Greasy Fork is available in English. Filter and Sorter

Add filters and additional sorters to author page and community page of

Pada tanggal 09 Juli 2019. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

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22 Januari 2019
09 Juli 2019
Berlaku untuk Filter and Sorter


Add filters and additional sorters to author page and community page of

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Filters by

  • Fandom
  • Crossover
  • Rating
  • Language
  • Genre
  • Chapter number greater than
  • Chapter number less or equal
  • Word count greater than
  • Word count less or equal
  • Reviews
  • Favs
  • Follows
  • Updated
  • Published
  • Character A
  • Character B
  • Not Character
  • Relationship
  • Status

Additional sorters with asc/dsc order

  • Favs
  • Follows

Filter setting

Manage filters

Add new filters

You can add new filters by creating new property in filterDic. For example, if you want second 'Genre' filter, add new genre filter property with unique key to filterDic.

Add exclude filters

Default filter is an include filter. You can make an exclude filter by adding reverse: true to property in filterDic. For example, if you want 'Exclude Updated' filter, add new updated filter with unique key to filterDic, and add reverse: true to new updated filter.

Disable filters

You can disable a unnecessary filter by comment out a filter property in filterDic. For example, if you don't need 'Language' filter and 'Published' filter, comment out language property and published property.

Filter setting example

    // Filters
    // dataId: property key of storyData defined in makeStoryData()
    // text: text for filter select dom
    // title: title for filter select dom
    // mode: used to determine how to compare selectValue and storyValue in throughFilter()
    // options: when mode is 'gt', 'ge', 'le' or 'dateRange', you have to specify.
    // reverse: reverse result of throughFilter()
    const filterDic = {
        fandom: { dataId: 'fandom', text: 'Fandom', title: "Fandom filter", mode: 'contain' },
        crossover: { dataId: 'crossover', text: 'Crossover ?', title: "Crossover filter", mode: 'equal' },
        rating: { dataId: 'rating', text: 'Rating', title: "Rating filter", mode: 'equal' },
        //language: { dataId: 'language', text: 'Language', title: "Language filter", mode: 'equal' },
        genre_a: { dataId: 'genre', text: 'Genre A', title: "Genre a filter", mode: 'contain' },
        genre_b: { dataId: 'genre', text: 'Genre B', title: "Genre b filter", mode: 'contain' },
        chapters_gt: { dataId: 'chapters', text: '< Chapters', title: "Chapter number greater than filter", mode: 'gt', options: chapterOptions },
        chapters_le: { dataId: 'chapters', text: 'Chapters ≤', title: "Chapter number less or equal filter", mode: 'le', options: chapterOptions },
        word_count_gt: { dataId: 'word_count', text: '< Words', title: "Word count greater than filter", mode: 'gt', options: wordCountOptions },
        word_count_le: { dataId: 'word_count', text: 'Words ≤', title: "Word count less or equal filter", mode: 'le', options: wordCountOptions },
        reviews: { dataId: 'reviews', text: 'Reviews', title: "Review count greater than or equal filter", mode: 'ge', options: kudoCountOptions },
        favs: { dataId: 'favs', text: 'Favs', title: "Fav count greater than or equal filter", mode: 'ge', options: kudoCountOptions },
        follows: { dataId: 'follows', text: 'Follows', title: "Follow count greater than or equal filter", mode: 'ge', options: kudoCountOptions },
        updated: { dataId: 'updated', text: 'Updated', title: "Updated date range filter", mode: 'dateRange', options: dateRangeOptions },
        not_updated: { dataId: 'updated', text: 'Not Updated', title: "Not Updated date range filter", mode: 'dateRange', options: dateRangeOptions, reverse: true },
        //published: { dataId: 'published', text: 'Published', title: "Published date range filter", mode: 'dateRange', options: dateRangeOptions },
        character_a: { dataId: 'character', text: 'Character A', title: "Character filter a", mode: 'contain' },
        character_b: { dataId: 'character', text: 'Character B', title: "Character filter b", mode: 'contain' },
        not_character: { dataId: 'character', text: 'Not Character', title: "Character filter b", mode: 'contain', reverse: true },
        relationship: { dataId: 'relationship', text: 'Relationship', title: "Relationship filter", mode: 'contain' },
        status: { dataId: 'status', text: 'Status', title: "Status filer", mode: 'equal' }


Edit numerical options

When filter mode is 'gt', 'ge', 'le' or 'dateRange', you have to specify options property. Also you can edit options by changing specified options property.

For example, if you want to single out stories with greater than 200K word counts, add '200K' to wordCountOptions.

    // Options for 'gt', 'ge', 'le', 'dateRange' mode.
    // Options for word_count_gt and word_count_le filters.
    // Format: [\d+(K)?] in ascending order
    const wordCountOptions = ['1K', '5K', '10K', '20K', '40K', '60K', '80K', '100K', '200K'];
    // Options for reviews, favs and follows filters.
    // Format: [\d+(K)?] in ascending order
    const kudoCountOptions = ['10', '50', '100', '200', '400', '600', '800', '1K'];
    // Options for updated and published filters.
    // Format: [\d+ (hour|day|week|month|year)(s)?] in ascending order
    const dateRangeOptions = ['24 hours', '1 week', '1 month', '6 months', '1 year', '3 years'];

Sort characters of relationship

    // Whether or not to sort characters of relationship in ascending order
    // true:  [foo, bar] => [bar, foo]
    // false: [foo, bar] => [foo, bar]

Change color scheme for options

Default colorScheme is red. Blue and purple are also prepared. For example, if you want to try existing color scheme, change red to blue or purple.

    // colorScheme setting
    const colorScheme = blue;

You can make colorScheme manually.

    // colorScheme setting
    // Format: [['backgroundColor', 'foregroundColor'], . . . ]
    // green, yellow, red, white
    const colorScheme = [['#05f005', 'black'], ['#f0f005', 'black'], ['#f00505', 'black'], ['white', 'black']];

You can also make colorScheme gradations automatically by using makeGradualColorScheme function. Change arguments to suit your preference.

    // colorScheme setting
    // '#64DD17': start of gradations, 3 or 6 digit hex color
    // '#F1F8E9': end of gradations, 3 or 6 digit hex color
    // 'hsv': color space to make gradations, 'hsv' or 'rgb'
    // 4: length of gradations, number
    // '#555': default foreground color, 3 or 6 digit hex color
    // If '#555' is unreadable on generated background color,
    // it change to white or black automatically.
    const colorScheme = makeGradualColorScheme('#64DD17', '#F1F8E9', 'hsv', 4, '#555');

Sorter Setting

Manage sorters

    // Sorter Setting
    // dataId: property key of storyData defined in makeStoryData()
    // text: displayed sorter name
    // order: 'asc' or 'dsc'
    const sorterDicList = [
        { dataId: 'fandom', text: 'Category', order: 'asc' },
        { dataId: 'updated', text: 'Updated', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'published', text: 'Published', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'title', text: 'Title', order: 'asc' },
        { dataId: 'word_count', text: 'Words', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'chapters', text: 'Chapters', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'reviews', text: 'Reviews', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'favs', text: 'Favs', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'follows', text: 'Follows', order: 'dsc' },
        { dataId: 'status', text: 'Status', order: 'asc' }

Change 'asc', 'dsc' symbol

    // Specify symbols to represent 'asc' and 'dsc'.
    const orderSymbol = { asc: '▲', dsc: '▼' };
