {
			document.getElementById(elID).getElementsByClassName(className)[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior:$behavior, block:$block, inline:'nearest' });

	// ***** SORTING ***** //
	function sortIndex(els,id,sortDirection) { // id = sort type
		let sorted = [];

		const newSort = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }); // needs to be above makeNewIndex()
		sorted = els.removeClass('sorted').sort((a, b) => {
			let aName = $(a).find('').data('name');
			let bName = $(b).find('').data('name');
			let aData = $(a).find('td[data-'+ id +']').data(id);
			let bData = $(b).find('td[data-'+ id +']').data(id);
			if ( sortDirection === 1 ) { // sort by detail data value, then by name (i.e., if data values are the same, sort by name)
				if (, bData) === 0 ) {
					return, bName);
				} else {
					return, bData);
			} else { // reverse sort
				if (, aData) === 0 ) {
					return, aName);
				} else {
					return, aData);
		sorted = sorted.sort((a, b) => { // add sorted style (rules between different rows)
			if ( id === 'kind' || id === 'ext' && sortDirection === 1 ) {
				if ( $(a).find('td[data-'+ id +']').data(id) !== $(b).find('td[data-'+ id +']').data(id) ) { $(a).addClass('sorted'); }
			if ( id === 'kind' || id === 'ext' && sortDirection === -1 ) {
				if ( $(b).find('td[data-'+ id +']').data(id) !== $(a).find('td[data-'+ id +']').data(id) ) { $(a).addClass('sorted'); }

		return sorted;
	// Sort the Dir List on click
	function sortDirList(rows, id, sortDirection) {
		const $sort_all = rows;
		const $sort_dirs = $sort_all.filter('.dir:not(.app)');
		const $sort_files = $sort_all.filter('.file,.app');
		const $sort_id = id.slice(8);// === 'default' ? 'name' : id;

		const $sorted_dirs = sortIndex($sort_dirs, $sort_id, sortDirection);
		const $sorted_files = sortIndex( $sort_files, $sort_id, sortDirection );
		const $sorted_all = sortIndex( $sort_all, $sort_id, sortDirection );
		let $sorted = [];

		if ( $sort_id === 'default' || ( $sort_id !== 'name' && $settings.dirs_on_top === true )) {
			if (sortDirection === 1) {
				$sorted = $.merge($sorted_dirs,$sorted_files);
			} else {
				$sorted = $.merge($sorted_files,$sorted_dirs);
		} else {
			$sorted = $sorted_all;
		return $sorted;
	// Sort on click
	function clickSort(el) {
		const id = el.attr('id'); // id from th sort item = 'sort_by_xxx'
		var sortDirection = ( el.hasClass('up') ? -1 : 1 ); // Only reverse sort order after clicking a sort column once.
		// SORT EM!
		const $sorted_index = sortDirList( $dir_list_row, id, sortDirection );
		$('th[id="'+ id +'"]').toggleClass('up').siblings().removeClass('up');
		if ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_font_grid') ) { $('#show_font_grid').click(); }
		if ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_image_grid') ) { $('#show_image_grid').click(); }
		if ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_grid') ) { $('#grid_btn').click(); }
	// Sort on clicking dir_list sort item
	$('#theader').on('click','th.sorting:not(.disabled)',function(e) {
		clickSort( $(this) );
	// Sort Menu: click the list header that contains the selected menu text.
	$('#sort_menu').on('click','li:not(.disabled)',function(e) {
		$('#theader th[id="sort_by_'+ $(this).attr('id') +'"]').click(); // click corresponding dir_list sort item
	// ***** END SORTING ***** //
	// ***** END BASIC UI FUNCTIONS ***** //

	// ***** CONTENT PANE ***** //
	// SELECT ROW on click and set classes for $content_pane
	function selectThis(row) {
		const $grid_selected = $content_grid.find('div.font_grid_item a[href="'+ thisLink(row) +'"]').closest('div').add('div.image_grid_item a[href="'+ thisLink(row) +'"]').closest('div').addBack();
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { // Select corresponding grid item
			row.addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected hovered');
        } else { // remove classes from rows, but leave .audio with playing
            if ( row.attr('id') === 'toggle_info' ) {
                row.toggleClass('selected loaded');
                $dir_list.find('#tbody .selected').removeClass('selected');
            } else {
                row.addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected hovered');

	//***** SHOW CONTENT *****//
	function showAudio(rowID) {
		let row = getElById(rowID);
        if ( $content_video.hasClass('has_content') ) { $title.empty(); }
        if ( row.hasClass('audio') ) { row.addClass('playing selected').siblings('.media').removeClass('playing selected'); }
		$audio_player.attr('src', thisLink( row ) );
        $content_audio_title.find('td').empty().text( $playing_file().find(' a').text() );

    // showTextEditor();

    // Show Grid
	function showGrid() {
        if ( $body.hasClass('has_text') ) { $body.toggleClass('has_text has_hidden_text'); }
	// Show Hidden Editor or Grid
	function showHiddenEditorOrGrid() {
        if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') && !$body.hasClass('has_hidden_text') || $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') && $body.hasClass('has_hidden_text') ) {
            $content_pane.toggleClass('has_grid has_hidden_grid'); // show grid preferentially
        } else if ( !$content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') && $body.hasClass('has_hidden_text') ) {
            $body.toggleClass('has_text has_hidden_text');
	// Hide Editor or Grid
	function hideEditorOrGrid() {
		if ( $body.hasClass('has_text') ) { $body.toggleClass('has_text has_hidden_text'); }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { $content_pane.toggleClass('has_grid has_hidden_grid'); }
    // showIndexSource();

	// Show Font (and create font items)
	function showFont(row,bool,sheet) { // bool = true if for show font grid, sheet defined at fontGridItems()
		let fontStyles = $font_styles.sheet;
		const $font_family = thisText(row);
		const $font_url = thisLink(row);
        const $font_grid_item_el = $('<div class="font_grid_item"></div>');
		if ( bool === false ) {
			if ( fontStyles.cssRules.length > 0 ) { fontStyles.deleteRule(0); } // delete previous @font-face rule
			fontStyles.insertRule('@font-face { font-family: "'+ $font_family +'"; src: url("'+ $font_url +'"); }');
			$content_font.css({ 'font-family':'"'+ $font_family +'"' }); // set content font style
		} else {
			let grid_item = $font_grid_item_el.clone();
			const $display_name = $font_family;
			sheet.insertRule('@font-face { font-family: "'+ $font_family +'"; src: url("'+ $font_url +'"); }');
			grid_item.append('<p>'+ $display_name +'</p><h2 style=\'font-family: "'+ $font_family +'"\'; ><a href="'+ $font_url +'">'+ $display_name.slice(0,$font_family.lastIndexOf('.')) +'</a></h2>' );
			return grid_item;
	// Set Content Pane classes
	function setContentClasses(content_el) {
		if ( content_el === 'audio' ) {
		} else {
			$content_pane.addClass( 'has_'+ content_el ); // remove classes, excluding grid and text classes; add content class
	// Set Content Element Sources and row classes
    function setContentSources(row,link,kind,content_el) {
        switch(kind) {
            case 'audio':
            case 'font':
            case 'code':
            case 'markdown':
            case 'text':
                link = thisLink(row) +'?split_view='+ getQuery('split_view') +'&default_text_view='+ getQuery('default_text_view');
                if ( !$body.hasClass('enable_text_editing') ) { link += '&enable_text_editing=false'; } else { link += '&enable_text_editing=true'; }
            case 'dir':
                link = link + '?sort_by=' + getQuery('sort_by') +'&show_numbers='+ getQuery('show_numbers');
            case 'info':
                link = $location + '?sort_by=' + getQuery('sort_by') +'&show_numbers='+ getQuery('show_numbers') +'&view_source=true';
            case 'pdf':
                link = link + '?#view=fitB&scrollbar=1&toolbar=1&navpanes=1';
        if ( kind === 'video' ) { row.addClass('playing'); } else { row.addClass('loaded'); }
        // fix for pdfs not being loaded after setting src attribute (hide and then show)
		if ( kind === 'pdf' ) {
        } else {
            $('#content_'+ content_el).addClass('has_content').attr('src',link).removeAttr('srcdoc');
	// Show Content
	function showContent(row) { // show any content excluding grids on row click
		if ( row.length === -1 ) { return; } // needed for left/right arrow nav when there are no valid items (i.e. images or fonts)
		let rowID = row.attr('id');
		let kind = row.attr('data-kind');
		let link = thisLink(row);
        let content_el = ( row.hasClass('ignore') && $body.hasClass('ignore_ignored_files') ? 'ignored' : !['audio','font','image','pdf','video'].includes(kind) || kind === 'dir' || kind === 'info' ? 'iframe' : kind ); // load dirs and any other kind of content except audio, font, image, pdf, or video into iframe
        if ( row.hasClass('audio') ) {
			showAudio( rowID );
        } else {

