Steam Store - Game Owned Checker

Check every web page for game, dlc and package links to the steam store and mark if it's owned, unowned or wishlisted.

Pada tanggal 26 April 2017. Lihat %(latest_version_link).

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Steam Store - Game Owned Checker
// @icon
// @namespace    Royalgamer06
// @version      1.4.3
// @description  Check every web page for game, dlc and package links to the steam store and mark if it's owned, unowned or wishlisted.
// @supportURL
// @author       Royalgamer06
// @include      /^https?\:\/\/.+/
// @exclude      /^https?\:\/\/(.+\.steampowered|steamcommunity)\.com.*/
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @run-at       document-start
// @connect
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

// ==Configuration==
const prefix = false;            // Prefix (true) instead of suffix (false) position icon
const wishlistIcon = "❤"; // HTML entity code for '❤'
const ownedIcon = "✔";    // HTML entity code for '✔'
const unownedIcon = "✖";  // HTML entity code for '✖'
const refreshInterval = 0;       // Number of minutes to wait to refesh cached data. 0 = always stay up-to-date.
// ==/Configuration==

// ==Code==
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
$.expr[':'].regex = function(elem, index, match) {
    var matchParams = match[3].split(','),
        validLabels = /^(data|css):/,
        attr = {
            method: matchParams[0].match(validLabels) ? matchParams[0].split(':')[0] : 'attr',
            property: matchParams.shift().replace(validLabels,'')
        regexFlags = 'ig',
        regex = new RegExp(matchParams.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''), regexFlags);
    return regex.test(jQuery(elem)[attr.method](;
var cachedJson = GM_getValue("goc_data", null);
var lastCached = GM_getValue("goc_last", 0);
if ( - lastCached >= refreshInterval * 60000) {
    var v = parseInt(GM_getValue("goc_v", "1")) + 1;
    GM_setValue("goc_v", v);
        method: "GET",
        url: "" + v,
        ignoreCache: true,
        onload: init
} else {

function init(response) {
    var json = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
    var ownedApps = json.rgOwnedApps;
    var ownedPackages = json.rgOwnedPackages;
    var wishlist = json.rgWishlist;
    if (ownedApps.length === 0 && ownedPackages.length === 0 && wishlist.length === 0 && cachedJson === null && !GM_info.isIncognito) {
        if (confirm("Userscript '" +
                    "' did not work properly: Could not get user data and no cached data was available.\nPlease make sure you are logged in to the Steam Store and dynamic store userdata is loaded.\n" +
                    "Login first, then keep refreshing the dynamic store userdata page untill the data is loaded.\nDo you want to attempt to fix this now?")) {
            GM_openInTab("", false);
            GM_openInTab("", false);
    } else {
        if (ownedApps.length === 0 && ownedPackages.length === 0 && wishlist.length === 0) {
            var parsedCachedJson = JSON.parse(cachedJson);
            ownedApps = parsedCachedJson.rgOwnedApps;
            ownedPackages = parsedCachedJson.rgOwnedPackages;
            wishlist = parsedCachedJson.rgWishlist;
        } else {
            lastCached =;
            GM_setValue("goc_last", lastCached);
            GM_setValue("goc_data", response.responseText);
        var lcs = (new Date(lastCached)).toLocaleString();
        var appSelector = ":regex(href, ^(https?:)?\/\/(store\.steampowered\.com|steamcommunity\.com|steamdb\.info)\/(agecheck\/)?app\/[0-9]+)";
        var subSelector = ":regex(href, ^(https?:)?\/\/(store\.steampowered\.com|steamdb\.info)\/sub\/[0-9]+)";
        $(document).on("DOMSubtreeModified", appSelector, function() {
            doApp(this, wishlist, ownedApps, lcs);
        }).on("DOMSubtreeModified", subSelector, function() {
            doSub(this, wishlist, ownedPackages, lcs);
        }).ready(function() {
            $(appSelector).each(function() {
                doApp(this, wishlist, ownedApps, lcs);
            $(subSelector).each(function() {
                doSub(this, wishlist, ownedPackages, lcs);

function doApp(elem, wishlist, ownedApps, lcs) {
    if (!$(elem).hasClass("goc")) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            var appID = parseInt(elem.href.split("app/")[1].split("/")[0].split("?")[0].split("#")[0]);
            var html;
            if ($.inArray(appID, ownedApps) > -1) { //if owned
                html = "<span style='color: green; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ownedIcon + "</span>"; //✔
            } else { //else not owned
                if ($.inArray(appID, wishlist) > -1) { //if wishlisted
                    html = "<span style='color: HotPink; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC wishlisted on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + wishlistIcon + "</span>"; //❤
                } else { //else not wishlisted
                    html = "<span style='color: red; cursor: help' title='Game or DLC not owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + unownedIcon + "</span>"; //✖
            $(elem).html(prefix ?
                         html + $(elem).html() :
                         $(elem).html() + html);
        }, 0);

function doSub(elem, wishlist, ownedPackages, lcs) {
    if (!$(elem).hasClass("goc")) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            var subID = parseInt(elem.href.split("sub/")[1].split("/")[0].split("?")[0].split("#")[0]);
            var html;
            if ($.inArray(subID, ownedPackages) > -1) { //if owned
                html = "<span style='color: green; cursor: help' title='Package owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + ownedIcon + "</span>"; //✔
            } else { //else not owned
                html = "<span style='color: red; cursor: help' title='Package not owned on Steam\nLast cached: " + lcs + "'> " + unownedIcon + "</span>"; //✖
            $(elem).html(prefix ?
                         html + $(elem).html() :
                         $(elem).html() + html);
        }, 0);
// ==/Code==