Greasy Fork is available in English.

WME FC Layer

Adds a Functional Class layer for states that publish ArcGIS FC data.

Pada tanggal 26 September 2022. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WME FC Layer
// @namespace
// @version      2022.09.26.001
// @description  Adds a Functional Class layer for states that publish ArcGIS FC data.
// @author       MapOMatic
// @match         *://**editor*
// @exclude       *://**
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// @contributionURL
// @require
// @require
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// ==/UserScript==

/* global W */
/* global OpenLayers */
/* global I18n */
/* global unsafeWindow */
/* global GM_info */
/* global WazeWrap */
/* global $ */
/* global GM_xmlhttpRequest */

const SETTINGS_STORE_NAME = 'wme_fc_layer';
const DEBUG = false;
const SCRIPT_VERSION = GM_info.script.version;
let _mapLayer = null;
let _isAM = false;
let _uid;
let _uName;
let _settings = {};
let _r;
const MAP_LAYER_Z_INDEX = 334;
const BETA_IDS = [103400892];
const MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL = 11;
const STATES_HASH = {
    Alabama: 'AL',
    Alaska: 'AK',
    'American Samoa': 'AS',
    Arizona: 'AZ',
    Arkansas: 'AR',
    California: 'CA',
    Colorado: 'CO',
    Connecticut: 'CT',
    Delaware: 'DE',
    'District of Columbia': 'DC',
    'Federated States Of Micronesia': 'FM',
    Florida: 'FL',
    Georgia: 'GA',
    Guam: 'GU',
    Hawaii: 'HI',
    Idaho: 'ID',
    Illinois: 'IL',
    Indiana: 'IN',
    Iowa: 'IA',
    Kansas: 'KS',
    Kentucky: 'KY',
    Louisiana: 'LA',
    Maine: 'ME',
    'Marshall Islands': 'MH',
    Maryland: 'MD',
    Massachusetts: 'MA',
    Michigan: 'MI',
    Minnesota: 'MN',
    Mississippi: 'MS',
    Missouri: 'MO',
    Montana: 'MT',
    Nebraska: 'NE',
    Nevada: 'NV',
    'New Hampshire': 'NH',
    'New Jersey': 'NJ',
    'New Mexico': 'NM',
    'New York': 'NY',
    'North Carolina': 'NC',
    'North Dakota': 'ND',
    'Northern Mariana Islands': 'MP',
    Ohio: 'OH',
    Oklahoma: 'OK',
    Oregon: 'OR',
    Palau: 'PW',
    Pennsylvania: 'PA',
    'Puerto Rico': 'PR',
    'Rhode Island': 'RI',
    'South Carolina': 'SC',
    'South Dakota': 'SD',
    Tennessee: 'TN',
    Texas: 'TX',
    Utah: 'UT',
    Vermont: 'VT',
    'Virgin Islands': 'VI',
    Virginia: 'VA',
    Washington: 'WA',
    'West Virginia': 'WV',
    Wisconsin: 'WI',
    Wyoming: 'WY'

function reverseStatesHash(stateAbbr) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
    for (const stateName in STATES_HASH) {
        if (STATES_HASH[stateName] === stateAbbr) return stateName;
    throw new Error(`FC Layer: reverseStatesHash function did not return a value for ${stateAbbr}.`);