	//***** CLOSE CONTENT (Close button or Cmd/Ctrl + W) *****//
	// Close Audio/Video
	function closeMedia(type) { // type === audio || video
		let $mediaEl = ( type === 'audio' ? $audio_player : $content_video );
		$content_pane.removeClass('has_'+ type);
		$('.media.playing, .media.loaded').removeClass('playing loaded');
		if ( type === 'audio' ) {
            $('#content_audio_title td').empty();
		if ( type === 'video' ) {
	// Close Audio button click
	$close_audio.on('click',function(e) {
        if ( $('.loaded').length === 1 ) { $('.loaded').addClass('selected'); }
	// Close Text Editor
    function closeTextEditor() {
        if ( $body.hasClass('edited') ) {
        } else {
            if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') ) { $content_pane.toggleClass('has_grid has_hidden_grid'); }
    // Close Grid
	function closeGrid() {
		$content_grid.empty().removeClass().attr('style','').find('.image_grid_item, img').attr('style','');
        if ( $body.hasClass('has_hidden_text') ) { $body.toggleClass('has_text has_hidden_text'); }
    // Close index source preview
	function closeIndexSource() {
        $('#toggle_info').removeClass('selected loaded');
        if ( $('.loaded:not(.audio)').length === 1 || $('.playing').length > 0 ) {
	// Close .content elements (not #content_audio, #content_text, or #content_grid) when opening new content
	function closeOtherContent(row) {
		// close audio/video when opening video/audio
		if ( row !== undefined ) {
            if ( row.hasClass('video') ) {
            } else if ( row.hasClass('audio') ) {
		// close other content
        if ( $('.content.has_content').length || $content_pane.hasClass('has_ignored') ) {
			let $contentID = $('.content.has_content').attr('id');
			switch($contentID) { // specific cases
                case 'content_font':
                case 'content_image':
                    $content_image.attr('style',''); // reset image: comment out to retain image scale after loading other content
                case 'content_video':
            // remove content classes and source attribute
            $content_pane.removeClass('has_font has_image has_zoom_image has_pdf has_video has_iframe has_dir has_ignored').find('.content').removeClass('has_content').removeAttr('src'); ;
    // Close button: close any visible content
	function closeContent() {
		if ( $('#toggle_info').hasClass('selected') ) {
        } else if ( $body.hasClass('has_text') ) {
        } else if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { // close grid (i.e., don't just hide)
		} else if ( ['has_font','has_image','has_zoom_image','has_pdf','has_video','has_iframe','has_dir','has_ignored'].some( c => $content_pane.attr('class').split(' ').indexOf( c ) >= 0 ) && !$body.hasClass('iframe_edited') ) {
        } else if ( $body.hasClass('iframe_edited') ) { // warn if iframe edited
		} else if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio') ) { // close audio last of all
	$('#close_btn').on('click', function(e) {
		closeContent(); // close content unless body.edited or body.iframe_edited

	//***** RESET CONTENT (Reset button or Cmd/Ctrl + R) *****//
	function resetContent() {
		if ( $content_pane.attr('class') === '' ) { window.location = window.location.href; } // reload page
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio') ) { $audio_player.prop('currentTime', 0).trigger('pause'); }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { $; }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_font') ) { $content_font.css({'font-size':'1em'});}
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_image') ) { $content_pane.removeClass('has_zoom_image').find('#content_image').attr('style',''); }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_video') ) { $content_video.prop('currentTime',0).trigger('pause'); }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe') || $content_pane.hasClass('has_dir') ) { $selected_file().find('a').click(); }
	$('#reload_btn').on('click', function(e) {

	//***** NAVIGATION *****//
	function firstRowID(className) {
		return ( $('#tbody').find(':visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).length ? $('#tbody').find('tr:visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).first().attr('id') : null );
	function prevRowID(className) {
        let row;
        if ( ['.audio','.video','.media'].includes(className) ) { row = $playing_file(); } else { row = $selected_file(); }
		return ( !row.length || !row.prevAll(':visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).length ) ? $('#tbody').find('tr').filter(className).last().attr('id') : row.prevAll(':visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).first().attr('id');
	function nextRowID(className) { // if nothing selected, or if no next row with classname, return first row with classname, else return next row with classname
        let row;
        if ( ['.audio','.video','.media'].includes(className) ) { row = $playing_file(); } else { row = $selected_file(); }
		return ( !row.length || !row.nextAll(':visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).length ) ? $('#tbody').find('tr').filter(className).first().attr('id') : row.nextAll(':visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).first().attr('id');
	// function lastRowID(className) {
	// return ( $('#tbody').find(':visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).length ? $('#tbody').find('tr:visible:not(.unchecked)').filter(className).last().attr('id') : null );
	// }
	function selectRowID(className,key) {
		let id = '';
		if ( key === 'ArrowUp' ) { id = prevRowID('.dir,.file'); }
		if ( key === 'ArrowLeft' ) { id = prevRowID(className); }
		if ( key === 'ArrowRight' ) { id = nextRowID(className); }
		if ( key === 'ArrowDown' ) { id = nextRowID('.dir,.file'); }
		return id;
	// NAVIGATION: select GRID items by left/right arrow keys @ arrowNavigation();
	function gridNavigation(key) {
		let className = '';
		if ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_font_grid') ) { className = '.font:not(.ignore)'; }
		if ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_image_grid') ) { className = '.image:not(.ignore)'; }
		if ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_grid') ) { className = '.font:not(.ignore),.image:not(.ignore)'; }
		selectThis( getElById(selectRowID(className,key) ) );
	// NAVIGATION: FONTS and IMAGES by prev/next buttons
	$content_pane.on( 'click','#prev_btn, #next_btn', function(e) {
		let key = $(this).attr('id') === 'prev_btn' ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight';
		clickRow( selectRowID('.font,.image',key));
	// NAVIGATION: MEDIA tracks by arrow left/right @ leftRightArrowNavigation() & button click; // handle shuffle or loop play, as well as normal continuous playback after end of track with ArrowRight
	function playPrevNextTrack(key) {
        if ( $('.playing').length === 0 ) { // Arrow L/R selects first/last audio file if nothing selected
            clickRow( selectRowID('.media',key) );
        } else if ( $('.playing').length === 1 ) {
			let mediaClass = ( $('.playing').hasClass('audio') ? '.audio' : '.video' );
            // If shuffle play...
			if ( $body.hasClass('shuffle_audio') ) {
				let trackRowID = $'shufflelist').pop();
				if ( trackRowID !== undefined ) { // if shuffle list is not empty...
					showAudio( trackRowID ); // load audio...
					playMedia('play'); // and play
				} else if ( trackRowID === undefined ) { // if end of shufflelist...
					if ( $body.hasClass('loop_audio') ) { // and if loop audio, update the shufflelist and play
					} else { // else load the first track
						showAudio( firstRowID( mediaClass ));
            // else if there is another media file selected, play it next
            } else if ( $(mediaClass).filter('.selected').length === 1 && !$('.media.selected').hasClass('playing') ) {
                showAudio( $('.media.selected').attr('id') );
            } else {
                if ( $body.hasClass('loop_audio') || nextRowID( mediaClass ) !== firstRowID( mediaClass ) ) {
                    showAudio( selectRowID( mediaClass,key ) );
                } else {
                    showAudio( selectRowID( mediaClass,key ) );
        // NAVIGATION: Audio by prev/next audio buttons
	$('.prev_next_track_btn').on('click',function() {
		let key = ( $(this).attr('id') === 'prev_track' ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight' );
	// NAVIGATION: Prev/Next Audio or Prev/Next File of same data-kind by arrow left/right
	function leftRightArrowNavigation(className,key) {
		if ( $('.selected').hasClass('audio') && $('.playing').length === 1 ) {
		} else if ( $('#toggle_info').hasClass('selected') ) { // if previewing directory source
            if ( $('#tbody .loaded').length > 0 ) { clickRow( $('#tbody .loaded').attr('id') ); } else { clickRow( selectRowID('.dir,.file',key) ); }
		} else {
			if ( $('.selected').length === 0 ) { // else select first/last row
                clickRow( selectRowID('.dir,.file',key) );
			} else { // else select prev/next row of same data-kind
				clickRow( selectRowID('.'+ $('.loaded,.video.playing').attr('data-kind'),key) );
            if (className === 'video') { playMedia('play'); }
    function upDownArrowNavigation(key) {
        let row = $(document.getElementById(selectRowID('.dir,.file',key)));
        if ( row.hasClass('audio') && $('.audio.playing').length === 1 ) { // just select audio file if another audio is playing
            selectThis( row );
		} else if ( $('#toggle_info').hasClass('selected') ) {
            if ( $('#tbody .loaded').length > 0 ) { clickRow( $('#tbody .loaded').attr('id') ); } else { clickRow( selectRowID('.dir,.file',key) ); }
        } else {
            clickRow( selectRowID('.dir,.file',key) );
	// NAVIGATE directory index items by arrow up/down or left/right keys, with/without grid @ indexNavigation()
	function arrowNavigation(className,key) {
		if ( key === 'ArrowUp' || key === 'ArrowDown' ) {
		} else { // key === 'ArrowLeft" || key === 'ArrowRight'
			if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { // Grid navigation: L/R arrow selects images and fonts only
			} else {
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) {
        } else {

    // NAVIGATION: Main navigation by arrow keys
	function indexNavigation(key) {
		let className = ( $('.selected[data-kind]') === undefined ? $dir_list.find('tbody tr:visible').first().attr('data-kind') : $('.selected[data-kind]').attr('data-kind') );

	// NAVIGATE items by typed string
	var str = '';
	function timeoutID() {
		return window.setTimeout( function() { str = ''; }, 1500 );
	function alphaNav(e) { // Select Dir_List row by typed string; Todo: select next row by nearest letter
		let timer = timeoutID();
		if ( typeof timer === 'number' ) {
			window.clearTimeout( timer );
			timer = 0; // id
		str += e.key;
		str = str.toLowerCase();
		if ( $('#dir_list').find('[data-name^="'+ str +'"]').length ) {
			$('#dir_list').find('[data-name^="'+ str +'"]').first().find('a').click();
			// } else {
			// null; // replace this with some sort of fuzzy match function? TBD
	//***** END NAVIGATION *****//


	// CLICK element by id
	function clickThis(id) {
		let el = $(document.getElementById(id));
		if ( el.find('a').length > 0 ) { el.find('a').click(); } else {; }
	// CLICK Row
	function clickRow(id) {
		let row = getElById(id);
	$body.find('#tbody').on('click','tr', function(e) {
        if ( $(this).hasClass('playing') ) {
        } else {
            showWarning( 'clickRow', $(this).attr('id') );
    // Show current dir source in $content_iframe
    $('#toggle_info').on('click',function(e) {
        if ( $(this).hasClass('selected') ) {
        } else {
            showWarning( 'clickRow', $(this).attr('id') );

    // DOUBLE-CLICK Row to open directory
	function doubleClickRow(id) { // row.dir only
        let row = getElById(id);
		let $query_str = decodeURIComponentSafe(;
		if ( $query_str === '' ) { $query_str = '?'; }
		const $current_index = row.prevAll('.dir:visible').length;
		if ( $query_str.indexOf('history') !== -1 ) {
			$query_str = $query_str.replace(/&selected=\d+/,'').replace(/&history=/,'&history='+ $current_index +'+');
		} else {
			$query_str = $query_str.replace(/&selected=\d+/,'') + '&history='+ $current_index;
		window.location = row.find('a').attr('href') + $query_str;
	$('#tbody').find('tr.dir').on('dblclick', function(e) {
		showWarning( 'doubleClickRow', $(this).attr('id') );

	// CLICK grid item
	function gridItemClick(e,el) {
		clickThis( thisID($dir_list.find('a[href*="'+ thisLink(el) +'"]') ) );
	$content_grid.on('click','div', function(e) {

	// HOVER Grid Item
	$content_grid.on('mouseenter','> div:not(.selected)',function() {
		thisRow($dir_list.find('a[href*="'+ thisLink(this) +'"]')).addClass('hovered');
	}).on('mouseleave','> div:not(.selected)',function() {
		thisRow($dir_list.find('a[href*="'+ thisLink(this) +'"]')).removeClass('hovered');
	// HOVER Dir_list_row and highlight corresponding grid item
	$dir_list_row.hover(function() {
		if ( $':visible') ) {
			$content_grid.find('[href*="'+ thisLink(this) +'"]').closest('div').addClass('hovered');
	}, function() {
		if ( $':visible') ) {