    global: {
        roadTypes: ['St', 'PS', 'PS2', 'mH', 'MH', 'Ew', 'Rmp', 'Fw'], // Ew = Expressway.  For FC's that make it uncertain if they should be MH or FW.
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            return this.getRoadTypeFromFC(fc, layer);
        getRoadTypeFromFC(fc, layer) {
            return Object.keys(layer.roadTypeMap).find(rt => layer.roadTypeMap[rt].indexOf(fc) !== -1);
        isPermitted(stateAbbr) {
            if (BETA_IDS.indexOf(_uid) !== -1) {
                return true;
            const state = STATE_SETTINGS[stateAbbr];
            if (state.isPermitted) return state.isPermitted();
            return (_r >= 3 && _isAM) || (_r >= 4);
        getMapLayer(stateAbbr, layerID) {
            let returnValue;
            STATE_SETTINGS[stateAbbr].fcMapLayers.forEach(layer => {
                if (layer.layerID === layerID) {
                    returnValue = layer;
            return returnValue;
    AL: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'F_SYSTEM_V',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['FID', 'F_SYSTEM_V', 'State_Sys'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 3; },
        information: { Source: 'ALDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R3+', Description: 'Federal and State highways set to a minimum of mH.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            if (fc > 4 && feature.attributes.State_Sys === 'YES') { fc = 4; }
            return, layer);
    AK: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 13,
                fcPropName: 'Functional_Class',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'Functional_Class'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Ew: [1, 2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'Alaska DOT&PF', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    AZ: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#ff00c5', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 38,
                fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass', 'RouteId'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'ADOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            const roadID = attr.RouteId.trim().replace(/  +/g, ' ');
            const roadNum = parseInt(roadID.substring(2, 5), 10);
            let fc = attr[layer.fcPropName];
            switch (fc) {
                case 'Rural Principal Arterial - Interstate':
                case 'Urban Principal Arterial - Interstate': fc = 1; break;
                case 'Rural Principal Arterial - Other Fwys & Expwys':
                case 'Urban Principal Arterial - Other Fwys & Expwys': fc = 2; break;
                case 'Rural Principal Arterial - Other':
                case 'Urban Principal Arterial - Other': fc = 3; break;
                case 'Rural Minor Arterial':
                case 'Urban Minor Arterial': fc = 4; break;
                case 'Rural Major Collector':
                case 'Urban Major Collector': fc = 5; break;
                case 'Rural Minor Collector':
                case 'Urban Minor Collector': fc = 6; break;
                default: fc = 7;
            const azIH = [8, 10, 11, 17, 19, 40]; // Interstate hwys in AZ
            const isUS = RegExp(/^U\D\d{3}\b/).test(roadID);
            const isState = RegExp(/^S\D\d{3}\b/).test(roadID);
            const isBiz = RegExp(/^SB\d{3}\b/).test(roadID);
            if (fc > 4 && isState && azIH.includes(roadNum) && isBiz) fc = 4;
            else if (fc > 4 && isUS) fc = isBiz ? 6 : 4;
            else if (fc > 6 && isState) fc = isBiz ? 7 : 6;
            return, layer);
    AR: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 8,
                fcPropName: 'functionalclass',
                idPropName: 'objectid',
                outFields: ['objectid', 'functionalclass', 'ah_route', 'ah_section'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1, 2], Ew: [], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'ARDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const roadID = parseInt(attr.ah_route, 10);
            const usHwys = [49, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 79, 82, 165, 167, 270, 271, 278, 371, 412, 425];
            const isUS = usHwys.includes(roadID);
            const isState = roadID < 613;
            const isBiz = attr.ah_section[attr.ah_section.length - 1] === 'B';
            if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = isBiz ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = isBiz ? 5 : 4;
            return, layer);
    CA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'F_System',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'F_System'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return ['mapomatic', 'turbomkt', 'tonestertm', 'ottonomy', 'jemay'].includes(_uName.toLowerCase()); },
        information: { Source: 'Caltrans', Permission: 'Visible to ?', Description: '' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            return, layer);
    CO: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 14,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCCLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCCLASS', 'ROUTE', 'REFPT'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 17,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCCLASSID',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCCLASSID', 'ROUTE', 'FIPSCOUNTY'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 21,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCCLASSID',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCCLASSID', 'ROUTE'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 3; },
        information: {
            Source: 'CDOT',
            Permission: 'Visible to R3+',
            Description: 'Please consult with a state manager before making any changes to road types based on the data presented.'
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> '7'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const route = attr.ROUTE.replace(/  +/g, ' ');
            if (layer.layerID === 7) {
                const rtnum = parseInt(route.slice(0, 3), 10);
                const refpt = attr.REFPT;
                const hwys = [6, 24, 25, 34, 36, 40, 50, 70, 84, 85, 87, 138, 160, 285, 287, 350, 385, 400, 491, 550];
                // Exceptions first, then normal classification
                const doNothing = ['024D', '040G'];
                const notNothing = ['070K', '070L', '070O', '070Q', '070R'];
                const doMin = ['024E', '050D', '070O', '085F', '160D'];
                if (doNothing.includes(route) || (rtnum === 70 && route !== '070K' && !notNothing.includes(route))) {
                    // do nothing
                } else if (doMin.includes(route)
                    || (rtnum === 40 && refpt > 320 && refpt < 385)
                    || (rtnum === 36 && refpt > 79 && refpt < 100.99)
                    || (route === '034D' && refpt > 11)) {
                    fc = 4;
                } else if (hwys.includes(rtnum)) {
                    fc = Math.min(fc, 3);
                } else {
                    fc = Math.min(fc, 4);
            } else {
                // All exceptions
                const fips = parseInt(attr.FIPSCOUNTY, 10);
                if ((fips === 19 && route === 'COLORADO BD') || (fips === 37 && (route === 'GRAND AV' || route === 'S H6'))) {
                    fc = 3;
                } else if (fips === 67 && route === 'BAYFIELDPAY') {
                    fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    CT: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 3,
                fcPropName: 'FC_FC_CODE',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FC_FC_CODE'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 3; },
        information: { Source: 'CTDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R3+', Description: 'Federal and State highways set to a minimum of mH.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            if (fc > 4 && feature.attributes.State_Sys === 'YES') {
                fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    DE: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 16,
                fcPropName: 'VALUE_TEXT',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'VALUE_TEXT'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['Interstate'], Ew: ['Other Expressways & Freeway'], MH: ['Other Principal Arterials'], mH: ['Minor Arterial'], PS: ['Major Collector', 'Minor Collector'], St: ['Local']
        information: { Source: 'Delaware FirstMap', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 'Local'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    DC: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fetchAllFC: false,
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 48,
                fcPropName: 'FHWAFUNCTIONALCLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FHWAFUNCTIONALCLASS'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        information: { Source: 'DDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    FL: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fetchAllFC: false,
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCLASS',
                idPropName: 'FID',
                outFields: ['FID', 'FUNCLASS'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['01', '11'], Ew: ['02', '12'], MH: ['04', '14'], mH: ['06', '16'], PS: ['07', '08', '17', '18']
        information: { Source: 'FDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    GA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: true,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fetchAllFC: false,
        /* eslint-disable object-curly-newline */
        fcMapLayers: [
            { layerID: 0, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 1, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 2, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 3, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 4, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 5, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 6, fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'SYSTEM_CODE'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: true, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } }
        /* eslint-enable object-curly-newline */
        information: { Source: 'GDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Federal and State highways set to a minimum of mH.' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            const fc = attr.FUNCTIONAL_CLASS;
            if (attr.SYSTEM_CODE === '1' && fc > 4) {
                return, layer);
            return, layer);
    HI: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 12,
                fcPropName: 'funsystem',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'funsystem'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'HDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    ID: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fetchAllFC: true,