	//***** AUTOLOAD CONTENT: index files or files from the file shortcut list *****//
	function autoSelectFile() {
		let $query_prefs = getQueryPrefs();
		let $UI_pref_selected = ( $query_prefs.get('selected') === null ? '' : $query_prefs.get('selected') );
		if ( getQuery('file') !== undefined && getQuery('file').length > 0 && == window.self ) { // load individual files
			clickRow( $dir_list.find('a[href*="'+ getQuery('file') +'"]').closest('tr').attr('id') );
		} else if ( $UI_pref_selected !== '' && !$body.hasClass('has_media') ) {
			clickRow( $dir_list.find('tr.dir:visible').eq($UI_pref_selected).attr('id') );
		} else if ( $body.hasClass('autoload_index_files') && $dir_list.find( 'a[href*="/index."]').length > 0 ) { // else load index file
			clickRow( $dir_list.find('a[href*="/index."]').closest('tr').attr('id') );
		} else { // else select first non-media item
			// clickRow( $dir_list.find('tbody tr:not(.media):not(.invisible)').first() );
		if ( $body.hasClass('autoload_media') && $body.hasClass('has_media') ) { // else if audio and images, load cover art
			clickRow( firstRowID('.audio,.video') );
			if ( $playing_file() ) { scrollThis('tbody','playing'); }
		if ( $selected_file() ) { scrollThis('tbody','selected'); }

	// Autoload Cover Art
	function getImageNames() {
		let image_names = [];
		$image_files.each(function() {
			let name = $(this).find('').attr('data-name');
			name = name.slice(0,name.lastIndexOf('.'));
			image_names.push( name );
		return image_names;
	function getCoverArtID() {
		const cover_names = ['cover','front'];
		const image_names = getImageNames();
		for ( let cover_name of cover_names ) {
			if ( image_names.includes(cover_name) ) { // file name = a cover name
				return $image_files.eq( image_names.indexOf(cover_name) ).attr('id');
			} else if ( image_names.some( name => name.startsWith(cover_name)) ) { // file name starts with a cover name
				return $image_files.find('[data-name^="'+ cover_name +'"]').closest('tr').attr('id');
			} else if ( image_names.some( name => name.indexOf(cover_name) > 0 ) ) { // file name includes a cover name
				return $image_files.find('[data-name*="'+ cover_name +'"]').closest('tr').attr('id');
			} else { // else use first image
				return $image_files.first().attr('id');
	function autoLoadCoverArt() { // autoload cover art for audio if dir contains audio and images, and audio is loaded and non-image content is not loaded
        let bodyClasses = getClassList('top');
        if ( bodyClasses.contains( 'has_audio','has_images','autoload_media' ) && !getElById( firstRowID('.media') ).hasClass('video') ) {
			let $coverID = getCoverArtID();
			if ( $coverID !== undefined ) {
				let row = getElById($coverID);

	//***** KEYBOARD EVENTS *****//
	$body.on('keydown',$dir_list,function(e) {
		const $selected = $selected_file();

		if ( $('#content_source').is(':focus') || $('#content_font div').is(':focus') && e.key !== 'Escape' ) {
		// Disable all keydown events except return and tab when warning is shown
		if ( $('body').hasClass('has_warning') ) {
			if (e.key !== 'Enter' && e.key !== 'Tab' && e.key !== 'Shift' ) {
				return false;
			if ( e.key === 'Enter' ) {
			if ( e.key === 'Tab' ) {
				if ( $('#warnings').find('button.focus').length === 0 || $('#warnings').find('button.focus').prev('button').length === 0 ) {
				} else {

		$(':focus').blur(); // Need this to able to select grid items after clicking close button (or other buttons).

		switch ( e.key ) {
		case 'ArrowUp':
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) { // Cmd/Ctrl + up arrow = go to parent directory
				if ( $('#parents_dir_menu + ul a').length < 1 ) {
				} else {
					showWarning( 'clickThis', $('#parent_dir_menu').attr('id') );
			if ( $('*[contentEditable="true"]').is(':focus') ) { // Allow arrow navigation within content_editable elements
			showWarning( 'indexNavigation', 'ArrowUp' );
		case 'ArrowDown':
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && $selected.hasClass('app') && $settings.apps_as_dirs === false ) { // Ignore Cmd/Ctrl + arrow or if focused element is content editable or open dir
			} else if ( $('*[contentEditable="true"]' ).is(':focus') ) {
			} else if ( (e.ctrl || e.metaKey) && $selected.hasClass('dir') ) {
			showWarning( 'indexNavigation', 'ArrowDown' );
		case 'ArrowLeft':
			if ( (e.ctrl || e.metaKey) || (e.ctrl && e.metaKey) ) {
			} else if ( $('*[contentEditable="true"]').is(':focus') ) { // Ignore Cmd/Ctrl + arrow or if focused element is content editable
			if ( (e.altKey && e.shiftKey) || e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey ) { // Skip audio 30s/10s: Opt-Shift-Arrow/Opt-Arrow
			} else {
				showWarning( 'indexNavigation','ArrowLeft' );
		case 'ArrowRight':
			if ( e.metaKey && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && $selected.hasClass('dir') ) { // Open dir with Cmd/Ctrl + Right Arrow
			if ( (e.ctrl || e.metaKey) || (e.ctrl && e.metaKey) ) { // Ignore Cmd/Ctrl + arrow or if focused element is content editable
			} else if ( $('*[contentEditable="true"]').is(':focus') || $selected.hasClass('dir ignore') ) {
			if ( (e.altKey && e.shiftKey) || e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey ) { // Skip audio 30s/10s: Opt-Shift-Arrow/Opt-Arrow
			} else {
				showWarning( 'indexNavigation','ArrowRight' );
		case ' ': // space
			if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio') || $content_pane.hasClass('has_video') ) { // Play/pause media (space bar)
			} else {
		case 'Enter': // Open directories (or ignore)
			if ( $selected.hasClass('app') && $settings.apps_as_dirs === false ) {
			} else {
				if ( $selected.hasClass('dir') ) {
				} else if ( $selected.hasClass('playing') || $selected.hasClass('video') ) { // content_audio or content_video
				} else {
			// Alphabetical navigation
		case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
		case 'a': case 'b': case 'c':                     case 'f':           case 'h':           case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n':           case 'p': case 'q':           case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v':           case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':           case '`': case '~': case '!': case '@': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '^': case '&': case '*': case '(': case ')':           case '+': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': /*case '\\':*/ case '|': case '/': case '.': case ',': case '?': case '–': case '—': case '\'': case '"': case '“': case '”': case '‘': case '’': case '…': case 'π':
		case '∫': case '∂': case 'ƒ': case '©': case '˙': case '∆': case '˚': case 'µ': case '®': case 'ß': case '†': case '√': case '∑': case '≈': case '¥': case 'Ω': case '¡': case '™': case '£': case '¢': case '∞': case '§': case '¶': case '•': case 'ª': case 'º': case '≠':
		case '⁄': case '€': case '‹': case '›': case 'fl': case '‡': case '°': case '·': case '‚': case '±': case '¯': case '˘': case '¿':
		case 'ı': case '': case '´': case '˝': case 'ˆ': case '': case '˜': case '‰': case 'ˇ': case '¨': case '◊': case '„': case '˛': case '¸':
			//            case 'α': case 'β': case 'γ': case 'δ': case 'ε': case 'ζ': case 'η': case 'θ': case 'ι': case 'κ': case 'λ': case 'μ': case 'ν': case 'ξ': case 'ο': case 'π': case 'ρ': case 'ς': case 'σ': case 'τ': case 'υ': case 'φ': case 'χ': case 'ψ': case 'ω': case 'ϑ': case 'ϒ': case 'ϖ':
			//            case 'Α': case 'Β': case 'Γ': case 'Δ': case 'Ε': case 'Ζ': case 'Η': case 'Θ': case 'Ι': case 'Κ': case 'Λ': case 'Μ': case 'Ν': case 'Ξ': case 'Ο': case 'Π': case 'Ρ': case 'Σ': case 'Σ': case 'Τ': case 'Υ': case 'Φ': case 'Χ': case 'Ψ': case 'Ω': case 'Θ': case 'ϒ':
			if ( !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey ) {
		case 'd': // Cmd/Ctrl + D: Toggle Details
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case 'e': // Cmd/Ctrl + E: Show Text Editor
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case 'g': // Cmd/Ctrl + G: Show image Grid
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case 'i': // Cmd/Ctrl + I: Toggle Invisibles
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case 'o': // Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O: Open selected item in new window
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) { thisLink($selected_file()) );
			} else {
		case 'r': // Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R: Refresh
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case 'w': // Close content pane if Close button visible with Cmd/Crtl + W
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
				if ( $content_pane.attr('class').indexOf('has_') > -1 || $('#toggle_info').hasClass('selected') ) {
			} else {
		case '\\':
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case '=':
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case '-':
			if ( (navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey) && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey ) {
			} else {
		case 'tab':
		case 'Escape':
		} // end switch
	// ***** END KEYBOARD EVENTS ***** //

	// ***** GRID SETUP ***** //
	// Create Font Grid Items
	function fontGridItems() {
		let $font_grid_items_arr = [];
		let $font_files = $dir_list_body.find('.font');
		let fontGridStyles = $font_grid_styles.sheet;
		for ( let i = 1; i < $font_files.length; i++ ) {
			let newGridItem = showFont($font_files[i],true,fontGridStyles);
			$font_grid_items_arr.push( newGridItem );
		return $font_grid_items_arr;
	// Create Image Grid Items
	function imageGridItems() {
		let $image_grid_items_arr = [];
		let $image_files = $dir_list_body.find('.image');
		for ( let i = 0; i < $image_files.length; i++ ) {
			const $this_link = thisLink($image_files[i]);
			const exts = $row_types.image.filter( ext => $.inArray(ext, $row_settings.ignore) == -1 ); // decide which image files can be displayed
			const $title_name = $this_link.slice($this_link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
			if ( $.inArray( thisExt($image_files[i]), exts ) > -1 ) { // if this row file ext is in the image extension array
				let item = '<div class="image_grid_item"><a href="'+$this_link+'"><img src="'+$this_link+'" title="'+$title_name+'" loading="lazy" /></a></div>';
				$image_grid_items_arr.push( item );
		return $image_grid_items_arr;
	// Make Grids
	function makeGrids(id) {
		if ( id === 'show_font_grid' || !$body.hasClass('has_images') ) { // only show font grid
			$content_grid.append( fontGridItems() );
		} else if ( id === 'show_image_grid' || !$body.hasClass('has_fonts') ) { // only show image grid
			$content_grid.append( imageGridItems() );
		} else { // show grid of both images and fonts
			if ( $body.hasClass() ) { $content_grid.addClass('has_image_grid'); } else { $content_grid.addClass('has_grid'); }
			$content_grid.append( imageGridItems(), fontGridItems() );
	// Click grid button
	$sidebar_header.on('click', '#grid_btn, #show_font_grid, #show_image_grid', function(e) {

	// Scale Fonts
	function scaleFonts(incr, y) {
		const $em = parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize); // pts/em
		const getFontSize = function(el) { return parseFloat(el.css('font-size')); };
		if ( y === 'decrease' ) { incr = 1/incr; }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') && ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_font_grid') || $content_grid.hasClass('has_grid') ) ) {
			$content_grid.css({'font-size':( getFontSize($content_grid)/$em * incr ) +'em'});
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_font') ) {
			$content_font.css({'font-size':( getFontSize($content_font)/$em * incr ) +'em'});
	// Scale Images
	function scaleImages(incr, y) {
		if (y === 'decrease' ) { incr = 1/incr; }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_image') || $content_pane.hasClass('has_zoom_image') && !$content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) {
			var $image_width = Math.round( $content_image.width() ) * incr; // increment image size
			var $image_height = Math.round( $content_image.height() ) * incr; // increment image size
			$content_image.css({'width':$image_width +'px', 'height': $image_height +'px', 'max-width':'none', 'max-height':'none' });
			$content_container.scrollLeft( ( $image_width - $(window).width() )/2 ) ;
			// if image is wider or taller than the window height, adjust position to enable scrolling:
			if ( ( ( $image_width - $(window).width() )/2 ) > 0 ) { $content_image.css({'left':0}); } else { $content_image.css({'left':'unset'}); }
			if ( ( ( $image_height - $(window).height() )/2 ) > 0 ) { $content_image.css({'top':0}); } else { $content_image.css({'top':'unset'}); }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') && ( $content_grid.hasClass('has_image_grid') || $content_grid.hasClass('has_grid') ) ) {
			let $image_grid_item_width = Number.parseFloat( $('.image_grid_item img').width(),10) * incr;
			let $image_grid_item_height = Number.parseFloat( $('.image_grid_item img').height(),10) * incr;
			let $image_grid_item_maxwidth = Number.parseFloat( $('.image_grid_item img').css('maxWidth'),10) * incr;
			let $image_grid_item_maxheight = Number.parseFloat( $('.image_grid_item img').css('maxHeight'),10) * incr;
			// prevent reducing grid image size on first scale click:
			if ( $image_grid_item_width < $image_grid_item_maxwidth ) { $image_grid_item_width = $image_grid_item_maxwidth; }
			if ( $image_grid_item_height < $image_grid_item_maxheight ) { $image_grid_item_height = $image_grid_item_maxheight; }
			// set grid properties
			$content_grid.css({'grid-template-columns':'repeat(auto-fill, minmax('+ ($image_grid_item_width +16) +'px, auto ) )'});
			$content_grid.find('img').css({'max-width':( $image_grid_item_width ) +'px', 'max-height':( $image_grid_item_height ) +'px'});
	// Scale Fonts and Images
	function scalePreviewItems(y) { // combine scaling into one function
		scaleImages( 1.125, y );
		scaleFonts( 1.125, y );
	// Scale Content
	$('#scale').on('click','span',function(e) {
		let val = ( $(this).attr('id') === 'increase' ? 'increase' : 'decrease' );
	// Zoom Images on click
	function zoomImage(e) {
		const $this_link = $content_image.attr('src');
		const $offset = $content_image.offset();
		const $this_width = $content_image.width();
		const $this_height = $content_image.height();
		const percentX = ( e.pageX - $offset.left ) / $this_width;
		const percentY = ( e.pageY - $ ) / $this_height;

		if ( ( $content_image.attr('style') !== '' || $content_image.attr('style') !== undefined ) ) { $content_image.attr('style',''); }
		if ( $this_link !== undefined ) {
			getDimensions( $this_link, function( width, height ) {
				if ( width < $content_container.width() && height < $content_container.height() ) { // don't zoom small images
					$content_pane.removeClass('has_zoom_image').addClass('has_image'); // remove zoom classes in case window resized after zoom
				} else if ( width > $content_container.width() && height < $content_container.height() ) { // scroll-x to click position, center vertically
					$content_pane.toggleClass('has_image has_zoom_image');
					if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_image') ) { $content_image.css({'margin-top':0}); } else { $content_image.css({'margin-top': ($content_container.height() - $content_image.height() )/2 }); }
					$content_container.scrollLeft( width * percentX - ( $content_container.width() * percentX ) ) ;
				} else if ( width < $content_container.width() && height > $content_container.height() ) { // center horizonally
					$content_pane.toggleClass('has_image has_zoom_image');
					if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_image') ) { $content_image.css({'margin-left':0}); } else { $content_image.css({'margin-left': ($content_container.width() - $content_image.width() )/2 }); }
					$content_container.scrollTop( height * percentY - ( $content_container.height() * percentY ) );
				} else {
					$content_pane.toggleClass('has_image has_zoom_image');
					$content_container.scrollLeft( width * percentX - ( $content_container.width() * percentX ) ) ;
					$content_container.scrollTop( height * percentY - ( $content_container.height() * percentY ) );
	$content_image.on('click', function(e) {
	// ***** END SCALE PREVIEW ITEMS ***** //