        /* eslint-disable object-curly-newline */
        fcMapLayers: [
            { layerID: 0, fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 1, fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 2, fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 3, fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 4, fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } },
            { layerID: 5, fcPropName: 'FunctionalClass', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalClass'], maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false, roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6] } }
        /* eslint-enable object-curly-newline */
        information: { Source: 'ITD', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    IL: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#ff00c5', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee', CH: '#ff5e0e'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 3,
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                fcPropName: 'FC',
                outFields: ['FC', 'MRK_RT_TYP', 'CH', 'OBJECTID'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['1'], Ew: ['2'], MH: ['3'], mH: ['4'], PS: ['5', '6'], St: ['7']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 4; },
        information: { Source: 'IDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            return context.mapContext.zoom < 16 ? 'FC<>7' : null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = attr.FC;
            const type = attr.MRK_RT_TYP;
            if (fc > 3 && type === 'U') fc = 3; // US Route
            else if (fc > 4 && type === 'S') fc = 4; // State Route
            else if (fc > 6 && attr.CH !== '0000') fc = 6; // County Route
            return, layer);
    IN: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        overrideUrl: '1Sbwc7e6BfHpZWSTfU3_1otXGSxHrdDYcbn7fOf1VjpA',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []], hideRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 10,
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS',
                outFields: ['FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'OBJECTID', 'TO_DATE'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 100000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return true; },
        information: { Source: 'INDOT', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            let whereParts = ['TO_DATE IS NULL'];
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                whereParts += ` AND ${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return whereParts;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    IA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee', PSGr: '#cc6533', StGr: '#e99cb6'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FED_FUNCTIONAL_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], MH: [2, 3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'Iowa DOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Additional colors denote unpaved PS and LS segements.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            let theWhereClause = "FACILITY_TYPE<>'7'"; // Removed proposed roads
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                theWhereClause += ` AND ${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'7'`;
            return theWhereClause;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const isFw = attr.ACCESS_CONTROL === 1;
            const isUS = RegExp('^STATE OF IOWA, US').test(attr.STATE_ROUTE_NAME_1);
            const isState = RegExp('^STATE OF IOWA, IA').test(attr.STATE_ROUTE_NAME_1);
            if (isFw) fc = 1;
            else if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = 4;
            if (fc > 4 && attr.SURFACE_TYPE === 20) {
                return fc < 7 ? 'PSGr' : 'StGr';
            return, layer);
    KS: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                layerPath: 'Non_State_System/MapServer/',
                idPropName: 'ID2',
                fcPropName: 'FUNCLASS',
                outFields: ['FUNCLASS', 'ID2', 'ROUTE_ID'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], MH: [2, 3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 0,
                layerPath: 'State_System/MapServer/',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                fcPropName: 'FUN_CLASS_CD',
                outFields: ['FUN_CLASS_CD', 'OBJECTID', 'PREFIX', 'ACCESS_CONTROL'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 3 || _isAM; },
        information: { Source: 'KDOT', Permission: 'Visible to area managers' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'7'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const roadPrefix = attr.PREFIX;
            const isUS = roadPrefix === 'U';
            const isState = roadPrefix === 'K';
            if ((fc > 3 && isUS) || (fc === 2 && parseInt(attr.ACCESS_CONTROL, 10) !== 1)) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    KY: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#ff00c5', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                fcPropName: 'FC',
                outFields: ['FC', 'OBJECTID', 'RT_PREFIX', 'RT_SUFFIX'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return true; },
        information: { Source: 'KYTC' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'7'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            if (fc > 3 && attr.RT_PREFIX === 'US') {
                const suffix = attr.RT_SUFFIX;
                fc = (suffix && suffix.indexOf('X') > -1) ? 4 : 3;
            return, layer);
    LA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        /* eslint-disable object-curly-newline */
        fcMapLayers: [
            { layerID: 0, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false },
            { layerID: 1, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false },
            { layerID: 2, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false },
            { layerID: 3, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false },
            { layerID: 4, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false },
            { layerID: 5, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false },
            { layerID: 6, fcPropName: 'FunctionalSystem', idPropName: 'OBJECTID', outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FunctionalSystem', 'RouteID'], roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7] }, maxRecordCount: 1000, supportsPagination: false }
        /* eslint-enable object-curly-newline */
        information: { Source: 'LaDOTD', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'7'`; // OR State_Route LIKE 'US%' OR State_Route LIKE 'LA%'";
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            if (fc === '2a' || fc === '2b') { fc = 2; }
            fc = parseInt(fc, 10);
            const route = feature.attributes.RouteID.split('_')[1].trim();
            const isUS = /^US \d/.test(route);
            const isState = /^LA \d/.test(route);
            const isBiz = / BUS$/.test(route);
            if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = isBiz ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = isBiz ? 5 : 4;
            return, layer);
    ME: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 1015,
                fcPropName: 'fedfunccls',
                idPropName: 'objectid',
                outFields: ['objectid', 'fedfunccls', 'prirtename'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'MaineDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 4 || (_r === 3 && _isAM); },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'Local'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = attr[layer.fcPropName];
            switch (fc) {
                case 'Princ art interstate': fc = 1; break;
                case 'Princ art other f&e': fc = 2; break;
                case 'Other princ arterial': fc = 3; break;
                case 'Minor arterial': fc = 4; break;
                case 'Major/urb collector':
                case 'Minor collector': fc = 5; break;
                default: fc = 7;
            const route = attr.prirtename;
            const isUS = RegExp(/^US \d/).test(route);
            const isState = RegExp(/^ST RTE \d/).test(route);
            const isBiz = (isUS && RegExp(/(1B|1BS)$/).test(route)) || (isState && RegExp(/(15B|24B|25B|137B)$/).test(route));
            if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = isBiz ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = isBiz ? 5 : 4;
            return, layer);
    MD: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#ffff00', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'ID_PREFIX', 'MP_SUFFIX'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'MDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return "(FUNCTIONAL_CLASS < 7 OR ID_PREFIX IN('MD'))";
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr.FUNCTIONAL_CLASS, 10);
            const isUS = attr.ID_PREFIX === 'US';
            const isState = attr.ID_PREFIX === 'MD';
            const isBiz = attr.MP_SUFFIX === 'BU';
            if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = isBiz ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = isBiz ? 5 : 4;
            return, layer);
    MA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'F_F_Class',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'F_F_Class', 'Route_ID'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'MDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R2+' },
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 2; },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'7'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const route = attr.Route_ID;
            const isUS = /^US\d/.test(route);
            const isState = /^SR\d/.test(route);
            if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    MI: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 2,
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                fcPropName: 'NFC',
                outFields: ['NFC'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return true; },
        information: { Source: 'MDOT', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    MO: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 5,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS_NAME',
                idPropName: 'SS_PAVEMENT_ID',
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 3 || (_r >= 2 && _isAM); },
        information: { Source: 'MoDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R3+ or R2-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 13) {
                return '1=0'; // WME very laggy at zoom 0
            // Remove duplicate rows, but suss out interstate business loops
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = attr[layer.fcPropName];
            const rtType = attr.TRAVELWAY_DESG;