	// ***** AUDIO CONTENT ***** //
	// Update Playlist
	function updatePlaylist() {
		let playlist = [];
		$audio_files.not('.unchecked').each(function() {
			playlist.push( thisID( $(this) ) );
		return playlist;
	// Randomize Shuffle List
	function shuffleArray(array) {
		for ( let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
			const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
			[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
		return array;
    // Attach Shuffle List data to $audio_player
	function updateShuffleList(id) {
		if ( !$body.hasClass('shuffle_audio') ) {
		} else if ( id !== undefined ) { // don't include .playing and .unchecked track in shufflelist
			let shuffleList = $'shufflelist');
			if ( $(document.getElementById(id)).hasClass('unchecked') || $(document.getElementById(id)).hasClass('playing') ) {
				shuffleList.splice(shuffleList.indexOf(id), 1);
			} else {
				shuffleList = shuffleArray( shuffleList );
		} else {
			let shuffleList = shuffleArray( updatePlaylist() );

	// Check/Uncheck Audio/Video Files
	function toggleChecked(e) {
	$media_files.on('click','input', toggleChecked );
	// Check/Uncheck all Audio/Video Files
	function toggleAllChecked(e) {
	$dir_list.find('#play_toggle').on('click', toggleAllChecked );

	// Is Playing
	function isPlaying(el) {
		return (el !== undefined && el.get(0).currentTime > 0 && !el.get(0).paused && !el.get(0).ended); // returns true if all conditions are true
	// Play Media
	function playMedia(task) {
		if ( $playing_file().hasClass('audio') ) { $audio_player.trigger(task); } else { $content_video.trigger(task); }
	// Skip media tracks +/-10/30 seconds
	function mediaSkip(e) {
		const factor = ( e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 : 1 ); // forward or backward?
		const skip = ( e.altKey && e.shiftKey ? 30 : e.altKey ? 10 : null ); // 30s or 10s?
		const $player = ( $playing_file().hasClass('audio') ? $audio_player : $content_video ); // audio or video?
		const time = $player.prop('currentTime'); // current time
		$player.prop('currentTime', time + factor*(skip)); // set time

	// Play/Pause Audio/Video
	function playPauseMedia() {
		let $player = ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio') ? $('#audio') : $('#content_video') );
		if ( isPlaying( $player ) ) { $player.trigger('pause'); } else { $player.trigger('play'); }
	// Play Next Track
	function playPrevNextTrackBtn(el) {
		let key = ( el.attr('id') === 'prev_track' ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight' );
	// Prev/Next Track buttons
	$('.prev_next_track_btn').on( 'click', function() { playPrevNextTrackBtn( $(this) ); });

	// Toggle Shuffle Play
	$('#checkbox_div').on('click','#shuffle', function() {
		if ( $body.hasClass('shuffle_audio') && $('.playing').length === 0 ) {
		} else {
			// do nothing: i.e., allow current track to continue playing
	// Toggle Loop Play
	$('#checkbox_div').on('click','#loop', function() {

	// Initialize Audio
	function initMedia() {
		$('#audio, #content_video').on('ended', function() {
	// ***** END AUDIO PLAYBACK ***** //

	// ***** IFRAME SETUP ***** //
	// For directory display or editable text files
	// If row is a directory, set up iFrameDirUI(); if it's an editable text document, set up iFrameTextEditingUI().
	function setUpIframeUI(bool) {
		if ( window.self !== ) {
			const $textFiles = $row_types.markdown.concat($row_types.text, $row_types.code); // define which files are editable
			// if selected index item is a directory, set up the directory UI....
			if ( window.location.pathname.endsWith('/') ) {
				iFrameDirUI( $('#iframe_body') );
			if ( JSON.parse(bool) === true && $textFiles.includes( window.location.pathname.slice( window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) ) ) {
				$iFrame_head.append('<style>'+ $text_editing_style_rules +'</style>');
				$iFrame_head.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>');
                let splitClass = ( getQuery('split_view') === 'true' ? 'split_view' : '' );
				let viewClass = getQuery('default_text_view');
				TextEditing( '#iframe_body' );
	function iFrameDirUI(el) { // el = iframeBody
		let parentLink = decodeURIComponentSafe(window.location.pathname);
            parentLink = parentLink.split('/').slice(0,-2).join('/') +;
        let queryPrefs =;
            queryPrefs = queryPrefs.slice(1).split('&');
        let sortPref = queryPrefs[0].slice(queryPrefs[0].indexOf('=') + 1); // sort determined by parent's current sorting pref
        let numbersPref = queryPrefs[1];
        let viewSourcePref = queryPrefs[2];

        if ( viewSourcePref === 'view_source=true' ) {
        } else {
            if ( numbersPref === 'show_numbers=true' ) { $('#iframe_body').addClass('show_numbers'); }

            $iFrame_head.append('<style>'+ $iframe_styles +'</style>');

            const parentLinkCell = '<tr id="parent"><th colspan=4><a href="'+ parentLink +'">Parent Directory</a></th></tr>';
            const sortingRow = '<tr><th class="sorting" id="sort_by_name" colspan="2"><span>Name</span></th><th class="sorting" id="sort_by_default" colspan="2"><span>Default</span></th></tr><tr id="sorting_row"><th class="sorting" id="sort_by_ext"><span>Ext</span></th><th class="sorting" id="sort_by_size"><span>Size</span></th><th class="sorting" id="sort_by_date"><span>Date</span></th><th class="sorting" id="sort_by_kind"><span>Kind</span></th></tr>';
            const preppedIndex = makeNewIndex($('#iframe_body'),sortPref);
            const iFrameTable = $('<table id="dir_list"><thead id="thead">'+ parentLinkCell + sortingRow +'</thead><tbody id="tbody"></tbody></table>');
            // append prepped index
            $('#iframe_body').find('#tbody').css({'top':$('#iframe_body').find('#thead').height() +'px'});
            $('#iframe_body').data('sort_direction',1).find('#dir_list').addClass('sort_by_'+ sortPref); // initial directory sort

    // IFRAME Directory sorting
    $('#iframe_body').on('click','.sorting', function() {
        const $dir_list_row = $('#iframe_body').find('#tbody').find('tr');
        const id = $(this).attr('id');
        if ( $('#iframe_body').data('sorting') !== id ) { // if clicking sorting item for the first time
            $('#iframe_body').data('sorting',id).data('sort_direction', 1 );
        } else { // clicking the same sorting item again -- reverse sort order
            $('#iframe_body').data('sort_direction', $('#iframe_body').data('sort_direction') * -1 );
        const sort_direction = $('#iframe_body').data('sort_direction');
		const $sorted_index = sortDirList( $dir_list_row, id, sort_direction );

    //***** TEXT EDITING PANE *****//
	function textEditorUI() { //
		if ( $content_text.children().length === 0 ) { // only add UI once
			if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { $content_pane.toggleClass('has_grid has_hidden_grid'); }
			$content_text.find('#content_preview').html($content_text.find('#content_source').val()); // make sure any source text is also previewed.
			if ( getQuery('split_view') === 'true' || getQuery('default_text_view') === 'source_text' ) { $content_text.find('#content_source').focus(); }
		} else { // show text editor
            if ( !$body.hasClass('has_text') ) {
            } else if ( $body.hasClass('has_text') || $body.hasClass('has_hidden_text') ) {
                $body.toggleClass('has_text has_hidden_text');
			if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_grid') ) { $content_pane.toggleClass('has_grid has_hidden_grid'); }
			if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid ') ) { $content_pane.toggleClass('has_grid has_hidden_grid'); }
	// show text editor pane
	$('#text_editor, #text_editor_row').on('click', function(e) {

	// Main Text Editing Function
	function TextEditing(id) { // container_el = $content_text or $content_iframe body
        let container_el = $(id);
		const $srctxt = ( container_el.find('> pre').length ? container_el.find('> pre').text() : container_el.html() ); // source text equals file content or nothing


		const $toolbar = container_el.find('#toolbar');
		const $source = container_el.find('#content_source');
		const $preview = container_el.find('#content_preview');
		const $MDhandle = container_el.find('#text_editing_handle');

		// Toolbar button functions
		$toolbar.on('click','li,span',function(e) {
		$(window).on('resize',function() {
		$('body#top').on('input', '#content_source', function() {
			$source.add($preview).css({'height':$('#main_content').height() - $('#content_header').height() - 32 });

		// Resize
		$MDhandle.on('mousedown', function(e) {
		// Click labels to toggle checkboxes
		$preview.add($toolbar).on('click','label', function(e) {
		// Sync scroll
		$source.on('scroll',function() { MDsyncScroll(this); });
		$preview.on('scroll',function() { MDsyncScroll(this); });

		// Generate Preview
		const $source_text = ( $source.length === 0 ? '' : $source.val() );
		MDmarkdown( $source_text, $preview );

		// Live preview update, and set edited classes for unsaved warning
		$source.on('input', function() {
			if ( !$('body').hasClass('edited') && $(this).parents('#top').length === 1 ) {
			if ( !$('body').hasClass('edited') && $(this).parents('#iframe_body').length === 1 ) {
		// Checklists
		// Live checkboxes
		$preview.on('click','.checklist input',function(e) {
		// Preview TOC click navigation
		$preview.on('click','.table-of-contents a',function(e) {
		$preview.on('click','.uplink',function(e) {

	// MARKDOWN Functions
	// MD Build UI
	function MDbuildUI(id) {
		const toggleSplitBtn = $('<li id="toggle_split" title="Toggle Split"></li>');
		const syncScrollEl = $('<li id="sync_scroll"><input name="sync_scroll" type="checkbox"><label for="sync_scroll">Sync Scroll</label></li>');
		const toggleSrcBtn = $('<li id="show_source" title="Show Source"></li>');
		const togglePreviewBtn = $('<li id="show_preview" title="Show Preview"></li>');
		const clearTextBtn = $('<li id="clear_text" title="Clear Text">Clear</li>');
		const saveBtn = $('<li id="save_btn" title=""><div><span id="save_text"><a target="_blank">Save Source</a></span><span id="save_HTML">Save HTML</span></div></li>');
		const buttonsCont = $('<ul id="toolbar"></ul>');
		      buttonsCont.append(toggleSrcBtn, togglePreviewBtn, toggleSplitBtn, syncScrollEl, saveBtn, clearTextBtn);
		const textEditingUI = '<textarea id="content_source"></textarea><div id="content_preview" class="markdown-body"></div><div id="text_editing_handle"></div>';
		// append the UI to the container_el

	// MD Set up UI
	function MDsetupTextEditingUI(id,sourceText) {
		$(id).find('#content_source').val(sourceText); // set source text from pre
		if ( getQuery('split_view') === 'true' ) { $('body').addClass('split_view'); } else { $('body').removeClass('split_view'); }
		if ( getQuery('default_text_view') === 'preview' ) { $('body').addClass('preview_text').removeClass('source_text'); } else { $('body').addClass('source_text').removeClass('preview_text'); }
		if ( getQuery('sync_scroll') === 'true' ) { $('#sync_scroll input').prop({checked:true}); }
	// MD UI Buttons functions
	function MDtoolBarFunctions(id) {
		let $thisFileName;
		let container_el = $(getElById(id)).closest('body');
		let sourceEl = container_el.find('#content_source');
		let previewEl = container_el.find('#content_preview');
		if ( $body.hasClass('has_text') ) {
			$thisFileName = 'untitled';
		} else {
			$thisFileName = decodeURI(window.location.pathname.slice(window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1));
		const $saveHTMLOpen = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title></title><link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link><style></style><script></script></head><body lang="en" class="markdown-body">';
		const $saveHTMLClose = '</body></html>';
		switch (id) {
            case 'toggle_split':
                if ( container_el.hasClass('source_text') ) {
            case 'show_source':
                container_el.removeClass('split_view preview_text').addClass('source_text').find('#content_source,#content_preview,#text_editing_handle').attr('style',''); // remove styles in case split has been resized
            case 'show_preview':
                container_el.removeClass('split_view source_text').addClass('preview_text').find('#content_source,#content_preview,#text_editing_handle').attr('style','');
            case 'clear_text':
            case 'save_text':
                saveMD( $thisFileName, sourceEl.val() );
            case 'save_HTML':
                saveMD( $thisFileName.slice(0,$thisFileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + 'html', $saveHTMLOpen + MDprepHTML(previewEl.html()) + $saveHTMLClose );
	// MD Custom pre- and post-processing for text.
	function MDaddHeaderIDs(match, p1, p2, p3, offset, string) { // create header ids for TOC
		return '<h'+ p1 +' id="'+ p3.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g,'-') +'" ' + p2 +'>'+ p3;
	function MDcustomPreProcess(src) {
		return src; // we're not doing anything here just yet...
	function MDcustomPostProcess(html) {
		html = html.replace(/<(p|li|dt|dd)>\-*\s*\[\s*x\s*\]\s*(.+?)<\/(p|li|dt|dd)>$/gm,'<$1 class="checklist"><input type="checkbox" checked><label>$2</label></$3>') // checkboxes in p,li,dt,dd
			.replace(/<(p|li|dt|dd)>-*\s*\[\s{1,}\]\s*(.+?)<\/(p|li|dt|dd)>$/gm,'<$1 class="checklist"><input type="checkbox"><label>$2</label></$3>') // checkboxes
		//                .replace(/<li><p class="checklist">"/g,'<li class="checklist"><p>')
			.replace(/^<h(\d)([^>]*)>([^<]+)/gm, MDaddHeaderIDs) // add header IDs;
			.replace(/<\/h(\d)>/g,'<span class="uplink">&uarr;</span></h$1>');
		return html;
	//MD Render markdown from preprocessed source text
	function MDmarkdown(sourceText,previewEl) {
		const MDit = window.markdownit({linkify:false,typography:false,html:true})
			.use(window.markdownitMultimdTable, {enableMultilineRows: true})
		let MDpreview = MDit.render( MDcustomPreProcess( sourceText ) );
		previewEl.html( MDcustomPostProcess( MDpreview ) ); // set previewed html
	// MD Live preview, add edited warning
	function MDlivePreview(sourceEl,previewEl) {
		MDmarkdown( sourceEl.val(),previewEl );