            const route = attr.TRAVELWAY_NAME;
            switch (fc) {
                case 'INTERSTATE': fc = 1; break;
                case 'FREEWAY': fc = 2; break;
                case 'PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL': fc = 3; break;
                case 'MINOR ARTERIAL': fc = 4; break;
                case 'MAJOR COLLECTOR': fc = 5; break;
                case 'MINOR COLLECTOR': fc = 6; break;
                default: fc = 8; // not a typo
            const usHwys = ['24', '36', '40', '50', '54', '56', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '65', '67', '69', '71', '136', '159', '160', '166', '169', '275', '400', '412'];
            const isUS = ['US', 'LP'].includes(rtType); // is US or interstate biz
            const isState = ['MO', 'AL'].includes(rtType);
            const isSup = rtType === 'RT';
            const isBiz = ['BU', 'SP'].includes(rtType) || /BUSINESS .+ \d/.test(route);
            const isUSBiz = isBiz && usHwys.includes(route);
            if ((fc === 2 && attr.ACCESS_CAT_NAME !== 'FULL') || (fc > 3 && isUS)) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && (isState || isUSBiz)) fc = 4;
            else if (fc > 6 && (isSup || isBiz)) fc = 6;
            return, layer);
    MT: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SIGN_ROUTE', 'ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['1-Interstate']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 1,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SIGN_ROUTE', 'ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    MH: ['3-Principal Arterial - Other']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 2,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SIGN_ROUTE', 'ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    mH: ['4-Minor Arterial']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 3,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SIGN_ROUTE', 'ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    PS: ['5-Major Collector']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 4,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SIGN_ROUTE', 'ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    PS: ['6-Minor Collector']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 5,
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SIGN_ROUTE', 'ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    St: ['7-Local']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { /* return _r >= 3; */ return ['mapomatic', 'bobc455'].includes(_uName.toLowerCase()); },
        information: { Source: 'MDT', Permission: 'Visible to R3+' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'LOCAL'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let rt =, layer);
            const roadID = feature.attributes.SIGN_ROUTE || feature.attributes.ROUTE_NAME;
            const isUS = RegExp(/^US[ -]?\d+/).test(roadID);
            const isState = RegExp(/^MONTANA \d+|ROUTE \d+|S-\d{3}\b/).test(roadID);
            if (isUS && ['St', 'PS', 'mH'].includes(rt)) {
                log(`FC UPGRADE: ${roadID} from ${rt} to MH`); // TODO - remove this when testing is finished (9/10/2022)
                rt = 'MH';
            } else if (isState && ['St', 'PS'].includes(rt)) {
                log(`FC UPGRADE: ${roadID} from ${rt} to mH`); // TODO - remove this when testing is finished (9/10/2022)
                rt = 'mH';
            return rt;
    NV: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FSystem',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FSystem'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return ['mapomatic', 'turbomkt', 'tonestertm', 'geopgeop'].includes(_uName.toLowerCase()); },
        information: { Source: 'NDOT', Permission: '?' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            return, layer);
    NH: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCT_SYSTEM',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCT_SYSTEM', 'STREET_ALIASES', 'TIER'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [2, 3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7, 0]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 2; },
        information: { Source: 'NH GRANIT', Permission: 'Visible to R2+' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>7 AND ${context.layer.fcPropName}<>0`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            if (!(fc > 0)) { fc = 7; }
            const route = feature.attributes.STREET_ALIASES;
            const isUS = RegExp(/US /).test(route);
            const isState = RegExp(/NH /).test(route);
            if (fc === 2) fc = feature.attributes.TIER === 1 ? 1 : 3;
            else if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = RegExp(/US 3B/).test(route) ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    NM: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#ff00c5', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'Func_Class',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID_1',
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                outFields: ['OBJECTID_1', 'Func_Class', 'D_RT_ROUTE'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        isPermitted() { return true; },
        information: { Source: 'NMDOT' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const roadType = feature.attributes.D_RT_ROUTE.split('-', 1).shift();
            const isBiz = roadType === 'BL'; // Interstate Business Loop
            const isUS = roadType === 'US';
            const isState = roadType === 'NM';
            if (roadType === 'IX') fc = 0;
            else if (fc > 3 && (isBiz || isUS)) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    NY: { //
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#5f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: '/Geocortex/FC/MapServer/1',
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SEGMENT_NAME', 'ROUTE_NO'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1, 11], Ew: [2, 12], MH: [4, 14], mH: [6, 16], PS: [7, 8, 17, 18]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 'Basemap/MapServer/21',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'SHIELD'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'NYSDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.layer.layerID === 'Basemap/MapServer/21') {
                return ("SHIELD IN ('C','CT')");
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let roadType;
            if (layer.layerID === 'Basemap/MapServer/21') {
                roadType = 'PS';
            } else {
                roadType =, layer);
                const routeNo = feature.attributes.ROUTE_NO;
                if (/^NY.*/.test(routeNo)) {
                    if (roadType === 'PS') roadType = 'mH';
                } else if (/^US.*/.test(routeNo)) {
                    if (roadType === 'PS' || roadType === 'mH') roadType = 'MH';
            return roadType;
    NC: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Rmp: '#999999', Ew: '#5f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FuncClass',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FuncClass', 'RouteClass', 'RouteQualifier'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                zoomLevels: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 3; },
        information: { Source: 'NCDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R3+' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                const clause = `(${context.layer.fcPropName} < 7 OR RouteClass IN ('I','FED','NC','RMP','US'))`;
                return clause;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            let roadType;
            switch (this.getHwySys(feature)) {
                case 'interstate':
                    if (fc <= 2 || !this.isBusinessRoute(feature)) roadType = 'Fw';
                    else roadType = 'MH';
                case 'us':
                    if (fc <= 2) roadType = 'Ew';
                    else if (fc === 3 || !this.isBusinessRoute(feature)) roadType = 'MH';
                    else roadType = 'mH';
                case 'state':
                    if (fc <= 2) roadType = 'Ew';
                    else if (fc === 3) roadType = 'MH';
                    else if (fc === 4 || !this.isBusinessRoute(feature)) roadType = 'mH';
                    else roadType = 'PS';
                case 'ramp':
                    roadType = 'Rmp';
                    if (fc === 2) roadType = 'Ew';
                    else if (fc === 3) roadType = 'MH';
                    else if (fc === 4) roadType = 'mH';
                    else if (fc <= 6) roadType = 'PS';
                    else roadType = 'St';
                    // roadType = fc === 2 ? 'Ew' : (fc === 3 ? 'MH' : (fc === 4 ? 'mH' : (fc <= 6 ? 'PS' : 'St')));
            return roadType;
        getHwySys(feature) {
            let hwySys;
            switch (feature.attributes.RouteClass.toString()) {
                case '1':
                    hwySys = 'interstate';
                case '2':
                    hwySys = 'us';
                case '3':
                    hwySys = 'state';
                case '80':
                    hwySys = 'ramp';
                    hwySys = 'local';
            return hwySys;
        isBusinessRoute(feature) {
            const qual = feature.attributes.RouteQualifier.toString();
            return qual === '9';
    ND: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 10,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTION_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTION_CLASS'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['Interstate'], MH: ['Principal Arterial'], mH: ['Minor Arterial'], PS: ['Major Collector', 'Collector'], St: ['Local']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 11,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTION_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTION_CLASS'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['Interstate'], MH: ['Principal Arterial'], mH: ['Minor Arterial'], PS: ['Major Collector', 'Collector'], St: ['Local']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 12,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTION_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTION_CLASS'],
                roadTypeMap: { PS: ['Major Collector', 'Collector'] },
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 16,
                fcPropName: 'SYSTEM_CD',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'SYSTEM_CD', 'SYSTEM_DESC', 'HIGHWAY', 'HWY_SUFFIX'],
                roadTypeMap: { Fw: [1, 11], MH: [2, 14], mH: [6, 7, 16, 19] },
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'NDDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                if (context.layer.layerID !== 16) return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>'Local'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            return, layer);
    OH: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },

        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 8,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTION_CLASS_CD',
                idPropName: 'ObjectID',
                outFields: ['FUNCTION_CLASS_CD', 'ROUTE_TYPE', 'ROUTE_NBR', 'ObjectID'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        isPermitted() { return true; },
        information: { Source: 'ODOT' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                const clause = `(${context.layer.fcPropName} < 7 OR ROUTE_TYPE IN ('CR','SR','US'))`;
                return clause;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            const prefix = feature.attributes.ROUTE_TYPE;
            const isUS = prefix === 'US';
            const isState = prefix === 'SR';
            const isCounty = prefix === 'CR';
            if (isUS && fc > 3) { fc = 3; }
            if (isState && fc > 4) { fc = 4; }
            if (isCounty && fc > 6) { fc = 6; }
            return, layer);
    OK: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONALCLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        information: { Source: 'ODOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} < 7 OR ODOTROUTECLASS IN ('U','S','I')`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            const route = (feature.attributes.FHWAPRIMARYROUTE || '').trim();
            const isBusinessOrSpur = /BUS$|SPR$/i.test(route);
            const prefix = isBusinessOrSpur ? route.substring(0, 1) : feature.attributes.ODOTROUTECLASS;
            const isFw = parseInt(feature.attributes.ACCESSCONTROL, 10) === 1;
            const isInterstate = prefix === 'I';
            const isUS = prefix === 'U';
            const isState = prefix === 'S';
            if (isFw) fc = 1;
            else if (fc > 3 && ((isUS && !isBusinessOrSpur) || (isInterstate && isBusinessOrSpur))) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && ((isUS && isBusinessOrSpur) || (isState && !isBusinessOrSpur))) fc = 4;
            else if (fc > 5 && isState && isBusinessOrSpur) fc = 5;
            return, layer);
    OR: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 78,
                fcPropName: 'NEW_FC_CD',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'NEW_FC_CD'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['1'], Ew: ['2'], MH: ['3'], mH: ['4'], PS: ['5', '6'], St: ['7']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
                layerID: 80,
                fcPropName: 'NEW_FC_CD',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'NEW_FC_CD'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['1'], Ew: ['2'], MH: ['3'], mH: ['4'], PS: ['5', '6'], St: ['7']
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'ODOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> '7'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    PA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        supportsPagination: false,
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                features: new Map(),
                fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLS',
                idPropName: 'MSLINK',
                outFields: ['MSLINK', 'FUNC_CLS'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['01', '11'], Ew: ['12'], MH: ['02', '14'], mH: ['06', '16'], PS: ['07', '08', '17'], St: ['09', '19']
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 4; },
        information: { Source: 'PennDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            return (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) ? `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT IN ('09','19')` : null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            const fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            return, layer);
    RI: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'F_SYSTEM',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'F_SYSTEM', 'ROADTYPE', 'RTNO'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7, 0]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 2; },
        information: { Source: 'RIDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R2+' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            return (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) ? `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT IN (7,0)` : null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            let fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const type = feature.attributes.ROADTYPE;
            const rtnum = feature.attributes.RTNO;
            if (fc === 2 && ['10', '24', '37', '78', '99', '138', '403'].includes(rtnum)) fc = 1; // isFW
            else if ((fc > 3 && type === 'US') || rtnum === '1') fc = 3; // isUS
            else if (fc > 4 && rtnum.trim() !== '') fc = 4; // isState
            return, layer);
    SC: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FC_GIS',
                idPropName: 'FID',
                outFields: ['FID', 'FC_GIS', 'ROUTE_LRS'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 4; },
        information: { Source: 'SCDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+' },
        getWhereClause() {
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const roadID = feature.attributes.ROUTE_LRS;
            const roadType = parseInt(roadID.slice(3, 4), 10);
            const isFw = roadType === 1;
            const isUS = roadType === 2;
            const isState = roadType === 4;
            const isBiz = parseInt(roadID.slice(-2, -1), 10) === 7;
            let fc = 7;
            switch (feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName]) {
                case 'INT': fc = 1; break;
                case 'EXP': fc = 2; break;
                case 'PRA': fc = 3; break;
                case 'MIA': fc = 4; break;
                case 'MAC':
                case 'MIC': fc = 5; break;
                default: throw new Error(`FC Layer: unexpected fc value: ${fc}`);
            if (fc > 1 && isFw) fc = 1;
            else if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = isBiz ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = (isBiz ? 5 : 4);
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    SD: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#149ece', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee', PSGr: '#cc6533', StGr: '#e99cb6'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [{
            layerID: 1,
            fcPropName: 'FUNC_CLASS',
            idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
            maxRecordCount: 1000,
            supportsPagination: false,
            outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNC_CLASS', 'SURFACE_TYPE', 'ROADNAME'],
            roadTypeMap: {
                Fw: [1, 11], Ew: [2, 12], MH: [4, 14], mH: [6, 16], PS: [7, 8, 17], St: [9, 19]
        information: { Source: 'SDDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Additional colors denote unpaved PS and LS segements.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT IN (9,19)`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = parseInt(attr[layer.fcPropName], 10) % 10;
            const isFw = attr.ACCESS_CONTROL === 1;
            const isUS = RegExp('^US HWY ', 'i').test(attr.ROADNAME);
            const isState = RegExp('^SD HWY ', 'i').test(attr.ROADNAME);
            const isBiz = RegExp('^(US|SD) HWY .* (E|W)?(B|L)$', 'i').test(attr.ROADNAME);
            const isPaved = parseInt(attr.SURFACE_TYPE, 10) > 5;
            if (isFw) fc = 1;
            else if (fc > 4 && isUS) fc = (isBiz ? 6 : 4);
            else if (fc > 6 && isState) fc = (isBiz ? 7 : 6);
            if (fc > 6 && !isPaved) {
                return fc < 9 ? 'PSGr' : 'StGr';
            return, layer);
    TN: {
        baseUrl: 'https://',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', PS2: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerPath: '',
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                layerID: 4,
                fcPropName: 'Functional_Classification',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'Functional_Classification'],
                getWhereClause(context) {
                    if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                        return `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT LIKE '%Local'`;
                    return null;
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: ['(Urban) Interstate', '(Rural) Interstate'],
                    Ew: ['(Urban) Other Freeway or Expressway', '(Rural) Other Freeway or Expressway'],
                    MH: ['(Urban) Other Principal Arterial', '(Rural) Other Principal Arterial'],
                    mH: ['(Urban) Minor Arterial', '(Rural) Minor Arterial'],
                    PS: ['(Urban) Major Collector', '(Rural) Major Collector'],
                    PS2: ['(Urban) Minor Collector', '(Rural) Minor Collector'],
                    St: ['(Urban) Local', '(Rural) Local']
                layerPath: '',
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FC_MPO',
                idPropName: 'FID',
                outFields: ['FID', 'FC_MPO'],
                getWhereClause(context) {
                    if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                        return `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT IN (0,7,9,19)`;
                    return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 0`;
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        information: {
            Source: 'Memphis, Nashville Area MPO',
            Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM',
            Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data for the Memphis and Nashville regions only.'
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.layer.getWhereClause) {
                return context.layer.getWhereClause(context);
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    TX: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'F_SYSTEM',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'F_SYSTEM', 'RTE_PRFX'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 2; },
        information: { Source: 'TxDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R2+' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            let where = ' F_SYSTEM IS NOT NULL AND RTE_PRFX IS NOT NULL';
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                where += ` AND ${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return where;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            // On-System:
            // IH=Interstate BF=Business FM
            // US=US Highway FM=Farm to Mkt
            // UA=US Alt. RM=Ranch to Mkt