	// MD Live Checkboxes prep: find each instance of [ ] or [x] and replace text in index = to clicked checkbox in Preview.
	function MDreplaceAt(str, replacement, position) {
		str = str.substring(0, position) + replacement + str.substring(position + replacement.length);
		return str;
	function MDreplaceNthSubStr(str,substr,replacement,index) {
		let count = 0;
		let found = substr.exec(str);
		while ( found !== null ) {
			if ( count === index ) {
				return MDreplaceAt(str, replacement, found.index );
			} else {
				found = substr.exec(str);
	// MD Live Checkboxes
	function MDliveCheckBoxes(checkbox,sourceEl,previewEl) {
		const thisIndex = previewEl.find('.checklist').index( $('.clicked') );
		const srctext = sourceEl.val();
		const substr = new RegExp(/\[\s*.\s*\]/g);
		const replacement = (':checked') ? '[x]' : '[ ]' );
		sourceEl.val( MDreplaceNthSubStr(srctext, substr, replacement, thisIndex) );
	// MD Checkbox list class: Prevent checkbox lists from having list bullets
	function MDsetChecklistClass() {

	// MD Resize Split View
	function MDresizeSplit(handle,sourceEl,previewEl) {
		let $sidebarWidth = $('#sidebar').outerWidth();
		let $pageWidth = window.innerWidth;

		$(document).on('mousemove',function(e) {
			let pageX = e.pageX;
			if ( pageX > $sidebarWidth + 100 && pageX < $pageWidth - 100 ) { // min widths
				handle.css({'left': pageX - $sidebarWidth - 4 + 'px'});
				sourceEl.css({'width': pageX - $sidebarWidth + 'px'});
				previewEl.css({'left': sourceEl.outerWidth() + 'px'});
		handle.on('mouseup',function() {
	// MD UI Sync Scroll
	function MDpercentage(el) { return (el.scrollTop / (el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight)); }
	function MDsyncScroll(el1) {
		let el2 = ( el1.getAttribute('id') === 'content_preview' ? document.getElementById('content_source') : document.getElementById('content_preview') );
		if ( document.querySelector('input[name="sync_scroll"').checked ) {
			el2.scrollTo( 0, (MDpercentage(el1) * (el2.scrollHeight - el2.offsetHeight)).toFixed(0) ); // toFixed(0) prevents scrolling feedback loop
	// click TOC anchors
	function MDtocClick(el,previewEl) {
		let thisId = el.attr('href');
		if ( thisId ) {
			previewEl.scrollTop( $(thisId).offset().top - 48 );
	// click Headers to return to TOC or top
	function MDheaderClick(previewEl) {
		if ( previewEl.find('.table-of-contents').length > 0 ) {
		} else {
	// MD Clear text source
	function clearText(container_el) {
		if ( !== window.self ) { // if iframe, send message to top (to remove iframe_edited class)
		container_el.removeClass('edited has_warning');
	function MDprepHTML(data) {
		data = data.replace(/<span\sclass="uplink">.<\/span>/g,'');
		return data;
	function saveMD(filename, data) {
		let blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain'});
		let downloadEl = window.document.createElement('a');
		downloadEl.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = filename;
		if ( !== window.self ) { // if iframe, send message to top
	// list of functions to remember while sending messages and then execute after warning button click
	function doFunction(funcName,args) {
		var funcDictionary = { 'setLocation':setLocation, 'resetContent':resetContent, 'closeContent':closeContent, 'clickThis':clickThis, 'clickRow':clickRow, 'doubleClickRow':doubleClickRow, 'indexNavigation':indexNavigation, 'clearText':clearText, 'null':null };
		return funcName === 'null' ? null : funcDictionary[funcName](args);
	// Show warning after certain user actions if text editor or iframe has edited text; otherwise do the action.
	function showWarning(funcName,args) {
		// Don't show the warning if func = indexNavigation or clickRow; i.e., just hide text editor;
		// In other words, only show warning when changing directories or if iframe content has been edited
		if ( ( $('body').hasClass('edited') && funcName !== 'indexNavigation' && funcName !== 'clickRow' ) || $('body').hasClass('iframe_edited') ) {
			if ( $('body').hasClass('edited') ) { // show warning and text editor (if hidden)
			if ( $('body').hasClass('iframe_edited') ) { // if iframe is edited, send unloading message
				sendMessage('iframe','unloading',funcName,args); // upon receipt of message, iframe will show its warning message, based on the funcName
		} else {
	// Send a message to iframe or parent
	function sendMessage(target,message,funcName,args) {
		var messageObj = { 'messageContent': message, 'functionName': funcName, 'arguments': args };
		if ( target === 'iframe' ) {
			let contentIFrame = document.getElementById('content_iframe');
			contentIFrame.contentWindow.postMessage( messageObj, '*' );
		if ( target === 'top' ) {
			window.parent.postMessage( messageObj, '*');
	// Receive a message from iframe or parent, do appropriate action
	function receiveMessage(e) {
		if ( e.origin === 'null' || e.origin === $origin ) {
			let $message =;
			let funcName =;
			let args =;

			if ( $message === 'split_view' ) {
			if ( $message === 'default_text_view' ) {
				$iframe_body.toggleClass('preview_text source_text').removeClass('split_view');
			// warn iframe that user wants to change iframes
			if ( $message === 'unloading' && !$iframe_body.hasClass('has_warning') ) {
			// let top know iframe text has been edited
			if ( $message === 'iframe_edited' && !$('body#top').hasClass('iframe_edited') ) {
			if ( $message === 'ignore' || $message === 'clear' ) {
				if ( $message === 'ignore' ) { doFunction(funcName,args); }

	// Edited Warning buttons: what to do when the user clicks a warning button
	function editedWarningButtons(id) {
		let btn = $(document.getElementById(id));
		let container_el = btn.closest('body');
		let func = $('#warnings').attr('data-function_name');
		let args = $('#warnings').attr('data-args');
		switch(id) {
		case 'warning_ignore_btn': // do the user initiated func without saving the edited text
			if ( window.self !== ) { // if iframe, send message to top
			container_el.removeClass('edited has_text has_warning');
		case 'warning_cancel_btn': // cancel the func
		case 'warning_clear_btn': // clear the text editor
		case 'warning_save_btn': // save the text
			if ( !== window.self ) { // if iframe, send message to top
			container_el.removeClass('edited has_warning');
		case 'warning_ok_btn': // clear the text editor
	$('#warnings').on('click','button',function(e) {
		editedWarningButtons( $(this).attr('id') );
	// Edited Warning overlay: prevent user clicks on rest of UI
	$('#overlay').on('click mousedown mouseup',function(e) {

	// END Text Editing