            // UP=US Spur RR=Ranch Road
            // SH=State Highway PR=Park Road
            // SA=State Alt. RE=Rec Road
            // SL=State Loop RP=Rec Rd Spur
            // SS=State Spur FS=FM Spur
            // BI=Business IH RS=RM Spur
            // BU=Business US RU=RR Spur
            // BS=Business State PA=Principal Arterial
            // Off-System:
            // TL=Off-System Tollroad CR=County Road
            // FC=Func. Classified St. LS=Local Street
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            let fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            const type = feature.attributes.RTE_PRFX.substring(0, 2).toUpperCase();
            if (type === 'IH' && fc > 1) {
                fc = 1;
            } else if ((type === 'US' || type === 'BI' || type === 'UA') && fc > 3) {
                fc = 3;
            } else if ((type === 'UP' || type === 'BU' || type === 'SH' || type === 'SA') && fc > 4) {
                fc = 4;
            } else if ((type === 'SL' || type === 'SS' || type === 'BS') && fc > 6) {
                fc = 6;
            return, layer);
    UT: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCTIONAL_CLASS', 'ROUTE_ID'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'UDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            return `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT LIKE 'Proposed%'`;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = attr[layer.fcPropName];
            const routeID = attr.ROUTE_ID;
            const roadNum = parseInt(routeID.substring(0, 4), 10);
            switch (fc) {
                case 'Interstate': fc = 1; break;
                case 'Other Freeways and Expressways': fc = 2; break;
                case 'Other Principal Arterial': fc = 3; break;
                case 'Minor Arterial': fc = 4; break;
                case 'Major Collector': fc = 5; break;
                case 'Minor Collector': fc = 6; break;
                default: fc = 7;
            const re = /^(6|40|50|89|91|163|189|191|491)$/;
            if (re.test(roadNum) && fc > 3) {
                // US highway
                fc = 3;
            } else if (roadNum <= 491 && fc > 4) {
                // State highway
                fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    VT: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 39,
                fcPropName: 'FUNCL',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FUNCL', 'HWYSIGN'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'VTrans', Permission: 'Visible to R2+' },
        isPermitted() { return _r >= 2; },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>7 AND ${context.layer.fcPropName}<>0`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const roadID = feature.attributes.HWYSIGN;
            let fc = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            if (!(fc > 0)) { fc = 7; }
            const isUS = RegExp(/^U/).test(roadID);
            const isState = RegExp(/^V/).test(roadID);
            const isUSBiz = RegExp(/^B/).test(roadID);
            if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && (isUSBiz || isState)) fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    VA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#ff00c5', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 0,
                fcPropName: 'STATE_FUNCT_CLASS_ID',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'STATE_FUNCT_CLASS_ID', 'RTE_NM'],
                maxRecordCount: 2000,
                supportsPagination: true,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
            }, {
                layerID: 1,
                fcPropName: 'STATE_FUNCT_CLASS_ID',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'STATE_FUNCT_CLASS_ID', 'RTE_NM', 'ROUTE_NO'],
                maxRecordCount: 2000,
                supportsPagination: true,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
            }, {
                layerID: 3,
                fcPropName: 'TMPD_FC',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'TMPD_FC', 'RTE_NM'],
                maxRecordCount: 2000,
                supportsPagination: true,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        information: { Source: 'VDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM' },
        srExceptions: [217, 302, 303, 305, 308, 310, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328,
            329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 353, 355, 357, 358, 361,
            362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386,
            387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 785, 895],
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName}<>7`;
            // NOTE: As of 9/14/2016 there does not appear to be any US/SR/VA labeled routes with FC = 7.
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            let fc = parseInt(feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName], 10);
            const rtName = feature.attributes.RTE_NM;
            const match = /^R-VA\s*(US|VA|SR)(\d{5})..(BUS)?/.exec(rtName);
            const isBusiness = (match && (match !== null) && (match[3] === 'BUS'));
            const isState = (match && (match !== null) && (match[1] === 'VA' || match[1] === 'SR'));
            let rtNumText;
            if (layer.layerID === 1) {
                rtNumText = feature.attributes.ROUTE_NO;
            } else if (match) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
                rtNumText = match[2];
            } else {
                rtNumText = '99999';
            const rtNum = parseInt(rtNumText, 10);
            const rtPrefix = match && match[1];
            if (fc > 3 && rtPrefix === 'US') {
                fc = isBusiness ? 4 : 3;
            } else if (isState && fc > 4 && this.srExceptions.indexOf(rtNum) === -1 && rtNum < 600) {
                fc = isBusiness ? 5 : 4;
            return, layer);
    WA: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 2,
                fcPropName: 'FederalFunctionalClassCode',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FederalFunctionalClassCode'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 1,
                fcPropName: 'FederalFunctionalClassCode',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FederalFunctionalClassCode'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 4,
                fcPropName: 'FederalFunctionalClassCode',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'FederalFunctionalClassCode'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'WSDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Raw unmodified FC data.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 7`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            return, layer);
    WV: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#ff00c5', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 1,
                fcPropName: 'F_System',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'F_System', 'RouteID'],
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: true,
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
        information: { Source: 'WV DOT' },
        isPermitted() { return true; },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} NOT IN (9,19)`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            if (layer.getFeatureRoadType) {
                return layer.getFeatureRoadType(feature);
            const fcCode = feature.attributes[layer.fcPropName];
            let fc = fcCode;
            if (fcCode === 11) fc = 1;
            else if (fcCode === 4 || fcCode === 12) fc = 2;
            else if (fcCode === 2 || fcCode === 14) fc = 3;
            else if (fcCode === 6 || fcCode === 16) fc = 4;
            else if (fcCode === 7 || fcCode === 17 || fcCode === 8 || fcCode === 18) fc = 5;
            else fc = 7;
            const id = feature.attributes.RouteID;
            const prefix = id.substr(2, 1);
            const isInterstate = prefix === '1';
            const isUS = prefix === '2';
            const isState = prefix === '3';
            if (fc > 1 && isInterstate) fc = 1;
            else if (fc > 3 && isUS) fc = 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = 4;
            return, layer);
    WY: {
        baseUrl: '',
        defaultColors: {
            Fw: '#ff00c5', Ew: '#4f33df', MH: '#149ece', mH: '#4ce600', PS: '#cfae0e', St: '#eeeeee'
        zoomSettings: { maxOffset: [30, 15, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], excludeRoadTypes: [['St'], ['St'], ['St'], ['St'], [], [], [], [], [], [], []] },
        fcMapLayers: [
                layerID: 20,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 21,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 22,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 23,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 24,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 25,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
            }, {
                layerID: 26,
                fcPropName: 'CLASSIFICATION',
                idPropName: 'OBJECTID',
                outFields: ['OBJECTID', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'COMMON_ROUTE_NAME'],
                roadTypeMap: {
                    Fw: [1], Ew: [2], MH: [3], mH: [4], PS: [5, 6], St: [7]
                maxRecordCount: 1000,
                supportsPagination: false
        information: { Source: 'WYDOT', Permission: 'Visible to R4+ or R3-AM', Description: 'Minimum suggested FC.' },
        getWhereClause(context) {
            if (context.mapContext.zoom < 16) {
                return `${context.layer.fcPropName} <> 'Local'`;
            return null;
        getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer) {
            const attr = feature.attributes;
            let fc = attr[layer.fcPropName];
            const route = attr.COMMON_ROUTE_NAME;
            switch (fc) {
                case 'Interstate': fc = 1; break;
                case 'Expressway': fc = 2; break;
                case 'Principal Arterial': fc = 3; break;
                case 'Minor Arterial': fc = 4; break;
                case 'Major Collector': fc = 5; break;
                case 'Minor Collector': fc = 6; break;
                default: fc = 7;
            const isIntBiz = /I (25|80) BUS/.test(route);
            const isUS = /US \d+/.test(route);
            const isUSBiz = /US \d+ BUS/.test(route);
            const isState = /WY \d+/.test(route);
            const isStateBiz = /WY \d+ BUS/.test(route);
            if (fc > 3 && (isUS || isIntBiz)) fc = isUSBiz ? 4 : 3;
            else if (fc > 4 && isState) fc = isStateBiz ? 5 : 4;
            return, layer);

function log(message) {
    console.log('FC Layer: ', message);
function debugLog(message) {
    console.debug('FC Layer: ', message);
function errorLog(message) {
    console.error('FC Layer: ', message);

function loadSettingsFromStorage() {
    const loadedSettings = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem(SETTINGS_STORE_NAME));
    const defaultSettings = {
        lastVersion: null,
        layerVisible: true,
        activeStateAbbr: 'ALL',
        hideStreet: false
    _settings = loadedSettings || defaultSettings;
    Object.keys(defaultSettings).filter(prop => !_settings.hasOwnProperty(prop)).forEach(prop => {
        _settings[prop] = defaultSettings[prop];

function saveSettingsToStorage() {
    if (localStorage) {
        _settings.lastVersion = SCRIPT_VERSION;
        _settings.layerVisible = _mapLayer.visibility;
        localStorage.setItem(SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, JSON.stringify(_settings));
        // debugLog('Settings saved');

function getLineWidth() {
    return 12 * (1.15 ** ( - 13));

function sortArray(array) {
    array.sort((a, b) => { if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; });

function getVisibleStateAbbrs() {
    const visibleStates = [];
    W.model.states.getObjectArray().forEach(state => {
        const stateAbbr = STATES_HASH[];
        const { activeStateAbbr } = _settings;
        if (STATE_SETTINGS[stateAbbr] && && (!activeStateAbbr || activeStateAbbr === 'ALL' || activeStateAbbr === stateAbbr)) {
    return visibleStates;

function getAsync(url, context) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            method: 'GET',
            onload(res) {
                if (res.status.toString() === '200') {
                    resolve({ responseText: res.responseText, context });
                } else {
                    reject(new Error({ responseText: res.responseText, context }));
            onerror() {
                reject(Error('Network Error'));

function getUrl(context, queryType, queryParams) {
    const { extent } = context.mapContext;
    const { zoom } = context.mapContext;
    const { layer } = context;
    const { state } = context;

    const whereParts = [];
    const geometry = {
        xmin: extent.left, ymin: extent.bottom, xmax: extent.right, ymax:, spatialReference: { wkid: 102100, latestWkid: 3857 }
    const geometryStr = JSON.stringify(geometry);
    const stateWhereClause = state.getWhereClause(context);
    const layerPath = layer.layerPath || '';
    let url = `${state.baseUrl + layerPath + layer.layerID}/query?geometry=${encodeURIComponent(geometryStr)}`;

    if (queryType === 'countOnly') {
        url += '&returnCountOnly=true';
    } else if (queryType === 'idsOnly') {
        url += '&returnIdsOnly=true';
    } else if (queryType === 'paged') {
        // TODO
    } else {
        url += `&returnGeometry=true&maxAllowableOffset=${state.zoomSettings.maxOffset[zoom - 12]}`;
        url += `&outFields=${encodeURIComponent(layer.outFields.join(','))}`;
        if (queryType === 'idRange') {
            whereParts.push(`(${queryParams.idFieldName}>=${queryParams.range[0]} AND ${queryParams.idFieldName}<=${queryParams.range[1]})`);
    if (stateWhereClause) whereParts.push(stateWhereClause);
    if (whereParts.length > 0) url += `&where=${encodeURIComponent(whereParts.join(' AND '))}`;
    url += '&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=102100&outSR=3857&f=json';
    return url;

function convertFcToRoadTypeVectors(feature, context) {
    const { state, stateAbbr, layer } = context;
    const roadType = state.getFeatureRoadType(feature, layer);
    // debugLog(feature);
    const zIndex = * 100;
    const attr = {
        state: stateAbbr,
        layerID: layer.layerID,
        dotAttributes: $.extend({}, feature.attributes),
        color: state.defaultColors[roadType],
        strokeWidth: getLineWidth,
    const vectors = => {
        const pointList = => new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(pt[0], pt[1]));
        return new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(pointList), attr);

    return vectors;

function fetchLayerFC(context) {
    const url = getUrl(context, 'idsOnly');
    if (!context.parentContext.cancel) {
        return getAsync(url, context).bind(context).then(res => {
            const ids = $.parseJSON(res.responseText);
            if (!ids.objectIds) ids.objectIds = [];
            // debugLog(ids);
            return ids;
        }).then(res => {
            const idRanges = [];
            if (res.objectIds) {
                const len = res.objectIds ? res.objectIds.length : 0;
                let currentIndex = 0;
                const offset = Math.min(context.layer.maxRecordCount, 1000);
                while (currentIndex < len) {
                    let nextIndex = currentIndex + offset;
                    if (nextIndex >= len) nextIndex = len - 1;
                    idRanges.push({ range: [res.objectIds[currentIndex], res.objectIds[nextIndex]], idFieldName: res.objectIdFieldName });
                    currentIndex = nextIndex + 1;
                // debugLog(context.layer.layerID);
                // debugLog(idRanges);
            return idRanges;
        }).map(idRange => {
            if (!context.parentContext.cancel) {
                const newUrl = getUrl(context, 'idRange', idRange);
                return getAsync(newUrl, context).then(res => {
                    if (!context.parentContext.cancel) {
                        let { features } = $.parseJSON(res.responseText);
                        // debugLog('Feature Count=' + (features ? features.length : 0));
                        features = features || [];
                        return => convertFcToRoadTypeVectors(feature, context))
                            .filter(vector => !(vector[0].attributes.roadType === 'St' && _settings.hideStreet));
                    return null;
            // debugLog('Async call cancelled');
            return null;
    return null;

function fetchStateFC(context) {
    const state = STATE_SETTINGS[context.stateAbbr];
    const contexts = => ({
        parentContext: context.parentContext, layer, state, stateAbbr: context.stateAbbr, mapContext: context.mapContext

    return, ctx => fetchLayerFC(ctx));

let _lastPromise = null;
let _lastContext = null;
let _fcCallCount = 0;
function fetchAllFC() {
    if (!_mapLayer.visibility) return;

    if (_lastPromise) { _lastPromise.cancel(); }
    $('#fc-loading-indicator').text('Loading FC...');

    const mapContext = { zoom:, extent: };
    if (mapContext.zoom > MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL) {
        const parentContext = { callCount: 0, startTime: };

        if (_lastContext) _lastContext.cancel = true;
        _lastContext = parentContext;
        const contexts = getVisibleStateAbbrs().map(stateAbbr => ({ parentContext, stateAbbr, mapContext }));
        const map =, ctx => fetchStateFC(ctx)).then(statesVectorArrays => {
            if (!parentContext.cancel) {
                statesVectorArrays.forEach(vectorsArray => {
                    vectorsArray.forEach(vectors => {
                        vectors.forEach(vector => {
                            vector.forEach(vectorFeature => {
            return statesVectorArrays;
        }).catch(e => {
            $('#fc-loading-indicator').text('FC Error! (check console for details)');
        }).finally(() => {
            _fcCallCount -= 1;
            if (_fcCallCount === 0) {

        _fcCallCount += 1;
        _lastPromise = map;
    } else {
        // if zoomed out too far, clear the layer

function onLayerCheckboxChanged(checked) {

function onLayerVisibilityChanged() {
    // _settings.layerVisible = _mapLayer.visibility;
    // saveSettingsToStorage();
    // if (_mapLayer.visibility) {
    //     fetchAllFC();
    // }

function checkLayerZIndex() {
    if (_mapLayer.getZIndex() !== MAP_LAYER_Z_INDEX) {
        // ("ADJUSTED FC LAYER Z-INDEX " + _mapLayerZIndex + ', ' + _mapLayer.getZIndex());

function initLayer() {
    const defaultStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({
        strokeColor: '${color}', // '#00aaff',
        strokeDashstyle: 'solid',
        strokeOpacity: 1.0,
        strokeWidth: '${strokeWidth}',
        graphicZIndex: '${zIndex}'

    const selectStyle = new OpenLayers.Style({
        // strokeOpacity: 1.0,
        strokeColor: '#000000'

    _mapLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('FC Layer', {
        uniqueName: '__FCLayer',
        displayInLayerSwitcher: false,
        rendererOptions: { zIndexing: true },
        styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
            default: defaultStyle,
            select: selectStyle


    I18n.translations[I18n.locale] = 'FC Layer';

    _mapLayer.displayInLayerSwitcher = true;'visibilitychanged', null, onLayerVisibilityChanged);
    WazeWrap.Interface.AddLayerCheckbox('Display', 'FC Layer', _settings.layerVisible, onLayerCheckboxChanged);
    // Hack to fix layer zIndex.  Some other code is changing it sometimes but I have not been able to figure out why.
    // It may be that the FC layer is added to the map before some Waze code loads the base layers and forces other layers higher. (?)

    setInterval(checkLayerZIndex, 200);'moveend',, () => {
        return true;
    }, true);

function onHideStreetsClicked() {
    _settings.hideStreet = $(this).is(':checked');

function onStateSelectionChanged() {
    _settings.activeStateAbbr = this.value;

function setEnabled(value) {
    _settings.layerVisible = value;
    const color = value ? '#00bd00' : '#ccc';
    $('span#fc-layer-power-btn').css({ color });
    if (value) fetchAllFC();
    $('#layer-switcher-item_fc_layer').prop('checked', value);

function initUserPanel() {
    const $tab = $('<li>').append($('<a>', { 'data-toggle': 'tab', href: '#sidepanel-fc-layer' }).text('FC'));
    const $panel = $('<div>', { class: 'tab-pane', id: 'sidepanel-fc-layer' });
    const $stateSelect = $('<select>', { id: 'fcl-state-select', class: 'form-control disabled', style: 'disabled' }).append($('<option>', { value: 'ALL' }).text('All'));
    // $stateSelect.change(function(evt) {
    //     _settings.activeStateAbbr =;
    //     saveSettingsToStorage();
    //     _mapLayer.removeAllFeatures();
    //     fetchAllFC();
    // });
    Object.keys(STATE_SETTINGS).forEach(stateAbbr => {
        if (stateAbbr !== 'global') {
            $stateSelect.append($('<option>', { value: stateAbbr }).text(reverseStatesHash(stateAbbr)));

    const $hideStreet = $('<div>', { id: 'fcl-hide-street-container', class: 'controls-container' })
        .append($('<input>', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'fcl-hide-street', id: 'fcl-hide-street' }).prop('checked', _settings.hideStreet).click(onHideStreetsClicked))
        .append($('<label>', { for: 'fcl-hide-street' }).text('Hide local street highlights'));

    $stateSelect.val(_settings.activeStateAbbr ? _settings.activeStateAbbr : 'ALL');

        $('<div>', { class: 'form-group' }).append(
            $('<label>', { class: 'control-label' }).text('Select a state')
            $('<div>', { class: 'controls', id: 'fcl-state-select-container' }).append(
        $('<div>', { id: 'fcl-table-container' })

    $panel.append($('<div>', { id: 'fcl-state-info' }));

        $('<div>', { style: 'margin-top:10px;font-size:10px;color:#999999;' })
            .append($('<div>').text(`version ${SCRIPT_VERSION}`))
                    $('<a>', { href: '#' /* , target:'__blank' */ }).text('Discussion Forum (currently n/a)')

    $('#user-tabs > .nav-tabs').append($tab);

    // append the power button
    if (!$('#fc-layer-power-btn').length) {
        const color = _settings.layerVisible ? '#00bd00' : '#ccc';
            $('<span>', {
                class: 'fa fa-power-off',
                id: 'fc-layer-power-btn',
                style: `margin-right: 5px;cursor: pointer;color: ${color};font-size: 13px;`,
                title: 'Toggle FC Layer'
            }).click(evt => {

    $('#user-info > .flex-parent > .tab-content').append($panel);

function loadStateFCInfo() {
    if (STATE_SETTINGS[_settings.activeStateAbbr]) {
        const stateInfo = STATE_SETTINGS[_settings.activeStateAbbr].information;
        const $panelStateInfo = $('<dl>');
        Object.keys(stateInfo).forEach(propertyName => {
            $panelStateInfo.append($('<dt>', { style: 'margin-top:1em;color:#777777' }).text(propertyName))

function addLoadingIndicator() {
    $('.loading-indicator').after($('<div class="loading-indicator" style="margin-right:10px" id="fc-loading-indicator">'));

function initGui() {

function init() {
    if (DEBUG && Promise.config) {
            warnings: true,
            longStackTraces: true,
            cancellation: true,
            monitoring: false
    } else {
            warnings: false,
            longStackTraces: false,
            cancellation: true,
            monitoring: false

    const u = W.loginManager.user;
    _uid =;
    _r = u.rank + 1;
    _isAM = u.isAreaManager;
    _uName = u.userName;

function bootstrap() {
    if (WazeWrap.Ready) {
    } else {
        log('Bootstrap failed. Trying again...');
        unsafeWindow.setTimeout(bootstrap, 1000);
